What equipment is needed for a metalworking shop. Metalworking as a business. Five profitable directions for metalworking. Feedback on a business plan for opening a pawnshop

  • 10.08.2023

Currently, large, medium and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. The most common and in demand are the service sector, trade and farming. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the service sector. The current idea is the organization of metal processing services. Today, metal is one of the most common materials. It is widely used in construction and industry. A very promising business would be to open your own metal processing workshop. It should be noted that this idea will require certain investments.

Metalworking is a fairly broad concept. It can be based on technological processes used in industry, or decorative. In any case, organizing such a business will require a lot of effort. Metal parts and products are in great demand, making them, you can donate goods to various private organizations or shops. The advantage of such a business is that the sale of goods will not be difficult. Let's take a closer look at the business plan. Metalworking: how registration is carried out, documentation is collected, where to buy equipment - these are the questions that he must take into account.

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Registration and collection of necessary papers

To start your own metalworking business, the first step is to draw up an accurate business plan, which should include choosing the location of the future enterprise, registering, collecting documents, purchasing equipment and tools, establishing a client base, determining basic expenses and income, selling products . First, a novice entrepreneur must decide on a location. In addition, it is important to know exactly what you want to open: a small workshop or a workshop where metalworking will be carried out. Then, after you have a legal address, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office.

In this case, you need to pay a state fee. The first registration option is the easiest and will save you time and money. But he has one big drawback: in this case, it will not be possible to carry out transactions with legal entities, that is, various companies and organizations, only with individuals. In addition, it will be necessary to collect the necessary documents: permission from the territorial administration of property, the conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities on the right to carry out this activity, the permission of the fire inspectorate. If the premises are rented, then the latter is assigned to the landlord.

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Equipment for cold artistic forging and profile bending

Metalworking refers to a greater extent to medium or small businesses. The business plan involves artistic forging of metal and bending of various profiles, pipe rolling.

Artistic forging is used mainly in private construction in the manufacture of window bars, furniture, fences, fences.

In this case, the cold forging method is used. Such metalworking will require the purchase of equipment with which it will be possible to produce coins, arcs, pikes, arches, rings and other small decorative items. Its advantage is that it is very compact (takes up little space) and is more convenient to use.

The most popular among this equipment is the Azhur-2 cold forging machine, the cost of which is more than 250 thousand rubles.
It is Russian made. There are also foreign-made machines, for example, Chinese ones. They cost a little cheaper, about 210 thousand rubles. The business plan may also include such a technological process as profile bending. For these purposes, pipe benders are used. They can be manual or electric. They are used for the manufacture and processing of pipes, channels, rods, strips and so on. Such metalworking will require equipment. The most commonly used for these purposes is the device "Azhur-6". It costs about 170 thousand rubles. In addition to all of the above, you will need a large number of tools and machines. You can buy them at any specialized store.

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Profitability, main expenses and income

The business plan necessarily includes the calculation of total expenses and income, since success and will depend on this. Metalworking is a rather difficult occupation. Its business plan should include the rental of premises, which will require several tens of thousands per month. Expenditure to a greater extent will be associated with the acquisition of equipment. It will take about a million rubles, it all depends on the size of the enterprise. The smaller it is, the lower the costs. Part of the money will go to pay wages to workers. Metalworking to a greater extent is an automated work, and the more machines there are in the enterprise, the fewer workers will be required.

The essence and purpose of the business is to create a workshop in Kyiv for the processing of artificial and natural stone and the manufacture of the following products:
bar counters, window sills, kitchen countertops, coffee tables, wash basins, shower trays, down to columns, floors and stairs.

Preliminary contracts have been concluded with stone suppliers (6 giant companies in the world market), such as:
Ceasarstone, Samsung Radianz, Silestone, Hanstone, Vikastone, Santa Margherita, Bienstone...).
In 20-40% of cases - they are the customers of the work.

There are preliminary cooperation agreements with some private construction and repair companies.
Found a room in a perfect place to work.

Money is needed for:
. hand tools, such as: grinders, cutter, a lot of nozzles, polishing mixtures, glue.
. machines (cutting, grinding) - the main item of expenditure.
. pneumatic lift of stone slabs (for precise joining when gluing).
. production of special tables.
. creation of a website on the Internet and its promotion.
. creation and production of waste paper (business cards, booklets, brochures, etc.).
. room rental.

Brief information about the needs of the market in our product:
Directly in our region (Kyiv region and Kiev), popularity is just starting to grow, since the number of newly built apartments and houses is huge (more than 2 million sq. m. in 2014), and everyone needs to make repairs and move in, someone poorer - makes based on financial condition, and who can afford - do based on quality and taste. But, we can say with confidence that there is a lot of work here, even despite the competitors. (see screenshots at the end of the presentation).
After analyzing the market, it turned out that there are not so many of them - 12-15 workshops.
But 50% disappears due to their unsuitability as products: the equipment is old and does not work properly, there are no professionals in this field, outdated marketing in product sales. Therefore, they are engaged only in cutting stone for monuments and paving slabs ...
There are about 5-7 competing companies left, and nevertheless, there is plenty of work for everyone (the size of the market allows you to feel confident and receive orders all year round)
. this is the kind of business in which the price of the work significantly exceeds the cost of the material!

Estimated profitability calculations:

Example: kitchen worktop 5 running meters long. with several openings will cost the customer $ 1,500.
The material needs 600 dollars, the rest is work and profit.
The minimum order check is $500.
In the presence of all the equipment in the first month, we plan to reach 5-7 orders (this is 3-5 days of work).
This is the most calculated minimum. But even these 5-7 orders are 2000-3000 dollars, of which about 40% is the cost of materials.
On average, it is planned to reach 15 orders per month by 4-5 months of work.

It should be taken into account that one serious order (from $ 15,000) brings a net profit of at least 50-60%, although these are not such frequent orders, but they exist, and even orders of $ 100-200 thousand are (hotels, banks, houses millionaires).

Five profitable directions for business in metalworking:

Modern business related to metalworking.

In today's economic conditions, the metalworking business is gaining momentum and has the highest development prospects. This is due, first of all, to the fact that our life cannot do without metal products. Starting from a simple repair, where bolts, screws and nails are needed, ending with grandiose construction projects.

Metalworking technology is a process of transforming the shape of metals, their properties and qualities. For this transformation, there are various special equipment and machines. Accordingly, for different metalworking technologies, different machines and equipment will be needed, and, accordingly, different rooms in which such equipment will be located. It is also necessary to take into account the availability of the necessary labor resource, and alternative sources of electricity. These factors will also significantly influence the choice of a metalworking business.

In modern conditions, metalworking technologies are:
- casting;
- welding;
- various mechanical processing;
- processing of metal under pressure.

In order to understand what kind of metalworking you can do, you need to know what these technologies are.

Casting technology is the process of pouring molten metal into special and pre-prepared molds. Products, or objects that are obtained with this technology, are called castings. This is a very complex and expensive technology, and the business itself, using this technology, provides for very large financial investments. The casting production process itself is very complex, and each type of metal has its own technology. For example, the production of castings from non-ferrous metals requires special electric furnaces and other special equipment. Ferrous metals, blast furnaces, which are expensive to maintain and are very expensive. The casting market belongs to large corporations, so for a simple businessman it is not very strong.

Welding technology involves the connection of individual metal elements and parts, to give the overall integrity of any structure that is made of metal. Such a connection is achieved by using various types of welding, these are gas, electric, and the so-called soldering welding. This technology is not very expensive and any person who has certain skills and the necessary equipment can start this business.

The technology of various mechanical processing of metal provides for the surface treatment of a metal workpiece. These are drilling, cutting, grinding, and other machining. For this technology, various turning, drilling and milling equipment is used. Depending on the type of machining planned, investments in such a business can range from the lowest to medium ranges.
The next technology is metal pressure treatment. During pressure treatment, the metal is deformed and takes on the necessary shape without returning to its original state.

Under pressure processing, forging, stamping, drawing and other technologies are provided that are capable of deforming and modifying a metal workpiece. The business associated with such technology also requires certain financial costs, but very significant, therefore it is also suitable for an ordinary person who decides to engage in this metalworking technology.

As stated earlier, the most cost-effective and viable business in the field of metalworking is welding, various machining and metal forming under pressure. Metal processing by casting is very costly and time-consuming. In general, it should be noted that 60% of the entire metal processing market is occupied by mechanical processing. For mechanical processing, the following equipment is used.

The main share of the machining of various metals goes to turning with various machines, for which various lathes are provided.

Such processing means various cutting of metal, its trimming, various boring and turning.

For this purpose, the following machines are provided:
1. Turret machines. They are intended for the processing of bar metal. Their design provides for a special head, in which various special cutting nozzles are mounted, such as drills, reamers, cutters and countersinks.

2. Turning - screw-cutting machines. These machines are designed for cutting various threads on parts or workpieces. This is done by increasing or decreasing the rotation speed. The accuracy of the thread in these machines depends on the speed.

3. Frontal and carousel metalworking machines. Such machines are used for the production of various flywheels and various gears. From the practice of using these machines, it follows that they have a rather low processing accuracy. Therefore, they are very rarely used. Basically, such machines are replaced by automatic or semi-automatic lathes, controlled not by a person, but by a program.

The next type of machine tools are milling machines.

Such machines are designed for various processing of external and internal surfaces of parts and various workpieces. They are also used for cutting various channels and grooves in parts. The milling cutter in these machines is fixed in a special spindle, which rotates and processes workpieces or parts. Such machines are of the following modifications.

1. Universal milling machine. It is applied to processing of various surfaces not heavy, and average details. In such a machine, the table itself moves, it moves at different angles relative to its axis.

2. Horizontal milling machine. Its difference from the universal one is that its table can only move along the horizon of the spindle axis.

3. Wide universal milling machine, differs from the two described above, with an additional spindle head. This allows you to do additional processing by drilling or boring the part in parallel with milling.

4. The vertical cantilever milling machine has a vertical spindle, which greatly enhances its technical ability and various capabilities.

5. Longitudinal - milling machine, designed for processing very large parts or workpieces. It provides for the installation of four spindles at the same time.

6. Coordinate boring machine, designed for processing various parts and workpieces with high precision, and processing various complex elements. A characteristic feature of such a machine is the ability to drill, countersink and turn parts.

Another type of machine tools are grinding machines.

Such machines are used for smoothing and leveling the surface of various parts or workpieces. There are the following types of grinding machines.
1. Centerless - grinding machines. These machines are used for processing various parts that do not have internal holes, as well as relatively long parts that are not very large in size.

2. Cylindrical grinding machines are used for various grinding of intermittent outer and smooth surfaces.

3. Surface grinding machines have found their application for circular and longitudinal grinding of parts. Special grinding wheel, it rotates.

4. Specialized grinding machines are made to create blanks of a certain given shape.

There are also machines that cut metal blanks to create high-precision products. These are the so-called band saws. On such machines, corners are created, pipes, metal circles and squares are cut.

As in every business, there are several promising areas in metalworking. In order to identify them, it is necessary to analyze the metalworking market, and the development of consumer demand for certain metal products. After analyzing the supply and demand, we can conclude that at the moment there are five promising areas in this business.

And of course - roll forming lines.

For the production of materials for arranging walls, roofing and building fences, entire lines can be used, which are installed in the workshop. Most Popular Product Lines - , as there are usually no problems with the sale of products. All profiled sheets obtained in production must comply with GOST. Such a profile is perfectly cut when covering four-pitched roofs, with virtually no waste. The most popular line for the production of C8 corrugated board. Such corrugated board is used for any fencing and cladding of horizontal and vertical surfaces (walls, fences). C10 corrugated board is no less in demand.

The most popular tile is Monterey. Such a roof can be found in different parts of our country. There are promising new metal tiles "Adamante" and "Finera", which are gradually crowding out "Monterrey".

For each such metal profile, a separate line is required. But some lines allow the production of 2 types of products: metal tiles and profiled sheets. For example, the line for the production of metal tiles "Cascade" rolls both metal tiles and profiled sheet C20 / 25.

The line consists of a roll decoiler, a roll forming machine, a shear, a receiving device and an automatic control system.

Uncoiler - serves to unwind a roll of metal and feed it to a rolling mill, where a corrugated sheet is formed. The receiving table serves as a stack of sheets for further packaging. The line is controlled by an operator with the help of ACS. Usually 2 people are enough to work on the line.

Video - Line for the production of metal tiles:

The first direction is metalworking, associated with the production of various screws, nuts, bolts, and self-tapping screws. These products are in constant demand, as they are used in various repairs, construction and other service industries. An analysis of the development of the market for specific services, such as repair work, finishing and construction work, as well as furniture production, allows us to say that this type of metalworking product is developing quite dynamically. The equipment that can be used to develop this business is not very expensive compared to other metalworking industries.

In the modern market for such equipment, there is equipment both used and new equipment. New equipment is presented in a wide range, ranging from domestic to high-class foreign.

To engage in such activities, you will need turning equipment.
Everyone knows that machines designed for these types of metalworking are of two types. The first type is machines with software, the so-called CNC machines, and machines without software, respectively, their prices are different. The most expensive machines of this type start to cost from 100,000 euros, domestic machines of this type from 1,000,000 rubles. The cheapest machines, of course, have already been used, and they can be bought as scrap metal. Then repair.

The second promising area of ​​metalworking is various welding and gas-cutting operations. Much can be said about the prospects for the development of this business, but it is also necessary to analyze the quiet industries where this type of metalworking is most in demand. First of all, it is during construction and repair work. Let's consider each segment separately. In the modern construction business, there is such a thing as the performance of work under a contract and subcontract.

Its essence lies in the fact that a company that wants to build a multi-storey building may not have high-class builders, but may involve various contractors. Among these contractors are the most sought-after masons and people who know how to handle welding equipment. Therefore, not one construction site can do without high-class welders and cutters. In addition, a lot of welding work is also required when carrying out minor construction and repair work in private construction.

The next segment is carrying out various repair and installation works. Such work is required both in the small domestic sector and in the large industrial sector. Everyone knows that at large facilities, such as power plants, factories, equipment and various premises are periodically overhauled. When carrying out a major overhaul, the old equipment is dismantled, followed by the installation of a new one, or the installation of an old, but repaired equipment. Many large customers do not have such specialists on their staff, therefore, various contractors are involved for such work, in whose staff there must be welders and metal cutters. This segment is also characterized by the fact that the work is paid for at a very high cost.

Equipment for such a metalworking business is not very expensive compared to lathes. The list of such equipment includes various welding and plasma cutting machines, special tables with various functions, and, of course, combined machines that combine the functions of turning and welding functions. The equipment is presented by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. By and large, the cost of equipment will depend on the specific functions and power. Present on this market, as well as equipment that was in use.

The cheapest equipment is domestic and Chinese equipment. Foreign analogues from world leaders are, of course, much more expensive. The pricing policy will range from 20,000 rubles for a simple welding machine to 50,000 euros for complex equipment that can perform various functions, from simple welding to turning and grinding of welded parts. If we talk about average investments, in order to engage in this type of business, then you must first of all take into account the direction of such a business. After all, you can engage in simple welding, and get paid for 1 centimeter of the weld, or you can manufacture individual parts that will need to be not only welded, but also polished.

The third promising direction is the production of specific rolled products. Over the past 10 years, products made from various aluminum profiles have been in great demand. Take, for example, the production of plastic windows. They are made of aluminum profile, which has a special coating. In addition, various fittings and mosquito nets are made for such windows. There are other types of rolled products that are also successful. This is the production of aluminum profiles for construction. This type of business is well developed in our country. Since the demand for its products is constantly growing.

In Russia, new houses are being built, in old houses and apartments, the owners are trying to replace outdated wooden windows with the latest metal-plastic windows. In addition, this business segment includes the production of wire, and small pipes. According to the latest developments, various thermal systems for private heating, copper pipes and metal-plastic pipes are very successful in terms of heat transfer. Therefore, the prospect of developing a business related to the processing of metal in the form of its rolled products does not slow down, but, on the contrary, will increase them over time.

Of course, equipment for such a business is relatively expensive, but with a good marketing approach, you can count on its quick payback. The equipment market for this business is represented by a very large range of equipment and its manufacturers. This is, first of all, domestic equipment and imported. The pricing policy for such equipment is kept at a consistently high level. This is probably due, first of all, to the profitability of such a business, and to the high technical requirements for the quality of manufactured products.

The list of such equipment is very long and, above all, depends on the type of product to be produced. First of all, these are various rolling lines, lines on which corrugated board is produced, special band saw equipment designed for cutting metal. Specific equipment designed for untwisting sheet metal coils, for winding wire, for the production of wire and products from it (nails, etc.).

The price of such equipment as mentioned above will depend on the application. Of course, the cost may be different, but you can invest in 2,000,000 rubles. For such a price, it is possible to equip any one production, for example, corrugated board or aluminum profile. For a full range of work with metal rolling, you will need from 2,000,000 to 12,000,000 rubles.

The fourth type of activity, which is of great relevance, is the production of some kind of metal products, such as parts and other types of turning products. In terms of profitability and profitability, it is a very profitable production, but again, the cost of equipment is quite "biting". Such products are primarily relevant in the automotive market, as well as the market for various parts and accessories for doors, windows, furniture, and other joinery products.

Everyone knows that since 2010, the income of the population has grown significantly, so the demand for various household items and joinery began to grow. It is clear that a workshop for the production of furniture, or for the production of profiles for windows, will not keep special equipment for the production of various fittings. It is advantageous to purchase such fittings from other suppliers. Therefore, this type of business is promising in terms of further development. Equipment for such a business is not much expensive, and used machines can also be purchased for its development.

The equipment market for this type of activity is replete with various offers, ranging from old Soviet lathes to the latest imported machines, with all kinds of functions, and software equipment. As mentioned above, turning equipment is expensive, but an average machine with various functions can be bought for 100,000 euros or 1,000,000 rubles.

The last area that deserves special attention is flawless, metal processing by pressure. This direction includes all kinds of forging, and the manufacture of parts under pressure. Forged products are very much in demand nowadays. These are not only skillful fences and various fences, but also household items.

With the development of various shops and other outlets, cafes and restaurants, forging products are very popular. First of all, they emphasize the status of the institution and its financial situation. Forging items are various fences, household items, fences and gates, lampposts. Under the press, you can also make various blanks and rolled products (pipes and other products). In order to engage in this business, first of all, it is necessary to highlight in which direction the entrepreneur will work. If this is forging, then you will need a special furnace, and tools that will give the heated metal a certain shape. If an entrepreneur decides to choose a direction related to metal processing with a press, then it will be necessary to purchase a multifunctional press. It should also be noted that modern forging is of two types, cold and hot.

The equipment is presented by various manufacturers, and accordingly the pricing policy is different. The main equipment is bending machines, various presses, heating furnaces and special tools. Equipment for cold forging costs ranging from 15,000 rudders to 6,000 euros. It all depends on the manufacturer of such equipment. You can engage in forging in the old way, heat the metal in a furnace and give it a shape with the help of a plumbing tool. The cost of presses can range from 60,000 rubles to 400,000 rubles.

Summing up the main areas of business related to metalworking, it should be noted that each type of such business is very profitable, but you can engage in a complex of these areas, and thus immediately respond to the emerging demand for metalworking. The only negative that can affect the development of this business is the significant price of equipment and the constantly changing demand for products. Since demand directly depends on the income of the population. It should also be noted that there is significant competition. The density of various workshops associated with metalworking is very high.
Having considered all the pros and cons of this metalworking business, it is necessary to analyze how to open such a business correctly.

First of all, you need to know that if you position yourself from the point of view of a manufacturer, you will have to open an LLC and pay a significant amount of taxes. Therefore, it is better to do so just to become an individual entrepreneur.

In order to open a metalworking workshop, the following factors must be considered. The first factor is, first of all, the room. When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to the presence of ventilation in the workshop, serviceable electrical wiring, and fire alarms.

When opening a workshop where all this will be faulty, it will not work, for the reason that the regulatory authorities in the form of a fire inspection and a sanitary service will simply not give permission. The next factor is the recruitment of personnel to work on such professional equipment. Employees must have certain qualifications, which must be confirmed by special documents (diploma, certificate of rank assignment). This is primarily necessary to prevent various industrial injuries and disputes with regulatory authorities.

Before you decide on costs and profits, you need to develop a marketing strategy. Such a strategy will be based primarily on the needs of a particular type of metalworking in the area where such a workshop is opened. No need to save on advertising. Advertising is very important in this kind of business. In addition, it is necessary to have very detailed information about potential buyers of such products. For example, in a business related to forging, you need to have information about all the elite stores, retail space, and people who can pay for high-quality forged products. Owners of rich residential real estate. When producing a profile, various products, you need to pay attention to the presence of various companies that provide services for the repair of machines, construction work and installation work.

If the business is connected with turning, then you need to look for enterprises that will purchase turning products. In addition, you need to pay attention to the Internet. These are, first of all, various websites of companies. On such pages, you can send commercial offers, with samples of work, as well as search for sites on which various enterprises arrange tender purchases of works and parts. You can even try to create your own online store, but this should be done if there is a wide range of products. Products such as self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, various construction profiles. Can be sold to various hardware stores. But we must not forget about the availability of relevant state certificates.

So, summing up all this, it is necessary to determine what investments will be needed to open such a business. It should be noted right away that the exact investment will depend on the choice of business. Therefore, we will take the average value. Taking into account the purchase of equipment, the lease of a workshop, it will be necessary to have 2,000,000 - 15,000,000 rubles. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the number of workers and their wages. This is an individual value, and depends on the desire of the businessman.

In order to calculate the payback of a metalworking shop, it is also necessary to take the average value of all similar metalworking shops. So, based on the calculation of prices for certain types of metal products (raw materials), as well as the cost of final products, taking into account the resources spent, we can conclude that the payback of an average workshop will be 1 year. It is clear that this is all approximate. In modern business, there is such a thing as business planning. This is done by special companies, whose staff includes various economists and analysts working in various areas of business.

Of course, each workshop and related equipment can change its cost. A striking example is the recent fall of the ruble on the currency exchange, which forces each manufacturer to drastically change the price tags not only for equipment and raw materials, but also for products. Therefore, in order to have complete information about the return on investment, up to one day a competent business plan can give. You also need to take into account that some entrepreneurs take a loan from a bank, and these are already different calculations, and a different return on investment.

Summing up all of the above, we can say with confidence that the metalworking business has a very profitable commercial component, but also certain difficulties associated with taxation and specific legislation. This business requires serious investments and an aggressive marketing policy. Only the perfect combination of these two components can lead to the success of this business and its further development.

New Business Ideas

Modern metalworking consists of a whole range of technologies for the manufacture of parts for the production of household appliances, industrial products, tools, etc. From year to year, the demand for metalworking is growing, so owning a business in this area is a very profitable business.

Where to begin

1. In order to start your own business, you need to decide on its direction. Modern methods of metal processing are divided into two groups:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

The first group is the most suitable for organizing your business: everything related to chemistry entails high costs for organizing waste disposal, pre-treatment of ventilation emissions and problems with obtaining permits for doing business. Start your business

The first group includes:

  • stamping;
  • mechanical processing on metal-cutting machines.

2. Having chosen the direction of activity, you should decide what equipment you will have to buy, and which is better to make on your own.

At the same time, we should not forget that, unlike trade, in production, it is not advertising that is of paramount importance, but the introduction of advanced technologies that are characterized by high productivity. It is in this case that the products will have a low cost, and hence competitiveness.

3. At the first stage, you can take orders for metalworking: the demand for such work never falls. Metal processing to order will require a small machine park, a small guillotine. If you are an experienced machinist, you can purchase used equipment and restore it. It can be, for example, equipment for . You can also buy new machines: now many equipment manufacturers have appreciated the benefits of manufacturing machine tools for small businesses. So entrepreneurs have a choice.

Many entrepreneurs start a metalworking business with only a set of tools. After some time, they begin to expand their business, acquiring machine tools and other equipment that allows them to reduce the cost of their products.

4. Rent of premises. The area of ​​the room depends on the initial set of equipment. If you cannot immediately rent a large room with the prospect of expanding production, it will be enough for you to rent an area of ​​at least 30 m2. Otherwise, it will just be inconvenient for you to work.

5. Advertising. Despite the fact that your business is not a trade, you still cannot do without good advertising. In order to quickly recoup your investment, you need to "show your face" to your potential customers. Place ads on all sites you know, post a video. Do not neglect placing ads in newspapers.

Production expansion

If you have successfully passed the first stage, returned your money invested in production and accumulated capital for further expansion of production, then the next step in your activity will be the acquisition of equipment in accordance with your chosen direction.

  • Processing of metals by cutting. The most effective is carousel metal processing. On turning and rotary machines, many operations are performed:
  1. processing of internal and external cylindrical surfaces;
  2. conical and shaped surfaces;
  3. drilling of central holes;
  4. deployment;
  5. countersinking;
  6. grooving of annular grooves;
  7. trimming ends and cut.

With the help of special devices on these machines, grinding and milling, as well as many other operations, can be performed.

But this applies to bodies of revolution. In the manufacture of parts of rectangular section, the necessary purity of metal surface treatment is achieved by grinding. Therefore, your machine park should have flat grinding. And, of course, you will need a machine.

For polishing surfaces, ultrasonic processing of metals is best suited. This method allows processing tool and structural steels, non-ferrous metals without the use of pastes, felts and abrasives.

The gear wheel requires special equipment. To make a gear reducer, you will have to purchase a gear hobbing machine.

  • Stamping. Stamping equipment (crank and hydraulic presses) is rather bulky. In small businesses, presses with a force of up to 16 Tf are most often used. But if you decide to use high-performance equipment in your production, then magnetic pulse metal processing will suit you.

The magnetic pulse machine allows you to perform almost all types of stamping operations: cutting, punching, distribution, etc. The manufacture of tooling for this type of stamping is less laborious, the productivity is higher than on mechanical presses.

There is one more expense item that you simply must provide for: the cost of special literature. The Handbook of Metalworking should become your reference book.

Regarding the welding business, we can say the following: this type of work is in great demand, and it is much easier to start it than a metalworking business. To do this, you should choose the right equipment (by far the most popular is a pulse inverter). You can start your own metal welding business in the garage.

Chelyabinsk entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov - that now is the time when small firms can declare themselves

Not everyone can be engaged in production - in the current economic situation, many novice entrepreneurs do not risk investing in such a difficult business. However, the crisis brings not only difficulties, but also new opportunities - it all depends on how you look at it. Entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov from Chelyabinsk, who opened a business for the production of metal structures, showed by his own example that when there is a goal, all obstacles can be overcome. This story told leading Chelyabinsk portal 74.ru.

Denis Vidyakov | Photo: Oleg Kargapolov

I started doing metalwork last year. My father is a welder, and at some point he had difficulties at work. I did not waste time in vain - I registered an LLC, rented a room, bought some equipment and started working. I already had experience in business - before that I opened a paintball club, which is still successfully operating today. But metal structures are a completely new direction for me, I had to study the subject already in the course of work.

Room 80 sq. m was filmed together with a partner in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk. At the very beginning, the equipment consisted of grinders from the garage, drills from home, jigsaws from work. All advertising took place exclusively through free sites, the first orders slowly appeared. We opened at the beginning of last summer, and it was very difficult because the season was already over. They grabbed literally everything that was connected with metal structures: sheds, change houses, horizontal bars, benches, trash cans. From the first order we bought a pipe bender, compressor, welders.

To be honest, the first time was enough only for rent and salary. So it was until mid-autumn, and there orders ceased to arrive at all. They pulled out little things, mostly to their own acquaintances - to make a stove for someone, a fence or a table for someone. Once they worked in the negative - I incorrectly calculated the change house. But a contract is a contract - I had to make and give it back.

In the fall, real problems with money began, because the rent had to be paid every month. The debt accumulated until December and amounted to 70 thousand rubles at the beginning of this year. As a result, I had to move out of the rented workshop, write a receipt on my own behalf that I would personally give the money back.

"The competition in this business is fierce, it's hard to survive. But on the other hand, now all the big companies in this area have slowed down due to the economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can make themselves known."

We have found a new shop with good conditions, minimum rent. There was one condition - we must teach the students of this institution. The students never appeared, as a result, the rent was increased, but, fortunately, at that moment we already had orders. First from free sites, and later I began to slowly invest in advertising. The calls started to come in, the enthusiasm also began to grow. Plus, in two months I made a website with advertising, and word of mouth works great. The site helped to make a friend, so here we saved. In a certain business, everything always revolves in the same circle - everyone knows each other, and people begin to give our contacts.

It should be noted that the competition in this business is fierce, it is hard to survive. But on the other hand, now all large companies in this area have reduced their turnover due to economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can make themselves known. I understood this in practice - if you do everything right, then you can rise even better in a crisis. You have to compete on price, quality and your own developments.

For some time in the winter we tried to make firewood, fireplace scoops, a poker for stoves - it didn’t work. Then I realized that I need to concentrate on one thing, and not be scattered in different directions. This year, I was approached by a company that deals with children's playgrounds. It has been on the market for a long time, but now its suppliers have stopped meeting deadlines. They came out to me, we worked together, and I wedged precisely into small forms - these are swings, carousels, benches, horizontal bars, and so on. That is, I am now engaged in ennoblement of children's play areas.

Another type of activity that I have chosen is the entrance groups for the project - flights of stairs and railings. My partner went out of business because he did not have enough time, now I am developing on my own. Orders also came from other firms: I had to sit on the phone calls to establish the necessary connections. In general, people do not refuse, there is excitement, despite the fact that this year the construction season is generally wrong. It started at the beginning of the summer, and now it is only gaining momentum, although usually the momentum is gained earlier.

Initially, I didn’t think about big money at all, I needed to borrow my father, hence the idea was born. I made some mistakes, but not without it. For example, initially I didn’t understand the details very well, because I didn’t study the subject thoroughly, I learned everything in practice. Now I can confidently say that I know my business.

Enough work. In the state, besides me, there are five employees: a manager, three welders and an assistant. Found painting partners. For metal, the volumes have also grown, and we are already getting discounts.

I order metal from Chelyabinsk resellers. Earned a good discount from one supplier, delivers with delivery, all inclusive. Volumes do not yet allow ordering from factories, and I have all sorts of metal. I mainly take consumables from ads, since it makes no sense to buy them in a store - it turns out to be too expensive. And it's easier to negotiate with private individuals.

The equipment paid off in full today, new machines have already been purchased. Some we do on our own - we order spare parts, engines for turners. Today, everything is automated, the shop is ready to produce certain volumes of products. Now the catalog is being prepared, in the future I also want to make an online store. We will also undergo certification, since this is required by all schools and kindergartens with which we plan to work.

"In fact, you can make money on anything, if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing."

Of course, good equipment is expensive. I want to buy laser cutting so that there is a full range of metalworking services, but so far, unfortunately, there is no such possibility, it costs about five million. But the main thing is that we are on the right track. Turnovers have gained, all employees receive their salaries on time. Now we have reached a stable working schedule, all processes have been adjusted and automated. The workshop used to be 80 sq. m, and now 150 sq. m. But even this is not enough. When an order for 30-40 shops comes in, you simply can’t turn around in the room.

I was recently contacted by the leaders of the philanthropic movement. They proposed to ennoble the yards: put sandboxes for children, swings, horizontal bars. The first yard has already been chosen, I think we will continue to work in a similar format.

What can I advise aspiring entrepreneurs - to believe in their business and not be afraid of the crisis. In fact, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing.

Costs for starting a business (rub.):

  • LLC registration - 4000;
  • rent - 16,500;
  • electricity - 2500;
  • salary - 25,000;
  • accounting services - 2000;
  • authorized capital - 10,000;
  • consumables - 7000.
One-time expenses (rub.):
  • equipment - about 160,000;
  • website development - 5000.
  • hosting - 3000.
Monthly expenses (rub.):
  • employee salary - 140,000;
  • hosting - 3000;
  • accounting services - 4000;
  • rent - 15,000;
  • electricity - 4000;
  • consumables - 10,000;
  • website advertising - 5000.