I am builder. How to find clients. How to attract customers to a construction company: the Internet helps How to find a construction company

  • 16.07.2023

There are already a lot of construction companies, and almost every day there are even more. Of course, after all, demand creates supply, and more and more people are now thinking about the "house in the village". Only now, with the growth of competition, the level of sales of most construction companies has remained the same as 20 years ago. Unless, "for some reason" the site was made.

Let's see what needs to be done in order for a construction company to receive customers from one of the most effective sources today - the Internet?

Website development for construction services

Of course, as elsewhere, in order for online advertising to work, you first need to make a website. Many companies have already passed this stage and on their business cards "www.company.ru" flaunts, and on the site the typical composition of the phrases "roofing, facade work, construction of houses and baths." You know, any person, having heard "construction company", assumes the possibility of ordering construction, facade and roofing works there (well, and a number of others). Those. By simply posting a banal list of services on the site, you are not ahead of your competitors in any way.

To properly design sections of the site, you need to decide what you want to focus on in sales. It can be individual services, or complex construction. Of course, everyone needs all the customers, but it's still worth prioritizing. By the way, in some cases it makes sense to make the management of priority areas - depending on the season, your users may be interested in a different set of services.

If your focus is on complex construction, then examples and prices will be the focus of users. Any person who started construction, first of all, needs to see what you can do, how it might look and how much money it takes approximately.
If the user likes your offer at this stage, then the site should work out the conversion correctly and transfer the client to your manager.

If the emphasis is on individual services, they need to be structured - one thing is "roofing work", another is "replacement of roofing material with metal tiles", "replacement of crates with overlapping profiled sheets", etc. You need to select works that are often asked and highlight them separately - so that the user does not guess - what exactly you include in roofing work.

Moreover, it is desirable to orient the user on price and terms. Thus, by giving him the most specific information on his question, you will already be ahead of your competitors.

Selling elements on the site of a construction company

So, the user on your site saw the information of interest to him. Now the site should get the contacts of this user for further processing by the manager.

This task cannot be solved "once" - the conversion elements of the site are processed on a continuous basis, based on analytics of user behavior and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Today, web development resources have a huge number of services and technologies that allow you to collect contact information of interested users - this is a callback, and all kinds of forms and widgets, and the ability to "catch up" with ads after the user leaves for a second conversion attempt.

Pay attention to the consultation section (the name may be different). On such a site, a section that allows you to ask a question and get an answer to it is an indispensable thing to communicate with potential customers. These should be public questions with answers so that new users can see the old questions. Someone may ask the composition for mixing concrete for the foundation, someone will ask about the selection of additional elements for siding - the answers to these questions will not bring you profit immediately, but with a competent approach, the manager answering the question can turn the user into a client.

Do not forget that in such a section, the speed of the manager's reaction is fundamental. If you don't want to waste time answering questions every day (if they will come so often), it's best not to develop this section.

How much does it cost to optimize an existing site for sales?

Sales audit of an existing site

Attracting users to the site of a construction company

So, you have a modern, beautiful, selling site, with cool technologies and unlimited possibilities. But in order to have sales, you need to attract interested people to the site. In general, the list of possible sources is the same for any field of activity:

Let's start with promotion in the organic search engine results. Everything is simple here - typical requests like "construction of turnkey houses", "construction of wooden cottages", etc., however, in some regions, promotion on such requests can be quite long and expensive. You need to understand that in contextual advertising, such requests will be very expensive, so with proper promotion, you can get traffic much cheaper than from the context.

Contextual advertising on partner sites (YAN in direct) can be shown on information requests. If, for example, a person is looking for "how to prepare concrete for a foundation," if it makes sense to attach foundation services to him. If he is looking for "how long the concrete in the foundation dries", you can offer him to assemble the log house on the finished foundation. This ad must be in the ad network, because. such search campaigns can be very expensive and ineffective.

Targeted advertising, for example, Vkontakte. This advertising is quite an interesting tool that allows you to address the target audience very precisely. The main task is to understand the places of its accumulation. The most primitive are groups and communities dedicated to cottage villages. More difficult - publics like "ideas for the improvement of a country house", "projects of country houses and cottages", etc. Taking an active audience from there, you can get interested users. Again, many of them will be "dreamers" who do not plan construction, but simply dream. Thus, it is necessary to conduct testing and, possibly, attract users not to the selling page of the site, but to the group of the company in the same social network, transferring the interested user to the place of his permanent advertising.

How much does advertising and website promotion cost?

In different regions, the cost of these services varies greatly. For example, promotion in one region can cost as much as a full range of services in another.

Free marketing consultation

Let's talk about how to attract customers to a construction company. The main problem faced by businessmen and marketers in this niche is finding a potential client. Who is this person who is interested in your services? Drawing up a portrait is the first stage and the most important stone in the foundation of attraction.

The construction niche is quite wide. Here, all buyers can be divided into many groups, and some do not lend themselves to classification at all. But let's highlight some of them:

  • Those who want to build their own home or renovate it. These are ordinary people, representatives of the earning middle class and above. We take into account the cost of construction in your region and draw up a portrait, as well as a scale of potential income for the buyer. This will help you in pricing policy as well.
  • Those involved in construction. If your company does not build structures, but only supplies materials for construction, then your clients are construction companies, as well as individuals who build themselves. Here you need to focus on both the B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to customer) sectors
  • Companies that develop entire areas of residential buildings, both private and multi-family. This is also B2B, but it is distinguished by a high “pickiness” to the quality of the delivered products and deadlines. But the potential income is higher here, since purchases are usually wholesale. Note that such cooperation is long-term, which means you can plan your income graph


Submit an application for participation in the construction tender announced by the local administration. Tender announcements are published in the local press, as well as in the municipal press. However, not all construction orders reach the moment of being put up for auction, so it would be nice if you have acquaintances in the administration (Department of Construction or in the cadastral service).

Place advertisements about the services of your construction company in the media and on the Internet. Create a website where you post information about the company, its experience in the market, as well as articles on construction. Be sure to open the “Reviews” section, in which you will publish letters of thanks and feedback from your customers, if any.

Track growth in housing demand, as well as commercial, industrial and social-cultural properties in your area. Perhaps you yourself can make an offer to the administration or entrepreneurs if, according to your calculations, they will soon have a need for the construction of new buildings (for example, in connection with the demolition or expansion of production).

If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another major city in Russia, please visit http://www.estateline.ru, where information about objects under construction and tenders is published. To find a building object, select the necessary criteria from the lists "Type of construction", "Region", "District", "Type of construction", "Object status" and click the "apply" button. On this site you can also find information about upcoming tenders or place an advertisement about the services of your company.

Residents of Moscow, in addition, can refer to the site http://www.topbd.ru to search for information about construction sites and place ads, and residents of St. Petersburg - to the page http://www.eson.info/objects.

You can hire an employee on the basis of a written application for employment. The employer must issue it in accordance with labor legislation. To do this, you should issue an order to accept an employee for a position, conclude an employment contract with him, create a personal card and make an appropriate entry in the work book.

You will need

  • - employee's documents;
  • - enterprise documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - forms of relevant documents;
  • - pen.


The applicant writes an application addressed to the first person of the company. In the document, the citizen expresses his request to accept him for a certain position and indicates the date from which he should be accepted. On the application, the employee puts a personal signature and the date of writing the application. On the document, the director of the enterprise, in case of a positive decision, puts down a resolution with a date and a signature.

Draw up a job application, give it a date and a number. In the header of the document, indicate the full name of the enterprise, enter the subject of the order and the reason for issuing it. In the administrative part, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the hired employee, the name of the position for which the admission is carried out. Assure the order with the seal of the organization and the signature of the director of the company. Familiarize the employee being hired with the document against signature.

Conclude an employment contract with the employee, which specifies the rights and obligations of the parties. Indicate the data of the employee, the name of the position for which he was hired, write the amount of money that will be paid to the specialist for completing it. Set the duration of the contract. On the part of the employee, the employee accepted for the position signs the document, on the part of the employer - the director of the enterprise, certifies with the seal of the organization.

Make an entry in the work book of the employee. Put the serial number of the record, indicate the date of employment, in the information about the work, enter the fact that this employee was accepted for the position. Enter the name of the enterprise, the title of the position and the structural unit. The basis of the entry is the order for employment, write its number and date of publication.

Get a personal card for this employee, enter the necessary data in accordance with an identity document, a document on education, career and other information.

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Tip 3: Apartment renovation: do it yourself or hire workers?

The choice of a repair method in an apartment - on its own or with the help of invited specialists - to a large extent depends on the financial capabilities of the family, as well as the perception of this event.

DIY repair or hire workers? Determining Factors

Determining when solving a serious issue can be very difficult. Repair of an apartment or house belongs to the category of complex and responsible work, therefore, in a natural way, the dilemma of whether to do it yourself or turn to experienced professionals arises in almost all families. There are several significant points that affect the adoption of this decision.

When thinking about repairs in a house or apartment, first objectively decide on the premises in which it is planned to carry out it, and also objectively assess the amount of work required.

Cosmetic repairs involve one or more of the following changes: wallpapering, ceiling painting, flooring replacement, etc. Overhaul is a set of actions to restore, replace and eliminate worn-out elements of property. It usually includes a complete reconstruction of the communication and electrical system, windows and doors, alignment of walls, ceilings, floors. Accordingly, in the first case, you can cope on your own, and in the second you will have to use, at least partially, the services of specialists, otherwise, as a result, alteration may be required, which will result in a large sum for the family.

Of great importance in this choice is the financial situation. This is evidenced by the data of sociological studies, according to which the majority of Russians carry out repair work on their own only because of a lack of funds. After all, depending on the region of residence, the cost of cosmetic repairs performed by the company starts from 2000 rubles / sq.m, and major repairs - from 3500 rubles.

The personal characteristics of people are also largely decisive. Some consider the repair a natural disaster, while others consider it the beginning of a new life. Therefore, the first category is likely to trust professionals, and the second will make its own efforts to restore order.

After an objective analysis of the material and psychological component, the most appropriate way to carry out repairs usually emerges.


Do you have a question how in such conditions to draw attention to your company, team, or where to find or take construction orders-contracts for every day?

The sphere of construction services has specifics, and not always the usual methods of promotion can help in finding customers. What are the most common ways you know or tried? How to find an order?

A secret around the world!

Construction, like any other type of business, refers to the word of mouth method. The completed volumes of work can move the contractor and recommend as a master or a team to their relatives, friends, employees and neighbors, because a quality repair is a reason for confidence. By the way, about the neighbors: often, looking at current work, people living in the neighborhood also decide to do repairs, and attract the same company that works nearby. The principle works: “if a neighbor does well, then I will do the same.” Therefore, when fulfilling an order, it will be useful to establish contact both with the owners of the object and with people living nearby.

Another great and effective way to find construction orders in a row is to distribute flyers and business cards. The simplest solution is to negotiate with the sellers in the building materials store and leave their leaflets with them, print flyers or business cards + a small reward to the seller, and the whole clientele of the store will be able to find out about the company, and the costs of such advertising are quite modest. Often, by the way, budding business builders themselves distribute leaflets in construction markets or near shopping centers of the corresponding profile in their free time.

Construction is one of the industries where the old methods of promoting services still work. And ads in newspapers and at the entrances are a vivid example of this. For many people, the associative series works: since the ad is hanging on my porch, its author lives nearby, which means that it is easiest to contact him. This approach can be used to advantage by placing such advertising in the most preferred areas. But newspaper ads work less often, but they also have their own clientele, who, according to old memory, turn to the press.

Many construction workers have a wide circle of acquaintances in their industry. Knowing your competitors and potential partners is useful for a number of reasons. Searching for orders is one of them. Often, the owners ask to recommend someone to perform specific work that the master does not do, and then familiar builders come to the rescue. Sometimes you can also buy a tender or order from competitors if for some reason they cannot fulfill it themselves, or call our construction club, which selects construction orders for the provision of relevant services in various sectors of the construction business.

Online search for building orders

Life does not stand still, and outside the window of the 21st century, the Internet and our building resource Builder Club come to the rescue in the selection of construction orders. In order for you to already have orders, it is not necessary to perform all of the above actions, because this also takes away the most expensive thing we have this-time! For this, a little computer knowledge and management of telephone gadgets, communication with our managers, and orders 24 hours before your eyes are enough.

Submit information about yourself on our website, indicate your industry or construction specialization in the table of contents Select the tariff you are interested in, contact our manager and have time to view and accept orders. Communicate with potential customers, colleagues, give advice on your profile and, accordingly, win your personal building authority. Please note that we also accept orders from our fellow builders, guaranteeing the receipt of your reward for the order given to us by the client who contacted you, that you will agree that this is a convenient option, you can be busy and your friends too, but by dialing us and contacting our WWW.site you get only benefits

1 Don't lose a client

2 Earn extra income

3 Stay mobile

This option gives solidity to any craftsman or construction company, since it indicates that such a specialist approaches business seriously and, most importantly, with skill.

When searching and selecting orders, you have the opportunity not only to choose for yourself the few most suitable in your industry and your profile, but also to gain popularity in your area, city, area, and over time improve your professional level of quality and order processing speed, while mastering an increasing audience and clientele, and, accordingly, to develop skills and their own, beloved, construction business.

1 0 0

Hello! I got a job in a company engaged in the construction and sale of building materials. Department for the implementation of sports projects - construction of stadiums and sports complexes, reconstruction of sports facilities, repair of school sports halls, construction of tennis courts.

There are a lot of different materials (sports flooring).

Accordingly, clients can be: fitness clubs
football and other clubs
construction companies wishing to make a sports ground next to the residential complex

How to competently reach each of these clients?
For example, in fitness clubs, you can call directly and talk to the director of the commercial department
What about schools? (I understand that it is necessary to act through the district education departments, because the schools themselves do not decide anything) but how?

How can I find out about schools and health centers under construction? (paid databases do not count)
In general, I will listen to any of your advice. Thanks in advance

2 0 0

3 0 0

Every year, after the demolition of buildings and repair work, about 90 million tons of materials are thrown away, of which about 13 million tons can be reused. For example, the authors of the BuilderScrap project created a free site that allows builders to find customers for used building materials.

The construction business idea on the site is to find a customer for this material. After registering a construction company, a list of goods to be sold is posted on the website. This list should include different building materials. For example, floorboards, beams, window frames, doors, office furniture, door frames. Buyers, having found the necessary material, through the website have the opportunity to contact the company.

After the transaction, the building material is delivered to the customer, and the company is removed from the site. This idea is beneficial for the buyer, as it eliminates unnecessary costs. Sellers also have the opportunity for additional income. This building idea is valuable for the environment because...

4 0 0

So, when deciding to start or develop your business in the direction of storing building materials, you need to take into account a number of certain nuances. Firstly, it is important whether the problem of how to organize a warehouse is paramount, and therefore whether there are enough funds to implement such a project. Secondly, it is very important whether the creation of a warehouse is an addition to an already existing and expanding business, or a warehouse business will be founded from scratch.

The main questions in how to open a warehouse are, of course, buying or renting premises, as well as where to find potential customers interested in building materials storage services. Even if there is a sufficiently large amount of money that is planned to be invested in the premises where the warehouse will be located, you should not spend as much as possible. It is best to think about whether it would be more profitable to rent. This can be done by calculating the payback of this ...

5 0 0

In connection with the aggravation of the "chronic" construction, the trade in building materials has again risen to the peak of relevance. In general, we can say that this is an eternal theme, because people are constantly being built to one degree or another.

Building materials can be traded in two main areas:

Wholesale, targeting construction companies, real estate developers; retail, based on the mass consumer.

In the first case, it is best to organize a store-warehouse, an online store, and in the second case, any outlet for retail sales.

By and large, trade in building materials is practically not subject to seasonality - sales declines are observed only during economic instability.

The rest of the time, construction is in full swing, and building materials are needed for this.

The list of works includes the implementation of state programs for affordable housing, individual developments and the construction of non-residential real estate, as well as numerous redevelopment and repair work,...

6 0 0

Business on the Internet without investment is an idea that attracts many beginners (and not only beginners!) Entrepreneurs. At the same time, such activity will be really effective and profitable only if it is a question of selling a real product or service. Offline, such trading is most often impossible without impressive investments, but, fortunately, it is now possible to start a commercial activity on the Internet without investments - with only a selling site and a little patience.

Affiliate store of building materials and house projects can help with this - a ready-made business on the Internet that anyone can connect to. This opportunity is offered by the service of affiliate programs "Business Motor" and the company "Teplo Doma".

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7 0 0

It is unlikely that you are mistaken about what kind of competition today in the building materials market. Entrepreneurs and companies struggle with "colleagues in the shop" in different ways. Someone lowers prices, dumps, another offers some kind of exclusive feature, and the third promotes his site in the hope of finding his customers there. All methods have the right to life.

Commercial offer for building materials: is there any benefit?

Today we will talk about those owners of the construction business who are trying to attract additional customers by sending out a commercial offer for building materials.

Is there any benefit from such messages? Eat. And you can “get hold of” a decent number of new customers, but subject to two conditions.

First: your commercial offer for the supply of building materials or of a different nature should hook a potential customer. From the first lines.

8 0 0

How to find clients for a sales manager?

The most important formula for success is knowing how to deal with people.

Theodore Roosevelt

“Don't learn the tricks of the trade - learn the trade,” says folk wisdom. Yes, the modern trading market is developing according to the tough laws of competition, and in order to stay afloat, companies have to use different methods of work, for example, methods of attracting new customers.

Everyone understands that they will not come by themselves. It follows that for the growth and survival of the company, the search must be carried out regularly, and not be a one-time action.

What should a manager know about his clients?

Finding and attracting customers for a sales manager becomes one of the main tasks of work. With an active and creative approach, this is not at all difficult and quite doable. First of all, the entire client base needs to be conditionally divided into four groups:

Disinterested clients. Expected Clients. ...

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10 0 0

Vadim, the picture just doesn't add up in my head.


1. The manager needed an experienced manager who could independently raise the bending direction. You signed up for this. And we were able to convince him that you have no experience specifically in the sale of cement, then you have a huge potential! In fact, it comes out puff. You misled him. They betrayed his expectations.
You lack basic competencies in this area. Which is very difficult to acquire in a couple of months. It is these competencies that distinguish a novice from an experienced salesperson. Experienced managers are paid 3-5 times more than newcomers for a reason. What do you recommend? You are waiting to be advised here do one, do two, do three. Most likely this will not happen, because in EVERY specific situation it is necessary to do differently. And it takes a lot of time to sort out your situation.

2. The manager does not understand how sales are built. In his view, a table, a chair, a telephone and a computer...

11 0 0

According to a long tradition, Ukrainians renovate their apartments in the summer, and experienced craftsmen start looking for customers in the spring. The repair season continues throughout the warm period of the year and subsides only in October-November, depending on the weather. Although minor finishing work and plumbing repairs can be carried out all year round.

Today we decided to figure out what repairs are most in demand this summer, where to look for customers, how to protect yourself when calculating, and what you can earn extra money on.


There was practically no work last year. People were in no hurry to invest their savings in the overhaul of housing, preferring to wait out the hard times with a "stash". Even experienced craftsmen, who have been working in repair teams for more than a year, were interrupted by odd jobs.

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12 0 0

The number one task for most sales executives and sales managers working with corporate clients is to actively seek out new clients. And, accordingly, to solve this problem, it is necessary to constantly collect information about promising organizations.

What customer search methods do you use?

We list the main sources of information about potential customers:

1. Free informational business directories. This group includes the all-Russian information resources Yellow Pages (www.enironavigator.ru, www.yp.ru, Yandex.Addresses, www.yellowpages.ru), Business address (www.euroaddress.ru), Allinform (www.allinform .ru). Yellow Pages of Russia (www.yellowpagesrussia.ru). Adresat.com (www.adresat.com), DoubleGIS (www.2gis.ru), as they are regional.

2. Electronic trading platforms can be divided into universal (diversified), industry and product. Examples of universal (diversified) electronic trading ...

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The work of translators has always been relevant. And in the modern world, where the borders between countries are less and less visible, and people travel more and more, whether it is business or leisure trips, translation services are more in demand than ever. Everything is changing and with the development of new information technologies, the demand for typing services is increasing.

After all, this is true for everyone from ordinary students to reputable companies. At the same time, competition in the market for these services is very high. Therefore, in the search for clients, it is important to use all modern methods, one of which is the placement of ads in online publications and ad sites.

We place an ad about a translation and typing service

The first thing to do is place an ad about the service on RIA.com and promote it to search. To do this, we fill in the maximum fields in the ad, but in the description we indicate only the most important information.

Clearly state the range of services you provide (translation, recruitment...

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