Working as a freelance lawyer from home reviews. Freelancing for lawyers: vacancies and remote work options. So, what is a successful defense?

  • 30.10.2023

How to run a business legally? Contracts with customers and typical problems of their preparation. How, when and why to sue? Common legal mistakes made by freelancers and what to do about them.

Freelancing as a way of doing business for some specialists is a temporary stage when they escaped from the “oppression” of the employer, but have not yet created their own business. For others, it is a kind of constant state when a person is least bound by any obligations and tries to concentrate on the essence of the work being performed.

Most of the freelancers interviewed and known to me, who have tasted the exorbitant freedom from any formalities and obligations, make a lot of legal mistakes that complicate their “free floating”, force them to return to an uncomfortable office or suffer losses and disappointments. But there are also those who have made freelancing their business, learned to search for and correctly formalize relationships with customers, have experience in litigation and, through trial and error, found how to make their freelancing predictable and sufficiently secure. In this article I will talk specifically about the legal problems of freelancers and how these problems can and should be dealt with.

How to do business legally

It is no secret that the state requires you to decide whether you are running a business, are an employee under an employment contract, or, while remaining an ordinary citizen, only occasionally provide services under a civil contract. Entrepreneurial activity, that is, activity for the systematic extraction of profit, can be carried out essentially in two forms: the creation of a legal entity (most often it is an LLC) or registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). Russian legislation classifies freelancing as a business activity regardless of how much you earn: 1 thousand rubles or 200 thousand rubles per day or year.

If you provide services systematically (twice or more during the year), then you are an entrepreneur and the usual “earthly laws” apply to you.

It doesn’t matter where or with what services, devices or applications you carry out such activities. I don’t want to complicate things, but even when providing services through a site located outside of Russia, you are subject to both the legislation of the country where the server is physically located and Russian legislation, as long as you remain a tax resident and citizen of the Russian Federation.

For failure to register as a company or individual entrepreneur, there is administrative liability from 500 rubles to 2 thousand rubles. In essence, this is not a lot of money, but the procedure for bringing to justice will be quite nerve-wracking. The prosecutor's office may file a lawsuit to prohibit you from conducting such activities at all until you obtain entrepreneurial status. And cases of this kind are occurring more and more often. The prosecutor's office, as the “eye of the sovereign,” is called upon to ensure that there are no such violations of the law.

If you conduct business “on a grand scale” and it caused major damage to citizens, organizations or the state, or is associated with receiving proceeds from the sale of goods or services on a large scale, i.e. from 1.5 million rubles, then such actions can be qualified as a crime under Part 1 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal entrepreneurship”. Responsibility varies: a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or up to 6 months of arrest.

In practice, almost any citizen can now register a company, and especially an individual entrepreneur. There are a lot of services that allow you to do this. Some banks offer this service free of charge along with opening an account. The cost of registering a turnkey LLC with payment of state duty ranges from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. To register as an individual entrepreneur, you just need to fill out a form with your passport data, which you can even submit online to the tax office. The state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is only 800 rubles. The registration period in both cases is approximately 6-7 calendar days, and this period is actually respected. So why take the risk when starting a business is so easy?

Who should I be: LLC or individual entrepreneur?

Perhaps the most common question that novice entrepreneurs ask is what is better to register: an LLC or an individual entrepreneur? Practice shows that the vast majority of freelancers are either not registered at all or are registered as individual entrepreneurs. You need to understand that not a single truly serious customer will send money to a freelancer “on a card.” This fact pushes many to open an individual entrepreneur.

An important advantage of registering as an individual entrepreneur is that the individual entrepreneur can freely withdraw and spend all the money received, because this is his personal money as an entrepreneur, as a citizen. Even the individual entrepreneur must pay taxes on this amount not immediately, but only at the beginning of the next quarter. It’s not so easy to legally withdraw money in a company, much less do it “for free” without paying taxes. .

The vast majority of activities that freelancers engage in in Russia do not require any permission or license. This is also true in the case when you accidentally indicate the licensed type of activity in the OKVED codes.

The principle is simple: until you engage in a licensed activity, you don’t need to formalize anything additional. .

Taxation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is the same, i.e. you can engage in a type of activity that falls under the “imputation” and be either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The same applies to the choice of “simplified”, which can be either 6% of income or 15% of income reduced by the amount of expenses. The latter option is not very suitable for the service sector, since it is beneficial to those who have large expenses included in the final cost of goods or services sold, those of which the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows to take into account. This is usually a trade where there is a significant markup on the goods sold.

We formalize relationships with customers

Such well-known exchanges for freelancers in Russia as, for example, and offer services for monitoring order deadlines and guaranteeing payment for freelancers. The service tracks the deadline for completing the order, records its essence, which is agreed upon at the initial stage between the freelancer and the customer. Legally, this is the same agreement that is automatically concluded between the customer and the freelancer, where the freelance exchange acts as an intermediary agent between them.

Not everyone knows, but in the agreement that you “sign”, agreeing to the terms of work through and, it is written that, unless otherwise agreed between the freelancer and the customer, all exclusive rights to the intellectual property created pass to the customer at the time of acceptance of the order.

It is important for the customer to indicate in the task exactly what needs to be obtained as a result, and for the freelancer to agree only to what he can complete within the agreed time frame.

All interaction takes place on the task page, where the customer and freelancer exchange messages, questions, materials being developed, and finished files. It is the timing of posting such materials and their compliance with the task that determines whether the freelancer will receive his money if the matter comes to arbitration.

This is a service that provides for users of the “Safe Transaction”, when the customer does not accept the order or the freelancer does not transfer the result of his work to the customer, which allows resolving a dispute between the parties to the transaction. Arbitration can either return the advance payment for all or part of the order to the customer, or pay it to the freelancer or make a partial payment (refund) if it determines that the work was not completed in full, of poor quality or not on time.

The cost of services for monitoring order deadlines and guaranteeing payment for a freelancer ranges from 5% to 14.9% of the transaction. To the costs of customers, you need to add a commission of payment systems for depositing money in the amount of about 6% and for withdrawing it by a freelancer in the amount of 2-3.5%. If the customer is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then the costs are simply the cost of a payment order in the amount of 10-20 rubles.

But freelancers do not always find customers through freelance exchanges, and some simply do not want to overpay for such services and want to receive payment immediately, so they most often do not enter into any contracts at all.

What to do if there is no contract in the usual sense, and the client refuses to pay for the work? Your further actions depend on how exactly you formalized your agreements with the customer:

1.There is a signed agreement, in which the terms of reference say what you must do and by when. Negotiate with the customer and, if you do not achieve a result, go to court with a lawyer.

2.The contract with all technical specifications was signed “via the Internet”, i.e. everyone scanned their signed version of the contract and sent it to each other. The court may recognize such an agreement as concluded if you can prove that:

we sent the contract to the customer and received a signed scan from him;

the customer has partially paid under the agreement (the payment order contains the details of your agreement, and the customer will not be able to bring another copy of the agreement, which you “also” signed);

the customer gave you something that could only be in his possession (building measurements, technical documentation, restricted information, sources of old design layouts, etc.), and this is exactly what needs to be used to provide the service.

3. The contract has been signed, but it does not contain any specifics regarding the ordered service, or the contract has not been signed and there is only correspondence. In this case, you need to look at the correspondence between you. There is “paper” correspondence - great. If it was from the email addresses specified in the contract, or the customer’s corporate mailbox and it contains the necessary “specifics”, then you are lucky and you have agreed on the subject of the contract - you can confidently go to court. If there is no correspondence, but the customer accepted the work and there is a document about this (a certificate of services rendered, a report signed by him) or the customer used the result of your work, then in court you will have to prove not only that it was you who transferred this work to the customer, but also that How much does such work usually cost? Therefore, do not be lazy to issue invoices and sign certificates of services rendered, which indicate what you did, how much you worked, and what results you delivered to the customer. Fortunately, there are a great many services that produce such documents.

4. The agreement was not signed by the person indicated in it, or this person (director, accountant, manager, etc.) did not have the authority to sign it. If there were payments under such an agreement (on the issue of the need for prepayment), then the customer will most likely be recognized by the court as having entered into such an agreement, even if the director turned out to be a non-director. If the customer officially accepted the result of your work and, moreover, used it, this will also indirectly indicate that it was he who made such an order.

5.Working conditions were agreed upon via SMS, Skype, and instant messengers. As in point 3, the question will arise about identifying the person who ordered such a service from you (you will have to make requests to telecom operators, etc.), what relation he has to the customer company or whether he needs to be involved personally as customer. Such disputes require that you and your lawyer have a very clear understanding of the functioning of such services and the fact that they may initially be registered to fictitious or fictitious persons. But even in such a situation, it remains possible to obtain the IP address from which the account was used and, through a judicial request, the telecom operator can track the customer. More technically advanced customers can prudently use IP address spoofing or exit from addresses where a large number of people who have nothing to do with the customer have access to the Internet. Logging out from a mobile phone allows you to track the phone number, but even here there is no complete guarantee that the phone is not registered to the old lady from the next door. And the question of whether you will try to collect and receive money from her or not remains not only a matter of principle and patience, because carrying out such identification of the customer in court will be a non-trivial procedure.

6.Negotiations with the customer were conducted in person and by telephone; there was no correspondence, much less a contract. In this case, all that remains is to write letters, complaints and provoke the customer to respond like “your work was not completed on time”, “you did not fulfill such and such a condition”, which will directly indicate that there was some kind of relationship between you. However, in such situations, it is extremely difficult to receive the agreed money, since there is a high probability that you will not be able to prove what exactly was ordered from you and what exactly you transferred to such a customer and at what price.

How do we sue a customer?

If you are an ordinary citizen, then you file a case in the district (city) court at the location (registration, place of residence) of the defendant. The customer cannot claim that the contract is invalid if you do not have the status of an individual entrepreneur or do not represent the company. If you are an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, you will first have to file a justified claim and wait 30 days before filing a claim in arbitration court. Such rules have been in effect since June 1, 2016. But if you have written evidence that the customer acknowledges that the work was performed, but simply cannot or does not want to pay, then apply for a court order and attach this correspondence. The court will issue a court order within 10 days if the amount of the claim does not exceed 400 thousand rubles. This court order can be immediately presented to the debtor’s bank (and the bank will transfer the money to you within 2 business days) or transferred to the bailiffs to initiate enforcement proceedings (longer).

If the customer does not recognize the debt, then you can file a claim through simplified proceedings, which involves an absentee (without summons to court) consideration of the case with all documents posted on the website In this order, only disputes up to 250 thousand rubles are considered, where the defendants are individual entrepreneurs, and up to 500 thousand rubles, where the defendant is an organization. After filing a claim in court, you will receive a court ruling, which will contain a special code for accessing the case materials.

The cost of lawyers' services for collecting payment through the court under a service agreement is usually slightly less than under a work contract, which, according to lawyers, is more complex. In reality, the complexity depends on how well the contract is prepared and what evidence the freelancer has of completing the work (service). This, accordingly, determines the likelihood of winning the case (a positive motivator for a lawyer), and the duration of the court case, and therefore the price. Preparing a claim costs from 5 thousand rubles, conducting a case in the court of the Kaliningrad region is unlikely to cost less than 20 thousand rubles. But this still means that in some cases the cost of a lawyer’s services is more than the money that the customer must pay. Unscrupulous customers often take advantage of this. Add to this that the customer may be in Khabarovsk or Kamchatka, and you are in Kaliningrad, which allows such customers to feel more protected. In reality, it is quite possible to find a lawyer in any region via the Internet.

A freelancer should know that it is possible to simply “forget” that he was owed money. But how many times are you ready to “forget” like this? Do you have enough willingness to continue working like this and what incentive do you give to such customers? Another option is to defend your rights to the end, but conduct the case rationally for a long time and treat legal expenses like paying for electricity and buying paper - all these are just your operating expenses in business. After all, no one has canceled the collection of legal costs from the culprit, you just need to find the money now so that it will come back to you later.

Common legal mistakes made by freelancers and what to do about them

Lack of contract (technical specifications). We have already discussed above that the lack of an agreement is one of the main troubles for a freelancer when he has to prove that there were any agreements at all. Often, in order to avoid paying, customers simply deny that they “saw this freelancer.” The “sleight of hand” of some customers leads to the fact that they keep both copies of the contract for themselves, and the contractor has nothing left. The desire to get started quickly also plays a bad joke with freelancers. Firstly, one should not neglect the development, coordination and signing of an agreement. You will learn a lot about your customer when you invite him to sign an agreement. If he refuses to sign the contract or introduces terms that are incomprehensible and beneficial only to him, then you will once again decide for yourself whether it is worth working with him. Secondly, it will be beneficial for both if you offer to develop the same technical specifications for a fee. The customer will get what he wants as a result, and there will be no unjustified expectations, and you, as a freelancer, will receive a clear document on which to base your work.

Incorrectly drafted contract. It is quite difficult to describe all the errors that may occur in a contract. One thing is certain: a professional lawyer should be involved in drafting the contract. An accountant you don't know, don't download a sample from the Internet, don't do it yourself. The main document with which you will work each time with a new client should be prepared by a professional. You wouldn't go to a therapist or plumber for dental treatment, would you?

Unsettled terms, lack of definitions. If you make a specific product, then use professional terms in your work. Don’t forget to decipher them; both the customer and the court must understand you if it comes to a dispute. In case of the latter, this will help to operate with exactly the wording that you included in the contract. I will say more, even when developing a design the question arises: what is it? Designers often enter terms such as “design concept”, “website design”, programmers and website developers indicate “IT systems”, “software package”, “website”. Explain what you are creating so that even a person far from your profession can easily understand everything, write what the result of your work can look like or be used, what is included in this work or what its result consists of.

There is an error in the description of the result of the work. Services and works can be divided into several types depending on the form of the final result. As a result of some, a created thing of the real world is transferred (a painting, a drawing, a certain product made to order), others are an electronic document: a file with a translation of text, a photograph, a drawing, a design layout, a multimedia file, a database, just some text . In some of them, it is of significant importance what the performer did with the source materials provided by the customer, what creative, professional element was introduced by him, in others the task is purely technical: just carefully and without errors make a transcript from the audio recording, collect a database with addresses and telephone numbers the right people. For example, if you write that you are transmitting an audio file, then indicate what exactly will be on this recording, what you are doing with the source materials (mixing the sound or clearing it), making an arrangement or recording a performance on musical instruments, in what format you are transmitting the finished product material, do you transfer the source files. There are service-processes where payment can occur for a certain amount of time during which the service is provided (animators, promoters, subscription services from lawyers, accountants), or time is used only as a means of tariffing (interpretation, performance of musicians, photo and video shooting ). In some types of activities, the final result is only the final stage of providing a service (often a mental activity), and most of such work is performed without creating or with minimal appearance of any signs of work (elaboration of implementation schemes, ideas, concepts). For example, in legal services, the result of providing a very expensive and lengthy service may simply be the answer: “It cannot be done legally.” But lawyers solve this problem by preparing a detailed opinion on why they came to this particular conclusion. There are services where the outcome cannot be guaranteed for objective reasons or due to insufficient information about the problem (medical services, services of trainers, lawyers in court), therefore the desired result cannot be guaranteed. What to do when the result of your work is an extremely intangible thing? Formulate the provision of a service as a process, indicating specific features of the result or the process itself, what and how you do, what you interact with, what information you receive and how you process it, describe the service as informational. Indicate a specific result, if you can achieve it in any case, and also formulate the possibility of achieving a negative result. Break your process of providing a service into stages, identify events that will be clearly associated with the transition from one stage to another, or a period of time if the moment of such an event cannot be determined.

Creative value. Many disputes between representatives of creative professions and their customers arise precisely because of a misunderstanding of what the result should be in terms of creative level. This level is almost impossible to describe; it can only be subjectively determined from the portfolio before concluding a contract with a specific contractor. Of course, if the design is made with obvious violations of color combinations, the principles of composition are violated and all this together looks unambiguous and to anyone’s taste like a child’s drawing, then the customer will still have to prove in court later that, based on the technical specifications, he expected the design to have a certain style (modern or, conversely, stylization for a certain period of time). It is much easier to appeal to the customer when he was offered fewer options for design layouts or logos than are directly provided for in the contract. But if the latter is a quantitative indicator, then to the first question the designer can say that “that’s how he sees it.” However, if the terms of reference indicate a specific style that the freelancer did not adhere to, then we cannot say that the order has been completed. The answer to the question of what is considered individual design options is also subjective and evaluative. It is impossible to describe absolutely exactly how different one option should be from another.

Break the work into stages specify payment for each individual stage and the transition to the next stage after accepting the previous one. Firstly, you will immediately receive a certain part of the money and understand how the customer accepts the service. Secondly, the fact of acceptance of the service, and especially the signed act on this, will eliminate the possibility of challenging the work as a whole when it has already been de facto completed.

Deadlines. Follow the deadlines you set in the contract. Write down feasible deadlines that will be consistent with each other even under the most unusual set of circumstances and actions of both parties to the contract. Keep in mind that it is initially assumed that you perform the work or provide the service “independently”, and if you “involve in the work” the customer, who must provide information, materials or things within a certain time frame to fulfill the contract, and for yourself you have also set very specific deadlines completion of the stage, then write for the customer (by law this also applies) in the contract that the deadline for completing the stage is extended for the period of the customer’s delay.

Full prepayment is not your money. Receiving 100% advance payment is the dream of many freelancers, but in the conditions of impersonality on the Internet, customers who do not trust the performers or do not want to remove such an effective “accelerator” for the performers do not agree to such conditions. However, not all performers know that the customer has the right to refuse (essentially terminate the contract) at any time from providing the service, and the freelancer does not have the right to continue it after receiving such notice. He must transfer the result of his work to the customer, issue him an invoice for the services rendered and calculate the expenses incurred. If it turns out that the service was not fully provided, the freelancer must return the remuneration received in proportion to the size of the unprovided part of the service. The terms of the agreement prohibiting such unilateral refusal are recognized by the courts as invalid . The condition that the prepayment (advance payment), as well as other unpaid amounts are not returned by the contractor, in some cases is recognized by the courts as legal, in others the courts recognize such a condition as invalid.

Difficulties in proving the completion of work or services. Despite the obviousness of the answer to this question for the contractor, there are a huge number of cases in the courts in which customers claim that the contractor did not complete the work at all, did not do what was required under the contract, or was performed by another person. As noted above, recording a work completion certificate allows us to partially solve this problem, but does not completely exclude possible claims from the customer. The contractor, within the 3-year limitation period, must keep evidence that he started work, how and where, with whom he performed it, save intermediate results, drafts, sketches, work files, correspondence with his employees, subcontractors, etc., etc. .e. everything that can confirm that it was the contractor who did everything that the customer received. It may seem absurd to store for so long, but even after 2 years, 11 months and 29 days (and precisely in the last days of this period), lawsuits most often appear in court from dishonest customers. Keep in mind that in the event of a dispute, the court needs to prove not only the fact of creating a certain result that you agreed on with the customer, but also that you delivered it to the customer within the agreed period. After all, there are types of work or goods that can disappear without a trace, such as an ice town or sand figures on the beach. The only evidence of existence will be documents, and if they are not there, then witnesses. But there are not always witnesses and not always witnesses can clearly say what they saw if they are not professionals in a certain field. This is especially true for technically complex work (for example, software development, setting up a website engine) or voluminous hidden work that is simply impossible for external observers to see (work through the administrative panel of CMS, applications, databases, work on its transfer, etc.).

The customer can pretend that you did not give him the required result of the work, and now he has lost interest and ordered it from someone else. The customer can also file a counterclaim if, due to “your slowness,” some of his orders or events were disrupted, and the amount of damages can, in principle, be any. No, it will not be easy for the customer to recover losses from you; to do this, he needs to prove that it was because of your mistakes that both the problem and the losses themselves arose. It often happens that the true reasons for the customer’s failures were elsewhere, but he will try to convince the court that the whole reason is in you. This is where your lawyer will have to show ingenuity and attentiveness in order to understand the true causes of the customer’s losses.

A selection that contains freelance exchanges for lawyers. People with a legal education can earn money here. On some exchanges, education will even have to be confirmed with documents. So, without education, there is simply nothing to do on these services, unless you are a customer, of course.
Legal- here you can earn money by providing legal advice. Consultation here is provided online or by telephone. Consultation can be provided either free or for a fee. The amount of payment for legal advice usually starts at 300 rubles.
With a paid consultation, the question will be published on the website instantly and lawyers will process the question as soon as possible. If it’s free, it’s published on a first-come, first-served basis, and no one promises that lawyers will answer you. With a VIP consultation, your question will be answered within 15 minutes. A call to a lawyer, unlike the category, costs from 400 to 1200 rubles.
To start making money on a project as a lawyer, you need to confirm your education.

- not exactly an exchange, but rather a site where work for lawyers is collected. The client and the lawyer agree on a consultation, then the client sends the money, and then the lawyer provides the consultation. The text is sent via private message or as an attached file. The client has three days to familiarize himself with the text. If there are no claims, the lawyer gets the opportunity to withdraw the money. If there are complaints, the administration will consider them and make a decision. Return money to the client if the service was provided poorly, or reject the claim.

Pravovoz- exchange for lawyers. There are a lot of different tasks for lawyers here. Moreover, you can complete tasks either with a secure transaction, through the website, when the administration controls the execution of the transaction, or directly. The money is withdrawn to your bank account.

Pravorub - professional community of lawyers and advocates. It’s clear that both lawyers and advocates can look for work here. To start robots here, you will have to register and confirm your qualifications. By sending a scan of documents confirming, for example, that you are indeed a lawyer.

Consjurist- a portal of jurisprudence, this is of course not an exchange for lawyers, but lawyers here can look for work. You cannot directly register as a lawyer, but you can contact the site administration, and after you prove your knowledge of a lawyer, you will get a job on the site.

Freelawyer is a website for Ukrainian lawyers, where you can help clients for money by answering their questions, or sell a variety of legal documents.

Hello, dear readers! Legal advice is needed by a huge number of people who are willing to pay. They do not always want to go to offices, preferring in some cases to use remote services. Do you want to make money from this?

Qualified lawyers can advise clients at home via the Internet and make good money from it. This employment is classified as freelancing. It is actively developing and gaining popularity.

Freelancing for lawyers will be the main topic of today's publication. Conventionally, it can be divided into several approaches to financial development:

  • remote work through the interface of highly specialized projects;
  • attracting clients using your own website;
  • searching and fulfilling orders on general freelance exchanges.

All options allow lawyers to work remotely from home, naturally, with a working computer and the Internet. Applying one or more approaches is an individual decision for everyone. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Remote work for lawyers: projects and alternatives

There are very highly specialized projects in the global network:

  • Pravoved is an excellent service through which practicing lawyers can earn money remotely.
  • 9111 is a serious project with huge traffic. You can make money on it via the Internet or find vacancies presented in various cities. You can start getting acquainted with the features of working on 9111 from the “about the project” page, which, among other things, contains information about the nuances of participation in the project.

In addition to the options presented, there are general freelance exchanges where specialists from a wide variety of employment areas can find orders. You can find a list of exchanges.

Freelancer websites to attract clients

I would like to note right away that you can earn income from home without your own website, thanks to the Internet resources mentioned above. Then why do you need yours? Simply having it can provide the following benefits:

  1. increase the reputation of a specialist;
  2. attract more new clients;
  3. work with visitors without significant competition.

The list is not limited to this; there are actually a lot of advantages. Separately, I would like to dwell on the third point. Think for yourself in which of the two situations below the likelihood of receiving an order will be higher:

  • a person visits your website and sees only your publications and descriptions of services;
  • a person needs legal advice and goes to a resource where hundreds of specialists offer services.

Obviously, in the first case, getting a job can be much easier.
I won’t describe now how to properly create and promote resources online. The topic is very large and is partially discussed in other materials on the blog.

The purpose of this article is to talk about freelancing for lawyers as an option for making money at home. Was the information useful? You can leave a comment below. That's all I have for today. All the best and great financial success.

Every day, thousands of entrepreneurs and individuals need a lawyer remotely and they are willing to pay for it. Why not a way to make money?

Freelancing for lawyers is a great way for specialists in this field to advise clients from home via the Internet and at the same time earn a decent income. This type of activity is called freelancing. Over the past few years, it has become very common and popular among both beginners and experienced lawyers.

Part-time work for a lawyer at home: 3 earning schemes

Working remotely as a lawyer from home is possible using 3 schemes:

1. remote work using the interface for narrow-profile projects;
2. attracting customers through your own website;
3. selection of desired orders on freelance exchanges.
All of them involve working remotely. To do this, you only need a computer and the Internet.

Part-time work as a lawyer remotely: vacancies and projects for remote work

If you need part-time work for lawyers remotely on the Internet, then you should consider several specialized platforms:

Freelance lawyer: vacancies and features of the work of a freelance specialist

If you have a legal education and experience in this field, you can find a job as a lawyer online, but with some difficulty, since competition in the market is quite high. You will need to provide a number of convincing facts to the future employer that you will cost him less and will do the job just as well as an in-house lawyer. If you know one or more foreign languages, you can provide consultations to foreign citizens, which takes you to a new level and is paid much higher.

Most often, small companies that have recently opened and do not yet have sufficient funds to pay for a full-time lawyer resort to freelancing services. But sometimes there are large companies whose employees are too busy with work, or there have been a number of layoffs, which has led to an increase in the workload of the company's lawyers.

What are the responsibilities of a freelance lawyer?

The Internet is the best place to work as a lawyer, gain experience, skills and a client base. The most common vacancies are:

  • legal assistant;
  • legal consultant;
  • editor of a legal web service.

Depending on the position, the job responsibilities of a lawyer also change. He can do:

  • general support of company affairs;
  • advise on tax issues or compliance with contract terms;
  • draw up legal documents, for example, an employment contract, a statement of claim, etc.;
  • conducting court cases, analyzing their decisions;

Writing legal articles is also popular among beginners.

Where to look for lawyer jobs remotely from home with a flexible schedule: the best freelance exchanges

For those who urgently need part-time work as a lawyer remotely, vacancies and projects posted on freelance exchanges will help you quickly find direct customers.

When registering on the stock exchange, the main thing is to create a decent and complete portfolio, because future customers will judge you by it. There are several freelancing projects for lawyers, there are many different vacancies and one-time orders, but it can be difficult for beginners to find work due to the large number of experienced lawyers, for example:

  • Weblancer

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Job Freelance lawyer itself is very solid. For example, if you have a higher education, then you can find a solid job on the Internet. In this type of work you can meet many competitors, but on the other hand, there is practically no work without competition. All you need to do is convince your future employer that you can do their job. The essence of the work is to draw up legal documents in the following areas: reviews of statements of claim, complaints to the Prosecutor's Office, employment contracts, appeals and various other legal services. If you find yourself in any ridiculous situation, then you can simply take the advice of an experienced lawyer online. This will save you time and may be cheaper than using the services of another lawyer. Lawyers need to know several foreign languages, since on many sites they can provide services not only to residents of their own country, but also to many other countries. Moreover, such a lawyer will be valued more, and accordingly will be able to earn more money.

A lawyer should write down the cost of his services in his resume so that people who need legal assistance can find a good lawyer. Since it is possible that the more expensive a lawyer’s services are, the better he will be able to provide you with assistance. Sometimes it happens that good lawyers in large firms get laid off, which is why the best solution would be to provide legal services on the Internet, because it is convenient and you don’t even need to leave your home.

If you intend to become Freelance lawyer, you must have a university degree with a law degree. You need to find an employer and agree on your salary with him. Also, don’t forget to create a portfolio of your work so that the employer can see who he is going to collaborate with. The work will be beneficial for people who have good legal knowledge, but have not been able to find a good and decent job. But the work of a freelance lawyer cannot be called simple, since the lawyer himself cannot travel to different places and talk to people in person. Therefore, his job is to draw up paper documentation. Finding a job on the Internet will be much easier, because many exchanges need this kind of services. But don’t be disappointed if you don’t manage to find a job the first time. Continue to insist on your goal, then one day you will be able to find a good job with high pay. As for the employer, everything is even simpler. On the Internet you can find many lawyers worthy of this job, who graduated from prestigious universities and have higher education. All these people still have not been able to find a decent job or simply need a part-time job.