Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich has been appointed. Maxim Kuzyuk: “I am transparent in what, why and how I do. Maxim Kuzyuk: career and secrets of success

  • 06.12.2023


My name is Aleksey. I am a design engineer at the Design and Weapons Center of Concern Izhmash OJSC (now I have also been transferred part-time by someone unknown to the CTC of NPO Izhmash OJSC).

I want to talk about how this “new super-efficient Moscow team” is killing the plant. In just a year they have done so many things that Izhmash will no longer rise. This is not hysteria. This is true.

I have been working at KOC for 14 years, I know the plant much better than they do and I can judge what is being done. This is not only my opinion, almost all the guys from KOC also think so. Including world-famous designers who have now been “slipped below the plinth.”

We are not used to getting involved in politics and making loud statements. But we cannot calmly watch what is happening to the plant. And the catalyst for popular anger is the bravura speeches of General Director Kuzyuk and Chief Designer Zlobin that they raised the plant and even made a new machine gun in a few months. This is all fiction, window dressing, this is a big deception for everyone. Kuzyuk is just about to leave and he needs to show that he has fulfilled all his goals.

Journalists in Udmurtia are unable to tell what is happening. The entire press was purchased by the press service of Izhmash. But that's not even the main thing. The plant's security service clearly monitors all contacts with the press, and those who are dissatisfied are fired and morally humiliated.

To make it clear what our security service is, I will give an example. We work in the same building as the Izhevsk Tool Plant. One worker (an older man) began to be suspected by intelligence officers of embezzlement. Interrogations began with passion. After them, the worker, unable to bear the humiliation, hanged himself, leaving a note that the humiliations of the Izhmash security service were to blame for his death. This was last fall.

Therefore, our dissatisfaction is expressed in rumors. We are afraid of open speeches. Nobody wants interrogations with bias, and it’s difficult to find work in Izhevsk in our profile. No one will protect us, because our Moscow leadership openly doesn’t care about the trade union.

We have never seen the head of the Izhmash trade union Labkovsky; he doesn’t decide anything anyway. New managers call the head of the Udmurt trade union of defense workers, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Grigory Nikolaevich Chernykh, a “babbling fly.”

I don’t want to throw mud at anyone. My goal is for people to know about the objective picture at Izhmash. So far, the picture is known one-sidedly, according to Kuzyuk. This is a man who always lies. He can smile in your face, promise anything, but behind your back he will do everything his way. Any employee of the plant (except Kuzyuk and his team), of course, will confirm the facts that I am writing to you.

1. Kuzyuk M. V.

At first we pinned our hopes on him, but quickly realized that he was an empty person, not independent in making decisions. This is a puppet. In reality, the plant is managed by Igor Nikolaevich Zavyalov, deputy. General of Russian Technologies for Finance, and his wife, chief accountant of Rosoboronexport. In 2010, during the redistribution of property, Zavyalov acquired Izhmash and placed his own man there. Zavyalov knows Kuzyuk through Sergei Kulikov, head of the apparatus of Russian Technologies. Kulikov studied with Kuzyuk. Kulikov is a very close friend of Zavyalov (there is even a rumor that he is very, very close in the bad sense of the word, but I don’t want to retell the rumors). Kulikov and dragged his classmate through.

Previously, no one in the defense industry knew anything about Kuzyuk. Judging by his actions, he also knows nothing about the defense industry. He is proud of his administrative resource, but in reality there is not so much of this resource. The maximum is just a call to Kulikov, and he is already whispering to Zavyalov. Kuzyuk talks a lot and beautifully, but does nothing. Afraid to sign any paper. He cannot make a single decision and often changes his mind. People are expendable to him. I know a dozen examples when he used and threw away people. All this is petty and disgusting. At the same time, he always says that here in Izhevsk no one knows how to work and we need to learn to work in a new way. He does not show by personal example how to “work in a new way.”

Professionals in the defense industry and the military laugh at him. When we go on business trips, other factories tell stories about Kuzyuk. They tell us: your “eccentric” (in reality a different word) has done something else. We're not laughing. We are ashamed. Although Rostekhnologii and Zavyalov should be ashamed, because we did not appoint Kuzyuk as general director of Izhmash. Kuzyuk and his team receive exorbitant salaries and all their accommodation, meals and flights are paid for by the plant. They drove the plant into an even greater crisis with their salaries. They naturally take money from the factory.

Kuzyuk has been asking to leave Izhmash since the end of the year. It didn't work out for him here. He lost a big order (more on that later). Kuzyuk leaves in May. Kulikov attached him to his place. Kuzyuk leaves as general director of Jakor JSCB, they have cleared a place for him.

JSCB "Yakor" is the management company of the holding company "Aviation Equipment". His classmate Sergei Kulikov works as the chairman of the board of directors there. Kuzyuk has been spending more time in Moscow for several weeks now, taking care of Yakor's business. When I was at the plant management, they showed me a program written by Kuzyuk and his team for the “improvement” of “Yakor”. This means that this “Anchor” and “Aircraft Equipment” are now next in line for “flooding”. This PR campaign that Kuzyuk started was to show everyone, and most importantly Zavyalov, that he did everything, brought the plant out of the crisis. But knowledgeable people understand that this is not so. He killed the plant.

2. Kuzyuk’s successor M.V.

They say that Zavyalov has already decided on Kuzyuk’s successor. Recently, Alexander Alexandrovich Kosov was appointed director of production at NPO Izhmash. Zavyalov wants to make him the new director - in essence, a scapegoat for everything that Kuzyuk and his team have pulled.

They say about Kosovo that he is a protege of Perm bandits. Don't be surprised, but this is a real scheme. Back in 2009, they tried to take over all sports hunting, but they were not allowed. But in 2010, Zavyalov was able to overthrow the previous leadership. They say they came to him too. One of the Perm henchmen was considered for the new general director of Izhmash. They managed to agree that for now only one enterprise of the Izhmash group, Izhmashenergo, would be given under the control of the Perm residents. Now, it looks like we have agreed with Zavyalov about the entire plant.

Kosov used to command Kamsky Kabel LLC. And the last place of work is Alnas, Almetyevsk Pumps. Interesting fact: he was kicked out of Alnas for disrupting production (you can read this on the Internet), and at Izhmash he was appointed director of production.

I saw Kosov a couple of times. Bratkov’s “tacks”... Like Kuzyuk, he says that before him no one knew how to work at Izhmash. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask if he meant Kuzyuk too.

There is one more candidate, to spite Zavyalov. But it is still unknown who is better. This is Vitaly Alekseevich Shurygin, the former general director of Concern Izhmash, who actually ruined everything. We called Shurygin a saboteur: he did not fulfill promises, broke contracts, accumulated in accounts and scrolled through the salary fund. Shurygin is being pushed through by Deputy General Director of Rosoboronexport Igor Olegovich Sevastyanov: Recently, Shurygin was fired, and he left as deputy general director of the Sarapul Electric Generating Plant (this is his plant). They say that he redoubled his efforts in Moscow to “get” the position of general director of Izhmash.

Shurygin is also not an independent person. He is a puppet of the former executive director of Izhmash, Givi Nestorovich Biganishvili. This is a terrible person associated with crime. Therefore, we no longer care who comes after Kuzyuk.

3. Results of the work of Kuzyuk M.V.

Izhmash will be shut down in the summer of 2012 or at the latest in the fall, if things continue like this. But there are no changes. Kuzyuk and his team only think about how they can leave gracefully. The whole system of work is broken, but there is no new one. They may be happy to build a new system, but they don’t know how. This Moscow team is incompetent in all matters except “show-off”. Production cycles are disrupted. New equipment, purchased over ten years, now stands idle, because there are no people who can work on it, everyone has fled. Document flow is broken.

Previously, no more than six signatures were required to sign one document (this was considered a lot). Now effective managers have changed all that. Sales people and suppliers said that the number of signatures in the contract ranges from 12 to 18. “Deputies” and “acting officers” refuse to sign if there is no boss. Now everyone is afraid to sign everything. Izhmash lost a lot of orders for civilian products due to the fact that they did not manage to sign the contract on time. The customers reason: these guys can’t even sign a contract on time, so what can we say about the production of products? And, unfortunately, they are right...

There are no orders. They write that orders for military products alone amount to almost 4 billion (3.7). This is intended for the mass public, who understand nothing about the defense industry. I know that's not true. But this can be calculated logically, without having knowledge. 3.7 billion is a very large order. No one has ordered small arms for this amount for a long time. Everyone knows the attitude of the “feldmebel” Serdyukov towards Russian weapons. It would be a powerful foreign contract, everyone would talk about it. First of all, Rosoboroneskport. But there is no such thing. Such volumes may be included in orders for guided missiles and mines. They could have happened in reality if not for the short-sightedness and simple stupidity of Kuzyuk and his team.

When Kuzyuk came to Izhmash, Zavyalov and Kulikov promised him a large order for guided missiles, so he was calm. The order is huge, for 8 years of work. It seems that they all wanted to profit from this order. The order was indeed given to Izhmash. One Izhmashevsk director organized production, technical processes - and after that Kuzyuk, smiling in his face, threw him out of the factory so as not to share. He also threatened criminal cases. But that guy, don’t be a fool, took this order from them. Now he organizes production himself. Kuzyuk and his team put a spoke in his wheels, initiate criminal cases, and threaten him. You bastards... No more orders.

Kuzyuk and his team did not try to attract them because they thought that they already had everything. What the press service writes is tinsel. In 2011, the arms factory produced many hunting barrels for the United States based on old developments and connections. The volume there is generally not as large as Kuzyuk and his team say. 3000 trunks for 2012. These are "tears". But you won’t be able to survive for long on civilian products. And secondly, defects are persecuted, complaints and returns come from the USA. We risk losing the American market in disgrace, and we won’t be able to enter it a second time.

The main conveyor belt of the Izhevsk Arms Plant has been standing still for the last month. The largest order remained the “famous” recycling... It was recently resumed. The plant lives on loans, which it uses to pay wages. Kuzyuk understands that these loans are not given to him. All the normal people from management and middle management, who had somewhere to go, fled. All that remained were either unnecessary or the most vile careerists.

4. Disposal

Kuzyuk and his team made a big mistake by organizing the disposal of AKs at the factory sites. It could have been organized outside the territory. He simply does not understand how much trouble and problems there are with so many trunks on the territory. Now I understand...

Kuzyuk and his team also squeezed recycling out of another person, throwing him out of the factory. But they failed to organize everything themselves. The work began in August, and video recording of products and simple accounting began only in October. Immediately, large thefts of parts were discovered. Mark Naumovich Gekhtman, director of the arms factory, did not hide the fact that he wanted to profit from AK parts through recycling. Then he was not punished, only the bipod was punished. In December, 5 guns went missing, but the case was hushed up.

And in January we became famous throughout the world... Then two more trunks disappeared. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the limit. We have boxes of weapons lying all over the plant. When Rogozin arrived, these boxes were blocked by a fence so that the delegation would not see.

Not only AKs are recycled (even if they are in boxes), but also Mosin rifles. Three-rulers are just lying around in open containers. Only the lazy did not take the pouches and bayonets for them out of the factory, because it is now easy to take something out of the factory. When new management came, they removed the “frames” from the perimeter to save money. The "frames" remained only at the arms factory. And the weapons are stored outside the armory. Therefore, it is now easy to remove the parts. Imagine: when a shift is flowing through the entrance, women watchmen cannot search everyone at once. Now recycling has resumed. Previously, its economic effect made it possible to pay salaries for people working at the recycling site. Now, after taking all safety measures, the plant is operating at a loss. They say that the recycling of 2012 was taken away from Izhmash. This is understandable after such a “puncture”. Now the plant only has to complete the 2011 order. It's a shame.

5. How they killed KOC The most painful topic for me. How our Design and Weapons Center was killed. You can’t understand what a slap in the face it is to the entire Izhevsk weapons school that a Tula man has been appointed chief designer. Zlobin is now presented as a former classified designer, so it’s as if no one has heard anything about him. It's a lie. We know him as flaky. He worked at TsKIB and became famous only for his quarrelsomeness. Not a single one of his developments has been adopted for service.

In his biography they write that he made developments that were adopted by the intelligence services. But for this you need to know the system of adoption in the special services. The intelligence service can first adopt it, and then test it and reject it (this is a simpler scheme, less hassle). It was the same with Zlobin’s developments: accepted, tested, rejected. And he rose in the 1990s, when many men left TsKIB. He was left alone in the women's team, so he was made head of the department. I don’t know where Kuzyuk picked him up. We do not respect Zlobin as a leader and designer. He is not adequate. He doesn't say hello, he talks harshly to everyone. He doesn't know how to use a computer. He draws everything on a drawing board, and carries all the drawings in his briefcase.

Who is the chief designer? This is the person who organizes the work. Zlobin believes that the chief designer is the main generator of ideas, and the other two hundred people are in his wings. He brought with him several more Tula people who openly mock us. Our opinion doesn't matter. We are not even people to them. They openly make fun of the fact that the Tula people have finally defeated the Izhevsk people. Thanks to Kuzyuk... He probably didn’t even know about this dispute between Tula and Izhevsk.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, so as not to see them, does not go to work, and now he is generally in the hospital... They want to cut us by 60%. They say that in America design bureaus are small. But they only half know everything. Design bureaus in America are small, yes. But they are the headquarters for a dozen other bureaus. In reality, there are more designers working there than in our KOC, but they are scattered across different legal entities. Kuzyuk and his team, due to their incompetence, do not know this...

We were demoted in status. We were part of the Izhmash Concern, now we are being transferred to the Izhmash Research and Production Association. We are being transferred to lower positions and with lower salaries. If you don’t want to, quit, but we have nowhere to go... World-famous designers now feel like poor relatives ". The men who were deputy chief designers are now heads of departments and generally leading specialists. The heads of departments were made leading specialists. Young people began to receive 5 thousand rubles. Young people are fleeing.

All developments have been taken over by the Tula residents. Well, how did you crush it? They simply put their names on our developments. This is how our shame appeared - the AK-12.

AK-12 is a puzzle that Zlobin assembled based on all the most attractive Izhevsk AK developments over the past 10 years. Attractive, yes, but they have not always proven themselves well in practice. It turned out to be some kind of incomprehensible shooter. A shooting game can be made in a garage in one day. But then how can a soldier carry out operational-tactical tasks with it? And how will it behave in mass production? These are the main questions that the designer must answer. In order not to go into too much detail about the design, I will say the following: yes, the AK-12 is better than the AK-47, but somewhat worse than the AKM. This is a disgrace to the Izhevsk weapons school.

If we had not been given Kuzyuk, then this year the army would have had weapons that were better than foreign analogues. Not only existing foreign analogues, but also assault rifles that may appear in the future. The AK-200 assault rifle that we developed was a huge step forward. Only Kuzyuk and Zlobin did not understand this... And their AK-12 still will not reach the troops. If there is rearmament, they will most likely take the French FN (lobbied by Serdyukov) or the Kovrov AEK (lobbied by TsNIITOCHMASH). Kuzyuk and Zlobin do not understand this, but with their AK-12 they closed the combat market for Izhevsk weapons. Well, if not forever... This is how we live and work... We have many such stories at Izhmash.

They brutally mock the rights of workers, spit on trade unions, and violate the labor code. They fire you for not obeying (although obeying them often entails breaking the law). They take new young girls and then seduce them under the threat of dismissal. It's all disgusting.

From recent examples. We are now being transferred from old legal entities that are going bankrupt to a new legal entity - OJSC NPO Izhmash. They translate not by “translation”, but by a new set. In other words, we all must quit our old jobs and apply for registration at NPO Izhmash. But for some reason we are applying through some Irkutsk recruitment agency. This gave rise to suspicions about “crooked schemes”, and they were justified.

It turned out that this Irkutsk personnel agency belongs to the HR director of OJSC NPO Izhmash, Ekaterina Yuryevna Sugarenko. She is 30 years old, she is the daughter of a colleague of the General Director of Russian Technologies, Sergei Viktorovich Chemezov. This is undisguised enrichment at the expense of the plant and the destinies of people!

Many of our designers, when they learned about this, refuse to write applications for settlement with the Izhmash Concern. They are forced, they are threatened that the Concern will be liquidated anyway and they will end up on the street. For their obstinacy, they - and many of them with a Russian and world reputation - were promised to lower their salaries at the “new place.” All Izhmash residents now feel complete despondency, lack of understanding of what is happening and hopelessness. Kuzyuk and his team must answer for this. And people should recognize their heroes.

Everything that is happening is a SHAME!!! It’s a mockery of common sense, of people, of a country that believes that we continue to produce machine guns. The plant actually no longer exists. The system is broken, but they are not trying to build a new one. In the summer or fall, the plant will not be fully operational, officially. If the situation is not saved. Although I don't see how this can be done...

Text:Maria Solodilova
Photo: Sergey Savostyanov

The head of the Aviation Equipment holding is one of the youngest members of the Rostec team. Maxim Kuzyuk came to the State Corporation from international business, and his work style differs in many ways from traditional ideas about heads of government agencies.

High qualifications and rich international experience in various industries and in different parts of the world allow him to offer non-standard ways to solve problems and achieve high results. Today, an understanding of international rules and principles of doing business helps Maxim Kuzyuk in achieving one of the holding’s strategic goals - entering international markets as an equal player in order to supply 12 complete aviation systems for promising Russian and foreign aviation by 2020.

Start of a career path

When I entered the Physics and Technology Institute (MIPT), I thought that I would study science. However, everything turned out differently. After a year in graduate school, I had to choose between science and business. At that time, the value of the dissertation for me was much lower than the experience that I gained while working in a commercial organization. In addition, at that time the country's economy needed accountants, economists, lawyers, brokers, and financiers. There was little demand for the results of scientific activities.

Financial independence was very important to me, so as soon as the opportunity arose, I began to earn my own living. During my student years, I had a small private business. At the same time, I understood that I wanted to write a good thesis and changed jobs - I got a job in a company that was involved in distribution. Thanks to a more flexible and convenient schedule at my new job, I was able to continue studying and write my diploma.

While working for a company that is the official distributor of Bang&Olufsen (premium electronics), I gained valuable experience in business negotiations.

The idea to get an MBA degree appeared while working with foreign colleagues, and I made the decision to enter the Swiss IMD on Sakhalin, when I was working on a pipeline construction project. The most important result that I received after completing my MBA was knowing myself and the factors that motivate me in life. In my opinion, understanding your own motivation is important for any person. It is very difficult to work intensively without internal goals, and external motivation is money, etc. goes by very quickly.

In general, I think that the main motivating factor should be interest in work. I can say from experience that many talented people are interested not so much in money as in the results of their work, the importance and significance of what they do.

After studying in Switzerland, it was important for me to gain international work experience. Of several proposals, I chose The Boston Consulting Group because I wanted to pursue a new direction for myself, but did not make a final decision on the industrial sector.

Consulting allows you to get acquainted with a wide range of industries and companies. But there are also some features that are disadvantages for me. As a manager on pipeline construction projects, I made hundreds of decisions every day; as a consultant, I only assisted in making them. However, it was a very rewarding experience and a continuation of my education. In general, I believe that learning new things is necessary, and this should be done regularly. Therefore, I worked at BCG with great enthusiasm and within two years I managed to become a project manager, and even less than 2 years later a director.

While working in the Paris office, I implemented projects in different countries: France, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine and different parts of Russia. They were associated with various industries: automotive, pipe manufacturing, pharmaceutical, oil refining, etc. I worked on strategies, business model, organization, operational efficiency and development. Here I significantly expanded my knowledge acquired in the MBA program. Working in different areas allowed us to develop a broad outlook in terms of what methods should be used in each specific case.

Bridge in Rostec

As part of my work at BCG, I also worked on a project with AVTOVAZ, which became my path to Rostec.

I, among other things, led a project on reengineering and decontaining (reduction of equipment) Lada Kalina. The work consisted of making changes to the design and materials in order to reduce the cost with the same functionality, and eliminate options unnecessary for the consumer, while maintaining overall consumer qualities. With our methodological participation, AVTOVAZ managed to reduce the cost of devices and units, and the product that went through the unification process was Lada Granta. Later, the accumulated material provided significant assistance in the further development of the company.

At BCG, I studied the operating models of Western and Russian businesses. For myself, I realized that it is important for me to influence what is happening in Russia , contribute to increasing the competitiveness of our country. We have enormous potential to change for the better. This is what motivated me to return to work in Russia.

After returning, I received an offer to work at Rostec. A non-standard and complex task was proposed, and I realized that this was the challenge that I wanted to take on. We were talking about Izhmash, which at that time was in a state of deep crisis.

I was entrusted with anti-crisis management and restructuring. I must admit that I myself did not believe then that we would be able to do everything that was planned and meet the deadlines.

Probably the most difficult moment during the work on the project was the announcement of the need to carry out bankruptcy proceedings and convincing people that this is not the path to death, but to renewal and new life.

It must be said that Rostec played a key role in the restructuring and recovery of Izhmash. Without the guarantees of the State Corporation, without assistance in negotiations with creditors, especially regarding issues with the Federal Tax Service, this project would simply be impossible.

About the State Corporation

Rostec is a kind of umbrella that represents the interests of entire industries at the state level. It is important that the State Corporation does not set the goal of obtaining short-term profits, allowing the implementation of long-term investment projects.

Rostec has also gone through certain stages in its development. At first, the work was quite formalized and more reminiscent of the functionality of a ministry. The primary tasks then were the consolidation of assets and financial statements, and work with problem resources. Today Rostec helps in the implementation of interesting investment projects.

The support of the State Corporation allows me and my colleagues to make long-term plans. This is extremely important for the aviation industry. If we think today with a perspective of a year or three, then we will not have a future. Therefore, today it is necessary to set long-term goals that will give results in 5-10 or more years.

It is unlikely that without the support of Rostec I would have had the opportunity to use resources for long-term development and think about production competencies and technologies, the result of which we will see in future generations of aircraft.

About tasks

I see my role as the head of Aviation Equipment, first of all, in the formation of a competitive holding in an industry in which we lag behind international companies. We need to make up 10-15 years in a fairly short period of time. This is the only way we can ensure the well-being of the country and the development of the Russian aviation industry as a whole.

Today our task is to supply complete systems to aircraft manufacturers. We work according to a new model, close to the Western one. The key direction that we are introducing is the separation of the production of components and the production of final products and systems. With this division, it becomes possible to separately work on the efficiency of technological and product divisions that produce final products.

About leadership style

The critical task of a manager is personnel selection. My team consists of different people who have bright personalities. This is the value of the team. I don't choose the same type of people. It is important that the problem is considered from different angles, then you can get the optimal solution.

It is important for me that the people working on my team are professionals in their field. I have respect for people with a core inside, moving towards their goal, despite the difficulties.

The team must work together for common goals. Hence, another important task of a leader is to be able to persuade. This allows you to motivate people and work together for results.

I consider the ability to admit one’s mistakes to be a valuable quality for a leader. You need to be able to rethink decisions you've already made and admit that you've taken the wrong path. This is probably the most difficult thing, especially for ambitious people.

I am extremely transparent about what, why and how I do things. I have no secrets, moreover, I actively share my experience. I'm interested in teaching because I'm sure it's an investment in the future.

About the project of the School of Systems Engineering at MIPT

This year, together with a number of enthusiasts and MIPT graduates, we opened a systems engineering school at our alma mater. Today it is extremely important to fill the shortage of specialists capable of managing the development of complete systems. There are similar programs in many technical universities in the USA, but in Russia this is still a new product, so we had to create a new program. The project was also supported by other Rostec holdings: Russian Helicopters and High-Precision Complexes. We conducted a serious selection among employees of enterprises of three holdings and launched this project.

The program is designed for promising and talented young engineers with 3 to 7 years of experience in their specialty. They will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to implement innovative projects in the aviation industry and create competitive products. The skills acquired during the program will help specialists optimize the production system and implement advanced technical solutions at their enterprises. I myself teach two courses: Marketing and Strategy in the High-Tech Industry. BCG and Boeing helped create the training program.

Bright moments

One of the most vivid impressions I received was while working on the pipeline construction project on Sakhalin. We were building a complex passage under the bay. It so happened that in the winter, at the most difficult moment, for various reasons we were sorely short of people, and I, together with the site manager, had to carry out a number of works literally - with our own hands. When the team saw my personal contribution to the common cause, it aroused respect.

Many memorable moments relate to the period of work at Izhmash. At first there was a lot of skepticism - “he came young, inexperienced”, there was a lot of unfounded negativity. It was necessary to abstract myself psychologically, but it was difficult to get distracted. I was stimulated by the fact that my actions, decisions and reactions in critical situations were looked at by the team. Therefore, as a leader, I did not even have the right to emotions or show the slightest weakness.

Later, the team believed in the changes, and feedback began to flow.

About Russia

I like living in Russia. I lived and worked in different countries, traveled almost all of Europe, and visited the USA many times. I see enormous opportunities and colossal potential in Russia in terms of increasing productivity efficiency and increasing the competitiveness of domestic products. I believe in our country, but the path that still needs to be taken will not be easy.

No tie

I am an optimist, I never regret what happened, I think about what I need to do in the future.

I believe in people and basic principles such as honesty. This presupposes not only the absence of deception, but also the desire to speak honestly and honestly define goals, both in life and in professional activities.

I prefer active recreation. I love skiing, swimming, windsurfing. I was involved in sailing for quite a long time in my youth.

I strive to constantly learn something new, study processes from the inside, and “get to the bottom” of the root causes and essence of problems. This is necessary in order to effectively manage the company.

Maxim Vadimovich Kuzyuk


In 1998, he graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics.

In 2006, he continued his education and received an MBA degree from one of the world's leading business schools - the Swiss IMD.

Professional activity

1999-2003 - headed the division, and later the enterprise of the ArtTechCenter group of companies.

2004-2006 - worked at DrillTek Rus (Moscow), specializing in the construction of pipelines using horizontal directional drilling, as head of the financial and economic department, and then deputy general director and project manager.

2007-2010 - held various positions in the Paris office of one of the leading international consulting corporations, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

2010-2011 - Director at the Moscow representative office of BCG.

2011-2012 - served as head of the Izhmash group of companies, where he implemented a project for the financial recovery and transformation of the group with the creation of a single enterprise, NPO Izhmash.

2012 - present - General Director of the Aviation Equipment holding.

We are reporting under IFRS for the first time, compared to last year’s reporting. Let's talk about what we have achieved. How the external situation affected us. What we did to improve performance. Last year we talked about our Strategy. We talked a lot about the future. Today, for the first time, we will say what we have done and what we have achieved over the past year. Our vision: whether we fulfill or not what we promised ourselves and you in past years.

Let's start with the main results. Unfortunately, IFRS does not include “subsidiaries” that are located within the perimeter of the holding as understood by Rostec. But they are not our subsidiaries and dependent companies. We have several enterprises that are outside the perimeter of the contour and are not consolidated in IFRS. Therefore, the numbers we see today in terms of revenue are slightly different from the numbers in our management reporting. The holding's actual revenue figures are higher.

According to IFRS, according to the perimeter, in 2014 our consolidated revenue was 16.6 billion. In 2015 - 19.8 billion. We grew by 19%. At the same time, EBITDA increased one and a half times - to 3.4 billion rubles. This is precisely the collateral mass that allows us to see that we can have a loan portfolio of about 10 billion with such EBITDA. Up to three EBITDA is the norm without any significant risks of raising funds. Our net profit increased from 1.1 billion to 2. Our net profit according to IFRS last year was 2.4 billion. A one-time effect was recorded there, we highlighted it separately, last time we talked about it: the transfer of shares took place - an additional effect from the accounting value to the value at which it was transferred. Shares came in at almost 1.3 billion. We don't consider this an achievement. Therefore, we show and say that we have 1.1 - this is the “cleaned” net profit from one-time effects. Accordingly, 2 billion rubles is what we received in 2015.

How have we grown? Our customers like to ask the question: “You are growing, everything is fine with you - this is due to us. You increase prices and so on.” We have revenue indicators, which then ultimately affected our EBITDA and net profit - this is an increase in the volume of development work. Our centralized design center, the creation of which we talked a lot about in 2014, was operating at full capacity in 2015. Currently, there are almost 500 designers working together. We were able to take on new jobs, and customers believed in our competencies. We expanded our competencies in terms of the product line. We have created the integrator competence that we talked about, and the end systems have already been ordered for us. As a result, we experienced an increase in revenue in the area of ​​creating new equipment.

1.4 billion is an increase in serial production, namely physical volumes. We earned almost 1 billion through price indexing. But I want to note that the average price index that we had last year was about 6%. Despite the fact that the official deflator for our industry, the Ministry of Economic Development, is 9.5%. For example, last year the deflator index for non-ferrous metals reached 40%, and in some cases we had to buy raw materials and components at much higher prices. The next factor, 0.3 billion, is the weighted average dollar exchange rate. We had export contracts and exchange rate differences or the effect of the fact that we sold at a higher price due to foreign currency earnings. It's only 300 million. This is not as much as it might seem. Once again I would like to focus your attention that we grew not due to higher prices, but due to real volumes.

But if you look at our cash flow (this is very important, we look carefully ourselves all the time) - our operating cash flow has decreased slightly compared to 2014. It's practically zero. What is this connected with? In 2015, our balance on advances from our customers, primarily the Ministry of Defense, worsened. We, as a co-executor under the State Defense Order, have a lot of customers. These are aviation companies that are members of the UAC, Russian Helicopters, UEC and others. Our advances have worsened. The money we earned, the same EBITDA that we talked about, actually went to replenish our working capital. Therefore, operating cash flow is zero.

At the same time, we actively invested in technical re-equipment at our own expense - 800 million rubles. This figure also includes a very important, significant event that took place last year - the deal to purchase the Elektroprivod company. This is our first major transaction to purchase control in one of the most promising enterprises in the aviation industry. How is “Electric Drive” different? This is the only enterprise in the country that makes electric drives for aircraft. Today, when creating new aircraft, there are less and less hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and more electric ones. This is a significant, core acquisition for us. We believe that we will be able to make money from this transaction in the future and increase the value of this company significantly relative to the acquisition price.

1.8 billion is financial cash flow due to receiving an interest-free loan under the import substitution program. Last year we launched a big program. It is financed with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The money was brought to us in the form of a loan from the State Corporation, most of it. But we also raised funds to replenish working capital and implement the investment program. In addition to these 1.8 billion, we raised about 900 million rubles. These are the main financial results.

Now this is what we had to face. It would seem so easy, everything is good, everything is growing, and there is net profit. In fact, it was hard work. Last year the crisis continued to deepen. Oil prices continued to fall, the ruble continued to weaken, and annual inflation almost doubled. At the beginning of last year, we began to look at the budget that had already been drawn up, and began to simulate stress tests of what would happen if our situation continued to worsen. We understood that there would definitely be problems with liquidity. They will definitely pay less money. We understood that we would need to take emergency measures to manage liquidity.

We launched an anti-crisis program, which consisted of two blocks. One block is financial control. We set the task: centrally, at the holding level, to coordinate each payment. We are coordinating budgets and monthly cash flows with each subsidiary, in addition to long-term annual plans. This allows us to see how we spend our money. We have enterprises that have a little better liquidity, while others have a little worse. Where things are worse, they themselves are more careful. Those who have it better spend a little more widely. But it is important for us, within the framework of the holding, to maintain this liquidity and the ability to fulfill our obligations to customers, regardless of whether there is a shortage of funds. To our employees, government agencies, taxes and so on. This was the first part. The second part was related to the real anti-crisis measures that we took. To increase the relevance for each enterprise, reach every employee and en masse involve everyone in crisis management activities, we have set ourselves several major goals.

The first goal was to increase production in terms of added value. Moreover, we thought about what indicators to take in order to set the goal correctly. For example, we have been measuring for a long time, and the state is measuring revenue per employee. But revenue per employee, unfortunately, today does not reflect the nature of the business, because there is nothing to compare with, each enterprise is unique. When we switched to production based on added value, we immediately made all enterprises equal.

There is an assembly plant where there are a lot of purchased parts. There the added value is less, but the revenue is much higher. And at other enterprises there is a full cycle, there is much more added value. When we brought this up, we began to compare our enterprises, as well as with the results of our Western colleagues. As a result, we set such a balanced, intense, but achievable goal - 3.5 million rubles in added value per production employee. In fact, this is a very big leap. Fact: reached 3.2 million rubles. Yes, we did not achieve that big ambitious goal, but productivity growth was very high - 40%.

The next important area in which we worked was the share of material cost of revenue. How much do we buy, how much do we spend on purchased and consumable materials, and so on. Yes, you need to work with prices from suppliers. But we very often did not think about material consumption. We spent more of it, wrote it off, made a waste, and so on. We set ourselves the task: to optimize the share of material cost of revenue, which forces us to work in many areas with external purchased products. We measured it against the budget established at that time. We managed to set a goal: to reduce the budget by 10%. Reduced by 8%. But this is not 8% of revenue. This is precisely because of the material cost. This is actually about 2%, if we talk about revenue. But also a great achievement. The entire organization understood and worked towards this goal. This was the meaning of large-scale transformations.

Why did we set such a goal? We look at our holding. 2.3 million in terms of added value is actually not the worst result in the industry. If we compare our enterprises, some consider themselves advanced. But if we compare it with the world, our production of basic workers per worker in terms of added value is 7 times less. Having moved to a new level in 2015, we began to lag behind by 4 times. And we still have huge growth potential.

If you look at the ratio of the main production workers to everyone else (managers, support staff, repairmen, maintenance, cleaners, and so on), they are also in production, but not the main ones, not those who make parts, for the best advanced companies in the world this ratio 1 to 0.9. And for us, at the time the program was launched, it was 1 to 1.6. I know that at many enterprises in Russia 1 to 2 is considered the norm. We bet 1 to 1.5. It doesn't seem like a very ambitious goal. But it was quite a big job. The reason for this lag is the full production cycle from casting to assembly. It leads to ineffective redistribution. If the casting is not running in three shifts and is not fully loaded, it is impossible to achieve high productivity.

Same process automation. There is automated productive equipment, and there is less automated equipment. But low load. And it’s not so much because we don’t have orders. We have historically large factories. For example, we have an enterprise in the north - Kotlas. There we didn’t even come close to achieving these indicators. But they have a huge infrastructure. Production volume has decreased compared to Soviet times, and the infrastructure needs to be maintained. For a total of 400 people, they have 100 people - this is the chief engineer's service, servicing heating, electrical networks, water, sewerage, and so on. And there are no specialists to redo it. We need elements of work planning that can significantly increase efficiency even at existing facilities.

Alas, not everywhere there are sufficiently qualified personnel; there is motivation. Just a waste of working time. In fact, the most difficult thing is to manage the productivity of production staff. This includes technology, labor organization, planning, discipline, and so on. But it is also very important to address the organizational structure and support staff.

We had three large blocks:

1. We have optimized the organizational structure. We brought all our subsidiaries into line with our parent company and reduced the number of management levels. In our factories there were up to seven or eight management levels, now it is no more than five. The more layers there are in the control, the worse the control signal and feedback are received. This is a known fact. And the number of people released when the structure is flattened is also important.

2. We have changed the management model. We centralize many functions and, accordingly, reduce duplicative functions locally. Last year, the number of managers in all areas was reduced. Plus, we outsourced some non-core tasks and functions. There are very simple ones, such as transport and cleaning. There are more complex ones that have also been translated (construction, etc.).

3. We have introduced a new motivation system that encourages results.
This also reduces lost working time. Motivation, including managers, to optimize headcount. This was one of the factors that allowed us to achieve such good financial results. I hope you understand that in these difficult economic conditions, today we at Rostec, apart from Russian Helicopters, are the best in terms of relative profitability.

However, you can focus too much on current problems and forget about development. We did not do this and worked very actively. Today we can talk about the most important results we have achieved. In our strategy, we set a goal - to become an integrator and enter international markets. Integrator is a supplier of complex systems. Moreover, this is accompanied by tasks related to the understanding that the state defense order will not be forever large and growing. Its growth will, at a minimum, decrease, and we need to replace it with civilian products. That's why we focus a lot on developing new products. Today I will only talk about what actually happened. Among the 12 most promising systems, we have several developments that we have already brought to production. In 2015, we demonstrated at MAKS a system of units and chassis for the MS-21.

We have passed preliminary factory tests on our joint project with the American company Curtiss-Wright Controlsˮ. By the way, the sanctions imposed against Russia do not affect this work, because we concluded an agreement before the introduction of sanctions. Moreover, the Americans are very interested in this project. When they are interested, nothing can stop them. We successfully passed the tests. The fire protection system is one of the most critical from a safety point of view. Reaction time, false alarms, system reliability and weight are the four main characteristics by which we have made one of the best systems in the world today. And it is an order of magnitude better than anything produced in Russia.

We have successfully completed preliminary tests of the system on the Desant vehicle, it is called Bakhcha-U-PDS. This is for BMD-4. What's the difficulty? Hardware is not that difficult to make. It is necessary to conduct a set of tests with flight discharges. Last year, more than 70 discharges were carried out to confirm the characteristics. This year we are already conducting state tests. The system confirms its characteristics. We are one of two countries in the world that makes parachute systems for heavy equipment with a crew. For example, the Chinese are very interested in our system because they still cannot dump people. Equipment can be dropped, but people cannot. They cannot provide this security.

We have developed and presented prototypes for the PD-14 engine reverse control system. This is also a very important project. Even Boeing today doesn't fly with electric wires. This is exactly the same Elektroprivod company. They have completed the next stage of this work. We will install electric drives on the PD-14, which will significantly reduce the weight of the engine.

Chassis and power supply systems for Ka-62 and Il-112. We have completed key stages of work. We have been working on the Ka-62 for quite a long time. But last year the requirements changed significantly - certain concepts and approaches to certification were revised. Certification requirements for the aircraft led to the fact that we had to change the design and rework it. But we did it and completed this stage. There is one unique system that is produced entirely by the only French company in the world. Last year we didn’t just create it. We created the first samples, carried out three cycles of tests with real discharges as it was certified according to IAS accident standards - from 15.4 meters.

In the West, these standards were introduced a long time ago, but in our country, safety requirements for the fuel system were recently introduced. There are cases when, during a hard emergency landing, the crew can survive, but due to the fact that fuel spills, a fire occurs, there are risks to the life of the crew. This system has proven that there were no leaks during a fall (there is a video on our website). The fuel tank must not leak. However, in the event of an accident, all pipelines cannot be kept intact. This system has a special valve that prevents leaks. It is quite complex, it was never developed because there were no such requirements in the Russian Federation. Today, all new certified helicopters must have this system. There is an alternative - either buy the system in the West, or develop it yourself. This is a very important event, I emphasize again. And this is not the only system. We are working on a huge number of projects, there were other achievements, but I wanted to talk about these key ones.

Import substitution is the next very important issue that we dealt with. This is both a state task and a huge opportunity and growth point for us. We approach import substitution in the following way - this is precisely the creation of competitive equipment capable of replacing Western aircraft on our aviation equipment with export potential. But there was another state task - import independence. The ability to produce everything that was produced today in foreign countries and is used in our technology. Last year we had about 80 products under this program. These are complex units, engines, pumping stations, etc. We entered this program and received financial support. A lot of work was done last year, and it continues this year. We are currently undergoing qualification tests on many products. Last year we completed development and will soon begin serial deliveries.

A few numbers. Over the past year, we mastered 4.5 thousand pieces of equipment. Tooling is the elements that allow you to make parts. Without this it is impossible. This is a huge amount.
18 rather complex stands were made to test new equipment. We plan that this particular product range will allow us to reach 2.5 billion in annual revenue by 2020. Imagine, this is 10% of our volume... This year it will be measured in hundreds of millions. We are now at the stage of signing contracts, this procedure will probably last another month - and we will know exactly how much volume we will have for this year. But this year we are still continuing our development. Next year the volume will be larger. The program for the development of this product range will end in 2018. Starting from 2018, we will reach figures close to 2 billion rubles.

Also in the Strategy, we worked on another very important area - post-sales service. This is our “key” to becoming competitive, diversifying our business, civilian international markets. One of the key events that happened last year was that the holding entered the Indian market. Our “daughter”, which is called “ASC” (“Aviation Service Center”), has its own representative office there. Last year, we organized work to access direct contracts and tenders held by local authorities to support our aircraft fleet. This fleet consists of almost 900 aircraft and helicopters manufactured in Russia, which we provide with our equipment for repairs.
Last year, participation in tenders already brought in contracts worth 1.6 billion. In 2016, we plan to implement more than 1 billion contracts. At the same time, we continue to participate in competitions and expand this portfolio. We have contracted for this and next year, the volume of orders is quite large.

We are also expanding our competencies in after-sales service regarding the possibility of repairing components for aircraft of Russian and foreign manufacture. In 2014, we opened a large distribution center for Sheremetyevo will. In 2015, we became the largest warehouse. We have the largest warehouse of components for aviation equipment, including Boeing and Airbus. Last year, as promised, we opened a repair base. It’s at Vnukovo: it’s convenient from the point of view of the personnel we managed to attract there, and the location is convenient. True, they received certification from the Russian aviation authorities only at the beginning of this year. Our next one is the military register, it will be in June. By the end of the year we plan to obtain an international certificate so that we can repair any units that are installed on Boeing and Airbus.

As Kommersant has learned, management at RTI OJSC will soon change. According to Kommersant’s sources, General Director Igor Bevzyuk, who has worked in this post for less than a year, will leave the structure. The reason for his decision was disagreements with AFK Sistema, the main shareholder of the company. The position of general director, as Kommersant’s interlocutors clarified, will be taken by a native of Rostec, Maxim Kuzyuk, who previously headed Technodinamika.

The RTI company is one of the largest defense holdings, a developer and manufacturer of high-tech products and infrastructure solutions using its own microelectronic technologies. The company's products include integrated communications and security systems, system integration, microelectronics, telecommunications, geoinformatics and radio navigation, as well as large defense projects. In 2012, RTI was included in the list of the largest defense enterprises in the world according to Defense News Top 100. The Ministry of Defense is demanding almost 5 billion rubles from the RTI concern in court. According to Kommersant (see Kommersant on May 12), the lawsuit is related to the military’s claims to fulfill the contract for the creation of a national defense control center, which the Ministry of Defense concluded with the company in 2014.

Two top managers of defense enterprises, as well as a source close to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense (for them, the concern is creating high-readiness radars that are part of the ground echelon of the missile attack warning system) told Kommersant about the imminent change of the general director of RTI. According to one of Kommersant’s interlocutors, Igor Bevzyuk is leaving due to disagreements with AFK Sistema regarding the pace of business development: “The shareholder set serious conditions: an almost doubling of revenue and net profit from 2016 to 2018.” Traditionally, the company publishes these indicators in July, however, as noted in the report of the main shareholder, RTI’s revenue in 2016 decreased by 42.3% compared to 2015 and amounted to 44.6 billion rubles, and operating profit fell by 16.5 times - up to 275 million rubles.

According to Kommersant’s interlocutors, Mr. Bevzyuk considered such a task unrealistic and creating a “soap bubble” against the backdrop of billions of dollars in debts of the Sitronics company transferred to the company by the shareholder. Igor Bevzyuk himself refused to answer Kommersant’s questions yesterday, and AFK Sistema also refrained from commenting.

Mr. Bevzyuk, 40, has been working at RTI since June 2011. Before that, his career was connected with aviation - he received specialized education in Russia and France. From 2008 to 2011, he worked as a program manager for a joint project between the United Aircraft Corporation and Irkut Corporation with EADS and Airbus to convert A320/321 aircraft. Before that, he worked for five years at the Airbus Engineering Center in Russia (IKAR), where he worked his way up from a strength department engineer to a program manager, and before that he worked at the Beriev Aircraft Engineering and Technology Company on special aircraft projects.

According to Kommersant, the new head of RTI will be Maxim Kuzyuk, a native of the Rostec state corporation and ex-head of Technodinamika. The 42-year-old manager also received education both in Russia and abroad. He came to the state corporation from international business: from 2007 to 2010, he held various positions in the Paris office of the consulting corporation The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), after which he moved to the Moscow representative office. Later he worked at NPO Izhmash, and from 2012 to 2016 he was the general director of the Aviation Equipment holding (in 2015 it changed its name to Technodinamika).

After leaving Rostec, Mr. Kuzyuk was expected to join a variety of structures: the Uralvagonzavod corporation and even the managing director of the state corporation, but this was not officially confirmed. Maxim Kuzyuk also did not speak to Kommersant about his appointment to RTI: “I cannot comment. This is a question for the AFC."

As Kommersant previously reported, a reformatting of Rostec’s subsidiaries should take place in the near future. In the future, the United Instrument-Making Corporation will be combined with Ruselectronics. And together with the enterprises of AFK Sistema - RTI and Mikron - its assets will become the basis of a joint microelectronic holding. The management scheme of the new united corporation is still unknown: negotiations have just begun.

Alexandra Djordjevic, Ivan Safronov