Story: “Who do I want to be when I grow up?” Essay on the topic “My future profession. What will I be when I grow up? Social studies project What do I want to be?

  • 06.12.2023

What do I want to become in the future essay


1.My future profession

2.Why I liked this profession

3.My first steps towards my future profession.

What do I want to become in the future 4th grade

In the future I see myself as a pilot, or rather a pilot. I dream of learning to fly an airplane and a helicopter. I want to conquer the sky and reach great heights.

Pilots are very courageous and brave people, which especially attracts me to this profession. The job of a pilot requires a lot of knowledge, perseverance and fortitude. The profession of a pilot is a very noble and romantic profession.

To become a pilot, I will need to go to a civil aviation university. To do this, I try to study well and play sports. I also often read books about famous pilots, about their heroism and courage.

What do I want to become in the future 6th grade

I want to become a doctor in the future. I want to help people restore their health, treat diseases, and save them from dangerous diseases. Doctors are needed at any time; their help may be needed at any time of the day.

This is a very respected profession. Despite the fact that the work of a doctor is very labor-intensive and very responsible, it brings a lot of joy, namely from the result of the work. After all, when curing a person from a serious illness, saving him from certain death, sometimes doctors rejoice more than even the patient himself.

To become a good doctor, you need to study a lot and expand your horizons, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle. How can a doctor talk about health when he himself is unhealthy? That's why I do gymnastics and swimming, pay special attention to biology, and also read interesting articles about genetics.

What do I want to become in the future 7th grade

I dream of being a theater actor. After all, it is very interesting to be embodied in a variety of images: today you play the role of a positive hero who evokes admiration from everyone, tomorrow - completely the opposite, one day you are a comedic hero, and the next - an ordinary wanderer of life.

The profession of an actor seems easy at first glance. But this is not true at all. The work of an actor requires knowledge of psychology, good diction, and grace. For any role, even a minor one, you need to give it your all, you need to completely surrender to the character. To play this or that hero, you need to constantly carry him in your thoughts, soul and heart. You need a clear understanding of who exactly you are playing, work on the image, listen to your mentor.

At the moment I am studying in a drama club. I absolutely love playing different people. My last role was Cinderella. The audience was delighted with the performance. I also really enjoy reading poetry in front of a large audience of great poets.

The essay “What I want to become” is often assigned to primary school students. And here the goal is not only to increase the level of literacy and develop the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. Writing such a paper is an excellent opportunity for schoolchildren to think about a given topic.


It is important to know that the essay “What I want to become” is a work that, like any other essay, has a structure. It must be adhered to. Of course, for high school students it looks quite detailed: topic, epigraph, introduction, content, theses, arguments, conclusion, conclusions and author's opinion. Students in primary school only need to follow the three-part form. These are introduction, content and conclusion. You can write a short plan before starting work so as not to forget anything. It will be easier.

Introduction and conclusion take up approximately 30 percent of the entire work. 70% is the main part, the content. In principle, this is all a primary school student needs to know.


The introduction should highlight the topic and also prepare the reader to read the rest of the text. The essay “What I want to become” can start like this: “The question of choosing a future activity is very serious. Some have not yet decided what they will do in the future, others have already decided. I belong to the latter. Of course, it’s too early to talk about anything, because my opinion may still change. But I would really like to become a veterinarian. It is a very noble and rewarding profession.” It’s quite possible to finish on these lines and move on to the content.

The opposite option will sound like this: “The choice of further activity is a very responsible decision. I understand this, and I don’t yet know who I will be in the future. Maybe a teacher. Or a doctor. Or maybe I'll go into engineering. The exact answer to this question will be given over time. For now all that remains is to choose.” This introduction is also quite enough. The main idea will be presented in the next, main part.

What to write next? How to develop an idea in a work such as the essay “Who do I want to become”? In fact, this is an individual matter. Using the examples given above, one can imagine the further possible course of development of the text. The continuation of the topic about a veterinarian might look something like this: “Why do I want to become one? First of all, I love animals. And I would like to help them. All animals are defenseless and they have no one to take care of them. If a person can deal with his problems himself, then animals cannot do this. They are easily offended and hurt. And I would really like to treat them and save the precious lives of cats, dogs, birds and everyone else.” Here, in principle, is how you can continue the essay “I want to become a veterinarian.”

What about the second example? His continuation might look like this: “I will choose a profession for myself only when I am sure that this is exactly what I could do. A doctor is a responsibility. Teacher - worries and backbreaking work. An astronaut is promising, but unattainable. Being a scientist is something that takes a lot of time. I don't know what would suit me. But I think over time I will be able to make the right choice.”


And finally, a conclusion. Whether it is an essay “I want to become a teacher” or any other essay, its ending should be concise. A few sentences that will absorb the essence of all of the above and put an end to it. You can end like this: “It is important to make your choice of profession meaningfully. After all, in fact, this is what you will have to do for the rest of your life. Of course, many change their activities, but they have to relearn and gain experience again. Therefore, you should avoid making such mistakes and be responsible about your choice.”

That's basically it. The most important thing when writing an essay is to follow the structure and correctly express your thoughts. Then it will be the right job.

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Kozel Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year


“A profession is a type of work activity, occupation that requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills.”

There are countless wonderful professions in the world.

And glory and honor to every profession.

Today you are a schoolboy, and tomorrow you are a worker,

Artist, scientist, sailor or architect.

There is something for everyone,

Who takes work seriously from childhood.

Some time will pass and each of us will face the question of further professional training. But in order to work as someone, you must first learn this profession. There are many different professions in the world, and they are all important and honorable. It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in his place or that he has golden hands.

When choosing your path, you need to be guided, first of all, by your aspirations, what you are drawn to, what you would like to do and benefit yourself and society. The second rule when choosing a profession is to take into account your capabilities, characteristics of temperament, character and health.

There are many professions in the world, but I have one that I really like. This is the profession of a scientist. But I understand that not everyone can be a scientist; this profession requires intelligence, patience and knowledge.

Asking myself the questions “Is this a good profession?”, “Is it right for me?”, I decided to conduct research to learn more about this profession and answer the questions that concern me.

Project passport

The goal of my project:

  1. Learn to make choices
  2. Learn to analyze a profession,
  3. Analyze your personal qualities,
  4. Draw a conclusion about your suitability for this profession,
  5. Know how you can get this profession and how you can develop in it.

Tasks of working on the project:

1. Choose a profession or professional field.

2. Analyze the chosen profession.

3. Study your personal qualities and the requirements of your chosen profession

4. Confirm that the professional choice already made is correct.

5. Find out how and where you can get this profession.

Features of the project:

The work expands my knowledge about the profession of “scientist”, which I may choose in the future, and helps me understand what is necessary in order to be successful in it.

Basic question:"What would I like to become?"

Problematic issues:"Is this a good profession?"

"Is she right for me?"

Who is a scientist?

Scientist is not just a representative of the scientific world, a specialist in any field, but an expert in his field who has made a real contribution to the scientific field and received well-deserved recognition. A scientist must have a scientific degree (Doctor or Candidate of Sciences), obtained through backbreaking mental labor, and defend a corresponding dissertation. In addition to high intellectual abilities, you also need to have good patience, because the process of scientific activity is rarely dynamic (unless you are going to test your own experimental developments). In any case, a true scientist receives moral pleasure from his painstaking work.

History of the profession.

The rapid development of progress begins in the 19th century. The first research equipment appears. The profession “scientist” also stands out. These are people with a higher level of knowledge than ordinary specialists in the same industry. Their discoveries are recognized by the community and considered useful. The 20th century is rightfully considered an era of technological progress and prosperity.

Scientists are obtaining new data that has become available through the use of high-precision equipment. Discoveries appear one after another. The modern age is an era of prosperity. Scientists play a vital role and are key to the survival of humans as a species.

Great scientists

Russia has always been famous for its inventors and scientists. Now I will tell you a little about some of the great scientists of our country.

One cannot help but recall the outstanding scientist, our compatriot - Lev Davidovich Landau.

This man did a lot for the development of domestic and world science. He is the founder of a scientific school, an academician of the Academy of Sciences (since 1946), and also a Hero of Socialist Labor. His scientific works are known in the field of magnetism, atomic and thermonuclear physics, quantum electromechanics, astrophysics, and he also had to work and describe 1 superfluidity and superconductivity of various elements. Together with physicist E.M. Lifshitz, he publishes the book “Theoretical Course of Physics”. This scientist is a laureate of the USSR State Prize (in 1946, 1949, 1953), as well as a Nobel laureate in 1962.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Russian physicist and electrical engineer, professor, inventor, state councilor (1901), Honorary electrical engineer (1899).

Born on March 4, 1859 (March 16, 1859) in the Urals in the village of Turinsky Rudniki, Verkhoturye district, Perm province. (1877) Alexander successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University. In 1882 he defended his dissertation on the topic “on the principles of magneto- and dynamoelectric direct current machines.” In 1890, he received an invitation to the position of physics teacher at the Technical School of the Maritime Department in Krontadt Fair. In 1899, he was awarded the title of Honorary Electrical Engineer; in 1901, Popov was a professor of physics at the Electrotechnical Institute of Emperor Alexander III. Popov was also an Honorary Electrical Engineer (1899) and an honorary member of the Russian Technical Society (1901). In 1901, Popov was awarded the civil (state) rank v class of state councilor.

A modern person should know the names of the great Russian inventors and the subject of their inventions.

Below is just a small part of them:

1) P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb
2) A.S. Popov - radio
3) V.K. Zavorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)
4) A.F. Mozhaisky - inventor of the world's first airplane
5) I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber
6) A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder
7) S.P. Korolev - the world’s first ballistic missile, spacecraft, first Earth satellite

8) S. V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman professor)
9) S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph

10) F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram
11) F.A. Blinov - the world's first crawler tractor
12) V.A. Starevich - three-dimensional animated film
13) E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, and a turning wheel.
14) V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction combine
15) A. R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvesting machine
16) V.P. Demikhov was the first in the world to perform a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart

17) D.I. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, creator of the table of the same name

18) K.E. Tsiolkovsky - founder of astronautics

Who is this profession suitable for?

This profession is suitable for people who are attentive, neat and prone to routine sedentary work. They always strive to complete what they start. A scientist is always in search. After all, finding topics for research is quite difficult. Also, these specialists have almost phenomenal memory and an analytical mind.

Oratory is another necessary quality of a scientist, because most of them work as teachers in universities. It is important to be able to convey the full depth of your thoughts to the audience.


While working on the research topic, I learned that not everyone can become a scientist. To do this you need attentiveness and accuracy.

I got to know a lot of great people such as:

P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb
A.S. Popov - radio
VC. Zavorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)
A.F. Mozhaisky - inventor of the world's first airplane
And these are not all the scientists I named in my story.

Svetlana Nurullina
Story "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up"

When I grow up, I will….

Today is Sunday - a day off. And again you need to do your homework. Not Want-u-u write an essay. When I grow up, I will... Nothing comes to mind. This is very difficult to solve. Maybe a teacher at school? No, you will also have to prepare for lessons there. Or maybe a doctor? After all, the profession of a doctor is the noblest profession. Stay at work all day, listen to how someone suffers, and then go home tired, and not seeing friends, go to bed. No, neither am I Want. Grandfather, maybe you can help me a little?

Of course I'll help. To choose a profession, you need to remember what you like most in life. All professions are important, all professions are needed, but there are some that one can only dream of. Someone wants be an astronaut, someone wants to work in a circus, and someone wants to become an ice cream seller.

Grandfather, what did you want to become? when I was little?

I like animals a lot. Once my parents and I went to the circus. I was there even earlier Never was. There I saw wild animals that can walk on their front legs, jump into a ring of fire, and ride a bicycle. And all this is the merit of the trainers. Before you start performing, you have to work a lot and for a long time. After all, teach animals be It’s not at all easy to be obedient. Those guys who have pets know this well. And with wild animals it’s even more difficult. They have difficulty getting used to captivity and can injure or even kill their trainer. But it didn’t scare me and I decided when I grow up become a trainer.

Yes, it’s true, and even now I often hear various funny stories about animals that I get to know through grandfather's stories, I go to the zoo and the circus. In zoos, animals simply live in cages and do not perform any tricks. And in circuses, animals participate in the performance as real artists. Looking at all this, the audience is surprised, admired and laughs. Surely, on the streets of our city there is not often a bear walking on a bicycle, an elephant standing on one leg, or a monkey with a yoke running by? And that's not all I saw at the circus! But I’m not ready to become a trainer. After all, these little animals live in captivity, jump through rings of fire, ride bicycles, walk on a ball and all this to please us people. Animals, just like people, have good and bad moods, they can do something strange, they can injure or even kill the trainer.

Grandpa, I have figured out who I will be, when I grow up...

Starting from these summer holidays, I will dream of a wetsuit and special shoes with rubber soles, which I saw in Anapa. You probably already guessed what they are needed for?

Do not understand what you talking about…

Grandpa, how stupid you are. This is the outfit of workers in one of the most beautiful professions - dolphin trainers!

In Anapa, I saw dolphins and white whales, who showed us their own acrobatics, danced in the water and above the water, playfully flying up in fireworks of spray over the enchanted hall. And among these sea athletes, trainers soared like swallows. Me too Want. I have already been to this dolphinarium twice and, apparently, I will come here every time I come to Anapa.

This is a place where everyone leaves with a smile. There is no feeling of guilt with which you usually leave a zoo or a circus performance with trained bears, there is lightness, happiness and a desire to do something good for nature - very good!

Grandfather, do you know how long this show lasts at the dolphinarium?

How many?

The performance lasts about an hour, maybe more, time flies there. And during this hour you get a lot of positive emotions. This is so much happiness that dolphin trainers get every day! – I thought about it after the performance and immediately decided "who am I I want to be, when I grow up.

So that the essay does not coincide with what is on the Internet. Click 2 times on any word in the text.

The first essay on the topic of who I want to become

I have not yet decided what I will do when I become an adult. Choosing a vocation is not an easy task, because there are a lot of interesting professions in the world.

Perhaps I will become a doctor and be able to overcome the most insidious diseases. Or, having pierced outer space, I will visit other worlds. Or maybe I’ll explore the mysterious corners of our planet, or start growing bread. Or maybe I’ll become a scientist and find a new source of energy, or simply invent a kitchen robot that will cook dinner and wash dishes instead of my mother.

I'm just a fifth grader and it's hard for me to say who I'll be. But I understand perfectly well that the knowledge gained at school will definitely help me in the future, when I begin to work for the benefit of society.

My future profession is an essay for girls

Probably, many people in childhood want to become an astronaut or a ballerina, and some people like several professions at once. As we grow older, childhood dreams are replaced by serious thoughts about choosing a vocation, and I, too, have often thought about this question.

I am a very inquisitive and sociable person, I like to learn and talk about current events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults, is very important to me. In addition, I love writing stories, composing short notes, and have already published several works. Therefore, the answer to the question “What do I want to work as?” It was found for me a long time ago: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, but I haven’t yet decided where I’ll go - on television, in a magazine or in a newspaper.

I like the profession of a journalist for many reasons. Firstly, this is a very interesting activity, devoid of uniformity and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work cannot be called boring, because a journalist must be prepared for any surprises, for example, receiving an urgent assignment and going to the ends of the world. I am also very attracted by the opportunity to often travel to different cities and countries and communicate with interesting people.

Secondly, journalists can help achieve justice if a conflict has occurred, as well as provide assistance to a person in a difficult situation, attracting the attention of a large number of people to his problem.

Thirdly, if I become a journalist, it will help me fulfill my dream: I really want to publish my own print publication or TV show for a youth audience. There you will be able to discuss a variety of issues: fashion, travel, music, as well as talk about relationships, psychology, studies and many other topics.

Being a journalist is a great responsibility; you need to be an honest and principled person, because how people will react to the event depends on how the news is presented. In addition, the profession requires curiosity, sociability, and most importantly, concern for people’s problems.

Essay on choosing a profession

There are many professions in the world. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own requirements and characteristics. A teacher, a builder, a doctor, a manager, a driver and others - each is interesting in its own way. To find your calling, first of all you need to understand what you want to do most, what activity can bring the most benefit to both yourself and society. After this, you need to evaluate your physical capabilities, whether they will allow you to achieve your goals.

Like many boys, I had a childhood dream - I wanted to become an astronaut. But when I grew up a little, I learned that a future cosmonaut’s health must be ideal; he cannot have any, even minor, diseases. Indeed, in extreme conditions, even a slight illness can lead to tragic consequences. And I realized that the road to space was closed for me, because I couldn’t boast of good health.

After that, I decided to become a teacher, this is also an important and interesting profession. But one day an event happened that changed my plans. They gave me a dog, or rather a small puppy. I was very happy, as this had been my long-time dream. I came up with the menacing name Rex for the little shaggy ball, and he became my best friend.

One day my dog ​​got sick. I didn’t understand what was happening to him, I only knew that he felt very bad, he whined and looked at me pitifully. Mom called a veterinarian, he examined Rex and helped him. For a long time after that, I followed all the treatment recommendations and took care of my dog, and finally he recovered!

That's when I realized who I really wanted to be. I will become a veterinarian and will treat our smaller brothers, save them from death, which they often do for their owners. When my baby Rex was sick, I simply did as the doctor advised. And now I am trying to learn as much as possible about the treatment of animals, and I can already help my pet if necessary.

Most of my neighbors have pets, and the guys I know often turn to me for help or advice. I can assess the condition of the animal and advise what food to feed them, whether they need vitamins and which ones are best.

I never refuse to help because I already know a lot about treating animals, I know the signs of many diseases, and I can provide first aid for various symptoms. I am absolutely confident in the correct choice of my future profession; saving the health and lives of animals is my calling.

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