A story about mother in Russian. Essay on my mother. How to plan an essay

  • 04.05.2020

I have a mother. Everyone calls her Victoria or Vika, and I'm mom. She is the most affectionate person in the world. I often help her: wash dishes, sweep and cook. I love her very much because she calls me a bird, a butterfly, a fox and a kitten. I call her Mommy and Mommy. She is always ready to help me, for example: solve a problem, do homework and suggest what to wear. I have known my mother for twelve years and owe a lot to her. Love your mother, my friend, and she will live happily ever after.

Mommy - a short mini-essay grade 2.

There is a woman in the family who loves her child more than anything else. This is mommy. It will help in the most difficult tasks to find the answer and clue. She is the kind of person who will not laugh at your mistakes and stupidities. Love your mother, because you have only one.

Essays about mom, 6th grade.

My Mom is the best. She loves me very much. Everyone has a mom. When I'm with her, I feel safe. I know that she will always help me. And whatever happens, any problem can be solved. My mom has many friends. They often come as guests. And we go to them too. I like visiting them because they have children and we play with him. For example, Aunt Anya has two girls, we play with them. Their names are Dasha and Marina. We like to play with dolls. Mom and Aunt Anya also sometimes play with us.

Six months ago, Mom bought a kitten. Now we all take care of him. I really enjoy feeding him. Mom promised to have a kitten for a long time, she kept her promise.

My mother sometimes seems very strict, but this is not entirely true. She is usually very strict when it comes to security. For example, how to cross the road correctly or not to walk until late. I understand that she is just afraid for me and worries. Because she loves me.

Composition Why do I love my mother? 4th grade

Mom is the first word a person says. Mom will always be there and support in Hard time. Many do not understand that mom is the most valuable person on earth and often offend her. This is especially true when you start to grow and strive to be free.

But if you look at all situations from the other side, then all the anger of the mother is justified. When you come home late without warning her in advance, you don’t think that she was worried, tormented in anticipation of you, because you are the most valuable treasure in her life. When you cried because of unrequited love, her heart was doubly torn from your experiences. And after that, how can you not say that you do not love your mother. Mom is the most faithful and devoted friend.

She will always listen and, looking down from her height, will give good advice and it will really work. Looking back, you understand that mom was always right, and you fool didn’t listen to her somewhere. Mom is the most reliable comrade, because when everything is against you, only she alone will stand by your side to the last, even though you are wrong. She will say this only later, when you are alone, and this will be the right decision. That's why I love my mom. It cannot be replaced by anyone or anything. Why I love my mom.

Composition My beloved mother Grade 7

Mom is the first word in the life of almost every person. How many songs have been composed that glorify the maternal feat! How many films, cartoons, paintings and plays about the relationship between mother and child! The image of the mother is so firmly merged into world culture that it is difficult to delete it from there.

But my mom is the best. Yes, every child thinks so, but it is the truth! My mother is beautiful and smart, kind and interesting, sweet and versatile. There is something to talk about with her, and most importantly, if I have problems, I can turn to her, she will understand everything and give practical advice that will definitely come in handy. Mom for me is my best friend, who can help in some life situation and suggest how to act correctly and wisely. It is to her that I go in case of mental disorder and uncertainty.

The main and one of the best qualities of all moms on the planet is that mom will always forgive. It doesn't matter if you broke a vase or left home. Mom will always accept you the way you are and protect you from the hardships of the world around you.

Mom loves me no matter what, and even if she scolds me for something, I know that she will never gossip and discuss me in the way that other people who call themselves my friends can do.

Mothers love their children more life, but not always children reciprocate mothers. However, in my case, I love my mother in the same way and try to give her surprises and gifts more often. We love each other and try to quarrel as little as possible, although sometimes this does not always work out. If my mother is sick, I am very worried about her, just like she is about me. This care is a very important thing that helps me move forward in life. It is with my mother's support that I reach the desired heights and achieve those successes that will be much harder to achieve on my own.

4th grade, 7th grade.

Essay my mommy

My mother's name is Luda. She works as a chemist at a large enterprise in different shifts.

When I was little and went to Kindergarten ok, I was very proud of her. Once I even had a fight with my best friend. She said her mother was better than mine. Her mother worked as a shop assistant. And I told her that it doesn’t matter what mothers work for. The main thing is how they are in relation to children. One boy didn't have a mom or dad at all. He was raised by his grandmother. But he was still a very good boy.

I especially don't like it when mommy works the night shift. Then I, as an older sister, have to cook dinner and wash the dishes. Then put my brother to bed, read him a book about pirates. But, on the other hand, I can go to bed later, because my mother will not know. My mom is very beautiful. She braids my hair every morning. She says that I am a very beautiful girl, hugs and kisses me tightly. Now I already go to school. On the weekends, my mom and my brother are together all the time. We go to the cinema, eat ice cream.

Once we went to the circus. How beautiful it was! The clown chose my mother and showed tricks with her. I took so many photos! Once, when I was in the first grade, I broke a vase and the teacher scolded me. I came home and cried a lot. The next day, Mommy went to school and explained to the teacher that glass things should not be placed at the bottom of the cabinet. Children may accidentally hit and break

My mom is the best mom in the world and I love her very much.

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It is better to write an essay about your mother in the first person with gratitude to your mother. Below is a plan and several examples of essays on the basis of which you can write your own.

Composition plan. The essay may include:

  1. Mother's name (you can add a surname, patronymic), age
  2. How many children
  3. Mom's profession
  4. Description of mother's character
  5. What does she love
  6. What I remember from my childhood about my mother
  7. How do I help her with the housework?
  8. How does she spend time with me?
  9. What good did your mother do for your family?
  10. I love my mom

1. Composition on the topic “Thank you, mom” for grades 5, 6, 7, 8

My mother is the dearest person to me. I love her so much. I love not for something, but just like that, just because I have it. I am very proud and cherish my mother. I don't have anyone close to her. My mother's name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, perky laughter and her hands, caring, warm, two palms dear to me. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support in difficult times and warm with her warmth, when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.

Mom takes care of my brother and me from birth, gives us her kindness, care, tenderness and maternal love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. Yes, and I always try to help her with something. I help my mother carry heavy bags of groceries, help with cleaning our house. My mother is a very tasty cook, and I love helping her with this. I learn a lot of useful things while cooking. Mom teaches me the necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. I also love to walk with her - I'm always interested. We go to visit, to the cinema, to exhibitions, we just breathe fresh air.

I want my mother to never be upset, to always be joyful and cheerful, and her eyes shone like two suns. I want her smile to please me and the people around me more often. I want to wish my mother happiness, health and everything that she would like, but has not yet come true. May all her dreams come true. After all, not only we, children, need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. Dear mother, I love you very much! I will try to please you every day with my studies, good behavior and will always help you. Mom, thank you for having me!

2. Essay about mom grade 9, 10, 11

A mother's heart loves her children in any situation, ever since, on one beautiful and unforgettable day of her life, a mother takes her baby in her arms. The desire to raise a child who will justify all hopes and expectations, from that day on, occupies all the thoughts of the mother, and only the child now completely owns her loving maternal heart.

Mommy, mommy! You are worthy of these gentle sincere words. I look at you and remember my carefree childhood. You gave me and my sister life and dedicated your whole self to us. How can your heart love us so much! What a pity that we do not think that sometimes with our actions or harsh words we can offend you. Forgive us for making you upset that sometimes you listen to teachers' comments about our bad behavior.

We should think more often about how not to hurt your heart, how to make the wrinkles on your face smooth out. After all, the older we get, the more you need our attention and love. We should not be ashamed to be kind and gentle with mother, not to consider it hard to be patient and attentive to her.

Unclaimed and unspent good feelings dry up, we get used to being callous and ungrateful with the most dear and close person - mother. And it often happens that we behave prudently and rudely: “If you buy me new phone, I will try to get a high mark in geography; If you let me go to the party, I'll take out the trash can."

We should love our life already for the fact that she gave us a mother - so cheerful, sincere, kind and wise. After all, how many children in this world are deprived of this happiness. A mother's heart and boundless mother's love do not warm them, do not fill their children's lives with meaning.

Mom, you have become a friend to me, a like-minded person who understands and respects my interests. You always listen to what your mother's heart tells you and give the right advice. Thank you, mom, for what you are, and that your heart is always ready to love and forgive!

3. Essay-description

The most precious person for me is my mother. My mother is friendly, kind, gentle, affectionate, cheerful. She knows how to support in difficult times and give good advice. My mother is of medium height, slender as a birch, and very feminine.

She has beautiful curly hair, reminiscent of a golden spiked field. My mom's eyes are blue like cornflowers. They are always clear and radiate benevolence.

Her lips are bright red, like ripe cherries. Her face is always lit up with a gentle smile that lifts the mood and relieves fatigue. Mom speaks in a calm, gentle tone. Listening to and talking with her is interesting and pleasant. My mother is very patient and kind. Everyone respects and loves her. I am very proud of my mom.

4. Composition on the theme of mom for grades 1, 2

Mom is the most dear and close person for all people. My mother's name is Irina. She is young and beautiful. Mom doesn't work anywhere. Every morning, she and dad take my sister Dasha to kindergarten, and then mom checks, and sometimes helps me do my homework. Mom is very hardworking and skilled. She always manages to do everything: both cook and clean up. Mom cooks so deliciously that we always ask for more. Mom has a hobby, she loves to knit. She knitted socks and mittens for Dasha and me, and for dad a sweater and a hat. Mom always takes care of us and worries if something is wrong. My mom is very kind. True, when Dasha and I indulge, she is strict and can sometimes scold us. I love my mother very much, she is mine best friend. I tell her all my secrets and mysteries. Mom will always understand and help. I try not to upset her with my actions. I make surprises for my mother at home so that she always has good mood.

My mom is the best!

5. Essay for grades 3, 4

The most precious person for me is my mother. My mother is of average height, very feminine. She has beautiful blonde hair, not very long. My mother's eyes are blue, like a wave of the sea. They are always clear, friendly, affectionate. Mom speaks in a calm tone. Talking to her is interesting and pleasant.

My mother is very patient, accommodating, kind, cheerful, energetic and unique. Everyone respects and loves her. Mom always supports me in difficult times. She is a master of all trades: she knows how to cross-stitch, knit in different ways, sew and cook deliciously. Mom's profession is a hairdresser. I love to watch her work - she makes people beautiful. But she comes home late because she has many clients.

I have a lot in common with my mom. We knit, sew, embroider together. I help her in everything she does. My mom is the best and I love her very, very much!

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Link: https://site/sochineniya/pro-mamu

Mom is the closest, dearest and dearest person for each of us. And it doesn’t matter at all whether we are small children or already adults, independent people - there is no one in this world more precious than her.

Mom is a big word that carries a lot of light, warmth and love. All we have is all that our mother gave us. She gave everyone the most valuable thing - life.

It is not for nothing that many writers and poets of distant times and modern times speak of the mother as a shrine. And how many songs sound in her honor. In every line of a song or a simple poem, mother is idolized.

Thanks to our mothers, we learned to write and read, to solve all kinds of problems that are encountered on life path. We have learned to distinguish evil from good and have managed to be kind to all the people around us. Mom taught me to appreciate life and every moment lived. She taught us to work hard and be responsible people. It was mommy who taught us to appreciate people, take care of loved ones, not offend kids and respect elders.

Each of us is grateful to his dear and beloved mother for all the great things that she does, for all the light and all the warmth that she began to give us even when we were not born. We should be grateful to our mothers for all the warmth, for her love and affection, which she gives us free of charge.

Mom is a ray of light on a dark and rainy day. She is a personal Guardian Angel who helps us in the most difficult moments of our lives. She protects and advises in those moments when we stumble. Mom is a person who will always listen and support. She rejoices in success and supports in the moment of defeat. Mom loves that we are just her children.
My mom is my pride. She is my support and support. She loves me just like that, no matter what. Mommy forgives me for my worst misdeeds and mistakes in life.

It is a pity that we very often allow ourselves to offend our mothers and do not even think about the fact that we are hurting her with our words, ugly deeds and senseless and thoughtless antics.

It is also a shame that we often share our successes with strangers for us, and we bring our defeats, insults and disappointments to her, to the brightest and brightest star. Why do we so often make mistakes and hurt our mothers? After all, we must appreciate every moment spent with the closest, dearest and dearest person.

You should never forget your mothers, because they never forget about their children.

Being a mother is a calling, which, unfortunately, not everyone appreciates. Is it possible to call that woman a mother who, having given birth, abandoned her child, or even worse, threw it in the trash? Is it possible to call a woman a real mother if, instead of getting something for her baby, she tries to please only herself, get drunk and scold her child? Does the honorary title of MOM deserve the one that constantly mocks the child, beats and scolds him even for the most innocent misconduct? Is it possible to call a real mother one who puts her happiness and well-being above the happiness of her own child? Does this woman deserve to be a mother if she allows others to mock her own little man? No. A real mother will never betray, deceive, replace or offend her baby, she will never value her freedom more than a child. A real mother will always protect her baby and will not let anyone offend. This is who a real, loving and caring mother is.

It is precisely such kind, honest, loving, caring and sincere mothers that simply need to be idolized. Such mothers need to be prayed for daily, hourly and every second.

My mother deserves only praise and attention to herself, because she gave me absolutely everything that a child needs. She gave me a lot of love, tenderness and affection. She surrounded me with care and in difficult moments of life, she is always ready to take me under her tender maternal wing and help with advice. Why, she can just listen and support. Only mommy sincerely rejoices at my victories and achievements. Only she can give really valuable advice. No friends and girlfriends can replace such happiness - just to be next to the most beloved and dear person for me.

Love your mothers!

The best person in the world is, of course, my mother. Why do we love our mother? Because she is affectionate and kind, because she knows how to love us and take pity on us, because she is beautiful and smart.

Mom knows how to cook delicious food and it is never boring with her. She knows a lot and will always help us. Mom gives us a feeling of happiness, worries about us, supports us in difficult times. But, most importantly, we love her because she is just a mother.

Mom is the most precious person in the world. As soon as a person is born into the world, he sees the kind eyes of his mother. If she goes somewhere on business, then the baby will cry inconsolably, having lost her. The first word spoken by the baby is usually the word "mother".

The child grows up and his mother takes him to kindergarten, then to school. And now mom is our best adviser and friend. We share our thoughts and ideas with her, talk about our feelings, about what we have succeeded in, and what we still need to work on.

Mom can be demanding and strict, but we do not take offense at her, because we know that she only wants the best for us.

Mom's smile is the most precious thing in the world. After all, when she smiles, then everything is fine, and any difficulties can be overcome. We are glad when mom supports us in good undertakings, gives advice.

Parental blessing means a lot. It seems as if wings appear behind your back, you want to rush at full sail, striving to achieve your goal. " Maternal blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire' says folk wisdom.

Mom's hands are golden. What can't she do! Cooking, cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting, cross-stitching, cleaning the house, babysitting. And my mother knows how to work on a computer, compose poetry and dress beautifully.

How many wonderful words poets and writers dedicated to mothers. Read a poem by the Lithuanian poet Kostas Kubilinskas. How much tenderness and warmth in his lines.

The poem "Mama" (author Kostas Kubilinskas)

Mom, very very
I love you!
So love that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love it!
Here the dawn shines.
It's already dawn.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom!

Good, sincere lines. It can be seen that the Lithuanian poet treated his mother with great respect and love.

Let's take care of our moms! I would like them to always be young and healthy, and adversity would bypass them.

Auto text: Iris Revue

Oh, how scared I am, it hurts, it's crowded, I see something bright, I breathe, I scream! I was born! I'm afraid! I'm scared! And suddenly something so unfamiliar, but already dear, such a long-awaited face of hers ... A smiling, touching face. And for some reason, tears are flowing down him, so hot. Cap-cap-cap. Oh, yes, this is my mother, so that's what you are, dear! And I'm not scared anymore, I don't scream, I taste her milk with rapture for the first time and fall asleep with a happy baby sleep. I'm growing up... Mom gave me life!

Mom is the most precious person on Earth. It is the word "mother" that children most often say first. Is there a value by which a mother's love can be measured? What is maternal instinct? I think many will agree that this is a very strong feeling that makes you do the impossible. Remember how a big mother crocodile carefully carries her cub in her teeth, fearing to hurt him; like a cat, saving her babies, every time she enters a burning house, until she carries out all her kittens safe and sound. And as during a war, hunger, a mother gives the last piece of bread to her child, how instinctively she covers herself from a bullet, a knife, sacrificing the most valuable thing she has - life! Isn't that motherly love?

Warm memories of my mother's reverent love and care live in my memory. A gentle gentle voice, warm hands that stroke your hair in the morning wake you up. The day promises to be good... Then my mother slowly helps me get dressed for school, braids beautiful braids, picks up amazing hairpins to match the color of the dress. We have breakfast together with her, we talk about everything in the world ... How happy I am in these morning moments! So what is my mom?

Mom is like nature in early summer, when everything is fragrant, grows, blooms, the world breathes life. Mom and I are walking in the forest. Time seems to have stopped for us, and we just walk, enjoying the beauty of nature, holding hands, weaving wonderful wreaths of yellow fragrant dandelions that look like fluffy chickens. Mommy so patiently answers questions about the world that surrounds me. Like yesterday I remember the sounds that filled that beautiful day: the melodious play of birdsong, the endless buzzing of bumblebees, the gentlest rustle of emerald green leaves ... It seems like an orchestra is playing, where everyone plays his instrument, everyone has his own role. And how great that it is my mother who opens this amazing wealth of nature to me!

Mom is like a skilled artist who painted mine happy childhood vibrant vibrant colors! I can feel like a pretty princess in a fairyland because mommy filled it with such different events: gifts hidden under a decorated Christmas tree, wrapped in a bright and shiny wrapper; a room filled with all sorts of balloons and flowers on my birthday; preparation for family holidays; joint trips to the cinema, the theater ... I think everyone has such memories associated with their mother, which are stored deep in their hearts, in the most intimate corner, they sweep through their whole lives.

Mothers are heroes who perform a feat every day. Do you know why? Yes, because they hide tears, pain, resentment behind a very kind and sincere smile. It would seem that such feelings are difficult to suppress, but they have the strength to do so. How is this possible? When are they all done? How do they do it? It seems to me that I will be able to find out the answers to these questions when I myself become a mother, and I really hope that I will look at least a little like her. As an adult, I can, like a mother, come home from work and, despite being tired, address my children with a radiant smile. I will love, stroke, kiss, inhale the native smell of my children and will definitely make them happy. I will become a ray of sunshine and will warm their souls all my life! I dream of being a lifeline for my children too... I will always understand, help and forgive!

For me, mom is love! Selfless, understanding, all-forgiving... How happy I am! But, unfortunately, not every child has a mother. I cannot help but think of children deprived of maternal love and care. They were left deliberately or by chance, the children still love, they are waiting for their mother to return and take them. I hope that faith and hope will always live in the hearts of these children, and they will not stop loving the woman who gave them life ... And yet I want to believe that one day every abandoned, abandoned child will be able to pronounce the word "mother" to a person who will become for him to the closest and dearest forever.

I want to shout: “People, love the person who gave you life! Do not forget mothers, be grateful to them, because they are like guardian angels, invisibly accompanying us all our lives! Appreciate every moment while your beloved mothers are with us!”

So what or who is my mother? Mom is nature, an artist, medicine, a hero, a guardian angel... Mom is a wonderful and wonderful world that is around me, inside of me! Mom is life...