A small performance for the new year. New Year's plays by Vladimir Ilyukhov. New Year's Battle of the Titans

  • 01.04.2020

Kikimora "spin" in front of an imaginary mirror, trying on hats. Goblin decorates the Christmas tree with Christmas balls

Kikimora: How glad I am that the New Year is coming soon! My mood is just great!

Goblin: Kiki, you better not be spinning in front of the mirror, but help me with decorating the Christmas tree or setting the table. The Snow Maiden will soon come to visit us, but nothing is ready for us

Kikimora: Lyosha, you don't understand! I am a representative of this forest, and last year, by the way, I received the title of "Miss Swamp -2013", but I can't meet our guest in I don't understand what. I'm not some kind of Baba Yaga!

Enter Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga: And who is this about Grandmother Yaga remembers?

Kikimora (embarrassed): Oh, yes, this is Leshy telling me: "Conjure purity, conjure." And I answer him: “I’m not a sorceress, not Baba Yaga, to be able to conjure!”.

Baba Yaga: Yes. Only purity is not conjured, but it is necessary to induce.

Goblin: And I tell her the same thing

Kikimora: And I feel good! And in general, where is our Snow Maiden disappeared?

Knock on the door. Two snowflakes come in.

Sn.1 and Sn.2 (speaking in unison): Hello!

B-I: Hello!

L: Excuse me, but who are you?

Sn.1: We are the helpers of the Snow Queen.

SN.2: She told you to send a telegram

Kik.: Give us your telegram . (is reading)“You are not looking for the Snow Maiden, she will now live with me.” Is that how it is?

L .: The Snow Maiden promised to come to visit us, but she always keeps her promises!

B.-Ya.: Something is not right here!

Sn.1. and 2 (simultaneously unfolding, in chorus): Goodbye!

B.-Ya. (blocking the road): Wait, do not rush. Explain what happened to our Snow Maiden.

Sn.1: The Snow Queen got bored of living alone in the castle.

Sn.2: So she decided to take your Snow Maiden to her palace

SN.1: To educate her

Sn.2: And to teach mind-reason

L: So this is a kidnapping!

Kik: We have to help her. We must help the Snow Maiden out of this palace!

B.-Ya.: Listen, you earless jumping hares, let's tell you how to get to the palace of this Snow Queen of yours?

Sn.1: We are not hares, we are snowflakes

SN.2: And we came only to send a telegram

Kik: Oh, no! Will not work! You are accomplices in the kidnapping of the Snow Maiden, so now you must help us find her!

L .: Otherwise, we will flood the stove now!

Sn.1: Don't need a stove

Sn2 .: We are so hot here

B.Ya.: Then tell me where your palace is!

Sn.1: First you need to get to Miracle Glade

Sn.2: And there a hint will be waiting for you

L .: And you do not deceive?

SN 1 and 2: No.

Sn.1: Even if we are without a heart

SN.2: Though icy

SN.1 and 2: But honest!

Kik: Guys, will we believe them?

(children answer)

L: Okay, go, otherwise they are already completely unstuck!

Sn.1 and Sn.2 leave

L. (looking for something): So, somewhere I had a map of the forest hidden ...

Kik: Let's help you find her!

B.Ya: And the guys, if they see the map faster than we do, they will prompt us, okay?

Together they are looking for a map, the children suggest. The map hangs in the most visible place.

L: Yep! Here she is, dear! Let's see…

Kik: But it's very far from us!

B.Ya.: Eh, if my broom could carry everyone away, I would quickly rush you ...

L .: You, Granny-Yagul, fly forward for reconnaissance, and we will follow you on magic horses.

B.Ya.: It is possible and so. Farewell, my friends. See you!

B.Ya. flies away

Kik: And what are those magic horses you were talking about?

L .: And now I’ll tell you everything and show you!

Game "Magic Horses"

Kik: Well done guys! Look, we have already reached Chudo Polyana.

L .: And Baba Yaga with Snowflakes is here!

B.Ya.: How quickly you got there!

L .: This is only due to the fact that the guys helped us

Kik: Well, tell me, white flies, where do we go next?

Sn.1: You yourself are white flies

SN.2: And if you call names, we won't tell you anything at all!

B.Ya.: Okay, okay, don't get angry! We are like that, in jest

SN.1: Miracle Glade can transport anyone to any place

SN.2: But for this she needs magical energy

L: What kind of energy is this?

B.Ya.: Clearly what! Let's make a potion...

Kik: Maybe some Energizers are needed here?

SN.1: No, the potion will not help here and the Energizers too

SN.2: Special energy of creativity is needed here

Kik: And where do we get it, this energy of creativity?

L: I know! Wow, look how many guys are here. Surely they have prepared something for the new year, and they have more than enough creative energy!

B.Ya.: Then let's greet with applause...

Numbers of pupils of the school

Kik: Wow, how much creative energy we have collected!

B.Ya.: That way you can fly around the whole world, and even remain!

L: Thanks guys! What time are you helping us out!

Sn.1: And now, in order to be transported to the palace, you must join hands

SN.2: Close your eyes and say the magic words

SN.1 and SN.2: A miracle will come to visit us,

It will take us to the palace.

L .: Guys, let's repeat everything together, in chorus

repeat the spell

Kik: And now, guys, take the hand of the neighbor sitting next to you.

L .: Snowflakes, come to us, help!

B.Ya.: Close your eyes

L .: And now we repeat the magic spell to be transported to the palace to the Snow Queen!

Everyone repeats the spell together, “magic” music sounds. Children and heroes open their eyes

Kik: Oh, where are we?

SN.1: This is the magical forest that surrounds the Snow Queen's palace.

SN.2: Only the most daring and courageous can pass it

L .: Guys, are you brave? (children answer)

B.Ya.: Brave? (children answer)

Kik: And I know how to strengthen our “fighting spirit” even more!

L .: Tell me soon, otherwise I hear the howl of wolves not so far from us, and I'm not very friendly with them

Kik: All together, in chorus, we should sing some cheerful New Year's song. It will be more fun to walk under it, and not so scary.

B.Ya.: Well done! Good idea, Kiki! Guys, you know the song...

Sing along with the children a pre-learned song

Kik: You see, we did not notice how we passed the terrible forest and went to the gates of the Snow Queen's palace.

Sn.2: If the Snow Queen finds out that we helped you

SN.1: She will probably turn us into puddles

L .: Thank you, white twins!

B.Ya.: Yes, you girls are good, nice!

Kik: Except you dress the same way! Come to visit me, I will pick up such forest models for you, the whole snowy forest will gasp!

SN.1 and 2: Thank you!

Sn.1: Good luck to you!

SN.2: And be careful with the Snow Queen!

SN.1: She is so important

Sn. 2: What is directly scary next to her becomes

Sn.1 and 2 leave

B.Ya.: And what is written on the gate? Goblin, read it, otherwise I forgot my glasses at home

L. (reads): “Whoever guesses the riddles, he unlocks the gate.”

Kik: I can't solve riddles...

B.Ya.: How is it?

Kik: Give me a riddle!

B.Ya.: Just don't tell me guys!

L .: Well, here, for example: a hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

Kik: Penguin!

L: Why is that?

Kik: But because it's cold at the North Pole, and he can't fasten his clothes, because he has no hands, and fastening with wings is inconvenient!

B.Ya.: Oh, well, you are an inventor, Kikikmora! Yes, the answer to this riddle is every kid in kindergarten knows! What is this, guys? That's right, cabbage!

Kik: I warned you! I do not understand your riddles, and I do not know how to solve them. That's why cabbage clothes?

L .: Kiki, don’t confuse the guys, they now have to concentrate and help us again. Ready? (children answer) Kiki, read the first riddle!

Kik: Do you want to change all of a sudden?

Even a friend won't know.

You will fall into a fairy tale

Just wear...

B.Ya.: Oh, look, one lock fell off the gate, 4 more remained.

Kik: Clubfoot, clumsy

He loves honey, does not like cold,

Until spring, I got used to snoring,

What kind of animal is this...


L .: Well done guys, here's another lock on the gate as if it had never happened!

Kik: If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday? …

(New Year)

B.Ya.: Here, here! New Year is just around the corner, and our Snow Maiden has been kidnapped! Let's solve two more riddles!

Kik: New Year's tree

Calling adults and children.

Invite all people

On New Year's ... (round dance).

L .: What are you smart guys! Kiki, read the last riddle soon!

Kik: Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It hurts to bite.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street ... (Frost)

L: Hurrah! We have opened the gate! Let's go to the palace!

L., B.Ya. and Kik. They go behind the curtain. The Snow Queen and the Snow Maiden come out.

Snow Maiden: Snow Queen, dear, let me go! I need to prepare for the New Year: collect gifts for the guys, help Santa Claus teach poems for the holiday.

Sr. Queen: Here you are needed! Your Santa Claus has a lot of helpers. All sorts of squirrels, bunnies, hedgehogs. And I have no one! Snowflakes and icicles, and they do not come to visit, they are afraid of me. Even iced tea with ice cream in the evening there is no one to share with.

Snow Maiden: But you yourself don’t communicate with anyone! And if you leave the palace, then walk with your head held high and do not respond to the greetings of the forest dwellers!

Sn.Queen: Because I'm afraid to be disappointed! That's when Gerda took Kai from me, all my courtiers fled, everyone condemned me, whispered behind my back. And I just wanted to find a friend! But no one, no one took pity on me ...

L., B.Ya. and Kik.

L: Yeah, got it! There are more of us, we are stronger than you! Give us the Snow Maiden!

Surround the Snow Queen from all sides

Sn.K.: Oh, I knew it! Again I am left alone in my ice castle ...

Snow Maiden: My friends, guys, how glad I am to see you all! Thank you for coming to my rescue, but, in my opinion, the Snow Queen needs your help more than me. She is so alone in her palace! She has no friends or girlfriends. Let's try to help her!

B.Ya.: Those times! How can we help her if she herself does not want to be friends with anyone?

Sn.K.: I want it, I really want it! I'm just afraid!

B.Ya.: Guys, is it possible to be afraid to be friends with someone?

Kik .: I agree that friends can quarrel and be offended by each other, but if they are real friends, they will always forgive each other and make peace, right?

Sn.Kor.: But where to start? How can I make friends with anyone?

L .: And you ask the guys, maybe one of them wants to become your friend?

Sn.K.: Do any of you guys want to be friends with me? (children answer)

Ah, how nice it is! How many smiles, how many friends I have found in these few minutes!

Thank you for being so kind and generous!

Kik: We also met the two Snowflakes on our way to your palace, and I'm sure they'll want to be your friends too when they find out how much you need it!

L .: Only now you don’t have to kidnap anyone and force anyone to be your friend.

B.Ya.: Just be kinder and friendlier, and often smile at those around you.

Kik: And don't be afraid to open your heart to them.

Snow Maiden: And we will always be your slaves at our forest New Year's carnival!

Sn.K.: Can I hold games at the carnival? I know so much interesting games! Only now I had no one to play with them!

Snow: Of course you can! And even necessary! Grandpa and I would love your help.

Sn.K.: Can I play one game for the guys now? I want to start doing something good!

Snow: Guys, aren't you tired?

Kik: But not very difficult, because the guys have already overcome a long and difficult path in search of the Snow Maiden

Sn.K .: No, it's not difficult, it's called "I'll Freeze".

B.Ya: Again you are for your own!

Sn.K.: No, no, it's just a game!

New Year's sports and health-improving fairy tale

(BUT . M Altsev )


Storyteller, Storyteller, New Year, Old Year, Petya, Zdoroveyka, Whistle, Rackets, Ball, Dumbbells, Stopwatch, Spikelets, Skates, Cigarette End, Ryumashka, Toxicomashka, Datura.


Seconds are ticking, time is running.
Again, the New Year is in a hurry to us from the east.
The heart stops and waits for something.
New Year, perhaps, a miracle will bring.
Adults and children are waiting for him with hope.
Among them is a boy - fifth grader Petya.
Petya is looking forward to the holiday,
The holiday coincides with his birthday.


Ah, what happy days at school!
A quarter is running out, rest is ahead.
In the school hall, the Christmas tree likes the outfit,
All her needles sparkle with joy.
Here comes the long-awaited hour -
New Year meets Petin fifth grade.


As always, the Snow Maiden, white Santa Claus,
He brought his gifts to everyone in a bag.
And at the request of the Christmas tree merrily lit up,
And Yaga with a broom in a mortar swept.
Contests, riddles, noisy dance ...
Oh, what a wonderful New Year's holiday!


Petya did not want to leave the Christmas tree,
And our Petya decided to extend the miracles.
Secretly hid behind a large curtain.
The school was empty, everything was quiet around ...
In the twilight the tree is a miracle good,
Petya came out of the hiding place slowly.
Here the New Year boy is sad under the Christmas tree.
Suddenly, miraculously, he raises his voice.

New Year:

Hello, hello, Petya!
I'm very, very happy.
How good in the world
Meet these guys
Which adventures
And miracles attract
And good intentions
They live in their hearts.

(Old Year appears from behind the tree)

Old year:

Oh, it's time for me to rest
The new year is following me.
Soon, soon I will change
And I'll dive into history.
I'm a little tired
From what I've seen.
How many different technologies
Any cybernetics.
Watching and having fun
I played little sports.
Oh, I wish I could turn back time
I would follow the regime.
Oh dear guys!
Don't follow me.
Hobbies let others
They will lead you.

(Music is heard. The New Year listens and says):

New Year:

sorry what a song
Can I hear from the gym?

Old year:

They rush to the show
Healthy friends.

(Healthy and his friends appear. They go around the Christmas tree and sing song to the motive "Correspondent's table")

Love everything in the world
Adults and children
Spend your time with us.
It's interesting with us
It's so wonderful with us!
It's more fun to live with us!

Be healthy everyone!
We are always ready
To please the movement of friends.
wonderful moments,
Sea of ​​mood!
It's lighter in my heart.

We are the enemies of disease
All medicines are more useful,
If you are friends with us every day.
We give the body sweetness -
muscle joy,
We drive away sadness and laziness.


Year after year goes by
Smooth round dance
Time is circling the planet.
In this round dance
We find friends
Sports will never be forgotten.


(Oh stop and start the show)


I am an athlete Healthy!
Movement is my life!
I am an athlete in spirit from birth,
My friends are always with me.


I am a whistle! Sports Whistle!
In competitions I am the judge.
fair, objective,
My trill will judge everyone.
I am the law of sports rules
I urge you to respect.
None of them ever
I won't let you break it.


I am a ball, cheerful and perky!
I love to jump and fly.
In a skillful game, I am submissive,
Ready to play without rest.
Oh games! How many of them in the world!
And I am the soul of any game.
Like a small planet
I have been flying over the earth for a long time.


We are two girlfriends, two rackets,
We meet with the ball at the net.
I respect big tennis
And I respect the desktop.

Large racket:

The ball plays on my strings
Oh, how beautifully he flies!

Small racket:

And I meet the ball with an overlay
And I will accompany you on the way back.


Without players we lie, we miss,
And in their hands we come alive.


And we, dumbbell twins,
In the hands of we are just great!
We are strength, strength and vigor.
We conquer weakness, ailment.
So that your muscles do not become decrepit,
Don't forget the dumbbells.


I am cold-blooded, impartial.
Stopwatch is calling me.
Seconds is the sovereign master,
And in sports, my role is important.
Strive from start to finish
Stop me quickly.
Ah, how fast the seconds fly by!
Their run cannot be slowed down.

spikelets(sing ditties):

We are little sisters,
We are athletes.
We fly like birds
final cells.
Push off, we take off
And in jumping forward we fly,
This is how we fight
With gravity of the earth.


We are two brothers, two horses,
Skates with a sharp blade.
Pieces of ice are cut
And they shine like lights.
We are kings of ice
We are doing wonders on the ice.
You guys dear
Let's treat this miracle.

New Year:

I like you guys!
It is clear to me - without you it is impossible.
My days will fade without you
Weeks turn sour with melancholy.
The vices of this are waiting
They guard the prey.

Old year:

Yes, that's right, I know
Where boredom, laziness, vices place.
There is a cigarette butt outside the window
And with him a friend around the corner.
His name is Toxic.
His girlfriend is with him - Rumashka.
Datura crawls out of the urn.
Ugh, they stink far away.


Yes, it's better not to meet them.
And maybe at least once
Should we compete with them?
Let's find out who is the strongest of us.

Old year:

Well, we'll arrange it.
I always love to wonder.
I will unite darkness with light.
Whistle, you are for the judge then.

(looks out the window and says)

Hey! How are you, come here!
(aside, quietly)
Would never see you.
Look at our Christmas tree
Do no harm for an hour.

(In appropriate costumes, groaning, groaning, Vices come out and stand next to Healthy and his friends).

Old year:

Well, just like on Kavane,
As two teams you are on stage.
We will compete
Your tasks will be easy.
Let's measure your lung capacity...

(Gives the ball a device for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs)

Come on, Honey, start.
(The ball blows into the tube)
You're just like in training.
Look, don't break the device.
Now, cigarette butt, you try.
Get your microbes in there.

(Cig butt, straining, blows with all his might into the device, falls to the floor, he is brought to life: they sprinkle water, etc. The old year examines the device):

Old year

Yes I see you are a hero
The device is all yellow from nicotine.
Now we will test the strength
We'll raise the pud now.

(points to fake weights)

Come on, Dumbbells, your word,
The weight is already ready for you.

(Dumbbells lift weights ten times, the whistle whistles):

Enough. Enough. Everything is clear to us.
You are beautifully filled with power.

(nods to Dope)

Dope, let's get started.
Try lifting the weight.

(Datura tries to lift the weight, but whatever he does, he fails. Falls exhausted)

Old year(looking at the weight):

Yes, it would be better if the weight turned yellow.
And then, like a goblin, she turned blue.
What to give, I do not even know.
Maybe Petya can tell me?


In length, but you can jump from a place.
Just like me, it's not hard at all.

Old year:

Thank you, Petya, good!
Beautifully jumped and easily.

(Spikes raise their hands)

Spikelets burn with desire
Improve this distance.
Well, sisters, your jump.
Let's test the strength of your legs.

Well done! The jump is great!
And jumpers are cute.

(O refers to vices):
And who will show you the jump?
I hope he doesn't die.

(Ryumashka comes out, swaying, and says in a stammering voice):


Let me risk my health.
I haven't always been like this.
Once cow's milk
Maybe I drank too.
Then I switched to it.
(P renders a bottle. Makes a half-squat, swings his arms back, loses balance, falls, gets up, somehow makes a small jump, goes to his company)

Old year:

Yes, very well done.
And you can see she was very tired.
However, what else can you think of?
So that without falls and without noise.
Aha! There is good fun
She will be to your liking.

(referring to vices):

Hey gop company, let's go!
Get ready to pull the rope.

(referring to Healthy and his friends)

And who will go from you guys
From the other rope?

(Healthy and his friends confer)


I asked my friends
So that I am alone, I have enough strength.

(There is a tug-of-war with varying success. In the end, Healthy wins).

Old year:
And here's another challenge...

(Cigarette and company shout):

Cigarette butt:

Not! We are no longer able!
Enough, stop teasing.
We will not compete.


It hurts me from jumping and running,
The air would be aerosol to me.


And I would like vodka, wine,
And then, oh, jump. That's too much.


What games? you, in nature,
When the gut desires foolishness.
We entered, but not there.
Time to get lost, bro.


Yes, we can't get high here,
It's time to tear the claws out of here.


Of course, here and do not take a sip,
You can stretch your legs.

Cigarette butt:

Let's go there my family
Where Zdoroveyka does not get.

(They walk around the Christmas tree, supporting each other, sing a song to the motive "Roasted Chicken")

fried chicken,
steamed chicken,
We're not chickens, we'll tell you.
We are all serious
Formidable vices
And we have health in half.

Toxic machine!
And I'm Rumashka!
And I'm a Cigarette End, I'm a Datura.
We are always looking for a buzz
We're in trouble without a buzz
Smoke, breathe, pour a glass.

Oh, you get sick.
Ah, you'll be silly.
There is no need to scare us.
And let's get poisoned
But let's pull away
We don't care about health.

(Vices go away).

Old year:

You see, my friend, the New Year,
What I left you.
I gave them last year,
And I didn't fix them.
Year after year, century after century
Vices pass.
Oh, poor, weak man!
They take him out.
I wish you, young friend,
Strengthen a healthy spirit in yourself!

New Year:

I will be from the very first days
Make friends with Health!
Support his friends
Sports help you get stronger
Spiritual, better and smarter!
No vices, I say.
Not on my way with them.
They lead the whole world into darkness
The Devil is proud of them.

Old year:

There are a few hours left
And you change me.
I see you are ready
You are walking across the country.
Everything! In places, it's time, friends.
Everyone has their own worries.
Here is Petya's family waiting at home
To celebrate the New Year.
Let's join hands
And we'll walk around the Christmas tree.

(They walk around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the motif "Blue Carriage")

Here we say goodbye to the Old Year,
We meet the New Year at the gate.
We meet with new hopes.
We believe he will bring us happiness.


Together and cheerfully we will go along it.

We like to study at school very much,
We go to school to get knowledge.
We dream of becoming famous in the future,
We dream of becoming famous.


Let's all be healthy and strong!
May success follow us.
Let's all be happy and kind!
Happy New Year to all!

Joy, joy, the New Year shines.
From this joy, everything around is brighter.
A staircase descends from the sky for days of the year,
Together and cheerfully we will go along it!

(A small New Year's fairy tale play for small theatre-goers in two acts)



(New Year's fairy tale play)

Father Frost
Baba Yaga
Snow Maiden

(New Year's fairy tale play in 2 acts)



A fairy tale play in 2 acts. in prose and verse.

For children aged 5 and over.

ROLES: female - 5, male - 3.

This tale has everything: the intrigues of Baba Yaga, and the gullible Santa Claus, and mischievous leshats who confuse Baba Yaga's plans. There are miracles of revival and transformation in the play. There is also an appeal fairy tale characters to the auditorium to the children, for help.

A musical play-fairy tale in 2 acts. In verse.

Based on the cartoon "Flying Ship".

The music and lyrics are taken from the cartoons "The Flying Ship", "The Blue Puppy" and the TV movie "The Extraordinary Adventures of Petya and Masha".

ROLES: female - 3; men's - 6, Polkan's squad and kittens' squad.

The play was written for the author's work with the school theater group, based on the animated film "Flying Ship" using children's songs known throughout the Land of Childhood, to the general pleasure of the child performers, children-spectators, teachers and parents. In fact, the plot of the play is a trail from song to song.

New Year's fairy tale play in 2 acts. In prose and verse.

For children from 6 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 3, male - 5.

Now everyone knows that the birthplace of Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug. But why did Santa Claus choose this city as his fiefdom? Yes, because hard-working and skillful people live there! At first glance, the play seems to be “parochial”, but eternal values ​​make it interesting for any place in Russia.

New Year's performance, a fairy tale play in 2 parts.

For younger and older children.

ROLES: female - 1, male - 6.

This is not just a New Year's performance, but a performance-performance. The first part of it is held in the theater foyer near the New Year tree. During New Year's performance sea ​​pirates steal the hostess of the ball, Cinderella. Then the action is transferred to the auditorium, where the second part is played out on the stage: the release of Cinderella from captivity.

Both the performance and the play were staged both together and separately, in various theater groups in Russia.

A fairy tale play for children and adults in two acts. In prose and with verses for songs of heroes.

ROLES: female - 2; male - 6.

The inhabitants of the winter forest really, really want to see the Olympic lights of Sochi. But how? because they live in the north, and the Olympics will be held in the south? And Koschey and Leshy decide to steal the Olympic rings from the pantry of Santa Claus, or maybe they will dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden themselves and thus get to the Olympics ...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts in prose and verse for songs of heroes. For children of all ages and for adults.

ROLES: female - 4; male - 3.

Before Grandfather Frost's birthday, October 28, the animals sat by the forest fire, warmed themselves, and the wizard and sorcerer Bayun told them about the Magic Mirror, looking at which you can look younger. The animals decide to find this mirror and give it to Santa Claus - let him get younger. But the old Baba Yaga has her own plans for this. She is the first to look for a mirror and ... is getting younger. She is getting younger so much that she pretends to be the Snow Maiden. The animals believe her. But how to spend Bayun? Moreover, she cannot deceive Santa Claus. Yaga is exposed. And Bunny. The Fox and the Bear are upset that all the power of the magic mirror has been spent on the liar Yaga. However, Santa Claus comforts them: “Why should I get younger? Children will not recognize me without a beard when I come to them on New Year's Eve and bring gifts. And I am always young in my soul!”

(Winter's Tale)

A play in 2 acts.

For children aged 5 and over.

Roles: female - 3, male - 6.

One of the four play-tales about the Lisa Fox. The time of action in this tale is winter, before the New Year. And again, the friends of the Hare - the Squirrel and the Bear - oppose the cunning of the Fox and the stupidity of the Wolf. And even Zyuzi, the evil crackling December frosts, cannot defeat good forest friends.

Magic book or holiday with brownies.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts.

For older children and adults.

Roles: female - 6, male - 5.

An incredible New Year's story that happened today with a girl whose parents left her alone at home on New Year's Eve. A play about how a fairy tale and the responsibility for its happy ending fall on her fragile shoulders of a child. And more about how they help her save the World and animals and ghosts.

The performances based on this play showed that it is watched with equal interest by both children and adults. In one of the theaters there was a successful attempt to play this New Year's fairy tale adult evening viewer.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts. In prose and with verses for songs of heroes. For children from 5 years old and for adults.

ROLES. female - 5; male - 2.

It's cold in the dense winter forest. Not fun. There is a Snowman under the tree and composes poetry, he is sad. A blizzard sweeps and sweeps it. Winter appears. Tries to cheer up the Snowman. In the end, he tells him to take the magic brushes and the egg of the Firebird of the Northern Lights to the Snow Maiden. The snowman is happy to take on the task. But on the way he meets Green Tosca and Babayka, who take away both his brushes and the magic egg of the New Year's Firebird. The timid Snowman runs from them. But this is not enough for Babaika and Toska. They decide to prevent the arrival of the New Year - they do not need fun. They call as assistants both Blizzard and Night black, hopeless. But both Night and Snowstorm refuse to help them. Then the villains lure the Snow Maiden into the ice cave. Without her, the New Year will never come. And then the Snowman cannot stand it - he saves both the Snow Maiden and fun party New Year.

A home or school New Year's play is your chance to show off your talents to family and friends. If you have some free space, then you can play a puppet show, and if you have a real stage at your disposal, a performance with live actors. The text in verse is easy to learn for both children and adults, so it's not too late to start rehearsals and arrange a pleasant surprise for the guests.

A merry New Year's performance about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who were looking for a gift for the kind and obedient girl Natasha. For children 5-14 years old, 4-15 actors, duration 40 minutes.

A New Year's play about a good sheep, a vigorous goat, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a beautiful fox and a hungry but kind wolf. For children 4-12 years old, 3-6 actors, duration 25 minutes.

Happy New Year's script about Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Snow Dragon, who really wanted to become a real one. For children 4-12 years old, 2-9 actors, duration 35-40 minutes.

Christmas script for the Christian theater based on the story by Yulia Nesvetova. For children 4-12 years old, 3-18 actors and more, duration 35 minutes.

Dramatization of a children's New Year's song about global warming. For children 3-8 years old, 3-6 actors, duration 2 minutes.

Dramatization of a children's New Year's song with the participation of chapiks: Minds, Puzi, Tyopa and Nyasha. For children 3-8 years old, 3-5 actors, duration 2 minutes.

Dramatization of a children's New Year's song with the participation of chapiks: Minds, Puzi, Tyopa and Nyasha. For children 3-8 years old, 3-6 actors, duration 2 minutes.

A cheerful and provocative play in verse with the participation of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Snowman, Baba Yaga and kind children. For children 6-14 years old, 3-7 actors, duration 35 minutes.

S. Oshlakov



Father Frost

Snow Maiden


The main Undead (which no one has ever seen, which participates in the performance invisibly, it is only heard, but not seen.)

The stage is closed. In the hall - ZTM


On the eve of the New Year, in a dense forest, in a clearing near the swamp, all the evil spirits gathered ...(Soundtrack of the Prologue) The curtain opens. The scenery of the dense forest. Light is minimal. Works stroboscope, ultraviolet. "Unclean" creeps, runs, converges, crowds, filling the stage.

Home Evil(phonogram): - I heard that people in the city decided to celebrate the New Year! Have you forgotten what your power is? For the especially gifted, I remind you: your strength is in the misfortunes and tears of people! Do you understand me?! Whoever does not understand, I will turn into swamp slurry!

All evil spirits groaned in horror: - Live? And we will only gurgle and squish? No-o-o-o!!! We do not want!!! We will do our best to stay who we are!!!

Main Evil: - Now hang your long ears and listen here! The main ones at the holiday will be this old man Santa Claus with his beloved granddaughter Snegurochka. The old man has all the power in his staff! He won't do anything without a staff! You need to turn into anyone, so that no one recognizes you, disperse among the people and do evil!


The extras part, leaving the "path" along which Zlyuka walks

Evil (dressed as a Princess): - Who will recognize me as Evil? Do I look like a princess? Watch and learn, fools! This is how you should walk! Whom I touch will immediately become angry, as I will become more of us!

Sore (disguised as a Master): -And here I am, Pain! Now I am the Master!!! I also know how to walk and bow, like all decent people! I can even dance! I will infect everyone, everyone will get sick and cry!

Main Evil: -Got it, villains, how can you get to the party? If you do not spoil it, then you will gurgle and squish in the swamp until the end of the century !!! Start transforming! I command you to act, to act!


Snowman (peeps out from behind the Christmas tree): - Where did it take me? I got lost ... We must run to Santa Claus as soon as possible, we must warn him! Find a way... Probably no one knows what the wicked people are up to...

(Soundtrack of the Flight of Baba Yaga)

Snowman (pointing backstage):Yes, it's Baba Yaga! Where is she going? ( accompanies with a glance “takeoff” and “climb”, “flight” of Baba Yaga, inserts his remarks into pauses between Baba Yaga’s remarks):

If they steal the staff of Santa Claus, then the New Year will not come! Without a staff, the New Year Tree will not light up! Children will not receive New Year gifts! There will be no New Year's Eve! Children will cry! We must hurry!

It flies well! I would like her mortar, or at least a broom ... I can’t overtake her on foot ... I wouldn’t get lost again ...

Baba Yaga(phonogram): - The higher, the colder. So it won't take long! I would sit in my hut until spring, in warmth, in comfort. And why did I agree to help this monster? I signed up to be a secret agent, an old poker... What kind of air reconnaissance is there, at night? I was drawn to adventures ... Out of the kindness of my soul, an old friend wanted to help. I’m cold, now I’ll catch a cold, I didn’t get vaccinated, stupid, but now I’ll catch the flu from these snotty kids ... (Screeching brakes , falling downed plane, explosion ) (Separate the phrases for the entire duration of the soundtrack of the musical fragment, until the squeak of the brakes)

snowman(hearing the sound of an explosion)( Light- flashes on the back, clouds of smoke rise):

-Wow! Grandmother flew ... Probably, the inspection did not pass! Pity her! Or maybe she managed to eject? The stupa must have been shattered! It's a pity! She's used to it! We should help Grandmother Yagushka.


In the hut of Santa Claus (Phonogram Background "New Year"): Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden put gifts in a bag.

Father Frost:Granddaughter! Don't forget the little ones! Choose more interesting gifts for them!

Snow Maiden: Okay, grandpa! The most interesting toys for the little ones! And who is older - planes, helicopters, cars, smartphones, tablets. And for those who study perfectly well at school, I even prepared computers!

Father Frost: Wow! Well done granddaughter! This is a good one you came up with! A computer for children is a good assistant in their studies! When I go to deliver gifts to the children, you will stay at home. Please be attentive and careful. Our enemies can come up with some kind of trouble. I can't help you because I'll be far away. Take special care of the magical New Year's clock!

(Soundtrack of dialogue background)

Snow Maiden: Okay Grandpa! And if the clock is magic, what can happen to them?

Father Frost: Yes, you never know! The clock is old! The mechanism is already worn out. Even a small speck can ruin a watch! And without these hours, the New Year will not come! This is how all people will live in the old year. Can you imagine? All people are preparing for New Year's holiday, but there will be no holiday! Time will stop!

Snow Maiden: No one will have a birthday? If the first of September does not come, then the children will not go to school? And no holidays?

Father Frost: There will be no spring, no summer, no autumn! It will be an eternal cold winter evening!

Snow Maiden: You scared me, grandpa. This cannot be allowed! I will be careful!

Father Frost: It's time for me to go, deliver gifts to the kids. Stay, granddaughter, prepare new gifts, I'll be back soon. Watch out for the magic clock!

Santa Claus leaves, the ringing of bells is heard. (Soundtrack of the track for the departure of DM)


There is a knock on the door. (Overlay on the background).

Snow Maiden: Someone has come to visit! Who's there?

snowman: Snow Maiden! It's me, Snowman!

Snow Maiden: Snowman? Come in, I'm glad to see you! What are you so excited about? What happened?

Snowman: It hasn't happened yet, but a catastrophe could happen!

Snow Maiden: Well, tell me everything in order!

Snowman: We must warn Santa Claus! I got lost in the forest and accidentally ended up next to a clearing near a swamp and heard what all the evil spirits had agreed on! They will turn into ordinary people, penetrate the holiday and ruin everything! They want to steal Santa's magic staff! And I also saw how Baba Yaga flew to aerial reconnaissance, so that later she could tell everything to the Main Evil!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost and I are already used to the fact that every New Year someone wants to spoil the children's holiday. But you know that good is always stronger than evil! Good always wins!

Snowman: Yes! Already winning with might and main! Baba Yaga never reached her air reconnaissance!

Snow Maiden: Why do you think so?

Snowman: I do not think! I have a head of snow! I saw and heard everything!

Snow Maiden: What did you see and hear?

Snowman: Baba Yaga flew and flew, and then there was a plane crash!

Snow Maiden: What is a plane crash?

Snowman: Ordinary! I saw! Baba Yaga flew in her mortar, and the broom was instead of a propeller. Then suddenly the broom flew off to sweep the moon, and the stupa, together with Baba Yaga, abruptly went into a corkscrew to land and it turned out such a woman that now Baba Yaga has turned into a digger!

Snow Maiden: It’s a pity for Baba Yaga ... Without her, it will not be interesting in fairy tales ...

Help me, please, to move the magic clock to another place. (Phonogram "Clock Mechanism") (Overlay on the background).

Move to the far corner and turn the dial to the wall of the magic clock.

Snow Maiden: Thanks, Snowman! I wouldn't be able to do it without you! The watch is so heavy... And now I'll hang ordinary clocks in front of me.(Phonogram "Cuckoo Clock")

Snowman:Why are you doing this?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost asked me to take care of the magic New Year's clock, because without this clock the New Year will not come.

Snowman:I will soon begin to melt ... I urgently need to get out in the cold! I can't stay warm for that long! I'll go to the porch.

Snow Maiden: Okay, Snowman.

The snowman leaves the house, stands near the porch and instantly falls asleep. The Snow Maiden continues to collect New Year's gifts, singing a song.


Knock on the door.

Snow Maiden: Someone came to visit us. Who's there?

Angry and Sore:This is us, Zl ... pah you! Princess I! And this one, how are you… Master!

Snow Maiden: You are welcome, dear guests!

The Snow Maiden opens the door, (Soundtrack of Angry and Sore) Angry and Sore burst into the house and immediately pounce on the Snow Maiden, knock her to the floor, tie her hands and feet.

Angry:Well, answer me, where is your beloved grandfather?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is busy with his usual business.

Angry:I didn't ask what he was up to! I want to know where is he now and when will he be back?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost delivers New Year's gifts to children. He will return when he has no gifts left in his bag.

Angry:Did you hear, Pain? We don't have much time! What are you staring at?! Look for what we came for! And you, Snegurka, confess what is the strength of your nasty grandfather?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is the kindest in the whole world!

Angry: Don't fool me! What is his strength, answer!

Snow Maiden: I answered you - his strength is in kindness!

The sore looks into every corner, scatters everything that falls under his arm. Stops near the magic clock, listens, opens the door ( Clock phonogram) looks inside.

Angry: I don't believe in anything! I know he can't do anything without his staff! Where did you hide it? Sore! Where did you go? What did you find there?

(Soundtrack "Clock")

Sore (with fear): Someone is walking there!

Angry: Well, get out! Who is hiding there?

Snow Maiden (laughing): There's no one there, fools!

Angry: I'm stupid?! Don't you dare call me names! I'll make a chop out of you!

Snow Maiden (continues to laugh): Only fools don't know that clocks are made up of a mechanism! And when the mechanism works, a strange noise is always heard!

Angry:This is a clock?! You're lying to me, you nasty Snow Maiden! There are no such hours!

Snow Maiden: I always tell the truth! I can't do it any other way!

Angry: Oh oh oh! Look at her! It's like a museum piece!(Laughs slyly). Where is the staff?! Speak, or I'll hurt!

Snow Maiden:Why do you need a staff? In your hands it will not be magic!

Angry: And why is that?

Snow Maiden: Because it is magical only in the good hands of Santa Claus! And in your hands it will be an ordinary stick!

Angry: You lie to me! My hands aren't like that, are they? And I will do whatever I want with my own hands!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa will be back soon, if he allows you, check it out.

Angry: I will ask someone else! And I won't check! Sore! Get moving! The old man is coming soon, and you haven't found anything yet!

Sore: What am I? Like Che, so immediately Sore! What to look for? They only have rattle toys for the little ones! Nothing interesting or tasty!

Zlyuka removes the coat and hat of the Snow Maiden from the hanger, puts it on herself, spins around the mirror: Here! Now I am a Snow Maiden! Oh, and they get gifts from me!(Evil laughs ) Everyone will get from me!

Phonogram of Santa Claus's troika bells.

Zlyuka: Hide, Pain! The old man has arrived! As soon as he enters, we grab the staff and tear from here!


Santa Claus comes up to the sleeping Snowman, gently stroking his head: Tired, poor thing...

The snowman wakes up, rubs his eyes, looks at Santa Claus in surprise: Santa Claus, are you dreaming of me?

Father Frost: No, I didn't dream about you!

Snowman, startled: Santa Claus! Sinister conceived deceit!

Father Frost: Oh, those wicked ones! .. They itch in no way! The same thing happens every year! And after all, every time they promise to behave decently and not to spoil the children's holiday!

Snowman: They want to steal your magic staff! And the Main Unclean One sent Baba Yaga to air reconnaissance! But she didn't know anything! When she was flying, her broom got tired of being a propeller and she flew to sweep the moon, and the stupa with Baba Yaga crashed into the ground somewhere beyond the forest with a corkscrew.

Father Frost: Feel sorry for Granny Yagul! We used to be friends with her in childhood, in our youth ... A good, mischievous girl was ... a beauty! Let's go to the house! I still have a lot of gifts to deliver to the children. The Snow Maiden, probably, has already collected everything that is needed.

Santa Claus and Snowman enter the house. Santa Claus puts his magic staff at the threshold, takes off his fur coat:

Father Frost: Why isn't anyone seeing us? Snow Maiden, where are you?

Snow Maiden: I'm home!

Grumpy and Sore jump out from under the table, Grumpy grabs a magic staff. They stumble over the foot of the Snowman. Running out of the house, they get stuck in the door, push, somehow find themselves outside the door.

Angry: Stop, Pain! Where did you run away?

Sore: Gotta get the hell out of here before the old man conjures something!

Angry: Why did I contact you? Stop! Let's stand under the window. Let's listen, watch like real spies. We need to know what they will do.

Sore: We need to run away before they pile on us!

Angry: Shut your infectious mouth! I can't hear anything because of you!

In the house: Santa Claus and the Snowman are looking for the Snow Maiden. They look under the table, into the corners, behind the curtains.

Snowman: This is Evil and Sore! I know them! They want to ruin the children's holiday!

Father Frost: What's happening? Snow Maiden! What are our guests? Where are you?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! I'm here! I've been tied up! Help me please!

Father Frost: Snowman, where did they hide the Snow Maiden?

Snowman: Found! Grandpa, she's all tied up! Where did you find so many ropes? Snow Maiden, be patient a little. Now we will free you!

Father Frost: Granddaughter, poor thing, how did it all happen?

Santa Claus and the Snowman unravel the ropes with difficulty.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, dear! They must have stolen your magical staff!

Father Frost:Yes, what's the staff? The main thing is that you are alive and well! Did you save the magic clock?

Snow Maiden: Yes, Grandpa! Snowman and I hid them!

Father Frost:Here are the good guys! Magic clock is the most important thing in life! Without them, time will stop!

Angry and Sore eavesdrop under the window.

Angry:Did you hear it, empty-headed? It was necessary to dig deeper into the clock and break some carnations, you are our brake! And there too! Dressed up as a master! Technical nonentity! Sore you on your whole empty head! What shall we do now?

Sore: I'm sorry, what? Came like a leech! We have a staff! We can conjure something with this staff!

Angry:Have you come up with anything smarter? The staff is on you! Conjure, sorceress!

Sore: Yes, easily! Give it to me! Think...

Angry:Don't make me angry, I'm already angry! And why did I only contact you, stupid, contacted?

Sore: Well, let me, right now I'll do something that you'll get sick with a temperature!

Angry:Right now, as the ladies hurt, you yourself will get sick! We must return to the house, break the clock!


Baba Yaga appears from the forest, stumbling, groaning and groaning, barely moving her legs.

Baba Yaga: Didn't crawl to ours! Yes, it seems that it’s not my hut ... Who broke her legs? Is that you, fagots? Here I will attack you! Where did the legs go from the hut? It is now standing on the cold ground, covered in snow, my hut, poor fellow!

Angry, bouncing, stomping, rubbing his ears and nose:Come on, come on, old lady, come into your hut! And we are behind you, otherwise your ears are already freezing ...

Baba Yaga:What was missing! I need you in the hut, thugs with ears! Baba Yaga opens the door and turns her back to Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman. The most closely! Without you, snotty, inhvektsy picked up! Everything in my hut is sterile, there is no way for strangers! He enters the house backwards, carefully wipes his feet, dusts himself off. Santa Claus looks at the uninvited guest in surprise ...

Father Frost: Did Yagusya come to visit? Welcome! Come in! Long time no see!

Baba Yaga, rubbing her eyes:Who is this? Frost, is that you? The Snow Maiden has grown! And what is this stuffed animal? Points to Snowman).

Snowman: A scarecrow is standing in the garden, and I am a Snowman!

Baba Yaga:Wow, ishsho and talks! From snow? I haven't had ice cream for dessert in a long time! Okay, then I'll put it on the table with strawberry jam. Well, they waited for me! Right now, I'll treat you with my potions stored up from the summer!

Snowman: You see, quite, poor thing, shell-shocked ...

Father Frost: Take a seat, old friend! Get some rest from the road. I was told that you were in an accident? It's good that she remained alive, but she came to us! And you’ll make a new mortar, collect brushwood in the forest and collect a new broom! Don't worry, Yagusya! Granddaughter, treat the guest with a tea of ​​forest herbs, flowers and berries!

The Snow Maiden brings tea in a cup on a saucer, puts it on the table in front of Baba Yaga.

Snow Maiden: Enjoy, Grandma!

Baba Yaga:I don’t understand anything ... It’s me, Frost, that I have attached to you? That's what I look at the hut of the legs, you can't see it! I thought these accursed villains pulled out the legs of my hut ... ( Sips tea, laughs, spilling tea, coughs, sneezes.) Yes, and the furniture is not my arranged! ( At this time, Angry and Sore burst into the house, knock down the Snow Maiden, Snowman.) (Soundtrack of Angry and Sore)

angry, holding the staff of Santa Claus at the ready: Everyone stand, be afraid! This is a robbery! (Sore rushes to the clocks hanging on the wall, takes them off.)

Sore, hugging walkers: These speakers are magical!(Soundtrack of the Cuckoo Clock)

Angry:Technical nonentity! Get some piece of iron out of that watch! He points with his staff at the magic clock standing against the wall.

Father Frost ( takes his staff from Zlyuka's hands (phonogram "magic"), makes passes. Angry and Sore with walkers in their hands freeze): Good always wins in everything! There is no power stronger than good! Time cannot be stopped! The passage of time is endless! Kindness knows no boundaries and only good wishes come true! Phonogram of the "transformation" Zlyuka and Sores.

Angry:Oh what's wrong with me? Sore! Hold me!

Sore:Something is happening to me too! Smoke is coming out of me! I'm getting warm! Somewhere ( thumps his chest) so warm, good!

Angry:And for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my behavior! Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, please forgive me! I will never offend anyone again!

Sore:And I don't want to be a Sore anymore! I become Healthy and from this I am cheerful and pleasant and also ashamed of the fact that I hurt everyone and infected everyone with diseases. Now I will only treat everyone and will not be so harmful and evil! And please forgive me!

Baba Yaga:Frost, do you remember how we were naughty in childhood? How well we were friends! Oh, if you would forgive me too, but would accept me as your assistant! I will help you bring joy to the kids!

Santa Claus (addressing the audience):Well, friends, believe me? Excuse me? I always rejoice when I fulfill the wishes of children, So be it! Come to us, together we will celebrate the New Year together and have fun!


Snow Maiden: I wish peace on earth

And bread, salt on the table!

And so that health is strong

And never failed!

Angry:And so that joy knocks on the house

Morning, evening and afternoon!

The scene is filled with extras, leaving a “path” from the house to the portals. Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Snegovichok, Baba Yaga, Zlyuka and Sore come to the fore, line up along the “red line”, extras fill the second and third plans.

Snow Maiden: Kindness - it does not fade

And does not expect reciprocity in return ...

Never burns, but warms,

Leaving a bright light in the souls ...

Sore:And each other believing and pitying,

Not carrying a load of grievances in the heart,

In general, we are getting better.

Nothing that hurts in the chest ...

Snow Maiden: Where there is goodness, there is light, but how else? (Through the dimmer - general light in the hall.) (Soundtrack of the Finale.)

Life without mercy is empty...

If we cry from someone else's grief,

So, kindness has not dried up ...

Father Frost: I wish you all good health, be kind and considerate to each other! If goodness rules the world, then no one will be able to offend anyone, because kind people can only do good deeds! Happy new year friends! Be happy!

General bow, curtain.