Marketing of outsourcing services. Full outsourcing of Internet marketing according to KPIs Outsourcing of the marketing department

  • 14.10.2023

Today, up to 80% of companies use outsourcing of marketing services. Business development involves the need to develop a marketing strategy, write and adjust plans, and make serious ongoing investments in advertising. It will not be possible to get by with one-time promotions and periodic, sometimes chaotic, information dumping on social networks. Such events will not provide the required level of sales and will not create an attractive company image.

The manager is faced with the question of choosing what to prefer:

  • own marketing department - for a large company this is a minimum of 3-4 people;
  • delegation of work to an outside company.

Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages.

Why is marketing outsourcing needed and who is it for?

Before ordering a service, it is worth deciding what marketing outsourcing means. There are two options:

  1. transfer the work of this area to a third-party contractor completely;
  2. use the services of an outsourcer one-time, to perform any tasks.

In the first case, the company receives clearly controlled, systematic work. In the second - fast, high-quality completion of individual tasks. The first option is usually more profitable, since it meets the main requirement - continuity of ongoing activities. Collaboration on an ongoing basis increases the level of responsibility of the performer. One-time orders should be preferred for projects that require highly specialized knowledge, if you have your own marketing specialists who will coordinate and monitor the work. For example, for SEO website promotion.

When ordering a full package it is assumed:

Why delegate marketing authority?

  • wages and taxes on them;
  • payment for training and advanced training of employees;
  • equipment of additional workplaces.

Outsourcing of marketing services involves:

  • attracting highly qualified specialists to implement the ordered project;
  • the ability to use the services of additional marketers;
  • quick replacement of an employee in case of his absence.

In addition, agency employees receive money not for the time spent on work, but for the result, which is much more profitable.

There is also time savings - on planning and coordinating the work of an entire department. By delegating authority to an outsourcer, the company gets the opportunity to engage in core activities more efficiently.

By offering outsourcing services, we guarantee that Komus Contact is:

  • experienced professionals;
  • high results in projects of any level of complexity;
  • payment for results (the cost of work is negotiated with the client individually).

Order services on the website or by phone.

Most companies grow from individual services to outsourcing marketing, but we did it the other way around.

We started with him. And thanks to the fact that we have been in this field for several years now, we can confidently say that it is worth it, BUT not in all cases and not for all companies.

Let's wash all the bones and reveal the pitfalls in this confession of the marketing team.

We talk about different things

So that we can understand each other better in the future. First, I want to tell you what marketing outsourcing is and what it includes.

Otherwise, I am sure that now each of us has our own vision of this area. And I’ll start with the definition of the word “outsourcing”.

Outsourcing is the transfer of certain functions to another company or person in order to reduce costs or increase efficiency.

Based on this, it follows that completely different functions can be transferred, both complex and voluminous processes and small tasks.

Therefore, when we talk about marketing outsourcing, we can end up thinking about different things.

Some people think that this means outsourcing the development of the site to another company, while others consider it a complete delegation with all its attendant circumstances.

But speaking in professional language, outsourcing of marketing services is the transfer of tasks for a long-term period of time.

Call everything related to one-time work contract work, but not as outsourcing of marketing functions.

What do you need, king?

Outsource all marketing or only part of the tasks, for example, Internet direction? A dilemma that only experience can solve.

In the next block we will talk about who should definitely pay attention to outsourcing of marketing services, and now we will look at what problems it solves. And here is their list:

  • Development and tactics;
  • Promotion on the Internet and offline;
  • Increasing customer loyalty;
  • Working with the customer base;
  • Studying the market and competitors.

That's all? Of course not. Each point can be divided into sub-points, and those further into sub-points, and so on ad infinitum.

Because different companies have different tasks. And if you sign a contract only for the introduction of contextual advertising, then for me this is not marketing outsourcing. For me, the introduction of contextual advertising is outsourced.


So, what then is the normal understanding? If we take the most complete version of cooperation (what we sin in our work), then it will look like this.

A company that has a marketer or a department of marketers on staff performs all the tasks assigned by us, except for those that are narrowly specialized (setting up contextual advertising, programming, design development).

And we, for our part, manage this entire machine and additionally implement all those very narrow-profile tasks within our company with the help of our specialists.

There is an option when we do everything for the company, and there are no marketers on staff at all. But honestly, it's not very good. And there are two good reasons for this:

  1. Most often, we work remotely with other cities via the Internet and can fully take care of everything. But, for example, it’s possible to take it only “with words and other people’s eyes.”
  2. For operational implementation, we need a person who is constantly in the office and can do the dirty work (in a good way) for us.

Based on this, many may have a question: “Why outsource a company and at the same time keep at least one marketer?”

And there is some truth in this, but to be honest, a marketer in the state is more of a title than a real position.

Since even though he performs marketing and advertising tasks, he is still just a performer who has everything to not think, but just take and do.

That is, the person/marketer on staff can be any employee who performs tasks well and promptly.

Sometimes there have been cases where administrators, deputy directors, or even executive directors themselves have taken on this responsibility. Everything, as you understand, depends on the size of the company, so somewhere even 3 marketers will not be enough, since marketing is endless.

Let's talk about you

Now it’s time to expand on the topic “Who will benefit from this?” I would like to say that everything is individual, no matter how banal it may sound.

Sometimes we closed only a small part of the functionality of large companies, but for them our cooperation was worth its weight in gold and it was a successful experience in outsourcing marketing.

Therefore, I will give the main problems of companies that will benefit from outsourcing of marketing services in one way or another.

Lack of professionals. This is not only your problem, but also ours. We, like everyone else, do not have enough colleagues in the workshop to provide services to everyone.

But since we are a marketing agency, it’s easier for us to search and, as a rule, we don’t face the question.

And if suddenly you are faced with the problem of finding a marketer for your company, then transferring this functionality to another marketing agency is the place to be. The same applies to narrowly focused specialists, who are even more difficult to find.

A full-time marketer is not profitable. It’s one thing when you can’t find it, and another thing when you don’t have to look because it’s not profitable.

And if within the framework of one marketer this is controversial, then with the marketing department or with a narrowly specialized specialist the issue is stark.

The same applies to narrow specialists, such as a director. Although you are advertising in context, most likely with your small budget it simply won’t have enough work to pay for itself.

Therefore, you will give part of the money for watching them movies and social networks at work.

Lack of competence. The following point follows from the first two, and it concerns those tasks where your colleagues lack knowledge.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, I myself don’t know a lot of things. Therefore, our team consists of 12 people in different areas and each complements each other.

This is what happens most often. You understand what needs to be done, but you don’t know how to do it, and besides, you don’t have enough energy and time to do it. This is where Chip and Dale, in the form of a marketing agency, rush to your aid.

No desire to understand(do). I could call this point “You don’t understand,” but then it would be incorrect, since if you want, you can figure everything out.

That’s why it’s called what it’s called, and usually this idea follows from “Everyone should do what they do best.”

I completely agree with this expression, which is why when they ask us: “Since you are so smart, why don’t you open your own business?!”, I begin to explain that our activity is a business.

The only thing we are good at. And if we are now put in production, or in accounting, or in logistics, then we will be several times lower in efficiency. Why do something that turns out poorly and can be given to others?!

If you have read this far and recognize yourself in at least one of the points, marketing outsourcing will at least be interesting to you.

Better stop

There is another side of the coin, when you not only don’t need subscription services in the field of marketing, it works to the detriment of the company. It pains me to admit this, but it was, is and will be. Here are the very cases:

Big company. You have a large company that has its own marketing department, which consists of 4 or more people. In addition, you have all the highly specialized specialists on your staff.

Then there is no point in outsourcing; in this case, you yourself will provide it to whomever you want. Such a number of people is necessary and justifies itself in a very large business with tens or hundreds of millions in turnover.

And it is very dangerous to outsource such a colossus, since you need complete immersion 24/7.

As a last resort, marketing research will be useful to adjust strategy and tactics.

Startup. You were recently born?! I’m talking about the company, if anything 😉 Then outsourcing marketing is also not very relevant, since the work model has not been established and it is not at all clear whether it makes sense to invest money in promoting this product.

It's a good bet that a product won't hold up unless it's properly packaged and served. Then I’ll make an exception; if you have a small starting budget, it’s better to invest money in advertising than in outsourcing.

Check the demand, even in poor packaging, and only then, if the client reacts at least a little or does not react at all, come for a one-time service, but not for service throughout the year.

You are alone. There is safety in numbers? Even as a warrior, my field of activity at the start of my career was this - an agency where I was everything: a stylist, a marketer, and a cleaner.

Therefore, I can say with certainty that for a small business (which does not involve a large amount of work) there is no point in providing services on a subscription basis. Enough one-time work at the right time.

Difficult market. For the same reason as in the “You are alone” point, in complex markets (for example, you have only 5 clients in the whole world) there is also no point in outsourcing.

All strategy, tactics and tasks with goals can be implemented in 3-4 sessions. The rest is up to implementation, which will take a very long period of time. And if you want to argue, then argue.

And I, as a marketer, can definitely say that in complex markets there is not enough work to collaborate for a year, so that an attracted marketer would think and do something for your project every day. In such cases, one-time appointments or services may be better suited.

Small budget. If you plan to allocate up to 50 thousand per month on marketing, then it’s better for you to learn everything yourself and do it yourself.

Since with such a budget, outsourcing will have little work, because no matter how you look at it, although there are low-budget ways to increase sales, they won’t get you far or for long.

In addition, after training, you will be able to more adequately evaluate the work of other specialists and give them tasks to complete. And it’s not they who will hang noodles on your ears in order to show their activity and get their money in the form of salary.

outsourcing marketing. price?

Now we’ve come to the most important thing (by the way, I write this way in almost all articles about various marketing services).

We have an entire website that is dedicated to such a service as, and only there is no price for the service, because in this case everything is really individual.

But! If we take the starting point as a guide, it will be about 60 tr. per month in a consulting format, everything that is larger and more complex will be more expensive accordingly. The maximum, at least ours at the time of writing, is 450 tr. per month.

One more BUT. For most small businesses, the figure remains at 60 thousand. Because we have a lot of experience in providing marketing consulting services to companies in various fields.

And during this time, a lot of developments have accumulated that have been tested and just need to be taken and implemented. That's why we keep the price so low.

Good things cannot be cheap. For some, my last phrase was like a knife wound in the back and the thought flew through my head: “60 thousand is a low cost?!”


Just think about what is included in this money? Let's start: marketer, head of marketing, other involved technical specialists, developments, office, workplace, taxes, search, control and training of personnel...

Personally, from this list I am ready to pay that kind of money, at a minimum, for developments that have been tested by time and other companies.

After all, I will lose no less money and time if I do it myself. In addition, if you are looking for a normal marketer, you need to focus on 50-80 thousand salary per month (and I’m not talking about the center of Russia).

But even so, he will not have as much knowledge as the team has, it is physically impossible.

Briefly about the main thing

It would be wrong to end the article with the words “Everyone come to us!” I will end it with a warning, which I did not touch upon in the article.

If you now think that you can handle it on your own, but would still like to try marketing consulting... then it’s better not to try. This won't lead to anything good.

To outsource marketing services, you need to mature and realize that an outside view and the hands of a professional are necessary. And when that time comes, you will immediately understand everything by looking at your company.

And finally, any outsourcing must pay for itself. With it, you should earn more, not the same or even to your detriment.

After all, if there is no development, then there is no effect. Therefore, we can proudly say that all money invested in us always pays off 100%. The only clarification is the timing.

In some places it’s 1 month, in others it’s 12. And any normal outsourcing company should tell you about this before starting work.

Optimize your company's business processes by outsourcing marketing tasks

Your specialists do not have time to cope with all promotion tasks, and you need to involve third-party professionals? Are you looking for a team of experienced marketers? We will take upon ourselves the solution of any issues to improve your company in the eyes of consumers: from the formation to the implementation of a development strategy. Outsourcing of marketing services will help relieve your specialists, get fresh ideas, build a long-term successful promotion strategy, and even reduce the company’s costs for maintaining additional staff.

What benefits will you get by outsourcing your marketing?

  • Saving time and effort
    Your company will only need one employee who will supervise the work of our team of specialists. We will handle all the hassle of choosing tools and promotion channels, developing a strategy and bringing ideas to life. Our company has specialists in all areas of marketing who work harmoniously and professionally.
  • Saving money
    Often, outsourcing marketing is cheaper than maintaining an in-house promotion department. You overpay the most when you can’t keep a designer, SMM specialist or other employee on staff for the whole day. After outsourcing your marketing, 10 of our professionals will work on the development of your company. Calculate how much it will cost you to pay and equip workplaces for so many specialists on staff.
  • Lack of staff turnover when temporary promotion projects arise
    It happens that a company has temporary marketing tasks that cannot be assigned to the shoulders of existing internal specialists. In this case, it is much less painful and, often, more profitable to enter into a temporary contract with an outsourcing company than to recruit a new team and then disband it.

It is a common practice for companies to turn to different contractors to solve specific marketing problems. In this case, you have to control a long chain of specialists and put up with longer approvals for the work done. We offer to increase the efficiency of promotion and shift the solution of complex marketing tasks onto the shoulders of our professionals.

Transfer marketing functions to our specialists and optimize your company’s business processes in Perm.

We have been outsourcing Internet marketing for our clients for 10+ years and can confidently say that the investment in this area is worth it. We work with companies of all kinds of business topics - we serve online stores of branded accessories, conduct marketing for accounting services, comprehensively promote restaurants and cooperate with a lot of other companies. Outsourcing of Internet marketing is, simply put, transferring the functions of promoting a business to our own resources for a long-term period of time.

What problems does internet marketing outsourcing solve?

We take on the entire scope of tasks related to Internet marketing. We develop and implement development plans for your project.

We write a personal strategy for business and use a lot of working tools. We regularly monitor and analyze statistics and strive for the required number of sales. Relax and review work reports over a cup of coffee.

Roman - Project Manager

Our strategy

Before describing all the methods and stages of outsourcing Internet marketing, we say that the results of each individual area are measurable. It’s easy to track the effectiveness of contextual advertising, SEO promotion and SMM by connecting analytics tools:
  • We implement convenient and understandable CRM systems that help manage sales - record requests, set tasks and completely manage the sales funnel. This way, no client will be missed!
  • We connect Calltracking – a system for replacing numbers on the website to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The service records incoming calls from clients, and we track which phrases and advertising channels work for results, and which live in a relaxed mode :)
  • We set up analytics on the site - we connect Yandex. Metrica and Google Analytics/ We monitor site traffic, determine the target audience, study user behavior - this is how we optimize advertising to improve results.
Before starting work, we create a personal strategy, put the site in order, make it user-friendly and friendly to search engines, set up all the analytics on the site and move on.

Stages of work

We connect to Yandex services. Metrica and Google Analytics – we monitor campaigns and regularly analyze the results

We provide you with work reports and keep you in touch 5 days a week

What will you get as a result?

  • Attract only the target audience to your offer
  • Increase your website conversion
  • The required CTR - out of 10 impressions of your ad, it will be clicked on 9 times
  • Increase sales of goods or services – significantly!

2. SEO promotion of the site to the TOP and development of the resource

What we do

We compose an extensive semantic core

We carry out internal SEO optimization of the site

We write competent and catchy texts for the target audience - without falsehood

We carefully carry out external website optimization

We regularly develop the site using a lot of working tools

Main advantages of SEO

  • Clear source of traffic – up to 70% of users come from organic search
  • Users trust natural search results more than ad units at the top of the page
  • SEO results are measurable - we connect Yandex. A metric to track the effect of your investment
  • The cost of attracting an audience through SEO promotion is lower than other advertising channels
  • Constant growth in traffic - we regularly develop the site and improve its position in Yandex and Google