Where do poisonous potatoes come from? Where do poisonous potatoes come from? What to do with poisonous potatoes in Minecraft

  • 06.02.2024

Potato ID: 392.

NID: potato.

Potato is the English name for potato in Minecraft. It can also be called - potato, potato, potato.

SaturationLevel - 0.6.

Satisfying hunger (foodLevel) - 1 ().

Potatoes in Minecraft are food that can be eaten raw or baked, or grown in the garden. In Minecraft 1.9, it is now possible to breed pigs with potatoes. Raw potatoes in the game are food that, frankly speaking, are “so-so”: with saturation 0.6 and hunger satisfaction 1 (). But the baked version is, respectively, 6 and 5 (), which is much better with little labor input. But for now let's talk about potatoes that are not processed by fire.

Where can I get potatoes?

In Rus', without potatoes is like a party without an accordion (proverb).

If you have plans to grow potatoes in Minecraft in your own beds, then the question will arise, where to get the seeds. The seeds are the potatoes themselves. So where?

There are several possibilities. In villages, potatoes grow in the form of sprouts in garden beds. As of Minecraft 1.8, potatoes are collected and planted in garden beds by farmers. How rare potato drops can drop from zombies. And finally, several potatoes can be bought for emerald.

From this we can conclude that potatoes in Minecraft are not a widespread and easily obtained type of food. But we are not afraid of difficulties, and therefore we will grow these tuberous herbaceous plants of the nightshade family in the garden beds in the game. As the saying goes: " If you get hungry, you can plant potatoes".

A small bed of potatoes.

How to grow potatoes

When planting, bags are not counted (proverb).

Potatoes can be planted by right-clicking on a garden bed. To create a garden bed you will have to use a hoe on a block of grass, soil or grass path. The bed must be moistened, otherwise it will dry out and turn into soil. Water irrigates the area of ​​4 blocks.

To grow potatoes, you also need to think about lighting, because a light level of at least 8 is required. Torches and a luminous stone are suitable, allowing you to do vegetable growing underground. If there is not enough light, the potatoes will fall out after a while. If the plant is destroyed prematurely, only 1 potato will fall out.

Potatoes in Minecraft have several stages of growth, and only at the last stage is there an obvious difference from carrot or beet plants. Note that using bone meal will significantly speed up the appearance of the harvest. Harvesting ripe potatoes will yield up to 4 tubers. But there is also a chance that poisonous potatoes will drop. So: " Digging potatoes, don’t wave your hands", says another proverb.

Thus, in theory everything seems simple. Look at the screenshot.

Potatoes are planted in a place intended for a wheat farm.

Baking potatoes

Potatoes in the garden - winter in abundance (proverb).

If you fry (bake) potatoes in the oven, then their nutritional value in Minecraft will increase. This is easy to do, and you can use any fuel.

baked potato

There are three types of potatoes in Minecraft, which are depicted below in the screenshot.

Three types of potatoes in Minecraft.

Potatoes: plain, baked and poisonous.

Potatoes are a treat for the hungry (proverb).

The properties of Minecraft food in terms of satiation and satisfying hunger are different. The table shows only the “vegetable and fruit” set. In total, there is much more food in the game.

Properties of food in Minecraft
Food Saturates Satisfies hunger
Watermelon (slice) 1,2 2 ()
Borsch (beetroot soup) 7,2 6 ()
Enchanted golden apple 9,6 4 ()
Golden carrot 14,4 6 ()

Potato (potato) is food and farming in Minecraft. Potato restores half a unit of hunger, which is quite insignificant, but also potato can be baked in an oven, after which its quality increases noticeably. However, it can only be planted raw.

Potato is not used in, but was added rather to diversify crops in the garden/farms. Potato is a good hunger quencher if you have time to bake it (since in its raw form it acts better as a seed than as food). baked potato restores 3 units of hunger, which is 6 times more than what raw food restores.

Potato model

Potatoes are processed in the oven, after which they become baked

By the way, the stove window in the PC version is not the same as in the version for tablets or PS. To verify this, you can visit the psp-market.ru website using the link http://www.psp-market.ru/index.php?categoryID=139, where you can also buy a PS Vita.

Baked potato model

Where to find potatoes in Minecraft

Potatoes can be found in the beds of villagers, along with wheat. It is also possible with little chance beat out the potatoes from (in new versions it is added as a rare drop from zombies. The chance of getting it is small, but still finding an NPC village is also not easy, so it’s worth choosing something simpler).

Vegetable garden with potatoes and wheat in the NPC village

Also potato, Certainly, can be planted and grown. Probably the most effective way to get potatoes, if you don’t already have a lot of them, is bone meal - you rob the gardens in the NPC village and plant potatoes in your farm, after which you use bone meal on them. Bone meal will cause potatoes to grow instantly, then you can collect them (drops 1-4 pieces per grown one). This is a fairly quick way to stuff a considerable amount of potatoes, since bone meal is easier to obtain for many. Then these potatoes also go into circulation, and when you have a sufficient amount of them, you can plant them without using flour (bone meal is used to fill a certain initial amount of fruit, then, when you already have a large enough farm, it’s worth saving flour for other purposes).

It is also worth mentioning a small detail that large farmers face: when harvesting potatoes, you will find an unusual item - poisonous potato- with a two percent chance from each bed. This potato restores twice as much hunger as a normal one (one point of hunger), but also has a 60% chance of poisoning when eaten. Poisonous potatoes clearly indicate a real potato disease, which, when burned by the sun, can accumulate poison in areas of the fruit (stands out in green spots, just like on potatoes in Minecraft). Such potatoes cannot be used for planting, and also cannot be baked, therefore, due to the poisoning that they promise, they are often simply thrown away.

Poisonous Potato ID: 394 .

NID: poisonous_potato.

Poisonous Potato is the English name for poisonous potatoes in Minecraft. This root vegetable is sometimes called green potatoes. However, a more accurate translation of the word poisonous is poisonous. And in medicine also - toxic, harmful, destructive.

Saturation (saturationLevel) - 1.2.

Satisfying hunger (foodLevel) - 2 ().

Despite the scary name, poisonous potatoes are a food that can be obtained as a by-product of potato harvesting. This type of potato, which has a green shell, is slightly smaller than regular potatoes. But the most unpleasant thing is that poisonous potatoes can impose (60% probability) the “Poison” effect for 5 seconds. Although in terms of properties such as “satiation” and “quenching hunger”, poisonous potatoes are superior to raw ones: 1.2 and 2 (), versus 0.6 and 1 (). But both types look modest against the background of baked potatoes: 6 and 5 (), respectively. Unlike regular potatoes, the poisonous modification cannot be baked in the oven.

Compare poisonous potatoes with raw and baked ones.

Where do poisonous potatoes come from?

Potatoes are a treat for the hungry (proverb).

Everything is simple here. Although it is unlikely that anyone will specifically do this. After all, growing simple potatoes can be a troublesome task. Due to not being widely distributed. So, when harvesting potatoes when they are already ripe (the last stage of growth), there is a 2% chance that a poisonous tuber will fall out. So to speak, an element of marriage.

Let us remind you once again that baked potatoes are obtained only from raw ones by firing in an oven. Whereas poisonous potato for this purpose no good.

baked potato

How to grow potatoes in Minecraft

Potatoes and porridge are our food (proverb).

In order to start growing potatoes in Minecraft on your site, you first need to find them. For example, in villages on garden beds. When we collect ripe potatoes, we can get 1-4 fruits. After which you can replant.

Near the house, or where you intend to plant potatoes, you need to make a garden bed. For successful growth, you will need lighting at a sufficient level (8), as well as the presence of water (1 cube irrigates the soil in the area of ​​4 blocks).

If you destroy the potatoes not at the last stage of growth, then only one piece will fall out. A ripe plant will bear up to 4 root crops. Bone meal can speed up the process - not only a dye, but also an excellent fertilizer in Minecraft.

There is also the option of getting potatoes from zombies (as a rare drop) or buying and selling for emeralds, but still this is not so effective.

Of course, it’s better to choose baked potatoes.

Potatoes and other vegetables and fruits

Potatoes are our mother, and bread is our breadwinner (proverb).

Below in the table you can compare poisonous potatoes with their fruit and vegetable “brothers”. This will help you make the right choice and spend time and energy only on good food in Minecraft.

Properties of food in Minecraft
Food Saturates Satisfies hunger
Watermelon (slice) 1,2 2 ()
Borsch (beetroot soup) 7,2 6 ()
Enchanted golden apple 9,6 4 ()
Golden carrot 14,4 6 ()
Golden Apple 9,6 4 ()