Basics of beekeeping. The best books on beekeeping. Collection of e-books on esotericism

  • 01.03.2024

Vadim Tikhomirov’s book “Beekeeping for Beginners” is easy to read, since all the information about beekeeping is presented in a very accessible way. It is clear that the author knows what he is talking about. It is noticeable that he not only lays out the facts to educate the reader, but also has great respect for bees. He says that only one who has been doing this for several years can be considered a real beekeeper. It is important to perceive bees not as a way to obtain honey, you need to learn to treat them with love and care. After all, these small and incredibly wise creatures play a big role in nature; they live according to their own laws, which people must respect.

In this book, readers will learn what to do at the very beginning. There are many important points that you can’t ask someone about, and in the modern world, not many people are involved in beekeeping. This book will come to the rescue. You need to know when to pay attention to bees and when to leave them alone. If you constantly disturb them, then the bees themselves may die as a result, and there will be no honey. At the same time, you should not leave them completely unattended. The author talks about all the subtleties so that novice beekeepers understand what needs to be done.

After reading the book, it will become clear which hive to choose, how to arrange them, how many of them there should be, and how to choose protective clothing. It will be useful for novice beekeepers to learn about the first communication with bees, to study their way of life and laws. Then advice is given on how to care for them, what to do at each time of the year, how to get honey and much other useful information.

On our website you can download the book “Beekeeping for Beginners” by Vadim Vitalievich Tikhomirov for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.


Collection of books on beekeeping (171 pcs.) (Collection)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 1801 - 2009
Genre: Scientific publication
Russian language
Number of pages: more than 3000
Description: The distribution included 171 books on beekeeping.

Afinogenov - Changing and replanting queens
Belyakova - Smart homemade products for beekeepers
Bertrand - Beehives and beekeeping accessories
Bertrand - Apiary care
Bilash, Krivtsov, Lebedev - Beekeeper's Calendar
Bondareva - Beekeeper's Handbook
Bryukhanenko - Beekeeping
Burenin, Kotova - Handbook of beekeeping
Burmistrov, Nikitina - Honey plants and their pollen
Butkevich - Beekeeping tutorial
Vasilyeva, Khalifman - Bees
Vinogradov, Zaitsev - Bees and human health
Vinokurov - How to prepare intoxicated honey
Vitvitsky - Practical beekeeping
Gettert - Beekeeper's Calendar
Glukhov - Album of honey plants
GOST 19792-2001 - Honey
GOST 20728-75 - Bee colonies
GOST 23127-78 - Queen bee
Grobov, Smirnov - Diseases and pests of bees
Grout - Bee and Hive
Gunyakin - Apiary under the roof of a house
Dernov - Organization of apiary farming
Dernov - Bees and their life
Jarvis - Honey and other natural products
Dmitrieva - Selected 600 tips
Drachev - The Art of the Beekeeper
Elenevskaya - Cooking with honey
Eskov - Microclimate of a beehive
Eskov - Wintering of bee colonies
Zherebkin - Wintering of bees
Zaboenko - All about beekeeping
Zaretsky - A manual for the beginning beekeeper
Zaretsky - Caring for bees
Zatolokin - Beekeeping practical guide
Zatolokin - Beekeeping_1
Zatolokin - Beekeeping_2
Zatolokin - Beekeeping_3
Sebold, Vinogradova - About treatment with bee venom, honey and royal jelly
Ivlev - In the wonderful world of bees
Ivlev - From a wax cell
Instructions - Bee diseases
Yoirish - Bee products and their use
Yoirish - Bees to man
Kayas - Pollen
Kamenkov - Home apiary
Kashkovsky - Tips for beekeepers
Kashkovsky - Bee care technology
Kireyevsky - Diseases of bees
Kireevsky - What a novice beekeeper needs to know
Kovalev - Caring for bees
Kovalenko - Solar Tribe
Kovan - Honey Bee
Kozmin - Carpathian honey
Kokorev, Chernov - Wintering of bees
Kokorev, Chernov - Treatment with honey
Kokorev, Chernov - Honey base
Kokorev, Chernov - Bees Diseases and Pests
Kokorev, Chernov - Bees food and nutrition
Kokorev, Chernov - Swarming of honey bees and anti-swarming techniques
Kokorev, Chernov - Selection work in the apiary
Kokorev, Chernov - Cellular industry
Kokorev, Chernov - Phenological reference book of the beekeeper
Kolbina, Nepeyvoda - Unconventional methods of treating bees
Komarov - A manual for an amateur beekeeper
Koptev - Keeping and breeding bees in Siberia (1979)
Koptev - Technology of breeding and maintaining strong bee colonies
Korablev - On choosing a hive
Kostenkov - Siberian beekeeper
Kotova - 500 questions and answers on beekeeping
Kotova, Vorobyov - Apiary, bees, honey
Krivtsov - Central Russian bees
Year-round maintenance of nucs
Kruk - Apiary on a personal plot
Krylov - Bee venom
Kuzmina - Treatment with bee honey and poison
Lavrenov - Treatment with beeswax
Lavrenova - Honey pharmacy
Lazutin - Bees are a joy _
Lovchinovskaya - Diseases of bees
Ludyansky - Apitherapy
Lukoyanov, Pavlenko - Beekeeping equipment
Lupanov - Advice from an old beekeeper
Malaya - Intensification of honey production
Malkov - Breeding work in the apiary
Malkov, Martynov, Nazin - Hatching of queen bees
Mandeville - the fable of the bees
Markin - Bee hive. Bee products
Meged, Polishchuk - Bzhilnitstvo
Meged, Polishchuk - Beekeeping
Honey cooking
Honey extractor
Meinhardt - Health on the wings of a bee
Maeterlinck - The Life of Bees
Minkov, Plotnikov - Beekeeper's Handbook
Mironyuk - Procurement of beekeeping products
Mladenov - Honey and medical treatment
Monograph on apitherapy
Naychukov - Experience in obtaining high honey yields in Siberia
Nalivaiko - Keeping bees on a reinforced honeycomb
Ozerov - Rational two-queen beekeeping
Orlov - Beekeeper's tutorial
Panasenko - Bee swarm
Papichev - Practical encyclopedia of beekeeping
Pelmenev - Beekeeper's reference book
Peresadin - Honey is the best doping for men
Peresadin, Dyachenko - Bees and grass
Petrov - Father of Russian rational beekeeping Butlerov
Piskova - Diseases of bees
Paul - Diseases of bees
Correction - Plants and bees
Bees for joy or Experience of a natural approach to beekeeping
Beekeeping in Belarus
Beekeeping reference guide
Pchelyak - Profitable beekeeping
Rakov, Zhukova - My apiary
Recommendations for keeping and breeding bees for the Novosibirsk region (1963)
Reutsky - Treatment with honey
Rodionov, Shabarshov - If you have bees
Rodionov, Shabarshov - Multi-body hive
Rozov - Beekeeping
Ruth - Encyclopedia of Beekeeping
Ruttner - Mother breeding
Ruttner - Breeding techniques and selection of bees
Sesyutchenkov - Beekeeper's Guide
Sinyakov - Treatment with propolis
Slastensky - Beekeeping for beginners
Slastensky - Bees honey and other products
Beekeeper's Dictionary-Reference Book
Smirnova - Honey-elixir of health and longevity
Solovyova - Propolis, wax, mumiyo, bee venom
Streltsov - DIY beehive
Suvorin - Up to 90 years without knowing troubles
Suvorin - Bees and apiary
Suvorin - Smart Hive
Taranov - Food and feeding of bees
Tatarenko, Tenzer - Effective beekeeping
Temnov - Processing of wax raw materials in the apiary
Temnov - Technology of bee products
Grouse - Propolis in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
Tetyushev - To help the beekeeper
Tetyushev - Apiary on wheels
Technology of production of biologically active beekeeping products (textbook)
Timensky - Spring work in the apiary Worksheet
Timensky - Homestead apiary
Timensky - Seasonal work in beekeeping
Folz - Profitable apiary
Frenkel - Unique healer
Frisch - From the life of bees
Harnazh - Propolis
Kharchenko, Ryndin - Beekeeping
Kharchuk - Honey and bee products
Herold, Weiss - New Deal in Beekeeping
Khismatullina - Apitherapy
Zander - Diseases and pests of bees
Tsvetkov - Apiary of an amateur beekeeper
Cebro - Day after day in the apiary
Cebro - Master class
Chernigov - Honey
Chizhevsky - Cleansing and treatment with honey
Shabarshov - Scientists beekeepers of Russia
Shabarshov - To the young beekeeper
Shemetkov - Beekeeper's Guide
Shemetkov, Golovnev, Kochevoy - Tips for a beekeeper
Szymanowski - Beekeeping methods
Szymanowski - First steps in setting up an apiary
Chauvin - From bee to gorilla
Shutova - Your doctor-bee
Shchebrin - Beekeeping
Shcherbina - Beekeeping in the Perm region
Yarmosh - Small mechanization in amateur apiaries


Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Detectives. Book series (52 pcs.) (W. Arden, M. and G. W. Stein)

Format: PDF, Djvu, Doc, Drawings and models cdw, frw and m3d - files created in Kompas
Year of manufacture: 2000
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Various
Russian language
Number of books: 1500
Description: about 1,500 books of technical literature on various areas in mechanical engineering for design engineers, electrical engineers, process engineers, turning, milling, bending and other work, as well as various reference books ExpandBosch Rexroth. Hydraulic drive. Basics and components. Training course on hydraulics - Success story of the textbook “Hydraulics. Fundamentals and Components", familiar to many under the German...


Collection of books on CISCO (collection)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: vocational training
Russian language
Number of pages: 1000
Description: CCIE - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert. Study guide. Exam 350-001 [John Schwartz, Todd Laemmle] CCNP. Configuring Cisco switches. Study guide. (CCNP Switching. Study Guide).[Todd Laemmle, Kevin Hales] B.Dunsmore, T.Scandier - Telecommunications Technology Handbook Cisco Secure PIX Firewalls.[Chapman, David, Fox, Andy] Quality of Service in IP Networks.[Srinivas Vegeshna ] Organization of Cisco network protection. [Wenstrom M.] Transmission of voice data...


Collection of books on physics [Educational literature, eBook (originally computer)]

Genre: Educational literature
Country: USSR, Russia
Description: The collection contains the following sections: 1) elementary physics; 2) electricity, magnetism and electrodynamics; 3) solid state physics; 4) thermodynamics and molecular physics; 5) theory of relativity and gravity; 6) statistical physics; 7) optics; 8) general physics (lecture courses, textbooks and reference books); 9) oscillations and waves; 10) quantum mechanics and quantum physics; 11) other books on physics; 12) atomic and nuclear physics; 13) astronomy and astrophysics; 14) acoustics, sound theory. A total of 600 books in DjVu and PDF formats
Quality: o...


Collection of books on Delphi (Mikhail Flenov)

Format: PDF, DjVu, chm, Doc, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 1996-2006
Genre: Programming
Russian language
Number of pages: 981
Description: The purpose of the collection is to teach the reader how to build program logic and algorithms for various calculations. Knowing how to program is not enough; you need to know how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. To do this, the execution logic of each piece of code is described in detail so that the reader can use this knowledge when solving their own problems. The collection contains a large number of examples of practical programming; some of them are considered as...


Collection of books on aquarium husbandry (team of authors)

Format: PDF, DJVU, CHM, doc without errors
Year of manufacture: 1980-2008
Genre: Directories, manuals, encyclopedias, atlases, etc.
Publisher: Various
Language: Russian, English
Number of pages: about 10000
Description: Aquarium science is an occupation associated with modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir. Among the main directions in modern aquarium hobby there are decorative, scientific, commercial and other directions. My Encyclopedia releases. Dictionaries Reference books. 12.06 GB Collection of books on mechanical engineering. 15.23 GB Visual dictionaries. English language. 820 MB Descriptions of several...

but I

Collection of books on mathematics

Collection of books on mathematics
Country: USSR, Russia
Genre: Educational literature
Description: The collection of books consists of the following sections: 1) Fractals 2) Topology 3) algebra 4) analytical geometry and vector algebra 5) calculus of variations 6) differential geometry and tensor analysis 7) other books on mathematics 8) integral equations 9) linear and nonlinear operators 10) mathematical physics, partial differential equations 11) mathematical and functional analysis 12) ordinary differential equations 13) special functions 14) reference books on mathematics 15) probability theory and mathematical...


Collection of books on LaTeX (Lvovsky S.M., Syutkin, Kotelnikov)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 1995-2008
Genre: Reference books
Description: All books are a guide to the Latex publishing system. The incomparable power of this system is most visibly manifested in the preparation of scientific and technical printed publications of the highest quality, containing a large number of mathematical formulas and illustrations. The books are built like textbooks with a detailed description of Latex commands and many examples.
Add. information:
List of books: Lvovsky
S.M.: LaTeX - Detailed description
Syutkin: Including drawings in LaTeX2e
Syutkin: A set of mathematical formulas in L...


Wood carving collection of books (team of authors)

ISBN: *, *
Format: pdf and djvu, good
Year of manufacture: 1989-2006
Genre: Collection of books
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of pages: 3000
Size: 171.43 MB
Description: Dedicated to home craftsmen, folk craftsmen and wood carving lovers - a collection consisting of 20 books. The collection includes the following books: Alexander Afanasyev - Wood carving. Techniques. Technique. Products. A.F. Afanasiev - Wood carver Anthony Denning - Wood carving. Practical guide. G.V. Potapov - A practical guide for woodcarving lovers. V.V. Zavershinsky – Practice of wood carving. T.A. Matve...


Collection of books on drawing

Collection of books on drawing
Description: A selection of books on drawing in English and Russian and other languages). Most books are in Adobe Acrobat Reader format.
List: ________________________________________________________ Bruce Robertson - Techniques of fantasy art Bruce Robertson - How to learn to draw a landscape. Drawing manual G. Gitsescu - Plastic anatomy (Volume 2) Body shapes at rest and in motion Hikaru Hayashi - How to draw manga Female Characters G.Fabry - Anatomy for Fantasy artists Tadashi Ozawa - How to draw Anime and Game Character How to draw manga Volum 1: Compiling Characters ...


Pickup. Collection of books on seduction (Various)

Format: DOC, TXT, PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Psychology, seduction
Publisher: Project "Vkontakte Lair"
Language: Russian / English
Number of books: 111
Description: Pickup (English: Pick up - colloquial. Pick up) - in the narrow sense, acquaintance for the purpose of seduction. A set of methods, observations, and views developed on the basis of an empirical approach to seduction. The term was first introduced into the Russian language by Sergei Ogurtsov, who created a conference in October 1995. PICKUP on the non-profit computer network FIDonet, dedicated to discussing the issues of “getting to know the opposite...

Add. information: C# for professionals. Volume 1 Simon Robinson, Ollie Cornes C# for professionals. Volume 2 Simon Robinson, Ollie Cornes C# at a Glance J. Bishop, N. Horspool C# 2005 and the .NET 3.0 Platform for Professionals Christigan Nagel, Bill Ivien Microsoft Vis ...


Kovalev S.V. Collection of books on NLP (Kovalev S.V.)

Format: PDF, DJVU, Scanned pages
Author: Kovalev S.V.
Year of manufacture: 2003-2011
Publisher: Profit Style, Phoenix, Your Books, etc.
Genre: Psychology, Psychotherapy, NLP
Russian language
Number of pages: many
Description: Books by an outstanding spiritual doctor, professor, teacher of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), internationally recognized psychotherapist and author of the Eastern Version of Neuroprogramming and Neurotransforming. Read, work on yourself, enjoy the result!
Add. information: List of books 1. Introduction to neurotransforming or Guide...


Collection of e-books on esotericism.

Genre: Esoteric
Author: collection compiled by AOSP
Country Russia
Year of release: 2007 ] Kabbalah "10 lectures on Kabbalah" "Baal HaSulam - The Teaching of the Ten Sefirot" "Dion Fortune - Mystical Kabbalah" "M. Laitman - INTERNAL CONTENT" "M. Laitman - Fundamentals" "Michael Laitman - Comprehension of the Higher Worlds (Kabbalah)" "PREFACE TO THE BOOK OF THE ZOAR" "The essence of the science of Kabbalah" Magic "I and II books of the magic of Moses" A. Crowley "Crowley - 8 lectures on yoga" "Crowley - GEMATRIA" "Crowley - BOOK 777" "Crowley - BOOK OF THE LAW" "Crowley - THE BOOK OF LIES" "Crowley - The Book of Wisdom or Folly" "Crowley - The Book...

1. Vitvitsky - Abbreviated science of practical beekeeping\
2. Kullanda I. S. - The People's Bee (1882)\
3. Vitvitskiy_prakt_pchelovodstvo_ch1. djvu
4. Vitvitskiy_prakt_pchelovodstvo_ch2. djvu
5. Vitvitskiy_prakt_pchelovodstvo_ch3. djvu
6. Vitvitskiy_prakt_pchelovodstvo_ch4. djvu
7. Vitvitskiy_prakt_pchelovodstvo_ch5. djvu
8. Abrikosov Kh. N. - American beekeeping technology (1946). djvu
9. Alekseenko, Revenok, Chepurko - Handbook on diseases and pests of bees (1991). djvu
10. Alpine hive. djvu
11. Afinogenov - Replacement and replanting of queens (1994). djvu
12. Belyakova - Smart homemade products for the beekeeper (2007). djvu
13. Bertrand E. - Beehives and beekeeping accessories (1925). pdf
14. Bertrand E. - Caring for the apiary (1914). pdf
15. Bilash, Krivtsov, Lebedev - Beekeeper's Calendar (1999). djvu
16. Bondareva O. B. - Handbook for a beekeeper (2004). djvu
17. Bryukhanenko A. N. - Beekeeping. djvu
18. Burenin N.L., Kotova G.N. - Handbook on beekeeping (1984). pdf
19. Burenin N.L., Kotova G.N. - Handbook on beekeeping. djvu
20. Burmistrov, Nikitina - Honey plants and their pollen (1990). djvu
21. Butkevich A. S. - Self-instruction manual for beekeeping (1926). djvu
22. Vasiliadi - Development of queen bees (1991). djvu
23. Vinogradova, Zaitsev - Bees and human health (1962).doc
24. Vinogradova, Zaitsev - Bees and human health (1964). djvu
25. Vinogradova, Zaitsev - Bees and human health (1966). djvu
26. Galimov - The Secret of Ancient Honey (2006).doc
27. Gettert L. - Beekeeper's Calendar (2004). djvu
28. Glukhov - Album of honey plants (1960). djvu
29. Glushkov N.M., Rozov S.A. - Advice to a beekeeper (1961). djvu
30. Grobov O.F., Likhotin A.K. - Diseases and pests of bees (1989). djvu
31. Grobov, Smirnov, Popov - Diseases and pests of honey bees (1987). pdf
32. Gunyakin - Apiary under a roof (1991). pdf
33. Guslyakov - Methods of beekeeping. djvu
34. Dernov - Organization of bee farming (1917). djvu
35. Dernov - Bees and their life (1908, supplement to the journal Beekeeping Life). djvu
36. Jarvis - Honey and other natural products (1985).doc
37. Jarvis - Honey and other natural products (1991). djvu
38. Dmitriev - Homestead livestock farming (1986).doc
39. Dmitrieva - Selected 600 practical tips (2005). pdf
40. Home apiary (2006). djvu
41. Drachev - The Art of the Beekeeper (1991). djvu
42. Elenevskaya - Cooking with honey (2006). djvu
43. Eskov - Microclimate of a beehive and its regulation (1978). djvu
44. Eskov - Ethology of the honey bee (1992). djvu
45. Zherebkin - Wintering of bees (1979). djvu
46. ​​Zaboenko A. S. - Everything about beekeeping (1999). djvu
47. Zaretsky - A manual for the beginning beekeeper (1988). djvu
48. Zaretsky - Caring for bees (1981). pdf
49. Zatolokin - Beekeeping. Practical Guide (2003). djvu
50. Zatolokin - Beekeeping. Homestead farming (2007). pdf
51. Sebold, Vinogradova - About treatment with bee venom, honey and royal jelly (1960). djvu
52. Ivlev - In the wonderful world of bees (1988). djvu
53. Ivlev - From the wax cell (1985). djvu
54. Instructions on measures to prevent and eliminate diseases, poisonings and major pests of bees. rtf
55. Yoirish - Bee products and their use (1976). djvu
56. Yoirish N.P. - Bees to man (1974). pdf
57. Kayas - Pollen - a miracle product and remedy (1998). pdf
58. Kayas A. - Pollen is a miracle product and remedy (1998). djvu
59. How to make hop mead (1991). djvu
60. Kamenkov V. - Home apiary (2006). djvu
61. Kashkovsky - Tips for beekeepers (1991).doc
62. Kireyevsky - Diseases of bees (2006). djvu
63. Kireevsky - What a novice beekeeper needs to know (2006). djvu
64. Kovalev A. M. - Caring for bees (1954). pdf
65. Kovalenko L.P. - Solar tribe (1966). djvu
66. Kovan - Honey bee (1895). pdf
67. Kokorev, Chernov - Wintering of bees (2005). djvu
68. Kokorev, Chernov - Treatment with honey (2004). djvu
69. Kokorev, Chernov - Honey base (2005). djvu
70. Kokorev, Chernov - Bees. Diseases and Pests (2005). djvu
71. Kokorev, Chernov - Bees. Feed and nutrition (2005). djvu
72. Kokorev, Chernov - Swarming of honey bees and anti-swarming techniques (2005). djvu
73. Kokorev, Chernov - Selection work in the apiary (2005). djvu
74. Kokorev, Chernov - Cellular industry (2005). djvu
75. Kokorev, Chernov - Phenological reference book for a beekeeper (2005). djvu
76. Kolbina, Nepeyvoda - Unconventional methods of treating bees (2004).doc
77. Komarov A. A. - A manual for an amateur beekeeper.doc
78. Comrat - Cleansing and treatment with honey (2000). pdf
79. Koptev V.S. - Keeping and breeding bees in Siberia (1979). pdf
80. Koptev V.S. - Technology of breeding and maintaining strong bee colonies (1993). djvu
81. Korablev - About choosing a hive and how to build a good hive yourself (1927). pdf
82. Korzh - Basics of beekeeping (2008).doc
83. Korzh - Beekeeping. Practical course.doc
84. Kostenkov - Siberian beekeeper (1992). pdf
85. Kotova G.N., Burenin N.L. - Practical advice for a beekeeper (1991). djvu
86. Kotova G. N., Lysov I. D., Korolev V. P. - 500 questions and answers on beekeeping.doc
87. Kotova, Vorobiev - Apiary. Bees. Honey (2005). djvu
88. Krivtsov - Central Russian bees (1995). djvu
89. Kruk - Apiary on a personal plot (2000). djvu
90. Krylov V.N. - Bee venom (properties, production, application) (1995). djvu
91. Kuzmina K. A. - Treatment with bee honey and poison (1988). djvu
92. Kuklin - Russian beekeeping (2005). djvu
93. Kulikova - Health ApiPhytoproducts. djvu
94. Lavrenov V.K. - Treatment with beeswax (2004). djvu
95. Lavrenova - Honey Pharmacy (2007). djvu
96. Lebedev, Bilash - Biology of the honey bee (1991). djvu
97. Medicine obtained from bees – Monograph on apitherapy.doc
98. Lovchinovskaya - Diseases of bees (1970). pdf
99. Lonin I.S. - How to protect bee colonies from weakening in summer and death in autumn and winter (2004). djvu
100. Lonin I.S. - New in beekeeping (2002). djvu
101. Ludyansky - Apitherapy (1994). djvu
102. Lukoyanov, Pavlenko - Beekeeping equipment, apiary equipment (1988). djvu
103. Lupanov M.V. - Advice from an old beekeeper (1974). djvu
104. Maksimov - Beekeeping (1962). djvu
105. Malkov - Breeding work in the apiary (1985). pdf
106. Malkov, Martynov, Nazin - Removal of queen bees. Practical Guide (1994). djvu
107. Mandeville B. - fable of the bees (2000). djvu
108. Martynov - Year-round maintenance of cores (1996). djvu
109. Martynov A.G. - Year-round maintenance of cores (1996). djvu
110. Meged A. G., Polishchuk V. P. - Beekeeping (1990). pdf
111. Honey Cooking (2005). pdf
112. Honey Cooking (2006). djvu
113. Meingardt - Health on the wings of a bee (2007). djvu
114. Melnichenko - Biological foundations of intensive beekeeping (1995). pdf
115. Maeterlinck - The Life of Bees (2002). rtf
116. Minkov, Plotnikov - Beekeeper's Handbook (1968). pdf
117. Mironyuk S. M. - Procurement of beekeeping products (1957). pdf
118. Mikhailitsin - Beekeeping-1. djvu
119. Mikhailitsin - Beekeeping-2. djvu
120. Mladenov - Honey and medical treatment (1969). pdf
121. Moribel S. V - What, when and how to feed the bees. pdf
122. Muratov - Fundamentals of swarmless low-operational beekeeping technology (2000). djvu
123. Muratov - Russian hive of the XXI century (1998). djvu
124. Mylnikov - Keeping and breeding bees on a personal plot (2005). djvu
125. Naychukov - Experience in obtaining high honey yields in Siberia (1960). djvu
126. Nalivaiko - Keeping bees on a reinforced honeycomb. Homestead farming (2006). pdf
127. Nedyalkov, Bizhev - Practical beekeeping (1985). djvu
128. Nikolaenko - Breeding work with bees (2005). djvu
129. Ozerov - Rational two-queen beekeeping (1991). djvu
130. Omelaenko - This sweet, sweet honey. djvu
131. Onegov A. - Russian honey (1999). djvu
132. Orlov - Beekeeper's tutorial. djvu
133. Palagin - Beekeeping according to the laws of the hollow (1998). djvu
134. Panasenko - Bee swarm. djvu
135. Papichev - Practical encyclopedia of beekeeping (2005). djvu
136. Pelmenev - Beekeeper's reference book (1969). djvu
137. Peresadin - Honey - The best doping for a man (2006). djvu
138. Peresadin N. A. - Med. The best doping for a man (2006). chm
139. Peresadin, Dyachenko - Api+Fito (2006). djvu
140. Peresadin, Dyachenko - Api+Phyto. Bees and herbs for your health (2006). djvu
141. Petrov - Father of Russian rational beekeeping AM Butlerov (1925). pdf
142. Piskova - Diseases of bees (1973). djvu
143. Pogozhev - Honey against 100 diseases (2005). djvu
144. Pogozheva - Secrets of the Siberian healer (2008). djvu
145. Paul - Diseases of bees (2004). djvu
146. Popravko S. A. - Plants and bees (1985).doc
147. Popravko S. A. - Plants and bees (1985). pdf
148. The Bee and the Hive (1963). djvu
149. Beekeeping (2000). djvu
150. Pchelyak I.P. - Profitable beekeeping (1993). djvu
151. Rakov, Zharkov, Nadbibikova, Goncharov - My apiary (1991). djvu
152. Recommendations for keeping and breeding bees for the Novosibirsk region (1963). pdf
153. Reutsky - Treatment with honey (2007). djvu
154. Rodionov, Shabarshov - If you have bees (1974). djvu
155. Rodionov, Shabarshov - Multi-body hive and beekeeping methods (1968). pdf
156. Rozov - Beekeeping (1948). pdf
157. Ruth - Encyclopedia of Beekeeping (1993). djvu
158. Root A. and E. - Beekeeping (1938). djvu
159. Ruttner - Mother breeding (1981). djvu
160. Ruttner - Mother breeding (1982).doc
161. Ruttner F. - Breeding techniques and selection of bees (2006).doc
162. Rybalchenko A. N. - The mystery of the bee swarm (1983). djvu
163. Sesyutchenkov - Beekeeper's Handbook (2003). djvu
164. Simankov - Using K. Jenter’s honeycomb for breeding queens of Central Russian honey bees (2002). djvu
165. Sinyakov A. - Treatment with propolis (2005). djvu
166. Slastensky - Bees - honey and other products (1987). pdf
167. Slastensky I.V. - Beekeeping for beginners (1967). djvu
168. Smirnova - Honey - the elixir of health and longevity (2006). djvu
169. Solovyov - Beekeeping technology (2005). djvu
170. Solovyova - Propolis, wax, mumiyo, bee venom (2007). djvu
171. Streltsov - Hive with Your Own Hands (2000). djvu
172. Suvorin - No troubles until you are 90 (2007). djvu
173. Suvorin - Smart Hive (2006). djvu
174. Suvorin, Bolsunovsky - Bees and apiary (1990). pdf
175. Sukhinina N. M. - Health on the wings of a bee (2009). pdf
176. Sukhodolets - Thermophysics of wintering bees (2006). djvu
177. Taranov G.F. - Food and feeding of bees (1986). pdf
178. Tatarenko, Tenzer - Effective beekeeping (1989). pdf
179. Temnov - Technology of bee products (1967). djvu
180. Temnov V. A. - Processing of wax raw materials in the apiary (1966). djvu
181. Tetyushev V.M. - To help the beekeeper (1992). djvu
182. Tetyushev V. M. - Apiary on wheels (1972). pdf
183. Technology for the production of biologically active beekeeping products.doc
184. Timensky P.I. - Spring work in the apiary (1988). pdf
185. Timensky P.I. - Development, use and storage of cells (1986). djvu
186. Timensky P.I. - Homestead apiary (1988). djvu
187. Timensky P.I. - Seasonal work in beekeeping (1988). djvu
188. Tkachev - Practical beekeeping-2 (2007). djvu
189. Tkachev - Practical beekeeping-3 (2008). djvu
190. Ulyanichev - Collective contracting in beekeeping (1983). djvu
191. Fedosov - Dictionary-reference book for beekeepers (1955). pdf
192. Foltz - Profitable apiary (1948). pdf
193. Frenkel - Unique healer (1991). djvu
194. Frisch - From the life of bees (1980). pdf
195. Frisch K. - From the life of bees (1980). chm
196. Khalifman I. - Bees (1953).doc
197. Harnage - Propolis (1987). djvu
198. Kharchenko N. A., Ryndin V. E. - Beekeeping (2003). djvu
199. Kharchuk Y. - Honey and bee products (2009).doc
200. Kharchuk Yu. - Guide to home beekeeping. djvu
201. Herold, Weiss - The New Deal in Beekeeping (2007). djvu
202. Khismatullina - ApiTherapy. pdf
203. Zander E. - Diseases and pests of bees (1927). djvu
204. Tsvetkov I.P. - Apiary of an amateur beekeeper (1976). djvu
205. Tsebro V.P. - Calendar of the beekeeper of the North-West zone (2001). pdf
206. Tsebro V.P. - Master class (2006).doc
207. Cherkasova - Dictionary-reference book on beekeeping (1991). djvu
208. Chernigov - Honey (1979). djvu
209. Chernov, Rychagov - Lessons from an old beekeeper (1992). djvu
210. Shabarshov I. A. - Scientists beekeepers of Russia (1986). pdf
211. Shabarshov I. A. - To a young beekeeper (1983). djvu
212. Shapkin V.F. - Non-contact beekeeping (2005). djvu
213. Shemetkov, Golovnev, Kochevoy - Advice to a beekeeper (1991). pdf
214. Shemetkova - Beekeeper's Handbook (1969). djvu
215. Shimanovsky V. Yu. - Methods of beekeeping (1923).doc
216. Shimanovsky V. Yu. - Methods of beekeeping (1923). pdf
217. Shimanovsky V. Yu. - First steps in setting up an apiary (1927). pdf
218. Chauvin R. - From bee to gorilla (1965).doc
219. Shutova - Your doctor is a bee. djvu
220. Shcherbina P.S. - Beekeeping (1958). djvu
221. Shcherbina P.S. - Beekeeping in the Perm region (1964). djvu
222. Yakusha - Frame hives and making them by hand (1948). djvu
223. Yarmosh - Small mechanization in amateur apiaries (1991). pdf

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The book includes information about the biology of bees, technology for caring for them in all seasons of the year, placement and equipment of apiaries, apiary buildings, bee diseases, food supply, beekeeping products and much more. The book may be useful for the amateur beekeeper.

The book introduces the reader to the life of a bee family and the use of waste products of honey bees in medicine and veterinary medicine. Information about bee venom and its preparations, royal jelly, honey, wax and propolis, their composition and physiological properties is presented in detail. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

The book tells in detail about the organization of an apiary, about the work of caring for bees in different seasons of the year. Much attention is paid to bee breeds and breeding work with them, measures to combat bee diseases and pests. The book is intended for beginning beekeepers and amateur beekeepers.

The brochure describes the basic apiary work for caring for bees in different seasons of the year, methods for building strong colonies in various hive systems. Much attention is paid to the choice of bee breed and breeding work with them, as well as the fight against varroa. The brochure is intended for amateur beekeepers.

The book is intended to assist beekeepers in choosing food and fertilizer for their pets depending on the time of year.

The book talks about the natural process of reproduction and settlement of bee families, which interferes with breeding work in the apiary.

In this book, the author, Art. Researcher at the Novosibirsk Zonal Fruit and Berry Experimental Station, Ph.D. agricultural Sciences, summarizes the experience of his many years of practical work with bees, the experience of leading beekeepers in Siberia, as well as the results of scientific research, his own and other station employees. The book characterizes the bee family as an integral biological system and its components in their interrelation. The most rational and simple technology for keeping and caring for bees, which can be successfully used in both large and small amateur apiaries in Western Siberia, is covered in detail. Methods for artificial propagation of bee colonies and queens are described. Much attention is paid to bee diseases, especially such a dangerous tick-borne disease as varroatosis, and effective measures to combat it are considered. The book is intended for beekeeping specialists, public and amateur beekeepers.

The book, in an accessible form, tells about the chemical composition of honey bee products and their effect on the human body, about their use for medicinal purposes in scientific and folk medicine. Designed for the widest range of readers.

The author of the brochure, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lupanov, is formerly the oldest beekeeper in the Novgorod region, who devoted more than 55 years of his life to the development of beekeeping. Considering various types of bees, the author pays attention to the Central Russian breed of bees as the most vital, hardy, productive and disease-resistant. M. V. Lupanov describes hives of his own design with square frames, which can significantly increase the honey productivity of bees with minimal labor and money, gives practical advice on keeping, feeding and propagating bees, tells how, by applying knowledge about the life of bees in natural conditions, you can increase the honey productivity of bees with minimal labor costs in industrial bee keeping conditions. Brochure for amateur and professional beekeepers.

Honey is a very tasty, healing and nutritious product, consumed by all peoples at all times. It is known that in the Stone Age people already used honey for food. In addition to its excellent taste, honey stimulates the functioning of internal organs and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The book contains more than 100 recipes for dishes prepared using honey.

The brochure of beekeeper D.T. Naychukov very interestingly describes the experience of obtaining high honey yields in those regions of the country where nature does not spoil beekeepers.

V.V. Rodionov and I.A. Shabarshov, who have been studying practical beekeeping for many years and have visited all beekeeping zones of the country, summarize the experience of advanced multi-hull beekeepers and talk about the features of keeping bees in various climatic zones.

The book tells about the life of bees, advanced beekeeping techniques,
about how to create an apiary and, at the same time, increase honey yield
harvests from various pollinated plants and the production of other valuable bee products. One of the sections shows treatment with these products.
Intended for beekeepers of public and individual apiaries and consumers of beekeeping products.

The book provides information about the main bee foods (nectar, honey, pollen, bee bread and their substitutes), their chemical composition and physiological effects, and the possibilities of replacing honey with sugar and pollen with other substances digestible by bees. Methods of providing bees with food at different times of the year, preparing and feeding it to bees are described. In the second edition of the book, compared to the first, published in 1972, more attention is paid to the nectar-bearing capacity of plants and the collection of nectar by bees, the bee’s digestion and the processing of nectar into honey and pollen into bee bread are more fully described, in addition, new data are introduced on the influence of food supplies on the quality raised bees, about the use of sugar-honey dough.

This brochure should help beekeepers learn to obtain the highest quality wax in any conditions when processing wax raw materials.

The book tells in a popular form about the centuries-old history of beekeeping, the world of bees, methods of managing them when used in honey collection and pollination of crops. The issues of maintaining, breeding and caring for bee colonies are covered. The main diseases, pests of bees and measures to combat them are described. For amateur beekeepers.

The book presents in a popular form basic information for beginning beekeepers about bee breeds and breeding work, apiary equipment, where and how to set up an apiary and much more.

In the book, in addition to general information, descriptions of the basic apiary work are given separately for each of the most common hives in our country, methods of growing bee families and preparing strong families for the main bribes are considered.

This book is about outstanding representatives of Russian beekeeping, who made a significant contribution to the development of the industry and glorified our domestic science and practice. It seems to complement the publication published under the same name in 1981. It presents a new wonderful galaxy of scientific beekeepers - P. I. Prokopovich, G. P. Kandratyev. N. M. Kulagin, K. A. Gorbachev, A. S. Butkevich. The scientific, educational and practical activities of prominent Russian beekeepers are shown in close connection with the development of the industry and the establishment of progressive views. Designed for a wide range of readers.

The purpose of the guide is to help beekeepers in their practical work.

The authors describe the technology for keeping and propagating bee colonies, recommend the optimal size of apiaries and ways to protect bees from pests and diseases. The book includes sections on beekeeping products, their processing and storage: Medicines from the hive, The beekeeper's green pharmacy, This is interesting, etc. The third edition (the second was published in 1983) is supplemented with materials on the biology of the bee colony, the technology of production of beekeeping products, and disinfection methods hives, honeycombs, equipment, protection of bees from poisoning by pesticides. For amateur beekeepers, specialists of beekeeping farms and off-farm enterprises.

Hello dear beekeepers and everyone who is interested in the topic of beekeeping and bee products!

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The collection contains both modern and unique books of the last century, which are difficult to find in a regular library or store.

Of course, I haven’t read them all personally; that requires a lot of free time. Also, my opinion does not always coincide with the opinion of the authors of these books on some issues of beekeeping.

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List of books

1. V.V. Rodinov, I.A. Shabarshov “If you have bees”

2. L. Z. Afinogenov “Changing and replanting queens.”

3. E. Bertrand “Beehives and beekeeping accessories.”

4. E. Bertrand “Apiary Care.”

5. M. Ya. Lovchinovskaya “Diseases of bees.”

6. A. S. Butkevich “A beekeeper’s self-instruction manual.”

7. L. Gettert “Beekeeper’s Calendar.”

8. O. F. Grobov, A. M. Smirnov, E. T. Popov “Diseases and pests of honey bees.”

9. A. A. Gunyakin “Apiary under the roof of a house.”

10. N. P. Ioirish “Bees to Man.”

11. V. G. Kashkovsky “Technology for caring for bees.”

12. A. M. Kovalev “Caring for bees.”

13. T.V. Kovan “Honey Bee”.

14. V. S. Koptev “Breeding and keeping bees in Siberia.”

15. I. I. Korablev “On choosing a hive and how to build a good hive yourself.”

16. P. P. Kostenkov “To the Siberian beekeeper.”

17. V.V. Malkov “Breeding work in the apiary.”

18. A. N. Melnichenko “Biological foundations of intensive beekeeping.”

19. S. G. Minkov, I. S. Plotnikov “Beekeeper’s Handbook.”

20. V. Orlov “Tutorial for a beekeeper, bees and health.”

21. S. A. Poplavko “Plants and bees.”

22. V. Rodionov, I. Shabarshov “Multi-hull hive and beekeeping methods.”

23. P. M. Komarov, G. F. Taranov, S. A. Rozov “Beekeeping.”

24. A. V. Suvorin, A, G. Bolsunovsky “Bees and apiary.”

25. T. F. Taranov “Food and feeding of bees.”

26. V. R. Tatarenko, B. I. Tenzer “Effective beekeeping.”

27. V. M. Tetyushev “Apiary on wheels.”

28. A. V. Foltz “Profitable Apiary.”

29. K. Frisch “From the life of bees.”

30. M. F. Shemetkov, V. I. Golovnev, M. M. Kochevoy “Advice to the beekeeper.”

31. V. S. Shimanovsky “Methods of beekeeping.”

32. V. Yu. Shimanovsky “First steps in setting up an apiary.”

33. G. S. Yarmosh “Small mechanization in amateur apiaries.”

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