You never know what trouble. How to turn from a loser into a successful person? (the ending)

  • 28.10.2019

Spielberg was considered mediocre, the Dyson family lived hand to mouth while he invented the vacuum cleaner 5200 times, and Jobs was kicked out of his own company ... How did they stop being losers?

Steven Spielberg

The illustrious director was expelled from school and barely persuaded to finish his studies in a class for difficult teenagers, in order to be completely expelled a month later.

He was not taken to film school at the University of Southern California. He just raved about the idea, but Spielberg was rejected three times because of "obvious mediocrity."

As you know, Steven Spielberg has become more than a successful film director, screenwriter, producer and even editor.

He made 44 films, received three Oscars (and many smaller film awards), the Legion of Honor, the Medal of Liberty - and an honorary degree from the same film school that denied him three times.

Henry Ford

The greatest industrialist and owner automotive production around the world, the inventor, who has 161 U.S. patents, lost his first three companies in addition to minor business failures. The first became bankrupt, the Fund left the second due to disagreements, the third had a catastrophic drop in sales.

Despite all this, Ford founded the fourth - Ford Motor Company, where for the first time in the world an assembly line was used in the production of affordable cars.

This discovery of his revolutionized the industry of the United States and Europe - and brought Ford into the top three richest and most famous people of that time.

“Failure only gives you an excuse to start again and smarter. Honest failure is not shameful - the fear of failure is shameful, ”said Henry Ford.

James Dyson

Billionaire Founder successful company for production household appliances Dyson, an inventor and industrial designer, created almost 5,200 vacuum cleaner prototypes before he got the perfect one. This work took him 15 years.

“There are countless reasons for an inventor to abandon their idea. By the time I made my 15th prototype, my third child was born. When it came to the 2627 design, my wife and I really counted every penny,” recalls James Dyson. - During the creation of the 3727th sample, my wife was already giving painting lessons to get at least some additional funds. These were hard times, but each failure led me closer to solving the problem.

Steve Jobs

He was kicked out of college after 6 months from the start of his studies. And the first developments of his offspring, the famous Apple company - Lisa, Macintosh Portable, MessagePad, PowerBook Duo, Pippin - were so unsuccessful that he was fired from the company he founded.

Eventually, Steve Jobs became known to the whole world as a genius, thanks to which the iPod, iPad, iPhone and MacBook appeared. These products brought him 10 billion dollars.

“I know what it’s like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year,” said Steve Jobs. “It’s very good at shaping a personality.”

Joanne Rowling

A divorced single mother living on social welfare - she sank to the very bottom and had no prospects that her life would change even a little. But, as they say, the bottom is good because there is nowhere to fall below and all that remains is to rise.

“Failure meant getting rid of everything non-essential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was something different from what I really was, and began to direct all my energy towards completing the only job, which meant something to me, - says JK Rowling about that period of life. “Had I really succeeded at anything else, I would never have been able to find the determination to succeed at what was truly mine. I got free because my biggest fear came true - and I was still alive, I still had a daughter I adored, I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so the stone bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

It remains to add that the first book about Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishers. When she finally saw the light, the circulation was scanty - 1 thousand copies.

The latest, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, became the fastest-selling book of all time. And JK Rowling is the first writer to earn billions.

What is failure?

Persistence is a kind of insurance against failures and defeats. A persistent person continues to move towards the goal, despite temporary setbacks and difficulties. (Napoleon Hill)

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. (Churchill)

There is no such thing as failure. Everything has a reason and a lesson. (Richard Bach)

No need to sit on failure as if on ashes. Lesson learned, learned - and move on. (Donald Trump)

During my time the same comedy was stoned in Madrid and showered with flowers in Toledo; Don't let your first failure discourage you. (Miguel Cervantes)

Ray Douglas Bradbury is a famous American writer, recognized as the best science fiction writer of his time. Without this person it is impossible to imagine the development of literature of the 20th century. He is the author of such well-known and beloved works as Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine, Farewell Summer. Ray Bradbury loved this life, which he taught other people as well.

People no longer have time for each other.

It doesn't matter what you do; it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener.

Smile, do not give pleasure to trouble.

You just need to grow up as a person who looks at the world with open eyes and is not deceived. In this case, even human treachery will seem funny, nothing more. When you understand that there is always a particle of evil in human nature, it will be easier for you to endure.

God gave us intelligence so that we would explore what is already there, and not so that we would guess and be afraid of what awaits us in the future.

We have one duty - to be happy.

When you live all the time next to people, they do not change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you part for a long time, for years.

Here it is, life ...
Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not.
Someone always loves more than they love him.
And there comes a time when you want to destroy what you love,
so that it doesn't bother you anymore...

Love is when someone can return a person to himself.

There must be a night in life that will be remembered forever.
She comes to everyone.
And if you feel that this night is already close, it is about to come - catch it without further ado, and when it passes - keep your mouth shut. If you miss it, she may not come again.
But many missed her, many even saw how she sails away, never to return again, because they could not keep on the tip of a trembling finger the fragile balance of spring and light, moon and twilight, night hill and warm grass, and the departing train, and cities, and distant distances.

We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?

How rarely on the face of another person you can see the reflection of your own face, your innermost quivering thoughts!

How embarrassing that people cannot love each other so that they can carry this love through their whole lives, and instead they start looking for someone else ... How embarrassing!

Jump off the cliff each time and grow wings as you fly down.

Every person has to leave something behind. A son, or a book, or a picture, a house you built, or even a brick wall, or a pair of shoes you sewed, or a garden planted by your hands. Something that your fingers touched in life, in which your soul will find refuge after death. People will look at the tree or flower you have grown, and at that moment you will be alive.

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings, and when it gets cold - to heat the stove together.

Do you know what your trouble is? - You love people who don't deserve it.

A pack of wolves was easier to drive away than memories...

Don't you dare let them grab hold of your crying, they'll make smiles out of it.

Ray Bradbury wrote a collection of short stories "The Martian Chronicles" back in 1950, where there was such a phrase "by the beginning of the second millennium, there will be settlements on Mars, entire cities of earthlings .."

In 2010, 90-year-old Ray was asked why his prediction did not come true, to which he replied:

People are idiots! They did a bunch of stupid things like dog costumes, an ad manager position, and things like the iPhone, all for nothing but a sour aftertaste. Mankind has been given the opportunity to surf space, but it wants to engage in consumption: drinking beer and watching TV shows. You especially do not pay attention, this senile grumbling (laughs) - I am soon a hundred years old.

On June 5, 2012, Ray passed away. But he will forever remain with us in his wonderful books.

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It is believed that he was the first author who was able to arouse readers' interest in the genres of science fiction and fantasy.

And we are in website we adore him, so we collected best quotes from his works.

  • When a person is 17, he knows everything. If he's 27 and still knows everything, then he's still 17.
  • There are worse crimes than burning books. For example - do not read them.
  • The first thing you know in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you know is that you're still the same fool.
  • Kindness and intelligence are the properties of old age. At 20, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.
  • To survive, you must stop asking what the meaning of life is. Life itself is the answer.
  • You don't win a war at all. All they do is lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.
  • Evil has only one power - the one that we endow it with.
  • When life is good, there is no point in arguing about it.
  • Love is when someone can return a person to himself.
  • Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you were going to die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world.
  • When you live all the time next to people, they do not change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you part for a long time, for years.
  • Looking for rabbits in hats is a disastrous business, just like looking for a modicum of common sense in some people's heads.
  • Smile, do not give pleasure to trouble.
  • Human memory is like a sensitive photographic film, and all our life we ​​do nothing but try to erase what is imprinted on it.
  • Yes, we have enough free time. But do we have time to think?
  • We have one duty - to be happy.
  • Whoever ceased to be surprised, he ceased to love, and ceased to love - consider that you have no life, and whoever has no life - consider that he has gone to the grave.
  • And if you live full life- means to die sooner, so be it: I prefer to die quickly, but first taste more of life.
  • It doesn't matter what you do; it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener.
  • Create yourself what can save the world - and if you drown along the way, at least you will know that you were swimming to the shore.
  • Books are just one of the receptacles where we store what we are afraid to forget.
  • The main secret of creativity is to treat your ideas like cats - just make them follow you.
  • Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings ...
  • I experienced the simplest and greatest happiness in the world - I was alive.

Quotes from: Dandelion Wine, The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, Mechanisms of Joy, Summer Morning, Summer Night, Zen in the Art of Writing, Death is a Lonely Business, Trouble is coming”, “I sing the electric body!”