Customer and master Armenian fairy tale. Children's fairy tales online

  • 08.04.2020

Customer and Master

Once a customer came to the hatmaker, brought a sheepskin and asked:

Sew me a hat out of this skin!

Well, - says the master, - I'll sew!

The customer left the master and thinks:

“But the skin is large - maybe it will be possible to carve out two hats?” He thought so, returned to the hatter and asked:

Tell me, master, can you make two hats out of this skin?

Why not? replied the hatter. - I can.

If so, sew two hats already, - said the customer and left.

He walked a little, thought, again returned to the hatmaker and asked:

Master, can you make three hats out of a skin?

Why not? replied the hatter. - Soshyu and three.

The customer was delighted and asked:

Why don't you sew four?

Soshyu and four! - answered the master.

Soshyu and five.

Then sew five hats for me!

The customer left, but halfway back he returned and asked:

Master, can you make six hats?

Soshyu and six.

Can't you sew seven? Or maybe eight hats?

Why not? And sew eight! - answered the master.

Well, then sew me eight hats!

Okay, I'll sew eight. Come back next week for your order.

A week later, the customer came to the master:

Are my hats ready?

Ready, - the master answers.

He called his disciple and said:

Go and bring the customer his hats.

The student immediately brought eight small hats - not to put them on his head, but on an apple! The customer looked at them, was surprised and asked:

What is this?

These are the hats you ordered for me,” answered the hatter.

Hey, master, why did these hats turn out so small? ..

And you yourself think! replied the hatter.

The customer took eight small hats, left and began to think: “Why are these small hats turned out? Why?.."

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "Customer and Master (Armenian fairy tale)" even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. Thanks to the developed children's imagination, they quickly revive the colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities in time, all morality, morality and issues remain relevant at all times and epochs. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. Having become acquainted with inner world and the qualities of the protagonist, the young reader involuntarily experiences a sense of nobility, responsibility and a high degree of morality. The fairy tale "Customer and master (Armenian fairy tale)" to read for free online is certainly necessary not for children on their own, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

About once a customer came to the hatmaker, brought a sheepskin and asked:
“Sew me a hat out of this skin!”
- Well, - says the master, - I'll sew!
The customer left the master and thinks:
“But the skin is large - maybe it will be possible to carve out two hats?” He thought so, returned to the hatter and asked:
“Tell me, master, can you make two hats out of this skin?”
Why not? replied the hatter. - I can.
- If so, sew two hats already, - said the customer and left.
He walked a little, thought, again returned to the hatmaker and asked:
“Master, can you make three hats out of a skin?”
Why not? replied the hatter. - I'll sew three.
The customer was delighted and asked:
“Will you make four?”
- I'll sew and four! the master replied.
- What about five?
- I'll sew and five.
“Then sew five hats for me!”
The customer left, but halfway back he returned and asked:
“Master, can you make six hats?”
- I'll sew and six.
“Won’t you sew seven?” Or maybe eight hats?
Why not? And sew eight! the master replied.
“Well, then sew me eight hats!”
— Okay, I'll sew eight. Come back next week for your order.
A week later, the customer came to the master:
Are my hats ready?
“Ready,” the master replies.
He called his disciple and said:
- Go and bring the customer his hats.
The student immediately brought eight small hats - not to put them on his head, but on an apple! The customer looked at them, was surprised and asked:
— What is this?
“These are the hats you ordered me,” said the hatter.
“Hey, master, why did these hats turn out so small? ..
- And you yourself think! replied the hatter.
The customer took eight small hats, left and began to think: “Why are these small hats turned out? Why?.."

In this lesson, you will learn about greed and stupidity, read the Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master" and analyze it.

Once a customer came to the hatmaker, brought a sheepskin and asked:
- Sew me a hat out of this skin!
- Well, - says the master, - I'll sew!
(Fig. 1, 2)

Rice. 2. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer left the master and thinks:
“But the skin is large - maybe it will be possible to carve out two hats?”. He thought so, returned to the hatter and asked:
- Tell me, master, can you make two hats out of this skin?
- Why not? replied the hatter. - I can.

- If so, sew two hats already, - said the customer and left.
He walked a little, thought, again returned to the hatmaker and asked:
- Master, can you sew three hats out of a skin?
- Why not? replied the hatter. - Soshyu and three.
The customer was delighted and asked:
- Can't you make four?
- Soshyu and four! - answered the master.
- A five?
- Soshyu and five.
- Then sew me five hats!
(Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer left, but halfway back he returned and asked:
- Master, can you make six hats?
- Soshyu and six.
- Can't you sew seven? Or maybe eight hats?
- Why not? And sew eight! - answered the master.
- Well, then sew me eight hats!
- Okay, I'll sew eight. Come back next week for your order.
A week later, the customer came to the master:
- Are my hats ready?
“Ready,” the master replies.
He called his disciple and said:
- Go and bring the customer his hats.
The student immediately brought eight small hats - not to put them on his head, but on his fist!
(Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer looked at them, was surprised and asked:
- What is it?
“These are the hats you ordered for me,” said the hatter.
- Hey, master, why did these hats turn out so small? ..
- And you yourself think! - answered the hatter
(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer took eight small hats, left and began to think: “Why are these small hats turned out? Why?.."(Fig. 6)

Rice. 6. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

Give answers to the questions, check the correctness of your answers:

1. Name the main characters of the fairy tale.

(customer and master)

2. What did the customer ask for?


3. How many hats were sewn by the master?


4. What decreased with an increase in the number of hats?

(their size)

5. What could you wear stitched hats on?

(only for fist)

6. What question did the customer ask when they went home?

(“why did the hats turn out so small?”)

7. Answer the customer's question.

(the more caps, the smaller their size)

8. What is ridiculed in this tale?

(greed and stupidity of the customer)

9. How did greed manifest itself?

(in the number of hats)

10. What was stupidity?

(he could not understand why the hats are so small)

Read the proverbs about greed. Which one fits this story?

  • You can’t beg from a greedy crust.
  • Whatever falls into the hands of the greedy is lost.
  • If you want the extra, you will lose the last.

The third proverb fits the fairy tale "Customer and Master". The customer from the fairy tale wished too much and was left without a hat. Thus greed and stupidity were punished.

The fairy tale "The customer and the master" can be attributed to the everyday form of fairy tales.

  • Russian folk tale"Miser"
  • Russian folk tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
  • Bulgarian fairy tale "Greed does not lead to good"
  • Afghan fairy tale "Greed"


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Workbook for the textbook for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: I want to read. Reading book for the textbook "Favorite Pages". 1 class. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
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  1. Prepare a retelling of the Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master".
  2. Describe the main characters in the story.
  3. Read an additional two tales of greed to choose from.
Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master"

Theme: Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master"
Purpose: development of reading skills.
Lesson objectives:
to introduce students to the Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master"; awaken cognitive activity.
work on reading awareness, on the development of reading skills;
expand the horizons of students, develop speech, observation, the ability to analyze what they read;
educate emotional responsiveness to what is read, to the characters and their actions.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

Let's get acquainted with a new work today.

Working with a new work for you, you will need to solve the following tasks (tasks on the board):

    Learn to listen carefully while reading

    Think about content

    Learn to work with text

    Define the idea of ​​the work

    Working on new material

Methodical reception "Assumption":

Read on the board with what work will we get acquainted?

Who wrote the fairy tale?

Who will be discussed in the work?

Who is a master? Customer?

(A master is a trained person doing something.

The customer is the person who placed the order.

Task before teacher reading:

    Listen to a fairy tale, see how the customer and the master are connected with each other?

The teacher reads a story.

How are the customer and the master connected in a fairy tale?

What task did you perform? Did you manage to complete it?

    secondary reading

So we come to the 2 task of the lesson. Voice her.

Task: learn to reason by content.

Now you yourself will read the tale in a chain.Page 136

Reading for children + training before reading from the textbook.

What question did the customer ask himself?

Who will find it in the text and read it?“... why did the hats turn out so small? Why?"

Answer the customer's question. (answers from several students)

What task did you perform? Were we able to reason according to the content?

Musical physical pause

    creative work with text

What is the next task before us? Voice her.

Task: learn to work with text.

Now we read the conversation between the customer and the master by roles.

Page 138 (almost the middle) from the words “... can you sew four?” to the end of the page.

Read this passage to yourself, think about what roles we need.

Mark the words of the customer, master, author.

Checking the distribution of roles.

    Role Reading

Evaluation of children reading. Teacher summary.

What task did you perform?

    Defining the idea of ​​a work

Here we come to the last task. Voice her.

Task: to determine the idea of ​​the work.

Task on the board:

You have 4 words. You need to choose words that are suitable for describing the customer and prove it.

Students go to the board and take down a suitable description and prove.

What was the greed of the customer?

What was the stupidity of the customer?

What does a fairy tale teach?

What is the task before us?

What is the idea of ​​the piece?

Physical pause

    Work with proverbs

There are 2 proverbs on the board:

If you wish too much, you will lose yours.

Without labor, you can’t pull a fish out of the pond.

Explain how you understand them?

Which proverb does not fit the story?

There are many more proverbs about greed, as people have always ridiculed it.

Game "Collect proverbs"

You can’t beg from a greedy crust.

Whatever falls into the hands of the greedy is lost.

Greedy pays twice.

Lots to grab and lose.

Several proverbs are printed on the sheets on your desk, but in order to read them, you need to collect them.

We will do this work in pairs.

Let's remember the rules of working in pairs.

To check, the couple goes to the board and collects the proverb.


By what criteria will we evaluate ourselves?

Discuss how they did the job. What were the mistakes.


See if we managed to solve all the tasks of the lesson?

Was the lesson interesting?

What was instructive for you?

In this lesson, you will learn about greed and stupidity, read the Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master" and analyze it.

Once a customer came to the hatmaker, brought a sheepskin and asked:
- Sew me a hat out of this skin!
- Well, - says the master, - I'll sew!
(Fig. 1, 2)

Rice. 2. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer left the master and thinks:
“But the skin is large - maybe it will be possible to carve out two hats?”. He thought so, returned to the hatter and asked:
- Tell me, master, can you make two hats out of this skin?
- Why not? replied the hatter. - I can.

- If so, sew two hats already, - said the customer and left.
He walked a little, thought, again returned to the hatmaker and asked:
- Master, can you sew three hats out of a skin?
- Why not? replied the hatter. - Soshyu and three.
The customer was delighted and asked:
- Can't you make four?
- Soshyu and four! - answered the master.
- A five?
- Soshyu and five.
- Then sew me five hats!
(Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer left, but halfway back he returned and asked:
- Master, can you make six hats?
- Soshyu and six.
- Can't you sew seven? Or maybe eight hats?
- Why not? And sew eight! - answered the master.
- Well, then sew me eight hats!
- Okay, I'll sew eight. Come back next week for your order.
A week later, the customer came to the master:
- Are my hats ready?
“Ready,” the master replies.
He called his disciple and said:
- Go and bring the customer his hats.
The student immediately brought eight small hats - not to put them on his head, but on his fist!
(Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer looked at them, was surprised and asked:
- What is it?
“These are the hats you ordered for me,” said the hatter.
- Hey, master, why did these hats turn out so small? ..
- And you yourself think! - answered the hatter
(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

The customer took eight small hats, left and began to think: “Why are these small hats turned out? Why?.."(Fig. 6)

Rice. 6. Frame from the cartoon "The Greedy Rich Man" (1980) ()

Give answers to the questions, check the correctness of your answers:

1. Name the main characters of the fairy tale.

(customer and master)

2. What did the customer ask for?


3. How many hats were sewn by the master?


4. What decreased with an increase in the number of hats?

(their size)

5. What could you wear stitched hats on?

(only for fist)

6. What question did the customer ask when they went home?

(“why did the hats turn out so small?”)

7. Answer the customer's question.

(the more caps, the smaller their size)

8. What is ridiculed in this tale?

(greed and stupidity of the customer)

9. How did greed manifest itself?

(in the number of hats)

10. What was stupidity?

(he could not understand why the hats are so small)

Read the proverbs about greed. Which one fits this story?

  • You can’t beg from a greedy crust.
  • Whatever falls into the hands of the greedy is lost.
  • If you want the extra, you will lose the last.

The third proverb fits the fairy tale "Customer and Master". The customer from the fairy tale wished too much and was left without a hat. Thus greed and stupidity were punished.

The fairy tale "The customer and the master" can be attributed to the everyday form of fairy tales.

  • Russian folk tale "The Miser"
  • Russian folk tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
  • Bulgarian fairy tale "Greed does not lead to good"
  • Afghan fairy tale "Greed"


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Workbook for a textbook for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: I want to read. Reading book for the textbook "Favorite Pages". 1 class. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
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  1. Prepare a retelling of the Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master".
  2. Describe the main characters in the story.
  3. Read an additional two tales of greed to choose from.