What to do if the client buys. The dark side of freelancing: what to do if the client does not pay? No-world and its geography

  • 28.10.2019

M.: LLC "ID Williams", 2010. - 704 p.
ISBN: 978-5-8549-1570-2, 978-0-06-125266-2 This now classic management book has been in the making and testing for over thirty years. This is the result of the author's teaching of management science at universities and in the framework of specialized programs and seminars for managers, as well as the result of his close and fruitful cooperation with practicing managers: over the years of his activity, he has been a consultant to a number of business companies, government organizations, hospitals and schools . Drucker describes in his book the tools and methods of effective management that have proven to be effective, and makes it clear and accessible language.
In this book, the author has tried to describe everything that we have learned about management at the moment, but its goal is much broader. It also presents those areas that we did not have time to know, but which are vital for us. The purpose of the book is also to develop approaches to solving problems for which we have not yet found answers; it explores policies, principles, and practices that will help managers meet specific management challenges. This book is an attempt to equip the modern manager with the understanding, the way of thinking, the knowledge and skills needed to work in an organization today and tomorrow.
This book focuses on the manager as a person; on how people act and what they achieve. But it constantly attempts to connect tasks with the people who perform them.
Tasks are by nature objective and impersonal. Tasks are performed by managers, i.e. They are the ones who set goals and work to achieve them. Management as a job involves the availability and use of specific skills, tools and methods. Many of these are dealt with in this book, and some of them in some detail. The revised edition of Management is a quintessence and synthesis of Peter F. Drucker's work on management and society, with an emphasis on his published and unpublished writings since 1973. year, when the first edition of the book "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice (MZOP)" was published, until his death on November 11, 2005 During this time, he published more publications than in 1954-1973, i.e. from the publication of the book "The Practice of Management" (1954) and "MZOP". Table of contents
Peter Drucker's legacy
Author's note
Introduction to the revised edition of Management
Introduction: the concept of management and managers
Management as a Social Function and a Liberal Art
Management Criteria
New realities of management
Knowledge is everything
Demographic changes
The Future of the Corporation
New paradigm management
Business performance
business theory
The purpose and objectives of the business
The future starts today
Strategic planning: entrepreneurial skill
The effectiveness of the institution of service
Management of service institutions in the society of organizations
What businesses can learn from successful nonprofits
School Responsibility
A New Understanding of Government Redesign
Entrepreneurship in institutions public service
Productive and Achievement-Oriented Worker
How to make work productive and orient the employee to achieve
Work management and manual worker
Job and employee management mental labor
Social impacts and social responsibility
Social Impact and Social Issues
The New Pluralism: How to Balance the Special Purpose of the Institute with the Common Good
Work and job tasks of a manager
Why managers?
Structure and content of managerial work assignments
Development of management and managers
Target management and self-control
From Middle Management to Information-Based Organizations
Spirit of Accomplishment
Management Skills
Elements of effective decision making
How to make HR decisions
Management communications
Control mechanisms, control and management
manager and budget
Information tools and concepts
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurial business
New venture
Entrepreneurial Strategies
Systematic innovation through windows of opportunity
Management organization
Strategies and structures
Scheme based on job and task
Three kinds of commands
Scheme focused on results and relationships
Executive Director of the New Millennium
Influence pension funds on the corporate governance
New requirements for a person
Self management
boss management
Rebuilding oneself: seven cases from personal experience
Educated person
Major works of Peter Drucker
The main works of Peter Drucker in Russian
Conclusion. Manager tomorrow
Subject index

Peter Ferdinand Drucker (German Peter Ferdinand Drucker; in German his name sounds like Peter; November 19 , Vein - 11th of November) - American scientist Austrian origin; economist, publicist, teacher, one of the most influential management theorists XX century.


Drucker passed away 11th of November 2005 in the city Claremont (Calif.), at the age of 96.


  • . - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012. - S. 432. - ISBN 978-5-91657-364-0
  • - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012. - P.240. - ISBN 978-5-91657-428-9
  • . - M.: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2012. - S. 256. - ISBN 978-5-91657-365-7.
  • Peter Drucker. Classic Management Works = Classic Drucker. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. - S. 220. - ISBN 978-5-9614-0752-5.
  • The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism (1939)
  • The Future of Industrial Man (1942)
  • Concept of the Corporation (1945)
  • The New Society (1950)
  • The Practice of Management(1954). Russian edition: Management practice. - M.: "Williams", 2003. - S. 397. - ISBN 5-8459-0085-9 , 0-7506-4393-5.
  • America's Next 20 Years (1957)
  • Landmarks of Tomorrow: A Report on the New "Post-Modern" World (1959)
  • Power and Democracy in America (1961)
  • Managing for Results: Economic Tasks and Risk-Taking Decisions (1964)
  • The Effective Executive (1966)
  • The Age of Discontinuity(1968). Russian edition: The Age of Gap: Landmarks for Our Changing Society. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 336. - ISBN 1-56000-618-8.
  • Technology, Management and Society (1970)
  • Men, Ideas and Politics (1971)
  • Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices(1973) Russian edition: Management: tasks, duties, practice. - M.: "Williams", 2008. - S. 992. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1365-4.
  • The Unseen Revolution: How the Pension Fund Came to America (1976)
  • An Introductory View of Management (1977)
  • Adventures of a Bystander (1979)
  • Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from the Sanso Collection (1979)
  • Managing in Turbulent Times (1980)
  • Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (1981)
  • The Changing World of the Executive (1982)
  • The Temptation to Do Good (1984)
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles(1985). Russian edition: Business and innovation. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 432. - ISBN 0-88730-618-7.
  • The Frontiers of Management (1986)
  • The New Realities (1989)
  • Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Practices and Principles(1990) Russian edition: Management in non-profit organization: principles and practice. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 304. - ISBN 0-88730-601-2.
  • Managing for the Future: The 1990s and Beyond (1992)
  • The Post-Capitalist Society (1993)
  • The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition (1993)
  • The Theory of the Business (1994)
  • Managing in a Time of Great Change (1995)
  • Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue Between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi (1997)
  • Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management(1998). Russian edition: O professional management: about the manager's profession. - M.: "Williams", 2005. - S. 320. - ISBN 1-59139-322-1.
  • Management Challenges for the 21st Century(1999). Russian edition: Tasks of management in the XXI century. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 272. - ISBN 0-7506-4456-7.
  • The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management(2001). Russian edition: Encyclopedia of Management. - M.: "Williams", 2006. - S. 432. - ISBN 0-06-621087-9.
  • Leading in a Time of Change: What it Will Take to Lead Tomorrow(2001; with Peter Senge)
  • The Effective Executive Revised Effective leader. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 224. - ISBN 0-06-051607-0.
  • Managing in the Next Society(2002). Russian edition: Management in the society of the future. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 320. - ISBN 0-312-28977-4.
  • A Functioning Society (2003)
  • The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done(2004). Russian edition: Drucker for every day. 366 tips for motivation and time management. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 416. - ISBN 0-06-074244-5.
  • Managing Oneself (2005)
  • The Effective Executive in Action(to be published in January 2006)

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Excerpt characterizing Drucker, Peter Ferdinand

Dolokhov himself often, during his recovery, spoke to Rostov such words that could not be expected from him. - They consider me an evil person, I know, - he used to say, - and let them. I don't want to know anyone except those whom I love; but whom I love, I love him so that I will give my life, and I will hand over the rest to everyone if they stand on the road. I have an adored, invaluable mother, two or three friends, including you, and I pay attention to the rest only as much as they are useful or harmful. And almost all are harmful, especially women. Yes, my soul, - he continued, - I met men who were loving, noble, exalted; but women, except for corrupt creatures - countesses or cooks, all the same - I have not yet met. I have not yet met that heavenly purity, devotion, which I am looking for in a woman. If I found such a woman, I would give my life for her. And these!…” He made a contemptuous gesture. – And do you believe me, if I still value life, I value it only because I still hope to meet such a heavenly being who would revive, purify and elevate me. But you don't understand it.
“No, I understand very well,” answered Rostov, who was under the influence of his new friend.

In autumn the Rostov family returned to Moscow. At the beginning of winter, Denisov also returned and stopped at the Rostovs. This first time of the winter of 1806, spent by Nikolai Rostov in Moscow, was one of the happiest and most cheerful for him and for his entire family. Nikolai attracted many young people to his parents' house. Vera was twenty years old, a beautiful girl; Sonya is a sixteen-year-old girl in all the beauty of a freshly blossomed flower; Natasha is half young lady, half girl, sometimes childishly funny, sometimes girlishly charming.
At that time, some special atmosphere of love arose in the Rostovs' house, as happens in a house where there are very nice and very young girls. Every young man who came to the Rostovs' house, looking at these young, receptive, for some reason (probably their happiness) smiling, girlish faces, at this lively bustle, listening to this inconsistent, but affectionate to everyone, ready for anything, filled with hope, babble of a woman's young people, listening to these inconsistent sounds, now singing, now music, experienced the same feeling of readiness for love and expectation of happiness that the youth of the Rostov house itself experienced.
Among the young people introduced by Rostov, was one of the first - Dolokhov, who liked everyone in the house, except for Natasha. For Dolokhov, she almost quarreled with her brother. She insisted that he was an evil person, that in a duel with Bezukhov, Pierre was right, and Dolokhov was to blame, that he was unpleasant and unnatural.
“There is nothing for me to understand,” Natasha shouted with stubborn self-will, “he is angry and without feelings. Well, after all, I love your Denisov, he was a carouser, and that’s all, but I still love him, so I understand. I don't know how to tell you; He has everything planned, and I don't like it. Denisova…
“Well, Denisov is another matter,” answered Nikolai, making it feel that even Denisov was nothing in comparison with Dolokhov, “you need to understand what kind of soul this Dolokhov has, you need to see him with his mother, it’s such a heart!
“I don’t know about that, but I’m embarrassed with him. And do you know that he fell in love with Sonya?
- What nonsense ...
- I'm sure you'll see. - Natasha's prediction came true. Dolokhov, who did not like women's society, began to visit the house often, and the question of for whom he traveled was soon (although no one spoke about it) resolved so that he traveled for Sonya. And Sonya, although she would never have dared to say this, knew this, and every time, like a red tan, she blushed at the appearance of Dolokhov.
Dolokhov often dined with the Rostovs, never missed a performance where they were, and attended balls of adolescentes [teenagers] at Iogel, where the Rostovs always visited. He paid primary attention to Sonya and looked at her with such eyes that not only she could not stand this look without paint, but the old countess and Natasha blushed when they noticed this look.
It was evident that this strong, strange man was under the irresistible influence exerted on him by this black, graceful, loving girl.
Rostov noticed something new between Dolokhov and Sonya; but he did not define for himself what kind of new relationship it was. “They are all in love with someone there,” he thought about Sonya and Natasha. But he was not like before, deftly with Sonya and Dolokhov, and he began to be at home less often.
Since the autumn of 1806, everything again started talking about the war with Napoleon with even more fervor than last year. Not only a set of recruits was appointed, but also 9 more warriors out of a thousand. Everywhere they cursed Bonaparte with an anathema, and in Moscow there was only talk about the upcoming war. For the Rostov family, the whole interest of these preparations for war consisted only in the fact that Nikolushka would never agree to stay in Moscow and only waited for the end of Denisov's vacation in order to go with him to the regiment after the holidays. The impending departure not only did not prevent him from having fun, but also encouraged him to do so. He spent most of his time away from home, at dinners, parties and balls.

On the third day of Christmas, Nikolai dined at home, which rarely happened to him lately. It was an official farewell dinner, since he and Denisov were leaving for the regiment after Epiphany. About twenty people dined, including Dolokhov and Denisov.
Never in the house of the Rostovs did the air of love, the atmosphere of love, make themselves felt with such force as on these days of holidays. “Catch moments of happiness, force yourself to love, fall in love yourself! Only this one thing is real in the world - the rest is all nonsense. And this is the only thing we are busy with here,” this atmosphere said. Nikolay, as always, having tortured two pairs of horses and even then without having time to visit all the places where he needed to be and where he was called, arrived home just before dinner. As soon as he entered, he noticed and felt the tension of the loving atmosphere in the house, but in addition he noticed a strange confusion reigning between some of the members of the society. Sonya, Dolokhov, the old countess, and a little Natasha were especially excited. Nikolai realized that something had to happen before dinner between Sonya and Dolokhov, and with his characteristic tenderness of heart, he was very gentle and cautious, during dinner, in dealing with both of them. On the same evening of the third day of the holidays, there was to be one of those balls at Yogel's (dance teacher), which he gave on holidays for all his students.
- Nikolenka, are you going to Yogel? Please, go, - Natasha told him, - he especially asked you, and Vasily Dmitritch (it was Denisov) is going.
“Where I don’t go on the orders of Mr. Afini!” said Denisov, who jokingly put himself in the Rostovs’ house on the foot of the knight Natasha, “pas de chale [dance with a shawl] is ready to dance.
- If I can! I promised the Arkharovs, they have an evening, - said Nikolai.
- And you? ... - he turned to Dolokhov. And as soon as I asked this, I noticed that I shouldn't have asked this.
“Yes, maybe ...” Dolokhov answered coldly and angrily, glancing at Sonya and, frowning, just with the same look that he had looked at Pierre at the club dinner, he again looked at Nikolai.
“There is something,” thought Nikolai, and this assumption was even more confirmed by the fact that Dolokhov left immediately after dinner. He called Natasha and asked what it was?
“I was looking for you,” Natasha said, running out to him. “I said you still didn’t want to believe,” she said triumphantly, “he proposed to Sonya.
No matter how little Nikolai Sonya did during this time, something seemed to come off in him when he heard this. Dolokhov was a decent and in some respects a brilliant match for the dowryless orphan Sonya. From the point of view of the old countess and society, it was impossible to refuse him. And therefore, the first feeling of Nikolai, when he heard this, was bitterness against Sonya. He was preparing to say: "And it's fine, of course, you have to forget the childhood promises and accept the offer"; but he didn't get to say it yet...