How to take the perfect selfie. How to take a beautiful selfie on your phone at home? How to take a good and beautiful selfie: background and light are important

  • 20.12.2021

Selfie. This word has become part of our daily vocabulary over the years. It is now even in the dictionary. In 2013, the Oxford Dictionary named selfie the word of the year.

What is a selfie from a technical point of view? Usually by this word in the modern world we mean a photograph of a person taken by the same person using a smartphone. In other words, at the same moment, the photographer is also the subject of the picture.

Most people take a picture of their face and then upload it to their social media page. There is nothing wrong with this, if everything is done with taste. To do this, we have prepared 15 creative selfie ideas for you.

Before you start implementing the ideas from this list, get yourself a quality selfie stick, which today costs from 200 to 1000 rubles, and your selfies will look much better. Selfie sticks, or monopods as they are also called, make your photos look more natural and you can create more interesting photos of yourself.

So let's get down to the ideas.

#1 You and your pet

Of course, many often post photos of cute pets (not always) animals. But why don't you take it up a notch? Place your dog or cat in front of you so that the face of the animal covers part of your face. Try to capture the moment when you look like you are part human and part animal.

#2 Selfie in selfie

Take a selfie while your friends or family members are also taking a selfie with their smartphone camera.

#3 Add accessories

The next time you're heading out for a selfie shoot, grab an accessory like a cool hat or aviator sunglasses. Alternatively, put on some bracelets, a new watch, or your favorite fitness band. Tie a scarf around your neck or wear a beautiful necklace.

#4 Create mystery

Create a sense of mystery by covering part of your face or one of your eyes.

#5 Tell your own story

Instead of just snapping your face to the camera, sit down and think about what you're passionate about and how you can capture it through photography. One way to do this is to include a few subjects in the frame that tell about you. Share a hobby you love - whether it's basketball, ballet, karate or painting.

#6 Share your shoes

Of course, not in the literal sense. Thank God, nowadays everyone has several pairs of their own shoes. It's just that today selfies of their stylish boots have become quite a popular trend.

It's nice to aim the camera straight down while grabbing the shoes. But why not get creative and take a photo of your feet along with some word that is posted next to it?

You can also write a message with chalk on the pavement or with your finger on the sand of a midday beach.

#7 Focus on the floor

If you're going to photograph your shoes, first find a really cool rug or tile floor to serve as a backdrop. Hotels and historic buildings are known for their unique flooring. Look for a floor that isn't too bright to detract from your shoes, yet interesting enough to grab your subscriber's attention.

#8 Highlight your assets

In this photo, the girl took a selfie of only the right side of her face, which creates a certain mystique that we talked about in point #4. But she also draws the user's attention to her beautiful blue eyes by wearing a blue hat. The neutral color of the background with its amazing texture also emphasizes this advantage.

#9 Turn on bright colors

Color grabs people's attention, so use bright colors to help your next selfie stand out. When we talk about bright colors, flowers, summer clothes, brightly colored walls, fruits in the market and, of course, balloons immediately come to mind.

#10 Mirror on the wall or car

Film yourself in front of a mirror at home or in your car.

You will get a double selfie or a simultaneous selfie from different angles, which is also unusual.

It is important to remember that while driving it is better to forget about the phone altogether. Also, before taking a picture, check the cleanliness of the mirror and the absence of unwanted objects in the background.

#11 Use reflections

There are also many surfaces that can give you an interesting reflection. You can use a shower head, watch cover or sunglasses.

#12 Zoom in on details

Zoom in and capture small details: your eyelashes, your new tattoo, or your engagement ring. For macro photography, you can use special lenses for your smartphone, which can be found in any store.

#13 Show off your fingers

Have you just painted your nails or do you have beautiful male fingers? Show your fingers to your friends on social networks.

#14 Take off your shadow

Shadow shots are best when the sun is directly behind you. Try to find a surface that will clearly show your shadow. Cement works well for these purposes, but if you want to be more creative, try another location, such as a lake or sandy beach.

#15 Goof off in front of the camera

Find a funny mask or fancy wig. Wear trendy sunglasses. Stick out your tongue. Make a stupid face. If you are at a wedding and taking part in a group photo, then after the professional camera takes a picture, pull out your smartphone, make a funny face and take a picture of yourself in front of others.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for selfies and it depends on you how unusual and interesting your pictures will look. If you have other creative selfie ideas, please share them in the comments.

Rodion Danilov

Inspired by the success of the Ellen DeGeneres selfie and other popular self-portraits, we decided to figure out what rules to follow so that your selfie gets the maximum number of likes.

Treat yourself
with humor

One of the best ways to diversify the flow of monotonous selfies is a contest. #SelfieOlympics. Its participants are trying to outdo each other in the absurdity of the photographs taken: someone is photographed in a pool with balls and with Pikachu in the background, someone is in a bath and on a bicycle, etc.

take pictures
with celebrities

Of course, Ellen DeGeneres' selfies are certainly popular, but a dozen famous Hollywood actors at the Oscars, she made her photo many times more popular: even if you don't like her jokes, you can laugh at Kevin Spacey or admire Jennifer Lawrence.

climb up
to a hard to reach place

Selfies taken in space, on mountain peaks, or in other hard-to-reach places are predictably popular. One of the most successful selfies of this type is that of astronaut Mike Hopkins, who increased his chances of success by photographing himself with the Earth in the background.

Take a selfie even if
you are not expected to

This rule works best for those who may not even have learned the word "selfie" yet. For example, when Pope Francis agreed to take a selfie with teenagers last year, it sparked media surprise and cemented Francis' status as the most courageous and democratic pope in recent years.


Typically photobombers are younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs doing lewd things behind you. Before you take a selfie, make sure that no one is lurking behind you, waiting for the moment to spoil the shot. On the other hand, such provocations can play into your hands if you have enough self-irony. As practice shows, such photos can be very funny and “like-intensive”.

Super trendy fun selfie— has become a part of our lives. Millions of people saw in it an opportunity to demonstrate self-confidence, their own uniqueness and sense of style. And do it in a fun, humorous way. This passion has not passed and the greats of this world - politicians, actors, presidents and prime ministers. Let's talk about what a selfie is like, how to make it attractive and what are its rules.

Selfie- this word finally established itself in our vocabulary in 2010. It means "taking a picture of yourself" in the dictionary language, or "crossbow" and "self" in Internet jargon. In a word, self-portrait. A new word in "art". Art is in quotation marks, because selfies are not at all drawn to the artistic genre.

The word was introduced into international circulation by the Australians in 2002. In 2013, there was a real boom in selfies, when about 50 types of them were born. Psychologists are not sounding the alarm yet, but they are slowly starting to publish explanatory articles about the consequences of excessive selfie addiction.

Selfie types

Selfie lovers know how to diversify their photos to such an extent that they had to give them separate names. A description of all types is a topic for a separate article. Let's look at the TOP 10 most frequent and interesting.


This is a selfie taken in front of a mirror in an elevator. The most common species that even the most famous personalities did not ignore.


This is a male selfie. Many men consider such a hobby not at all masculine, women do not understand it at all, and psychologists tend to see men who take selfies as latent psychopaths.


This is a group self-portrait.

Short for "farm selfie", but this does not mean that only farmers take them, although there are even specialized online communities of "felphists". It is also photographing yourself with your favorite animal - a dog, a cat, a lion, an elephant - it does not matter.


The most lyrical kind of selfie though, depending on how you play it. This is a "self-photo" with loved ones. The Internet audience does not really welcome such pictures.

extreme selfie

The name speaks for itself. These are self-portraits taken in conditions of extreme danger - on high-rise buildings, on the edge of an abyss, and so on.


This is a bikini selfie. The notorious Kim Kardashian leads in the number of bifi. Our stars, too, have not escaped the craze for this type of selfie.

As if he says: “Look what (what) I’m done! I lead a healthy lifestyle, I train my body, I look great! This is a photo in the gym with exercise machines in the background.

Selfie "wake up" or "just woke up"

Called to show the world an awakened angel who has barely opened his eyes, but is already fresh and beautiful. Unfortunately, this happens infrequently, so the pictures do not always please both their owners and the vast audience of social networks.

Horror that appeared in 2014 thanks to Jim Carrey. Some exalted American woman, after watching a movie with an actor where he wraps his face with tape, decided to repeat this and perpetuate her image in the photo. She gained a lot of followers, and this selfie was singled out in a separate form.

To complete the picture, let's add - retro selfies, cat selfies, body selfies, toilet onions, in a bag from a supermarket and other creations of the wild imagination of young people.

Why and why take a selfie?

The simplest answer is because they want to capture themselves, their beloved (beloved). Where before you could show yourself and look at others? That's right, at dances, in a club, go to the cinema, just walk down the street. Today, in the turmoil of working days, there is no time to walk, dance floors are closed, clubs have a different purpose. Young people communicate mainly in the virtual space. Many scientific and non-scientific articles have been written about this, but the fact remains. It is in this way that you can show yourself to a huge audience, and very quickly - take a picture and immediately post the photo on Instagram, Facebook or another network.

Why do people post selfies online?

To be the center of attention or just to attract him to you. Ambition and ambition are far from the last qualities inherent in us. Some just need to constantly be at the peak of popularity. These can be photos with famous people, photos in "pathos" places, etc. It's good if this is not the only way you attract attention to yourself.

A selfie can simply carry information. Demonstrate a new suit, jewelry or a good haircut. You can consult with a friend at the stage of choosing a purchase. Communicate information not with words, but with a picture. The video sequence comes to the fore, pushing verbal messages aside.

Choosing a pose for a selfie

After we have decided that a selfie is interesting, cool and even sometimes useful, let's figure out how to make yourself as beautiful and attractive as possible on it.

How to choose an angle

It is known that the human face is asymmetrical, its right half differs from the left. Try several angles and settle on the best one.

The main rule is never shoot yourself from below. This will give you a double chin, neck creases and a fuller face overall. Shooting from above will make you look older. Try not to shoot yourself in full face. Otherwise, the camera will zoom in on the nose, and you'll get a funny but not pretty picture.

The camera level is just above the eyes. This will emphasize their expressiveness - they will seem more open, wide open. In addition, the view of the face slightly from above will make its oval clearer. The rotation of the head in relation to the camera should be 25-40°. With this angle, the chin line is emphasized.

Tilt your head slightly to the side. It is not necessary to look directly into the camera, some people do not like this look. Take him aside a little. And smile, smile! Sponges "bow" is no longer fashionable!

The position of the camera on top will allow you to capture the chest in the frame. Do you want to draw the attention of the audience to it? Press your elbows to it, this will emphasize the hollow. The success of your bust and photo as a whole is guaranteed.

Selfies are taken not only to show themselves, but also to renew themselves. Or a new haircut. Here, too, you will have to work hard. To focus on a new hairstyle, you again have to choose a favorable angle.

To demonstrate new glasses, you need to take a frontal photo, and to show new earrings, you need to take a half-turn view.

Forget about static and strict facial expressions. The pose should be lively and natural. If you're a beginner selfie photographer, practice in front of a mirror. Norma Jean would never be amazing Marilyn Monroe, if I had not rehearsed for hours in front of the mirror the naturalness of the pose. The same with facial expressions. You can even learn how to make funny faces.

Selfies made with a good sense of humor are becoming more and more popular in networks. Don't be afraid to be funny (or funny). Use fun accessories.

To highlight one, in your opinion, the most attractive feature on your face, emphasize it with the help of cosmetics. Emphasize the beautiful shape of the lips with bright lipstick, without highlighting the eyes and cheekbones. Or vice versa, if you want to highlight your eyes, apply discreet lipstick, and emphasize your eyes with mascara and light shadows.

Full length photo

These photos are always taken from above. So the figure looks taller and slimmer. No need to stand at attention, heels together, toes apart. Take a seductive pose with one leg slightly bent. Tilt slightly to the side, towards the camera. Lever the shoulder opposite the camera slightly forward. Just lower your free hand or rest it on your waist. This pose will also make your figure slimmer. The most successful full-length selfies are obtained in front of a mirror.

This is another “trick” for selfie fans. There are rules here too. Never take off your legs just from the ankle. Take the legs into the camera from the middle of the thigh or from the knee. Then they will look slimmer and longer. Experiment with the position of the camera, remembering one thing - it should look straight down.

In order to capture your own buttocks (belfi), you need to arch your back and lean forward a little. It is better to shoot from behind and a little from the side. Then even a not very impressive “fifth point” will look beautiful.

Fashion poses and stories

Naturalness and ease are in fashion now. “Cozy” selfies are welcome in an armchair under a blanket, hugging a pet. Photos with wild animals, especially on vacation and especially with exotic ones. Photos taken as if by chance, that is, not staged.

The latest trend in selfies is when hands are raised to the face, demonstrating a flawless manicure.

What is no longer in trend?

It is not at all fashionable to make “duckface” - lips folded with a duck's beak and big eyes. In addition to a contemptuous "fu-u-u" you will get nothing from the audience. Unless, of course, you let her know that you are joking like that.

There was such a fashion to portray that you are taking a selfie, and your smartphone is being taken away. Was and ended. Try to post such a photo, and you will be laughed at.

Impressive priests and selfies in front of the mirror in the elevator are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is not fashionable to pretend to be asleep, to strain your muscles and to pretend that you have been taken by surprise.

How to take a selfie?

There are a few rules that must be followed, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste. This is the choice of gadget, lighting, background and the use of special assistive devices.


Poor lighting can ruin your entire photo session. The best lighting is natural. The light should fall on your face, and not shine from behind. It's like taking a photo in front of a window - only the silhouette will be visible.

The best time to shoot is morning, evening or overcast day. In this case, the clouds will naturally scatter the light.

If you're taking selfies in artificial light, cover the light source with a thin cloth to make it softer and more diffuse. This is important because this way the photo will convey color and midtones with greater accuracy.

Selfie flash is not recommended. It gives too bright light, which is almost impossible to adjust. As a result, you will get a shiny forehead, red eyes, and the face will be too bright against a darker background.

What to shoot?

Anything - ordinary cameras, tablets, smartphones, in a word, everything that has a camera. The most convenient way to do this is with a smartphone that is equipped with two cameras - front and rear. In addition, shooting on a smartphone is easier. It is easier to hold it in one hand, it can be done very quickly, as soon as the opportunity or desire arose to take a picture of your loved one.

Front and rear cameras

Usually the front camera has a lower resolution than the main one, but it is on it that selfies are taken, because it is more convenient to frame the frame.

To make satisfactory shots, a resolution of 2 MP is enough. Manufacturers, catching the trend, began to produce smartphones with a reinforced front widescreen camera. Moreover, recently the largest of them, such as Sony and HTC, have introduced selfie phones.

The main camera is equipped with a flash, usually having several modes, as well as autofocus. It is more difficult to take a selfie on it, it will take skill and experience in building a composition. Usually it has a higher resolution (from 5 to 8 MP) and the pictures are of high quality.

Using a Monopod

It is a stick with a gadget mount at the end and a power button on the handle. A monopod expands shooting possibilities. With it, it is convenient to take group photos, extreme selfies, shooting when you need to capture the natural environment or the urban environment in the frame. Monopods can be of three types:

  • With Bluetooth function. With its help, it connects to a smartphone. Convenient because it runs on batteries. On the other hand, if the battery is dead, you will no longer be able to take pictures. This is the most expensive option
  • Monopod with a headset that resembles headphones and connects to a smartphone through a connector for them. The other end of the wire is connected to the activation button located on the handle. This tripod is slightly cheaper than the previous one.
  • Without the power button, in this case, the voice control of the smartphone is used. This is the cheapest option.

ambient background

Imagine a lyrical shot taken against the backdrop of a dumpster, and you will understand how important the surrounding background is for a photograph. If you're taking selfies at home, make sure the room is tidy. You should not take a photo of a new modern outfit against the background of an old wall with dangling doors. There will be a terrible dissonance.

Choose a suitable background, because it will be seen along with your face. A large indoor plant can be a good option. If you are an intellectual, love to read, a bookcase can be a background.

Nature is considered the most successful background, it will not let you down at any time of the year. Forest, river, mountains, sky - everything is impressive.

The most popular views against which tourists and travelers are photographed are world-famous monuments and attractions, for example, the Eiffel Tower, London's Big Ben, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, etc.

Selfie in the mirror

One of the first selfie fashion trends was to take a picture of yourself in the mirror of an elevator - liftoluk. They do it now, but it is already considered boring and few people are impressed.

But photography in front of a mirror is not limited to this genre. It can be a full-length photo or a photo of just the face. There are two immutable rules:

  • do not obscure your face with a smartphone, keep it at chest level;
  • don't look at your smartphone, look at yourself in the mirror, that's how you will be seen in the photo.

Selfie - a photo with a loved one - is considered one of the most annoying types of selfies, but, nevertheless, one of the most popular. To get a good photo, you need to consider the following:

  • avoid accuracy in the photo;
  • make sure that the faces are at the same level (as far as possible);
  • choose a photogenic angle for faces (if you are already an experienced selfie, then you know in which angle your face looks most attractive);
  • before pressing the shutter, make sure that the eyes of all participants in the shooting are open;
  • diversify selfies by inviting friends;
  • remember about focus and take into account the minimum shooting distance for your camera;
  • check in what form the surrounding objects fall into the frame (if the branches stick out from behind the partner’s head, etc.);
  • find an interesting background.

You are taking a photograph not for the public, but for memory, so do not strive for high artistry. The main thing is that the photo warms your soul.

They can ruin any photo. If you're taking a selfie at home, choose a time when you can't be interrupted by small children suddenly appearing in the background. If this is not a selfie with your beloved cat, then put him out of the room for the duration of the shooting.

When photographing on the street, choose a place where a passer-by cannot appear. So that there is no nearby sports or playground, from where a ball can fly or playful horns appear above your head.

Pay special attention to unwanted neighbors in the frame on vacation, especially on the beach. Otherwise, your sweet face may be in close proximity to the hairy legs of a sunbathing tourist nearby.

Image processing

To make a photo more interesting, cooler and funnier, there are special applications for processing them. It is enough to download them to your smartphone, or maybe they are already there.

Overlay filters

You can improve your photo by applying light filters. Usually these options are already included in smartphones. The simplest and most common of these are Sepia and black and white. Try to experiment and apply all the options available for this in the phone. With the help of a light filter, you can make a photo in retro style, play with the brightness of the image. Choose what suits each particular picture.

One of the powerful photo editors is Afterlight. With it, you can change the illumination, brightness, sharpness and contrast. It's perfect for fixing bad shots.


There are many applications for correcting or enhancing an image. In particular, these are programs:

  • Cymera for Android will improve the quality of the picture, make an interesting frame for it and provide it with a funny sticker;
  • pics art is a photo editor with which you can remove unwanted defects, make a collage and apply various effects;
  • Via Mextures you can change the texture of the photo;
  • Lens Light adds spectacular highlights to the picture;
  • VSCOCam allows you to add effects in real time, that is, while photographing.

Company Instagram released a new program for creating collages layout. It is good because it automatically sorts the photos accumulated in the smartphone. A collage can be formed from 9 photos, and the application will offer you several options.

Overlay effects

Do not like boring photos and have a good sense of humor? For you, several applications that will bring your creative ideas to life:

  • Fantimate- you can choose a fun animation effect, make a collage or a video clip;
  • cam up- you can apply funny "chips", do hairstyles and provide a picture with a variety of effects;
  • SnapDash- offers more than one and a half thousand scenarios for your photos;
  • Masquerade is an application that allows you to overlay various masks on the image - animals, horror stories, clown ones. Now there are only about 15 of them in the application, but the developers promise more. It allows you to create animation. It is very funny to send a video message to a friend with such an animated mask overlay.


Agree, we can not always look perfect in the photo. And I want to appear before the public in all its glory. In order for the photo not to be frightening, there are editor programs:

  • You Cam Perfect- this application will help to even out complexion, remove pimples and pimples that have come out inappropriately in the picture, wrinkles and generally make you younger;
  • Facetune designed specifically for mobile platforms and is able to retouch photos, up to changing the color of the skin and eyes, facial geometry and hairstyles. And to remove the hated bags under the eyes - even more so;
  • Perfect365- Another wonderful editor that automatically finds the places of application - the contour of the face and its key points.

Where and how to upload selfies

Most visited by young people are facebook and In contact with. Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir is a hangout place for older people who, of course, also take and post their selfies, but much less frequently.

Application for instantly sending and viewing selfies - snapchat- designed to allow you to share pictures in real time. They will be visible on the recipient's screen for only a few seconds, and then deleted. Designed exclusively for displaying photos, your friends will not be able to save them.


Instagram is a social network. Officially owned by Facebook, it is intended for use on mobile devices with iOS and Android platforms. Users tell about themselves in pictures - photos, including selfies. They put likes under them, comment on them. In order to upload selfies in it, you need to download the application, install it and register.

Inside it there is an application that allows you to upload a photo from the gallery or take it right there. It also has an editor in which this photo can be improved. This network constantly holds contests for the best thematic selfie.

Be trendy

It is very fashionable to take pictures of yourself while traveling. There is a kind of selfie - "follow me"— follow me. When one character pulls another along with different tourist spots in the background. Filmed using the main camera on a smartphone.

The extreme selfie never goes out of style. But the risk must be reasonable, and it is desirable to use a monopod so that the environment gets into the frame, showing what the extreme is.

Retro selfies are trending. Many smartphones are equipped with special programs to take an "old" photo. It remains only to choose an outfit and accessories - and you are in trend.

Fitness selfie - photo in the gym. Be sure to pay attention to the surrounding background so that there are no legs around you, wringing out the weight on the simulator or sweaty puffing fat men in the background. Our Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also made a mark in this genre.

The “Just Woke Up” selfie is also gaining momentum. You should not take a photo just by opening your eyes, usually we all do not look very good at this moment. It is better to get up, wash, comb your hair, giving your hair a somewhat careless look and apply very light makeup, which will not be visible in the picture.

Emphasize femininity

Girls want to look attractive in the photo, this can be done by emphasizing their femininity.

Start with clothes. One-shoulder tops are very tempting, avoid button-down blouses or turtlenecks. If you have beautiful hands - open them, if full - put on a blouse with a free ¾ sleeve.

Highlight your bust. If you are a happy owner of a beautiful high chest - raise your hand and put it behind your head. Raise your hair a little with your hand. If the chest is small, slightly push your shoulders forward and lower them a little, so your bust will look more erotic.

If you are shooting sitting, do not highlight your feet, it is better to pull your knee towards you so that it is near your head in the picture. A very disturbing pose.

The technical recommendations remain the same as for women. But the plots ... This is a topic for a separate discussion. In a nutshell, a male selfie is very annoying for women. How to make it to please beautiful ladies?

Avoid banal subjects - the gym, I'm in the car, I'm with friends at a pajama party, I'm sleeping, and the like.

Well, if you want to make yourself "yourself", choose the proper background and take on the appropriate look. For example, against the backdrop of a cool car with a slight unshaven and in stylish clothes suitable for the moment.

It can be a courageous selfie, for example, during mountain trekking.

For a selfie at home, you do not need to take graceful poses, the simpler the better. Choose simple, discreet clothing. The pose looks good when you throw a jacket over your shoulder. In the office, you can take a photo in a relaxed pose, sitting in a chair.

If you're a big fan of selfies, practice in front of a mirror just like women do. After all, no one sees you at this moment!

Selfie etiquette

Selfies are not always appropriate. In order not to offend anyone's feelings, remember situations when a selfie is taboo or can be taken only with permission:

  • pictures in the toilet are in bad taste;
  • do not make a “crossbow” surrounded by a large number of people - not everyone wants to remain in the memory of your friends, but they can accidentally get into the frame;
  • refrain from taking photographs during funerals, mourning ceremonies, in the church;
  • away - only with the permission of the hosts;
  • in the company of friends, first invite everyone to take a selfie, and only then take an individual photo
  • And, of course, compliance with safety rules is important - remember how many extreme selfies you have seen that ended tragically. After all, you are not photographed for this!

Good luck and good stylish photos!

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What is the perfect selfie? Why do some girls look like models in the photo, while others do not? You will be surprised, but to create a good picture, it is not enough just to take a picture. About all the secrets and nuances in our article.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

“Selfie” became the top neologism term in 2013. It means “photo of oneself”, so the Russian-language Internet has simplified this word, renaming it to “self”.

In the era of Instagram and fancy gadgets, it becomes more and more difficult to stand out with your photos, because it seems that everything has already been tried: unusual locations, poses, cosplay, confusing processing. But the human fantasy is limitless, the main thing is to add individuality.

Today we will tell you how a girl can feel like a real model and take a beautiful photo on her phone, even if you are alone at home. We have a few secrets that will help you refresh your Instagram feed or get a new photo on VKontakte.

To be honest, the key to a cool selfie is a modern gadget with a good camera. Someone does not change shooting on an iPhone, someone does a photo shoot on a Samsung phone, but we advise you to take a closer look at Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus. You can find out more.

Equally cool and unusual photos are obtained both at home and on the street, because the meaning of self is yourself. Selfies are different: a portrait on the front camera of a smartphone or on the main one in the mirror. It all depends on what you want to say (or show) to the insta world today.

How to take a good selfie

The advantage of a selfie is that you can take as many pictures as you like until your heart skips a beat - here it is, that very photo !.

Wipe your camera

No kidding. This is the most important point! A dirty camera makes photos blurry, fuzzy. It is difficult to work with such a source code, if at all possible. And we want to get a cool selfie, right? Then perform this ritual every time you open the camera on your phone.


You can have the coolest smartphone with an amazing camera, but without the right lighting, your selfie will be blurry. For example, it’s definitely not worth taking pictures in the dark, because twilight eats up colors. Forget about the yellow light of the lamp, which distorts the face and adds ugly shadows.

The ideal option for shooting yourself is daylight diffused light. You can catch it on the street at the best time: an hour before sunrise and an hour before sunset. Such self-portraits are the most interesting because of the soft natural light. Avoid the sun during the midday hours and light sources that are above you. They will definitely add age to you, highlighting the nasolabial fold or turn you into a panda because of the dark bags under the eyes.

If you are indoors, move closer to the window. Feel like you don't have enough light? Use materials at hand to make the skin bright and the eyes glow. Any reflector will do: a white cloth, a white piece of paper, or a mirror. At any time of the day, a ring lamp will help you out, which is just designed for perfect photos. You can buy it on Aliexpress.


Subscribers like a thoughtful image in the photo much more than a hastily taken selfie. Yes, and a photo with chips in the form of an unusual make-up or hairstyle collects more likes, verified. By the way, about makeup. In the photo, it always looks faded, so it needs to be enhanced. Do not be afraid to use contouring on the face, go beyond the line of the lips with a pencil to add volume to them, draw arrows brighter. And although in real life it looks sloppy and funny, for a selfie - just right.

Correct Angle

Experienced selfie masters say that the best angle for shooting is slightly above the level of your gaze. It makes the face more sweet and innocent. But if you want to look sly and sexy, shoot yourself a little from below. True, this advice should be avoided by girls with a heavy chin, so as not to visually make it even more unbearable.


Many people avoid selfies because they think they don't look good in photos. In fact, they just haven't found their angle yet! Yes, taking a photo of yourself is a real job that requires some skill. So pick up your phone and click yourself in different positions to find the working side.

Leave full-face photos for family photos with relatives. For a selfie, move your head, because the best position is a turned face by 30-45 degrees to the side. At the same time, open the chin line to add graphicity.

To avoid a double chin, move your head slightly forward. Again, in real life, this pose is ridiculous, but for the photo it is indispensable. Also try to open the collarbones in the frame to add relief to the body. If they are not very noticeable for you, then do this:

  • stretch your arms in front of you;
  • fold them palms up;
  • twist slightly.

Refined collarbones and miniature shoulders are guaranteed. The camera adds extra pounds to you anyway, so get up for the photo if possible!

A few more hacks:

  1. If chubby cheeks bother you, then there is a secret here: bite them from the inside with your teeth.
  2. Positioning your phone horizontally also makes you look wider, so shoot yourself vertically or diagonally.
  3. Also avoid contrasting your clothing and background to make you look smaller.
  4. A triangular neckline on a jacket or T-shirt can visually stretch the neck.
  5. The farther you hold your hand with the phone, the face looks more prominent and bony. If you hold it close, then a “Christmas tree toy” effect appears, that is, the face will become round and blurry, and the nose will seem large.
  6. A slightly open mouth and raised eyebrows can add femininity.

Applications for processing

So, you have received the coveted photo (or maybe several?), now it's time to take on the correction. This also requires some skills and knowledge, but you can do it, the main thing is to constantly practice. To remove redness, cover up pimples, remove unnecessary objects from the photo, narrow the face, enlarge the eyes, apply filters or add inscriptions will help you:

  • VSCO Cam;
  • Lightroom;
  • afterlight;
  • snapseed;
  • pixart;
  • Avatan;
  • Facetune\Airbrush and others.

At first, it is difficult for a beginner to come up with something cool for a photo, so we strongly recommend looking for inspiration on the Internet. Follow bloggers, models and other media personalities. Feel free to copy their poses, facial expressions, borrow composition ideas. Very soon you yourself will become someone's ideological inspirer, and they will copy you.

Always take more photos so you have plenty to choose from. For a change, work with the self-timer on your phone. It gives you more room to experiment with poses, hands, or objects. And as model Tyra Banks said, always catch the light with your face for amazing photos.

How to take a beautiful selfie with flowers

Ideas for creating a photo can be invented endlessly, because there are so many interesting things around. But some selfies are most in demand:

  • liftoluk, that is, a photo in the mirror of the elevator;
  • group selfie, for example, from a concert or a football match;
  • fitness selfie while exercising in the gym;
  • self-portrait with a loved one or pet;
  • dressing onions are made in the bathroom or toilet mirror;
  • pop-selfies are made to demonstrate their fifth point to subscribers;
  • selfies during some cool events or with celebrities.

Any bouquets will look beautiful in the frame: with roses, chrysanthemums, tulips, gerberas and even lilacs. But the most spectacular selfies are obtained in good lighting. Move closer to a window or go outside during the day, or use a ring light in the evening.

It doesn’t matter if you are shooting yourself on the front camera or taking a picture in the mirror, you should be at the center of the composition. When shooting vertically, the views of subscribers will be fixed on you, and when shooting horizontally, they may shift to the side.

When shooting, keep your proportions in mind. Girls with a long face should avoid shooting from above, so as not to stretch it even more. For those who have a round face, it is better to turn your head halfway. A triangular face looks good when shooting from below.

It has been noticed that girls with a toned figure tend to show both the bouquet and their figure at the same time. But in fact, with the right posing, absolutely any girl can do this. The main thing is to turn the body halfway, tighten the tummy, straighten your shoulders and slightly put one leg forward, for appetizing buttocks.

Another idea to showcase your flowers is to cover up with them or pretend you are smelling them. Such options are often chosen by prudes. For those who want to make themselves known on Instagram, another pose is suitable. Flirtatious ladies can sit on the floor in front of a mirror, gracefully extend their legs to add length to them, and simply put the bouquet next to them. Ready! Try, experiment, share your ideas with us in the comments.

How to take a beautiful selfie in underwear

Increasingly, naked female bodies flicker in the feeds of social networks, and the girls on the other side of the screen are overgrown with new complexes. It seems to you that getting closer to such an ideal is an unattainable dream and years of fitness. Oh, this Instagram life!

We are always shown what sells best, and in our case, it gets hundreds of likes. But it's just a picture, fake. Believe me, as soon as the insta model turns off the camera, she, like all the girls in the world, breathes a sigh of relief and climbs into her favorite sweatpants with sagging knees and a sizeless T-shirt.

The reality is that ideal bodies do not exist. Everyone is unique in their own way, sorry for the hackneyed phrase. However, there is one "but". Any girl can look like a fitness model in the photo thanks to competent posing, which we will now tell you about.

So, you have a new chic swimsuit or erotic lingerie. Urgently on the Internet, let everyone appreciate it! Look for the right location for your unusual intimate photo shoot in the bathroom. Suitable, of course, and the bedroom, if there is a large mirror. Then you can modestly bury yourself in bed linen or put on a dressing gown.

Choosing poses

  1. Less bulges - more depressions. Stand in front of the mirror, slightly stick out your hip, and put your foot on the toe. A protruding thigh will create a relief, and the leg on the toe will visually lengthen. This approach is always win-win.
  2. The buttocks set back and the rise of the body on the toes will help to demonstrate your beautiful legs. While doing this, move the phone slightly forward. The seductive silhouette is ready.
  3. The secret of the relief body lies in the lighting. If you turn sideways to a light source, such as a window, you will notice how your abs that were not obvious a second ago stand out.
  4. It is easy to achieve an aspen waist, the main thing is not to lose consciousness. So, first we exhale deeply, and then we retract the stomach as much as possible. Take a photo, breathe again. Repeat as many times as you need for the perfect nude.
  5. For the voluminous walnut you usually sit on, all you need to do is arch your back a lot towards the camera. In this case, it is better to stand half-sided, and of course, on the toes.

We hope you enjoyed our tips and now you will actively apply them to create quality content on your social media page. Share with us in the comments what new things did you learn today?

With the development of information technology, smartphones with powerful cameras have appeared on the market. Thanks to this, photography lovers can take a unique selfie. It is worth noting that selfie is a real art. Not every picture will attract attention. To teach how to make high-quality, and most importantly interesting photographs, you need to learn more about this art.

What is a selfie

A selfie is usually understood as an autophoto that is taken with a smartphone or camera. The picture should be of a person taking a picture of himself. In the hands, without fail, there must be a camera. If a person is not holding a smartphone, it is no longer considered a selfie.

Today, selfie shots have gained worldwide popularity. In most cases, photos are immediately sent to social networks. Most often, pictures are posted on the following Internet resources:

Of course, if you wish, you can add pictures to other popular social networks.

It is worth noting that initially selfies were taken in order to capture yourself against the backdrop of a beautiful place or at the time of an event taking place nearby. Most modern selfies are boring and repetitive.

How to take the right picture

The main task of a selfie is to take a high-quality picture of yourself, against a beautiful or interesting background. Unfortunately, not everyone gets such autophotos. It is important to note that the picture does not just "advertise" itself, it must show the situation in which the photograph was taken.

To learn how to take a selfie, you need to have a powerful device and a well-chosen landscape. Everyone can choose a suitable device for taking pictures and simulate an interesting situation.

Camera selection

Any picture, including selfies, is taken with a high-quality camera. You need to buy a smartphone with a powerful front camera. Unfortunately, these devices are expensive. Therefore, you need to learn how to take selfies without a front camera. Of course, this is not so easy to do, but it is possible.

The smartphone camera must have a matrix resolution of 8 megapixels. In this case, the presence of a stabilizer is important. Experts recommend considering devices that have a camera with a resolution of 13 megapixels or higher.

Background and lighting

The camera is not the only tool you need to create a high-quality and interesting picture. Since taking a selfie is not so easy, you need to consider all aspects that affect the quality of the photo.

On the Internet you can find a lot of unsuccessful pictures, in the background of which:

  • naked people;
  • Scattered things;
  • grimacing people;
  • Nondescript walls;
  • Much more.

It is important to choose a beautiful landscape. There should be no strangers in the background. If there is no way to take a picture without a stranger or a crowd in the background, you need to turn the focus on yourself. People in the background should not make faces or take obscene poses.

It should be noted that in addition to a successful background, you need to choose the right lighting. To create a good selfie, you need to turn off the flash. Sunlight or artificial light should fall on the face. Lighting should not be too bright. Otherwise, there will be light and the photo will be of poor quality.

Angle selection

Even a powerful camera and the right background will not save the picture if the wrong angle is chosen. It is strictly forbidden to tilt your head back strongly, as this will cause a distortion of the oval of the face. It is recommended to make a slight turn of the head to the side.

It is best to take a picture so that the photo shows not only the face, but also part of the body. It is best to experiment before uploading the finished result to the network.


How to take a beautiful selfie so that everyone envy and admire? It's simple, in addition to the camera, background, lighting and angle, you need to take care of the appearance. Girls are recommended to make up their lips with bright lipstick. It is best to get rid of all shiny areas of the skin. It is recommended to apply powder on the nose, forehead and cheeks.

Another important point is the hairstyle. Hair should not stick out in different directions. If it is not possible to use a comb, you can correct the situation with a hairpin or rubber bands.

Attract attention

A unique picture can be taken if you take a picture with famous people. This photo will quickly gain ratings. Do not forget about the above recommendations. It is worth noting that this kind of photograph can be taken both in a nightclub and on the street.

Animals can be another way to add appeal to a picture. And it does not matter whether it is a domestic or wild "animal". The only thing to remember is that the animal should not cover the person's face.

What to Avoid

Even with a good camera and expensive cosmetics, you can earn dislikes. Similar pictures can be found not only among ordinary users, but also among celebrities. To take a beautiful photo, it is recommended to avoid the following places:

  • Funeral parlors and cemeteries (such pictures are simply not ethical);
  • Temples are a bad place for a selfie;
  • Hospital or operating room;
  • Authorities and other official places;
  • The car is not the best place for a photo (not beautiful and you can create an emergency);
  • Places of fires and other disasters (such a photo is simply inhumane).

When is the best time to take selfies?

To take an interesting selfie, you should always keep your phone with you. Most often, beautiful, positive and interesting pictures are obtained in the following cases:

  • When you want to capture an interesting moment that you can remember for a long time. Most often these are concerts, birthdays or other festive events;
  • Rest and travel. A beautiful, and most importantly memorable photo is obtained if you take it against the backdrop of the sea or palm trees. Such pictures will be liked by friends, and will also allow you to remember the pleasant moments of life;
  • Unexpected things. For example, a three-month rainfall fell in a day, or a huge bun (a man in a large suit) walks along the street. The picture taken can be immediately posted on social networks to surprise and delight friends;
  • Demonstration of new things. This is one of the most common selfies, but you need to be careful with the background and lighting so as not to ruin the shot.

It is important to remember that the pictures should not be repeated. The only moment when a selfie is taken in one place several times is an attempt to tell a story. In other cases, it is better not to do this.

Video instruction for a beautiful selfie


On the Internet you can find a huge number of selfies. In fact, making a high-quality autophoto is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To succeed, you need to study all the recommendations, as well as take 2-3, and sometimes 10-15 test shots. Do not forget about the structure of the face and figure. It is important to turn in such a way that the camera emphasizes individuality and beauty.