Summary of modeling a goat in the senior group. Summary of classes in the senior group Artistic activity. Drawing. "Dymkovo goat. The legend of the Dymkovo whistle

  • 17.05.2020

Dymkovo animals. Senior group.

Tasks:Continue to consolidate the ability to decorate the silhouette of an animal with a Dymkovo pattern; drawing skills with the end of the brush thin straight lines, wavy lines, rings, dots; the skill of constructing a pattern composition in animal painting (arrangement of the pattern in vertical rows); select a color combination characteristic of Dymkovo painting. Develop imagination.

Material:Illustrations and toys of Dymkovo animals, the mistress - the hostess, the Gorodets horse. Silhouettes of goats, horses, deer, rams, piglets. Gouache, soft brushes. Tables of elements of Dymkovo painting.

Previous work: Consideration of Dymkovo toys. Design of the exhibition "Motley round dance" (from illustrations of photographs)

Lesson progress:

Our guest today is the Dymkovo lady - the hostess, her household is rich: a duck, and a pig, and a goat, and a bull, and a horse, and a deer, but she does not want to take this horse (Gorodetskaya) to her. Why do you think?

Children tell the differences between the patterns of the Gorodets horse and the Dymkovo animals.

Let's paint our guest Dymkovo animals today?

I cut goats, horses, deer, rams, pigs. Everyone will choose one animal and decorate it with a Dymkovo pattern. To make the animals beautiful, and the hostess took them to her, I will show you how to work better:

  1. paint the muzzle, ears, hooves, etc.
  2. draw large patterns in vertical rows (circles, rings, lines). The piglet is horizontal.
  3. add small patterns (dots, dashes). Paying attention to the vertical position of the brush while painting.


We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!

Hey! They jumped in place.

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe-he! back bent,

We looked at the boots.

Ege - ge! Bent down below

Leaned closer to the floor.

You sit down in place deftly.

In this we need skill.

What do you like, friend?

Let's start drawing again!

Children's work.

Evaluation: 2-3 children help the lady hostess choose the most beautiful animals and tell why they liked them.

Artistic activity. Drawing.

"Dymkovo goat"

Abstract of the lesson in senior group.

Program content

- Continue to develop the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo patterns;
- continue to teach children to draw narrow lines and points - with the end of the bristle of the brush;
- to consolidate the ability to cleanly wash the brush before using paint of a different color;
- use in drawing certain colors used in Dymkovo painting;
- to cultivate interest and love for folk art.
Dictionary : Dymkovo toy, horse, elegant, joyful, cheerful, festive.
Preliminary work:
1. Conversations about the Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination
2. Examination of products of decorative and applied art
3. Drawing elements of Dymkovo painting
Equipment and material : illustrations depicting Dymkovo toys; samples of patterns on sheets A - 4; postcards for each child with a cut figurine of a goat; palette with six colors: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange; jars of water, brushes No. 3, napkins, stands for brushes.
Individual work : continue to learn to draw with the end of the brush.
Form of organization:
1. Children sit in a semicircle in front of easels with illustrations of Dymkovo toys
2. Desk work
3. Children stand around the table: an analysis of children's work.
Lesson progress:
1. Organizing time. Guys, listen to one story.“A Dymkovo young lady grew Dymkovo goats. They grazed on a green meadow, and the Dymkovo shepherd looked after them. One fine day, when the goats were grazing in the meadow, a very heavy rain fell and washed away the pattern on the Dymkovo goats. The Dymkovo shepherd and the young lady were very upset.They ask us for help. They want you to draw a pattern on the goats. Are you willing to help them?2 . Consideration. Considering pattern samples: what shapes are used? What color are the circles? What's inside the circle? (small circle or dot) How do we draw a dot? (touch with the end of the brush). Where is black used? (on hooves, on horns) What is the pattern on the body? What colors are used?3. Goal repeat. Today we will draw a pattern on the Dymkovo goat.

4. Display with explanation. With the end of the brush, draw a large circle inside this circle, put a dot of a different color, just draw an eye. We decorate the nose and hooves with the end of the brush

5. Reminder. We draw a pattern on the Dymkovo goat with the end of the brush.

6. A reminder of the accuracy of work. I monitor the posture of children during work.

7. The result of the lesson. I draw your attention to the fact that everyone coped with the work - the goats turned out to be very beautiful!

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 49 of the Committee on Education

Administration of the urban district of the city of Kamyshin
Abstract of the lesson in the senior group. productive activity. Topic: "Modeling a lamb based on Dymkovo toys."
Teacher of the senior group No. 6:
Romanyuk Olesya Dmitrievna
Kamyshin, 2015

2 Summary of classes in the senior group. productive activity. Topic: "Modeling a lamb based on Dymkovo toys."
Enrich and expand children's artistic experience. To form the ability to work with plasticine. To systematize and consolidate children's knowledge of folk arts and crafts. Develop creative abilities. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards folk craftsmen. Activate adjectives in children's speech.
Dymkovo toys, "lamb" - a sample, paper figures: circles, rings, dots, stripes, etc .; tables depicting elements of the Dymkovo painting; album for children's creativity by I. A. Lykova "Dymkovo toy", a diagram showing the modeling method; For each child: plasticine, stack, water, napkins.
Program content:
Continue to introduce children to the original Russian craft-making of toys; consolidate knowledge characteristic features Dymkovo painting. To consolidate ideas about the process of creating toys. Develop a desire to sculpt a toy with your own hands. To consolidate the ability to observe the proportional ratio of parts, evenly and beautifully install the figure on the stand.
3 Learn to highlight the elements of painting, its color, motifs and pattern composition on products; develop aesthetic taste, cultivate interest in the life and customs of Russia; to teach to see the expressiveness of the shape of the toy, to learn to sculpt a ram in a sculptural way from a cylinder by incising on both sides and pulling the plasticine away from the common piece; learn how to decorate fashioned "lambs" of a Dymkovo toy in a decorative way: circles, spots, dots, straight and wavy lines. Preliminary work: Conversation about Dymkovo toys, examination of painting elements; paper figures: circles, rings, dots, stripes, etc.; tables depicting elements of the Dymkovo painting; an album for children's creativity by I. A. Lykova "Dymkovo Toy", a diagram showing the modeling method; Drawing Dymkovo patterns, painting paper silhouettes. Reading poems, riddles about folk crafts. Learning by heart nursery rhymes about Dymkovo toys.
Lesson progress:
From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Vyatka has long stood (now it is called Kirov, you can see the village of Dymkovo. And why is it called that? In the old days - both in winter, when stoves were heated, and in summer, when it was foggy, this village - like a light haze Here, in ancient times, a toy was born, which was called “Dymkovo” ... At first there were only whistles. All winter, Dymkovo craftswomen sculpted them for the fair. And now, on the stalls and stalls of the crowded spring fair, they sell cheerful goods, which adults and children willingly take apart.
4 And in our time in Vyatka, which is now called the city of Kirov, there are workshops for the famous Dymkovo toy. And they make not only whistles there. If we go into these workshops, we immediately see piles and bags of clay, boxes of paints, boxes of eggs. All this is necessary to create a miracle. Fairy-tale horses, turkeys that look like firebirds, rams in panties, ladies and gentlemen, carousels, etc. The fashioned figures are dried for several days, then fired in special ovens. After firing, they are whitewashed with chalk diluted in milk, then they begin to paint with elegant patterns: circles, straight and wavy stripes, cells, spots, dots. The colors are crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue - colorful and fun, like in a round dance! Today we will sculpt a Dymkovo toy - a lamb, like real masters. Listen to the story of K. D. Ushinsky “Horse”: “The horse snores, spins its ears, turns its eyes, gnaws at the bit, bends its neck like a swan, digs the ground with its hoof. The mane on the neck is in a wave, the tail is a pipe behind, between the ears there is a bang, on the legs there is a brush; wool shimmers with silver. A bit in the mouth, a saddle on the back, golden stirrups, steel horseshoes. Get in and go! For distant lands, in the kingdom of the thirtieth! The horse runs, the earth trembles, foam comes out of the mouth, steam pours out of the nostrils. The teacher invites the children to once again consider the Dymkovo toy - a ram - and determine how best to blind it. Clarifies the answers of the children and advises them to try to mold a horse the way folk craftsmen do. First you need to create the initial cylinder shape (we roll it out with direct movements of the palms). We cut one end of the roller (cylinder) by a third of the length with a stack, pulling off the formed parts and making a neck with a head from one part, and legs from the other. Raise the neck up a little
5 bend to make a head. We make the legs from the other part: we cut the stack into two equal parts, each of which we pull and round. The other end of the roller (cylinder) is slightly extended so that the hind legs are the same length as the front ones. On the basis of the same form, you can create any figurine: a horse, a ram, a goat, a cow, a deer, etc. For a ram, we will make cool horns and a bang-wreath. Children begin to work, looking at the scheme of the method of sculpting a ram based on folk plastic arts. The teacher shows the basic modeling methods and encourages children to independent creativity. In the course of the lesson, he helps children with advice, individual demonstrations, and leading questions. And now let's rest a little. Our rest is a physical education minute, I ask you to get up - this is “one”, My head turned - this is “two”,
6 Hands to the side, forward, see this "three". On "four" - jump. Press two hands to the shoulders - this is "five". All the guys sit down quietly - this is "six". The teacher invites the children to finish the figurine so that a beautiful ram turns out: “Children, let's decorate the molded figure so that it becomes a beautiful ram. We consider from all sides and smooth. We blind steep horns and a bang-wreath for a ram. You can complicate the details, mold the hooves and muzzle of the figure from black plasticine; Consider all the molded crafts, select the most successful ones and combine them into a collective composition “Merry Carousel”.

Modeling classes in the senior group are designed not only to form the aesthetic tastes of children and develop fine motor skills, but also to acquaint children with examples of folk arts and crafts. An example of one of these activities is the creation of Dymkovo toys with a characteristic painting. Consider the important nuances of the work on the example of the topic "Dymkovo toy: Oleshek and the goat", as well as the technology for making crafts.

Preparing for a lesson in modeling Oleshka and other toys in the senior group

In the senior preschool group children are already quite independent in order to help prepare everything necessary for creative work, however, the meaningful moments of this work must be thought out and clearly planned by the educator.

Sculpting method

Children of the older group work out a combined modeling method, when parts can be made separately and then combined into a single composition ( constructive way), and also when the whole craft is made from one piece of plasticine (sculptural method). However, for the manufacture of an oleshka, it is preferable to use the sculptural method, since it makes it possible to give the desired shape to each part that passes into another. For the Dymkovo toy, this is of key importance, because whistles were originally made in this way. And for them it is important to correctly bend and bend the elements so that the sound goes.


As for modeling techniques, in the younger and middle group the kids have already got acquainted with all the basic techniques for creating stucco structures, so it's time to practice skills

  • rolling "balls";
  • rolling "sausages";
  • pressing indentations on the form;
  • flattening "pancakes";
  • pinching pieces with two fingers;
  • pulling an element from a piece of the base;
  • accessions;
  • lubrication of parts on the base;
  • pinching without flattening;
  • extrusion of elements, but with the preservation of the original shape;
  • smoothing transitions of elements into each other.

What can children do?

It is interesting. Dymkovo painting takes its name from the place where this craft originated - the Dymkovo settlement, near the city of Kirov, more than 4 centuries ago. The painting of the Dymkovo toy has its own “handwriting”, which is characterized not only by the strict form of the ornament, but also by the predominance of a certain spectrum of colors. Straight and wavy lines, rhombuses, large circles, dots - all these elements are located on the bottom background, in such a way that they contrast very much with each other. And the very form of these elements by implication speaks of some amulets. Each toy is painted by hand, so the soul of the artist is always present in it, and it is impossible to find two absolutely identical Dymkovo toys.

Crafts based on the Dymkovo toy can be done by children at the age of 5-6 on their own, with minimal adult help (as a rule, it is required at the stage when you need to lubricate individual parts onto the base). If the toy (in particular, Oleshek) is created in a sculptural way, then in this case, help may be required at the stage of distributing the material to parts of the body of the figurine. In some kindergartens there is an opportunity to practice clay modeling, which implies a slightly different system of work, and, consequently, a greater involvement of an adult in the creative process of kids. The same situation is typical for those cases when the molding of Dymkovo toys is made of polymer clay. All these materials have different plasticity and different ways of drying finished products, which also implies different modeling methods. As for plasticine, it is a universal material for children's creativity, allowing kids to show independence and a certain professionalism in working with it.

Do you need to color?

If the craft is made of clay, then it must be painted, as the material may crack without coating, and plasticine is well preserved even without a layer of paint

home distinguishing feature Dymkovo toys - a kind of painting, made in bright colors. The products must have red, yellow, blue, orange and green colors. Combinations of lines, dots, stripes also suggest the presence of white fields. Thus, the background for coloring should be white. When working with plasticine, this is very simple to achieve: you need to paint the finished craft with white gouache, let it dry, and only then apply a bright pattern with paints (gouache). Coloring or decorating the craft with plasticine is a question that the teacher decides based on the level of preparedness of the children, the time allotted to complete the work and the specific tasks that are solved by a separate lesson.

How to implement an individual approach?

Having taken care of the technical subtleties of the implementation of the Dymkovo toy, we must not forget about the educational orientation of the activity. This is especially true for the implementation of an individual approach to work. Usually the process of determining the level of difficulty determines how the baby is able to cope with the task without outside help. And in this matter, everything depends on the level of development of the child, his temperament, abilities. In general, creative tasks can be differentiated as follows:

  • if the little one cannot color, then you need to help him;
  • those children who quickly cope with rolling blanks can help less agile ones;
  • little ones can be offered to make their own painting using Dymkovo colors or, conversely, working with classic patterns, apply shades to your taste, etc.

Goals and objectives of the lesson

The program content of the modeling lesson on the theme of the Dymkovo toy involves

  • systematization and consolidation of knowledge about the folk arts and crafts of the Vyatka region;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • education of pride and respect for the peoples inhabiting the country.

Tasks can be

  • teaching children to create crafts based on Dymkovo;
  • to train constructive and combined methods of modeling;
  • work on the active vocabulary of kids (in particular, expanding the set of adjectives used in speech);
  • continuation of the formation of the ability to accurately work with plastic material;
  • to cultivate the desire to solve the set creative task independently (regarding the choice of decorative elements);
  • encourage creativity and initiative.

Variants of crafts based on Dymkovo motifs

It is interesting. Oleshek - a deer cub, a deer.

In the older group, in addition to Oleshka, children can create

  • goat;
  • young lady.

Dymkovo duck and horse are usually molded by kids in the middle group. True, the elements of the painting were either not used, or were used in a simplified form. In the older group, the same crafts can become more complicated due to more intricate painting.

How to fill the lesson with content?


One of the most important stages of preparing a lesson is the search for techniques that set children up for work. Among these ways to interest kids, there are several.


Since the topic of the lesson involves the creation of crafts in the spirit of a particular area, then among the visual aids there must be

  • Pictures;
  • a photo;
  • ready-made toys (it is very important that the little ones see real toys in front of them - so they can get a complete impression of the craft, and also learn how to make such a painting on their own;
  • images of variants of Dymkovo painting;
  • presentations demonstrating not only a variety of crafts, but also the procedure for working on a toy.

Video: presentation "Dymkovo toy"

The legend of the Dymkovo whistle

One of the objectives of the Dymkovo toy modeling lesson is to continue the acquaintance, begun in the middle group, with the origin of the Dymkovo craft. As an interesting technique to motivate little creators, we can offer to listen to the legend of the whistles of Dymkovskaya Sloboda.

<…Рассказывают, будто началось все с беды: подступили к городу враги. Городу грозила неминуемая гибель. Тогда вятичи измыслили хитрость. Все жители города, даже малые дети, взяли по глиняной свистульке, и, подкравшись ночью к вражескому стану, подняли отчаянный свист. Так, наверное, свистел сказочный Соловей - Разбойник, от свиста которого отлетали маковки на теремах и качались деревья. Обрушилась «с молодецким свистом-посвистом» малая дружина вятичей и врагов осилила. С тех пор и отмечают горожане каждую весну народный праздник - ярмарку. Ярмарку-свистунью, шумную, яркую, такую цветную, что глазам больно. И ни один праздник не обходится без глиняных игрушек. Дома руки мастера разминали послушный комок глины, а память оживляла впечатления шумного, яркого праздника… и всю долгую зиму вились над избами слободы голубые дымки: крестьяне-мастера обжигали в русской печи свои игрушки к весенней ярмарке-свистунье…>


Rhyming lines have an organizing effect on children: noisy and restless, they immediately switch to the plot of what they heard. Especially if this is a technique “we received a letter”, describing a situation from which you can only get out with the help of children.


Considering the fact that without the teacher’s story, children will not be able to fully understand the essence of the task, it is important to make sure that the children plunge into the atmosphere of the time when the Dymkovo toy was born and developed. To do this, you can listen to the songs "Lady" and "Oh, frost, frost."


This technique is simply impossible not to use. A conversation with the guys can also relate to the content of what they saw or heard about the toy, and be carried out in the form of questions and answers based on the existing knowledge gained in the middle group and repeated in the form of a presentation, video.

  • “What is the essence of Dymkovo toys?”
  • "What colors prevail in coloring?"
  • "What is an oleshek?" etc.

Scheme for compiling a lesson summary

Whatever craft the children create, the timing of the lesson remains the same.

  • Introductory part - 5 minutes. The teacher talks about the history of folk art, Dymkovo toys, shows pictures, selects musical accompaniment, formulates questions for the children - that is, motivates the children.
  • The main part of the lesson is 20 minutes. The teacher explains the progress of work on the craft, the children begin to perform. This stage necessarily includes a break for finger gymnastics and physical education.
  • The final part - 5 minutes. The teacher thanks the kids for productive work, asks questions for reflection (“Do you like your craft?”, “What craft do you consider the most beautiful?”, “Why?”, “What didn’t work out for you?”, “Did you like the lesson?” etc).

It is interesting. If it is planned to make a painted craft, then the topic must be divided into 2 lessons, since the base, primed with paint, will need to dry before applying patterns to it. At the same time, the outline scheme and timing will remain the same.

Work on crafts based on Dymkovo motifs

We sculpt an oleshek

To create an oleshka, a combined modeling method is used, but, nevertheless, the basis is sculptural, that is, the parts of the figure are molded by the kids from a single piece.


  1. “From a piece of plasticine (you can combine the remains after doing other crafts into one ball) we roll up 2 sausages (thick and slightly thinner) - these are blanks for the body and head with neck.”
  2. “From the one that is thicker we form the torso and legs. To do this, we make cuts of 1/3 of the entire length from both ends.
  3. "Smooth the resulting elements into cylinders."
  4. "Slightly bend the figure in the middle, setting it on its legs."
  5. “We cut a small segment of the second sausage with a stack obliquely.”
  6. “We attach the incision site to the body and smooth out the transitions.”
  7. “We take small pieces of plasticine for the ears. We form a ball, and then roll up small thick sausages, stretch one part so that the figure begins to resemble a three-dimensional triangle.
  8. “We fix the ears on the head, smooth out the transitions well.”
  9. “We roll up the sausage, bend it in the middle and fasten it between the ears - these are horns.”
  10. “We supplement the oleshka with a small tail. To do this, we roll up a thin sausage and fasten it to the body, smoothing the junction.

It is interesting. Since the craft will still be painted, the horns, ears and tail should not be thin, otherwise they will break when paint is applied.

Let's start coloring.


  1. "We lower the workpiece into a bowl with white gouache."
  2. “We get the craft” (better if an adult does it).
  3. Let it dry and apply the selected pattern with gouache.

Lesson outline example

Vedernikova Natalya Abstract of a modeling lesson in the senior group based on the Dymkovo toys "Oleshek" (fragments)

<…Беседа с детьми Педагог: Ребята, хотите отправиться в мастерскую дымковских игрушек? Дети: Хотим! Педагог: Так давайте полетим. На чём летают в сказках? (дети предлагают варианты ответов.) Педагог: - Предлагаю воспользоваться ковром-самолётом. На нём мы все сможем уместиться (приглашает детей сесть на ковёр). Педагог: - Все готовы? Ковёр взлетает: Раз, два, три, четыре, пять, Начал наш ковёр взлетать Над полями, над горами, Над высокими лесами. Мы быстрее ветра мчимся, Глядь - и мигом приземлимся! (открывает декорацию) .2 часть: Рассказ педагога: Рассказ о дымковской игрушке (стихотворение) «Дымковские игрушки»
Get ready, kids, ears,
It's interesting to know:
All about the Dymkovo toy
I want to tell you.
In Dymkovo, near Vyatka,
four hundred years ago
To the holiday of spring, "Whistle",
They were molded by old and young.
These Vyatka toys
Like a rainbow in spring
Look, here is a turkey
Tail like a painted fan
elongated beard,
Like a sultan, a scallop,
Wings with bright eyeliner -
All a toy like a flower!
Near the young lady - beauty,
Arms akimbo, stands;
Apron, skirt and kokoshnik:
Everything sparkles and burns.
Eyebrows are black in an arc,
Eyes, cheeks, scarlet mouth -
Seems to wave his hand
And immediately go to the dance.
Buffoons, water carriers,
Ladies and roosters -
Decorate them with stripes
Cells, dots and circles.
Red, yellow and green
Scarlet, blue, blue -
All colors on a white background
This haze painted.
Knows the folk craft
The whole country and the whole world;
you saw today
This Russian souvenir.
Teacher: - Look, we ended up in front of a workshop where they make Dymkovo toys. And now I suggest that you become masters for a while and invite you to the workshop. Teacher: - But the workshop is closed. To enter it, you must answer the questions. Teacher: - What are they made of Dymkovo toys? Children: - From clay Teacher: - What other materials are needed? Teacher: - What tools are needed for work? Part 3: The workshop opens. The children come in and sit down at their jobs. Teacher: - Check if everything is ready for work? (children answer) Teacher: - Guess my riddle and find out what you will sculpt:
Stands on slender legs - All the beauty in the horns. That's right, this oleshek. Teacher: Pay attention to the diagram! (on the poster - samples and techniques modeling)…>
<…Педагог: - Сейчас вы приступаете к работе. try so that your work is beautiful, neat. A good craftsman's workplace is always clean and tidy. Physical education teacher: Let's stretch our fingers before work. We brought clay from a distant hillock (hands on the belt, turns with a spring)
Get to work, miracle masters! (hands forward, to the sides) We blind, dry - and into the oven! (sculpted with "palms") And then we will write (finger pinch, draw wavy lines)
We will toys“oven”, (sculpted with “palms”) The stove is full of heat. (the fists are clenched and unclenched) And there are no rolls in the oven, (they wave their index fingers) But in the oven - toys! (arms forward)
Teacher: - Before starting work, let's say these words: "I'll sit straight, I won't bend, I'll get to work." Teacher: - Now you can get to work. Independent work. Teacher: - And now I'll see whose fingers are the most dexterous and skillful. Children begin to work, the teacher monitors the work, advises, shows the methods of work. Part 4: Summary lessons. Work analysis.
Children finish work, wipe their hands, put deer on a stand. Teacher: - Let's see how our masters coped with the work. Teacher: Is everything toys are fine? Teacher: - Whose work do you like the most? Why? Teacher: What the most accurate toy? Teacher: - Well, guys! We learned a lot in Dymkovskaya Sloboda, met with toys, tried themselves as masters. It's time for us to go back. Sit down on the carpet. Another minute - and he will come off the ground.
Children sit on the carpet - the plane Teacher: - One, two, three! Fly! Teacher: - Repeat after me farewell words:
We about Dymkovo toy We will remember more than once. And now, friends - girlfriends, We will finish our story ...>

Photo gallery: ready-made crafts for children

You need to paint the craft only after the first layer of paint, that is, the primer, dries well, otherwise the painting will flow.

We sculpt a goat

As an option for making a Dymkovo toy, you can invite kids to mold a goat. When meeting with domestic animals (or after studying the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids") in the younger and middle groups, the children already made a kid. The execution technique will be the same, only the Dymkovo toy is distinguished by large horns. Also, sculpting the torso, limbs, head and tail will be similar to how we did Oleshka. Let's dwell on the creation of these largest horns and ears.


  1. "We roll up two long sausages."
  2. "We bend them around, but at the same time leaving one end free."
  3. "We glue this edge to the head."
  4. Repeat for the second horn.
  5. “We form 2 balls from 2 small pieces of plasticine, make pancakes out of them.”
  6. “We pinch the workpiece, grabbing along the edge of the circle, so that we get a spatula.”
  7. “We attach the narrow part to the head in the place where the horns are attached.”
  8. “We slightly sharpen the muzzle of the goat, slightly stretching it out for this.”

An example of a summary of a lesson on modeling a Dymkovo goat

<…Организационный момент (1–2 мин.)
- Look guys, a goat came to visit us. What is he?
- A goat, a goat with a strong horn,
He has a strict personality.
On his legs are his pants,
Enjoy kids!
- Do you know that the goat has friends, do you want to get to know them?
Answer questions:
- Nice goat.
- We want to meet you.
  1. Conversation about the Dymkovo toy - a goat (3–4 min.)

Guys, look at the pictures, you see goat toys on them, what are they?
Yes, they are very unusual. Look, goats are a Dymkovo folk toy. Say in chorus: Dymkovo toy!
- This toy is not simple, but magically painted: let's look at it.
- What does the goat have?
What color are his ears?
What color is the tail and hooves?
- Consider the pattern on the goat? What does it consist of?
- What colors are in the pattern on the goat?
- Which of you liked this toy? Good!
Children say in chorus:
- Dymkovo toy.
Children answer:
- A goat has a head, neck, torso, legs, tail, ears, horns.
- The pattern consists of circles.

  1. Finger gymnastics (1–2 min)

Let's take plasticine in our hands,
And let's get better.
Let's break it down into pieces,
Let's start sculpting a goat:
We roll our heads
Legs - roll out.
Pants like a bell
We connect them.
Perform movements for the teacher:
(squeeze and unclench fingers)
(show how to tear off pieces)
(movement imitating the rolling of a ball between the palms)
(movement imitating the rolling of sausages between the palms)
(connect the fingers of two hands with each other in the form of a house)

  1. Explanation of the task: sequences of sculpting a goat (5-6 min.)

Pick up one piece of plasticine, knead it.
- After kneading the plasticine, roll out this lump of plasticine on the modeling board. You will get such a figure - a cylinder (or a column).
- Take the cylinder (column) in both hands and pull out one end of the cylinder (column) with your right hand.
Now bend it in an arc. You will get the neck and head of a goat.
- Below, where the neck connects to the body, the goat has legs.
To make legs for a goat, take a stack in your hands and make an incision in the middle of the body. After that, pull the plasticine to the left and right - these will be the legs of the goat.
- On the head we will make a beard and horns from plasticine of a different color, for example, yellow.
- Pinch off small pieces and roll into round balls, and flatten them to make circles - pucks. Decorate your toy with beautiful colorful circles.
- Then take some black color and make the eyes, nose and hooves of the goat.
Children pick up plasticine, knead it, roll it out.
Bend and stretch the neck and head of the goat.
Children make an incision with a stack and stretch out the goat's legs.
They draw horns and a beard on the head of a goat.
Multi-colored circles are molded from plasticine to decorate the body of a goat.
They make eyes, nose, hooves of a goat from black plasticine.

  1. Finger gymnastics (1–2 min.)

A duck walks in a skirt
In a warm coat
Chicken - in a vest,
Cockerel - in a beret,
Goat - in a sundress,
Zainka - in a caftan,
And all of them are more beautiful -
Cow in a mat.
Perform movements for the teacher.
For each name of the animal, fingers are bent on the hands, starting with the thumbs.
Rhythmic alternating handclaps and fist bumps.
6.. Independent productive activity of children (7–8 min)
Children sculpt a toy from plasticine.

  1. Summing up the lesson. Reflection (2–3 min.)

What toy did you meet today, what is its name?
- Let's look at the fabulous goats that you blinded.
- What beautiful toys you got!
- Who liked to sculpt a goat?
- Well done! Come to me, put the toys on the stand, these are some wonderful friends for the goat you have!
Children answer:
- Dymkovo toy.
Children are looking at molded toys ...> The features of the muzzle can be drawn in a stack

Stages of work on other toys based on Dymkovo motives


Modeling a horse figurine is no different from creating an oleshka. Even their ears will be the same. But the horse needs to make a mane and tail. In addition, the painting on the toy can also be done from plasticine.


  1. “We roll up a sausage from a piece of black plasticine.”
  2. “We fold it with a flagellum and lubricate it on the head and neck, placing it between the ears.”
  3. “We also roll another sausage for the tail with a tourniquet.”
  4. “We pinch off small pieces of plasticine of different colors, give them the shape of pancakes and attach them to the horse’s body, imitating painting.”
  5. “We make eyes and a nose with pieces of black material.”

Young lady

The painting of this craft is also done with plasticine, which saves time on painting and drying the workpiece.


  1. “We take a piece of white plasticine, roll it into a thick sausage.”
  2. “We visually divide the figure into 3 parts, and separating 1/3, smear it with our fingers into different sides material so that a narrowing is obtained - the waist of the young lady.
  3. “On the contrary, we expand the lower part downwards - this is the figure’s skirt.”
  4. “We roll up 2 thin sausage-handles and attach one end to the top of the workpiece, and the other just below the waist.”
  5. "Roll up a ball for the head."
  6. “From a small piece we make a ball, which we turn into a thick low cylinder - this is the neck.”
  7. “We fasten the neck to the body, lubricate the details.”
  8. “We put the head on the neck and also lubricate it.”
  9. “We dress the lady. We roll out a piece of green plasticine into a thin pancake, lubricate it in the form of a blouse.
  10. “We make sleeves with the same thin pancakes from green plasticine.”
  11. “We lay out a thin blue sausage in the form of a collar.”
  12. “We roll 4 thin sausages from black plasticine, twist them in pairs and fasten them to the head - this is hair.”
  13. “We cover the attachment points of the hair with a thin black pancake.”
  14. “From a blue sausage we make a strip for a kokoshnik, form a wavy edge with a stack.”
  15. "We attach the headdress to the head."
  16. “With pieces of plasticine of suitable colors, we make dots-eyes, stripes of the mouth, nose and eyebrows.”
  17. “We decorate the costume with small pancakes and dots from plasticine of different colors.”

Photo gallery: toys based on Dymkovo motifs

Entire compositions can be created from crafts, for example, a meeting of 3 young girlfriends. A wavy shape of the mane and tail can be given in a stack. If the body is not too bent, then the figure will turn out in a gallop.

Video: we sculpt a young lady based on a Dymkovo toy

Video: how to make a Dymkovo horse

Sculpting in the senior group is designed not only to work out the skills already mastered in this type of creativity, but also to introduce children to applied arts to introduce the best examples of folk art. For the older group, the creation of crafts based on Dymkovo toys can be divided into two classes, if the product is supposed to be painted. If coloring is not planned, or plasticine is used for decoration, then you can limit yourself to one. In any case, the educator is required to have a well-thought-out structure of the lesson, well-written explanations of the procedure for performing crafts, as well as an interesting and lively story about art with a 400-year history.

Nina Minchenko

I am glad to present my latest work - plasticine modeling of Dymkovo toys. I've wanted to do this for a long time and here's the result.

Purpose: replenishment of the corner of visual activity to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy; to form knowledge about the features of painting toys, color, the main elements of the pattern. Continue to educate on folk traditions.

Plasticine modeling of Dymkovo toys (sheep, goat, horse).

Before you start sculpting a lamb, consider what parts it consists of.

This is the body, head, neck, legs, tail, ears, horns.

We sculpt the largest part of the toy - the torso

1. Roll up a ball.

2. Then, slightly pressing the ball between the palms, roll it into a thick roller with longitudinal movements.

We sculpt the head and neck from one piece.

1. A piece of plasticine, with longitudinal movements, roll out between the palms

2. Then, slightly pressing one edge, roll out.

3. Bend the edge in the thin part of the roller - this is the part and will be the head of the lamb

We make legs.

1. Roll out a piece of plasticine (longitudinally) into a long roller

2. Divide the roller in half - then each half in half again. (Each leg has a slanted cut for easier fastening). In working with children, you can use another modeling scheme. Then the body (it will be longer) is cut along both ends. The roller is bent in an arc, and legs are formed from the notched ends.

Sculpt ears and tail

1. Roll 2 identical small balls.

2. Flatten with your fingers.

3. Connect the bottom edge of the pancake.

4. The tail of the lamb is short - for this it is enough to roll out a short roller and sharpen the end of the roller

We make horns. This lamb has big horns

1. Roll out two long rolls (not thin to keep the shape). Make the rollers thinner at one end.

We connect the parts of the toy.

1. We glue the legs to the body

2. We attach horns to the head

3. Do not forget about the ears, bangs, lamb tail

4. Gently stick the neck to the body.

The lamb is ready.

According to the same scheme, I blinded a goat and a horse.

Instead, the molded figures were primed several times with white water-based paint. Painted with gouache.

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