Theme day. Sinichkin holiday in the preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday - competition "Sinichkin's Day" for the senior - preparatory group Sinichkin's day on November 12 in kindergarten

  • 19.04.2020

Autumn is drawing to a close. Here comes the last month of autumn. In November, November 12, celebrate "Titmouse Day". Our ancestors met him noisily and festively; hung on the branches of trees favorite delicacy - lard; hosted parties.

  • Zinka doesn’t eat much - he drinks, but he lives happily.
  • Not a big bird - a titmouse, but even that one remembers its holiday.
  • Titmouse is a sister of a sparrow.
  • The tit boasted with its tail to light the sea.
  • The tit is small, the voice is bright.

For several years in a row, this day in our country has been celebrated as the Day of the meeting of wintering birds, when you can hang out the feeders and start feeding the birds.

We have such a custom: when the snow falls,
Hang a convenient feeder on a knot.

Feeders can be made from: jars, bottles, canisters, paper bag and other simple devices.

Play a game with the kids bird riot ” .
Description of the game: The leader gives each child the name of a bird: someone migratory, someone wintering. For example: a heron, a bullfinch, a cuckoo, a crow, a swallow, a woodpecker, a crane, a nightingale, an owl, a parrot, a crossbill, etc. At the command of the host, wintering birds should gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each flock looks to see if there are strangers, and if there is, then they are expelled with a cry.

theme day
in kindergarten for senior preschool age

On the front door in the group there is a sign "Sinichkin's Day".

Cheerful titmouse is not afraid of frost.
Even at minus twenty-five
loves to sing songs!

Morning: Surprise moment: Magpie flies in, cracking: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

caregiver : Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, do you know who this is?

Magpie : Oh, hello guys!

Educator: What happened, Magpie?

Magpie : So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

Educator: Let's go to the forest together and help Magpie figure it out. One, two, three, turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

Game-talk "Feathers".

A flock of birds flew by. Feathers scattered here.

We will pick up the feathers and read the assignments. Riddles feathers:

  • Guess which bird. Jumping down the track
    As if a cat is not afraid - it collects crumbs,
    and then he jumps on a branch and chirps: “Chick-tweet!”. (Sparrow.)
  • Like a fox among animals. This bird is the smartest
    Hiding in green crowns, and her name is ... (crow.)
  • Who sat down on a thick bough and knocked: “Knock-knock, knock-knock!”? (Woodpecker.)
  • Who flies. Who chirps - wants to tell us the news? (Magpie.)
  • Guess what bird, lively, perky, agile, agile,
    loudly shadows: “Shadow-shadow! What a beautiful spring day! (Tit.)
  • What kind of bird is not afraid of frost, even though there is snow everywhere, does it have chicks in its nest? (Crossbill.)
  • The breast is brighter than the dawn, who has it? (At the bullfinch.)

Individual work on the formation of adjectives - didactic game"Bird Family"

Purpose: to form the ability to correctly form possessive adjectives. (Whose family? the sparrow has a sparrow).

Finger exercise "Woodpecker».

Educator: It's time to play with your fingers.

I knock on wood (open palm - tree, index finger)
I want to get a worm (the other hand is the beak of a woodpecker. For each line).
Although he disappeared under the bark, four strokes of his finger on the palm.
It will still be mine.


Walk 1: file cabinet.
Creative game "Titmouse"

(A titmouse flies in.)

teacher : Who came to visit us? How did you guess?

Titmouse: I heard you know a lot about us wintering birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm - we will survive, but if it is fierce - it will be difficult for us. It is not easy to get food under the snow, and it is not long for a hungry person to freeze. So we, birds, are drawn closer to a person’s home in winter, we hope for his help and kindness.

Teacher: Guys, how can we, people, help birds in winter? (feed the birds, make feeders)

Titmouse : But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put for the birds.

Didactic exercise "FEED" (on the table on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries).

Remove the excess that the birds will not eat. Before you are models denoting birds. Tell me, which bird is happy to eat bread crumbs? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). What bird loves fat? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). Which bird feeds on rowan berries in winter? (Select model).

Didactic exercise "Finish the drawing."

Titmouse: Well done! You are real connoisseurs! You are doing well! Guys, I want to ask you for help. One artist painted my portrait. Look what he did - in my opinion, something is missing in the picture. Finish the drawing please!

Attention game "Tits" .
Mugs (or put cardboard hoops) is a nest. All children are tits. They fly freely around the site. On the signal “Go home”, the tits fly quickly and try to occupy one of the houses. Which of the children is left without him, he lost.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech - the word game "Call it affectionately."

Walk 2: file cabinet.

Evening: The game of low mobility "Hurry up to take a seat."
Children form a large circle and are calculated in numerical order (first, second, third, etc.). The driver becomes in the center of the circle. He loudly calls out two numbers. The children of the named numbers quickly change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The remaining child without a seat begins to drive. The numbers given to children at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Individual work on ecology - didactic game "The same, but different."
Goal: It will be necessary to place the birds into 2 groups - wintering birds under a snowflake, and migratory birds- under the sun.

An attention game with the subgroup “Which bird is gone?”.
There are four or five pictures depicting wintering birds on the board, unnoticed by the children, an ode from the pictures is removed and the question is asked: - Which bird is gone?

On November 12, 2019, Sinichkin Day is celebrated in our country, established at the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The holiday has become popular with children.

On this day, many kindergartens and schools hold themed morning performances dedicated to the protection of birds. We offer one of the possible options for children's holiday on Sinichkin day.

Scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day" in kindergarten

- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Sinichkin Day. In the old days at this time in Russia they celebrated the Day of Remembrance of St. Zenobius Sinichnik. He was considered the patron of all forest birds: tits, bullfinches, jays, goldfinches, waxwings and others.

- What kind of birds do you know? (Children will answer the question).

Then, according to the program of the event for preschoolers on Sinichkin's Day, a children's quiz will be held in which the children will need to guess riddles about birds (the presenters will show their images).

- A cry is heard under the eaves:
"Chick-tweet" yes "Chick-tweet!".
These are the songs of children
Teaches gray ... (sparrow).

- Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.

- Wears a gray vest
But the wings are black.
You see - circling, twenty couples
And they shout: “Karr! Carr!

- Who is on the tree, on the bitch
The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"

- Here the feathered one sat on the bough
And beats: knock-knock-knock!
Looking for food under the bark
He is hungry at times.

– Northern guests
Bunch of mountain ash pecks.
So elegant and bright
On the heads - tufts!

- The breast is brighter than the dawn,
Who? (At the bullfinch).

- Vereshchunya, white-sided,
And her name is ... (magpie).

- She doesn't sit still.
Everything flies all day long.
Fussing, hustling
The whole day rings "shadow-shadow"!
Guess what kind of bird?
That is funny ... (tit).

Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. It is difficult for us to imagine the world without birds chirping, spring without starlings, the sea without seagulls, a grove without nightingales!

- And how many pests are destroyed by birds! A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day, a rook - up to 400 worms and plant pests. A family of swallows over the summer is about a million different harmful insects. Today you will learn more about birds, we will play and frolic.

An event for children on Titmouse Day will continue the story about the titmouse.

- All of you have seen tits more than once and you know well what they look like. Titmouse is a small bird (its weight is 20 grams, and its length is 15 centimeters). She has a black head and neck, white cheeks, a greenish back and a yellow tummy.

In the summer she is busy all day, because she needs to feed the hungry chicks. There are about 15 of them in a titmouse, and they hatch twice during the summer. So the bird flies all day in search of food. During the day, the tit eats as many insects as it weighs itself.

- Why do you think these birds are called tits? Not everyone knows that the word "tit" did not come from the plumage of these birds. They began to be called so for their sonorous songs, reminiscent of the chime of a bell: “Zin-zin!”.

- The people said:

  • “Titmouse is small, but knows its holiday”,
  • "The tit is small, but the voice is vociferous",
  • "A tit is a sister of a sparrow",
  • "Feed the tit in the winter, it will remember you in the spring."

There are many signs associated with this holiday. People remarked:

  • if birds appeared in flocks near the house, it means that frosts will come soon;
  • if tits squeak in the morning - this is to the night cold, whistle - to a clear day.

What else can be in the program of the children's event on Titmouse Day?

Then, according to the scenario of the Sinichkin Day holiday, a story about birds wintering in our area will be heard in the kindergarten.

- Not only tits stay with us for the winter. Other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. Birds have a hard time in winter, because they do not have warm houses, like you and me. How can we help birds this time of year?

With the support of the facilitators, the children give answers, the essence of which boils down to the fact that you need to make feeders and feed the birds.

- Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is poor:
Need a handful of grain
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.

- You can pour bread crumbs and crackers, millet grains, rice, millet, buckwheat, dried rowan berries and other food into the feeder.

- Titmouse can be treated to their favorite food: unsalted and lightly salted bacon, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.

In the program of the holiday for preschoolers "Sinichkin's Day" it is possible to provide that the children will read poems about this bird:

Tell me titmouse
Winged friend,
Why are you staying
Are you heading south?

The blizzards will come
Snow, cold,
And with feathered food
Winter is a disaster!

Titmouse - in response:
- Rescues the feeder.
Thanks a lot
For this, my friend.

Thanks for the seeds
Apples, salo...
Without them, in winter
I've definitely disappeared.

Outside the window a bird chirps
Yellow-sided titmouse.
Hungry in the winter poor thing:
Not a blade of grass, not a bug.
If only she had a little bread
Or some grains.
I'll hang a feeder here
And I will pour a mug of millet,
I will wait for the forest guest:
Come visit soon!

Games and competitions for children on Titmouse Day

The scenario for holding Titmouse Day in kindergarten may also include various games and competitions. Children will be happy to take part in the "Brilliant Titmouse" physical activity.

The children stand in a circle and repeat the movements for the teacher:

- A nimble tit jumps (children jump in place on two legs),
- She can’t sit still (jumping in place on her left leg),
- Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumping in place on the right leg),
- Spinning like a top (children are spinning in place),
- Here I sat down for a minute (sat down),
- She scratched her breast with her beak (stand up, tilted her head),
- And from the track - to the wattle fence (jumping in place on the left foot),
- Tiri - tiri (jumping in place on the right foot),
- Shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs).
- They circled, circled and turned into children again.

You can arrange a game "Tits". To do this, put large circles of cardboard on the floor. Children - "tits" - run around the playground. When the teacher says: “Go home!”, the guys try to take the houses. Which of the children is left without him, he is out of the game.

Do not forget about the musical accompaniment of the holiday. Songs about birds can be heard on it: “Titmouse” (“I am a titmouse, little bird”), “Titmouse song”, “Sparrow”, “Little bird”, “Starling says goodbye”, “Crane”, etc.


November 12 - Titmouse Day(or Zinovy ​​\u200b\u200bthe titmouse). This day is considered by the people as Sinichkin's holiday: according to signs, wintering birds arrive by this time, which get closer to housing, where there is more food. For a long time in Russia, Sinichkin Day has been celebrated on November 12, i.e. winter bird meeting day. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you like home
Flocks on the porch

Their food is not rich:
A handful of grain is needed.
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget?
They could fly.
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring

A few years ago, another one appeared in Russia ecological holiday- Sinichkin day. It was created on the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union and is celebrated on November 12.

On this day, residents of different settlements countries are preparing to welcome the "winter guests" - birds that stay for the winter in our area: tits, goldfinches, bullfinches, jays, tap dances, waxwings. People prepare food for them, including "titmouse delicacies": unsalted bacon, unroasted pumpkin, sunflower or peanut seeds - they make and hang feeders.

Despite the fact that Sinichkin Day is celebrated relatively recently as an ecological holiday, its history is rooted in the distant past.

In the folk calendar, November 12 is listed as the day of memory of the Orthodox Saint Zenobius Sinichnik. According to popular beliefs, it was by this time that the tits, anticipating the imminent cold, flew from the forests closer to human habitation and waited for help from people.

On this day, residents of different settlements of the country are preparing to welcome the "winter guests" (Photo: Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova, Shutterstock)

Our ancestors noticed: if birds appeared at the house in whole flocks, it means that frosts are about to break out. And on this day, our observant ancestors predicted the weather according to special signs: if a tit whistles, it will be a clear day; By the way, the name "tit" did not come from the blue plumage of these birds, as many might think. They got their name for sonorous songs, reminiscent of the chime of a bell: “Zin-zin!”. And Zinoviy Sinichnik was considered a holiday of hunters and fishermen. As a rule, from November 12, the fur season and the winter fishing season opened.

Galiya Semeshko

12 november - Sinichkin day(or Zinovy ​​- Sinichkin) . This the day is considered among the people Sinichkin holiday: according to signs, wintering birds arrive by this time, which get closer to housing, where there is more food. For a long time in Russia november 12 is celebrated Titmouse day, i.e. day winter bird encounters. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

welcomes you middle group Kalinka. We live in the north. And so winter comes unexpectedly to us and every year we take part in the Feed the Birds in Winter campaign.

Parents became active participants in this holiday. Together with their children, they made feeders and brought food. And now we have a bird dining room under our window. Children came to kindergarten with pleasure and proudly talked about the bird house. Thank you dear parents!

We have such a friendly group.

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Autumn is drawing to a close. Here comes the last month of autumn. For a long time in Russia, on November 12, Sinichkin Day was celebrated, i.e.

According to the folk calendar, November 12 is Zinovy ​​\u200b\u200bthe Sinichkin, or Sinichkin Day. “Feed the tit in the winter - it will remember you in the spring,” they say in Russia.

By the day of the titmouse, the children of our group began to prepare in advance. We read many books and poems. met with folk omens about tits. They asked.