What walks can be depicted. "Come on boys" - entertainment and game program. most photogenic star

  • 18.11.2019

Each person has their own individual gait. One has a proud, confident gait, another has a fussy, hasty gait, and a third has an imposing, lazy one. Try to portray the walk of a person ...

(prizes are handed out, awards of participants, participants sit down in their places)

V.P.: Just fine, I think Yakubovich will be satisfied. What do we have next.

W.O.: Of course, television cannot do without news. Each channel has its own news program, there are news stars.

V.P.: You know, Urmas, but I still like it better when a news program is hosted by a girl. It used to happen that you go into the studio, and there Sveta Sorokin broadcasts some terrible news on the air, and you stand and admire her, you can’t take your eyes off ...

W.O.: Valdis, stop. Don't forget why we're here.

V.P.: Oh, yes, yes, yes. We invite new members to this stage.

●Competition “News in one line”

Try composing a one-line message about an event that happened somewhere in the world. In this case, be sure to use 5 words in the text of the message. And the words should be:

All proposed nouns can be turned into verbs or adjectives, you can add any number of other words to the proposed words, the main thing is that the message has at least some sense.

V.P.(addresses the hall) While our contestants are thinking, I'll do my own thing. Now I will ask our Belarusian State Orchestra and its non-replaceable and respected conductor Vitaly to help me. The beginning of the songs will sound, and you have to guess what the song is and who sings it.

● ( competition with the hall)

W.O.: Finally, our girls are ready and we listen to them carefully.

(summing up, awarding, thunderous applause)

V.P.: Well, besides the presenters, there are still these, well, who run around with microphones, everyone asks something, writes down ...

W.O.: These are correspondents.

V.P.: Yes, and among them there are representatives of the beautiful sex. In general, I prefer to give interviews to girls, it is more pleasant to talk with them. Natalya Darialova used to come to me, so we sit with her for two hours. She asks me a question, and I answer her, she asks me a question, and I answer her ...

W.O.:Valdis, you got carried away again.

V.P.: And what is good is always nice to remember.

W.O.: Don't forget about our goal. And on this stage I invite six wonderful girls who want to become correspondents.

Training. A large chamomile is made from paper: petals are cut out, funny tasks are written on each petal. Then you need to make the core of the chamomile - cut a circle out of thick yellow paper. Next, ready-made task petals are glued to the core.

The essence of the game. The host holds the chamomile so that no one sees the text, that is, so that the tasks on the petals are at the bottom. Players take turns tearing off a petal and completing the assigned tasks, demonstrating their creative and acting skills.

To facilitate the process of inventing and avoid banal tasks such as "sing a song", "tell a rhyme" or "crow", look at a large selection of interesting fun tasks and choose to your taste!

Task options:

  1. Depict a bee collecting nectar from a flower
  2. Depict the gait of a person who is moving on a slippery road
  3. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout out loud 3 times: "I'm fine!"
  4. Sit down several times, holding your hands behind your ears
  5. Depict the movements and sounds of a playful kitten
  6. Depict a boiling kettle with pantomime and sounds
  7. Pinch your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  8. Stroking yourself on the head and on the stomach at the same time, but in different directions
  9. Looking in the mirror and not laughing, say the phrase 5 times: “What beautiful eyes I have!”
  10. Depict an athlete so that the rest guess the sport
  11. For two minutes, be a "mirror" of another player and repeat exactly all his actions
  12. Show in slow motion how a person does exercises
  13. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  14. Remember 10 words starting with the letter "B"
  15. Waving your arms, spinning and at the same time shouting: “I am a butterfly!”
  16. Blindfolded, determine by touch which object the leader put in his hand
  17. Draw a dancing robot
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Come up with an affectionate word for each of those present (for example, “chick”, “cat” ...)
  21. Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  22. Say the phrase: “I love to dance” in different intonations (joyfully, sadly, indifferently, surprised)
  23. Walk on all fours around the room, food: “I am a moon rover alone, pip, pip ...”
  24. Ask someone for food, portraying a cheerful mongrel
  25. Stand on a chair and tell in three sentences about your life
  26. Sing any song holding 3 matches in your teeth
  27. Choose any two players and together with them depict the dance of the natives
  28. Bow to 5 players in different ways without repeating
  29. Go around the room, taking three steps forward and two back
  30. Draw your portrait with your left hand
  31. Draw a portrait of any player with their eyes closed
  32. Tell everyone: "I have Bad mood!" and sit for 1 minute with an angry expression on your face (other players need to try to cheer you up)
  33. Put nuts or caramels on your cheeks and say a tongue twister: “Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila did not like soap "
  34. Play the pot as an African
  35. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, while not saying “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”
  36. Depict a capricious child who requires parents to buy him a toy
  37. Take water in your mouth and try to hold it for one minute (other players should make you laugh)
  38. Depict a sculpture and stand for several minutes without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of the "sculpture".
  39. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  40. Eat a slice of lemon and not wince
  41. Pantomime an octopus
  42. Draw a scary monster
  43. Walk through the room like a minefield
  44. Try to bite your elbow
  45. Call your parents and crow into the phone 3 times
  46. portray fairy tale hero for other players to guess
  47. Pantomime what you want to be when you grow up
  48. Praise yourself in a joking way - explain to other players why you need to be friends
  49. Play as an alien for several minutes and try to talk to other players in an "alien" language
  50. Show in pantomime how a chick hatches from an egg and how it takes its first steps
  51. Eat any fruit without helping yourself with your hands
  52. Show with accelerated movements the morning awakening and getting ready for school
  53. Praise your neighbors (players left and right)
  54. Depict 2 objects with the letter "O" for other players to guess
  55. Sing any song with your hand over your nose
  56. Organize an “animal choir”: choose several players and sing a famous song together, replacing all the words in it with the sounds “woof-woof”, “oink-oink”, “kar-kar”. "kva-kva", "quack-quack", etc.)
  57. For three minutes, talk like a robot, asking questions to other participants in the game
  58. Pantomime a pesky fly
  59. Make at least one of the players laugh
  60. You are lucky - the whole company is puffing for you: everyone comes up to you and says nice words
  61. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: "The one who laughs last laughs well"
  62. Come up with 7 affectionate derivatives for the name of the player on the right (for example, Olga - Olechka, Olenka, Olgunya, etc.)

You can make such a daisy - in this case, the players tear off the petals with tasks on their own:

A ready-made kit with all the above tasks and a core with a funny face (sheet format when printing A4):

Kit format: pdf file, 12 pages (chamomile core + 62 “petals” with fun tasks)

Attention! The kit is offered in in electronic format- you will need to print everything you need on the printer yourself (sheet format when printing A4, regular office paper is suitable)

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Game program "Knight of the New Year"

1st Contest "Greeting"

2nd competition "Warm-up"

3rd competition "Throwers"

4th competition "Artistic"

Creative tasks:

Depict the gait of a soldier;

Depict the walk of a goose;

5th competition "Name the song"»

1st Contest "Greeting"

Each knightly clan should congratulate the rivals, jury, spectators on the New Year from the stage.

2nd competition "Warm-up"

A card with a description of a certain New Year's tradition is distributed. Task: for a certain time to determine in which country of the world this tradition is followed.

3rd competition "Throwers"

Each clan team throws snowballs at a target. Each player makes one throw. The goal is in the hands of the Snowman. The number of well-aimed hits is counted.

4th competition "Artistic"

Creative tasks:

Depict by the whole team the gait of a fashion model;

Depict by the whole team the gait of the Frog Princess;

Depict the gait of a ballerina;

Depict the gait of a soldier;

Depict the walk of a goose;

Depict the walk of Baba Yaga.

5th competition "Name the song"»

The leaves are cut in half. One side says what the song is about, the other says the title. You need to find the name of the song from the description.

1st Contest "Greeting"

Each knightly clan should congratulate the rivals, jury, spectators on the New Year from the stage.

2nd competition "Warm-up"

A card with a description of a certain New Year's tradition is distributed. Task: for a certain time to determine in which country of the world this tradition is followed.

3rd competition "Throwers"

Each clan team throws snowballs at a target. Each player makes one throw. The goal is in the hands of the Snowman. The number of well-aimed hits is counted.

4th competition "Artistic"

Creative tasks:

Depict by the whole team the gait of a fashion model;

Depict by the whole team the gait of the Frog Princess;

Depict the gait of a ballerina;

Depict the gait of a soldier;

Depict the walk of a goose;

Depict the walk of Baba Yaga.

5th competition "Name the song"»

The leaves are cut in half. One side says what the song is about, the other says the title. You need to find the name of the song from the description.

1. In which country on New Year's Eve should you pick a branch of a peach tree and give it to each other?

Variants: India

2.Which country New Year welcome at sunrise?

Options: England

3. In which country do they throw junk out of windows on New Year's Eve?

Options: Russia

4. In which country during the New Year festivities is it allowed to speak only politely?

Options: India


5. In which country is a pig required at a New Year's dinner: fried, aspic or chocolate?

Options: Russia

6. In which country on the day of the New Year's Eve can everyone come to visit without an invitation?

Option: England

7. In which country on New Year's Eve did residents splash clean water out of the windows?

Options: Cuba


8. In which country do residents seal windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits on New Year's Eve?

Options? India

9. In which country on New Year's Eve a large log is lit in fireplaces - a symbol of the family hearth and well-being. Among the essential dishes holiday table snails, cauliflower, garlic soup and traditional bean pie.

Options: Germany


10. In which country is it not customary to visit on the first day of the New Year without an invitation: the owner himself calls those with whom he has the concept of goodness associated - such an invited guest should be the first in the New Year to cross the threshold of the house where he was called, and be sure bring sweets?

Options: Armenia


Mr. X:

I give each knightly clan a card with a description of a particular New Year's tradition.

Your task: to determine in one minute. In which country in the world do they follow this tradition?

Time has gone!

(The presenter reads out the question, team representatives answer, Mister X reads out the correct answer)


Every knight must be strong and dexterous. Therefore, I want to test your accuracy. Each team throws snowballs at a target. Each player makes one throw. The target is in my hands. And all the spectators and the jury count the number of well-aimed hits.

Baba Yaga:

Now I will distribute creative tasks to the knights and they will have to complete these tasks as a whole team.

(Gives tasks to each team in turn)

Depict the whole team the gait of a fashion model.

Depict by the whole team the gait of the Frog Princess;

Depict the gait of a ballerina;

Depict the gait of a soldier;

Depict the walk of a goose;

Depict the walk of Baba Yaga.

Father Frost:

Hello my friends!

Frequent forest. Blizzard field

I was in a hurry to your holiday.

Luckily I wasn't too late

Yes, he was on the jury.

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

Father Frost:

We announce the winners of all the knights who took part in the tournament!

Father Frost:

The tournament has come to an end, but we will not say goodbye forever. See you next time! And homework will be to draw my portrait. Next week we will determine the best drawing - a portrait.

1. Song about the creature, which ("Cheburashka")

every mongrel knows.

("What is taught in school")


4. A song about how facial expressions can change the world.


("Chunga - changa")

6. A song about how a collective movement contributes to a good mood.

("It's fun to walk together")

("Two by two is four")

("Dog Lost")

1. A song about a creature that

every mongrel knows.


2. A song about the daily (except weekends) activities of children for 9-11 years.

("Dog Lost")

3. A song about a boy who did not want to participate in agricultural work.

("Two by two is four")

4. A song about how facial expressions can change the world


5. A song about how good it is to relax on one fabulous island.

("Chunga - changa")

6. A song about how a collective movement contributes to a good mood.

("It's fun to walk together")

7. A song that the whole world knows the result of one arithmetic operation,


8. A song about how the animal suddenly disappeared.

("What is taught in school")

«Acting Competition | Collection of acting competitions Table of contents Mimicry Pantomime Gait Poses Actions with imaginary...»

Collection of competitions

acting skills


Actions with imaginary objects

Scenic speech

stage image


Dance competitions

Teen Acting Competition

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

Acting Competition



Moderator: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We begin the solemn ceremony of choosing the best actors of our theater. Today, the following participants claim the title of "Honored Actors of the Party" (representation of the participants of the evening). Some of you at the end of the evening will become the owner of the main prizes. Our competitions will help you find out how good you are at acting and showcase your talents.

Our fairest jury in the world will choose the most worthy, most talented ones (representation of the jury members).

So, the acting competition begins.

Tasks for the competition Acting skills consist of many components: facial expressions, plasticity, the ability to get into character, stage speech, the ability to dance and sing.

I offer you a selection of wonderful acting competitions that will surely delight you and your guests. Choose from them the most interesting and make up your own script.

I want you to have fun!

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru Mimic Smile!

Participants take turns pulling out cards and completing the assigned tasks - they need to smile:

as a baby to parents as a mischievous and sarcastic person as for advertising toothpaste as a polite Japanese as a cat in the sun mysteriously ominously coquettishly (seductively), etc.

Moreover, it is desirable to complicate the task: you need to keep a smile on your face for some time, for example, one minute. And at the end of the competition, let all participants demonstrate their smiles at the same time.

Be sure to capture this moment, you should get a funny photo!

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a thoughtful owl, a joyful monkey, a lazy cat, etc.

Picture the subject

Show with sounds, facial expressions, gestures:

hot iron ringing alarm clock mobile phone a musical fountain a water hose a creaking door an airplane taking off a boiling kettle a starting transport a running fan a frying cutlet melting ice cream a pierced balloon a flashing garland a rose in full bloom a wilted flower an arriving train, etc.

Picture an athlete:

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Notable films

Participants are divided into teams of 3-4 people. They are given the task:

portray scenes from famous films without words, only pantomime.

The audience guesses the names of the films.

Movie options:

Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

Magicians Gentlemen of Fortune Diamond Hand Beware of the Car We'll Live Till Monday 12 Chairs Ordinary Miracle Titanic Terminator etc.

Scenes are best shown to light cheerful music.

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In the country of the dumb Number of players: from 4 people. Requisites: paper, pen.

Volunteers are called. One of the players stays, the rest go out the door. The leader says the phrase to the first participant: “The karateka killed the bull with one blow.” The second participant enters, the first one explains this phrase to him without the help of words, he writes it down on paper as he understood it, without voicing it. Then he shows the next one what he himself understood (written down on paper), etc. At the end of the game, all phrases are read in the reverse order of their writing. Simple and fun!

You can use other cool phrases, proverbs and sayings, for example:

In the country of fools, a smart man will not become a king.

Most lie before elections, sex and after fishing.

Sugar and salt - White death, and the forest and vodka are green friends.

Dramatization of songs For this competition, children's songs that are known to everyone are perfect (for example, such as: “We lived with a grandmother ...”, “Smile”, “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”). The more the team involves people in the competition, the more fun it will be. The task of the participants is to make a dramatization based on the song.

The active use of all kinds of costumes and improvised devices is especially welcome. The leader chooses the winner.

Gait Depict a gait

Tasks are performed by all participants at once. "Artists" move in a circle, and the presenter reads the signs of a person. Artists must adapt to these signs on the go, continuing to move - it is necessary to quickly switch from one task to another.

So, the presenter reads, and the players depict:

you are a slender young man you are a 90 year old woman you have a jumping gait you limp on your left leg you are a person who is very frightened and constantly looks around you try to dance the “Macarena” to everything you hear you catch butterflies you are a chic man who is used to being liked by women you are constantly you move your head from side to side you look very stupid you roll your hips in a playful way you are a cutesy girl who fans herself with a fan you are an Indian chief you are a lunatic and so on.

Well, the walk!

The task of the participant is to depict the gait of a person:

who walks on a very slippery road who is very frightened who is 90 years old who has already walked 20 km who carries a jug on his head who falls asleep on the move who drags a heavy sack of potatoes behind his back who has received good news who walks on hot coals barefoot, etc.

Well, gait! -2 (Variant of the previous competition)

The task of the participants is to pass as:

–  –  –

a tightrope walker a tourist with a heavy rucksack on his shoulders an Indian chief a stalking thief a man who has eaten a very heavy meal a man whose shoes are being pressed down a fashion model on the podium, etc.

Bewitched models, or a signature gait Host: Once an evil fairy got angry with a famous fashion designer because he did not want to take her as a model, and therefore she decided to take revenge on him

- disrupt the show. She conjured so that all the models had different troubles.

The contestants are invited to imagine that they are the models bewitched by the evil fairy. Despite the unpleasant situations in which they find themselves, they cannot disrupt the show and must walk along an impromptu podium, and try to walk very beautifully, elegantly and even turn the incident to their advantage - make walking their trademark.

Task cards - options for situations:

model whose heel broke model who had a nervous tic (constantly twitching of the right shoulder) model who was attacked by "jumping" (bouncing gait) model whose skirt turned out to be large and constantly falls off model who had an acute attack of sciatica model whose head constantly turns in different sides a model who has a lot of wiggling of her hips a model who periodically starts dancing a model who blinks both eyes frequently and shakes her head, throwing back her long bangs a model who constantly sneezes and coughs a model who constantly grimaces a model who has her hands behind her back etc.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru


Good to spend in big company. For this competition, a stronger group of guys is needed - they will play the role of loaders.

Interested persons are invited, 3-5 people. The host says: “Mannequins were not brought to the opening of the nearest outerwear store on time. And so the administration of this store turned to our theater for help, asking the actors to stand in the window until new mannequins were brought.

The task of the participants is to take a pose and hold out in the chosen pose for 5 minutes, no matter what the circumstances.

Participants freeze in various poses. And then a group of “loaders” appears, whose task is to change the “dummies” in places, i.e.

drag the frozen figures of actors from place to place. Fun guaranteed! Don't forget the video!

Directing practice

5 players participate.

5 cards are prepared in advance: 2 cards with the inscription "director", 2 cards with the inscription "actor" and 1 card - without an inscription, empty.

Three chairs are placed in one row with an interval of 1.5-2 m and are separated from each other by dense screens (so that those seated do not see each other).

First, the participants draw lots. The one who pulled out an empty card sits on a chair in the middle; those who pulled out cards with the inscription "actor" sit on the other two chairs; those who pulled out cards with the inscription "director" stand in front of the "actors".

Help them with this. It is advisable to lose 2-3 poses.

The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and better.

–  –  –

Sinful statue Participants are invited to depict unusual statues dedicated to human vices. The task of the players is to show how, in their opinion, these statues should look like.

As tasks, you can take 7 Orthodox sins, these are:

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Moreover, it is desirable to complicate the task: depicting a statue, do not move for some short period of time, for example, 30-40 seconds.

And at the end of the competition, let all participants demonstrate their statues at the same time. Be sure to capture this moment, it should turn out just an awesome photo!

Actions with imaginary objectsSlow motion

All movie lovers know what slow motion is. Directors and cameramen resort to slow motion when they want to dramatize the shooting or when they want to draw the attention of the audience to the shades of facial expressions and plasticity of the hero. Try to show in slow motion how a person ...

sneezes gets up from a chair brushes teeth does exercises vacuums eats a banana gnaws seeds, etc.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

Accelerated Movements

In the cinema there is such a technique - accelerated scrolling of the film. Comedy directors most often resort to it, because. noticed that normal activities of a person, shown at an accelerated pace, cause a comic effect. Try to do a pantomime in which all the movements are 3 times faster than usual - as if they are frames of a comedy film. And for the "fast demo" take the usual household chores; show me how a person...

irons (hangs up) linen drinks coffee with a sandwich washes dishes sweeps the floor sews on a button, etc.

You can combine contests: let the player first depict the task in slow motion, and then at an accelerated pace.

Synchronized movements, or a joint meal When a group of people begins to perform any movements synchronously, it fascinates those who are watching from the side. Many even pay money to watch someone waving their arms in sync, raising their legs, or somersaulting over their heads. Synchronized execution of movements underlies ballet and figure skating, gymnastics and swimming, aerobics and balancing act. It is quite possible that the synchronous process of eating will soon become a new kind of art (or sport). Imagine yourself as the first professionals in this genre and demonstrate the simultaneous eating of a group (of three to five people) of various products.

What can you eat together? I offer the following options:

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The band has a set amount of time to rehearse. Before actually translating foods, rehearse the synchronized movements for fun, ie with imaginary foods, forks, cups… Daily activities The task for the participants is to act out the action with imaginary objects.

Task options:

Make a light make-up: apply lipstick and mascara to the lips Wash and shine a couple of glasses Clean and cut an onion Sew on a button Move the TV from one place to another Watch a magazine Unfold and fold the newspaper Solve a small crossword puzzle Lace up sneakers Cut a watermelon and eat one piece Peel a hot potato Lubricate the cut with brilliant green Start the motorcycle, etc.

virtual food

Two players are called. For the competition, it is desirable to put up a screen so that the "artists" do not see each other and do not copy the movements.

The task of the participants is to portray how they eat what the leader calls, and it is necessary to quickly switch from one task to another.

So, the players begin to "eat":

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

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Laughter can express a variety of emotional states of a person and have a lot of shades. The range of laughter is incredibly wide: from a child's "coo" to an senile "cack", from a girl's effervescent to a man's reserved ... Try to laugh so that your laughter can be called ...

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Love for all ages...

Act out a declaration of love, with which he addresses his peer ...

five-year-old kid 13-year-old teenager 18-year-old boy 35-year-old man 50-year-old man 80-year-old old man Exercise for diction For the competition you need a bag of candies (you can use mini candy). According to the terms of the competition, players take turns taking candy from the host's bag, put it in their mouth (swallowing sweets is strictly prohibited!) And say a certain phrase, for example: "I am the fattest beaver!". Or let the girls say: “I am the most charming and attractive!”, And young people - “I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in the prime of life.” The player who can articulate the phrase with the most candy in their mouth wins. Simple and fun!

Catchphrases Any phrase is given, for example: "There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet ..." Then the players pull out task cards, which indicate how they need to pronounce this phrase.

Task options participants must pronounce the phrase as:

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robot frustrated man chewing man platoon leader (soldiers in the ranks) television announcer moody child out of breath man drunk man frightened man man who has his leg crushed

I offer you a selection of catchphrases from various films:

Calm down, Masha, I'm Dubrovsky.

Champagne in the morning drink or aristocrats or degenerates!

Our people don't take taxis to the bakery!

Or maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

All! Keane will not be! Electricity is out!

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

I'm Aunt Charlie from Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys in the forests! They are going to jump!

I am an old soldier and do not know the words of love!

I'll kiss you... later... if you want...

What a filthy fish of yours!

Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty!

You are attractive, I am damn attractive, so why waste time?

Today I'm going to party. Fun, good-natured, with all sorts of harmless antics.

Whether there is life on Mars, whether there is life on Mars - this is unknown to science ... If you want to live, you will not get so upset.

I forgive the pale-faced man his words. He might not have known about Sir Charles Darwin and that the ape is our common ancestor...

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Catchphrases-2 (Variant of the previous competition) Intonation is a very important element in stage speech.

Try to say a phrase with the indicated intonation:

To live well! A good life is even better! With bitterness Oh, my life is a tin ... With joy, Vanya, I am yours forever! With irritation Now roll me, big turtle! Angrily I said: Hunchbacked! Gently Give back the sausage, I'll forgive everything! Gently. Comrades, they don't report meat to a tiger at the zoo. With joy My Marusya is worse than dynamite! Sad Such a different alphabet Sometimes the intonation is more important than the content of the text. Try to take not even a text, but just an alphabet and "read" it as if it were ...

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Recitation Contest I offer you a choice of several options for a recitation contest.

The rules are the same for all of them.

The facilitator distributes cards with the text of a famous poem to the participants and announces that they must be read in accordance with the task written on the back. You can involve the audience and announce a competition for the most observant and sensitive "actors" (the task of the audience is to guess what task the player is performing).

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Competition of readers-1 A. Barto's poem "Bunny"

The hostess abandoned the bunny. The bunny remained in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench, Wet to the skin.

rapper foreigner robot gangster television announcer falling asleep man cutesy girl little child who has just learned to speak Recitation contest-2 A. Barto's poem "Horse"

I love my horse, I will comb her hair smoothly, I will smooth the tail with a comb and ride on horseback to visit.

as if it were the text of a speech at a rally as it would be read by a television announcer as it would be read by a person who has a speech impediment (burr, nasal, lisp, whistling, etc.) as if it were the text of a speech at an important production meeting Acting competition | www.super-positive.ru as if it were being read by a judge pronouncing a guilty verdict, as if it were a sermon read by a priest in a church, as if it were a toast read by a man from the Caucasus, as if it were being read by an entertainer, etc.

Reading competition-3 An excerpt from the poem by N. Nekrasov “Once, in the cold winter season ...”

One day, in the cold winter season, I came out of the forest; there was severe frost.

I look, a horse is slowly rising up the mountain, carrying a cart of brushwood.

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Reading competition-4 An excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's poem "I loved you ..."

I loved you: love still, perhaps, In my soul has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to sadden you with anything.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru Participants must read expressively according to their task.

Job Options – Imagine that you:

late for the train making excuses terribly angry flirting trying not to wake the child about to cry trying to hold back laughter very frightened very sleepy and occasionally falling asleep standing outside for an hour and very cold very worried, stuttering and embarrassed scolding a subordinate just ran 100 meters in 5 seconds talk with your mouth full beg for alms Voice-over Assignment - the presenter reads the text, and the artist must impromptu voice it.

The test can be any, the main thing is that it has many different actions for scoring.

I offer you the following text options (* - pause for voicing):

Early morning. Birds are chirping outside the window* Dr. Aibolit is sitting in the room and quietly humming the motive of a famous song* Gently grunting, a pig appears in the room* Aibolit gently scratches his belly*, the pig squeals with pleasure* Woodpeckers are rhythmically tapping* Caruso’s parrot is begging for sugar* In the corner, on on the couch, the wolf lies and howls painfully from a toothache * Taking the tongs *, the doctor approaches the wolf * The wolf knocks his teeth out of fear * Dr. Aibolit pulls the wolf's tooth with tongs * The wolf bites Aibolit's hand *, and both howl in pain * Varvara enters and hysterically laughs *.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

Evening in the village. Angry mosquitoes fly in the air and squeak disgustingly * A low barking of dogs is heard * A car appears on the road * The driver purrs a cheerful tune under his breath * Suddenly a mosquito-bitten, plaintively mooing cow runs out onto the road * The driver brakes sharply * The cow gets frightened * freezes in front of the very nose of the car . The driver honks furiously* With her tail up, the cow runs away* The car continues to move* Grandpa appears on the road with three goats* The driver slows down and lets them pass* At last the road is free. The driver abruptly presses on the gas* and the car roars away* The large stadium roared muffledly* Fanfare blew* Horses neighed* Armored knights rode out to the stadium* The battle horn blew* The visor creaked* The knights rushed towards each other* Blow* One knight fell *The second knight gave a victory cry* Then he dismounted from his horse* Walked up to the princess* And sang an old ballad* in English language*

stage persona show character

In acting, the artist's ability to show the character of his character with facial expressions, gestures, and intonation is of great importance. Let the players try to show different character traits.

Players take turns pulling out pre-prepared task cards and completing them.

Task options - portray a person:

sassy nerd lazy caring curious Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

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It is allowed to represent quality not only mimicry, but also with the help of gestures, words, intonation. The audience must guess which quality is being portrayed. Let the players show not one, but several characters.

The most artistic one wins - the one who will be able to quickly and accurately convey the acquired images to the audience.

Theatrical casting

Volunteers are called to pass theatrical casting. They take turns pulling out the cards in which the tasks are written and completing them.


portray a child who wants to take away his favorite toy portray an indignant customer portray a person who is photographed on the cover of a magazine portray a hot beauty on the beach portray a model on the catwalk portray an angry boss portray a person who is late for the train, etc.

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Lunch at the zoo

All people are taught from childhood how to behave at the dinner table:

how to sit, how to open your mouth politely, how to use a fork and knife.

For humans, eating is an art. But no one teaches animals how to eat properly. And therefore, all animals eat not “how beautiful”, but “however”. Show how they do it.

Imagine that lunch has come in the zoo and depict a diner ...

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Conflicts are different...

Every person gets into conflict situations from time to time:

parents quarrel with children because of the order in the apartment; neighbors complain to each other because of loud music; bosses are in conflict with subordinates who are late for work, etc. The task of the players (paired competition) is to stage an unusual and comical situation in which a conflict arose between ...

a seller and a buyer who refuses to pay for holes in cheese, a dentist and his patient who refuses to open his mouth by a train conductor and a passenger who demands to make his bed linen by a waiter and a cafe patron who does not want to pay a tip director and a secretary who refuses to make coffee with a sandwich and etc.

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Case in the hat Participants form a circle. When the host turns on the music, they begin to pass each other a lady's hat. As soon as the host stops the music, the player who has this hat puts it on and walks in a circle, depicting a noble lady.

There may be several options: a lady's hat - to portray a noble lady, a cowboy hat - to portray a cowboy; military cap - to portray a soldier, etc. You can complicate the game - transfer several different hats at once. When the music stops, all the participants who have them show their solo performance.

Oh, how I love myself!

Props: makeup mirror.

Task: the participant picks up a mirror and, looking into it, praises himself loudly and theatrically - he says ten different phrases or compliments (you can’t repeat it!). Moreover, he does this with a completely serious expression on his face - it is forbidden to laugh or smile, although the presenter and the audience at this time are trying in every possible way to make the player laugh, commenting on his eulogies about himself. Then the rest of the participants do the same.

Acting skills, humor and originality of statements are evaluated.

As a prize for the winner of this competition, this mirror is perfect.

Show your feelings Each participant is given the task to depict one of the emotional states of a person with facial expressions, gestures and gait:

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irritation anger falling in love, etc.

Special agent on a mission Participants are offered the opportunity to feel like special agents. Their task is to transform into any image to complete a secret mission.

Task options:

you need to transform into a pregnant woman to investigate the theft of diapers in the maternity hospital; the investigation has a suspicion that a dangerous criminal is hiding under the guise of a mentally ill person; therefore, the task of the “special agent” is to pretend to be crazy, in order to get into the hospital for the insane, you need to reincarnate as a grandmother and infiltrate the team of old women to obtain information, etc.

To make the competition fun, come up with funny tasks, and also prepare things from which you can choose the right outfit. The most talented "special agent" receives a prize.

What shoes dream about

It is very important for an actor to be able to put himself in the place of the hero whose role he got and understand what he thinks about, what he feels. Today, our actors will have the task of transforming into unusual characters.

The fact is that these will be inanimate objects. Imagine what they could think, feel and tell us. For example, how they treat themselves, us, what they dream about, what they are dissatisfied with, etc.

So, the actor pulls out a card with a task and pronounces a monologue on behalf of the object he got, but at the same time he does not name the object itself - the audience must guess what it is about. The winner is the one who better enters the image he got, who will get the most fun or original monologue.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

Cards with tasks to choose from:

voice and beat what shoes think when we put them on sound and beat what the bathroom mirror thinks when we look at it in the morning voice and beat what the sofa thinks when we sit on it voice and beat what the bed thinks when we go to bed to voice and beat what the car thinks when we start it to sound and beat what the dishes think when we wash it to sound and beat what the candy thinks when we eat it to sound and beat what the TV thinks when we use it we look to voice and beat what he thinks cellular telephone when we talk on it, voice and beat what the refrigerator thinks, when we open it, voice and beat what the computer thinks when we play games, etc.

most photogenic star

Everyone who wants to participate. Competitors are asked to imagine that they are on international festival actors (or at the Oscars) and pose for the press. Their task is to make the most beautiful or original photo for the cover of a magazine.

Participants are photographed, then the photos are viewed on a computer (laptop, tablet) and the most interesting, beautiful of them is selected. As a prize for this competition, a photo frame or a small photo album is well suited.

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In advance, you need to print a few of any culinary recipes (according to the number of players).

Leading: Everyone knows that in the opera the actors do not speak, but sing; moreover, what they sing can be both poetry and prose. Try yourself in the Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru as opera singers, taking culinary recipes as a libretto.

In other words, take the recipe, but do not read it as usual, but sing it like an opera aria. Do not worry about your voice data, this competition will not evaluate your vocal abilities, but your efforts, ability to improvise and artistry.

And here are the recipe options (you can print them out for the players):

Simple apple pie

Break three eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer until white foam.

Then add flour and slaked soda and mix everything.

Cut the apples into slices, remove the core from them.

Grease a baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay the apples on the bottom. Pour over the dough and bake for about 40 minutes at medium temperature.

The readiness of the pie can be checked with a toothpick or a match - the pie is ready when the dough does not stick to the toothpick when it is dipped deep into the pie.

Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the oven

Spread mayonnaise on 8 pieces of loaf prepared in advance.

We cut the sausage (not very thick, but not thin) into semicircular slices and lay it on a loaf.

We cut the tomato (hard) into circles and spread it on the loaf on top of the sausage as well.

Cut the cheese into slices and put on top.

We spread everything on a baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 150 degrees for 10-15 minutes.


Beat eggs with sugar and salt.

Add vegetable oil, mix.

Add milk, mix well.

Add soda and flour, mix well with a whisk or mixer.

Heat up a frying pan, grease with a little oil. Pour the dough into the middle, swirl the pan so that the dough is evenly distributed.

When the bottom of the pancake turns golden, it must be turned over.

Fry on the other side for just a few seconds. Then remove the pancake from the pan.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru My phone rang… Imagine that you are sleeping peacefully, and suddenly your sleep is interrupted by the phone ringing.

You pick up the phone and hear the question:

Where is the world heading?

Was the police called?

Tell me what to do with caries?

How do I wash a giraffe?

They say you dance well?

How to draw Pinocchio?

Tell me why all this?

Hello, my light is not on here? What to do?

They brought gold. Where to upload? and etc.

Your task is to instantly witty answer.

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It is known that Cinderella was very fond of dancing. But she never had free time. Therefore, Cinderella had to dance while she was doing housework. Show how Cinderella danced at the moment when she ...

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At the end of the competition, the most graceful (plastic) or the most mobile "Cinderella" is determined - the participant who conquered most of the guests with her dance improvisation.

Dance improvisations For this competition, you will need to prepare in advance various music (of your choice) and task cards that describe various life situations, for example, a professor and a student in an exam. Divide all participants into pairs, after which each pair draws a card with a task. Then the music turns on and in the dance the participants need to portray the situation they got.

Task options:

a thief and a lady with a handbag a grandmother and a naughty child a conductor and a passenger who does not want to pay the fare a wife meeting her husband who returned home late At the end of the competition, the audience chooses the best couple.

Everyone is dancing!

Dance competition in several stages. The task of the participants:

1) dance normally first Leading: When the music starts, you will start dancing as usual.

2) dance sitting Leading: Now I propose to rest. Sit on chairs and dance while sitting.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

4) dance without the help of legs and arms Leading: Now the arms stop moving (the legs also remain motionless). Let's see how you will dance without using your arms or legs.

5) dance with your face (only with the help of facial expressions)

Moderator: And now the participants have the most difficult task:

without moving at all, they must “dance” ... with their faces - only with the help of facial expressions, i.e. only with the help of various grimaces. Let's give them a round of applause!

The most inventive and artistic dancer wins this competition.

Dancing Fingers Create "dancing pairs" with your middle and index fingers. Imagine that the surface of the table is parquet. And let your "dance couples" try to perform on this floor...

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Dancing Face This competition can be held at any holiday. The competition is held at the table. All guests are sitting at the table, the host turns on cool music or a cut of several songs. Participants must dance to the music, observing the rhythm, Dance the dance with their faces, facial expressions, and the dance begins with one part of the face, for example, from the eyebrow, then another part of the face joins, for example, the nose, and so on, until the whole face dances. The winner of the competition is the one who gets the most interesting face dance.

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Dance medley Host: “Now our participants will have to show their dancing skills and acting skills. They are invited to dance, reincarnated in one or another image, and it is necessary to quickly switch from one task to another.

Music sounds.

The participants begin to dance, during the dance, the host calls the images in which they need to transform:

you are children from 3 to 5 years old;

you are big businessmen, you have big bellies, you are extremely important and respectable people;

you are robots;

you are refined, intelligent people, aristocrats;

you are old men and old women;

you are penguins;

you are very modest and shy people;

you are a zombie;

you are very drunk and cheerful;

you cutesy girls;

you are "reckless" modern schoolchildren, etc.

Final part: awarding the winners

Moderator: Thanks to all the participants for the pleasure! You showed us your amazing skills of disguise and a wonderful sense of humor. The audience received a lot of positive emotions. However, this is a competition and we need to choose the winners. So, now our esteemed jury will announce the brightest, most incendiary actors, whose skill and talent conquered the audience.

The jury announces the winner.

Assignment of the titles "Honored Actor of the Party" and "Honored Actress of the Party", their rewarding.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru

Teen Acting Competition Script competitive program This scenario of the competition is for 20 people, but you can easily change the number of participants by inventing the missing (or removing unnecessary) tasks.

Originality and humor of performance are welcome in all competitions!

First stage

With the help of gestures and facial expressions, portray a person who:

1. combing her hair in front of a mirror

2. Hammers a nail

3. thread the needle and sew

4. collects mushrooms in the forest

5. washes clothes in a basin

6. cooking soup

7. cleans shoes

8. sweeps and washes the floor

9. kindles a fire

10.works on the computer

11.paints a picture

12. sharpens pencils

13. counts money in the wallet

14. kneads dough and makes pies

15. walking the dog

16. iron things

17.knocks dust out of the carpet

18. talking on the phone

19. tries to use the cheat sheet

20. composes a poem After this stage, 3 people are eliminated, 17 players remain.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru Second stage

Depict a person who eats (chews):

1. baked potato

2. ice cream

3. spaghetti

5. semolina

10. seeds

11. walnuts

12. loaf of bread

13. undercooked kebab

14. bony fish


17. sandwich After this stage, 3 people are eliminated, 14 players remain.

Third stage

Draw an animal:

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8. evil crocodile

9. sad penguin

10.frightened turtle

11.angry pig

12.angry lion

13. stupid monkey

14. Alarmed Parrot After this stage, 3 people are eliminated, leaving 11 players.

Fourth stage

Depict the walk of a person:

1. who has just had a very hearty lunch

2. drunk but cautious

3. to whom the shoes are tight

4. who had an attack of sciatica

5. who ended up in the forest at night

6. who is sent to the dentist's office

7. who won the lottery

8. who has persecution mania

9. who is in a hurry to get to the train

10. who carries heavy bags

11. who goes on a date After this stage, 3 people are eliminated, 8 players remain.

Fifth stage The “Competition of readers” from the Stage speech section is perfect, any of them of your choice.

After this stage, 3 people are eliminated, 5 players remain.

Acting Competition | www.super-positive.ru Sixth stage

First, the participants act like a person in slow motion:

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After this stage, 2 people are eliminated, 3 finalists remain.

Final For the final, it is desirable to choose a task more difficult, so that the most talented and artistic participant is clearly determined, therefore, I propose to hold the competition “Everybody Dances!” at this stage! or "Dance Medley" from the Dance Contests section.

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