The best exchanges for trading stocks. How to trade on the stock exchange from scratch. Tips for beginners. Types of investments on the stock exchange

  • 15.09.2023

Access to it. Through the program, you go to a specific exchange and start buying and selling shares, playing on their price fluctuations. If the forecasts are favorable, then you can hold the shares longer to make a greater profit.

What are the functions of a broker? Firstly, all contracts that you enter into for the purchase or sale of shares will be signed with his participation. Secondly, it provides you with the necessary programs. Thirdly, he teaches you how to work on the stock exchange through free seminars. The first month you make fake trades, training, studying trends in the market, analyzing the reasons for price drops and rises. After this trial period, you can start real trading.

The question of whose shares are best to buy is far from idle. There are hundreds of issuing companies on the stock exchange that have varying popularity among traders. This depends on liquidity, which determines the size of the spread - the corridor between the optimal price for selling and buying a stock. The longer the corridor, the less liquid the stock. It makes sense to buy such shares only for long-term investments.

If you want to actively sell and buy shares, then it is better to focus on liquid shares - blue chips. These include shares of companies whose financial well-being is guaranteed. In Russia, these are mainly organizations that control the production and sale of natural energy sources: Lukoil, RAO UES of Russia, SurgutNefteGaz, Rostelecom, Sibneft, Norilsk Nickel, Tatneft, Sibneft and, somewhat separately, Sberbank of Russia.

To buy or sell a share, a trader needs to place an order on the exchange through the terminal, indicating the number of shares and the desired sale or purchase price. The system automatically checks whether there are counter transactions; if there are any, the transaction is automatically concluded. If this does not happen immediately, then the application hangs until a counter-offer appears, or until the merchant cancels it.

When buying a share, you pay not for paper, but practically for a record in the depository about the fact of purchase. From the depository database you can obtain an extract about the shares you own. The depository is serviced by the same brokerage company where you trade.

In addition to the main income associated with the difference in buying and selling shares, you will receive dividends from the shares you own.

Video on the topic

Stocks, like matches, are not a toy. Investing money in securities is quite a dangerous activity, as you can lose all your savings. However, playing on the stock exchange is also quite a profitable business if you have a reasonable approach and certain knowledge.


It would seem that what is so difficult here? Buy shares, wait for them to rise in price, and pocket the difference. Profit flows into your hands. However, everything is so simple only in words. To play with, you need long and hard. The first rule can be formulated as follows: gambling is not entertainment, but business, and quite a serious one.

One of the world's most famous investors, Warren Buffett, once noted that anyone on the stock exchange should know basic accounting principles, annual reporting standards and the history of the stock market. Therefore, financial education must be considered a priority. Don’t ask “experienced” people how much you can earn. If there is such an opportunity (ask advice from experienced ones), it’s better to find out where to start, what stocks to buy, and whether it’s even worth it for you.

You will need special programs to play on the stock exchange. In the age of high technology, there are many solutions with which you can play with stocks without leaving your home. It is best to use multiple monitors (at least 2). This way, you can simultaneously monitor company news (which affects stock prices) as well as stock quotes online.

You can play with shares only if you are constantly aware of all the news, changes in legislation, information about mergers, dissolution, profits and losses of companies. All these factors influence the price of securities, and in order to play correctly, to seize the opportunity, you always need to know as much as possible. The most valuable thing in stock trading is information. Try to read more. Often, analysis of the past helps to establish the correct logical chain and predict the further course of events. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of instinct for an investor.

Find a good “guide”, i.e. broker. Now there are a sufficient number of intermediary companies that offer training, training with demo accounts and online trading. Their services cannot be called cheap, but it is still better for a novice player with shares to turn to a reliable “mentor”.

Analyze. Try to record your decisions about when and how many shares you bought in such and such a company. Subsequent analysis of events will allow you to highlight errors and take them into account in the future. At first, it would be useful to note on paper changes in securities quotes, and then compare them with events related to a particular company. This will give you a better understanding of what drives stock prices.

Video on the topic


  • Investment guide

Getting started with stock speculation is quite simple. You contact an investment company, open an account with them and deposit money into it. Then you can proceed in two ways: you give orders for transactions with selected shares to the broker, having previously tracked the movement of quotes, or you make a decision to buy and sell yourself.


After receiving your first shareholder income, divide the profits. Put half back into mutual funds and the other half into MFBUs (general funds of bank management). Unlike shares, this instrument has more opportunities (it invests not only in stocks and bonds, but also in cash, precious metals, etc.), so with its help you can get higher returns.

Using the income from investments in shares and OFBU, start building your individual portfolio of securities. Any investment company also offers its management service. Let your portfolio be mixed - it consists not only of stocks, but also of bonds, futures and options. This will reduce risks in case of market declines.

Take a course to learn how to trade in the stock market. Today, almost all investment companies conduct them, many do it for free. Professional knowledge will help you make more informed decisions when choosing an investment strategy, as well as try yourself as a player in such complex and highly profitable markets as FOREX and FORTS.

Helpful advice

Never put your last money into the stock market - this is a direct path to bankruptcy.

Don't chase super profits. High-risk strategies, as a rule, promise greater returns. With changing market conditions, there is a possibility of losing everything at once.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Use as many different tools as possible. If you lose money in some, you will definitely make money in others.

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Stock trading is a fairly popular way of investing money in securities. In this case, profit can be received not only in the form of dividends, but also by purchasing and selling on the stock exchange. To start trading stocks, you must first study information on trading and trading strategies.


Study the available literature on stocks. Currently, there is no need to spend money on books; all useful information can be downloaded on the Internet or read in . It is also recommended to visit forums dedicated to trading on the stock exchange. Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of trading, technical and fundamental analysis, trading strategies, and also read useful

Stock trading, investing or intermediation as ways to generate income are becoming increasingly popular in the life of a modern person. This type of income is no longer the lot of only wealthy people; more and more ordinary citizens want to put into practice the concept of “money should bring money.” The secret of its attractiveness lies in the high profitability of this enterprise (sometimes tens of times higher than in a bank).

The stock market is where buyers and sellers meet. The goods, depending on the type of the exchange itself, can be currency, shares, options, raw materials, etc. The formula for making a profit is extremely simple: in order to always be “in the black,” you need to buy cheaper and then sell at a higher price.

But in order to know how to do this correctly, you need not just start playing, but study the “stock exchange science” in as much detail as possible, understand the principles of trading and analytical activities.

Only after serious preparation is it worthwhile to plunge headlong into the world of numbers and quotes, where you need to have strong nerves, carry out constant mental work, be moderately passionate, and be disciplined in everything. At the same time, beginners should not be afraid in advance, but relying only on luck will be unproductive.

The main task of an exchange player is to buy currency at the minimum price and then sell it at the most profitable price. The difference between the purchase price and the price of the goods for sale will be trader's profit. Thus, the entire exchange process is speculative in nature, and, therefore, unpredictable and fraught with risk.

Concept and types

An exchange is an organization that controls the market for financial instruments: securities (stocks and bonds), currencies, commodities (oil, metals, grain, etc.), contracts (futures and options) and a number of others.

An exchange on which securities (stocks and bonds) are traded stock. This is the simplest, most popular and profitable financial instrument. The stock exchange system is a securities market in which transactions with real assets are carried out on agreed terms.

With low commissions, the stock exchange is an ideal platform for the novice trader. By purchasing securities of a company, a person becomes its shareholder, that is, he can receive dividends and then sell these shares at a profit when their price rises. In Russia, such transactions are concluded on Stock exchange RTS or MICEX . Access to trading is provided through brokers who buy and sell shares and keep records of transactions and transactions at the request of traders.

Commodity exchange is a place for the purchase and sale of various types of goods: precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), agricultural products (wheat, corn, legumes, coffee, cotton), natural minerals and their derivatives (gas, oil, gasoline) and etc. Transactions here are concluded with an expectation of future deliveries, for which a deposit of 10-20% is paid.

Then, even before the end of the delivery period, a reverse transaction is concluded - the sale of the purchased product, which in reality was never in the hands of the buyer. The price difference will be the profit. It is much easier to predict price movements for commodities than for currencies or stocks.

On futures exchange purchase and sale of futures contracts and options is carried out. The name of the exchange comes from the English word “future”, which means an obligation to purchase or sell a certain number of shares at a certain price in the future with payment of their collateral value.

This mechanism is similar to trading on a commodity exchange. The trader makes a security deposit of 10-20% of the real price for an obligation to buy or sell shares in the future for a certain price, which is then repaid by a counter contract. Since not the entire amount is deposited here, but only the collateral value, you can purchase more contracts than when trading on the stock exchange, and accordingly, earnings can be higher.

Through currency exchange Forex national currency is traded. The word “Forex” itself is an abbreviation of two words: Foreign Exchange, which translated from English means: “currency exchange”. With a minimum starting deposit of $10, you can already start trading. Market prices are taken as a basis, according to the exchange rate ratio established on the exchange.

The goal of such trading is to profitably buy a currency pair and then sell it at a higher price. Any type of Forex operations can be carried out using the Internet around the clock in real time from anywhere in the world.

If the trader’s goal is to make a quick profit, then the currency exchange will be the optimal choice; if he prefers a market with large volumes and lower risks, he should opt for the stock exchange.

The rules for making money on the Forex currency market are discussed in this video:

As a percentage (% per annum) profit margin between exchanges can be distributed like this (subject to successful trading):

  • Stock market – 20-50%, with margin lending – up to 100%;
  • Commodity exchange – 50-500%;
  • Futures exchange – 50-200%;
  • Currency exchange – 50-500%.

Return-risk ratio will be the highest on the currency exchange and the lowest on the stock exchange.

Where a beginner can start making money on the stock exchange is described in the following video:

Ways and methods of making money on exchanges

Exist various ways and methods earning income on stock exchanges. A trader can participate in trading operations on the stock exchange independently, or transfer his assets to professionals (investment funds) for trust management. The most advanced way to make money is stock trading through robots - special computer programs that, according to a given algorithm, carry out trading instead of the trader.

Trading on the stock exchange is carried out through mediation– a brokerage firm that provides access to the exchange for a commission. The trader, receiving information from the broker, analyzes price fluctuations for his assets, draws up a strategy and opens transactions. To conclude transactions, the trader gives orders to the broker online. Communication between them is carried out via a trading terminal - a special program from the brokerage company’s website.

To generate income on the exchange, it is permissible to use three main strategies:

  • Investment , that is, the purchase of shares for a certain period (usually from 1 year) and the expectation of an increase in their value. The main condition for success is the choice of a reliable company from the blue chip category, whose shares are characterized by high value. Before purchasing, an analysis of stock prices over the last 5 years is carried out. This is the least risky strategy: the shares provide for receiving dividends, even small ones, and if their value has fallen, you just need to wait for it to rise.
  • Trading – a popular and most profitable strategy. Assets are acquired for a short period of time in order to extract maximum profit. Often, using the broker's borrowed funds, a short transaction is carried out: a certain number of shares are borrowed and immediately sold, then after their price decreases, the same amount is bought again and returned to the broker with a profit.
  • Arbitration allows you to find the difference between related assets, enter into a contract and make money on this difference. The advantage here is the almost complete absence of risks, but this strategy also involves a huge amount of analytical work and speed of reaction, which not everyone can achieve.

The following are distinguished: types of trade by time of holding an open position:

There are constant price fluctuations on the stock exchange: if they want to buy more, the price rises accordingly. If there are more offers for sale, then the price falls. Under trend the direction of price movement is understood, it can be upward (when the price rises), downward (the price falls) and sideways (the price remains the same).

People trading on the stock exchange, are divided into: bears – those who sell, hoping to then buy cheaper, and thus push the market down, and bulls – those who buy in order to sell at a higher price, and thus orient the market towards an increase. Accordingly, a long position is distinguished - long , that is, a purchase with the goal of then selling at a higher price, and a short position - shorts , that is, selling in order to buy cheaper.

The exchange player determines for himself key principle of bidding: either making as many trades as possible, or increasing your earnings on fewer trades.

A trader’s earnings directly depend on the size of the invested amounts. It is most convenient to calculate it as a percentage of the starting capital. With good work and a low level of risks, this is an average of 5-10% per month of the amount in the account.

To successfully trade on the stock exchange, you should constantly analyze your workflow. In this case, use the following types of analysis, How:

  • fundamental – analysis of the asset from the position of balance sheets, for shares – the development trend of the company, for currency – the level of the economy in the country;
  • technical – analysis of an asset on a historical price movement chart, for which resistance and support lines and readings of various indicators are compared.

Profitable stock trading is always based on the formation of your own unique strategy. Each strategy is based on the study of the features and patterns of functioning of the exchange market.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

First steps in earning money

Step-by-step instruction for a novice trader it might look like this:

  • Acquiring start-up capital, that is, money that can be invested in stock trading.
  • Training in trading, stock exchange terminology, sales strategies in dealing centers, in courses, seminars, webinars, on your own.
  • Selecting the type of exchange and financial instrument for trading. The best options for a beginner would be trading stocks and currencies.
  • Determining the strategy of playing on the stock exchange and the type of trading based on the time of holding an open position. Here, to begin with, you should give preference to investing and trading, as well as day trading and medium-term trading.
  • Choosing a broker - an intermediary for entering the stock exchange, who will provide software, help you understand financial instruments and trading platforms, and start trading competently. The main criteria for selecting a good broker are: the amount of commissions, the amount of analytical and forecasting information and services provided, the quality and cost of the software, and the reliability of the broker as a whole.
  • Implementation of the trading process on the stock exchange. After connecting the trading terminal, the process of making transactions begins. To begin with, it makes sense to practice opening demo accounts (simulators) and transactions with virtual money, which does not involve risks and obligations. What is important here is drawing up your own sales strategy and the ability to keep your emotions under control.

How to develop and grow in making a profit

Stable, long-term earnings on the stock exchange are impossible without serious development of the trader himself, his professional skills and personal qualities. A high level of sales is achieved with experience, which can take years.

The success of a stock exchange player largely depends on compliance with a number of conditions:

  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and constant self-improvement, studying the psychology of stock trading;
  • Ability to manage your emotions. In trading, thoughtless haste and unreasonable excitement in order to make a quick profit are unacceptable, trading only out of a desire to win back, trading “at random”, like in a lottery;
  • Correctly defining a trading strategy. It is necessary to develop a system of your activities as quickly as possible and constantly follow it;
  • Development of such important qualities as self-discipline, self-control, analytical thinking, attention, organization, efficiency, determination;
  • Constantly analyzing your mistakes. There is no break-even trading; it is important to notice your mistakes in time and prevent them in the future;
  • Minimizing risks in each transaction, competent capital management. Open a deal only if the risk of losing on it is no more than 2% of the amount;
  • Holding profitable positions for as long as possible, and the ability to quickly close unprofitable ones.

Tips for those starting to make money on the MMMB exchange are given in this video:

Existing threats of such games

Trading on the stock exchange, unfortunately, obeys an immutable law: If someone wins, it means that somewhere someone lost. Therefore, losses and drawdowns are integral companions not only for beginners, but also for exchange professionals. According to statistics, only 10% of beginners successfully start their activities, while 90% always lose their first deposit.

When starting an exchange game, it is important to know that such an event is associated with risks, and the greater the profit expected, the higher the probability of loss. Most players simply do not know how to trade, make gross mistakes and miscalculations, and rely on intuition instead of competent analysis. Inexperience, immaturity, greed, and impatience are unacceptable in this type of activity.

Often cause of failure are the inflated ambitions of a beginner who does not want to spend time learning, mastering the basics of market analysis, forming his own strategy, keeping a trading diary, making forecasts and calculating risks.

Trading shares involves certain rules. These are the trading rules you should follow because they turn a game that seems unpredictable and constantly changing into a job that is very predictable and can bring you profits every week.

There is so much misinformation and outright lies about stock trading on the internet these days that when I meet people taking their first steps into trading who follow this advice, I get nervous.

If this is you, congratulations! Congratulations on cutting through a lot of unnecessary information, and trusting yourself enough to follow generational wealth with a trading strategy that promises you real profit potential (not the 8-10% per year that many financial advisors tell you to aim for). ).

During my time working in the stock market, I learned several things, and I will share these lessons with you in this material.

Use them to reduce your trading learning curve and the loss of your potential.


Stock trading promoters are ready to quickly sell you stories about companies that are ready to disrupt and change the world with their products.

Is this the only problem? These stories are full of nonsense.

99% of companies that trade penny stocks ultimately fail, and the chances of you getting into the 1% that do well over the long term are very slim.

So stop believing everything you hear and face the realities of day trading stocks. Some company shares may be worth little, but that doesn't mean you can't use them to make a profit.


Another type of deception you'll hear from stock trading promoters has to do with how quickly your earnings can grow. Yes, it's possible that penny stocks will go from $1 to $10 a share, and it's possible that you'll double or even triple your money in one go.

But do you know how much I'm trying to make on a deal like this? Only $0.50-$0.75 per share.

Of course, I'm happy if I make a little more, but by keeping trade sizes small - opening and closing positions when I know the numbers are correct - I protect myself from the catastrophe of risk and major losses that many traders suffer.

If you're constantly chasing big wins, you'll force trades that aren't there. And these are the types of mistakes that will take you out of the game before you even have a chance.


Part of the reason I keep my gains and my losses low is because I respect risk.

Many students know that I quickly close a position by “taking profits” or “stopping losses,” but this is normal for me.

A stock market you think is going up can crash in a matter of minutes. A market in which you are confident that a short trade is correct can change course in the blink of an eye.

Make sure you never allocate too much of your investment portfolio to each individual trade (the % of the amount is different for everyone, depending on what you trust more) and make sure that the position you open is not so large to influence stock price behavior. Always look for good liquidity - ideally, at least several hundred thousand shares bought and sold daily - an acceptable trading volume. This way, you will be confident that you can enter and exit the market when you need to, when you want.


As a new trader, the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep a trading journal that covers everything you do in the market, the size of the positions you take, whether you make a profit or suffer a loss on a trade. A diary like this will tell you a lot about trading and about yourself, and it is an invaluable resource that you can use if you want to become a consistently profitable trader.

Better traders act methodically. They don't trade on a whim - they carefully study their past actions and use that experience to make their future trades better... Both of my first students who achieved the highest results in trading have a lot of spreadsheets!

Knowing about your past trades can be incredibly helpful when it comes to improving your stock day trading abilities. And if you want to benefit from this, you must track them from the very beginning.

Either way, make a commitment to maintaining and updating your trading journal every time you trade the stock market.


Many traders get so deep into trading on the stock exchange and learning how to trade that they forget about their health.

No need to do that!

You really have nothing in this world if you don't have health!

And when you're watching stock charts all day and researching all night, it's pretty hard to remember to wake up, cook a healthy meal, and do some exercise.

But guys, this is very important. You will be a better trader if you are healthy. You can stay in this field longer if you take care of yourself.

Break bad habits now. Don't wait to make your health a priority - focus on it now when you're just starting out as a trader so that it will support you throughout your career.


Many traders are cocky when they first start trading on the stock exchange. They act as if they know everything there is to know about stock trading.

Of course, many successful traders have gone a long way, learning a lot about trading, before achieving success on the stock exchange.

That's why I make education a big priority, and I encourage you to do the same. Find people who have achieved everything you want to achieve in your life and learn everything you can from them to become an even stronger and better informed trader.

However, only 5-10% of traders have stable profits. Ignore what “dubious” traders say in chat rooms, online forums and “trading social networks”.

Of course, 99% of traders will tell you that they make money - especially if they are trying to sell you something.

Your time is valuable enough and the amount of money you can spend on information products is quite limited to work with someone who won't be 100% honest with you.

Vladimir Zhibrov, NYSE Academy

    • What types of exchanges are there?
    • Stock market strategies
    • How does a trader work?
  • 5. Conclusion

How to play on the stock exchange? Where to start? What does a newbie trader need to know? Who is a trader and what does his success in trading depend on? How realistic or dangerous is it to trade on the foreign exchange market? If these questions concern you, then after reading this article you will find answers to all these and other questions.

It is believed that Fortune smiles, first of all, on those who, having entered the stock exchange business, have gone through fire and water, experienced shocks and losses, and learned to make decisions with a minimum of information. How true is this statement? Let's try to understand the intricacies of the stock exchange business.

Dear reader, if you are interested in the topic of how to make money on Forex from scratch, what Forex is and how it works, be sure to read.

Forex trading for beginners

1. How to play on the stock exchange for beginners - is it easy?

For some, the stock exchange is like lotto: entertainment, fun, risk, and nothing more. And someone strives to the trading floor, like a bee, to collect its nectar. Some people place Napoleonic hopes on stock trading - to double their reserves and break into the world of prosperity. And for some, it’s enough to just earn a little extra money.

But, one way or another, everyone expects dividends from the stock exchange. However, getting them is not as easy as it seems from the outside. To move from zero, here, as in any business, you need special knowledge and skills.

What types of exchanges are there?

1. Commodity exchange

Commodity exchange – this is a place for the purchase and sale of various goods: precious metals (platinum, gold), agricultural crops (corn, beans, wheat), natural minerals and their derivatives (oil, gasoline), etc.

However, this does not mean that you need to buy several tons of grain and transport them to your barn. On a commodity exchange, you enter into a futures transaction that involves delivery at a future date. When purchasing a futures (concluding a transaction), you only need to pay the so-called collateral value. It is about 10-20% of the real price of the product.

You “promise” to invest the rest when the agreed delivery date arrives. After this, before this period expires, you enter into a reverse transaction: how much they bought - how much they sold . This is how you can make money on the commodity exchange without buying goods. The main advantage of this game is that it is sometimes easier to predict price movements for goods than for currency pairs or stocks.

2. Stock exchange (or securities market)

Here they trade shares, and real assets. This means that by purchasing securities of a company, you will become its shareholder and will be able to receive dividends on the purchased shares or sell them at a profit. In the Russian Federation, such transactions can be concluded, for example, on the RTS or MICEX Stock Exchange. Access to trading is obtained through brokers. They buy and sell shares on orders from traders and keep records of all operations and transactions. This is perhaps the easiest way for a beginner to make money on the stock exchange.

3. Futures exchange (or derivatives exchange)

On this site, futures contracts and options are purchased and sold. Playing on this exchange requires, just like on a commodity exchange, the payment of a guarantee. That is, you pay only a deposit amount (10-20% of the real price), having accepted the obligation to buy or sell in the future a certain number of shares for a certain price.

Subsequently, you repay this obligation with a counter contract. At the same time, you can conduct transactions with much larger contracts than on the stock exchange.

4. Forex currency exchange (Forex)

National currency is traded on this exchange. Purchase and sale are carried out at market prices, according to the exchange rate ratio prevailing on the stock exchange. By purchasing a currency pair at one price, you can later sell it for a higher price. This is the point of the game. Orders to sell or buy are placed via the Internet through trading terminals (less often by telephone). Market analytics, market news, and currency pair quotes are provided by brokers.

Stock market strategies

1. Investing

This is the most clear and simple way. You bought shares for a decent period (12 months, or even more) and are waiting for their value to increase. The main thing in this matterentrust investments to a reliable company , belonging to the category of “blue chips” (as the most liquid companies are called). It is also necessary to analyze quotes over the past 4-5 years and identify the most promising ones.

The advantage of this strategy is your “insurance” against losses. If you made a mistake and the quotes of the shares you bought went down, you will not face a loss until you sell the securities. In case of a mistake, you just need to wait for the stock prices to rise, receiving dividends on them at this time. The only disadvantage of this method of playing is that you won’t be able to earn a lot - on average from 10 % before 30 % per annum.

2. Speculation

This strategy is the most popular. It promises significantly greater profits than all other types of trading. In this case, assets are acquired for a short term, often with the expectation of margin lending. Choosing tactics Intraday, you open and close trades throughout the day. Following the same tactics Day-Trading, you conduct a trade over several days or weeks.

When speculating, they also often play “ short ": in anticipation of a decline in quotes, traders are bearish. A short trade is implemented through the use of borrowed funds from the broker.

It looks like this: you borrow a hundred shares from a broker and immediately sell them all; three hours later, the price of securities began to decline - you buy a hundred shares, return them to the broker, and keep the profit for yourself.

Even easier, short transactions are carried out on the futures (terms) market. The scheme is simple: first you purchase a futures contract to sell, then you buy a futures contract to buy – and the profit is in your pocket.

Making money on Forex is similar to futures: first you sell a currency pair, then buy - the difference is yours. In this way you can earn a lot with insignificant capital. However, keep in mind: the risks in such trading are also considerable.

3. Arbitration

The essence of this trade is to find the difference between assets that are somehow related and enter into a contract that allows you to receive this difference. For example, you took stocks and futures on them. If the price of shares on the stock market has decreased, but the futures contract on the derivatives market still remains at the same level, you can purchase, say, a thousand shares at one hundred rubles and buy one futures contract to sell a thousand shares at 110 rubles. In this case, you are guaranteed a profit of 10 rubles per share, no matter where prices move.

Plus arbitration is the absence of risks. TO cons The complexity of such trading can be attributed to the complexity of such trading, which requires constant analysis of multiple markets, the search for price “scissors”, and the ability to conclude several counter contracts at lightning speed. In addition, arbitrage trading is characterized by average profitability. Even experienced arbitrageurs can count on average here 5 % - 10 % at 3-4 months.

Playing on the stock exchange - how and where to start?

First, a beginner needs to choose an exchange. Then find a broker to gain access to the game.

You need to find out the following points from your broker:

  • the amount of commission fees for carrying out transactions, using a trading terminal, maintaining accounts, servicing a broker;
  • the amount of information and services provided by the broker (analytical reviews, news, forecasts, quote archives, etc.);
  • Is it possible to work online on this exchange, through what programs can you access the exchange online, their cost;
  • method of replenishing your account and withdrawing money;
  • guarantees of broker reliability.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with several brokers who provide their services on the stock exchange. Then you will have a better chance of choosing the conditions that are most optimal for you. After signing the agreement and installing the program recommended by the broker on your PC, you can start trading.

Important! Just don’t rush to use real money in the game. Ask your broker to provide you with a training demo account: it’s better to go through a “baptism of fire” with virtual money. Learn from your own mistakes - this will save you from big risks in the future.

Playing on the stock exchange - how much can you earn?

This question worries many beginners, we will give as many average values ​​as possible.

Here are the approximate amounts that experienced players can earn on various trading platforms:

  • Speculators earn 20-50% on the stock market (using margin lending, their profits can increase up to 100%);
  • 50-200% of the derivatives market is owned by players trading options and futures;
  • Arbitrageurs get 30-50%;
  • 50-500% is purchased by game participants on the Forex currency exchange

How much can you lose on the stock market?

Any exchange presents great opportunities and great risks. Luck, especially in the foreign exchange market, is a rare guest. In order not to become a loser, you need to carefully think through the game on the stock exchange, plan your Forex trading strategy, create a demo account and test it on historical quotes, especially if you are new to this business. (How to attract luck and money into your life)

Many losers who leave their money on the stock exchange lose precisely because they “rushed into battle” without going through “training.” They overestimate their intuition and, without conducting a competent market analysis, make unforgivable mistakes and unfortunate miscalculations.

Don't follow their example: don't enter into a trade without prior preparation. Do not consider it a waste of time to study specialized literature, study journal publications, get acquainted with relevant websites and think through Forex strategies.

Believe me, the time spent on self-education will increase your chances of success and protect you from a sad fiasco.

Definition of the term "trader"

2. Who is a trader and what does he do - the definition and essence of the profession

Translated from English, trader- This is a merchant. This is what people who trade on the stock exchange are called. Through trading operations - buying assets at low prices and selling at high prices - traders make a profit.

The assets that traders can buy and sell include:

  • goods in demand on the world market (oil, metal, grain);
  • precious metals;
  • stock;
  • contracts (futures and options);
  • currency;
  • cryptocurrencies;
  • stock indices.

Here we have listed all the main financial instruments, thanks to which traders have the opportunity to earn money by playing on the stock exchange.

How does a trader work?

The working platform of any trader is an exchange or over-the-counter market. It should be noted that since the emergence of the trading profession, its essence has changed little. Only previously, the trader was personally present at the exchange and made transactions himself, but now he gives orders to brokers online, while remaining in the office or at home.

Communication between them is carried out via a trading terminal - a special program that can be downloaded and installed from the broker’s website. Receiving information from the broker, the trader analyzes fluctuations in the price of his assets, makes forecasts of possible fluctuations and opens transactions based on these forecasts.

At the same time, he uses various tools from his analytical arsenal.

It includes three main types of analysis:

  • fundamental;
  • technical;
  • computer.

The trader regulates his activities himself. He can make one deal and earn a decent amount of money, which will last for a couple of months. If you wish, you can enter into several transactions every day. You can also use trading robots, using them to carry out automatic trading. True, manual work, as practice shows, is much more effective.

Despite the fact that the trader’s personal presence at the workplace is not necessary, one cannot dare to call his income passive. After all, the main factors of success are his work, the trader’s time and thinking through the Forex strategy. A broker is just a captain on a voyage whose course is charted by a trader.

A trader can work for himself or for various companies. Each of these forms of activity has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Working for yourself

In this case, the trader chooses his own broker, opens his own account with him, transfers personal money to him and manages it as he sees fit.

pros (+ ):

  • all earnings go to the trader;
  • the trader plans his own working day, makes his own decisions and works at the rhythm that is convenient for him.

Minuses (- ):

  • you have to risk your own funds;
  • the size of the personal amount can be very limited, and the amount of profit is directly proportional to the amount of investment.

2. Working for a company

This type of work requires formal employment. We are talking about joining the staff of a company - an investment fund, a bank, a brokerage company, a reputable corporation.

pros (+ ):

  • since operations on the market take place on behalf of this company, its rather large funds are used;
  • the trader is assigned a certain percentage of profit from the transactions he conducts, and it is possible to establish a quite decent salary;
  • The risk of losing personal money is eliminated.

Minuses (- ):

  • It’s not so easy to get a job in a decent company without achievements in independent trading;
  • limited freedom of action.

An alternative version of this form of work is the managerial activity of a trader, who manages the money of other investors and trades it to them, receiving an agreed percentage of the profit.

The main difficulty is to achieve such work: you will need to provide investors with convincing evidence of your reliability, profitable Forex strategies, the ability to increase capital, and not “melt” it in an instant, etc.

Qualities required to work as a trader

The profession of a trader in the modern world is one of the most profitable, promising and attractive. In developed Western countries, such specialists are trained in institutes. In Russia, this profession can only be obtained through self-education or attending relevant courses conducted by dealing centers.

It is important to understand that the main factor for success in working as a trader is not theoretical knowledge or a unique methodology, but personal participation and the development of the right Forex strategy.

To gain practical experience without risking your savings, you can use a demo account by creating it at any brokerage company.

A demo account will convince a young specialist that to work with real amounts it is not necessary to use without iron self-discipline and self-control, developed analytical thinking, drawing up a Forex strategy, attention, organization, composure, efficiency, impartiality and a certain amount of courage.

How much can a trader earn?

As already mentioned, a trader’s earnings directly depend on the amount of capital used.

If you have, say, 100 thousand dollars, then this money will help you earn 100 times more than if you owned only one thousand dollars.

In other words, it is more correct to measure a trader’s income not in amounts, but as a percentage of the starting capital.

If we talk about the average profit of a trader, then when working for himself, he can receive approximately 5 % before 10 % per month from the amount available in the account. He can count on such profits with a low level of risk. Managing another investor's capital can bring in 20-50% of revenue.

Read below on how to trade Forex

3. How to play on the Forex exchange (Forex) - the basics of successful trading

Forex trading, which is considered the most reliable and profitable market in the world, cannot but attract a huge number of traders from all corners of the globe. First of all, stock exchange traders who decide to diversify (or adjust) the contents of their investment basket flock to this trading platform. Novice traders who are just learning the basics of the stock exchange business are not far behind them.

Trading on the Forex exchange is no different from working on many other markets. The rules here are the same as on a narrow-profile derivatives exchange or a classic trading or stock exchange.

How to trade on the Forex market, where to start?

The path to making money on the Forex market, as on any other exchange, lies through creating a trading account, downloading any trading platform to a personal computer, and authorizing the account in the terminal.

Currently, the market for these services allows you to open an account with Forex capital starting from 10 US dollars. This is enough to open a deal to sell or buy currency. In addition to Forex trading, you can access the metals markets in the same way ( platinum, silver, gold), CFD.

By operating on the world's most liquid market with a deposit amount convenient for you, you will not just multiply your capital. You will gain invaluable experience , think over Forex strategies that will be useful to you in the future in order to successfully trade on any other exchange market. In addition, the acquired capital can be reinvested on other trading platforms, which will reduce the cost of entering into trading relations on them.

The interbank foreign exchange market Forex does not have a fixed territorial location. You can carry out any type of trading operations around the clock in real time.

So, anyone who decides to master the profession of a trader on the Forex exchange must first acquire only a PC with access to the Internet.

International currency exchange Forex

At first, you need to find a suitable broker or dealing center. The professional qualities of this assistant (who can easily be considered your partner), the efficiency of his work, and his responsibility will determine your financial success or failure.

Meta Trader 5 and Meta Trader 4– the most popular versions of free trading terminals.

As soon as you learn how to use the program - a trading platform from a brokerage company, you just need to select the currency pair with which you will trade

Real or demo account - what to trade on?

You should not start online trading by opening a real account. It is very dangerous. You can lose everything at once. To protect you from financial risks you need open a demo account on Forex . This simulator is completely similar to a real account. The only difference is that you will practice with virtual funds, and not real capital.

It is advisable for all newcomers to trading not to tempt fate, but to learn how to manage their own money without the risk of being left penniless by creating a demo account. At the same time, a beginner using a demo account should know that he can earn real money if he takes part in trading competitions.

Using a demo account, you can easily practice using so-called “robot experts” or “robot advisors” - automatic trading systems. Today, users have access to a fairly large selection of such programs, both paid and free.

Demo account– this is the most win-win way to start an exchange business in the Forex market. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to create one or immediately register a real trading account and transfer real money to it to start trading.

However, this path can only be recommended to someone who has at least 99% confident in their abilities, has acquired a lot of knowledge, has many skills, has already carefully developed a trading strategy and has experience working on a real account on the Forex currency market.

Forex Strategies

Which trading strategy should you choose?

In all Forex transactions - be it a sale or a purchase - the national currency is used as a commodity.

The main task of a trader on the stock exchange – buy currency at the minimum price and sell it as profitably as possible. To do this, you need to think through Forex strategies. The discrepancy between the cost of the product and the purchase price is the trader’s profit.

This is a trading combination in which the number of purchased contracts is greater than the number of sold ones, called in the language of traders “ long position" Exchange participants are forced to make such options by the hope that the currency will rise in price in the future and sell them at a higher income.

The so-called “ short position" It assumes that the volume of sales of a product exceeds the volume of purchases. In this case, the purchase of currency occurs with the expectation that its value will fall. Such sales also provide income from the price difference.

Both combinations can be done on Forex. Therefore, the main factor for success on this exchange is the correctly chosen lines of behavior - Forex trading strategies .

Many successful traders, using various third-party strategies, create and develop their own profitable Forex strategy in accordance with their experience and acquired knowledge

Many existing Forex trading strategies are used on the stock exchange, including the Forex currency market.

The most popular and best trading strategies are based on:

  • combinations of indicators;
  • Bollinger Bands;
  • moving averages;
  • by patterns and graphic models;
  • Fibonacci levels;
  • Ichimoku indicators;
  • Japanese candles;
  • trend trading;
  • flat trading;
  • short-term trading (“scalping”);
  • fundamental analysis (news, events, etc.)

In order to accurately plan and create a Forex trading strategy, you need to carefully study the trends and features of the foreign exchange market. This, in turn, requires an in-depth analysis of the trading situation, practical skills that are tested on training accounts.

A beginner will also benefit greatly from studying the professional experience of experienced traders. Brilliant calculation and practice are the main assistants of a Forex trader!

4. Having earned money on the stock exchange, increase your capital

One of the main mistakes of both beginners and experienced traders is that the money earned on exchanges is quickly spent. Of course, this is completely unreasonable, which is why truly successful traders usually use their earned capital not only back into circulation, but also into their own business.

Having your own business, you don’t have to worry about the future of exchanges and stock market performance; a real reliable business will be a big plus for you. If you don’t know where to invest your money, then we advise you to choose the real estate market. It is the most stable, reliable and easy to understand. Watch a free video course from specialist Anton Murygin about making money in real estate from scratch:

Watch a motivating video about how you can profitably invest in a real estate business:

5. Conclusion

Parting words for beginners

Impassive statistics state: 9 out of 10 new traders “they drain” the deposit and leave Forex with nothing. It’s amazing that in a market where the level of profit is simply off the charts, there is such a percentage of “losers”!

Experts came to the conclusion: The reason for the widespread failure is the inflated ambitions of the modern young man, combined with extreme infantilism. He finds it very boring to pore over textbooks, develop a unique strategy, master the basics of market analysis, open a practice demo account, keep a trading diary, make forecasts, calculate trading risks (how dangerous it is to trade with a particular strategy, etc.).

Another thing is to believe in your luck and trade at random, so to speak, playfully. Such a lightweight approach, when one rushes headlong into the abyss of the stock exchange - without any preparation, without decent starting capital, without knowing how to control oneself - leads to a quick and disappointing ending.

Therefore, instead of parting words, we will end the article with useful tips for beginners.

Tip #1. Practice first, play later

Tip #2. If you want decent profits, accumulate decent capital

Tip #3. Learn to control yourself

Tip #4. Accept the possibility of loss as inevitable

Tip #5. Beware of greed and haste.

Let these tips become your guiding star and amulet. Let them lead you not only to real trading, but also to real success in trading on the foreign exchange market.

Inexperienced traders think that trading in the stock market is a tricky science, accessible only to a select few. But in fact, understanding it is easier than it seems. All you need is to stock up on money (at first a small amount is enough) and spend some time on self-education. Moreover, you will learn the most basic information about how to trade stocks today - from this article.

Stock trading: where to start

If you want to become a successful trader, don’t throw yourself into the deep end. Your task is to sequentially go through seven important steps:

1. Obtain basic knowledge from reliable sources. First, you need to get acquainted with the principles of operation of stock exchanges and the basics of technical analysis, and then study quotes and other characteristics of financial instruments directly on the websites of trading platforms.

2. Choose a market to work on: Russian or foreign. Among foreign markets, the American one is considered the most promising.

3. Choose a broker and open an account. You cannot do without an intermediary - individuals do not have direct access to exchanges. There are two ways to conclude an agreement with a broker: in person at the company’s office or remotely through the State Services portal. Immediately after the conclusion of the agreement, a brokerage account will be opened in the name of the future investor.

4. Install a trading terminal on your computer. To learn how to trade stocks, you need special software. The choice of a trading terminal, as a rule, depends on the choice of broker - each of them offers its own version of the program. You can do without a terminal (we’ll tell you how below), but most traders prefer to trade this way.

5. Perform a trial trading operation. For example, the Moscow Exchange website offers novice investors to connect to a test trading server and make their first deal in trial mode.

6. Select an object for attachment. You should invest in securities of those companies whose risk of bankruptcy is minimal.

7. Buy shares. To get started, you need to deposit the required amount into your brokerage account - through a bank cash desk or online services. Once the money is credited to your account, you can start trading.

Before you is a general plan of action. Now let's talk in more detail about the most important points.

How to get basic knowledge?

You can get information literally from anywhere: from books, specialized forums, seminars, video tutorials and articles. And the best thing is to combine all of the above.

The main tip for dummies who want to learn the secrets of stock trading is to master the basics of technical analysis. This is a base that you can’t do without. Anyone who masters technical analysis makes much fewer mistakes in the process.

There are many useful books on the basics of stock trading. For example, by A. Elder, W. J. O'Neill, L. Goch. And finally, the easiest way to learn how to trade stocks is to watch video lessons for beginners, which cover all the questions that interest beginners in simple and understandable language.

Selecting an attachment object

How do traders decide which stocks to invest in? Conduct technical or fundamental analysis of the stock market. Both of these approaches have the same goal, which is to make a profit. But nevertheless, there are significant differences between technical and fundamental analysis.

Traders who use technical analysis methods in their work study charts of market price movements, look for patterns and, based on them, determine the moment to buy or sell shares. At the same time, they don’t care where the market is moving: they can make money both on rising and falling prices.

Fundamental analysis works differently. Traders who use it do not need charts. Their main goal is to find a dynamically developing company with sufficient financial stability. It is also desirable that the shares be undervalued by the market, that is, their market value is lower than their real value. Investors using fundamental analysis look for long-term returns (minimum 5 years). Therefore, they carefully study the company itself: its niche in the industry, financial stability, development prospects, and so on.

How to choose an exchange?

Shares are bought and sold on stock exchanges. Those, in turn, are trading platforms whose main activity is to provide optimal conditions for the circulation of securities, determine their market value and maintain high professionalism of market participants.

There are about 200 exchanges in the world, but the largest ones are only a few dozen. Among them are the Moscow and St. Petersburg exchanges. The main difference between them is that Russian shares are traded on the Moscow Exchange, while American shares are traded on the St. Petersburg Exchange.

You can trade shares on both exchanges from one brokerage account. As a result, portfolio management, diversification, and transferring money from exchange to exchange becomes much easier.

Transaction methods

How to buy shares on the stock exchange? There are three main ways:

Through the Internet. In this case, a trading terminal provided by the broker is used. The software must be installed on the investor's personal computer and configured properly.

By phone. In broker slang this is called “voice orders”. After concluding an agreement, the brokerage company provides the investor with a list of voice passwords and a special multi-line telephone number. When a person wants to make a transaction, he dials the necessary numbers, says the brokerage agreement number and password, and then, when authentication is completed, voices his order.

Via web interface. This is almost the same as a trading terminal, but the functionality and interface are simpler.

How and where to monitor stock prices?

Quotes of Russian shares are presented on the Moscow Exchange website. True, changes in their prices are displayed with a slight delay of a quarter of an hour. But for long-term investors this is not critical. And those who make many transactions a day monitor quotes through the trading terminal.

Are you afraid or don’t have time to study?

There is also a way out of this situation. Especially for those who want to invest, but are afraid to do it themselves, there is a trust management service. Its essence is that the selection and implementation of a trading strategy is not carried out by the investor himself, but by a specialized company acting on his behalf and in his interests.

In this case, all that is required from a private individual is to enter into an agreement with a management company and deposit a certain amount of money into a brokerage account. The company, in turn, will regularly provide reports with which the investor can monitor the condition of his assets. The cost of the trust management service is an agreed percentage of the profit on shares.