I will help you find an idea for your hobby business. Where can I get an idea for a business? Inset. Changing a product or service

  • 08.07.2023

Business enterprises have one thing in common: solving a specific problem. Good business ideas are distinguished by the fact that they are able to provide a solution for which there will be a demand..

You may already be close to starting your business from scratch. The missing touch is the inspiration that will point you to the business idea of ​​your life. Try changing environments to find a simple yet brilliant business idea.

Below we will talk about a dozen places where the best minds of our time managed to find an idea, which subsequently became the source of their millions.

Your smartphone

We live in a time when there are assistants for all everyday tasks - mobile applications for your phone. But is it for everyone?

If we consider Google Play and AppStore, it will seem that there are already applications even for something that will not be useful to anyone. But don't jump to conclusions.

Every day there are hundreds or thousands of new applications that are developed by talented people.

How to find a really worthy idea for a business? An application is a simple solution to a specific problem.

Take a poll the widest possible audience, and better - solvent and you will get it - the problem, the solution of which will bring you the first million!

The point is small - think through everything to the smallest detail, hire a developer and go!

Search engines

Google, Yandex and other search engines will become your faithful assistants in finding the best idea for a successful business.

Be careful when looking for something on the net: if you can't find what you need, it's not a failure, but an opportunity.

If you need it, then there is a demand. It remains to create an offer and the case in the hat.

Explore this problem on the network is even deeper, ask your friends and acquaintances - can this really be necessary? If this is how things work out, then do it!

Social media

With minimal skill, you could use social media as a mirror of society. Highlighting the main- all the same problems.

Learn news of friends and acquaintances, read their statuses and posts. So you can collect enough information for the first analysis. And then - take your idea for a million and create a simple, but so necessary solution for others.

Reviews on the Internet

Another slice of society in the virtual world is the reviews of people left in numerous online stores.

Start your search with Internet giants like Amazon. Choose products that are of interest to you, then read the reviews for them. Attention should be focused on negative reviews, as they much more often affect the final choice of users.

Having found a product that has a sufficient number of negative reviews and at the same time there is still a demand for it, analyze these negative ratings. Highlight key product problems and come up with a solution.

Your home

At home you spend the lion's share of your time - this is the place where everything should be your way, with comfort and pleasure.

But this almost never happens. You and any of your friends or acquaintances will easily find flaws in your home. Here is a simple business idea for you - create a solution, which will save you and your potential customers from these shortcomings.

Your area

Here the situation is the same as in your house, only on a larger scale. Comfort does not end with the doors of the house, no one wants to part with it in their area.

Think, what is missing in your street, block or area? It can be anything from a coffee shop to a shoe repair shop or a tailor shop.

Again, start looking for a problem with yourself and loved ones, highlight what is missing nearby. And then, as if by notes: idea, implementation and business.

Place of work

Another great, but underrated place to find inspiration and super ideas is your place of work. Basically, there you will find people of your social circle and income level. Such people often think in the same categories as you.

Let them help you- start a conversation about what is missing personally for them or their loved ones. Perhaps someone is looking for assistants or partners for interesting projects, someone else wants to give their children to a tutor, not realizing that you know English even better than these teachers at home.

Having learned what exactly your surroundings need, you can be visited for real.

Grocery store

The same principle of finding a problem and then solving it also works in ordinary stores. Walk through nearby stores and try to highlight a product that would be useful to a large number of people, but for some reason is not on store shelves.

It is important to know: remember, in 99 out of 100 cases, it is demand that creates supply. Once you determine what is really needed, half the work is already done.

Shopping mall

And here is the scaling for stores - shopping centers. This will be your next step in your search. Walk through a number of shopping centers, explore the stores presented inside and their range.

You may find that a store is really missing and people have to make compromises or look elsewhere for the right products and services.

Your child's school or kindergarten

Children are our future on which it is not customary to save.

An excellent place where you could study the needs of modern children is kindergartens and schools. And if you have your own child, it's even easier. You will easily find a common language with the parents of other children.

Almost any solvent parent will try to give their child the best. Ask these parents what they want to give to their children. If you manage to find enough similar wishes, then take them as a signal to quickly start yours.

Hello friends!

Favourite buisness

Take a closer look at yourself and think about what you like to do, what kind of business fascinates you. Perhaps you have a hobby that can be turned into a profitable business. Check for demand for a niche that you like. To do this, just go to the Wordstat.yandex.ru website and enter a keyword related to your favorite business. For example, you love making soap with your own hands. We write down the keywords “handmade soap”. Then click "Select". The screen displayed the most popular queries of what people are looking for with this keyword.

I entered this keyword and saw that people most of all want to either buy ready-made soap or learn how to make it themselves. Thus, within the framework of this niche, we can consider 2 ideas. This is the opening of an online store and the sale of finished handmade soap or creating a blog where you will describe recipes for making soap. You can also record video, because. many are interested in a video with detailed instructions for making soap, and with recipes, you can also sell soap bases for soap, molds, packaging, or offer to buy ready-made soap.

So, you can enter any request related to your favorite business and get a large number of requests, thanks to which you can understand what people are interested in and what they want in your niche. With this service, you can find a large number of popular ideas. And if the demand exists, then you can create a profitable business in your favorite business.

Also, if you want to understand what you like to do, but still can't find your favorite thing, I recommend checking out the free one. There I talk about it in detail.

Solving other people's problems

All people face problems. But some of them perceive it as something negative, while others see opportunities in them. If you have encountered any problem and solved it, then most likely there are many people who have the same problem. You can help them solve it and make money on it.

For example, 2 years ago I decided to open an online store and faced the following problem - I didn’t know how to choose a profitable niche, how to create a website for an online store, how to promote it. Over time, I solved this problem and dealt with these issues. And now I help other people to open online stores. Thus, I made a business out of my problem. Think about the problems you faced during your life that you managed to solve, and think about how you can help others solve similar issues and make money from it.

At any given time, there are products and services that are most in demand, and if you're one of the first to get into it, you can rise pretty quickly. So take a look around and see what is gaining popularity and fashion right now. These goods and services will sell best. You can also go to one of the popular coupon services, for example, Groupon.ru, and analyze their statistics, see what products and services are in the top sellers. All statistics are publicly available. There you can find dozens of profitable business ideas.

Improve existing business

We are all clients of various businesses, but we do not always get what we want and the way we want. Somewhere we can be made to wait a long time, the service is not the way we like it, and if you notice this, then you can open a business that already exists, but make everything much better for people.

Ideas from abroad and travel

In other countries, you can find many new business ideas that are not yet used or sold in your country or city. For example, while in Thailand, I found a large number of different products that are not sold in my country. In particular, this is cosmetics, which consists only of natural ingredients, it is much better than any branded cosmetics, which consists mostly of chemistry, there are also various types of tea, Thai balms and much more. Therefore, traveling is very useful, you can find many new ideas there.


If you do not want to search for an idea and create a business from scratch, you can buy a franchise of an already promoted business. You will be able to work under their trademark, you will be provided with all the necessary equipment, instructions for organizing a business, promotional materials, and you will be advised. You can find a catalog of franchises on the Franch.biz website. It is much easier to create such a business, because. experts will guide you by the hand. However, starting a franchise business requires a fairly large initial investment.


If you have any questions, then write them in the comments.

Good luck, friends!

In contact with

The business idea rocks! This is for sure!

Another thing is where and how to find it.

Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, I will still try to persuade many, especially start-up entrepreneurs, not to resort to the help of various Internet resources that publish business success stories based on a unique business idea.

For many, this is not up to the task, and especially for beginners, aspiring entrepreneurs.

Do you understand what can and is happening here?

It is better for aspiring entrepreneurs not to invent or take risks, but to start a business with proven ideas. Start with a franchise. There everyone will tell, show and help. Experienced entrepreneurs do not need outside ideas.

As practice shows, in the process of doing business, everyone is “like dirt”. So it turns out that on such resources, where they talk about amazing ideas ... those who will never create their own business “sit out their pants”.

I call them "readers".

Well, you will read on a similar resource, for example, in Canada, one cunning pepper on deer urine makes a bunch of grandmas. And what? Will you start collecting urine or breeding deer?

Notice how wise the Chinese are. The Chinese say - "The fish should like the worm, not the fisherman"! What does this mean in light of my opinion? Look for a need, a big need in the market.

Satisfy her and it will become your fixed idea for your business. Your offer should please the market, not the audience of Internet sites with business ideas.

Where do you really need to look for a business idea?

Follow the trends!

This will put you on the path to success faster.

A hundred times faster!

What does it mean to "follow trends"?
Let me give you two real life examples:

Example #1.
Approximately a year ago, I had a friend who is widely known among Russian-speaking webmasters. Nick does not publish, not authorized. Well, a person earns a lot on the global network, owning a network of popular online magazines.

I once asked him how he was so successful. Do you know what he said? Thanks to sites for tenders and government orders. I'm stunned!

- And this, from which side - I ask him?
- Everything is very simple. I keep an eye on the needs of the market, which may soon arise. For example, the government places an order for some kind of equipment, for example, for the development of a certain area of ​​the far north.

It becomes clear that in six months this topic will become relevant. The rest is a matter of technique and my new acquaintance becomes an intermediary between the market, the needs of the market and those who can satisfy this need.

Yes, this is aerobatics.
I'll give you a simpler example.

Example #2.

Follow business news.
You get on the tape, for example, the following news: “Amazon invests in startup Acquia.”

Yeah. We look. We don’t stupidly look at how people get rich over the hill, but we look at why Amazon decided to invest in this or that startup? We carefully look and think.

Large, serious market players invest a lot of money (in 99 cases out of 100) for two reasons:

  • – further development of the business in terms of improvement, convenience, etc.;
  • - business development in the direction that is promising.

Promising means that explosive growth is expected on it.

What about buying Acquia? As I can see?

In the near future, video-related services (video processing, video promotion, etc.) will be in high demand. Perhaps this is the direction in which you will achieve the greatest success.

Hello readers of my blog, in touch with you, as always, Yuri Vatsenko and today I have such an interesting topic for discussion, namely, where to get an idea for a business. As you know, the bulk of young people are trying, after all, not to get a job with a fixed salary, but to open their own business.

If you believe, Her Majesty, statistics, then only 3-5% of millionaires receive such huge money from their parents, the rest earn themselves. Someone gets a job in a large company and makes a dizzying career there, someone, for example, opens a store, then turns it into a whole network throughout the country. There are categories of people who are engaged in information business, and that, by the way, brings big profits. This is what we will talk about with you in this article, so read it further.

Look, scientists assure us that during the day, about 10-15 thousand different ideas went through our heads, most of which we simply do not remember. But, is this good or bad? It seems to be that if we memorized everything, then we would not have enough memory, but as a result of this, we very often lose sight of thoughts, ideas that could change our lives for the better, and this is true.

So, most people think about where they can get ideas for their business, how to find them and, in general, in what direction they need to move. I am sure that such thoughts visited you at least once. Such thoughts visit me every day, but, due to my laziness, I continue to stand still, well, just like an idiot, honestly.

For now, here I continue to lead you to the main idea of ​​this topic, I want to ask: what do you think, where does the process of generating new ideas begin? If you know, then write it in the comments, I will be very pleased.

Any person who intends to start their own business must remember that everything starts with a good idea. Yes, you heard right, at first, you sit down, lie down or take another comfortable position and start generating a new idea. And in general, the term "generation" means the creation of a thought, well, I wrote it this way so that you do not get confused.

Where can I get an idea for my new business?

Now, many say that, they say, it is difficult to create your own business, almost all niches are occupied and all that. I will tell you that now there are a lot of types of businesses that are free and where there is still big money. Honestly, when they told me this, I just smiled ironically, now I understand that I was wrong.

My friends are doing: creating their own video courses, creating websites, and some have even opened their own web studios. Some are engaged in the cultivation of agricultural products (strawberries, potatoes, seedlings). There is a friend who used to be engaged in the removal of construction waste and so on, that is, there are a lot of niches and every day there are many more of them.

Of course, if you sit and do nothing, then nothing will change, you need to constantly tune your brain to create your own business, and not to envy, fear, doubt and all that. Agree that familiar words sounded, because we are constantly not confident in ourselves, we are driven by fear, the possibility of envy and all that.
I don’t remember exactly, it seems that Bodo Schaeffer said that a person can become truly happy when everyone can forget about everything negative. Well, it was said a little wrong, but I tried to keep the meaning, so let's deal with the main provisions that prevent us from creating our own business.

What prevents you from generating new business ideas?

1. Fear is that you will fail. It seems to me that this is another nonsense that we inspire ourselves. Damn, now there are so many opportunities that just take it and do it.
2. Doubts that everything will be in vain. Again, the same as in the case of fear, we just take will into a fist and start working. Doubts and fear, at the same time, need to be stuffed into the farthest box, the farthest corner, so to speak.
3. Envy is a terrible thing that slows you down a lot. You can always look at the successes of other people and think that, they say, they succeeded, how would I do it. And you can start working towards your goals. Of course, goals must be set down, without this, in any way, remember this. Do not envy the success of others, but simply be happy for them and try to follow their example.
4. Not proper time management. Maybe it’s a bit and not here, but, nevertheless, time is our free and, at the same time, invaluable resource, so it needs to be properly managed, otherwise there can be no talk of any business.
5. Different rubbish in the head, which can greatly slow down the brain. For me, for example, these are computer games and other crap. You just need to free your brains and start delving into those topics that can really be useful.

It seems that he wrote about all the “fashions” that greatly detain a person in place. If I missed something, then you are welcome, write about them in the comments, I will be grateful to you.

Let's move on and now we will find out where to get these very ideas that make many people financially secure. In fact, everything is simple, and in general, this article could be described in one sentence, that open up new horizons, communicate with successful people, read smart books and you will have many ideas.

But, not everything is so simple, sometimes laziness interferes with a person (for me, for sure), others are surrounded, others are afraid that nothing will work out. So are there more or less universal strategies for finding your profitable ideas? Of course, there are, let's take a closer look at them.

Where to get ideas for your future business

1. There is no need to invent anything, alas and ah, but others have already done this for all of us. Of course, it would not be bad to create something similar in contact or facebook, but this has already been invented and the authors of these projects have become billionaires. Another thing is that you can’t create something like this, but their experience can be used to create another site that can also become successful. The topic of website building is very broad, so I don't want to dwell on it, but I can say for sure that websites can be the starting point in creating your own profitable business.
2. Very often ideas come from hobbies. Do you have a hobby? Think about it, maybe this is a great idea for starting a business. I am sure that many websites, flower shops, retail outlets, sports clubs were created in this way. At first it was a hobby, and then a good idea helped me turn my knowledge into a great and profitable business.
3. Don't fuss, just look around. It is not necessary to strain your brains and start panicking about everything around. Calm down and see what the people around you need, how you can please them, how you can be useful. And I also forgot to say that you can make money on your business only when you benefit others, it won’t work out differently.
4. Try a very interesting thing that I recently read myself. Take an old thing and give it a new look. Remember that everything new is a well-forgotten old, so it makes sense to work with this parameter. It can be old things, records, furniture, anything, you never know for sure where a bright idea will come from, and then an idea for a business.
5. Surf the internet and look at other people. Since you can’t generate your own ideas, you can borrow them from others. Yes, they will not be unique and the effect on them will be much less, but, nevertheless, you can cut off your piece of the pie.

Well, these are the general rules that will help you find normal ideas. In conclusion, I would really like to give you some tips on how to look for profitable ideas.

Rules to help you find ideas for your business

1. Start generating new ideas today, and do it purposefully, this will increase your chances.
2. Constantly think about it, as soon as a free minute appears, think, and if a normal idea arises, then write it down, this will definitely help you.
3. Remember that it takes a lot of time to generate an idea, there are rare cases when everything turns out so quickly. And it can also be all in the reverse order, you try, think, generate, and the right thoughts seem to leave you. But when you calm down, the idea may come by itself.
4. Analyze your future sales market or services, put yourself in the place of buyers. Think, analyze, plan and you will succeed.

Friends, I will end here, I hope the post on where to find an idea for a business turned out to be informative and interesting. If you have any questions for me, then knock on my mail or ask questions in the comments, I will answer everyone.

With that, let me say goodbye to you, all the best to you.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

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