Business plan for opening a competitive rabbit farm. We open a business - breeding giant rabbits

  • 21.08.2023

Rabbit breeding is a promising and very profitable area of ​​animal husbandry in Russia, characterized by high resource and labor intensity. To understand whether breeding rabbits as a business is profitable or not will allow a business plan.

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Business Description

The rabbit business in Russia is an underdeveloped niche and is in its infancy. A small number of market participants and a high demand for fresh rabbit meat allow entrepreneurs to start their own business and achieve significant results.

You can earn on rabbits by selling:

  • fresh meat;
  • rabbit skins;
  • litter and biohumus (this is a natural organic fertilizer);
  • inventory (for example, feeders, cages, animal watering systems);
  • rabbits.

A rabbit mini-farm will provide the farmer with a year-round source of income.

To organize a mini-farm, it is not necessary to look for multimillion-dollar investments, the business can be developed gradually. To get started, just put a few cages and buy young rabbits of the desired breed.

This business is ideal for those who have:

  • free land;
  • personal subsidiary plot;
  • access to forage.


It is worth doing a rabbit breeding business in Russia for the following reasons:

  • the demand for rabbit meat on the market is only 50 percent satisfied;
  • the product has high taste and dietary characteristics that are superior to pork, beef or, for example, turkey;
  • state support for Russian farming (including tax holidays, soft loans, subsidies and grants for start-up entrepreneurs);
  • low cost of meat, compared with the production costs of most other types of meat;
  • the high price of rabbit meat, this situation is due to the fact that demand is higher than supply;
  • profitable type of activity;
  • a wide range of distribution of rabbit farm products, including restaurants, individuals, sausage, canned and semi-finished products, hospitals (patient nutrition);
  • the rapid rate of increase in the number of rabbit herds, due to the peculiarities of the breeding process of pets (one rabbit is able to bring offspring six times a year);
  • the rapid growth of rabbits (at four months the rabbit is ready for slaughter, at this age it weighs four to five kilograms);
  • if the farmer does not have a large start-up capital, then you can start a business by buying several pets;
  • the main part of the feed can be harvested independently (hay, straw, grass);
  • breeding rabbits does not have a negative impact on the environment.

What breeds to choose for breeding

At the business design stage, it is important to decide on a suitable breed of rabbits that will be profitable to breed in a particular region. Since the main product of the rabbit farm is meat, when choosing a breed, preference should be given to those that grow faster and gain weight.

Rabbits are:

  • meat;
  • downy;
  • meat skins;
  • decorative.

Breeds of meat rabbits:

  1. New Zealand red. Such animals grow very quickly and reach a mass of 4.5–5 kilograms.
  2. New Zealand is white. These pets are also precocious, vigorously growing and fleshy. At three months, they reach a mass of 2.7-3.5 kilograms.
  3. California. A young rabbit of this breed adds up to 45 grams per day, and by five months reaches a weight of 4.5 kilograms.
  4. French ram. Usually they are slaughtered when the individual reaches three to four months. Luxurious fur is also highly valued in this breed.

The best place to buy pedigree young rabbits in Russia are agricultural exhibitions and large farms.

Breeds of meat-hide rabbits:

  • gray giant (bred in Ukraine);
  • white giant;
  • German giant (Riesen);
  • Soviet chinchilla;
  • European and Poltava silver;
  • Viennese blue.

Breeds for industrial breeding:

  • Russian ermine;
  • angora english rabbit;
  • angora french rabbit;
  • rex;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • Russian;
  • black;
  • fiery.

The breeds of rabbits that are best kept at home in Russia are described in the video presented. Filmed by the channel: "Smart City".

Types of rabbit business

By size, rabbit farms are divided into:

  • mini-farms (up to 100 individuals);
  • medium (from 100 to 500 individuals);
  • industrial (more than 500 individuals).

Rabbit business can be classified according to the method of breeding:

  1. Keeping animals in enclosed spaces with a controlled microclimate. Such a farm usually consists of several hangars (or one hangar), which is equipped with a heating system, artificial lighting and ventilation. A novice farmer can equip a garage, barn or other outbuilding.
  2. Creation of a mini-farm according to the technology proposed by Mikhailov. It involves the complete automation of the process of keeping animals. In this case, the entrepreneur will need to fill the feeders personally or by hired personnel once a week. It is also necessary to pour water into the drinkers and clean the hopper with accumulated waste. The cages in which the rabbits are located are equipped with heating.
  3. Creation of a mini-farm using multi-tiered cages developed by Zolotukhin. Aviaries need to be made up in several tiers (two or three) in buildings with a canopy, called sheds. This design greatly simplifies the processes of animal care and feeding. The classic industrial-scale shed building is three meters wide and 60 meters long. Up to 500 mature rabbits can be kept here, but for a mini-farm, designing smaller sheds is acceptable.
  4. Keeping rabbits in a pit. In this case, ground buildings for breeding rabbits will not be needed. For the proper arrangement of the home of pets, you will need a dry place, on a hill, where a hole is dug (1.5-2 meters) and lined with bricks. However, this method is not the most successful, since the animals are in close contact, diseases spread very quickly. Also, in such conditions, it is impossible to grow rabbits to obtain high-quality fluff and skins.

The most convenient and cheapest option for organizing a rabbit farm in Russia is the construction of enclosures under a canopy. On the street, animals develop and grow well. Getting food and water is best done through long trays and drinkers, which should be placed along the walls.

Market analysis and target audience

Trends in the Russian rabbit meat market:

  • market capacity for 2015 amounted to 17.5 thousand tons of products;
  • a larger volume of production is observed in the households of the population (13.5 thousand tons or 82.8 percent);
  • the share of agricultural organizations - 11.3 percent;
  • the share of individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms - 5.79 percent of the total livestock;
  • from year to year there is an increase in sales volumes;
  • the number of rabbits is growing, according to data for 2015, it exceeded 3,700 thousand;
  • demand exceeds supply, there is a shortage (unsatisfied demand is about 320 thousand tons);
  • according to experts, the domestic market is at the stage of formation, demand growth is predicted;
  • the main importer is China;
  • the largest production of rabbit meat is observed in the Volga Federal District;
  • the largest consumption of rabbit meat is observed in the Volga Federal District;
  • the payback period of invested funds in this business area is shorter than in poultry farming;
  • low entry barriers to the industry;
  • low competition.

Dynamics and structure of the rabbit meat market and forecast until 2025 Structure of rabbit meat production by federal districts Number of rabbits in Russia (thousand heads) Number of rabbits in Russia by types of farms (thousand heads)

The rabbit farm has the following target audience:

  • visitors to agricultural markets;
  • meat processing enterprises;
  • supermarkets;
  • butcher shops;
  • restaurants and other catering establishments;
  • hospitals;
  • sanatoriums.

Most often, rabbit meat will be bought by people with medium and high incomes due to its significant price (500 rubles per kilogram).

Step-by-step instruction

In order to understand how to start a business in the field of rabbit breeding, you should read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The method of growing livestock is determined.
  2. The area for the farm is selected.
  3. The appropriate breed of rabbits is determined.
  4. The business plan is calculated.
  5. The farm is registered.
  6. Aviaries, pens, cages, sheds and other structures are being built/purchased.
  7. The farm area is being improved.
  8. A place is being prepared for settling rabbits.
  9. The staff is selected.
  10. Young animals are bought and distributed among the cells.
  11. A place for storing feed is thought out and prepared.
  12. A workplace for slaughter and storage of products is thought out and prepared.
  13. Buying food.
  14. The farm starts up.

Business registration

To conduct business, the farmer has the right to choose one of the two most acceptable forms of its legal registration:

  • peasant farming (KFH);
  • individual entrepreneur (IP).

A peasant farm is similar to an individual entrepreneur, but differs in that it can include several citizens who jointly own the property of the farm. Having issued a peasant farm only for himself, the farmer, in fact, becomes an ordinary individual entrepreneur. The indisputable advantage of a peasant farm is that it can qualify for state support (subsidies, tax breaks). On the other hand, the legal field of KFH is somewhat blurred, in contrast to individual entrepreneurs. KFH does not have statutory documents and a memorandum of association, which are created upon registration of an LLC or OJSC.

Farmers can choose one of two methods of taxation:

  • simplified taxation system (according to the income “minus” expenses scheme);
  • single agricultural tax.

When registering, the following types of activities are indicated according to the current classifier:

  • 01.49.2 "Breeding rabbits and other fur-bearing animals on farms";
  • 01.49.21 "Rabbit breeding, production of fine rabbit hair on farms."

Breeding rabbits at home can be done without registration. In this case, you do not need to pay taxes, but selling products is available only among acquaintances, relatives, friends and visitors to collective farm markets.

Both a personal subsidiary farm and a full-fledged farm must issue:

  • sanitary books for staff;
  • veterinary certificates about the health of rabbits and their vaccinations;
  • conclusions on the laboratory analysis of meat with permission to sell it;
  • sanitary passport of the vehicle used for the transportation of meat.

Room and location

Farm location requirements:

  • no more than 20 individuals are allowed to start 20 meters from the house;
  • to accommodate a large rabbit farm, you need a plot that is 1000 meters away from the nearest houses, as well as landfills, industries, swamps, etc.;
  • distance from roads and railways of the first and second category - 300 meters;
  • to place a farm for 1000 rabbits, you will need a plot with a minimum area of ​​ten to twelve acres;
  • the availability of free space will allow growing fodder crops on it (for example, corn, alfalfa, beets, barley, clover);
  • the land plot must be protected from the wind, located on a hill or in an area with a slope;
  • a site in a lowland or a place with high humidity will not work;
  • it is better to cover the area circled under the enclosures with gravel, asphalt or concrete, and build a storm sewer with a water drainage system;
  • availability of good access roads;
  • living nearby people who will work on the farm;
  • availability of communications: water, electricity;
  • lack of large rabbit farms in the region.

A farm with an annual output of 1,500 rabbit carcasses will require:

  • area - about five to six acres;
  • sheds - 2 pieces, with a total area of ​​​​180 square meters;
  • feed shop (for storing feed, grain, hay, etc.) - 200 square meters;
  • utility room (for storage of inventory, building materials, equipment) - 50 square meters;
  • slaughterhouse - 20 square meters;
  • premises for storage of finished products, with refrigeration equipment - 20 square meters;
  • area for manure storage - 20 square meters;
  • warm room for staff.

Necessary equipment

Equipping a rabbit farm for the simultaneous maintenance of 500 individuals.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Cages for keeping rabbits (500 pieces)500 000
Drinkers and feeders50 000
Devices with hooks for hanging carcasses15 000
Stainless steel tables and sinks15 000
Knives and cutting boards20 000
Refrigerators for meat60 000
Offal and waste cremator120 000
Crusher20 000
Granulator65 000
Mototechnics350 000
Automobile500 000
Tools (including shovels, buckets, rakes, pitchforks, carts)15 000
Well equipment40 000
Warm room equipment for staff100 000
Other equipment and inventory30 000
Total:1 900 000

For self-preparation of feed from grain, an entrepreneur can purchase a crusher and a granulator.

Cremator - 120,000 rubles Grain crusher - 20,000 rubles Granulator - 65,000 rubles Chest freezer - 35,000 rubles


To organize the stable operation of the farm, the entrepreneur needs to form a permanent production team.

For a large farm, it should consist of:

  • farm manager;
  • workers-operators for maintenance of the main herd of rabbits (at the rate of 1 specialist for 250 individuals);
  • workers-operators for servicing young pets for fattening (at the rate of 1 specialist per 3000 individuals);
  • zootechnics;
  • veterinarian;
  • engineer;
  • worker.

The farm manager performs the following functions:

  • controls and organizes the production process;
  • maintains a time sheet for the work of farm personnel;
  • Accounting;
  • manages feed procurement processes;
  • manages the sales processes of products, etc.

The zookeeper performs the following functions:

  • maintains zootechnical records;
  • controls the implementation of the mating plan of animals and corrects it;
  • qualifies rabbits;
  • forms the breeding core and determines the replacement young;
  • establishes the norms for the needs of animals in feed;
  • controls the process of using feed;
  • controls the implementation of the mating plan, repair of females;
  • organizes the supply of breeding individuals;
  • conducts briefings for working operators.

The veterinarian performs sanitary and veterinary procedures, and also conducts briefings with operators on veterinary issues.

The engineer is responsible for the timely implementation of overhaul, preventive and forced repair work with the equipment.

The worker-operator, who is engaged in the basic care of the herd, performs the following functions:

  • examines rabbits;
  • removes dead individuals;
  • produces feed supply;
  • cleans cages, feeders and drinkers;
  • cleans work and office premises;
  • organizes and controls the mating process;
  • observes the offspring and transfers it to fattening;
  • selects rabbits for sale;
  • participates in carrying out veterinary procedures on the farm (for example, veterinary treatment);
  • maintains primary zootechnical records.

The worker-operator for servicing young pets on fattening, performs the following functions:

  • examines the young;
  • produces feed supply;
  • removes dead individuals;
  • selects young stock for sale;
  • Participates in the loading of goods onto the vehicle.

The worker performs the following functions:

  • carries out the slaughter of animals;
  • delivery of rabbit meat to the meat processing plant and to buyers/partners;
  • feed delivery;
  • fodder preparation;
  • loading and unloading operations (raw materials and finished products);
  • processes empty cells, etc.

Promotion and advertising

  • placement of ads on electronic trading platforms in the network;
  • banners on forums popular in the region and in social networks;
  • creating your own website with information for partners and ordinary buyers about the farm and its products;
  • participation of the farm in agricultural fairs and exhibitions;
  • organization of excursions around the farm;
  • offering farm products to potential partners by phone and in person.

Financial plan

Whether or not rabbit breeding is profitable as a business will become clear after a thorough calculation of all costs.

Financial planning was made based on the opening of a rabbit farm in the central region of Russia on its own land plot with an area of ​​100 acres.

Starting investments

The initial capital for the implementation of the farm business idea from scratch will be directed to cover the following cost items.

ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
Farm Registration5 000
The cost of the land500 000
Construction of the required premises and structures500 000
Purchase of a breeding herd (100 heads)50 000
Territory planning100 000
Procurement and installation of equipment1 900 000
well drilling50 000
Organization of storm sewers100 000
Advertising40 000
Raw materials30 000
other expenses30 000
Total3 305 000

Recurring expenses

Calculation of monthly investments in the farm.

ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles for the first yearApproximate prices in rubles for the second year
Communal payments5 000 6 000
Staff salaries (based on 3 people in the 1st year and 4 people in the 2nd year), taking into account contributions to the funds55 000 70 000
Consumables30 000 40000
Fare3 000 4 000
Advertising3 000 3 000
Insurance5 000 6 000
other expenses4 000 4 000
Total105 000 133 000


Initial data:

  • the size of the breeding herd is 100 individuals (including 80 females);
  • the average number of rabbits in one litter is 6 pieces;
  • the number of rounds for the first year - 2, the second and further - 3-4;
  • the average weight of a rabbit is 4-5 kilograms;
  • the yield of the finished product from one carcass is 60 percent (2.4-3 kilograms);
  • price per kilogram of rabbit meat - 500 rubles;
  • price for one skin - 200 rubles;
  • price per ton of manure - 1000 rubles.

In total, for the first year of operation of the farm, about 950 carcasses can be sold, with a total weight of 2,850 kilograms.

Earnings are as follows:

  • the annual income from the sale of this volume of meat will be 1,425,000 rubles;
  • from the sale of skins - 190,000 rubles;
  • manure - 30,000 rubles;
  • other income (from the sale of equipment and rabbits) - 100,000 rubles.

Total at the end of the first year, earnings will be - 1,745 thousand rubles.

During the second and subsequent years, about 1,500 carcasses can be sold, for 4,500 kilograms of meat. In this case, the annual revenue will increase to 2,750,000 rubles. Monthly profit will be about 100 thousand rubles.

Risks and payback

Experienced rabbit breeders testify that the greatest business risks are veterinary and zootechnical.

Breeding rabbits as a business has the following risks:

  1. Wrong breed of rabbits for breeding. It is important to carefully study all the information available about the types of animals of interest to the entrepreneur and make the right choice. The main selection criteria: large mass, rapid weight gain, fertility, disease resistance.
  2. High pet mortality. All livestock should be vaccinated on time.
  3. Animal diseases. The most common diseases are fascileosis, scabies, cysticercosis, pasteurellosis, listeriliosis, worms, tularemia, etc. To prevent this risk, vaccination is required, as well as proper maintenance, feeding and care of rabbits. It is advisable to keep animals in separate cages.
  4. Decreased solvency of potential buyers. Since rabbit meat is quite expensive, with a decrease in the income level of the population, demand will shift towards cheaper products.

The payback of the described business (including the purchase of a land plot) will be 36-40 months. To a greater extent depends on the scale of the farm, how much you can earn.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strengths of the idea:

  • low cost of keeping rabbits;
  • a business can be started at home with the purchase of several rabbits;
  • high fertility of rabbits and their rapid growth;
  • profitability and profitability;
  • high demand;
  • you can sell not only meat, but also skins, manure, offal, rabbits;
  • very low competition;
  • low taxes;
  • it is possible to receive state aid;
  • the business can be developed towards the creation of its own processing industry (for example, the manufacture of semi-finished products or the tailoring of fur products).

Weaknesses of a business based on rabbit breeding:

  • organizing a large farm will require significant start-up capital;
  • exactingness of animals to the conditions of detention, there must be free cages, the absence of high humidity and drafts;
  • high mortality of young rabbits;
  • high sanitary requirements for keeping animals (vaccinations must be made on time and regular examination of rabbits by a veterinarian should be organized);
  • it is necessary to have all the required documents for meat for its implementation.

This business has its pros and cons, but the reviews of experienced farmers indicate that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

If you are breeding rabbits for the purpose of income, then you are primarily interested in the question, and breeding rabbits as a business is it profitable or not, and you should make calculations in a completely different way than when keeping rabbits as a hobby. Profitability calculation requires knowledge of market conditions. In the expenditure item there are costs for housing, feed and maintenance of breeding animals, which are more or less fixed, while in the income item a reliable forecast depends on sales opportunities and prices.

Table of contents

Profitable business or hobby

To assess profitability, direct cost calculations are made. The values ​​included here are not valid for every case, they must be monitored and, if necessary, changed.

With intensive meat production today, 50 rabbits per year are expected from one rabbit. If we multiply this value by the weight of the rabbit for slaughter at the final stage of fattening and the price, then we get the proceeds from fattening. The price of a slaughtered old rabbit must also be taken into account, as well as possible income from the sale of fur and dung.

The largest part of non-permanent costs arises when buying feed. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the costs of acquiring breeding animals, electricity, water, cleaning, and a veterinarian.

The amount received is called the difference between the planned revenue and costs. It should cover all the needs of the entrepreneur to remunerate his work and provide fixed costs.

The costs of the rabbitry are written off for the period of operation and these costs are also taken into account in the preliminary cost estimate.

Let's try to write and justify a business plan close to the ideal for a small rabbit farm of 2 sheds with the purchase of 60 young rabbits (50 females and 10 males). Considering that the scale of such an enterprise is quite low, add. expenses for the lease of a land plot and electricity, the purchase of feed and hay will not be taken into account. For the initial calculation, we need the core indicators of such production, costs and profits:

approximate number of young animals that one female gives per year: 20 pcs. ;

costs for the manufacture or purchase of cells: 50 thousand rubles;

purchase of young rabbits (60 pieces): about 30 thousand rubles;

animal feed costs (based on the calculation of 10 kg of hay and 15 kg of feed per rabbit) - at most 100 thousand rubles (it all depends very much on the region; you may harvest hay yourself;

for treatment and vaccination: about 30 thousand rubles;

salary of a hired worker - 120 thousand rubles;

average weight of one rabbit (carcass): 2 kg;

wholesale price of meat for 1 kg of rabbit: 250 rubles;

the price of one skin: an average of 50 rubles;

Based on such criteria, the total costs for the prevention and treatment of diseases, mixed feed, the purchase of young animals, the manufacture of cages, and the wages of workers amount to 330 thousand rubles. Thus, the amount received from the sale of rabbit meat (1000 pieces), if we sell at a wholesale price, will be 500 thousand rubles. Adding here the money that we will receive from the sale of skins, we get 550 thousand rubles.

In the end result, net income will be about 220 thousand rubles.

Profitability of rabbit breeding

Naturally, 220 thousand rubles is not super income, however, with the growth of the capacity of your enterprise, the costs will decrease, but the net profit will increase. The profitability of such a farm will be more than 65%, and this is not bad at all for one year.

You will more than recoup the money spent on the purchase of cages and young animals. In the event that such a business goes uphill, then with the same livestock, but now without the cost of cages and the purchase of rabbits, next year the net income will be able to reach about 300 thousand rubles, and the profitability will increase to 80-90 percent .

But we have not yet taken into account rabbit manure, which is an excellent fertilizer. Rabbit litter is a valuable fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden and is in constant demand among gardeners. Before using manure as fertilizer, you need to make compost out of it. In this case, it transforms very quickly, especially when combined with hay and straw residues, and makes excellent compost. The daily amount of litter varies depending on the size of the rabbits and the type of use, as well as the form of keeping. In small breeds, you can count on about 100-200 grams per day, while in large breeds - up to 400 grams. If you go to Avito (announcement site) today and type in the search line "rabbit manure for sale", then you will see a lot of ads for the sale of rabbit dung, the price per bag is about 100 rubles on average. So rabbit dung is also an income source.

Whether it is profitable to breed rabbits or not is an eternal question.

Is it profitable to breed rabbits or not is the eternal question of novice rabbit breeders. And there was no intelligible answer to this question, and no. There are different opinions. Some eloquently describe chic business plans and, foaming at the mouth, provide evidence that prosperity and huge profits await the novice rabbit breeder. Others laugh at the former and tell episodes of life from their practice, when in some cases, for example, almost the entire population of rabbits died from myxomatosis and other diseases in a few days. Many novice rabbit breeders, who enthusiastically set to work, after a couple of years, or even months, throw this occupation with curses, arguing that it is absolutely unprofitable and wasted time. And there are those who, purposefully and calmly, are engaged in raising rabbits and make good profits, build houses and buy new cars. We will try and we will correctly determine whether it is profitable to breed rabbits in our time or not.

Video on breeding rabbits

Another vision on the topic of breeding rabbits and reasoning about directions in rabbit breeding

Raising rabbits at home is a simple and not very expensive task, but when the hobby is ready to move to the business stage, it is necessary to think over the main issues related to keeping, raising rabbits and ways to sell meat. There are a few key points to pay close attention to when writing a rabbit breeding business plan.

A mini farm according to the Mikhailov method requires only a few hours a week for care

Drawing up a business plan

The business plan for breeding rabbits consists of several positions:

  • initial costs;
  • fixed costs;
  • permanent income;
  • additional income;
  • profit calculation.

Initial investment

The initial investment includes:

  • purchase of a plot for construction (in the absence of your own plot);
  • the cost of paperwork;
  • the cost of building a farm (materials, workers' wages, communications);
  • arrangement of the existing site (if necessary);
  • materials for sheds with cages;
  • necessary equipment (refrigerator, mini-tractor), feeders and drinkers or material for their manufacture;
  • buying rabbits,
  • feed (mixed feed, vegetables).

The cost of this item largely depends on the availability of land, premises and materials. When buying / renting a plot, you need to choose a place in a suburban area, but not near residential buildings.

The minimum desired area of ​​the future economy should be fifteen acres.

fixed costs

This item includes fees for veterinary accompaniment, feed and wages to workers, if any. When calculating feed for one production unit, a rabbit with offspring is taken. For a year, one female brings 24-25 rabbits. Rabbits are slaughtered in three to four months, while their meat is tender and there are no foreign odors in it. To get large excellent skins with lush thick fur, the animals are slaughtered after the autumn molts in November-December. However, rabbits born in the first months of the year are unprofitable to keep for so long, so they are slaughtered at the age of four months, seven to ten after the end of the first molt.

One female with offspring needs about three hundred and forty kilograms of feed per year, since the feed is purchased, its cost is included in the costs.

Farmers themselves prepare green fodder, branches, hay, reducing costs. Some farmers reduce this item by producing their own compound feed, purchasing the necessary equipment and buying raw materials (grain waste) in large quantities at local flour mills.

The same article includes all expenses for gasoline, electricity, water. The annual cost of veterinary support per production unit is more than three hundred rubles.

At Mikhailov's mini-farms, rabbits are kept outdoors all year round.

The fixed costs should include the organization of the slaughterhouse, that is, the purchase of knives, cutting tables, a waste container, a constant source of water to ensure the cleanliness of the premises, a blood source.

Do not forget about the periodic disinfection of the room and the presence of good ventilation in it.


The main type includes income from the sale of meat and skins. It is easy to calculate them: the average carcass weighs more than two kilograms. Experienced farmers annually receive from three sheds to eight hundred - thousand carcasses. Thus, the annual output will be at least two tons of meat, it remains to multiply this figure by the selling price of meat to get the amount of income.

Animal skins can become an additional source of income or the main one if the goal is to obtain high-quality fur. There are many experienced rabbit breeders who professionally dress skins and sew hats, short fur coats, decor items from them, having their own market. Skins of meat breeds can be preserved and sold to fur studios. Their cost is relatively low. If high-quality dressing is not possible, the skins must be given to professionals, and only then sold in the studio, then their price rises five to six times. Experienced breeders claim that in this case they have from a hundred rubles of net profit per head. You can go a little further and not sell dressed skins in the atelier, but donate them for tailoring fashionable products in demand, and sell them yourself, which will bring almost a fifty percent profit.

The third source of income is breeding rabbits. Once having invested money in the purchase of thoroughbred animals, you can easily make up for the costs by selling thoroughbred young animals.

Common Questions When Creating a Business Plan

Before proceeding with the preparation of a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with and consider the legal side of the issue, methods of keeping animals, types of feed, and reproduction features.

The premises where the animals will be kept must be protected from drafts. In addition to proper nutrition, rabbits need proper care, namely:

  • daily cleaning of feeders and drinkers, bedding,
  • regular vaccinations,
  • Fresh air,
  • periodic disinfection of premises,
  • timely isolation of sick animals.

When establishing a business, you need to decide on the goals of breeding - obtaining meat and / or skins and select the appropriate breed.

Meat breeds include rabbits "gray giant", "white", for fur - rex, butterfly, white downy.

To open your farm, you need to have a room, a forage base (proximity to meadows, forests), start-up capital for buying rabbits - producers and making cages. And most importantly, to study the sales market in order to know how much meat can be quickly sold and at what price. To do this, it is better to bypass local shops and markets, cafes, restaurants, hotels and motels.

For information: about two to three kilograms of meat with bones are obtained from a five-kilogram rabbit.

The legal side of the issue

If you want not just to engage in rabbit breeding, but to make it your business and have an income, you need to start with organizational and legal issues.

Personal subsidiary plot

Breeding rabbits as a business involves having your own or rented land in a holiday village. You will need an appropriate certificate of personal subsidiary plot (LPH). The main advantage of private household plots is complete tax exemption. The main disadvantage of this form of activity is that there are restrictions on the circle of potential buyers. These include shops, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, which place high demands on product quality.

To sell meat in markets and shops you will need:

  • a certificate from a veterinarian or from a veterinary laboratory that the rabbits are healthy and have
  • all necessary vaccinations;
  • they are packed in compliance with all the rules;
  • sanitary book for the car on which the meat is transported;
  • certificate from the veterinary laboratory with blood and carcass tests (meat safety).

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the form and number of the listed certificates are determined by the decisions of local authorities, therefore, at the first stage, it is good to go to the local veterinary station and find out the list of documents required for the sale of meat.

Individual entrepreneur

This is a more prestigious status than private household plots, but more expensive due to taxes.

You can minimize taxes by choosing a form of taxation in the form of a single agricultural tax on income in the amount of six percent.

The second way to pay this tax is on the difference between income and expenses, its value ranges from five to fifteen percent, depending on the rate adopted in this particular region. An individual entrepreneur must have a certificate for a rabbit farm, a declaration of compliance with GOST RF and a phytosanitary certificate. Controls the activities of the IP Rosselkhoznadzor.

Shed rabbit rearing system

Rabbits are bred in a wide variety of conditions and farms, however, for home business, the shed system is more acceptable. Shed is a mini-farm where you can breed rabbits. It allows you to optimize production processes, facilitates the calculation of feed requirements. The disadvantages of the shed system are the time spent on entry, a certain inconvenience of maintenance, but this method is distinguished by the simplicity of erecting the structure and minimal monetary costs.

In essence, a shed is two batteries of cages under one roof. The length of the battery depends on the area of ​​​​the room, the accepted width is standard - three meters. It is important to note that this means that the cages are arranged in three rows/tiers on both sides of a one and a half meter wide passage. Before installing the cages, the entire floor in the room must be sheathed with boards or poured with cement, arrange a spillway.

You can make cages in two sections, then two neighbors will have one nursery for hay and branches, one nest. Such cells have the following dimensions:

  • length - one meter,
  • width - half a meter,
  • nest size - thirty by fifty centimeters,
  • compartment for walking - fifty by seventy centimeters.

You can make cages, shelves and feeders yourself - this will significantly reduce costs. Cages are made of wood, plywood, metal, metal profiles and other materials. A metal mesh is used for the front wall, but it is not recommended to make a mesh on the floor. If the cage is completely made of wood, a window is made on the back wall for light and fresh air, which is covered with a mesh. Each cage must be closed with a lock so that the animals do not run away.

Breeding rabbits

When breeding rabbits, one of the most popular options for housing animals is the option with eighteen female rabbits and two rabbits. A ten-meter-long shed will accommodate sixty cages, in which four hundred individuals can be obtained in a year. Nine females and one male will be placed in each row, the remaining forty are intended for the growing young.

If the female is covered for the first time in February - March, then in a year she will bring at least twenty - twenty-five rabbits from three births. Please note that in order to obtain healthy offspring, it is important that the suckling period lasts two months. This will avoid exhaustion of the rabbit at three births per year - out of six possible. It should also be taken into account that experienced specialists do not cover the bulk of the rabbits in winter so that the females maintain the necessary fatness until the new breeding season.

One rabbit brings 30-40 rabbits a year

If the area allows, there are sales markets and cheap quality feed, you can cover the rabbit in the winter, but then you have to warm the nests. For this purpose, a piece of polystyrene foam / polystyrene is placed under the bottom of the nest, and the nest is filled with hay.

Feeding rabbits

Drawing up a business plan is impossible without the calculation of feed and the availability of a good forage base. Domestic rabbits eat juicy, green, coarse and concentrated foods, and that diet depends on the time of year.

So, adult rabbits weighing four kilograms require 20-25 g of compound feed in summer, about 500-800 grams of greens / grass, in winter 35 grams of concentrate, 200 grams of hay and succulent feed.

For pregnant females, the amount of feed is increased to 700 grams, and 70 grams of compound feed, in winter - 170 grams of hay, 85 grams of concentrates (including 10 grams of cake), 200 grams of succulent feed. During pregnancy, females need additional minerals and vitamins, for which they are given 11 grams of honey, 12 grams of salt, 60 grams of meat and bone meal, one gram of fish oil and vitamins. This is just one of the many options for essential supplements.

It is necessary to include in the plan the acquisition of a sufficient number of drinking bowls.

By following these simple recommendations and thinking through all the main points, you can create a productive and stable rabbit farm. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the preparation process and market research. More than half of the company's success depends on it.

Looking for a profitable business idea in the countryside? You found her! This is rabbit farming!

Rabbits are animals that breed well, give tasty dietary meat and fur. They do not require special technologies to grow them. Home cultivation differs from industrial cultivation only in scale, so if you are a little familiar with the keeping of these animals, you can easily increase production to the size of a farm.

What is the relevance of the rabbit breeding business

Sanctions and the crisis situation in the economy affected the domestic meat market. This, as well as the program of state support for small and medium-sized businesses, contribute to an increase in the volume of domestic meat production, cattle breeding, pig breeding and rabbit breeding.

Rabbit meat is a dietary, easily digestible meat, the taste of which will satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmet. Most rabbit farms are small private farms oriented towards small wholesalers and retailers.

Having opened your own business in this segment, you will quickly find your buyer, subject to well-established management and active advertising.

Benefits of a business idea:

  • quick payback;
  • high profitability;
  • diversity of business (sale of meat, fur, young offspring);
  • stable demand for products.


  • labor-intensive production;
  • the need for regular cleaning of cages, animal care;
  • susceptibility of animals to stress, disease.

Market prospects and level of competition

In a year, one rabbit reproduces a mass 50 times greater than her own. Using meat hybrid breeds, farmers increase this figure several times more. Rabbit breeding is a promising industry in which production volumes can be quickly increased.

Its weaknesses are dependence on temperature fluctuations and morbidity of livestock, but they are overcome by the right approach to the production and organization of the farm, as well as timely disease prevention.

The level of competition varies by region. In some (for example, in the Urals), the majority of rabbit farms are concentrated. In the Central, Volga, North-West regions, the breeding of these animals occupies only 5-10% of the market.

Bearing offspring in females lasts only 1 month. At one time, she gives 5-7 individuals of a young offspring. After 4-5 months, the rabbit reaches adulthood and can be slaughtered for meat.

Marketing plan

The success of any business is the well-established sales of products. Look for ways to sell meat and fur even at the stage of building a rabbit farm. Start active advertising a month before you are ready to sell the first batch of meat.

Most buyers consider rabbit meat to be an expensive dietary product that you can treat yourself to during the holidays. When advertising products, focus on the beneficial properties of meat.

Do not forget about the possibilities of advertising on the Internet. Create your own website dedicated to your farm, tell about yourself on social networks, invite acquaintances and friends to spread the word about your business. Post photos and videos about your pets and their conditions.

When selling meat at the market, decorate a showcase, offer customers not only raw meat, but also rabbit stew, spices and seasonings for meat dishes. Make a bright signboard, car stickers.

Production plan

To open your own rabbit farm, you need to choose a suitable land plot, purchase cages for animals, hire staff, and buy young livestock.

Let's dwell on each stage of the production plan in more detail.

Selection of land

For a rabbit farm, you need a dry, flat piece of land. For convenience and cleanliness of the territory, concrete the space between the cells. To create a mini-farm, a plot of 16-20 acres is enough. In the first couple, use your own personal plot. Shed system of building cages in two or three tiers will allow you to increase volumes over time.

If you are renting a site, make sure it is not damp and not flooded with water during floods, as these animals do not like dampness. For a large-scale farm, you need a plot outside the village.

The leased area must include:

  1. Cages for animals.
  2. Utility room for storage of feed, inventory.
  3. Equipped pit for storing manure.
  4. Slaughterhouse.
  5. Storage room for skins.
  6. Refrigerator for storing fresh meat.
  7. Staff quarters or lodge where you can spend the night.

Purchase of cages for animals

Shed cage system - safe and convenient keeping of rabbits

Cells at the initial stage of production can be made independently. To make them, you will need wood, brick, fine mesh netting, slate. If you order the production of cages to order in a carpentry workshop, it will cost more than purchasing ready-made sheds.

For a large farm, purchase prefabricated stationary tiered cages, as well as carriers for moving animals to the slaughterhouse, selling live, transferring individuals from one shed (tiered cage system) to another.


If you organize a mini-farm in your own backyard, you can easily manage on your own and with the forces of your family members.

For a large-scale farm, you will need staff. 6 people are enough to perform the duties of maintaining cleanliness in the production area, feeding animals, cleaning cages. We also need one slaughterer and one driver to deliver the carcasses to the place of sale.

Buying rabbits

For maximum farm productivity, choose several breeds for breeding.

Be careful, not all breeds are suitable for growing for meat

The optimal ratio of livestock breeds presented in the table will provide you with meat, skins and down:

When buying young animals from farms, make sure that there is a veterinary certificate confirming their health.

For more information on the topic of rabbit breeding, see the articles Breeding rabbits as a business And .

Sales plan - to whom to sell finished products

The main directions of product sales are retail and small wholesale trade.

Sales ways:

  • sale to small wholesalers;
  • local market;
  • delivery to restaurants and other catering establishments, supermarkets;
  • ads on the Internet (Avito, other sites), own website.

For free trade, register your farm with the tax authorities, receive a veterinary certificate on compliance with animal welfare standards and a certificate from the laboratory confirming the quality and safety of products.

The ideal sales option is the search for stable wholesale buyers.

Offering cooperation to restaurants and supermarkets, demonstrate the quality of meat, documentation confirming its safety, leave a small trial batch. You should have a certificate from the SES, a phytosanitary certificate, as well as a GOST-R declaration on hand.

Possible forms of organization

Breeding rabbits as a business requires mandatory registration with the state and tax control authorities.

There are several forms to choose from: personal subsidiary farming, individual entrepreneurship or peasant farming. Let us dwell on each of the legal forms in more detail.

Individual entrepreneur

Registering an individual entrepreneur will provide you with more opportunities in the rabbit meat trade, finding customers, wholesale buyers. For registration, you need a passport, IND, payment of the state fee, an application for registration, certified by a notary.

When you become a self-employed person, you are obligated to pay taxes. Choose a simplified system or a single agricultural tax, as a representative of a small business in the agricultural industry.

OKVED code 01.25.2 is the same for all forms of management: "Breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm."

Peasant farming

This is a simplified form of IP without statutory documents, names, contracts. Having issued a peasant farm, you can apply for state support in the form of a grant, subsidy, and loans on favorable terms. You also have the right to associate with other peasant farms for mutual benefit. Your farm is eligible for preferential taxation.

Personal subsidiary plot

Personal subsidiary farming is the best form of farming if you manage with your family members without involving hired labor, and also if you intend to breed rabbits on the territory of your personal plot. LPH claims to receive state support. Selling products grown on a personal farmstead, you have the right not to pay taxes.

For a novice entrepreneur, it is preferable to use private household plots or peasant farms. You will be able to issue an IP when the volumes of production and sales become steadily large.

How much money is needed to start the project - financial plan

The costs of opening a rabbit farm must be calculated at the project launch stage. To do this, find out the cost of cages, breeds of rabbits, feed, renting a plot of the area you are interested in.

An approximate list of costs for opening a farm is presented in the table. It displays the mandatory costs that you will face regardless of the scale of your production and the chosen business legal form:

Nature of costs Amount in rubles
1. Plot rental 30,000 (average)
2. Buying cells 50 000
3. Purchase of 100 young animals 30 000
4. Primary feed purchase 70 000
5. Veterinarian services + utility costs 20 000
6. Purchase of equipment (drinkers, feeders, small inventory) 20 000
Total: 220 000

For regions with a harsh climate, add the cost of building a facility for keeping animals to the list.

Risk factors

Difficulties await the novice rabbit breeder. However, having a good business plan and sufficient theoretical background, he can easily overcome them.

Risk factors include:

  • difficulties in caring for livestock;
  • sensitivity of rabbits to the conditions of detention, diet;
  • infectious diseases, from which many individuals die;
  • weak demand for products;
  • high competition in the region.

To overcome the difficulties associated with raising animals, regularly consult veterinarians for preventive measures for the incidence of infectious diseases. Keep livestock indoors without drafts and dampness.

Carefully inspect breeding individuals so as not to bring new diseases with them. Monitor the quality of the feed so that there is no mold or rot in it.

Download business plan

The development of a detailed business plan with a summary of the project and calculations of income and expenditure is your insurance against unnecessary expenses and failures. The more you develop it and prepare a presentation of your project, the more chances you have to receive state support for the peasant farm.

Download a free sample business plan. Take one or more of the examples as a basis for writing your own document.

Any ready-made sample from the Internet is just a typical project that does not reflect the features of your idea. Do not use a project identical to yours without modification. Develop your own. In the course of its preparation, you will deal with many aspects, gain the necessary knowledge about raising animals and marketing.

To help novice farmers, a video from the famous rabbit breeder E. Maklyakov:


Interest in healthy, dietary food is growing, which means that the demand for rabbit meat will be consistently high. Rabbit breeding is a legal and predictable type of business. By gradually increasing the scale of production, you will come to the fact that the cost of production will become lower, and the size of the net profit will be higher.

According to experts, the profitability of rabbit breeding at the initial stage ranges from 60-65%. For the next year of keeping a rabbit farm, you will increase profitability to 80-87%.

The most costly and difficult part of your journey is the start. Overcome difficulties and you will have an asset that gives a stable increase and good profit.

We wish you good luck in starting your own business! 2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Many copies have been broken on this subject. However, there was no clarity on this issue, and no. Opinions were divided. Optimistic theorists draw beautiful business plans and prove on paper that honor, fame and huge money await the rabbit breeder. Pessimistic practitioners laugh at the former and cite real (and, alas, common) cases from practice when the entire livestock of a rabbit farm died from myxomatosis or other diseases in two days. Many, full of enthusiasm, after a year or two, swore, give up this business. A group of realist practitioners who are purposefully and professionally engaged in breeding rabbits are in no hurry to share information about the size of their profits. Rather, they even modestly complain about low incomes, but they build good houses and buy new cars. Let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to breed rabbits in our time.

Reasons why it is profitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are the fastest maturing pets. A three-month-old rabbit can weigh three kilos, a five-month-old - four. No pet is able to give such a weight gain. For flanders or rizens, even ten kilograms is by no means the limit, however, they need to be raised longer. If we recalculate the cost of feed for rabbits (grass, hay, vegetables, compound feed) by the average purchase price of meat, it turns out that it is more profitable to breed eared than pigs and, especially, horned cattle. In addition, rabbits of many breeds are ready for mating as early as 3.5 months, they breed under favorable conditions all year round. One female can give 50-60 rabbits per year. Each will grow up to 3 kg. Total comes out 150-180 kg. You will not get such efficiency from a sow. And then there are the skins.

Today, only a quarter of the rabbit meat consumed is grown in Russia. Three quarters are frozen carcass exports, mainly from China and Hungary. Rabbit breeders have the best prospects in terms of import substitution. Moreover, domestic rabbit meat is better and better bought. The competition in this industry is still low, the prospects are very high.

Reasons why it is unprofitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are subject to epidemics of infectious diseases with a very high mortality rate. A couple of bad days can cross out the many months of efforts of the rabbit breeder.

Despite the lack of dietary rabbit meat in the country, it is not always easy to sell. Today in the Russian Federation there are no structures that would be engaged in the procurement and systematic supply of rabbit meat. Many regions practically do not consume this type of meat. It is by no means always possible to attach skins.

What to do?

  • First, to make compulsory vaccination, which is neglected by many. These costs should immediately be included in the budget and protective measures should not be neglected. The money spent will be returned a hundredfold.
  • Secondly, to assess the prospects of the region in terms of product sales. Where and for what money it can be sold.
  • Thirdly, to apply progressive systems for keeping animals and to engage in purebred breeding. Determine the breeds most suitable for a given type of economy and climate. Buy producers in the breeding farm. In the future, at least, supplement the herd with replacement individuals from other nests.

Breeding rabbits on a personal plot on a small scale

10-20 individuals in several cages cannot be considered a business. You can provide yourself and your relatives with tasty and healthy meat. Dressing skins is more difficult: there are no procurement offices, as in Soviet times. Rare fur processing companies today give a little money for a rabbit. On the other hand, many breeders breed breeds with valuable fur properties, find ways to make the skin and sell it profitably. It is problematic to hand over excess meat to the store to a private trader, the real way is the market. Going there to sell one, two, even five carcasses does not always make sense. Nevertheless, all family members will be happy with fresh dietary meat and fur coats. Rabbit breeders who find mutual understanding with eared ones move to a higher scale of animal husbandry.

Breeding rabbits on a farm on a medium scale

In this case, we are talking about medium-sized farms. It can be a private household plot or a farm aimed at making a profit. With proper organization, it can pay for itself in a year and bring good income to the owners. The livestock can be several hundred individuals. For such an enterprise, it is important to determine the sales market, to arrange the supply of products. Much depends on the breed that is successfully selected for local conditions and the market. An important factor is the provision of feed and its cost. By having a market for skins or even down, additional profits can be made. You can develop such an economy gradually, investing as much as possible.