Is it profitable or not to breed rabbits as a business. The main points on drawing up a business plan for breeding rabbits

  • 21.08.2023

Every rabbit breeder will be happy to learn the basics of rabbit breeding as a business from our article. We also attach one of the most popular and effective business plan options that can ensure your success in this endeavor.

Prerequisites for breeding rabbits

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, fully justifying its cost. Rabbit fur is a wonderful raw material for making warm, cozy winter clothes, from fur coats to hats and children's mittens. It can also be imitated as furs of rare breeds. The down of this animal is very much in demand in the production of velor, suede and knitwear.

Given that there are no more prolific animals in the world than rabbits, the business of breeding them can bring you a large income, paying off in the first year. Only one female per year can give you half a centner of meat and about three dozen skins from her offspring. If this is a downy female, you get a whole kilogram of down. From just one, and this is not the limit! But on a rabbit farm, more than a dozen of these animals can be bred.

Video about rabbit breeding

You need to be a serious person to breed rabbits. Don't start a business without knowing about the craft, its pros and cons, and armed with a business plan and the necessary funds. What kind of animal is a rabbit, how it eats, breeds, what it gets sick, how to treat - all this needs to be known before breeding and taken into account in the process.

The simplest scheme for an acute shortage of the family budget can be several purchased stands, or even the simplest home-made ones. However, this is not the best way to get rich, because in this way you will not breed enough rabbits. Although, unlike industrial rabbit breeding, personal farming is usually not as automated, and feed is used, as a rule, cheaper and easier, the purchased cages, building materials and the rabbits themselves for breeding will not pay off soon.

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, fully justifying its cost.

Having a sufficient area of ​​land, you can breed animals in a pit. A small hole can hold up to two hundred rabbits, and they dig holes for themselves, and without your special attention they breed there. There may be several holes. A major disadvantage of this method is that rabbits from the pit are not suitable for the subsequent sale of skins, only for the sale of meat. However, this is a very profitable method, in the market a few carcasses per day are easily dispersed.

Breeding rabbits as a business is especially important with good financial injections. The more you invest, the more you get. Good money helps to keep animals in decent, best conditions. But the better the yield from them, the better the conditions that determine health, growth, reproduction rate, quality of skins, marketing opportunities. This means that carcasses, skins and fluff can be sold more expensive and more often.

  • Animal breeding work is properly organized;
  • You can choose the ideal time for prophylaxis, mating, birth;
  • Feed is spent more economically;
  • It is much more convenient to carry out breeding work.

Cages can stand both indoors and outdoors, it depends on climatic and weather conditions

Cages can stand both indoors and outdoors, it depends on climatic and weather conditions. In summer, they are taken out to nature, and the rabbit wintering takes place indoors. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the constant change in the microclimate in the rabbitry - to regulate the content of water and ammonia vapors, to ventilate the room. If the winter in your lane is warm, not frosty, the cages can be left outside in the winter.

What should the cells look like?

  • The farm uses cages made of different materials - wood, metal, adobe, and even brick.
  • Galvanized metal meshes are recommended.
  • In order for cells to be conveniently transferred, they must be mobile. With a light and simple design that allows them to be easily cleaned and inspected by the rabbits themselves, they can be installed in multiple tiers, saving space.
  • When placing cages in tiers, provide for a slight slope and waterproof roofs so that the urine and feces of rabbits do not fall on the “lower floors”.
  • The floor should consist of mesh or slats based on oak, maple or beech. This keeps it clean. To exclude dermatitis on rabbit feet (pododermatitis) and their namin, an additional wood floor is installed under the mesh.

The choice of rabbit cage design is very wide.

The choice of rabbit cage design is very wide. They can be square or round, short or long, hold one rabbit or many, have one or many tiers. There are even specialized "houses" for males, young rabbits or females with offspring. In order to walk young animals, walking is recommended to cover.

Getting more and more popular shed rabbit breeding system. It differs from the outer cage in increased convenience regarding working conditions, such as, for example, the simplest mechanization that allows you to quickly remove manure and deliver water and feed to rabbits. At the same time, labor productivity is incredibly increased. A single worker is able to serve up to one hundred and thirty females with over a thousand babies in offspring - twice as many as using conventional cages. Once you spend on sheds, you free yourself from paying salaries to the second employee.

Advice to rabbit breeders who breed rabbits for down and skins: provide animals with the opportunity to constantly live in the open air. The quality of the products is thus much higher.

Rabbit breeds are classified according to their output: downy, meat and meat-and-skin breeds

Rabbit breeds are classified according to their output: downy, meat and meat-skin breeds. The latter include not only the famous chinchilla, but also the butterfly, giants (gray and white), silver and black-brown. Valuable breeds give, accordingly, valuable fur, but not everyone can afford to breed them. However, among the whole variety of breeds, you can definitely choose the one that would be most convenient for you to breed according to means, conditions and goals.

The breeding of downy breeds of rabbits is currently not very relevant, since it is far from possible to sell down and skins everywhere, which thundered in popularity in Soviet times. Therefore, for novice businessmen, we recommend starting rabbit breeding with meat breeds.

It is possible to breed rabbits, both by crossing individuals of different breeds, and by mating individuals of the same breed (purebred). The first option helps to improve such qualities as: precocity, fertility, vitality, economy in feed consumption without compromising the mass and quality of meat. Since these qualities are less and less evident with each new generation, crossbred rabbits are usually sent to slaughter immediately after fattening. With the help of the second option, new valuable qualities are developed in rabbits, which are preserved from generation to generation, and if necessary, then enhanced by the first method.

You can breed rabbits, both by crossing individuals of different breeds, and by mating individuals of the same breed.

To make your business grow faster, you can increase the fertility of females and the number of births per year. This is achieved very simply - immediately after the birth of the cubs, the female happens to the next male. This comes out without any problems, but it must be taken into account that the female ages faster if she is not properly fed. This is done with the help of a sufficient amount of diverse and concentrated green fodder, which replenishes the high energy expenditure of females during the period of simultaneous pregnancy and feeding.

A healthy rabbit gives up to 8 rounds of about a dozen rabbits per year. Keep an eye on the consistency of the performance of females - over time, it decreases, and females have to be culled.

As we have already mentioned, the importance of proper rabbit nutrition for the prosperity of your business is enormous. Any feed used must contain the entire set of nutrients and supplements necessary for the growth and development of animals - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Rabbits should not need clean water either. What food is used for this?

Rabbits don't need clean water either.

  • Green, consisting of a variety of non-poisonous herbs, fresh tree branches, and other fresh greens;
  • Rough, represented by hay and dry branches;
  • Juicy, represented by cabbage, silage and tubers, among which the most popular are beets, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots and turnips;
  • Mineral, consisting of bone meal, table salt, old slaked lime and chalk;
  • Concentrated, which includes various compound feeds, grains of legumes and cereals, as well as food waste.

As you can see, rabbits are not very whimsical in food, simply requiring its diversity. However, lactating females and calves additionally need animal compound feeds rich in proteins and a spectrum of B vitamins. They include: fish meal, meat and meat and bone meal, milk (both fresh and dry), as well as skim.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to the prevention of animal diseases. By nature, the immunity of rabbits is very weak, and the number of diseases to which they are susceptible is many, including those that people get sick. In order to protect broods from disease, you should not only keep the cages clean at all times, but also consult with a competent veterinarian, and vaccinate all rabbits against the most common infections.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to the prevention of animals from diseases.

Being involved in rural business in any way, you can seriously think about how useful it will be for you to also breed rabbits. Is such a business profitable for you personally? Finding the answer to this question is best to start by reading the rabbit breeding business plan. We present one of the best examples for this undertaking below.

Business plan overview

This business plan describes all the intricacies of the rabbit business, allowing you to assess the degree of profitability of such a project in business. It would be wrong to call this project exclusively rural. After all, rabbit breeding can also be done in partnerships organized by gardeners and gardeners, or in urban suburbs. Therefore, a closer definition of the category for breeding rabbits, the business plan of which we present, is the livestock business. The easiest way to start is by breeding meat breeds in order to then engage in the marketing of rabbit meat, so below we will focus on this.

Of the organizational and legal forms of doing business, the optimal form for rabbit breeding is the form of an individual entrepreneur. It involves significantly lower taxes, a simplified form of accounting, as well as mutual settlements with end consumers.

The easiest way to start with breeding meat breeds, then to sell rabbit meat

Since the demand for rabbit meat, firstly, is not too high, and secondly, it depends on the region of sale, this project is considered to be moderately successful, and also highly dependent on your ability to find end users.

To determine the profitability of rabbit breeding specifically in your area, you should analyze the local market in the field of animal husbandry, and rabbit breeding in particular. This will identify potential buyers, wholesalers and retailers, as well as determine their needs. The latter will help you not to spend more money on starting a business than necessary.

In our example, your company will be a rabbit breeding farm for 60 heads, subsequently having the opportunity to expand its specialization, in addition to meat, also selling skins and liver.

Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your household

Production plan:

  1. Select a suitable land plot, both in terms of natural conditions and rent. You should choose a plot of at least five acres with an area. On a smaller one, it will be impossible to place all the cages and utility rooms necessary for the household.
  2. Buy crates for rabbits. If financial resources allow, it is best to buy ready-made ones - they are more functional, stronger, and the rabbits themselves are more comfortable in them. However, if you are not free enough in finances, it is allowed to make cages on your own.
  3. Buy the rabbits themselves. The initial livestock is bought immediately in the quantity indicated above. Of the 60 heads, 40 are females, and only 20 are males. The choice of breed in this case depends on the factors that we have already touched on above.
  4. Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your household. At the same time, take care of buying compound feed, having previously calculated the right amount, based on the number of animals, the frequency of purchasing feed, and the recommendations of experienced rabbit breeders.

Meat is easiest to sell by locating the farm near district or regional centers

Even before all these operations, a marketing plan should be formed in order to eliminate the factor of overproduction and make the sale itself faster. The easiest way to sell meat is to locate the farm near district or regional centers where large supermarkets are located. Other significant buyers may also be meat markets and shops, owners of meat counters, private individuals. If, in addition to selling meat, one also sells skins, it will matter how far away private fashion designers and fur ateliers are located.

Financial plan

Speaking about the financial plan, we came close to the question of exactly how much money you can earn in a year by privately raising rabbits. Below we will indicate all the main columns of expenses and income.

How much to spend:

  • For renting a plot - 20-80 thousand rubles. annually. This spread is determined by the difference in the cost of rent in different regions of the country and specific places in the regions.
  • Acquisition or creation of rabbit cages - 10-40 thousand rubles. one time. We recommend not to save on quality, and buy functional and durable stands in specialized stores.
  • Acquisition of rabbits - 18-30 thousand rubles. for sixty goals. The cost depends on the region and breed.
  • Feed costs - 50-100 thousand rubles. annually. The cost also varies by region.
  • The salary of an employee is 10 thousand rubles. per month, total - 120 annually.

As you can see, rabbits are not very whimsical in food, simply requiring its variety.

The total cost in the first year: 218-370 thousand rubles.

How much will you get:

  • For the sale of meat - 300-370 thousand rubles. in the first year. This is an approximate figure, on the basis that each of forty rabbits will bring about twenty rabbits a year, each - almost two kilograms in weight, in total - one and a half tons of meat from 800 rabbits annually, with the cost of meat from 200 to 250 rubles / kg.
  • For the sale of skins - 160 thousand rubles. This is if you take into account the average price for the skin - 200 rubles.

The total amount of income for the first year: 460-535 thousand rubles.

Thus, the net profit for the first year of operation of the enterprise will be from 90 to 235 thousand rubles, on average - 160 thousand rubles.

Video about the secrets of rabbit breeders

You can increase your profit even more. To do this, send the most active and healthy rabbits not to the cutting room, but to mating, while increasing the total number of cages. Additional expenses will be associated with this, but your income will increase proportionally.

When breeding rabbits, it is important to consider the main thing - having started a business, do not stop halfway, treat business with all your attention, and you will undoubtedly be rewarded with a decent stable profit!

Small business development involves many nuances. First you need to decide on the type of activity, agree on all legal issues. is the key to success and profit.

Breeding rabbits is a good option for a profitable business. The meat and wool of these animals are always in demand.

Stages of doing business from scratch: where to start and how to develop?

First of all, you should register your company. If we are talking about rabbit breeding, then it is better to register your business as a peasant farm. This form of management will give many positive factors.

First of all, taxes will be reduced, benefits will be provided. But to open such a form of business will require a lot of effort. Less problematic opening of individual entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, privileges will not be distributed here.

For breeding rabbits, you will need a piece of land, which should be located in a non-residential area. The site must be spacious. To begin with, it is better to rent a plot, if things go well, you can think about buying land.

On the site where rabbit breeding will be carried out, there should be:

  • the right number of cages so that the rabbits do not live in cramped conditions;
  • special rooms for food storage;
  • equipped manure pit;
  • slaughter;
  • a specially equipped room for storing skins and a cold store for meat;
  • the master's house, where you can spend the night;
  • toolbox.

Purchasing rabbits. breeds

Before you breed rabbits, you need to decide on the purpose of their further marketing, whether it will be meat or skins. If the main profit is the sale of meat, then rabbits of meat breed should be chosen.

These include:

  • red New Zealand;
  • white New Zealand;
  • Californian.

These breeds quickly gain the required mass, literally in 2-3 months.

Fluffy breeds include:

  • angora;
  • lop-eared ram rabbits;
  • white downy.

When buying animals, ask for a passport that confirms the breed. Observe the ratio of rabbits to rabbits, it should be - 1: 5.

Feeding rabbits

In order for rabbits to grow well, gain weight, they must receive all the necessary vitamins. Grass and hay should make up 1/5 of the daily diet, and there should also be vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, beets.

Occasionally it is necessary to add wood fodder, meat meal and chalk. Feeding should be regular so that there is no inhibition in the development and deterioration of health. Mandatory supply of clean water.

Approximate daily allowance for rabbits in their various states:

Males and females at rest, pregnant females, lactating females, daily allowance in grams per pet.

Rabbits are bred to be kept in cages or in pits.

Breeding rabbits in cages

This method of keeping makes it possible to give a full supply of food, to properly distribute it. Breeding work and treatment-and-prophylactic work are being carried out better.

Cells are stationary or portable, they are kept in the open air. In areas with a cold climate, indoor keeping is used.

  • better hair growth;
  • stronger health;
  • more resistant to diseases.

For the manufacture of cages, plywood, wood, slate, brick are suitable, an alternative to combining materials is possible.

Breeding rabbits in pits


  • Low cost of materials for arrangement.
  • Less frequent cleaning.
  • Possibility to keep more animals.
  • Rapid reproduction.
  • Meat tastes better.


  • High statistics of the death of all individuals in infectious diseases.
  • Difficult to clean hole.
  • Family incest.
  • Catch of rabbits.

A pit measuring 2 by 2 meters can contain more than 200 animals.

Equipment for rabbit breeding

When organizing a farm, it is necessary to have special-purpose equipment.

  • Cells, a required attribute where rabbits are kept. You can make them yourself or you can make them to order.
  • Feeders. Its presence is mandatory in any cell. They are selected according to the size of the rabbit and are located so as not to injure the animal.
  • Drinker. It is located at a height of 8-9 cm so that the crawl does not climb into it.
  • Massacre. Basically, a metal pipe is used on which there are two pointed tips on which a hook is attached.
  • Skinning equipment includes various devices. To begin with, liquid processes are carried out. After drying on special hangers.

Business plan for a rabbit farm

In order for all the expenses and troubles associated with the development of rabbits to pay off, you should draw up the right business plan with financial calculations. This industry is profitable based on the fact that the resulting products are always in demand.

Market analysis

Before you start raising rabbits, you need to choose the right region where production will be launched. Analyze the sales market, as well as the competitive situation. In the business plan, it is necessary to note the consumers who are interested in this product.


A brief description of the costs and income of rabbit breeding:


  1. Land lease costs can be from 25,000 to 90,000 rubles in a year.
  2. Cells from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on build yourself or buy ready-made.
  3. Purchase of rabbits from 20,000 to 28,000 rubles. It depends on the breed and the region in which you buy.
  4. Feed from 55,000 to 110,000 rubles.
  5. Salary 150 000 rubles in a year.

We get from 265,000 to 329,000 rubles for the first year of production.


We get meat for sale 1500 kilogram that can be sold 200-250 rubles per kg, we get from 300,000 to 375,000 rubles in year.

Such figures are taken from the approximate calculation that 40 females can bring 20 rabbits per year. The weight of which is 1800-1900 grams. It turns out that 800 individuals will go on sale with a weight of 1500 kilograms.

Skins can be donated for 200 rubles (800 * 200 = 160,000 rubles)

As a result, income can range from 460,000 to 535,000 rubles per year.

These calculations show the profitability for the first year of operation. In the future, rabbits that are born are sent to the development of the economy and the cost of their purchase will decrease. Further income will increase.

Income from the sale of meat. Distribution channels for rabbit meat

The business plan should foresee where the meat will be sold.

Sales options:

  • Wholesale customers.
  • Stanislav Matveev

    Author of the bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former franchise owner and online store owner.

As a business, it is quite a profitable business if you take it seriously. Dietary rabbit meat is in consistently high demand. The profitability of rabbit breeding is determined by its non-waste. In addition to meat, you can sell the skin, and even the insides of these animals. Oddly enough, it is unique and because it is the best fertilizer.

Before you decide to create a business for breeding rabbits, you need to solve several issues, namely: choose a method for raising them. There are a large number of breeds and technologies, but the decision must be made independently, based on the available financial and labor resources.

Before starting the implementation of the idea, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of the maintenance, feeding and reproduction of animals. The first step is to decide on the method of raising rabbits. It must be remembered that this is a complex matter that requires long and painstaking work to obtain good results.

Raising rabbits (business from scratch)

There are several methods for raising rabbits.

  • Purebred - a mating of one breed of rabbits.
  • Crossing - mating of different breeds.

The Mikhailov method and breeding animals in pits are also common.

In order to get an answer to the question “how to make a business on rabbits?”, You need to familiarize yourself with all the proposed technologies, choose the right one and gradually implement it.

Purebred growing method

This method involves mating rabbits of a certain breed. A female is selected for the male, as close as possible to his productivity and physique.
The purpose of such a selection is: fixing the desired type of rabbits in the herd, strengthening certain valuable qualities of young animals and increasing the number of highly productive animals.

Sometimes pairs of rabbits are selected with a certain outstanding trait in order to fix it in future offspring. At the same time, they also look at other indicators, especially the state of health: whether it has worsened. This method is used to obtain meat, fluff and skins of rabbits of a certain breed. Along with the purebred breeding method, crossbreeding is used, that is, mating of different breeds of rabbits.


It is used to develop new and improve existing breeds of animals. Any rabbit breeding farm predominantly uses crossbreeding.

Compared to "pure" breeds, animals obtained as a result of this method are distinguished by accelerated growth, lower feed intake per kilogram of weight, high fertility and viability.

There are several types of crossing.

  • Reproductive - breeding new breeds of rabbits.
  • Introductory - a change in a certain indicator of animal productivity (single crossing).
  • Absorption - a radical change in an unproductive breed due to its absorption by a highly productive one.
  • Industrial - obtaining marketable young animals, meat, fluff, skins and other things. Industrial breeding of rabbits by crossing is widespread on commercial farms.

Breeding in holes

Rabbit breeding as a business was originally practiced in pits. To date, this approach is practically not used. The breeding method in pits is relevant when owning a land plot or premises of a small area. It was used in the absence of the necessary time for feeding, caring for rabbits, as well as with limited finances, when there was not enough money to build or purchase equipment.

As the name suggests, rabbits are kept in pits. The depth of such pits is 1 m, the width and length are at the discretion of the owner. Up to 200 heads can be placed in one pit.

A metal mesh is placed on the floor of the pit, a mound of sand is made. The walls of the pit should be bricked up and a small area should be left near one of them, where a hole is dug 10-15 cm above the floor level.

The size of the hole should be large enough so that 3 rabbits can enter it at the same time. Placing the burrow above the floor is to prevent urine from dripping in as rabbits urinate at the entrance.

To protect against precipitation, the pit must have a roof. Life without light has a bad effect on the development and growth of rabbits, so you should make a glass window in it or illuminate the pit with an electric light bulb. A 40 watt light bulb, for example, is suitable for a pit of 10 square meters. meters.

Feeders and drinkers from various containers are placed along the walls of the pit, which should be wide enough and not very deep. This will avoid crowding and allow the rabbits to reach for food or water without effort.

Rabbits as a business are quite a profitable business, but the method of rearing in pits is far from the most profitable. The advantages of this technology: low financial costs, the ability to keep a large number of rabbits in a small area, no drafts, quick payback. Disadvantages: small weight of rabbits due to frequent illnesses, difficulties with breeding distribution.

Mikhailov method

This method is aimed at the formation of natural immunity. Mikhailov's method for raising rabbits leads to an increase in the quality indicators of animals.

The author of this method is not a supporter of classical breeding, since it does not make it possible to achieve the real genetic potential of these mammals. In addition, the rabbit breeding business involves keeping animals in cages, which leads to frequent stress and high mortality of young animals. The Mikhailov method avoids such undesirable moments.

The essence of the Mikhailov method

In the generally accepted version of raising rabbits, they are fed no more than 3 times / day, and according to the Mikhailov method - up to 80 times / day.

As a rule, young animals are fed with rabbit milk for about a month, and according to Mikhailov's technology, this should continue to be done up to 3 months. This innovative method minimizes the investment required to set up a rabbit farm.

The result of Mikhailov's approach is accelerated rabbits. On average, every 3 months they bring 10 rabbits. These features of breeding make it possible to significantly increase the profitability of the business, that is, increase its effectiveness. It should be noted that the skins and meat of accelerated rabbits are much better than those of animals of classical rearing.

Cages for industrial breeding of rabbits differ significantly from those proposed by Mikhailov. The latter are represented by three tiers. On the north side, such cells are equipped with a thick insulated wall, and on the south side, on the contrary, with an open wall that lets in sunlight and fresh air. This favorably affects the growth and development of rabbits.

The cell area is 1.4 square meters. meters. It provides automatic mode for a long time. Within the tiers there are slatted floors, under which there are shafts resembling pyramids in shape. The operation of the cage is based on the principle of a stove: gases from the room with litter go up the exhaust pipe, while fresh air from outside enters in parallel. One such cage can accommodate up to 30 rabbits. On average, in practice, 13-15 heads are placed in cages.

Any profitable enterprise has a clear development plan. A well-thought-out rabbit breeding business plan is the key to successful and profitable work.

Production part

Breeding rabbits according to Mikhailov's method involves keeping them on special mini-farms. One mini-farm requires up to 500 kg of feed and about 250 kg of hay per year.

One accelerator rabbit eats about 14 kg of feed and up to 7 kg of hay per year. Output - 1 animal (5 kg) for 10 days. The capital turnover period is 100 days.

There are various models of rabbit farms, among which there are also two-tier ones. The number of mini-farms on the farm depends only on the owner of the business, but it should be noted that they do not require large plots. For example, a rabbit farm of 16 mini-farms will take up only one hundred square meters of land. Such production can be serviced only once a week with a productivity of 10 rabbits per week.

Mini-farms require some heating at temperatures below +10 C with an energy consumption of 30 watts.

Rabbit breeding as a business is not limited to animal breeding. To achieve maximum production efficiency, it is necessary to organize a personal workshop for processing products, a workshop for tailoring, as well as a site for the production of vermicompost.

Expenses and income

The cost of making a mini-farm, without additional equipment, can vary in the range of 5-20 thousand rubles. If you decide to do it yourself, it will come out cheaper, if you decide to use the services of professionals, it will come out, respectively, more expensive.

For production to be efficient, at least 300 mini-farms should be organized. The costs in this case will amount to about 350 thousand rubles (excluding taxes and the farms themselves). Income will be about 1.5 million rubles.

Market analysis

This section of the business plan should contain a description of similar farms in your region, indicate wholesale and retail buyers and their purchase volumes.

Production plan

The first step in organizing a farm is finding the right land. The best option will be the plot with the lowest rent. At the same time, one should not forget that the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site for full-fledged work is 5 acres of land - it will be possible to place the cells themselves and ancillary buildings on it.

The next step will be the purchase or construction of cells, depending on your decision - to save or give in to the functionality of the finished cells. Next - the purchase of livestock.

This business plan assumes an initial herd size of 60 heads, including 20 males and 40 females.

Sales plan

In order not to be left with surpluses, a marketing plan must be thought out and calculated even before starting a business. The main buyers of rabbit meat are markets, supermarkets, private traders. Skins are often bought by fur ateliers and private fashion designers. An important factor in the success of sales is the proximity of megacities.

Financial plan

Rabbit breeding as a business requires careful design. Here are the costs that the production will incur and the income from it.


Land lease - 20-80 thousand rubles.

Purchase (construction) of cells - 10-40 thousand.

Purchase of rabbits (60 heads) - 18-30 thousand.

Compound feed - 50-100 thousand.

The salary of the hired worker is 120 thousand / year.

Total costs - 218-370 thousand in the first year.


Meat sales - 1.5 tons / year at 200-250 rubles / kg (300-375 thousand rubles). These figures are taken due to the fact that 40 rabbits, on average, bring 20 rabbits per year, 1.8-1.9 kg each. Total - 800 rabbits weighing 1500 kg.

Realization of skins - 160 thousand (200 rubles per skin, 800 skins).

Total income - 460-535 thousand rubles / year.

In the general case, the payback of such a farm will be no more than a year in time, if you take up business seriously.

Everyone knows that rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also several kilograms of easily digestible, and most importantly, well-purchased meat. However, few decide to implement rabbit breeding as a business, despite the fact that the sale of rabbit meat today is stable and has rather large volumes.

Breeding rabbits in itself does not require special efforts from the business owner, rabbits are unpretentious in food, are not afraid of frost, breed well, which is one of the most important conditions for making a profit - the more rabbits on the farm, the more income.

Of course, all the nuances of the question of how to breed rabbits should include a business plan for breeding rabbits, which will help you go through all the stages of organizing a business without the mistakes typical of novice entrepreneurs, dispel all doubts about whether this activity is profitable or not.

Breeding rabbits at home and industrial breeding of rabbits as a business differ only in scale, the cultivation technology remains unchanged, so if you want to increase profits, just increase the number of animals.

The rabbit breeding business is no doubt more suitable for people living in rural areas, but residents of large cities are also not deprived of the opportunity to organize a rabbit business in summer cottages, or in their own backyards of the private sector in the city.


The description of this project is a step-by-step plan for creating a farm specializing in breeding rabbits with a payback period of 1-2 years.
Essence and goals of the project:

Breeding rabbits at home requires the organization of a special farm (hereinafter referred to as the Farm) with the consistent development of the economy and has 4 main goals:

  1. implementation of a highly profitable agricultural business project;
  2. obtaining economic profit;
  3. creation of additional jobs in a separate settlement;
  4. filling the meat market in a particular region and meeting consumer needs for dietary rabbit meat and valuable natural fur.

Form of doing business: KFH (peasant farming)

Type of taxation: ESHN (Single agricultural tax)

Type of project financing: own funds or a commercial loan from a bank

Required financial investments: 2,500,000 rubles

Expected average monthly income: 380 000 rubles

Expected average monthly profit: 150 000 rubles

Payback period of the project: 2 years

Included in the calculations interest rate: 18% per annum

Investor income: 900 000 rubles

Repayment of borrowed funds and payment of interest on investments will begin from the first month of the project.

Conditional project lifecycle will be: 3 years

The total economic efficiency of the project during the conditional life cycle: 2,000,000 rubles

Phased implementation of a rabbit breeding business

The start of the implementation of the business plan will begin immediately after it is accepted by the customer, or after receiving credit funds.

Completion of the project - in 3 years.

The stages of the project implementation and the timing of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1.

Project stagesDeadlines
project startfrom 1 month 1 year to 12 month 3 years
getting a loanfrom 1 to 30 banking days
registration of a peasant farmup to 30 calendar days
farm buildingup to 1 month
purchase and installation of equipment
up to 1 month
search for colleaguesup to 1 month
trainingup to 1 month
marketing campaign365 days
project completion24-36 month

General description of the project

Rabbit meat is actively used in the diet of both healthy people and in the diet of people suffering from various metabolic diseases, food allergies, etc. In terms of taste, rabbit meat successfully competes with beef, pork, and chicken - the main products on the Russian meat market. Consequently, the consumers of these products are almost all categories of the population of the country, as well as:

  • meat processing plants for the production of canned food;
  • catering establishments (cafes, canteens, restaurants, etc.);
  • preventive and curative medical institutions.

In addition, the Farm will be a supplier of natural soft rabbit fur to enterprises engaged in the tailoring of fur products, and fertilizers for agricultural enterprises engaged in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

In our country, rabbit breeding is regarded as a promising and highly profitable business, and therefore the question of whether it is profitable to breed rabbits should not be of interest to a novice entrepreneur. Rabbits are known for their high breeding rate and rapid growth to the age and weight required for implementation. And the availability of feed for rabbits (grass, hay, green foliage, grain and other cereals, food waste), combined with the unpretentiousness of care, increase the chances for the success of the proposed project.

Due to the short gestation period (from 27 to 25 days), and the physiological characteristics of the rabbit's body to combine periods of lactation (milk production) and pregnancy (pregnancy), the female can bring offspring, which, upon reaching adulthood, can exceed her own weight by 50 or more. once. Only poultry breeding can give large indicators.

Before opening the Farm, it is necessary to learn all the subtleties of how to raise rabbits, to determine which breeds of rabbits in terms of economic value will be bred. The classification of breeds (homogeneous groups similar in biological and economic characteristics - color, weight, exterior, life expectancy, etc.) is as follows:

Table number 2

How to breed rabbits to get the most out of your business? The ratio of breeding of different areas of rabbit productivity on the Farm will be as follows:

Table #3

The breeding of these breeds of rabbits on the Farm is due to their high precocity, fertility, calm disposition, maternal qualities, undemanding care for them, and good slaughter characteristics.

An important point in the implementation of the project is the choice of a place for the construction of a Farm for breeding rabbits and the presence of specialists in the village to care for them. If there are none, then you should plan your time so that it is enough to care for all the livestock. Special knowledge is not required to perform auxiliary work, therefore, workers, as well as livestock breeders, can be found at the local branch of the Employment Center.

In this way, the goal of increasing additional jobs will be achieved. In addition, in individual regions, employers in such cases may be provided with various tax benefits. A reduction in tax deductions and insurance premiums can also be achieved by hiring persons with limited physical abilities of the 3rd disability group, who are able to perform the work of caring for rabbits.

The age of the acquired rabbits, indicated in Table No. 3 of the breeds, must be from 2 months and older. Reaching puberty for males - 4-6 months, rabbits - 3-5 months. Before buying young animals, you need to take care of acquiring cells.

The calculation of the area of ​​1 cage should be such that, if possible, the rabbit's motor activity is reduced for more weight gain due to the avoidance of calorie loss. It is enough for an adult rabbit to be able to turn freely there.

The cages should be accompanied by plastic trays to facilitate the cleaning of waste products, and a manger for grass and hay. Do not use cages with a grid bottom to avoid injury to the legs of rabbits. Cages should not be located near central heating radiators and in a draft to avoid diseases of animals and damage to fur on skins.

The bedding in the cages should be made of straw from the collective farm fields, or dry sawdust, which is supposed to be taken from the nearest sawmills. It is also planned to purchase automatic watering devices of a hinged type and metal bowls attached to a cage for grain and legume fodder.

Feeding rabbits at home is a responsible process. The main nutrition of young animals is oatmeal, hay, compound feed, and special mixtures for rabbits, which can be bought at wholesale depots of pet supplies. It is necessary to accustom rabbits to a new food in stages, gradually adding new additives to the old diet.

Little rabbits, as experienced rabbit breeders advise, must first be fed with oatmeal and compound feed, and upon reaching puberty, add whole oats, dry buckwheat, peas, barley, barley, wheat, and other grains and legumes. At the same time, it is always necessary to ensure that rabbits have hay in the manger, which is their main food.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the hay does not have at least the slightest smell of mold or ammonia, which is inherent in broken hay. Also, hay must be checked for the presence of insects in it. Contaminated hay can cause diarrhea in rabbits and, in a short time, death.

Drinking rabbits - ordinary tap water (if it is of good quality in the settlement), settled for some time, or filtered. You need to change your drink to fresh water every day. Boiled water is not recommended for rabbits. Rabbits at home drink a little, but you always need to monitor the presence of water in the drinkers.

From the age of 2 months, rabbits can be fed some vegetables, fruits, and green meadow grass - plantain, clover, dandelion stems, yarrow, nettle, thistle, and some other wild meadow plants. Grass should be cut clean, away from roads and settlements. It is important that the grass is not wet, it needs to be dried a little before being given to the animals, otherwise it can lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is better to start with carrots and non-acidic apples, giving the rabbits new food in small portions. From 3-4 months, you can introduce fiber-rich cabbage, beets, turnips, turnips into the diet. Without fail, in the cage of each rabbit must be present for grinding teeth and replenishing the supply of minerals in the body. To encourage a rabbit or just treat him with a treat, you can give him a piece of white bread. Various vitamins can be added to food only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. An overdose of vitamins for animals is much worse than their lack.

Also, grated chalk can be added to the rabbits' food to point teeth, or simply put a piece of chalk in a bowl of food. For the same purpose, branches of fruit trees and shrubs can be given to rabbits. In addition to teeth, such daily procedures have a positive effect on the nervous system of animals, their digestion and strengthening of bones. Actually, feeding rabbits at home is practically no different from feeding them when breeding them in industrial volumes.

Cleaning of cages and change of bedding should be done 2-3 times a week, in sick individuals it is better to do this every other day. You need to clean the toilet plastic tray every day. Rabbits are very clean, and will endure until the last minute before going to the dirty toilet. This can lead to diseases of the nervous system, and as a result - damage to the fur, weight loss, etc.

The amount of daily food is easy to calculate - the rabbit will never eat more than his body accepts. If by the evening the food remains in the feeder, you need to reduce the portion; if by noon the bowl is empty, on the contrary, increase it. Yesterday's food should always be removed from the cage. The feeding procedure is best done at the same time. Despite the apparent difficulties, raising rabbits is absolutely not troublesome, you just have to get into the working rhythm and get used to the regime of caring for the animals.

Market and competitive environment analysis

The economic crisis in the country, the sanctions imposed against Russia, had a generally negative impact on the meat market. However, in connection with the program of state support for small and medium-sized businesses, there has recently been a trend towards an increase in meat production, including rabbit meat. Fortunately, this does not affect the demand for meat and meat products, despite the rise in prices. In addition, there is even a significant decrease in the number of people willing to engage in agriculture and farming.

At the same time, more attention was paid to dietary and environmentally friendly natural products. Rabbit meat in this regard, in terms of its taste, selling price, and other parameters, is almost ideal for feeding the most demanding gourmets.

Russian rabbit breeding is represented by the majority (over 80%) of private farms. Moreover, approximately 65% ​​of all rabbit breeding farms are concentrated in the Ural region, from where they are supplied throughout the country. This makes raising rabbits in other regions a very profitable business.

Data on rabbit breeding in our country are presented in Table No. 4

The level of demand for rabbit meat in Russia is analyzed in Table No. 5

A particular advantage in the short and long term of breeding rabbits, according to experts, is present in small farms, such as the Farm in this project, which will always be able to find retail and small wholesale buyers for their products.

Production plan

Equipment and inventory

Any rabbit farm must be properly equipped and have:

  1. 2-tier cages for rabbits - n pieces;
  2. 3-tier cells - n pieces;
  3. separate cages for rabbits during pregnancy - n pieces;
  4. manger for hay - n pieces;
  5. automatic drinkers - n pieces;
  6. gravity bunker feeders - n pieces;
  7. ventilation system;
  8. manure removal system;
  9. shovels, rakes, pitchforks - n pieces;
  10. buckets, shovels for pouring feed - n pieces.

Self-manufacturing of cells requires special carpentry and carpentry skills; custom-made will cost many times more than buying ready-made ones in specialized stores.


The staff of the Farm is 6 people, combining several positions, whose main duties include maintaining cleanliness and order at the facility throughout the full working day.

Worker for the care, feeding of rabbits, cleaning and repairing cages, slaughterer - 5 people

Driver - 1 person

marketing plan

To increase the demand for rabbit meat, skins, fertilizers, it is necessary to carry out a set of special measures that form consumer opinion and stimulate an increase in demand. The vast majority of people associate rabbit meat as an exclusive product that is difficult to obtain. Little is known about the medicinal properties of the product.

Marketing strategy involves:

  • carrying out promotional activities in local vocational schools that train future specialists for the public catering sector;
  • creation of appropriate infrastructure and decent working conditions;
  • conclusion of contracts for the supply of products with regular wholesale buyers;
  • organization of home delivery of rabbit meat when ordering from a certain weight of meat;
  • creation and promotion of your own Internet resource.


This study showed that despite the difficulty of implementing the project, the rather high risk, and high costs of organization, the project of organizing a rabbit breeding business is a highly profitable and promising business.

Tips on how to make a cage with your own hands at no extra cost

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

In this article, we will talk about a business that belongs to the niche of agriculture. It's about a home business for breeding rabbits. This is a very tricky niche and may not be suitable for every entrepreneur, but if you have experience working with rabbit meat, then there is a high probability that you will succeed in this business.


Back in the 70s, there were many fur farms on the territory of the Russian Federation engaged in breeding rabbits, but after the 90s, many of them ceased to exist. Because of this, today in the domestic market there is a significant demand for rabbits is very high, even taking into account the importation of imported products from abroad. So you don’t have to wonder: breeding rabbits as a business is profitable or not. The answer is unequivocal: with proper business management, it is profitable.

Niche pros and cons

In such an area as a rabbit breeding business, the pros and cons are as follows:

  • Short payback periods
  • Fast and high income
  • Ability to sell multiple products

As for the cons, the main problems in breeding rabbits are:

  • Difficulty in care
  • The fearfulness of animals. Stress in them can not only cause physical illness, but also lead to the death of the animal.

Business risks

Before starting a business in a particular area, you should familiarize yourself with all the possible risks, draw up a business plan. A rabbit breeding company as a type of business has the following risks:

High mortality of young animals. This problem can be solved by involving experienced veterinarians in all processes in the production.

Competition. Before starting a business, you should carefully learn everything about distribution channels, target audience and direct competitors in the market.

Business registration

In a business like breeding rabbits, a business from scratch requires mandatory registration. A mini-farm can be issued in two ways: as a peasant farm and an individual entrepreneur.

KFH (peasant farming)

Peasant farming is a type of individual entrepreneur that has several main differences. The composition of the peasant farm may include people who have the right to carry out any economic activity, as well as own the property of the enterprise. However, by registering a KFH, you become, in fact, an ordinary individual entrepreneur.

Another important plus of the KFH is that its registration entitles you to state assistance.

IP (individual entrepreneur)

IP is one of the simplest and most convenient forms of doing business, especially for rabbit breeding. The nuance is that the KFH has certain gaps in the legal definition, due to which the receipt of each benefit leads to a huge bureaucratic red tape, leveling all the benefits.

As for the form of taxation, either a single agricultural tax or a simplified regime is suitable for a rabbit farm. In this case, you will need OKVED with the code A.01.25.2.

Necessary equipment

A business plan for breeding rabbits necessarily involves the purchase of equipment. There are several ways to keep rabbits. Namely: semi-free, in enclosures or cages. I must say, the first two options are practically not used - the main emphasis is on the cellular system.

It allows you to maintain the optimal mode of feeding, breeding, organization of mating. In addition, being outdoors reduces the risk of spreading diseases.

Double single-tier cages are mounted on wooden poles so that 0.8-1 m remains from the floor of the cage to the ground. In the nesting compartment, the floor and walls are made of plank, in the stern - mesh (the mesh is made of metal). The roof is made of boards, and then covered with a layer of roofing material. It is important to observe a slope of 15-20 degrees. The floor in the cages should also be made at a slope of 5-7 degrees, for the outflow of urine from the animals. Juveniles contain 3-5 animals per cage.

shed system

The shed system proved to be very good in keeping rabbits. It not only greatly facilitates care, but also makes it possible to make many processes in this production mechanized. With its help, you can serve more than a hundred rabbits and more than 1000 cubs at the same time.

There are about 250-200 cells in one shed. The dimensions of each cell are 140 by 70 cm (length and width, respectively). Front height - 55 cm, rear - 36.

Cells are installed in two tiers. Adult animals are settled in the lower one, young animals are placed in the upper one.

Breed for breeding

For breeding, hybrid breeds with good breeding stock (i.e., the number of young rabbits that a female can give birth and raise in a year) are usually preferred. To purchase them, contact the distributor of foreign breeding centers - they will not only help you with the choice, but also select high-quality equipment.

Purchase of rabbits

You should also not buy pregnant females - it is unlikely that anyone would sell such an animal if it did not have serious problems.

Feeding rabbits

Among the inhabitants who know about breeding rabbits only by hearsay, there is an opinion that only grass and hay will be enough for them to eat well. This is nothing more than a myth. Hay and straw make up only one-fifth of a rabbit's full-fledged diet, the rest is grain-meal feed. There are many options for making a complete diet. For convenience, here is a table with the daily norms of feeding rabbits. They can be included in the business plan "breeding rabbits" with calculations for a specific enterprise.

Stern adult rabbits Juveniles aged, months
1 to 3 3 to 6
Grass of natural meadows 1500 200-500 500-900
legume grass 1200 150-400 400-700
Green hardwood branches 600 50-200 200-400
beet tops 200 50 50-100
fodder cabbage 600 100-150 250-400
cabbage leaf 300 100 100-200
Carrot 600 100-250 250-400
fodder beet 200 100 100-200
Sugar beet 600 100-250 250-400
Turnip, swede, turnip 400 50-100 100-200
boiled potatoes 400 50-150 150-300
Raw potatoes 150 50 50-250
Silage 300 20-80 80-200
Hay 300 100 100-200
Cereal grain 150 30-60 60-100
legume grain 50 10-20 20-30
Shrovetide grain 20 5-10 10-15
Bran 100 5-20 20-80
Cakes and meals 100 5-20 20-80
Meat and bone meal 15 5-10 10
Salt 2.5 0.5-1 1
Chalk 2 0.5-1 1

Do not increase the rate given in the table - this can lead to obesity.

In the second table you can see the annual diet of animals:

Physiological state Annual count feed day Feed in kg.
concentrates hay roots green stern
Rabbit and male in a non-roaming period 33 3.46 1.19 3.23 4.48
Rabbit and male during breeding season 32 4.16 1.44 3.84 5.6
Baby rabbit 120 16,8 6 15,6 23,1
Rabbit lactating 180 62,4 21,1 57.2 83,35
For one head of young animals from 45 to 120 days 75 10,14 3,14 11.97
Total for 24 heads of young animals 243,36 75,36 287,28
Annual need for replacement young animals 42 5,25 1,89 5,67 8,19
The annual requirement of the male 365 47,50 16,40 44 64
Share of male per female rabbit 5,93 2,05 5,5 8
For one rabbit with offspring (24 heads up to 4 months of age) 341,36 109 91 420

How to save on feed?

Feed is the main expense item on a mini-farm, so many want to somehow reduce it. Purchased compound feeds are quite expensive, but underfeeding animals is not an option at all. The best solution would be to make your own feed.

All that is needed for this is grain and grain waste, a good powerful grain crusher and a granulator.

Here are three good balanced formula feed recipes:

1) Recipe No. K-92-1 mixed feed concentrate for adult rabbits.

2) Recipe No. K-91-1 mixed feed concentrate for young animals.

3) Recipe for compound feed concentrate for rabbits of all ages.

Do not try to prepare silage or root crops as feed. This is a good solution for a small private farm for 15-25 animals, but on a farm scale it is unprofitable. Growing, harvesting, harvesting ... this will result in a considerable amount. An exception can be made only for harvesting hay - it is difficult to buy quality on the side, it is easier to prepare it yourself.

rabbit breeding

Breeding rabbits as a business is largely dependent on the rate of reproduction of animals. It is better to breed animals according to the following scheme (if you use a shed system, of course): in one shed for 60 cells, 14 cells with females and one cell with a male are placed on the upper tier. All other cells in tiers are allocated for young growth. Each of the rabbits litters three times a year, then the cubs stay with the female for 2 months. For the year, therefore, each female produces about 25 rabbits, and the total increase is 300-350 animals per year.

Of course, it will be problematic to calculate the exact numbers, but you will get at least 250-300 heads from one shed. If you have rabbits of pure breeds, you should not breed them separately - it will take a lot of time and effort, it is better to buy replacement young animals every few years.

Disease protection

Vaccination provides good protection against diseases - of course, this is not a guarantee of the complete absence of morbidity. But it will help to reduce the risks at times. Veterinarians recommend annual vaccination with a complex preparation, the rest of the vaccines are only for epidemics.

Waste management

In addition to the production of meat and fur, you can also use waste on a mini-farm. For example, glue is made from the paws and ears, and the ventricles are sold to dairy farms or to a meat processing plant. The rest is better to burn.

Sales of products

Breeding rabbits for meat as a business requires the organization of stable distribution channels for goods. The sale of finished products is an important plan in the business strategy for the production of rabbits. There are three main options here.

Own customer base

Simply put, this is word of mouth - relatives, friends, buddies, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, etc. Do you think this option is not serious? In vain, this category of people is able to create a good reputation, and such that the products will “fly away”. And there is no need to spend on advertising. This is good for a start - then, of course, it will be possible to take care of something more ambitious.

At the initial stage, it is important to provide an affordable pricing policy in order to attract the maximum number of people. In addition, direct sale from the farm does not require any additional permits.

Sale of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

At first glance, it is very profitable and tempting. But there is one weighty "but": a rare restaurant includes rabbit dishes in the menu. So there will be little demand.

But, if you still decide to take such a step, do not contact the owner or administration - it is better to express your proposal to the chef. This is a really working way that will help you get an additional source of income. But here, permissions will be required - you will need to obtain a veterinary certificate form No. 2 at the veterinary and SES.

The shops

Selling products to stores is a good idea, but it is useless to target large supermarket chains, since the required volumes of products are very large there. Yes, and you will have to compete with large wholesale suppliers. Therefore, it is better to look for small butcher shops or shops - their owners will certainly be interested in your products.

Additional sources of income

Rabbit by-products can also be sold to generate additional income.

rabbit skins

As one movie said, "Rabbits are not only valuable fur ...". But fur is also included, because it is from the rabbit that warm soft hats, muffs and even fur coats are made. But in the Russian Federation today the situation with the sale of rabbit skins is quite complicated. But difficult does not mean impossible.