The phone does not work internet through wi-fi. Wi-Fi does not work: how to restore access to the wireless network. What to do if nothing helped

  • 02.05.2020

It is rare that no one has encountered such a problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider is concluded - but there is no access to the Internet. And just about he was still there, and after a minute - as if it had not happened. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush to service center break my head.

With very little effort, you can really cope with the problem and without someone else's help. the Internet on the phone is configured a little differently than on a regular personal computer, and this often causes difficulties for users. What interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are the possible reasons for denial of network access? We will consider all these issues in our note. The most banal reasons get the least attention. And absolutely in vain. Here is a short list of them:

  • The Internet on the phone is disabled for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account.
  • The phone does not connect to the Internet because you are out of network coverage.
  • The data transfer option has failed.
  • In all other respects, a normally working mobile phone did not go through the automatic registration procedure.

The likelihood of the above is quite high. It is by checking these options and troubleshooting these problems that we will begin our fight with the disappeared network.

The simplest tests

First, we check the state of the balance. Each provider offers its own way. Read the instructions or rummage through the contact list - there is usually a corresponding number there. To get account information, type *, then a three-digit code (unique for each operator), followed by the # symbol and press the call button. In response, the display shows the value of the amount available for payment of calls. If the wallet is empty or there is a cash overrun, replenish the account and the Internet will appear.

We will assume that everything is “OK” with the balance. What to do next? Look at the network connection indicator. If it is disabled, it means that you are out of range. The only cure for this is to get out of this place.

All modern smartphone models have a special option. It's called Data Transfer. To get to this setting, do the following:

  • Go to the connection settings menu.
  • Click on "More".
  • Click on " Mobile network».
  • On the screen that opens, check the "Mobile data transfer" box. The figure below is a good illustration:

What to do if there is still no internet? You can try turning your smartphone off and on again. Sometimes it helps. The fact is that 3G networks often stop responding after leaving the subway and in other cases getting into the access zone from places where there is no network. In this scenario, the machine is unable to connect to the network without rebooting.

Restore settings automatically

It happens that the device flew off network settings. Restoring them is easy and can be done in two different ways: get the settings from the operator or do the configuration manually. Of course, the first method is preferable. Just because it's easier. No need to bother yourself with all sorts of technical details. For some time now, this service has become available for every operator. mobile communications. To download the settings from the provider's server, you need to call a specific number or send an SMS to the number. For Beeline, this is a call to 06503, for MTS - SMS to 1234, Megafon receives SMS to 5049, and Tele2 is waiting for your call to 679.

In response, the operator will send a package of settings to the phone, which will automatically register in the operating system of your phone - that is, you don’t have to do anything with “handles”. If you do not know the "magic" number of your operator, then refer to his website - this information should be there.

Restoring settings manually

Everyone is theoretically capable of setting the parameters manually, but not the one who is not at all friendly with the OS of his smartphone. We present brief instructions(for more or less experienced users it should be enough):

  • We get to the APN access point settings. Usually through the items "More" => "Mobile network" => "APN access point".
  • Create a new access point by clicking on the plus sign. A form will open with fields to fill out. Here you will need to set the connection name, username, APN parameters and password to enter the network.
  • We take the field values ​​from the following table, it contains data for each operator:

Enter the values ​​in the fields, save and reboot the phone. If, after switching on, the network is still absent, it means that things are bad and you have to go to the specialists. Here, in principle, is all you need to know about why the Internet does not work in your own phone.

Hello everyone, I haven't written anything for two whole days. And so today I will tell you why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. Due to the fact that many of the tablets used are based on the popular Android OS, I will talk specifically about solving problems with such devices.

The problem faced by tablet device lovers in the process of working with wireless internet, this is the display of the line "Obtaining an IP address". The operation of the gadget at this stage stops, and is not restored in the future. In fact, there are a couple of methods to solve the above problem, one of them should definitely help.

  1. Change the name of the Wi-Fi network to any other that includes only English letters.
  2. Reboot the router (this trivial method is often the most effective).
  3. Change the type of data encryption (in the same place as the name wireless network, it is necessary to change the type of protection to another).

For the entered settings to be applied, modem needs to be rebooted.

Preparatory process

Today I have everything, I hope you now know why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. I want to ask you something else, if something doesn’t work out for you, write about it in the comments. Also, I will not refuse if, as a token of gratitude, like this article. I wish you all only positive emotions and good health.

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

As you know, solving problems with wireless networks is not always difficult, but what to do if Wi-Fi connects and the Internet does not work is a very extensive and difficult question, and therefore there can be quite a lot of answers to it.

Semi-functional Wi-Fi

In general, the problem of the yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is a separate issue that can be viewed from a very large number of angles. For example, finding a way out of a situation where a laptop connects to Wi-Fi without access to the Internet can have at least 3 different directions:

  • Hardware malfunctions.
  • Software failures in the operating system or a third-party program.
  • Mixed issues, such as driver or protocol issues.

And each direction has a certain number of its sub-directions, and so on.

If we take a purely computer direction, then most of these cases arise either due to the inept operation of the equipment by the user of a personal computer, or due to flaws and errors in the system itself, or caused by some special previous action, for example, a laptop falling. A connection problem can happen even after disassembly and not quite a high-quality assembly, but we will talk about all this in more detail below.

We will analyze the reasons for the occurrence of situations, why there is no Internet connection, in more detail and carefully.

Causes of failure

As mentioned above, the problem when Wi-Fi is connected without access to the Internet can occur due to malfunctions in various component aspects of the device. Problems can have different roots, and therefore you need to consider several systems for their gradation:

  • hardware component.
  • Software part.

And we will start, oddly enough, from the very last point.

In order to understand the essence of such a nuisance, one should consider the so-called map of the Internet. This is a conditional scheme that allows you to understand exactly how the Internet “moves” and through which points it passes. Understanding this circumstance allows you to relatively quickly find a place where the Internet connection "leaks" and does not go further. And this, in turn, greatly reduces the time to fix the network without access to the Internet, and gives an answer on what to do.

So, from the server of the Internet provider, access to the network comes through routers that are responsible for distributing it in a particular house or entrance. Further, from the access router, cable access is delivered to the apartment, where the tenant already decides for himself how to manage the network. This can be either a direct connection to a personal computer or laptop, or connecting a cable to a router or switch.

Since we are interested in a wireless network, we will assume that our router distributes access to the network.

Now we will consider a typical situation where the owner of the laptop goes about his online business and the pages stop loading, and the ill-fated yellow triangle is visible in the tray, that is, there is a Wi-Fi network, but no access to the Internet. If this happens, then the first step is to connect any other Wi-Fi device, such as a phone, to your home network. If the effect is the same, then this means that the problem is not in the laptop.

Now you should reboot the router by unplugging the power plug from the outlet, waiting 10 seconds and plugging it back in. When everything falls into place, and the wireless network starts up again, it will be possible to determine from the results what is wrong. For example, if access has appeared, then this means that there was a misunderstanding between the routers of the provider and the router and it was eliminated. In the event that access does not appear, then:

  1. You need to pull out the cable that comes from the provider from the router and insert it into the laptop's LAN socket.
  2. If the connection does not appear, then the problems occurred with the provider, and not with the end user. In this case, the reader needs to either call the support service and report problems, or wait a bit. It is recommended to call technical support: let them know that there is a problem and they need to solve it.
  3. And if the connection has become active, then most likely there is a breakdown in the Wi-Fi router itself. It is recommended to connect the cable again and if the network does not appear, and when connected directly it works, then the gadget for creating a wireless network needs help. Deal with it yourself and change the settings and firmware or carry it to a service center - it's up to the owner of the device to decide.

Hardware component

This category includes those cases when things are as follows in the Internet map: the Internet connection comes to the router, other gadgets are connected to it, but the laptop, tablet or smartphone refuses to connect, and therefore notifies that it is connected to Wi-Fi, but without internet access.

However, a similar approach is also valid for software malfunctions, but here it will be precisely the technical reasons that will be considered. Of course, in most cases, if when connecting to wifi device writes “without access to the Internet”, then the problem is in the software, applications, but anything can happen. Therefore, situations that the author of the article personally encountered will be described here. There were only two of them:

  • The laptop started infrequently at first, but over time it increasingly refused to provide online access, to the point that the wireless network worked for only 10-15 minutes after the device was started. And by experience it was found that it was in this device. As expected, at first they assumed that the problem was in the programs or the driver, since if the Wi-Fi module burned out, it would simply not work at all, but it does work. As a result, it turned out that the situation is as follows: when cleaning from dust, disassembly was carried out, the Wi-Fi module was removed, and then installed, but cat hair got on the contacts. That is why the equipment worked until it got very hot, and as soon as this happened, problems began.
  • In the second case, the laptop fell and, due to physical impact, the microcircuits and integrated circuit boards were not damaged, but the wireless network module was slightly skewed and began to behave approximately the same as in the first case. The only difference is that the effects were observed constantly and in an arbitrary order. Since the personal computer was new and had not been taken apart, the considerations from the previous paragraph were irrelevant. In the end, it turned out that all that was needed was to eliminate the distortion. After the module was installed exactly, the Internet connection began to behave as expected by the manufacturer.

Software or software part

Although the circumstances can be anything, as you can see from the previous two parts, the majority of problems happen precisely because of the software or software.

For example, some time ago there was a very "popular" moment with Windows 8, where Wi-Fi operating system seen, but without access to the Internet. This happened in 95% of cases when the device was put into sleep mode, and then it was exited. The only way to fix this was to reboot. Some time later, patches were released that fixed this problem, but they did not work on all devices, and the performance was pure luck: no one knew whether it would work or not.

Then there was trouble with the transfer to the "Airplane" mode. In general, the behavior was about the same. Fortunately, these problems have now been fixed, but this happens very, very rarely. So if someone recognizes familiar symptoms, then you just need to install updates. This will help in 99% of cases.

The most common cause is either a malfunction of the driver, or its absence. In this case, the device, even running Windows 7, will show that Wi-Fi is currently without access to the Internet and something needs to be done about it.

The easiest solution is to go to the "Device Manager", open the "Network adapters" tab, select the wireless module and click on the "Update drivers" column. If the system writes that the driver does not need to be updated, then you can simply delete it. You can also remove the module itself and reboot the machine. After loading, the operating system will independently recognize the Wi-Fi adapter and install the simplest drivers on it.

I work as a specialist in the company "Techno-Master".

Let's analyze this situation: you connected to the router from your phone, the Android system shows that Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work. In addition, the network icon shows that the signal is excellent, and no online program is functioning. In our article, we will consider options for solving this problem.


Unfortunately, there can be no unambiguous solution in this situation, and this is the whole difficulty. We will describe obvious solutions for the most common reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone.

Important nuances

Before you start looking for a problem in your phone, we strongly recommend that you perform some actions; at the same time, it may turn out that the problem is not in your device, but in the router or even the provider.

  1. Make sure that your Internet access service is paid for by the operator.
  2. Check if the Internet is working on your computer, which is connected via cable.
  3. Try connecting any other device to the router via Wi-Fi and access the Internet through it.

If at any stage you have difficulties, most likely the malfunction is not in your Android. If everything went well, then proceed to setting up Android.

Rebooting the Router

If your router for a long time did not turn off and did not reboot, then during long continuous operation it may fail. They can manifest themselves in completely different ways, for example: two Android devices are connected to Wi-Fi, but the Internet is distributed to one of them, and it does not work on the other.

Rebooting the mobile device

The situation described for the router also applies to your tablet or phone: there may be failures in software. To fix minor problems, the easiest way is to reboot, after which they are automatically fixed by the system.

Reconnecting to the network

This means not just turning off the network module, and then turning it on again and waiting for reconnection, but doing it through the settings: “Forget the network”, and then reconnecting by entering the password (if any).

On Android 6.0.1, this is done in the following way:

  • Go to settings.
  • Select "Wi-Fi".
  • Find the name of your network and pinch it until a list of actions appears.
  • Select "Delete this network"
  • Next, tap on the same network and select "Connect" by entering a password in advance (if one has been set).

Setting the correct date

A date that does not correspond to the real date on your smartphone can also be the reason for the situation when Wi-Fi does not work on the phone: Wi-Fi is connected, but there is no Internet on Android. Check - if the date is really wrong, you can change it as follows:

  • Select "Date and time" in the settings.
  • Activate the checkboxes opposite the items “Use network time” and “Use network time zone”, although the second item is not so mandatory.

After that your real time will be requested from your carrier's network and become true.

If there are other wireless gadgets in the room, they can interfere with your smartphone or tablet with their signal. We recommend changing the channel in the router settings.

Due to the wide variety of manufacturers of routers, we cannot provide universal instructions for changing the channel: for this, refer to the user manual of your model.

In our case, TP-Link was used: it was necessary to go to the administrative menu in “Wireless”> “Wireless Settings” and change the channel to any other, then click on “Save”, as shown in the figure.

In the router settings, you need to select WPA2-PSK protection and AES encryption in the "Automatic" modes. This mode is guaranteed to ensure successful connection of most devices.

Signal strength test

If you and your device are not close enough to the access point and the Wi-Fi icon shows that the signal is weak, in rare cases this may cause a problem with the Internet. Try to get closer to the broadcast source and see if the situation changes for the better.

Web Authorization Check

If you are not using your home Internet, but connected simply to a non-password-protected point, then most likely this is the Internet of some company that uses protection not by setting a password for the connection, but through web authorization. That is, you can easily connect to an access point, but no program will show that you are online. To check this, just open your browser and go to some page. If there is indeed web authorization, then you will be automatically redirected to the authorization window.

Changing a static IP address

And the last step in solving the problem is to try changing the address that the router issues to your version. This is done as follows:

  • In the Wi-Fi settings, click on the name of the desired network.
  • Tap on "Change network".

Wi-Fi is a new generation of wireless technology. Just a little time, and millions of users around the world use this method of connecting to the Internet. Wi-Fi connection makes possible connection compatible devices within 50 meters of the access point. The data exchange rate is about 150 mb/s. However, this is not all. Thanks to recent advances in this area, speeds can reach several gigabits.

Every modern laptop, tablet or phone has a Wi-Fi radio module in its asset. Thanks to this, there is a significant saving in expensive traffic of mobile operators, and the radio module also provides access to multimedia content High Quality without having to download anything to your device. All you need to do is set up a Wi-Fi connection on your portable device, set a secure password, and then save it to open wide Internet access. However, sometimes things don't go as smoothly as they seem.

Sometimes WiFi won't connect. Why? There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones of which we will now discuss.

Why do problems arise

Basically, failures during the connection of the device to the Wi-Fi network occur due to incorrect settings of the wireless router. At the same time, the laptop or tablet does not recognize the Internet connection at all. If this happened at home, you must sequentially perform a series of actions described below:

If a pop-up window appears when connecting a portable device to a Wi-Fi network "Saved, WPA-WPA2 security", it means that encryption on the router is incorrectly configured or the password for Wi-Fi coverage is incorrectly entered. To fix it, follow these instructions:

  • Check if the password is entered correctly by opening "Connection" and clicking "Change". Next, you need to select the password display function and enter it again.
  • If the password is entered correctly, but there is still no access, then the router settings are problematic.

If the settings are incorrect, you must:


So, now the laptop, tablet or smartphone should connect to Wi-Fi. In this case, the initial connection of the device with the router will be broken, you need to reconnect. As for encryption problems, in these cases it is also necessary to proceed step by step:

  • You need to go to the "Settings" of the router, select the item "Network protection" - the sub-item "WEP", "WPA / WPA2", and then enter a password that will help the router recognize the user. You will understand which item to choose from the error message, or you can experiment yourself.
  • Next, you need to save the settings using the appropriate function, and then reboot the router.

Here, perhaps, are all the main actions that you can do at this stage. In other cases, it is better to contact specialists for more precise settings.