Scientific journal “Science”. Scientific journal “Science” Journal of science in Russian read online

  • 27.05.2021

We have already talked about well-known Russian popular science magazines, but it’s not worth saying that Russia is not the whole world, and therefore there are publications abroad that can surprise no less, and often much more, than domestic counterparts. That is why today we will talk about popular science journals abroad.

It is worth noting that there are a huge number of them, but not every resource or magazine can boast of special achievements or materials that they publish. In order to weed out the wheat from the chaff, we will talk about the most famous and eminent, those who proved that the quality of the material always comes first. Let's move on to the top 5 popular science foreign journals.

5. Scientific American

In fifth place - Scientific American - from smallest to largest, that is today's motto. And the fifth position is boldly and confidently occupied by the oldest popular science magazine in the United States, which was published back in 1845 - Scientific American.

Initially Scientific American it was not a magazine as such, it was a four-page newspaper in which they wrote about new inventions. Most of the newspaper's attention was devoted to the reports of the US Patent Office, which is not surprising, since the office was the best source. useful information on that moment. Over time, the journal developed more and more, its volume increased, and they began to write not only about what discoveries had taken place.

In addition, the magazine at the beginning of the 20th century distinguished itself by publishing the encyclopedia The Americana (which is considered one of the largest encyclopedias in the world). English language) in 16 volumes. It is also interesting to see how the magazine changed its direction in terms of target audience selection.

It should also be noted that there is a domestic version of the journal - "In the world of science", which was published from 1983 to 1993, and after the printing was stopped, it was launched again in 2003. However, he failed to gather the same audience, it is not difficult to determine, it is enough to compare the circulation of the classic SciAM, which is about 500 thousand copies, and a little more than 12 thousand copies of In the World of Science.

Along with the printed version, there is also an electronic version of the magazine; it is not difficult to find it on the Internet.

4. Popular science magazine Discover

Fourth place magazine Discover- initially chose non-professionals in the world of science as its audience, however, having simplified the concept of presenting the material, the journal did not use materials about various kinds of "mysterious" phenomena such as UFOs in its publications, big Foot etc. - Discover. In fact, the purpose of the journal could initially be interpreted as a search for a "golden mean" between scientific publications and light popular science notes. First published in 1980, the magazine was able to win the trust of the audience almost immediately. In addition to the fact that quite serious scientific materials were published here, the authors did not forget about what would help lure the reader. Articles about psychology and psychiatry became such a bait. However, the magazine had something to interest its reader. One of the most popular headings was "skeptical about", in which the author tried to uncover the myths and fakes of the scientific world. Thus, this section has become the most read for several years. However, in two decades (in 2006) the journal's policy will undergo changes associated with a change in leadership and many of the headings will disappear, and the design of the journal will change.

Despite the fact that the magazine has been writing about serious things throughout its existence, this did not prevent the tradition of the “April Fool’s joke” from arising, when one article came out as a joke and, in essence, was a hoax, which was written in the next issue of the magazine. However, it was impossible not to notice it, but even the refutation of the hoax article still aroused indignation among the readers of the magazine.

The magazine is still being published at the moment, however, it is published only abroad, having no Russian-language counterparts. Those who speak the language can read the electronic version, and for those who did not work out with knowledge of English, we can advise you to search the network for popular science programs in Russian from the Discovery magazine (there are such).

3. Popular Mechanics Magazine

In the third position is Popular magazine Mechanics (Popular Mechanics), which has tremendous popularity both abroad and in the CIS, we have already talked about its Russian counterpart. So, meet - Popular Mechanics. It makes no sense to talk a lot about this magazine, some of it is known, and some of it we mentioned last time.

However, a few words are still worth saying. Popular Mechanics has been published since January 11, 1902 and is a classic representative of popular science magazines. The current circulation is more than 1 million 200 thousand copies, publishes its editions in some countries of the world (including Russia, South African countries and others). There was a publication in Latin America, but it was forced to close.

Despite the fact that the circulation has decreased compared to the 80s of the XX century, it cannot be said that the magazine has lost its audience. The decrease in circulation by 400 thousand is largely due not to the decline in reader interest, but to the development of the Internet, which made it possible to create electronic versions printed editions.

By the way, the English-language Popular Mechanics has a website, and a subscription to this prestigious publication will cost you only $ 12 per year, but you won’t be able to subscribe to the domestic analogue of the site, but you can register and buy magazines freely (the old number is 59 rubles, a new one - 99 rubles, and an annual archive will cost 590 rubles).

2. Scientific journal Popular Science

In second place in our top is Popular Science, which is the true embodiment of popular science, is currently being published in 45 different countries of the world, in more than 30 languages, has many prizes and awards - Popular Science.

As with the Popular Mechanics magazine, this publication does not need an additional introduction, but it is also impossible not to say anything about it. Initially, the journal published the works of contemporary scientists such as Darwin, Huxley, Pierce, Cattell and others, however, “popular science” did not immediately gain popularity. And if during its appearance the magazine managed to attract attention to itself, then every year its popularity faded, until, finally, at the beginning of the 20th century it was sold to a new publisher (by the way, this publisher was James Cattell, whose articles were published more than once in Popular Science). However, this did not help the magazine, and in 1915 it was sold again. It was from this time that the active life of the magazine and its heyday began. Almost a century later, Popular Science organizes an innovative project - a betting platform for betting on the prediction of the newest inventions of mankind.

Now the magazine has achieved respect and popularity, which has raised it almost to the top, at least in terms of circulation (1.323.041 copies - impressive, isn't it?), Popular Science currently occupies the second line, whether it is interesting or not already judge you.

1. National Geographic Magazine Ranking Winner

We decided to give the prize for the first place to the magazine national geographic - Finally, we got to the publication, which, in our opinion, deservedly occupies a leading position among popular science magazines in the world. National Geographic. It is published in many countries, the magazine is published in 33 languages, and it has not just achieved such popularity.

Born in 1888, its parent was the National Geographic Society, which had come into being just 9 months earlier. Initially, only scientific articles were published, and illustrations did not appear in the journal until 1905. It is from 1905 that the history of the magazine as a popular science begins.

The magazine has a lot to do with this year, but the most important thing is undoubtedly the appearance in the issue of the magazine of a photograph of the mysterious and unknown at that time Tibet. And this became a key event because these photos actually saved the magazine from ruin and created its corporate identity. It is noteworthy that people saw the same photographs in Russia back in 1901, and only 4 years later the authors of the photographs (Russian travelers - Buryats Gombozhab Tsybikov and Kalmyk Ovshe Norzunov) sold their works to National Geographic.

Science- academic journal American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS). It is considered one of the most respected scientific journals. Magazine peer-reviewed, published weekly, and has approximately 130,000 paper subscribers. Since the subscription of organizations and access via the Internet form a much larger audience, the number of its readers is estimated at one million people.

Comes out in English. Based in Washington(Columbia region, USA) and Cambridge (England).


Science was founded by New York journalist John Michaels in 1880 with financial support Thomas Edison and, later, Alexandra Bella. However, the journal failed to garner a sufficient number of subscribers and therefore ceased publication in March 1882. Entomologist Samuel Hubbard Scudder restored the journal after one year. However, in 1894, Science again overtook financial difficulties, and he was sold to psychologist James McKeen Keitel (James McKeen Cattell) for $ 500.

In accordance with the agreement entered into by Keitel and the AAAS administration, Science became the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1900 During the first part of the twentieth century in Science many important scientific works have been published, such as articles on genetics fruit flies ( Thomas Morgan), gravitational lensing ( Albert Einstein), and spiral galaxies ( Edwin Hubble). After Keitel's death in 1944, the magazine was completely taken over by the AAAS.

After Keitel's death, the journal did not have an editor for twelve years until Graham DuShane took over in 1956. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Philip Hauge Abelson, one of the discoverers of neptunia, was the journal's editor from 1962 to 1984. During his tenure, the effectiveness of peer review improved, resulting in faster publication of new material. Over the years, articles on the Apollo program and one of the first reports on AIDS.

Biochemist Daniel Koshland served as editor from 1985 to 1995. From 1995 to 2000, neuroscientist Floyd Bloom held the position.

Biologist Donald Kennedy became editor Science in 2000. Biochemist Bruce Alberts took over in March 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Science (magazine)" is in other dictionaries:

    - "Science and Invention" (August 1924) "Science and Invention" is an American monthly popular science magazine published by Hugo Gernsbeck's Experimenter Publishing Company and under his editorship in 1920 1931 ... Wikipedia

    - "Science and Invention", cover of the November 1928 issue of "Science and Invention" ... Wikipedia

    Science Specialization: Interdisciplinary Publication frequency: Language: English Publisher (country): American Association for the Advancement of Science (USA) Publication history ... Wikipedia

    The first issue of Science Wonder Stories (June 1929) Science Wonder Stories is one of the science fiction magazines founded by Hugo Gernsbeck after his Experimenter Publishing Company went bankrupt and lost control of Amazing ... Wikipedia

    - "Journal of Inorganic Chemistry" Specialization: scientific chemical Frequency: 12 issues per year Abbreviated title: ZhNKh Language: ru ... Wikipedia

    - "Journal of General Chemistry" Specialization ... Wikipedia

    Science (pronounced “science”, translated from English “science”) is an ambiguous term: Science is a scientific journal, one of the most respected scientific journals in the world. Science is a British music label focused on ... ... Wikipedia

    Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (USA)- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN Environmental Science and TechnologyEST … Technical Translator's Handbook

    This term has other meanings, see Science (meanings). Science ... Wikipedia

    I from French the words journal, meaning diary proper, then a daily newspaper; in Russian lang. this is the name of periodicals that come out at longer intervals than a newspaper. A common word corresponding to the Russian concept of journal ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Science is an academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). It is considered one of the most respected scientific journals. The journal is peer-reviewed, published weekly, and has approximately 130,000 paper subscribers. Since the subscription of organizations and access via the Internet form a much larger audience, the number of its readers is estimated at one million people.

Comes out in English. Based in Washington DC, USA and Cambridge, England.


Science was founded by New York journalist John Michaels in 1880 with financial backing from Thomas Edison and, later, Alexander Bell. However, the journal failed to garner a sufficient number of subscribers and therefore ceased publication in March 1882. Entomologist Samuel Hubbard Scudder restored the journal after one year. However, in 1894, Science again overtook financial difficulties, and he was sold to psychologist James McKeen Keitel (James McKeen Cattell) for $ 500.

In accordance with the agreement entered into by Keitel and the AAAS administration, Science became the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1900 During the first part of the twentieth century in Science many important scientific papers have been published, such as papers on fruit fly genetics (Thomas Morgan), gravitational lensing (Albert Einstein), and spiral galaxies (Edwin Hubble). After Keitel's death in 1944, the magazine was completely taken over by the AAAS.

After Keitel's death, the journal did not have an editor for twelve years until Graham DuShane took over in 1956. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Philip Hauge Abelson, one of the discoverers of neptunium, was editor of the journal from 1962 to 1984. During his tenure, the efficiency of peer review improved, resulting in faster publication of new material. Over the years, articles on the Apollo program and one of the first reports on AIDS were published, among others.

Biochemist Daniel Koshland served as editor from 1985 to 1995. From 1995 to 2000, neuroscientist Floyd Bloom held the position.

Biologist Donald Kennedy became editor Science in 2000. Biochemist Bruce Alberts took over in March 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Mayweather, Floyd
  • Kharitonenko

See what "Science (magazine)" is in other dictionaries:

    Science and Invention (magazine)- "Science and Invention" (August 1924) "Science and Invention" is an American monthly popular science magazine published by Hugo Gernsbeck's Experimenter Publishing Company and under his editorship in 1920 1931 ... Wikipedia

    Science and Invention- "Science and Invention", cover of the November 1928 issue of "Science and Invention" ... Wikipedia

    Science (journal)- Science Specialization: Interdisciplinary Publication frequency: Language: English Publisher (country): American Association for the Advancement of Science (USA) Publication history ... Wikipedia

    Science Wonder Stories (magazine)- The first issue of "Science Wonder Stories" (June 1929) "Science Wonder Stories" is one of the science fiction magazines founded by Hugo Gernsbeck after the bankruptcy of his Experimenter Publishing Company and his loss of control over the magazine "Amazing ... Wikipedia

    Journal of Inorganic Chemistry- "Journal of Inorganic Chemistry" Specialization: scientific chemical Frequency: 12 issues per year Abbreviated title: ZhNKh Language: ru ... Wikipedia

    Journal of General Chemistry- "Journal of General Chemistry" Specialization ... Wikipedia

    Science (disambiguation)- Science (pronounced “science”, translated from English “science”) is an ambiguous term: Science is a scientific journal, one of the most respected scientific journals in the world. Science is a British music label focused on ... ... Wikipedia

    Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (USA)- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN Environmental Science and TechnologyEST … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Science- This term has other meanings, see Science (meanings). Science ... Wikipedia

    Magazine- I from the French. the words journal, meaning diary proper, then a daily paper; in Russian lang. this is the name of periodicals that come out at longer intervals than a newspaper. A common word corresponding to the Russian concept of journal ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

International scientific electronic journal"Science" is a periodical quarterly scientific publication. Publications in English, Russian and Kazakh languages ​​are accepted in all scientific areas presented in the journal as separate headings. Issues of the journal in *.exe format are published once a month and posted on the website.

Articles are reviewed by an international editorial board of doctors and candidates of sciences. Articles containing new theoretical and practical scientific data in all scientific areas are accepted for publication.


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This journal provides a means for associations, institutions, centres, foundations, companies, and individuals concerned with science education to share perspectives, concerns, ideas, and information that will foster cooperative efforts to improve science education, and which will serve as a chronicle of the advancement of science education throughout the world

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