Organization of road transport. We open a cargo transportation company: a business plan Financial questions: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation

  • 06.07.2023

The organization of road freight transportation takes place in the following stages:

1) analysis and identification of the need for transportation;

2) analysis of the geographical picture of transportation and the compilation of rational routes;

3) drawing up a scheme of cargo flows;

4) choice of types and types of motor vehicles;

5) determination of the performance of the transport unit;

6) calculation of the need for vehicles by type;

7) drawing up a transport schedule for shipment;

8) calculation of cargo turnover by calendar periods of work (per shift, day, week, month).

The organization of transportation of goods consists in establishing the procedure for the preparation and execution of transportation, management, accounting and control, a document management system, a system of payments for the transportation of goods, etc.

Traffic volume is the amount of cargo to be transported, in tons per unit of time.

Cargo turnover- the volume of transport work in ton-kilometers per unit of time (tkm).

Cargo traffic- part of the freight turnover in a certain direction.

The choice of options for intra-industrial transport is also made taking into account economic indicators. The main economic indicator of transport operation and the main criterion for choosing its type is the cost of cargo transportation. The cost of external transportation by general-purpose transport is determined by the current tariffs, internal production - by calculations. To assess the various options for the transportation of goods, the indicator of the value of the reduced costs (Cf) is used:

Ref = C + KE,

C - cost of delivery;

TO- one-time costs;

E- coefficient of efficiency of capital investments.

The cost of in-house transportation (C) is determined by the formula:

WITH - Ses + Spr + Set.,

Where _______________

Ses - the cost of operating vehicles for the billing period;

Ref- the cost of loading and unloading operations;

C floor - the cost of operating vehicles.

Transportation of goods by road is a complex production process, consisting of a number of operations that form a common technological process. The process of cargo delivery from senders to recipients consists of three main elements:

1) shipment of cargo to a vehicle at the points of departure;

2) movement of cargo by road from points of departure to points of destination;

3) unloading cargo from rolling stock at destinations.

When delivering cargo, it also becomes necessary to perform various other works related to the transport process (such as: receiving cargo from the consignor and handing it over to the consignee, escorting and protecting the cargo during transportation, issuing shipping documents, etc.). The whole complex of work related to the transport process, performed from the moment the goods are received at the point of departure until the moment the goods are delivered at the point of destination, is called forwarding work. Depending on the place of execution, forwarding work can be complex and local. Complex ones cover all types of operations from the moment the cargo is received from the sender to the moment it is handed over to the recipient.

Local are divided into operations performed at the place of departure, en route and at the place of arrival. Forwarding work can be carried out both by consignors and consignees themselves, and by special organizations specializing in transport logistics.

44. Transport documentation

The transportation of goods is always preceded by the agreement of the main conditions of transportation (the timing and number of vehicles required for transportation, as well as the volume and nature of the goods transported). According to the general rule enshrined in Art. 784 of the Civil Code, transportation of goods, passengers and luggage is carried out on the basis of a contract of carriage. The conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods requires the presence of organizational prerequisites. They are embodied in the counter actions of the parties to the obligation to transport: the carrier must submit serviceable vehicles for loading, and the consignor must present the cargo for transportation (Article 791 of the Civil Code). The prerequisites for concluding a freight transportation agreement today can take legal forms:

1) applications (orders) for railway, river, road and air transport;

2) contracts for the organization of transportation (annual, navigational, etc.) on any type of transport;

3) administrative-planning acts in the mentioned special cases. In addition, sometimes all the organizational prerequisites for concluding a contract for the carriage of goods are simply contained in the contract of carriage itself, which has a consensual nature.

In the application (order) system, consignors provide the carrier with information about their needs for transportation. In railway and river transport, ten-day applications stand out (Art. 28 UZhD and Art. 61 UVVT). The filing of an application ensures the beginning of the process of transportation of goods, but is not considered an offer in the contract of carriage.

The agreement on the organization of transportation is concluded in the manner prescribed by Art. 798 GK.

To allow vehicles and drivers to participate in road traffic, the following documentation is required:

1) driver's license;

2) a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle;

3) vehicle passports;

4) vehicle registration certificates;

5) vehicle chassis passports;

6) a coupon for passing a technical inspection;

7) certificates-accounts for a vehicle or a numbered unit.

8) State registration plates of vehicles of types 16-18 "Transit" in accordance with GOST R 50577-93 "Signs of state registration vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements";

9) State registration plates of vehicles of types 1-10, 19-22 in accordance with GOST R 50577-93 “Signs of state registration vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements".

Carriage of goods must be carried out with the appropriate transportation documents that are at the time of transportation with the driver of the vehicle.

1. Transport(commodity-transport) waybill of the approved standard form. The forms and procedure for issuing a transport (commodity-transport) waybill are established by the requirements of the Charter of Road Transport of the Russian Federation, as well as the "Rules for issuing transport documentation in road transport",

developed and approved by the federal motor transport authority in agreement with the interested state bodies.

2. Accompanying customs, sanitary, technological documents.

3. Waybill.

The bill of lading is the main shipping document. Drawing up a transport (commodity-transport) waybill serves as confirmation of the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods. It is designed to account for the movement of inventory items (write-offs from consignors and their posting to consignees), the results of the work of trucks and for settlements for the performed transport work.

Choosing a transport company for the transportation of goods is a difficult search for quality services at a reasonable price. We understand this, because we ourselves provide reliable delivery to the most inaccessible and remote places in Russia, as well as to Europe and the CIS countries. Own fleet and a team of professionals - and the cargo is in the right place!

To receive the cargo as soon as possible and pay as little as possible for it is the dream of any customer. In most cases, the optimal solution is organization of road transport of goods. With a minimum of costs on your part, the goods will be delivered quickly and reliably. After all, road transportation does not require additional loading and unloading, inevitable when choosing another mode of transport. And this means not only prompt delivery, but also low prices. Everything is clear and simple. Taken from one city, delivered to another.

That's why organization of cargo transportation, conducted by a reliable transport company, will relieve you of the hassle. The customer does not have a headache from red tape with transportation, and we do our favorite work as quickly as possible. A professional in his field, namely, our experienced team consists of such people, he always fulfills his obligations. And if you need not sluggish work, but high-quality and prompt delivery of cargo to its destination, then we are ready to get down to business.

In addition, we have well-established communication with a huge number of cities in Europe. Our logistics network covers a significant part of the mainland! You name the place and we give you all the delivery details. After all, the organization of road transport of goods has been worked out in the "Company Transport Solutions" to perfection.

A serious approach to the organization of road transport of goods

We strive to anticipate all situations. We don't want our customers to take risks. Yes, we have our own fleet. This means that our cars are thoroughly checked and we are responsible for their serviceability. Companies that hire someone else's transport cannot give a full guarantee on it. You never know what kind of car they could slip. You can't always see all the flaws right away. What a difference when it comes to your own cars! In the organization of freight transportation, every step must be thought out.

Naturally, unforeseen circumstances are always possible. So that our customers do not suffer losses, we are ready to insure each cargo for up to 200 thousand dollars. Often, clients of logistics companies have to face such a problem when they refuse to work with it because of an inappropriate category of cargo.

The experience of our company's employees saves customers from possible problems, and all because "Transport Solutions Company" has serious advantages over most competitors:

  • Own fleet
  • Cargo insurance
  • Transportation of various types of cargo
  • Attractive prices
  • Efficiency and high quality of work
  • Team of experienced professionals

Responsible organization of cargo transportation will ensure fast and safe delivery of your cargo. Thanks to us, you can spend the saved time and money on your business and leisure.

After considering the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
The customer of transportation, who has attracted a third party for its implementation and acting on his own behalf, acts in this case as a consignor. Given this role, the consignment note is filled in at the appropriate points.

Rationale for the conclusion:
Under the contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and issue it to the person (recipient) authorized to receive the goods, and the sender undertakes to pay a fixed fee for the carriage of goods (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
From the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport" (hereinafter - Law N 259-FZ), clause 6 of the Rules for the Transportation of Goods by Road, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 N 272 (hereinafter - the Rules) it follows that the document confirming the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods is the waybill. The bill of lading form is approved as Appendix No. 4 to the Rules.
As follows from the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 10/18/2005 N 4047/05, the data of primary documents drawn up in the course of a business transaction, including those about persons who carried out the operations of sending, transporting and receiving cargo, must correspond to the actual circumstances.
In accordance with the Rules of Transportation, the bill of lading is issued jointly by the consignor and the carrier. According to Law N 259-FZ, clause 6 of the Rules for Transportation, the waybill is drawn up by the consignor (unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods).
On the basis of Law N 259-FZ, a consignor is an individual or legal entity who, under a contract for the carriage of goods, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the goods and is indicated in the bill of lading.
In its turn:
consignee - an individual or legal entity authorized to receive cargo (Law N 259-FZ);
carrier - a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur who, under a contract for the carriage of a passenger, a contract for the carriage of goods, has assumed the obligation to transport a passenger and deliver luggage, as well as transport the cargo entrusted by the consignor to the destination and issue luggage, cargo to a person authorized to receive them (Law N 259- FZ).
The waybill, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods, is drawn up for one or more consignments of goods transported on one vehicle, in 3 copies (originals), respectively, for the consignor, consignee and carrier. It is signed by the consignor and the carrier or their authorized persons (clause 9 of the Rules).
At the same time, the Rules for the Transportation of Goods determine which of the parties to the contract and what details must be filled in. So, the consignor fills out items 1-6, 14, 16 (in terms of the consignor) of the waybill. The carrier, in agreement with the consignor, determines the conditions for the carriage of goods and fills in clauses 8-11, 13, 15 and 16 (in terms of the carrier) of the waybill (clause 7 of the Rules for the Transportation of Goods).
Accordingly, in the general case, the buyer, who entrusted the export of goods belonging to him from the warehouse of the supplier to the carrier, must issue a waybill confirming the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods (FNS of Russia for Moscow dated 11.08.2011 N 16-15/079006@).
If the organizer of transportation engages a third party for this (transport organization or individual entrepreneur), then, acting in relations with the carrier on his own behalf, he acts as a consignor. Therefore, the bill of lading in this case is drawn up by him as the customer.
In relation to the customer (in our case, the consignor), the company with which the contract of carriage is concluded is the carrier and, accordingly, the details of this company must be indicated in clause 10 "Carrier" of the waybill.
When issuing a bill of lading:
- Clause 1 "Consignor (cargo owner)" of the bill of lading must contain information about the person who concluded the contract for the carriage of goods (customer), - your organization;
- in paragraph 2 "Consignee" the data of the organization to which the warehouse will receive the goods (buyer of the goods) are indicated;
- in paragraph 6 "Reception of cargo", the signature is put by a person who is authorized by the consignor (customer of transportation) to receive the goods from the supplier's warehouse;
- Clause 7 "Delivery of cargo" - filled in by the actual consignee.

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Volkova Olga

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
auditor, member of MoAP Vyacheslav Gornostaev

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

Trucking today is considered a convenient and profitable way to deliver cargo. After all, the organization of road freight transportation itself is affordable, efficient, technologically advanced, convenient and controllable, thanks to a satellite surveillance system.

Transportation by road is one of the most popular ways of delivering goods.

Many businesses use their vehicles to deliver goods or use the services of trucking companies. The transport reserve of organizations is diverse. Therefore, for the implementation of transportation services, they can offer everything: from semi-trailers to tractors.

The auto industry is expanding, modernizing and developing. Every year, the conditions for the availability of the use of road transportation services are improved. Laws are adopted at international levels and domestic.

Features of international cargo transportation by road

The development of international services for road freight transportation is facilitated by the improvement of business relations between countries.

Therefore, when carrying out international transportation, the vehicle crosses the border of countries, and also transports cargo through their territory.

International transportation on a paid basis is allowed for organizations that have their own fleet of vehicles. Such companies receive a license that gives them the right to perform these services. Vehicles must comply with the provisions of international standards documented in the Rules for International Transportation. Owners are required to insure every vehicle.

The Rules for International Carriage are an important document that has become an agreement of 55 countries that have signed the Convention on the International Carriage of Goods.

The provisions of the Convention define

  • The procedure for the transfer of goods by the consignor and its acceptance by the consignee.
  • Documents for the transportation of international cargo.
  • The contract for the implementation of international transportation and the requirements for its conclusion.
  • Responsibility of the parties for the performance of cargo transportation.
  • The procedure for the participants of transportation in case of disputes.
  • Claim procedure.

The Rules under consideration are intended to regulate the traffic of trucks. The waybill serves as the main document for the transportation of international goods. It is possible to draw up an agreement on international cargo transportation and transportation within the country if you have all the documents that the shipper prepares in accordance with the established list. Responsibility for the transported goods lies with the organization that performs cargo transportation for the period of the contract.

The convention governs all aspects of international cargo transportation.

Features of cargo transportation by road in the Russian Federation

On the territory of the Russian Federation, cargo transportation is carried out on the basis of the Decree of April 15, 2011 "On approval of the Rules for the carriage of goods by road" (as amended on November 24, 2016).

In the performance of cargo transportation, there is a certain procedure, which is regulated by the relevant document. For this, a contract for the provision of services is concluded between the sender of the goods and the carrier company.

The contract requires reflection of the main provisions:

  • Time and place of delivery of goods.
  • The mass or volume of the load.
  • The procedure for making the route by the carrier.
  • Transportation cost. Settlement procedure.
  • The obligation of the carrier to transport the goods of the proper type and quality to the address specified in the clause of the contract.
  • Responsibility of the parties for failure to comply with the clauses of the contract.

The contract may be supplemented by other necessary conditions before its conclusion.

On the basis of the drawn up contract, the shipper sends an application to the carrier company of a certain form, which contains all the necessary information about the cargo.

Usually, not only the driver is involved in the transportation of goods, but also the freight forwarder. Each participant of the route has his own responsibility. The driver is responsible for the process of trucking, the forwarder is responsible for the safety of the goods.

The whole procedure for carrying out the transportation of goods from the owner to the recipient looks like a complex of interrelated stages:

  • Documentary support of performed works, services.
  • Preparation of goods for transportation.
  • Sealing of cargo, containers.
  • Car loading work.
  • Transportation on the planned route.
  • Delivery to the place of the consignee.
  • Shipment of goods.
  • Receipt of the goods by the addressee.
  • Payment for services in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Work on the preparation of cargo for transportation lies directly with the sender. Properly selected packaging of the goods will prevent it from some damage that may occur during the transportation process.

The driver who arrived at the place of loading, a mark on the time of arrival is entered in the waybill. Also, such information is recorded upon arrival by car to the place of unloading of goods. Depending on the volume of goods and the body of the vehicle, a certain time is set for loading and unloading operations.

After carrying out the laying work, the carrier is obliged to carry out control and evaluate the quality of filling the body. The load must be securely fastened to avoid damage to the vehicle body.

It is equally important to evaluate not only the mass of the cargo, but also its number.

Upon arrival at the address indicated in the waybill, the cargo is transferred to the recipient in the same volume in which it was accepted from the sender of the goods.

If there are intact seals on the body part of the car, the cargo can be handed over without verification.

Cargo sealing is an integral stage of preparation for transportation

Situations in which the cargo is subject to inspection

  • Detection of a violation of the integrity of the car body upon arrival at the place of unloading of goods.
  • The presence of damage to the sealing of the body or suspicion that the seals belong to another loading area.
  • There is a deviation from the period of transportation of goods.

If the listed defects are present upon arrival of the vehicle, the receiver draws up an appropriate document on the identified violations with the fact entered in the bill of lading.

Upon confirmation of all the conditions prescribed in the accompanying documentation, upon delivery of the goods, the waybill is certified by signature and seal. This action confirms the fact that there were no violations in the work of the employees who transported the goods, and the contract can be considered fulfilled.

The consignee is responsible for unloading the goods. He organizes work not only on the release of goods from the body, but also its cleaning.

Payment for the performance of road transportation services is carried out within the time limits specified in the relevant clause of the contract between the Customer and the Contractor.

Due attention should be paid to the correctness of filling out the road sheets. On the basis of these sheets and bills of lading, an invoice is issued for payment for the work performed.

If vehicles are used with a certain period of work in the operation of the customer-hirer, the invoice is issued on the basis of the provision of a waybill.

The efficiency of road transport operation is determined by the main indicators:

  • Criteria showing the degree of turnover of the components of the mobile functionality of the car.
  • Positive dynamics in the course of the operation of the mobile functionality of the car (number of flights, mileage used, weight of goods transported).

Therefore, enterprises impose a number of technological operational requirements on transport for cargo transportation. This is important to ensure uninterrupted operation in the transportation of certain groups of goods. The most demanded goods for road transport are perishable goods and building materials. Consider the features of their transportation.

Inspection of the cargo is carried out in case of damage to the seal or body

Organization of transportation of perishable products

Perishable are "whimsical" goods. The peculiarity of their transportation is to ensure the maintenance of the set air temperature. The contract also determines the terms of cargo transportation. In order to avoid damage to the cargo, the machine carrying out the cargo transportation must have special technical devices.

The process of performing perishable cargo transportation is subject to the "General Rules for the Carriage of Goods by Road".

Three types of vehicles are called upon to ensure the safety of perishable goods:

  • Glaciers.
  • Compressor units.

The consignor, when choosing a means for sending perishable products, is guided by the ability of the vehicle to provide the cargo with the required temperature. Failure to comply with this important condition will result in damage to the goods with its subsequent unsuitability.

The carrier must have a quality certificate for perishable goods, which, together with other documentation, is issued by the consignor of the goods. Regardless of the conditions of transportation, it is necessary to take into account the deadlines for the storage and transportation of perishable products. Do not confuse two different concepts. The shelf life limit sets the shelf life of products until they are sold. And the allowable delivery time of the goods is determined by the terms of transportation.

There is a certain marking for the packaging of perishable goods in the form of certain icons: “Afraid of the sun”, “Perishable goods”, “Protect from water”, “Temperature limitation”.

Properly prepared badges will protect the shipper from the costs associated with damage to perishable goods due to non-compliance with the necessary conditions by the carrier.

The legislation defines the rules for registration of perishable goods at customs. This procedure contributes to the release of the vehicle from the customs territory in a short time.

The refrigerator is used to transport perishable products

Organization of road transportation of building materials

The construction of a house or a complex of structures is not complete without work related to the transportation of the necessary building materials to the facilities. And this is a whole system of actions that cannot do without the services of special-purpose vehicles.

Types of machines involved in construction work

  • On-board vehicles with an open body are involved in the transportation of most construction goods - from bricks to hardware. The necessary increase in the traction of the car is facilitated by the use of additional trailers.
  • Dump trucks are used in the transportation of bulk building materials. Ease of use is the machine unloading of the delivered cargo, without the involvement of human labor.
  • Concrete mixer trucks, mortar trucks are gaining popularity, in addition to transporting construction materials, they perform special processing.

There are two schemes for carrying construction cargo.

Pendulum (machines for some time are under the execution of mechanical loading actions of building materials).

Pendulum-shuttle. In this case, the tractor carries out maintenance of three trailers (the first one is unloading construction materials, the second one is loading, the third one is being transported).

The ring scheme consists in the movement of building materials by a panel carrier and several trailers. Arriving at the facility and leaving the trailer, the panel carrier goes to the second facility, where it unhooks another trailer, or unloads. The advantages of the scheme are the maximum depletion of the vehicle's carrying capacity, reducing downtime. Taking into account the variety of construction cargoes, the features of the dimensions used in construction, the service market is ready to offer a variety of means of their transportation.

Safety rules for road freight transport

The safety of road transport depends on many factors:

  1. Following the correct choice of loading the goods, taking into account its size and shape, as well as subsequent fixation in the body compartment;
  2. The dimensions of the front side of the machine cannot prevail over the established dimensions of the traffic rules. An increase in the dimensions of the cargo is carried out after agreement and approval by the relevant authorities that control traffic on the roads.
  3. Car unloading with cranes does not allow the driver to be present in the cab.

Undoubtedly, transport organizations providing cargo transportation services face considerable difficulties. These are the poor quality of the road surface, mechanical breakdowns along the route of transport, which disrupts the delivery time of perishable goods, and inaccuracies in filling out documents. Insurance cannot protect against all the problems of participants and it is impossible to foresee their number in advance.

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