Drilling rig forehead 50 07. Machines for auger drilling. The cost of rent and mobilization can be adjusted downward for long lease periods

  • 17.01.2024

Auger drilling of wells at a summer cottage

  • Features of drilling using a blade cutter
    • Well drilling equipment
    • Well construction with screw-type pumps
  • Conclusion

Do you need a water well, but don’t know what method to use to build it? You need to choose the simplest, most inexpensive and effective method, for example, drilling with LBU 50 type machines.

What is the construction of water intake wells using this equipment, what advantages are typical for such structures and with what equipment are these wells equipped? We will answer these and similar questions within the framework of this article.

LBU-50 performs the following types of work:

Rotary auger and impact drilling of hydrogeological and technical wells in rocks up to category IV in terms of drillability; - sinking pits in rocks up to category IV in terms of drillability using a rotary method (flights) using an auger drill; - rotary core and coreless drilling of geological exploration, hydro- and engineering-geological, technical wells in rocks up to category VII in terms of drillability using water and aqueous solutions as a cleaning agent; - rotary core and coreless drilling of wells for various purposes with bottom hole cleaning with a stream of compressed air in rocks up to category VII in terms of drillability; - rotary impact core and coreless drilling of wells for various purposes using hydraulic impact downhole machines in rocks up to VII (with interlayers VIII) drillability category; - rotary impact core and coreless drilling of wells for various purposes using pneumatic impact downhole machines in rocks up to VII (with interlayers VIII) drillability category.

Technical characteristics of LBU-50:

Drive power: 95 – 165 kW Feed stroke: 3.25 - 3.9 m. Up/down feed force: 12000/4000 kgf Spindle speed: 14-101; 14-220 rpm Torque: 2000 kgf m Winch load capacity: 2500 kg. Conditional drilling depth: with augers with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 60 m with washing (final diameter 190.5 mm) - 200 m with blowing (final diameter 190.5 mm) - 100 m.

Read also:

Drilling rig Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Machine.

Crawler-mounted machines

A drilling rig is a drilling machine installed on a self-propelled platform or a mobile frame, used for drilling blast and exploratory wells and holes in open and underground mining, with continuous chamber and especially floor-chamber and block development systems for drilling wells.

It is used for drilling vertical and inclined, mainly blast holes.


  • rotary drilling rigs with roller bits
  • rotary drilling rigs with cutting bits
  • rotary percussion drilling rigs
  • combined drilling rigs
  • percussion rope drilling rigs




Museum of Geological Exploration Equipment[where?] (collected unique examples of drilling equipment)



Characteristics and photos of the DML drilling rig and its modifications: LP 1200 and SP

The equipment of a drilling rig depends on the conditions in which it will work, the purpose of the well, the properties of the soil and the drilling method.

Manufacturer and purpose of DML drilling rigs

Founded in 1873 in Stockholm, Atlas Copco produces equipment for the construction, drilling, and railway industries. The constant pursuit of perfection has made the equipment from the Swedish brand unsurpassedly effective.

The four main industries that Atlas Copco focuses on are:

  • equipment for mines and drilling;
  • mobile equipment for construction and energy generation;
  • compressors;
  • tools for industry.

The Atlas Copco DML series of drilling rigs is designed for rotary drilling. The depth of the wells is in the middle range.

Drilling that is carried out using these installations:

  • rotary - rotational drilling, when a bit (a tool for breaking rock) deepens the depth of a cylindrical well; rotation is transmitted to it from the rotor through a column of drilling pipes;
  • the rotor receives rotation from the engine;
  • drilling using a down-the-hole hammer - multi-pass.

Design Features

DML units are mobile equipment; they are equipped with crawler tracks and hydraulic drive. The upper hydraulic drive is a development designed for drilling explosive-type wells up to 53.3 meters deep. When replacing the pipe, a depth of 62.5 meters can be achieved. For standard and additional pipes (9.15 and 10.7 m), additional carousels with different volumes are provided.

Photo of DML drilling rig

During drilling, a load of 267 kN is created on the bit. Additional equipment makes angular drilling possible when the column deviates from the vertical by 30 degrees or more.


  • the ability to lift a column with a carousel, which contains six drill pipes, in less than a minute;
  • the operator remotely, while in the cabin, changes pipes and secures the carousel; The cabin equipment is FOPS certified;
  • visibility from the cabin allows you to control the operation of the rotor;
  • the high-pressure compressor is equipped with an on-off system that eliminates the load during work not related to drilling;
  • this simplifies startup, saves energy, and extends the life of the compressor;
  • The DML drill rig is configured for high or low pressure drilling.


Technical characteristics of the DML drilling rig in the table:


There are several modifications of DML drilling rigs, which differ in the type of work performed and have design features.


DML-SP - down-the-hole or impact drilling rig; drilling depth is equal to one rod; well diameter - 25 cm. Well depth - 18.3 m. The installation column is designed for drilling clean wells, there are settings for drilling at an angle of up to 30 degrees.

This modification is designed to work in areas with soft, non-abrasive rocks.


  • time saving: installation covers 18.3 meters in one go;
  • rapid raising and lowering of the column;
  • the operator secures the column remotely while in the cabin;
  • The rig can be configured for rotary and down-the-hole drilling.

Photo of the DML-SP drilling rig


DML LP 1200

This installation is designed for pneumatic percussion (rotary) drilling, drilling and blasting operations: crushing, loosening rocks, ice. For severe climatic conditions, heating of the fuel filter and engine is provided before starting.

Photo of drilling rig DML LP 1200


The video shows the DML 1200 drilling rig in operation:

Mini drilling rig MOZBT M1

Mobile equipment MOZBT M1 has a wide range of applications:

  • in construction work for placing piles;
  • when performing engineering-geological surveys;
  • for drilling a water well.

The M1 design is designed for drilling vertical wells. The temperature range at which this model can operate lies within -20 - +40 0C. The operation of such equipment with blowing or flushing (rotary method) can be performed on rock that is in 10th place in the drillability category.

Mini drilling rig for drilling water wells

Compact models produced by MOZBT are designed for drilling wells up to 60 meters deep. Often this is enough to construct a well “on sand”, so MOZBT M1 is used for drilling water intake points for private houses.

All about transportation and components

The small-sized model MOZBT M1 was designed to be placed on a light single-axle trailer. The main elements of the drilling rig are a rotator, a gasoline drive and a mast with tools installed on it.

Its maximum weight is 650 kg. Thus, transportation of this equipment can be carried out using a category “B” passenger car with a tow hitch.

All attachments and accessories fit freely in the trunk.

Ease of maintenance

MOZBT equipment is designed by our engineers together with drilling specialists, the main consumers of our products. At each stage of production, we took into account the comments and wishes of users, making the small-sized installation easy to operate and easy to maintain.

How to order and arrange delivery

The price of a mobile water drilling rig is paid off by a number of undeniable advantages:

  • ease of transportation;
  • ease of positioning;
  • reliability and efficiency;
  • light weight and compactness;
  • balanced technical characteristics.
  • You can buy a small-sized drilling rig for wells by placing an order on our website. To do this, you just need to send an application by clicking on the link below, or contact the MOZBT office in Moscow or one of the representative offices in the regions by calling one of the phone numbers listed on the website.

construction engineering and geological surveys water intake wells modularity, compactness, multifunctionality, availability of additional options
Chassis, drive Drilling depth
Passenger trailer, 1-axle, Petrol engine (LIFAN) 16 kW Augers Ø 135 mm up to 12 m Chisel (crown) Ø 132 mm with washing / blowing up to 50 m
Mast Dimensions and weight
Height 2.7 m (up to 4.5 m) Load capacity 10 kN, Downward force – 8.6 kN LengthWidthHeightWeight (with trailer) 2300 mm1262 mm1200 mm750 kg
Rotator Drill pipes
Hydraulic, movable Torque 500 Nm at 71 min-1 Diameter 42 mm, thread Z-56 Length 1.5 m
Up / down 10 / 8.6 kN Tool lifting speed 0-0.2 m/s
Electric winch Piston, screw compressor Screw, piston pump, etc. Auger drillingRotary with direct flushingRotary with flushing



Small drilling

If you decide that you need an independent source of water, then order well drilling. If you do not have enough space on your plot of land, then using small-sized well drilling rigs is suitable.

Why is small-sized well drilling popular in the Moscow region?

Water layers in the Moscow region lie quite heterogeneously to the surface, so small-sized drilling of water wells is applicable in most cases. It also has many advantages:

  1. This is the most inexpensive way to drill a well.
  2. Small-sized drilling is successfully carried out in cramped conditions.
  3. There is no need to prepare the area or access to it. The drilling rig does not take up much space.
  4. Suitable for areas equipped with various structures: fences, platforms, flower beds. Only those structures that will be replaced by a well will need to be removed.
  5. Low consumption of electrical resources.
  6. You will need to use a small team - 2 people.
  7. The work is done quickly.
  8. The warranty on work and well will be 3 years. This is enough to cover the costs.
  9. Drilling is suitable in most cases, with rare exceptions and complications.

Drilling wells using small-sized equipment is a convenient and quick way to provide an area with drinking water. At the same time, the water supply system will also be inexpensive. The budget proposal is to organize a summer water pump instead of a full-fledged water supply. This option is ordered for non-residential summer cottages and garden plots.

We carry out small-sized drilling throughout the Moscow region. Thanks to the professionalism of our employees, we can serve everyone during the season and you won’t have to wait in line.

How much does it cost to drill water wells using small-sized equipment?

This largely depends on individual conditions. Call us and get a comprehensive answer to this question.

The price for drilling in cramped conditions with small-sized equipment starts from 2,000 rubles, per meter of drilling using 133 metal casing pipes. When using 133 metal + 117 food grade plastic, the drilling price will be from 2,400 rubles per meter.

*Check the cost of small-sized drilling with the company’s specialists.

Consulting a specialist will help you get a comprehensive answer. The cost of such a well is cheaper than our clients expect. Access to a water source will appear within a few days.

The cost includes the materials spent on the well and its manufacture. The well lasts longer if higher quality materials are initially used. Making a pipeline from more expensive materials is cheaper than making a new well.

Characteristics of a small-sized MGBU installation

Our small-sized drilling equipment is a serious competitor to the common URB 2a2a drilling rig on the ZIL-131, KAMAZ, URAL chassis.

The small-sized installation is capable of extracting water from various layers and has a maximum drilling depth of up to 160 meters! Our equipment is tracked, and this contributes to careful treatment of the land, and also has increased cross-country ability. This drilling technique allows you to drill wells even indoors, but it is necessary to provide access and have a room height of more than five meters.

  • Mast: height of the mast when raised is 5 m.
  • Chassis: crawler
  • Drilling depth: up to 160 m.
  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 5200 x 1500 x 2100 (mm)
  • Weight: 3600 kg.

Our crawler-mounted drilling equipment opens up new opportunities for drilling wells in hard-to-reach places on your site, and has increased maneuverability. We can drill where others cannot!


Drilling wells with a small-sized installation

Both large-sized URB-2A-2 drilling rigs and mobile rigs, which are lightweight and compact in size, can drill individual wells in the private sector or on a summer cottage. Modern small-sized drilling rigs are capable of performing almost any drilling task, except for drilling deep artesian wells.

Mini installations do not harm the territory of the site where drilling is being carried out, and they can be drilled anywhere and at any time of the year in the Moscow region, they are very mobile - this is their main advantage.

Many people want to drill in a convenient place without damaging the soil and are willing to pay for it: the cost of a meter of drilling with small-sized installations ranges from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles.

Capabilities of large-sized drilling rigs

The maximum drilling depth for large rigs is 300 meters. The ability to use one of three variants of the rotary drilling method with flushing, with purging, with the help of an auger allows users of the installation to open the aquifer in any soil.

The high power of the installation makes it possible to quickly drill a well for the Moscow region. All these advantages determine the popularity of the URB-2A-2 among drillers. But situations often arise that do not allow using these installations to perform work.

In such cases, wells are drilled using small-sized equipment.

Conditions for placing large-sized drilling equipment

To drill a well on a site using URB-2A-2, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • gate width – at least 3 meters;
  • the height of the arch, power line and tree branches above the entry point and above the path along which the installation will move is at least 4 meters;
  • availability of free space for a working area with an area of ​​36 to 60 m2;
  • the height above the working platform to branches, electrical wires and roof slopes is at least 8.5 meters (the tower rises to this height when drilling).

The area where drilling operations are to be carried out does not always meet these requirements. In this case, it is impossible to place large-sized drilling equipment on it.

There is a way out - drilling wells with mini-rigs!

Drilling with a small-sized rig: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of mobile technology:

  • large drilling depth up to 130–150 meters;
  • will pass through a gate less than 3 meters wide;
  • can be placed anywhere on the site;
  • requires a small area for installation;
  • does not damage the landscape.

Installation of LBU-50

The LBU-50 drilling rig is designed for the construction of hydrogeological wells with a diameter of 200 mm to a depth of up to 50 m and pits with a diameter of 1,050 mm and a depth of 15 m.

The main method of drilling wells is auger in combination with percussion-rope.

The pits are drilled with a special bucket drill, lowered to the bottom along a smooth drill string. They lift it to the surface on a rope using the installation's winch.

All equipment of the LBU-50 installation is mounted on the chassis of a ZIL-131 all-terrain vehicle.

The main components of the LBU-50 self-propelled drilling rig are shown in Figure 1.

When transporting the unit, the mast is in a horizontal position. The supply hydraulic cylinders in the upper part are connected to a movable crossbeam, and in the lower part - to the lower plate of the mast using rods. The mast traverse and hydraulic cylinders provide an increase in the height of the mast by the stroke of the rotator feed hydraulic cylinders.

Figure 110 shows the kinematic diagram of the LBU -50 installation. The installation is driven by the vehicle's running engine, which is monitored by the speedometer. The rotation is transmitted through the power take-off, gearbox and bevel gear to the rotator and winch with an impact mechanism. The winch and rotator can work separately or together. From the gearbox, rotation is transmitted to the oil pumps of the installation’s hydraulic system.

From the bevel gearbox through the cardan shaft, rotation is transmitted to an angular gearbox connected through a gear coupling, a vertical shaft and a safety clutch with an upper gearbox mounted on the top plate of the mast. The gear coupling of the vertical shaft in the working position is put on the half-coupling of the angular gearbox, and before lowering the mast into the transport position, it moves up and is fixed with a latch. The coupling half is turned off by a hydraulic mechanism, the control of which is interlocked with the handle for raising and lowering the mast. A vertical shaft passes through the passage hole of the upper gearbox, the upper end of which is fixed in the traverse, and the lower end in the drive gear of the rotator. The rotator is pivotally connected to the carriage, which is moved by hydraulic feed cylinders up and down along guides, which are used as pipes of the front legs of the mast. Augers are connected to the rotator spindle through removable adapter cartridges when drilling wells or drill pipes when drilling pits. The LBU-50 installation has a set of augers with a diameter of 180 mm.

Rice. 1. Drilling rig LBU -50:
1 - car; 2 - impact mechanism; 3 - bevel gearbox; 4 - winch; 5-hydraulic jacks for lifting the mast; 6 - vertical shaft with gearbox; 7 - upper gearbox; 8 - crown block; 9 - traverse with drive shaft; 10 - rope; 11 - mast; 12 - carriage; 13 - rotator; 14 - screw jacks; 15 - control levers; 16 - hydraulic control panel; 17 - gearbox; 18 - installation frame; 19 - power take-off.

Rice. 2. Kinematic diagram of the LBU-50 installation:
A – equipment diagram for working using the shock-rope method; B - when working with a winch on a straight rope; B - when working with a striking mechanism. Positions are given in the text.

To construct pits, a special bucket drill with a diameter of 740 mm is used. At the bottom of the drill there are windows equipped with knives and rubber valves, installed when constructing pits in water-saturated rocks. At the top of the drill there are folding expander knives that drill a hole with a diameter of up to 1050 mm.

During lowering and lifting operations, the expander knives rotate on hinges and enter the drill body, and when lowering to the face, under the action of a special spring device, they are extended into the working position. This design of the drill allows you to go through a hole while simultaneously fastening it.

The Russian company Geomash has earned credibility and popularity thanks to its reliable instruments for drilling wells. The head office of the plant is based in Moscow, and production lines are in the Kursk region.

The drilling machine is equipped with a mechanical drive. The equipment is mainly used for wells:

  • used in the construction of a wide variety of objects;
  • having a technical purpose;
  • geological developments;
  • designed for water intake.

The technique has a list of significant advantages:

  1. from the very beginning of work, the soil breaking tool experiences enormous pressure from a special device;
  2. during drilling, the rotator can be tilted away from the hole being made due to its unique configuration;
  3. the equipment is designed for installation of casing columns;
  4. The machine allows you to drill holes using the cable-percussion method, while simultaneously using a winch.

A minor disadvantage of drilling equipment is that it is driven by a motor from the transport base.

The LBU 50 drilling rig has the following serial models: 05, 07, 08, 10, 20.

The following can be used as optimal mobile bases:

  • ZIL-131;
  • URAL;
  • KamAZ.

Photo of the LBU-50 drilling rig on a KamAZ chassis

With the drilling system you can do the following:

  • make holes with augers up to 500 mm in size;
  • form pits up to 850 mm;
  • make wells using the rotary impact method with a diameter of 550 mm;
  • drill holes using the flushing or blowing method with a diameter of up to 490 mm;
  • with the dry method, the hole size reaches up to 172 mm.

Design features

The machine is equipped with a mechanical drive device and a rotator, and the feed structure is driven by a mast, which is the guiding force.

The mast has a transport and working position. They are changed by hydraulic cylinders. The mast is also equipped with a single string rig, which is located at the top.

The drilling device has powerful headlights, thanks to which it remains operational in the dark. The entire system is controlled using reliable remote controls, which are located on the mast structure and on the frame. It is also important to create comfortable working conditions for the installation driver. For these purposes, the structure is equipped with a convenient removable platform.

Drawing of the LBU-50 drilling rig winch

Basic equipment

In the basic version, the installation is equipped with the following equipment:

Device Unit measurements Data
Drills with augers mm 135, 180, 230, 300, 330, 350, 400, 500
Equal augers mm 200, 320, 470
Augers with removable chisel mm 300
Augers with sliding chisel mm 350
Breaking Projectiles mm 121
Set for shock-rope work:
— blow.-driving glass mm 89
- impact-driving cartridge mm 108
- casing system mm 127
Dry working kit
Column device model SKS-127
Blowing kit
Device for flushing work
Devices for continuous technology
Boers mm 650, 850
Sliding augers mm 650, 850
Pneumatic plunge hammers mm 550

Additional equipment for forming well systems

The installation is designed, if necessary, to work with the following equipment:


The technology for forming wells has several modifications:

Equipment 20 and 05 07 08 10
Winch + + + +
Balance +
Pump +
Compressor +
Generator + Optional +
Front jacks + + +
Rear jacks + + + +
Additional rear jacks + + +
Loading platform + + + +
Driver's platform + + +
Swivel + +
Clamping table + Optional
Desktop Optional + +
The basis ZIL, URAL, KAMAZ KamAZ KamAZ KamAZ

Photo of modification LBU-50-08

Rent of drilling rig LBU-50 Today it is an excellent alternative to buying expensive and powerful equipment. This service helps both modest companies that do not have such machines in their arsenal, and large ones whose equipment suddenly broke down in the midst of work on the project.

Rent of drilling rig LBU-50 from a reliable partner

Partnership is highly valued today, and we understand the responsibility our customers place on us. It is important not only to rent a powerful drilling rig LBU-50, but also prepare related documents without time delays for paperwork.

By contacting us, you can count not only on professional equipment, but also on a quality guarantee - the machine will be delivered to the construction or other site on time, fully equipped. All you have to do is just continue working at your usual pace.

The machine offered for rent is convenient and easy to operate, which will have a positive effect on work of any complexity. The most important thing that we offer our clients is a reliable partnership, which we hope to maintain for many years.

Machine specifications that are important to know when renting the LBU-50 drilling rig

First of all, you should know that the LBU-50 drilling rig is essentially a multi-purpose machine with a mechanical rotator drive. Its advantage is that it can be mounted on different trucks.

The drilling mast of this machine also serves as a guide frame for the feed mechanism - it is along it that the movable rotator carriage is moved by two hydraulic cylinders.

When the lower part of the mast is moved to the working position, its location changes to a small distance from the ground surface. And the jacks located symmetrically to the mast axis (in its lower part) are designed to ensure increased stability of this gigantic structure during hoisting operations and during drilling.

The mast is easy to move into transport and working positions thanks to special hydraulic cylinders. In its upper part there is a crown block of single-string equipment.

As for the movable rotator, it is a five-stage gearbox that drives a vertical shaft. The hinged mount on the carriage allows the rotator to rotate in the direction in which the well axis is located.

This is relevant if hoisting operations, percussion-rope drilling or work with casing pipes are performed. But even when the installation is in the transport position, you will also have the opportunity to move the rotator to the side.

If you plan to rent an LBU-50 drilling rig for night work, then you can count on the headlights mounted on the crossbeam of the upper mast. To the left of the transport base is the control panel for this powerful installation.

To increase the safety of the drilling operator, as well as make control more convenient, his workplace is equipped with a special folding platform, which is removable.

Installation characteristics and cost

LBU-50 capable of performing the following work:

  1. leader drilling;
  2. drilling while protecting clay solution (concrete);
  3. sheet piling;
  4. injection piles.

The machine drills wells with a diameter of 500 mm and a depth of up to 12 meters. One machine shift lasting 10 hours will cost the customer 27,000 rubles.

The rental price includes:

  • work of a crew consisting of 2 people;
  • drilling tool;
  • drilling rig repair and maintenance.

Mobilization of the installation costs 25,000 rubles.

The cost of rent and mobilization may be adjusted downward for long lease periods.

Our company, which has been providing large-scale special equipment for rent for several years now, has its own well-functioning system, and according to this system we accept applications promptly - just contact us.

Orders are completed strictly on time, so none of our tenants have ever been hostage to time - all cars are delivered to the site at the appointed time.

In addition, they also like to cooperate with us because paying for our services is easy and convenient. The responsibility on our shoulders helps us remain focused and focused in any situation - we always try to ensure that your work is carried out without obstacles.

What is attractive about the LBU-50 drilling rig for rent?

As we said earlier, situations when large-scale special equipment is required for a short period of time can be very different: from the breakdown of one of the suitable machines in your company’s arsenal to the need to carry out a number of works for which certain special equipment is required.

Agree that in both cases there is no need or even sense to purchase an expensive car - just rent it. You will receive high-quality and reliable equipment without spending additional financial resources. All this affects, as you understand, the overall budget of the project.