Quotes and sayings of great people about books. Quotes about reading and books Quotes from writers about how to read

  • 25.12.2023

“What is he praying for, O friend? There would be an abundance of books...” (Horace)

“The entire life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained.” (A.I. Herzen)

“Most of human knowledge in all branches exists only on paper, in books, this paper memory of humanity. Therefore, only a collection of books, a library, is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race.” (A. Schopenhauer)

“You need to know the book. You have to love and believe in her. You need to develop the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book.” (N.A. Rubakin)

“Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

“If you search carefully in the books of wisdom, you will find great benefit for your soul.” (Nestor the Chronicler)

“What could be more precious than to enter into daily communication with the wisest people in the world.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Books give birth to a dream, bring it to life, make you think, and foster independent judgment.” (S.G. Strumilin)

“No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.” (K.G. Paustovsky)

“A book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.” (N.A. Morozov)

“What a pleasure it is to find a good library. Looking at books is already happiness.” (Charles Lamb)

“The reason people remember so little of what they read is because they think too little for themselves.” (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

“All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.” (Victor Marie Hugo)

“Study was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I have never had such grief that was not dissipated after one hour of reading.” (Charles Louis Montesquieu)

“Exercising with books nourishes youth, amuses old age, embellishes happiness, provides refuge and consolation in misfortune, brings joy at home, does not disturb outside the home...” (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

“A book is the purest essence of the human soul.” (Thomas Carlyle)

“A book is viable only if its spirit is directed to the future.” (Honoré de Balzac)

“Books are the best companions of old age, and at the same time the best guides of youth.” (Samloel Smiles)

“We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.” (Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach)

“Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.” (Petrarch F.)

“Reading a book on time is a huge success. She can change lives in a way that her best friend or mentor cannot.” (Pavlenko P.A).

“All good books are similar in one thing - when you finish reading to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever.” (Hemingway E.)

“There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. The ability to read good books is not at all equivalent to knowledge of literacy” (D.I. Pisarev)

“Reading good books reveals to us the thoughts hidden in our own souls” (C. Piermont)

“The greatest virtue of classical works is that they inspire wise conversations, serious and heartfelt conversations, reflections.” (A. France)

“A book whose merit lies in its subtle observations of the nature of man and things can never fail to please.” (C. Helvetius)

“Read not to contradict and refute, not to take on faith; and not to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason.” (F. Bacon)

“A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race.” (D. Addison)

“Learn, read, reflect and get the most out of everything.” (N.I. Pirogov)

“How many people who, after reading another good book, opened a new era in their lives!” (G. Thoreau)

“Since life is very short and there are very few free hours, we should not waste any of them reading books of little value.” (D. Reskin)

“The most useful books are the ones that make you think the most.” (T. Parker)

“Look for people whose conversation would be worth a good book, and books whose reading would be worth a conversation with a philosopher” (P. Buast)

“A book is a teacher without payment or gratitude. Every moment gives you revelations of wisdom” (A. Navoi)

“It is absurd to make strict rules about what should be read and what should not be read. A good half of modern culture is based on what you shouldn’t read.” (Oscar Wilde)

“Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.” (Francis Bacon)

“Reading is the best teaching!” (A.S. Pushkin)

“There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading the ancient classics; “As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had been refreshed by bathing in a clean spring.” (A. Schopenhauer)

“Reading makes a person knowledgeable, conversation makes a person resourceful, and the habit of writing accurately.” (F. Bacon)

“People stop thinking when they stop reading.” (D. Diderot)

“Read not to contradict and refute, not to take it on faith, and not to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason.” (F. Bacon)

“Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.” (D. Addison)

Reading is the art of generating thoughts with small auxiliary nudges in your unrestrained mind. – Emil Fage

Every person who can understand reading is powerful, empowering himself and improving others, can make his life bright and not dull. - Aldous Huxley.

Reading into the depths of our consciousness allows us to read understanding the book for ourselves in a new way, and not as we listen to the meaning from other readers. – Marcus Fabius Quintilian.

Reading is the most important learning in life - Pushkin A.S.

A person who spends his hours reading is able to change his consciousness, this has already been seen. – Roger Rosenblatt.

Achieving a craving for reading in a person is the best gift given to a person, because he can see anything in a book. – Elizabeth Hardwick.

Rereading classical literature, the reader will not see anything new in the book, but looking within himself he will see what he has not seen before. – Cliff Fadiman.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it. – A.A. Block

Reading is one of the basic tools of life, a good life. – Joseph Addison.

I can't live without books. - Thomas Jefferson.

An educated person never reads - he rereads. – Georges Elgozy

There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking and an art of writing. – Clarence Day.

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island. - Walt Disney.

It happens that I read a book with pleasure and at the same time hate its author.

Universal education has produced a mass of people who can read, but cannot understand what is worth reading. – George Trevelyan

Nothing spoils the reading of a book more than watching a movie based on it. – O. Kuznetsov

Every book is a theft from your own life. The more you read, the less you know how and want to live yourself. – M. Tsvetaeva

The book is a way for series to exist outside of television. – L. Levinson

Read the best books first, otherwise you won’t have time to read them at all. – Yakov Borisovich Knyazhnin

Never read a book just because you started reading it. – John Witherspoon.

The more you read, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more places become open to you. – Dr. Seuss.

People in power don't have time to read, but people who don't read are unfit for power. – Michael Foote.

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. – Montesquieu

Reading is one of the ways of thinking with another person's mind, it forces you to develop your own mind. – Charles Scribner Jr.

Reading makes a person knowledgeable, conversation makes a person resourceful, and the habit of writing makes a person accurate. – Bacon F.

What is acquired by reading through the pen turns into flesh and blood. – Seneca

Nobody reads anything; if he reads, he does not understand anything; if he understands, he immediately forgets. – Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

We need to develop our minds by reading a lot, not many authors. – Quintilian

We read so we know we are not alone. – C.S. Lewis

In books we read voraciously about things we don’t pay attention to in life. – Emil Krotky

Read as if you were eating fruit or savoring wine, or enjoying friendship, love or life. - George Herbert.

The love of reading is an exchange of hours of boredom for hours of pleasure. - Charles de Montesquieu.

A large library distracts rather than instructs the reader. It is much better to limit yourself to a few authors than to recklessly read many. – Seneca

I would never read the book if I had the opportunity to talk for half an hour with the person who wrote it. – Woodrow T. Wilson.

Read to live. - Henry Fielding.

I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember, and those who read to forget. – William Lyon Phelps.

Never have books emitted so much light as in the fires of the Inquisition. – V. Goloborodko

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts. – Descartes

Each reader, if he has a strong mind, reads the book and combines his thoughts with the thoughts of the author. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

In our age, people read too much, it prevents them from being wise. – O. Wilde

Many people praise some books, but still read others. – Martial

Reading is for the mind, exercise is for the body. – Joseph Addison.

Quick reading is useful if you need to read the Encyclopedia Britannica. But what to do with the rest of the evening? – Robert Orben

Reading after a certain age distracts the mind too much from its creative activities. Any person who reads too much and uses his brain too little is falling into the trap of lazy thinking. - Albert Einstein.

We live too much in books and not enough in nature. – A. France

I don't value reading without any pleasure. – Cicero

A house without books is like a body without a soul. – Marcus Tullius Cicero.

No matter how many wise words you read, no matter how many you say, what good are they to you if you don’t put them into practice? – Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Truly, many people read only to have the right not to think. – Lichtenberg G.

There are books that you just need to taste, there are those that are best swallowed and only chewed and digested a little. – F. Bacon

Read a lot, but not a lot of books. - Benjamin Franklin.

Tell me what you're reading and I'll tell you who you are, it's true, but I'll know you better if you tell me you're rereading. - François Mariac.

Reading a book on time is a huge success. She is capable of changing life in a way that her best friend or mentor cannot. – P.A. Pavlenko

Readers read, and admirers read. – Alexander Zhukov

If a person cannot enjoy reading a book again and again, there is no point in reading at all. - Oscar Wilde.

The reason people remember so little of what they read is that they think too little for themselves. – Georg Lichtenberg

Interesting books are read, brilliant books are re-read.

The book is a story for the mind. A song is a story for the soul. – Eric Pio.

Apart from a living person, there is nothing more amazing than a book. - Charles Kingsley.

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer. – Vauvenargues

Books are needed to remind a person that his original thoughts are not so new. – A. Lincoln

There are times when I think that the reading I did in the past had no effect on me except to cloud my mind and make me indecisive. – Robertson Davis.

Read classic works first, otherwise you won’t have time to do it! – Toro G.

The art of reading is knowing what to skip. – Philip Hamerton

All good books are similar in one thing - when you finish reading to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever. – E. Hemingway

A good book contains more truths than the author intended to put into it. – M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Reading is thinking with someone else's head, not your own. - Arthur Schopenhauer.

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest. – Dostoevsky F. M.

If we come across a person of rare intelligence, we should ask him what books he reads.

Choosing books for yourself and others to read is not only a science, but also an art. – Sergey Dovlatov.

The only book that interests me is Bumke's Textbook of Psychiatry. In my opinion, it contains everything you need to know about a person. They say: read the Bible, here is the book of books. But who can understand the Bible unless he first reads Bumke? – Louis-Paul Boon

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just make people not read them. - Ray Bradbury.

No one has ever committed suicide while reading a good book, but many have tried while trying to write. – Robert Byrne.

There is no better way to refresh the mind than to read the ancient classics; As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring. - Schopenhauer A.

Reading is the creation of your own thoughts with the help of the thoughts of other people. - ON THE. Rubakin

Previously, reading was one of the most common leisure activities. A very pleasant and useful leisure time, I must say. But now books are increasingly being replaced by electronic devices - smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs and audio players. Or people prefer only short excerpts and quotes from books to full reading. But if you compare reading a book with other ways of obtaining information, it significantly surpasses them in usefulness, because it activates several important parts of the human brain at once, thereby enhancing mental potential. Besides this, answers to the question “why should you read books?” - a lot of. Let's consider. And we’ll do this using quotes about books and their benefits.

Wise quotes from great people about books and reading

I am sure that nothing will replace the book in the future, just as nothing could replace it in the past.
Isaac Asimov

Reading helps tremendously, and books are good company if you take the right ones.
Louisa May Alcott

I looked for peace everywhere and found it in only one place - in the corner, with a book.
Umberto Eco

Anyone who reads books is never bored.
Irvine Welsh

Reading books is not a way to escape from life; books provide the key to understanding it. The key to reality.
Sebastian Faulks

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you interact with and the books you read.
Robin Sharma

It's not the number of pages read, but the number of thoughts they generate.
Paulo Freire

Peace, fireplace, books, silence... Previously, this was seen as mere philistinism. Now these are dreams of paradise lost.
Erich Maria Remarque

Nothing could be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book.
Nikolay Gogol

Nothing can replace a book. Despite the latest discoveries and new ways of storing information, we will not rush to part with the book.
Dmitry Likhachev

The quote that, despite new technologies, you should not part with the book is extremely relevant. Indeed, people are reading literature less and less, preferring other, more progressive, sources of information. This is evidenced by the fact that among people of various age categories, watching various television shows and films is more popular. And yet, books are irreplaceable. Let's continue to confirm this with smart quotes about books.

Thoughts and quotes about books and reading

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book.
Samuel Marshak

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life.
Mark Twain

Literature is the most pleasant way to ignore life.
Fernando Pessoa

If someone next to you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people.
Karel Capek

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely.
Carlo Goldoni

All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.
Victor Hugo

Just read and let the words caress your ears like music.
Roald Dahl

Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.
Thomas Carlyle

Heaven is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week.
Alan Bradley

He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

When watching films, fantasy does not develop - it is limited only by special effects. Books train our imagination, making our brain more flexible. We really hope that these quotes about reading will make you want to open a book.

Beautiful quotes about books

Reading is passive creativity.
Victoria Tokareva

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
Andre Maurois

Eating with a book does not mean eating alone.
John Irving

What else can a normal person in this country do to avoid getting dirty? All that remains is to read books and love girls.
Yuri Polyakov

Reading is like this world behind closed eyelids - and we can say that while reading, we also close our eyes to everything. An open book - cover, pages - seems to blind us: it fences us off from the outside world, its persistent calls and awakens our imagination.
Peter Mendelsund

We live in turbulent times. People began to eat a lot and read little.
Grigory Gorin

Reading is an unpunished vice...
Bernard Quirini

Reading is a good substitute for vodka...
Sergei Lukyanenko

Reading is simply a type of friendship. Which either folds or doesn’t.
Max Fry

As children, we were often told that we needed to read books in order to grow up as an intelligent person. Indeed, books enrich us and teach us a lot. Many of us read books constantly, others less often. Some people read historical novels, while others only read magazines on the plane - it all depends on education, mood, character and many other factors. We hope that if you are reading these quotes, then books are not alien to you.

Statuses about books are short

Reading is the basis of all knowledge.

People stop thinking when they stop reading.

Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body.

Don't be discouraged and remember - when things get hard, pick up a book and read.

In a movie I watch others; a book allows me to become a different person for a while.

Books are separate magical worlds.

Books break the shackles of time, proving that people are capable of magic.

By reading good books, we water the flowers that grow within us.

We hope that quotes about books gave you the desire to read. After all, the future depends on education. It is important to learn not to drown in gadgets, but to properly balance between them and books that truly open your eyes and make you see the beauty in the little things. You don’t have to go far: pick up an interesting book and you’ll find out what’s interesting is nearby!

Quotes about books are funny

Life is some kind of constant obstacle to reading.

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer.

Truly, many people read only to have the right not to think.

What is written without effort is usually read without pleasure.

Some people like tea with sugar, others with jam, but I like it with a book.

My problem with reading books is that I am constantly distracted... by other books.

Books are doors that take you out of four walls...

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads lives only one life.

In bed you can do whatever pleases both of you. Even read.

Trust books, because they are your closest friends. Books, like friends, are silent when needed and give you the whole world in the palm of your hand when needed. And always with meaning.

Wise Thoughts About Reading

The beauty of books is that the lives, stories, and thoughts contained in them become yours. When you close a book, you are no longer the same person you were when you opened it...

Every book has a soul. The soul of the one who wrote it, and the souls of those who read and experienced it, and dreamed over it.

You will read a lot of good books. There are bad ones too, of course, but you will learn to see the difference.

A good book gets better the second time you read it. The Great Book is under the third.

Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom talking is impossible.

Quotes about books, library, culture

If we think about Culture, this already means that we think about Beauty, and about the Book as a beautiful creation. N.K. Roerich

Professionalism is creativity turned into a profession L. Ginzburg

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading A. Maurois

Coming together is a start, staying together is success. G. Ford

Freedom exists to go to the library I. Brodsky

True literature begins where discovery occurs—a discovery not only for the reader, but also for the writer. V. Kaverin

The knowledge that we receive from a book arose due to the demands of existence and cannot but serve the cause of life. G. Plekhanov

...Where there is a book, a person is no longer left alone with himself, within the four walls of his horizons, he joins in all the achievements of the past and present... S. Zweig

We are moved by gratitude to the poet, who gave us the pleasures of the soul with his works N. Gogol

Books are society. A good book, like a good society, enlightens and ennobles feelings and morals N. Pirogov

The love of a book is an ancient, time-tested love for humanity. N. Smirnov - Sokolsky

A book is the world visible through a person I. Babel

An excellently crafted book is an example, the pinnacle of modern culture. E. Kibrik

A good book looks to the future, even if it is about the past V. Borisov

Each book is the quintessence of the world's work of the human spirit - a book is the last word of many minds, spoken by one mind. M. Gorky

Let the thoughts contained in books be your capital, and the thoughts that arise in you yourself be the interest on it. Thomas Aquinas

Someone who doesn't read anything has no advantage over someone who doesn't know how to read. M. Twain

Behind the ravine, near the bridge, there is a library... Thank God, people find their way to it. And it's not completely empty. A. Derzhavin

The public library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited. A. Herzen

He who owns information owns the world. W. Churchill

The greatest treasure is a good library V. Belinsky

A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself. A. Decourcel

Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. F. Bacon

There is nothing that has attracted me more all my life than reading good, kind books containing deep and interesting thoughts. Ali Absheroni

Books are intertwined people. A. Makarenko

My homeland is where my library is. E. Rotterdamsky

E. Fage

A good library provides support in every mood. C. Talleyrand

If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the world were laid at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would reject them all. F. Fenelon

A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it. A. Blok

A book is a friend to the lonely, and a library is a refuge to the homeless. S. Vitnitsky

Learning is light, but the unlearned is darkness. E. Meek

Soul medicine. Inscription above the entrance to Ramses' library II

If, cutting a path with your father’s sword, you wound salty tears on your mustache, if in a hot battle you experienced what it cost, then you read the right books in childhood! V. Vysotsky

Every painting taken into a gallery, and every decent book that ends up in a library, no matter how small they are, serves a great cause - the accumulation of wealth in the country. A. Chekhov

The book, one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, enriches our lives with experience. What a blessing for a person that he is given the opportunity to be friends with a book and use its inexhaustible wisdom. A. Gorbatov

Books collect pearls of human thought and pass them on to posterity. We will turn into a handful of dust, but books, like monuments made of iron and stone, are preserved forever. M. Aibek

Books are the chronicle of peoples. They pass on from century to century the countless riches of experience accumulated by all humanity. Canyel

Human life without books would not have the right to be called life. N. Smirnov-Sokolsky

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. M. Gorky

It is impossible to list the myriad of wonderful characters raised by the great teacher - the book. A. Yakovlev

Truly I say to you: it is given to the printed word to remain not only in time, but also above time. N. Leskov

...Without a book, no, and people cannot have complete happiness. Without it, it is impossible to raise a person of the future - spiritually rich, morally and physically beautiful. L. Sobolev

A book is a world visible through a person. I. Babel

A book is not only joy, not only pleasure, it is simply impossible to live without it. O. Matyushina

The books of a great artist have amazing power. You open them, and they open you. Ch. Aitmatov

Readers and book lovers often call books “their friends,” considering this comparison the highest praise. D. Lubbock

Libraries are the most important thing in culture. There may not be universities, institutes, or other cultural institutions, but if there are libraries...the culture will not perish in such a country. D. Likhachev

For many years, both tombstones and stones have been destroyed, but time has no power against books. Valois

What a wealth of wisdom and contagious goodness is scattered throughout the books of all peoples and times...L. Tolstoy

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest. F. Dostoevsky

Books are the best companions of old age, at the same time they are the best guides of youth. S. Smiles

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant eternal companion. D. Poor

Everything that is difficult will become easy to learn if you are friends with a good book. N. Hisrow

A good book is a valuable gift bequeathed by the author to the human race. D. Addison

Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science. A. Pushkin

...The best books are those that provide the most food for thought, and at the same time on the most varied topics. A. France

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. F. Petrarch

Very often, a book that makes an impression on a young mind constitutes an era in a person's life. S. Smiles

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. C. Montesquieu

Instilling in a child a taste for reading is the best gift we can give him. S.Lupan

“I command! Gather three hundred youths and teach them books in order to make excellent scribes out of them, around whom book depositories would grow like pearls on top of grains of sand.” Yaroslav the Wise

What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a world worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim. Ch. Lamb

A house without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero

A good library is a book reflection of the Universe. N. Rubakin

Modern man finds himself in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger who must select grains of gold from a mass of sand. S.Vavilov

The collection of books is from the same university. T. Carlyle

Everything pales in comparison to books. A.P. Chekhov

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book. S.Ya. Marshak

Without a book there is night in the world, without a book there is darkness all around V. Hugo

Literature makes a person wise. You need to not only be able to read, but also understand. And to understand, you need to know that every book has a secret.

A day without a book is like lunch without bread.

A house without a book is a day without sun!

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

Bread nourishes the body, and a book nourishes the mind.

Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.

“Anyone who studies science and enters here does not slam the door or knock his feet: this is unpleasant for the muses. If you find someone already sitting here, bow respectfully in silence and do not engage in chatter: Here the wise speak to those who study.”

Inscription on the library door from the 15th century

I have loved books since childhood. Read - this is virtuous, and holy. Ya. Bryl

Learning can and should begin right from reading. L. N. Tolstoy

“The world would be scary if only the scientific and technological dimension were present in it. It would not be a human society, but a cyborg society” - Patriarch Kirill

“The book is the shortest account of the path traveled by mankind...” - Leonid Leonov

“...you can find an explanation for everything in books if you know where to look...” - Eva Ibbotson

“A book gives a person the opportunity to rise above himself” - Andre Maurois

“A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it” - A.A. Blok

“The book is the alpha and omega of all knowledge, the beginning of the beginning of every science!” — S. Zweik

“A book that is not worth reading twice is not worth reading once” - K. Weber

“The action of a person is instantaneous and one, the action of a book is multiple and universal” - A.S. Pushkin

“A book that meets no resistance cannot be of much value” - Cesare Lombroso

“A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself” - A. Decourcel

“It’s better to communicate with a good book than with an empty person” - Mikhail Litvak

“My mind finds the source of ideas in books” - K. Tsiolkovsky

“We must never forget that a book is the greatest good, a clot of mental energy, no cybernetics will ever replace it” - D. P. Ursu

“Communication with a book is the highest and irreplaceable form of human intellectual development” - A.T. Tvardovsky

“The one who was not captivated by a serious book deserves the greatest regret...” - Yuri Bondarev

“A good book builds a personality” - O.L. Kabachek

« The answers books give you depend on the questions you ask." M. Astwood

“Books make a person better, and this is one of the main conditions and even the main, almost the only goal of art” - I. A. Goncharov

“Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation” - Francis Bacon

“We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life." - Ludwig Feuerbach

“The best movie theater in the world is the brain, and you realize that when you read a good book” - Ridley Scott

“You need to be able to close a boring book... leave a bad movie... and part with people who don’t value you!” — Alexander Green “Scarlet Sails”

“I have more books than shelves for them. And I read them all. I'm like Schwarzenegger, just shaking my brains. I'm a brain builder." — Karl Otto Lagerfeld

“A house without books is like a body without a soul.” — Cicero Marcus Tullius

“Fiction is a reflection of the spiritual life of the society of a given era. Writers say out loud what society thinks about itself.” — Valentin Sventsitsky

“I love books: each of them seems to me a miracle, and the writer is a magician, I cannot talk about books except with excitement, with joyful enthusiasm.” - M. Gorky

“Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are. You can get a true idea of ​​the mind and character of a person by examining his library." - Charles Blanc

“Only those who don’t read anything think about nothing” - D. Diderot

“To shake off annoying and unbearable thoughts, all I have to do is start reading; it easily captures my attention and drives them away." - Charles Montesquieu

“The trouble with other literature is that thinking people do not write, and those who write do not think” - P. Vyazemsky

“We, in essence, learn from those books about which we are not able to judge. The author of a book about which we can judge should have learned from us” - J. V. Goethe

“...the paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning.” — Daniel Pennac

“As we turn the pages, we make discovery after discovery” - Georges Duhamel

“Reading some books, I correct my language like a whetstone. I use other books to guide my civic conscience” - Vladimir Soloukhin

“Looking through, leafing through a book is not reading. You need to read it the way you listen to a person’s confession. Delving into the book. Then she will reveal herself, and you will comprehend her charm.” — K.A. Fedin

“Reading made Don Quixote a knight, but believing what he read made him mad.” - George Bernard Shaw

“Reading works of fiction is an invaluable source of knowledge of life and the laws of its struggle” - Karl Marx

“Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development” - V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us their best thoughts.” - Rene Descartes

“Reading is a conversation with people much wiser and more interesting than those with whom chance brings us together” - Marcel Proust

“Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves” - V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, don’t read them” - Ray Bradbury

“Remember, who you are is determined by what you read” - Jim Rohn

“There are books that are best tasted, and others that are best swallowed and only a little chewed and digested.” - Francis Bacon

“The work that is being read has a present; a work that is reread has a future” - Alexandre Dumas the son

“A man with a good book in his hands can never be lonely” - Carlo Goldoni

“Books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects” - V.G. Belinsky

“The book is a starting point for starting from it to connect your own pedagogical creativity” - Yu.M. Lotman

“A library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel in which dried samples of all civilizations are stored” - Paul Claudel

“You can determine the dignity of a people by the number of books they absorb...” - E. Laboulaye

“Everyone imagines paradise in their own way; since childhood, I imagined it as a library” - Jorge Luis Borges

“Any kind of writing is good, except boring” - French poet Nicolò Boileau

“Children’s reading plays a major role in the lives of children, much larger than in the lives of adults. A book read in childhood remains in the memory for almost a lifetime and influences the further development of children. From the books that children read, they draw a certain understanding of the world; books develop in them certain norms of behavior.” — N.K. Krupskaya

“Libraries are the treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit” - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

“After the pleasure of having a library, there is nothing more pleasant than talking about it and sharing with others the innocent riches of thought acquired through the study of literature” - Charles Nodier

“Modern science lives and develops in many laboratories... But in each of the research institutes and higher educational institutions, the first laboratory is the library” - Academician I.G. Petrovsky

“Six to seven years of studying classical literature impart to the mind such nobility, such grace, strength and beauty that cannot be achieved by any other means” - A. France

“We don’t know a single person who was spoiled in childhood by reading classical writers, but how many it strengthened for life, showing noble goals ahead, how many it turned away from the vices of the environment!” — V.P. Ostrogorsky

“Give a man a taste for reading and give him the opportunity to read, and you will inevitably make him happy...” - John Herschel

“No reading means no spiritual unity between teacher and student...” - V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“The more you read without thinking, the more you are convinced that you know a lot, and the more you think while reading, the more clearly you see that you know very little.” - Voltaire

“Without exaggeration, we can say that reading in childhood is, first of all, education. A word that reveals noble ideas forever deposits in a child’s heart the grains of humanity that make up a personality” - V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“The main thing in reading is not the text itself, but the thoughts, feelings, images, questions that arise in the reader’s soul” - N.A. Rubakin

“Reading real fiction forms a three-dimensional, vivid perception of the surrounding world, nature, and life. A genuine work of art always turns to images that embody the most important cultural and moral values. It leads a person to see and experience the very depths of life. The interaction of a child’s soul with the moral charge of such a work shocks it, gives rise to catharsis - a beneficial emotional explosion, helps to see the eternal in the ordinary" - O.L. Kabachek

“True love for a book is a love for exploring the world—knowing about the world”—Viktor Shklovsky

“The only substitute for the experience we have not lived is literature” - A.I. Solzhenitsyn

“I judge a city by the number of bookstores it has” - A.G. Rubinstein

“Poetry is the most majestic form in which human thought can be clothed” - A. Lamartine

“There are good gifts, there are bad ones, and then there is... a book” - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

“The library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited...” — A.I. Herzen