Structure, tasks and directions of activity of units of psychological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies. Presentation: Communicative training of employees of internal affairs bodies Main tasks of the Center for Psychological Work

  • 22.02.2024









students in the specialty

030900.62 Jurisprudence


Psychology in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies: Educational and methodological materials for students of the Faculty of Correspondence Studies (specialty 030900.62 Jurisprudence) / Compiled by – Krasnodar: Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2013. – 33 p.

Discussed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy on November 17, 2012, protocol No. 7

© Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2013.

I. General guidelines for students to study the discipline “Psychology in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.”

The course “Psychology in the activities of law enforcement officers” is of great importance for the professional training of future law enforcement officers.

Due to the specific nature of their professional activities, employees of internal affairs bodies have to work with people every day. The list of their functional responsibilities, involving communication and management processes, is extensive. They conduct conversations, surveys, interrogations, public speaking, etc.

In the process of carrying out these and other activities, employees of internal affairs bodies often need to establish psychological contact and trusting relationships with citizens, encourage them to act in the interests of the law, and persuade them to give truthful testimony. They need to be able to determine the mental state of their interlocutor, control themselves in a difficult, extreme situation of physical and psychological confrontation with a criminal, provide an educational influence on a minor who has taken the wrong path in life, and find words of consolation for the victim, a person who has suffered from criminal attacks.

The tasks of fighting crime require that in the new social conditions of modern Russia, internal affairs officers have a high level of psychological training, similar to that which has always distinguished the best Russian detectives and their colleagues from the police of other countries of the world.

Objectives of the discipline:

The goal of mastering the discipline “Psychology in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies” is to develop in cadets psychological skills and abilities that allow them to ensure high-quality implementation of professional activities; teach techniques for effective communication with various categories of citizens and conflict resolution in professional activities.

Objectives of the discipline:

To form an idea of ​​the role of psychological knowledge in the professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies;

Teach cadets (listeners) the psychological characteristics of conducting the negotiation process;

To develop professional communication skills in the process of establishing psychological contact;

To teach cadets (listeners) to use techniques for self-regulation of mental states in the process of professional activity, including in extreme conditions.

As a result of studying the discipline, the cadet (listener) must:


Psychological characteristics of the activities of employees of various law enforcement services; (OK-1, OK-5, OK-6, OK - 7, OK-8, OK - 10, PK-2, PK-10, PK-13, PK-14, PK-15, PK-16, PK -20);

Basics of psychoprophylaxis of negative psychological states (OK-8, OK - 11, PK-25);

Psychological requirements for the personality of a law enforcement officer (OK-1, OK-5, OK-6, OK-7, OK-8, OK-10, OK-11, OK - 16, PC-2, PC-10, PC- 13, PK-14, PK-15, PK-16, PK-20, PK-25);

Psychological foundations of professional communication among law enforcement officers (OK-7, OK-8, OK-11, OK - 16, PC-2, PC-25);

Causes and psychological foundations of preventing and resolving conflicts in professional activities (OK-5, OK-7, OK-8, OK-11, PC-5, PC-25);

Psychological foundations of investigative actions (OK-1, OK-6, OK-7, OK-8, OK-10, OK - 16, PC-2, PC-5, PC-10, PC-13, PC-14, PK-15, PK-16, PK-20, PK-25);

Psychological characteristics of participants in criminal proceedings (OK-1, OK-6, OK-7, OK-8, OK-10, PC-2, PC-10, PC-14, PC-16, PC-20, PC-25) .

Be able to:

Use psychological knowledge in the process of professional activity (OK-8, OK-10, OK-11, OK - 16, PK-25);

Correctly build communication with colleagues in the service team and with citizens (OK-7, OK-8, OK-11, OK - 16, PK-2, PK-25);

Diagnose the causes of conflict, develop and apply behavioral strategies during the conflict, use various methods and methods for preventing and positively resolving conflicts (OK-5, OK-7, OK-8, OK-11, PC-5, PC-25);

Use techniques for self-regulation of mental states in the process of professional activity, including in extreme conditions (OK-8, OK-10, PK-25).

Own :

Skills in using psychological methods and techniques in order to effectively solve official problems (OK-8, OK-10, OK-11, OK - 16, PK-25);

Skills in establishing psychological contact, visual psychodiagnostics and psychological influence, correct behavior in a conflict situation (OK-7, OK-8, OK-10, OK-11, PC-2, PC-10, PC-25);

Positive communication skills in the process of professional activity (OK-7, OK-8, OK-11, OK - 16, PC-2, PC-25).

To better consolidate knowledge in this course, students should pay attention to the close connection of the topics being studied with legal sciences, and rely on knowledge from relevant previously studied disciplines.

additional literature

§ What is psychology: In 2 volumes - M.: Mir, 2002.

§ Granovskaya practical psychology. - L., 2001.

§ Social Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Psychology of individual differences. Reader, ed. Gippenreiter. M., 2000.

§ Legal psychology. Reader. M., 2000.

Self-test tasks:

1. Mental reflection:

a) is an exact copy of the surrounding reality;

b) is selective;

c) provides a photograph of the affected environment;

d) does not depend on reflection conditions.

2. Social and psychological manifestations of personality, its relationships with people are studied by psychology:

b) social;

c) pedagogical;

3. The main method of modern psychology is:

a) testing

b) introspection

c) experiment

d) observation

4. Purposeful, systematically carried out perception of objects in the knowledge of which a person is interested is:

a) experiment;

b) content analysis;

c) observation;

d) the method of analyzing the products of activity.

5. The concept of “self-observation” is synonymous with the term:

a) introversion;

b) introjection;

c) introspection;

d) introscopy.

6. Receipt by the subject of data about his own mental processes and states at the time of their occurrence or following it is:

a) observation;

b) experiment;

c) testing;

d) self-observation.

7. The active intervention of a researcher in the activities of a subject in order to create conditions for establishing a psychological fact is called:

a) content analysis;

b) analysis of products of activity;

c) conversation;

d) experiment.

8. Depending on the situation, the following observations can be distinguished:

a) field;

b) solid;

c) systematic,

d) discrete.

9. The researcher’s ability to evoke some mental process or property is the main advantage:

a) observations;

b) experiment;

c) content analysis;

d) analysis of activity products.

Topic 2.Basic socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of a police officer.

Main content of the topic:

The concept of personality in psychology and legal science. Individual, personality, individuality. Biological and social in the structure of personality. Worldview basis, value orientations, orientation, motivational sphere of the individual. Basic theories of personality in modern domestic and foreign psychology. The life path of an individual and his socialization. Formation and development of personality (main stages).

The goals of studying personality in the professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. Psychological methods for studying the personality of subjects of law enforcement activities. Methods and techniques for studying human individuality by internal affairs officers. The use by internal affairs officers of psychological knowledge about personality in professional activities.

Ability, skills and habits. Ability and skills as structural elements of activity. Education of skills and abilities. Motor skills and abilities. Cognitive skills and abilities. Practical skills and abilities. The concept of habit and its place in the structure of activity.

Professional profile of an internal affairs officer. Social, reconstructive, organized, identification, communicative, search activities of an employee of internal affairs bodies (,).

The general structure of the human motivational sphere. Interests, tasks, desires, intentions as motivational dispositions. The concept of motivation as a conscious and unconscious process. Dispositional and situational determinants of behavior. Correlation of dispositions (motives), needs and goals. A. Maslow's pyramid of needs.

Motivation and personality. Motivation, self-esteem, level of aspirations. Behavior of people with different motives in extreme situations. Motivation for prosocial and antisocial behavior. Altruism and empathy as motives. Motivation for aggression and frustration.

The concept of abilities. Concepts of abilities. Abilities and orientation of the individual. The relationship between acquired and natural abilities. Inclinations as the primary natural basis of abilities. Tendencies. Structure of abilities. Abilities and typology of people. Psychological criteria for the suitability of internal affairs officers for service.

The concept of temperament. Types of temperaments and the use of knowledge about them in the activities of internal affairs officers. Distinctive aspects of each type of temperament. Temperament and basic properties of the human nervous system. Psychological characteristics of temperament. Taking into account by an internal affairs officer the type of person’s temperament during investigative actions.

Concept of character. Character and temperament of a person. Typology of characters (E. Kretschmer, K. Leongard, E. Fromm, etc.). Character formation. The role of character in the general structure of personality. Using knowledge about character in the practice of professional communication of an internal affairs officer.

Questions to the topic:

1. The emotional sphere of the employee’s personality and ways of its development.

When studying this issue, it is necessary to consider in more detail the difference between emotions and feelings, as well as the forms of manifestation of emotions. It is especially important to consider such forms as: stress, affect.

2. The volitional sphere of personality.

When considering the issue, it is necessary to study the volitional qualities of a person necessary for employees of internal affairs bodies and ways to develop volitional qualities.

The most important thing for employees to study the problems of motivation and personality orientation is to consider the motivation for antisocial and criminal behavior.

4. Types of temperament and their consideration in the psychological assessment of a person.

When considering this issue, it is of greatest importance for the internal affairs officer to take into account the type of person’s temperament when carrying out investigative actions.

5. Character traits and their consideration when compiling characteristics of a police officer.

The study of this issue must begin with a typology of character and the application of knowledge about character in the practice of professional communication of an employee of internal affairs bodies.

6. Structure of human abilities.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to focus on the relationship between acquired and natural abilities, as well as on the psychological criteria for the suitability of internal affairs officers for service.

Main literature

§ Klimov psychology. M., 2001

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

additional literature

§ Nemov: Textbook. For students. - M., 1994. - Book 1.

§ (Psychology of personality. - S.

§ Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook for universities / Comp. . - M., 1999 (Personality psychology. General and individual in the human psyche. - S

§ Psychology of Personality. Texts. - M., 1982. (What is personality (); 11-19. Some features of the psychological structure of personality (): Basic ideal types of individuality (E. Spranger): 55-60. Self-actualization (A. Maslow).

Self-test tasks:

1. Feelings associated with cognitive activity are called feelings:

a) moral

b) intellectual

c) aesthetic

d) practical

2. A strong, persistent, long-lasting feeling that captures a person and owns him is called:

a) affect

b) passion

c) mood

d) feeling

3. A strong emotional state of an explosive nature, affecting the entire personality, characterized by a rapid course, a change in consciousness and a violation of volitional control, is:

b) passion

c) frustration

4. A state of increasing emotional tension that arises in conflict situations, obstacles associated with strong motivation - a threat to the well-being of the individual - is:

b) frustration

c) mood

5. Conditions the content of which is an irresistible fear of specific situations, objects, creatures or vague pointless fear are called:

a) affect

b) phobias

c) stress

d) frustration

6. Will - a person’s regulation of his behavior, associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles. This regulation:

a) conscious

b) unconscious

c) intuitive

d) involuntary

7. A person’s ability to independently make responsible decisions and steadily implement them in his activities characterizes him:

a) persistence

b) independence

c) integrity

d) decisiveness

8. A person’s ability for long-term and unrelenting energy, steady movement towards the intended goal is manifested as:

a) persistence

b) consciousness

c) optimism

d) hard work

9. A person’s ability to determine his actions, focusing not on the pressure of others, not on random influences, but based on his beliefs and knowledge, characterizes him:

a) persistence

b) independence

c) integrity

d) self-confidence

Topic 3. Psychological and pedagogical features of adaptation and personality deformation of police officers.

Main content of the topic:

The concept of adaptation. History of the study of adaptation problems. Adaptation mechanisms. Levels of adaptation. Types of adaptation. Physiological, mental, social adaptation in the activities of law enforcement officers.

Professional adaptation and its role in the activities of internal affairs bodies. Features of adaptation at different periods of professional development of employees of internal affairs bodies.

Adaptation in extreme conditions. Mechanisms to prevent maladaptation of law enforcement officers.

The concept of "suicide". Theories of suicidal behavior. Psychopathological, psychological, sociological concept of suicidal behavior. Psychological crisis conditions as a factor are one of the causes of suicide.

Causes, conditions and motives of suicide. Causes of suicide of internal affairs officers. Anti-suicidal personality factors.

Prevention of employee suicides.

Questions to the topic:

1. The concept of adaptation. Types of adaptation.

When studying this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to such types of adaptation as: physiological, psychological, social and professional.

2. Occupational deformation.

Consideration of the issue of studying deformation must begin with the concepts of “deformation” and “professional deformation”.

3. Psychological prevention of professional deformation.

It is advisable to start studying the prevention of professional deformation with the forms of manifestation and methods of preventing professional deformation.

4. Reasons, conditions and motives for suicides of police officers.

When considering this issue, the closest attention should be paid to studying the causes and motives for suicides of police officers.

5. Prevention of suicidal behavior among police officers.

This question is aimed at the theoretical study and practical application of preventive measures to prevent suicidal behavior.

Main literature

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Enikeev psychology. M., 2000.

§ Klimov psychology. M., 2001

§ Rubinstein psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko legal psychology. M., 2001.

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko general psychology. M., 1999.

additional literature

§ Beznosov, deformation and education of personality // Psychological support of human social development. – L., 1989.

§ Beznosov personality deformation: approaches, concepts, method: Abstract for the degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences. – St. Petersburg, 1997.

§ Belosludtsev psychological support for the prevention of professional deformation of correctional officers // Psychopedagogy in law enforcement agencies. No. 2. 1997.

§ Borisova’s deformation of the employee’s personality // Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology / Under the general title. ed. prof. . – M., 2003.

§ Borisov’s deformation of police officers and its personal determinants: Abstract for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. – M., 1998. , Tikhonenko suicidal behavior: Method. Recommendations. M., 1980.

§ Bulatzel from ancient times to the present day. M., 1991.

§ Prevention of suicides among internal affairs officers. Methodological recommendations under general editorship. Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 1999.

§ Psychological support for the professional activities of police officers. Guidelines. Ed. and others. St. Petersburg, 1998.

Self-test tasks:

1. The set of physiological reactions underlying the body’s adaptation to changes in environmental conditions and aimed at maintaining the relative constancy of its internal environment is called adaptation:

a) physiological

b) psychological

c) social

d) communicative

2. The presence of mechanisms of conscious self-regulation is the main difference:

a) physiological adaptation

b) psychological adaptation

c) social adaptation

d) biological adaptation

3. The adaptation of an individual to the conditions of interaction in society is called:

a) physiological adaptation

b) psychological adaptation

c) social adaptation

d) interactive adaptation

4. The mental state of a person caused by objectively insurmountable difficulties that arose in achieving a goal or solving a problem is called:

a) stress

b) frustration

c) neurosis

d) fatigue

5. A condition characterized by a temporary decrease in performance under the influence of prolonged exposure to load is called:

a) fatigue

c) stress

d) neurosis

6.Suicidal behavior manifests itself in the following forms:

a) external

b) emotional

c) behavioral

d) characterological

7. The stages of development of suicidal behavior do not include:

a) plans

c) intentions

8. External forms of suicidal behavior do not appear:

a) depressive states

b) alcohol abuse

c) intentionally causing harm to one’s health

d) causing harm to others

Topic 4. Psychology of professional communication among police officers.

Main content of the topic:

Concept of communication. Unity of communication and activity. Types of communication. Social adaptation and social autonomy. Communicative, interactive, perceptual aspects of communication. Features of professional communication of an employee of internal affairs bodies. Communication as an exchange of information. Communication and speech.

Mechanisms and patterns of human perception by humans. Communication as interpersonal interaction. Types of psychological influence. Social control and social norms as systems of regulation, interaction and relationships between people. Forms and role expectations in communication processes. Communication is how people understand each other. Basic rules for productive communication.

Questions to the topic:

1. The concept of “communication” in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

When considering this issue, the most important thing is to analyze the variety of definitions of communication and the role of communication in legal practice.

2. Characteristics and content of communication. Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication.

The study of this issue must begin with the features of the mechanisms of influence in the process of professional communication among police officers.

3. Structure of communication between employees of internal affairs bodies .

The most important thing when studying this issue is the psychological characteristics of each side of the communication structure.

4. Types of communication between police officers.

When studying this issue, the greatest attention should be paid to the classification of communication and note the distinctive features of each type of communication.

5.Psychological components of professional communication among employees of internal affairs bodies.

Consideration of this issue aims to familiarize with the psychological components of professional communication of an internal affairs officer: tactics, stages, communication techniques.

Main literature

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Psychology of communication. M., 2002

§ Kazarinova communication. Lecture notes. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

Additional literature:

§ Gender and character. – M.: Forum, 1991.

§ Language tricks. Changing Beliefs Using NLP. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Master of communication. Advice from a practicing psychologist St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002

§ Psychology of influence St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001

§ Body language. - N. Novgorod: IQ Publishing House, 1992.

§ Development of effective communication skills St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002

§ Your secret weapon in communication. Facial expressions, gesture, movement: Abbr. lane with him. - M.: JSC "Interexpert", 1996.

§ Collection of normative legal acts and documents regulating the activities of psychologists of internal affairs bodies and departments. - M.: State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2001.

§ Tikhonov special personality traits in the process of professional training of employees, 2000

§ Tomilova - psychological conditions for the professional development of young police officers. M., 2000

§ Self-instruction manual for communication. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Filatova psychology. Lecture notes. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house, 2000.

§ Psychology of influence. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

§ Social Psychology. Understand others to understand yourself St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002

§ P Psychology of influence: hidden control, manipulation and protection from them. – M., 2002

§ Eric Berne. Games People Play. People who play games. – St. Petersburg, 2002. Sign language is the path to success. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

Self-test tasks:

1. Speech is:

a) mental phenomenon

b) reflection process

c) exchange of information between people

d) mental activity

2. Speech does not happen:

a) internal

b) external

c) active

d) egocentric

3. Interest in another person can be expressed non-verbally:

a) hands placed on hips

c) stare

d) lightly touching it with your hands

4. The main communication styles are not:

a) ritual communication

b) social communication

c) manipulative communication

d) humanistic communication.

5. A feature of professional communication between employees is

a) extraordinary breadth and diversity of communication

b) planned and clearly organized communication

c) forced nature,

d) high degree of conflict

Topic 5. Social and psychological characteristics of the department of police officers.

Main content of the topic:

The concept of a group in social psychology. Classification of groups. Small group structure. Position, status, internal attitude and role. Composition and moral value orientations. Psychological compatibility. Social norms and their functions. Formation of a small group as a collective. Critical periods in the development of a team, their significance and ways to overcome them. The concept of excess activity. Management and leadership in the group. Individual characteristics of a leader. Leadership styles: authoritarian, democratic and liberal.

Interpersonal relationships in groups and teams. Official and unofficial relationships. Relationships of leadership, management and subordination. Business and personal, rational and emotional relationships. Collectivist relations, their characteristics. Approaches to studying relationships in a group: static and dynamic. The nature of relationships depending on the level of development of the group. Interpersonal conflicts in a group and their classification. Sociometry and the static picture of intragroup relationships (J. Moreno).

Mass socio-psychological phenomena. The crowd, the psychological mechanisms of its formation. Psychological methods of controlling people in various types of crowds (panic, a crowd of riotous fans at the stadium, unauthorized rallies, mass public unrest), used by law enforcement officers.

Taking into account gender, ethnic and age phenomena in social psychology.

Group factors in the origin and development of antisocial behavior. Psychological characteristics of criminal groups. Primitive group. Primitive group structure.

Crowd concept. Types of crowd: random, conventional, aggressive, active. Socio-psychological conditions for the emergence and development of a crowd. Socio-psychological structure of the crowd. The role of a leader in a crowd. Rumors and their varieties. The role of rumors in the crowd. Panic. Types of panic. Actions of internal affairs officers to prevent panic. Psychological characteristics of employees’ actions to prevent and suppress associative forms of non-collective behavior.

Questions to the topic:

1. Criteria for identifying social groups. Typology of social groups.

In this issue, the most in-depth attention must be paid to the criteria for identifying groups and the psychological characteristics of each of the social groups.

2. Primitive group. Structure, rules.

When considering this issue, consideration of the psychological characteristics of the primitive group becomes relevant.

3. Subjects of non-collective behavior.

Consideration of the characteristics of subjects of non-collective behavior becomes relevant in the field of activity of police officers; based on this, it is advisable to dwell on the psychological patterns of interaction with subjects of non-collective behavior.

4. Types of crowds and their features.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to consider in detail the types of crowds and the stages of development of relationships in the crowd.

5. Aggressive crowd as a subject of non-collective behavior.

When studying this issue, the greatest attention should be paid to actions and preventive measures to prevent aggressive behavior.

Main literature

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Enikeev psychology. M., 2000.

§ Klimov psychology. M., 2001

§ Rubinstein psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko legal psychology. M., 2001.

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko general psychology. M., 1999.

additional literature

§ Andreeva psychology. M., 1994.

§ Anikeev climate in the team. - M., 1989. (The concept of the psychological climate in a team: 3-16. The effectiveness of group activities: 87-120).

§ Bodalev and the understanding of man by man. M., 1982. P 5-

§, Dubrovskaya small group. M., 1991.

§ Nemov. M., 1994. S. 431-433.

§ Psychology of emotions: Texts. Empathy. From 87.

§ Rubinstein and the ways of development of psychology. M, 1960. pp. 180-181.

Self-test tasks:

1. Groups do not differ according to the criterion of organization

a) formal

b) informal

c) semi-formal

d) relatively formal

2. Groups are not distinguished based on the criterion of lifetime

a) short-term

b) constant

c) episodic

d) temporary

3. Group,in which the individual is forced to be at the moment

a) stay group

b) presence group

c) location group

d) pastime group

4. A spontaneously emerging formation based on the basest motives of its members is

a) primitive hostel

c) primitive group

d) team

5. Does it correspond to the structure of “primitive” groups?

a) flexible hierarchical structure

b) rigid hierarchical structure

c) there is no hierarchical structure

d) undefined hierarchical structure

Topic 6. Characteristics, prevention and resolution of conflicts in the activities of law enforcement officers.

Main content of the topic:

Conflicts in communication. Essence, structure and classification of conflicts. Conflict situation. Incident. Types of conflicts. Constructive conflict. Destructive conflict. Intrapersonal conflict. Functions of conflicts: signaling, diagnostic, restorative, regulatory. Reasons contributing to the emergence of conflicts and an unfavorable socio-psychological climate in teams of employees of internal affairs bodies: objective, subjective, objective-subjective. Ways to prevent and resolve conflicts in the activities of police officers.

Questions to the topic:

1. Essence, structure and classification of conflicts.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to consider in more detail the classification of conflicts depending on the classification criteria.

2. Prevention and resolution of conflicts.

The main focus of attention when studying this issue should be directed to ways and means of preventing or optimally resolving conflicts

3. The nature of conflicts in police departments.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to find out the nature, causes and characteristics of conflicts in internal affairs bodies.

Main literature

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Enikeev psychology. M., 2000.

§ Klimov psychology. M., 2001

§ Rubinstein psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko legal psychology. M., 2001.

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko general psychology. M., 1999.

additional literature

§ Avdeev KV. Psychotechnology for solving problem situations. - M, 1992.

§ Ageev B. S. Intergroup interaction: socio-psychological problems. - M., 1990.

§ Andreev: the art of argument, negotiation, conflict resolution. - Kazan, 1992.

§ , Shipilov. - M., 2001.

§ Babosov EM. Conflictology. - Minsk, 2000.

§, Zimina: the science of harmony. - Ekaterinburg, 1995.

§ Bern Eric. Games People Play. People who play games. - St. Petersburg, 1992.

§ , Koryak, conflict! - Novosibirsk, 1989.

§ We encourage business communication. - Minsk, 1996.

§, Zakharov DK. Conflictology - M., 2000.

§ Grishin conflict. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

Self-test tasks:

1.The stages of conflict development do not include:

a) conflicting relationships

b) contradictions

c) incident

2. There are conflicts:

a) international

b) interethnic

c) interpersonal

d) interintellectual

3. Behavior strategies in conflicts are:

a) avoidance

b) cooperation

d) compromise

Topic 7. Psychological foundations of legal activity.

Main content of the topic:

The subject of legal psychology, its place in the system of psychological science. The main ways and directions of development of legal psychology.

Object, subject, tasks and methods of criminal psychology. Psychological meaning of the terms “crime” and “crime”.

Psychology of operational-search activity. Tactics and techniques for establishing and developing psychological contacts in emergency operations. Psychological basis for assessing the personality of a person of interest in the operational investigative activities of law enforcement agencies.

Questions to the topic:

1. The subject of legal psychology and its significance in legal activity.

When studying this issue, to reveal the psychological characteristics of legal activity, consider the subject of legal psychology.

2. Psychology of operational-search activity: goals and objectives.

When considering this issue, the main emphasis must be placed on the tasks of operational investigative psychology.

3. Object, subject, tasks and methods of criminal psychology.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific methods used within the framework of criminal psychology.

Main literature

1. Andreev ensuring the operational and official activities of employees: State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2004

2. Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

3. , Yanaev psychology. M.: Shield-M, 2003

4. Enikeev psychology. M.: Norma, 2000

5. , Skrypnikov ensuring the operational and official activities of employees: IMC of the State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001

6. , Prozorov in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. – M., 2006.

7., fundamentals of psychology for law enforcement officers. - M., 2005.

8. Marinovskaya and pedagogy in law enforcement. M.: Shield-M, 2003

9., Tsvetkov and pedagogy in law enforcement M.: Shield-M, 2000

11. Romanov psychology M.: Yurist, 2000

12., Romanov psychology (reader) M.: Yurist, 2000

13. Chufarovsky operational-search activities M.: Prospekt, 2003

Topic 8. Psychological characteristics of the main investigative actions.

Main content of the topic:

The concept of forensic psychology. Main tasks, goals and methods of forensic psychology. Psychological characteristics of certain types of legal proceedings and various participants in the legal process.

Psychology of crime scene inspection. Traces and results of criminal activity as semantic indicators of the behavior of the criminal at the scene of the incident. Psychological techniques that increase the effectiveness and quality of an investigative examination.

Psychology of search. Psychological characteristics of the search activity of an employee during a search. Psychological techniques for activating the mental activity of a police officer and neutralizing the impact of negative factors on his psyche during a search.

Psychology of interrogation. The concept of psychological contact during interrogation. Psychological features of interrogation of the victim. Techniques for neutralizing the aggressive behavior of interrogated persons. Psychology of interrogation during confrontation.

Forensic psychological examination. Grounds and reasons for ordering a forensic psychological examination. Competence of the SPE. Evaluation and use of the EIT conclusion by the investigator, the court and the defense.

Questions to the topic:

1. Subject, tasks and goals of forensic psychology.

When studying this issue, it is advisable for students to consider in detail the tasks and goals of forensic psychology and compare them with the tasks of other areas of legal psychology.

2. Psychology of search and seizure.

When considering this issue, listeners should especially note the psychological characteristics of search and seizure.

3. Psychology of examining the scene of an incident.

When studying this issue, the main direction should be the consideration of psychological patterns that must be taken into account when conducting an investigative examination.

4. Psychology of interrogation.

An important circumstance when considering this issue is the psychological content of the investigator’s activity during the interrogation.

5. Subject, grounds and reasons for ordering a forensic psychological examination.

While studying this issue, students must understand the basic requirements for the grounds for ordering a forensic psychological examination.

Main literature

§ Andreev ensuring the operational and official activities of employees: State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2004

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§, Yanaev psychology. M.: Shield-M, 2003

§ Enikeev psychology. M.: Norma, 2000

§, Skrypnikov ensuring the operational and official activities of employees: IMC of the State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001

additional literature

§, Kitaeva psychological research in criminal proceedings. Irkutsk, 2002

§, Prozorov in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. – M., 2006.

§, fundamentals of psychology for law enforcement officers. - M., 2005.

§ Marinovskaya and pedagogy in law enforcement. M.: Shield-M, 2003

§, Tsvetkov and pedagogy in law enforcement M.: Shield-M, 2000

§ Romanov psychology M.: Yurist, 2000

§, Romanov psychology (reader) M.: Yurist, 2000

§ Samukina psychology M.: Tandem, 2000

§ Chufarovsky operational investigative activities M.: Prospekt, 2003

Topic 9. Psychological characteristics of the criminal’s personality and criminal behavior.

Main content of the topic:

The concept of the criminal environment. Qualifications of criminals from the point of view of psychology. Socio-psychological mechanisms of criminal society. Criminal subculture (psychological analysis of modern trends).

Structural-psychological analysis of criminal action. Interaction of objective and subjective factors. The concept of the motivational sphere of crime. The relationship between motive, purpose and result in intentional and careless crimes.

Study of the criminal personality in criminal psychology (, etc.) The relationship between the biological and social in the criminal personality. Psychological and criminological typologies of the personality of a criminal and certain categories of criminals.

Questions to the topic:

1. Psychology of the personality of the criminal.

2. Factors in the formation of the criminal’s personality.

3. Motivation for criminal behavior

Main literature

§ Vasiliev psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Enikeev psychology. M., 2000.

§ Klimov psychology. M., 2001

§ Rubinstein psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko legal psychology. M., 2001.

§ Stolyarenko techniques in the work of a lawyer: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt, 2000.

§ Stolyarenko general psychology. M., 1999.

§ Chufarovsky psychology. – M., 1995.

§, Eminov criminal and crime investigation. - M.: Yurist, 1996.

§ Aggression. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997.

§, Strizhov and pedagogy in law enforcement activities of police officers. - M., 1997.

§ Psychology. Pedagogy. Ethics: Textbook for universities // Under. ed. . – M.: Law and law. Unity, 1999.

§ Psychology of influence. - St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1999.

Topic 10. Psychology of the criminal environment and criminal communities.

Main content of the topic:

Criminal group from the point of view of modern psychology. Psychological features of the formation and functioning of criminal groups. Psychological and forensic types of criminal groups and their structure (by). Random criminal groups. Company type groups. Organized criminal groups. Close-knit organized groups. Criminal communities, as well as various types of associations of organized criminal groups. Structural (complex) organized group. Organized crime group. Bandit formation. Criminal organization (community). Mafia. Cooperation of professional criminal leaders (“thieves in law”). Three categories of gangs: “classic gang”, “specialized gang” and “preserves”.

Psychological and forensic types of hooligan groups and their structure. Psychological analysis of the motives for hooligan actions. Psychology of detection and investigation of crimes committed by hooligan groups.

Leadership in criminal groups and organizations. Typology of leaders. Conflicts in criminal groups. Psychological features of the detection and investigation of crimes committed by a criminal group. Tactical and psychological techniques for aggravating or creating conflict between accomplices in the process of investigating a group crime.

Questions to the topic:

1. General characteristics and types of criminal groups.

By studying this issue, listeners should form an idea of ​​the characteristics of criminal groups.

2. Criminal groups of minors.

When considering this issue, the main emphasis must be placed on the psychological characteristics of the creation and functioning of criminal groups of minors.

3. Criminal subculture.

When studying this issue, students need to conduct a comparative analysis of the concepts of “criminal environment” and “criminal subculture.”

4. Psychology of criminal groups and organizations.

When mastering the material on this issue, it is necessary to consider in detail the psychological characteristics of criminal groups of different orientations, age and gender characteristics.

Main literature

§ Gurov crime: past and present. - M.: Legal literature, 1990.

§ Industrial-organizational psychology: Textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

§ Zhilin, organization and tactics of the struggle of operational police apparatus with criminal groups: Textbook. - YuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1995.

§ Applied legal psychology: Textbook for universities / Ed. . – M.: Unity – Dana, 2001.

Avramtsev, V.V. Psychological training of employees of operational units of the internal affairs department [Text]: a practical guide / V.V. Avramtsev, G.L. Voronin, L.N. Ivanova. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The practical manual is devoted to the development of the concept, program and methods of psychological training of employees of operational units of the internal affairs department. The basics of the methodology for psychological training of professional communication among police officers are presented. The exercises are systematized in the following areas: training in basic skills of professional communication, role behavior, conflict interaction.

Current issues of psychological support for working with police personnel (based on materials from a permanent seminar for psychologists) [Text]: collection / ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The materials can be used to improve psychological support for work with personnel of internal affairs bodies, as well as in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of psychologists in departmental educational institutions.

Andreeva, I. A. Methodology for organizing social and psychological research in police departments [Text]: method. manual / I. A. Andreeva, V. A. Korchmaryuk. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The materials of the manual are intended for psychologists of bodies, departments and institutions of internal affairs, teachers of psychology of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The materials of the manual can be used to improve psychological support for the professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

Butkova, T. A. Formation of psychological competence of police officers [Text]: methodological recommendations / T. A. Butkova. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The issues of developing professionalism, competence and professional motivation of employees of internal affairs bodies are considered. A model of psychological competence of employees of internal affairs bodies is proposed as a component of professional skill.

Vakhnina, V..V. Diagnostics and formation of motivational readiness of employees to serve in the police department [Text]: scientific and methodological manual / V..V. Vakhnina, V. P. Trubochkin. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual is aimed at developing psychological support for management activities. The mobilization-psychological approach allows for a new integration of a number of aspects of operational and administrative activities. The manual is based on many years of scientific research on the problem and contains a set of methodological recommendations on the topic.

Vakhnina, V.V. Psychological diagnostics of the innovative potential of the personality of the head of the internal affairs department and methods of its development [Text]: methodological manual / V.V. Vakhnina. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The problems of innovation and psychological support for managing the innovative activities of the head of the internal affairs department, the methodology for developing the innovative potential of the personality of the head of the internal affairs department are revealed. The manual is intended for practical psychologists of internal affairs bodies, teachers, students, adjuncts of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Vakhnina, V.V. Psychological support of the negotiation process of police officers [Text]: textbook. allowance / V.V. Vakhnina. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual is aimed at developing psychological support for negotiation activities, contains a set of methodological recommendations and is based on many years of scientific research on the problem.

Gorbach, N. A. Problems of gambling addiction among police officers [Text]: methodological recommendations / N. A. Gorbach, M. A. Lisnyak, T. V. Trepashko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. Methodological approaches to identifying police officers prone to gambling addiction are described. For psychologists and employees of departments for working with personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, LUVDT and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Kopylova, G. K. Psychology in the activities of internal affairs bodies [Text]: course of lectures / G. K. Kopylova, A. V. Prozorov. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The most important topics in general, social, ethnic and legal psychology are considered. The course is based on the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the authors’ own experience gained in the process of professional and teaching activities in the internal affairs bodies

Korablev, S. E. Training for the development of communicative competence of law enforcement officers [Text]: textbook. allowance / S. E. Korablev. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The principles and structure of training for the development of communicative competence of law enforcement officers are considered. Studying the theoretical aspects of professional communication, supplemented by practical training of relevant skills and abilities, will allow an internal affairs officer to effectively perform his professional duties.

Maryin, M. I. Organization of psychological support in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. E. Petrov; under general ed. V.L. Kubyshko.- M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. An analysis of the formation, development and current state of psychological support and psychological services of departmental educational institutions was carried out. Modern psychological practice has been systematized, conceptual and methodological foundations for organizing and conducting psychological work with personnel have been developed.

Maryin, M. I. Psychological support for initial training of police officers [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. M. Pozdnyakov, V. E. Petrov, A. V. Boreko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual provides regulatory and educational materials used in the process of organizing and implementing psychological support for special initial training of personnel, as well as in organizing psychological support for official activities and the adaptation process of young employees of internal affairs bodies, divisions and institutions.

Moral and psychological support for operational and official activities of police personnel [Text]: collection of normative documents and methodological materials / edited by. ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. This collection includes regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and methodological materials that form the normative and methodological basis for the activities of heads of internal affairs bodies, units for working with personnel in organizing moral and psychological support.

Organization of psychological work with police personnel [Text]: textbook. allowance / comp. A. M. Nebolsin. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The scientific foundations of psychological work with personnel of internal affairs bodies are considered; psychological characteristics of the personality of an employee of internal affairs bodies and his professional activities; socio-psychological structure of the service team of the internal affairs body; psychological and pedagogical competence of heads of internal affairs bodies, ways to improve it.

Pryakhina, M. V. Professional psychological selection of criminal investigation officers [Text]: methodological manual / M. V. Pryakhina, Yu. E. Skalin, A. M. Ivanova. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The issues of organization, content and methodological support of professional psychological selection of operational criminal investigation officers are considered.

Psychological support for the prevention of violations of official discipline in the internal affairs department [Text]: educational and methodological manual / V.L. Kubyshko and others - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The main reasons for violations of official discipline by employees of internal affairs bodies are analyzed. The main directions of psychological work are indicated, as well as ways to prevent and correct the tendency to violate official discipline.

Psychological support for the formation and development of a culture of communication and communicative competence among police officers [Text]: educational and methodological manual / ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual contains methodological materials aimed at improving the communicative competence and communication culture of police officers. It includes basic methods of diagnostics and group psychological training, models and programs are defined, and practical recommendations for its implementation are drawn up.

Maryin, M. I. Social and psychological competence of the head of the internal affairs department [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. E. Petrov, A. I. Adaev, A. V. Boreko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The concept and content of socio-psychological competence of the head of an internal affairs agency is considered. Psychotechnologies for assessing the degree of expression of its components in employees, methods for development and improvement are proposed. Methods for conducting socio-psychological examinations in police service teams are presented.

Maryin, M. I. Psychological training of employees of MOB units and the formation of skills of public behavior in the context of mass events of citizens [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The educational and methodological manual is aimed at improving the professional psychological training of employees of internal affairs bodies while ensuring public safety, developing their skills of public behavior in conditions of large crowds of people, holding public events, and increasing the efficiency of the personnel of the MoS units.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the professional development of specialists - police officers [Text]: method. allowance / comp. A. F. Karavaev. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The methodological manual has been prepared to help psychologists, cadets, teachers of educational institutions, and heads of law enforcement agencies.

Reader on legal psychology. A special part.

Encyclopedia of legal psychology.
Ed. A.M. Stolyarenko.

Psychological assistance program for police officers. Departmental regulatory legal act regulating the volume and procedure for carrying out organizational, socio-psychological and medical-psychological activities with personnel, defining sources of funding, responsible officials, the content of rehabilitation work with employees and its stages, the forms and methods of psychological work with employees in normal and extreme conditions, with service teams, family members of the deceased, etc.. It is built on the principles of mandatory implementation, complexity and consistency.

Work program for the psychological regulation room. A set of activities carried out with VET employees in order to organize pre-nosological prevention of deviations in health, mental maladjustment or initial manifestations of neuropsychic instability, including acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorders. The program is implemented in several stages:

The first stage consists of examining employees in the form of an individual or group psychodiagnostic examination, an individual interview in order to determine individual psychological characteristics, indications for psychological rehabilitation and the formation of groups for psychological correction. Based on the survey results, employees are divided into 3 groups. Group 1 - practically healthy. Employees are provided with vacations and other benefits provided for by current legislation. If possible, a repeat psychodiagnostic examination is carried out after 6 months - 1 year. Group 2 - those with functional, pre-nosological deviations in health. They undergo rehabilitation and recovery measures and a repeat control psychodiagnostic examination 6 months after completion of the course. Group 3 - patients. These employees, after an in-depth examination at psychological diagnostic centers, are sent to outpatient or inpatient treatment. A repeated psychodiagnostic examination is carried out by a psychologist 1 month after the end of treatment.

At the second stage, rehabilitation measures are carried out for employees assigned to the second group of those examined, in several sessions in accordance with the need determined by the office psychologist, according to the following approximate program. Session 1 - group (individual) interview; relaxation video therapy; debriefing on the events experienced; conducting sessions of neuromuscular relaxation and autogenic training; conducting an “Art Therapy” session; individual psychological counseling and correction of psychological conditions, the use of physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means. Session 2 - training in methods of self-regulation using breathing exercises and their implementation; music relaxation therapy; training in the “Key” self-regulation technique; session of mobilizing autogenic training; mobilizing video therapy; psychoconsultative, psychocorrective, physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means. Session 3 - video training of business and everyday communication; group discussion of unresolved problems and general condition; individual psychological counseling and correction of post-stress conditions, the use of physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means; gym, sauna. If necessary, individual employees may be offered additional individual and group psychorehabilitation activities.

For each employee sent to the office, the psychologist prepares an Observation File. It is conducted in strict accordance with legal acts on human rights and taking into account the Code of Professional Ethics of Psychologist. The document is stored until the employee’s dismissal from service and is destroyed in the prescribed manner. If an employee is transferred to another unit for further service, the observation file is sent to the psychologist (in the personnel office) of this unit.

(Maryin M.I., Brodchenko O.I., Petrov V.E.)

Psychological correction in VET. PC is a targeted psychological impact on the individual in order to ensure its full development and functioning. Psychocorrectional work is largely related to personality development. There are individual and group forms of psychocorrectional work. PC can be carried out on the initiative of not only the employee himself, but also a staff psychologist. Individual forms of PC largely overlap with the psychological counseling procedure. Group psychocorrectional work often gives a much greater psychological effect than communication between an employee and a psychologist. According to K. Levin, it is easier to change individuals gathered in a group than to change each of them individually. Psychocorrectional groups differ in their target orientation (changes in states, development of socially important qualities, self-actualization); by the nature of the tasks being solved (development of sensitivity, self-confidence, organizational skills, etc.); according to the theoretical concept (groups of transactional analysis, auto-training, skills training, Gestalt groups, NLP, etc.). The methodology for conducting psychocorrectional work in groups is based on the belief that a person himself is able to recognize his problems and discuss them with the group. There are the following principles for organizing group psychocorrectional work: 1) personal responsibility (the results of learning and personal growth depend, first of all, on oneself); 2) self-disclosure (disclosure of one’s “I” to other people is a sign of a healthy personality, protects against the construction of a false external “I”); 3) the “here and now” principle (not the past, but the present, personally significant problems are analyzed); 4) the principle of “feedback” (group members express their attitude towards the inappropriate behavior of others); 5) the principle of humanity (respect for each other, acceptance of people as they are, everyone makes their own decision about the need for correction).

(L.N. Volina)

Psychological assistance to employees. PP (along with legal, medical, etc.) is a type of practical assistance expressed in helping employees independently overcome the psychological difficulties of mastering official duties, performing them at the proper level, getting used to the conditions of service, and successfully completing their service. Help is provided when employees do not cope well with difficulties themselves.

Relatively simple forms of PP have always been used by colleagues, managers and mentors: psychological support (promoting internal mobilization); psychological orientation (improving psychological awareness); psychological assistance (connection to direct overcoming of difficulties). With the creation of psychological services in VET, their workers not only participate in these forms of assistance, but also use others that require special qualifications: psychological counseling (facilitating decision-making to overcome difficulties); psychological rehabilitation (promoting the restoration of emotional-volitional states and psychological capacity).

PP is not identical to the entire psychological support for the activities of employees, but is its integral part. In addition to its main purpose, it plays a special role - “weaving” directly into the professional life of personnel, serving to develop and strengthen moral relations among them.

PP methods are varied. These include: showing empathy; approval of views, attitudes, intentions and actions; revealing the limitations of erroneous judgments and actions; shifting emphasis from experiencing failures to prospects and successes; inspiration by positive examples of overcoming adversity; drawing attention to the hidden causes of specific psychological difficulties; taxonomy of factors causing these difficulties; assessment of individual capabilities to overcome them; joint search for psychological dependencies of problematic situations; analytical transformation of problems into a more solvable form; identification of hidden and combined options for their resolution; psychological “safety net”, “substitution”, “playing along” in relation to people overcoming difficulties; psychophysical relaxation; debriefing; clarification of meaning-forming professional and life motives; revealing the importance of spiritual self-determination and development; and etc.

(E.V. Petukhov)

Psychological assistance to police officers in a combat zone. It is a system of measures carried out by employees of psychological support units in order to maintain the optimal level of professional adaptation and socio-psychological status of employees of internal affairs bodies performing service and combat missions, to restore and improve their performance. The main areas of work are: implementation of a set of works aimed at reducing deaths, injuries, violations of official discipline and the rule of law, crimes and emergency incidents among personnel; implementation of a set of measures for psychological support of counter-terrorism operations; application of psychological knowledge in solving problems to ensure personal safety of employees; diagnostics of the moral, psychological and psychophysiological state of employees; implementation of a set of recovery measures (for example, relieving excessive stress through the use of a set of methods and techniques); conducting individual psychological counseling with managers at all levels on issues of organizing work with personnel, as well as with employees on current personal and family problems.

(Marin M.I., Petrov V.E.)

Psychological work with wounded police officers. Activities aimed at processing traumatic experiences by wounded internal affairs officers and integrating them into positive life experiences. The need for psychological work is due to the fact that a favorable mental state is necessary for the success of treatment. The wounded often experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder: intrusive memories, low mood, insomnia, unexplained anxiety, increased irritability, nervousness, depression, hypervigilance, memory impairment, etc.

Methods of psychological work can be the following: observation, empathic listening, clinical conversation (to diagnose a psychological state, collect a psychological history), debriefing (to minimize psychological consequences, prevent the development of post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome), resocialization (work with close relatives), short-term psychocorrectional methods (psychological resuscitation of pain, logic of events; stress relief from past events, erasing experiences, working with aggression, loss, dynamics of grief, searching for resources and projection for the future), special psychotherapeutic techniques (psychotherapeutic metaphors, trance techniques, self-regulation techniques, “ Life Path" and "Key", rational and breathing therapy, etc.).

In the work of a psychologist with the wounded, the following stages can be distinguished: a) adaptation to hospital conditions, intense emotional experiences (this period can be short, provided the psychologist is trained to work with the wounded); b) constructive stage - active work with the wounded; c) the stage of denial, at which the psychologist is so identified with the wounded that he may experience symptoms of a psychological stress disorder, namely: somatic manifestations, increased anxiety, inability to relax, denial of his own experiences, intrusive dreams; d) stage of analysis – transfer of negative reactions to the conscious level; e) readaptation to normal service conditions. For psychologically prepared employees, the rehabilitation period is easier. They are aimed at cooperation with a psychologist, and are also more contact and sociable with other wounded people. When working with employees who have not undergone professional psychological training, psychologists have to expend additional efforts to overcome negative reactions and resistance, refusal of help, distrust of psychologists, and denial of the problem of rehabilitation, which significantly lengthens the rehabilitation period.

(Marin M.I., Petrov V.E.)

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INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF WORKING WITH EMPLOYEES RETURNING FROM “HOT SPOTS” 1.1 Personal anxiety as a psychological phenomenon 1.2 Psychological consequences of serving in “hot spots” 1.3 Psychological counseling as a form of rehabilitation work with employees who served in “hot spots” VA 2. EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE FEATURES OF ANXIETY IN EMPLOYEES SERVING IN “HOT SPOTS” 2.1. Organizing and conducting an empirical study to identify the characteristics of changes in anxiety levels among employees who served in “hot spots” 2.2. Analysis and interpretation of data obtained as a result of empirical research 2.3. Practical recommendations for effective work with employees who served in “hot spots” CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDICES

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A short stay in a zone of armed action does not pass without a trace for a person. It can be an obstacle to adaptation in conditions of peaceful life, after military service and participation in hostilities, and as a result, can be expressed in deviant behavior, the manifestation of maladaptation, borderline neuropsychiatric disorders and the manifestation of post-traumatic stress syndrome. This fact determines the significance and necessity of developing psychological diagnostic measures and correction of possible signs of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

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The purpose of this study is to determine the level of reactive and personal anxiety of employees who served in “hot spots”. Subject of the study: personal characteristics of police officers (level of personal and reactive anxiety) that determine the specifics of psychological work with them. Object of study: personal characteristics of police officers. The hypothesis of the study is that the counseling conversation is effective for various deviations of the levels of personal anxiety from the norm (both high and low anxiety). Conversation has a beneficial effect on personality.

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Research objectives:

A study of theoretical approaches to the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder in people who took part in hostilities in domestic and foreign literature. Study of the personality characteristics and behavior of police officers with experience in service and combat activities. Studying the characteristics of the level of anxiety of police officers with experience in service and combat activities. Comparison of anxiety levels among employees before and after the consultation conversation. Establishing the nature of the relationships between the studied indicators in groups.

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Research methods

Theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the work. The theoretical methods were an analysis of the literature on the problem of the psychological consequences of participation in armed hostilities, including the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder and the study of anxiety among police officers. The test method was used as empirical methods. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the following methods: 1. Self-esteem scale (Ch.D. Spielberger test - Yu.L. Khanin). 2. Test “SAN” (Feeling of Well-Being-Activity-Mood). 3. Luscher color test.

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Conclusions on chapter 1

Having analyzed the first chapter, we can conclude that the level of activity and anxiety, both personal and situational, are important personality traits of a police officer. They largely shape his behavior and reactions in various situations, including extreme ones, when the employee is required to remain calm, not panic, and realize all the responsibility entrusted to him for his life and for the safety of other people. The ability to make quick, clear and correct decisions in a situation of stress is one of the most important qualities of a police officer serving in “hot spots”. And our task is to discover these qualities in an employee, help him consolidate them in himself and maintain them. Employees returning from “hot spots” must adapt to conditions of peaceful life. And here, as it turns out, various kinds of problems can arise. In the second paragraph of this chapter, we examined in detail the consequences for an employee after serving in the Investigative Committee and the forms of manifestation of these consequences. The third paragraph presents one of the forms of correction and correction of the consequences of serving in “hot spots”. This is psychological counseling. Various forms of working with the client are also considered. The task of a psychologist is to help identify the client’s main problems, accept the situation, get out of it with new attitudes, and not “get stuck” in the same time and search for solutions to problems. The psychologist does not control the client, does not put pressure on him, but only directs him in the right direction. This technique is an important part of working with an employee for his rehabilitation in conditions of peaceful life, after serving in the Investigative Committee.

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Comparison of indicators of personal anxiety among employees in the first group (with initial indicators of low personal anxiety)

Fig.1. Where Col_1 are the initial indicators of the level of personal anxiety of employees, and Col_2 are the indicators of the level of personal anxiety after the consultation conversation.

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Comparison of indicators of personal anxiety among employees in the first group (with initial indicators with high personal anxiety)

Fig.2. Where Col_1 is the initial indicators of the level of personal anxiety of employees, and Col_2 is the indicators of the level of personal anxiety after the consultation conversation.

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Conclusions on Chapter 2

This chapter described the organization and conduct of an empirical study of employees to identify abnormal levels of anxiety, carried out a mathematical analysis and interpretation of empirical data. The results obtained allow us to conclude that disturbances in the level of anxiety among employees who served in “hot spots” can negatively affect both the individual and his professional activities. This can only be prevented by working with the employee and conducting regular diagnostics. If violations are identified, work in a consultation conversation, it is possible to conduct psychological training. As the data shows us, the work is effective and productive, changes in a positive direction are noted by the employees themselves, and this is confirmed by empirical research. This chapter also provides practical recommendations for working effectively with employees who served in “hot spots.” The text describes in detail the features of conducting a consultative conversation and offers training recommended to bring the level of anxiety back to normal.

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To conduct an empirical study, a group of 60 employees who served in “hot spots” was formed. These were employees of OP No. 2 "Omutinsky" (village Yurginskoye), OP No. 1 "Omutinsky" (village Armizonskoye) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Omutinsky" of the Omutinsky district of the Tyumen region in the amount of 60 people. Average age - 33.9 (from 23 to 48 years old). Average work experience is 9.3 (from 1 year to 19 years). All subjects are men. During the mathematical analysis, it was revealed that a consultation conversation with employees whose personal anxiety was above or below the norm influenced its change in a positive direction. As a result of the analysis of empirical data, practical recommendations were proposed for psychologists of internal affairs bodies to work with such an employee’s personality trait as anxiety in order to prevent negative situations during their service in extreme situations and for effective rehabilitation work after serving in “hot spots”. Negative changes can be prevented by conducting regular diagnostics with employees and observing changes. If violations are identified, work in a consultation conversation, it is possible to conduct psychological training. As the data shows us, the work is effective and productive, changes in a positive direction are noted by the employees themselves, and this is confirmed by empirical research. This paper provides practical recommendations for working effectively with employees who served in “hot spots.” The text describes in detail the features of conducting a consultative conversation and offers training recommended to bring the level of anxiety back to normal.

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The psychological service model can be any, but the interaction of all specialists and teachers is important. The psychological service of our center came to such a model by searching for different options. Interesting. that the presented model gradually emerged as the most convenient and mobile. We. service specialists. We carry out supervision of complex cases and this has become a tradition. We have our own page on the Center’s website, where we post our notes and consultations. Let me present the model of our service to your attention.



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Slide captions:

Model of psychological service Education Center No. 1453 Associated with UNESCO

Consulting of parents Individual group consultation of teachers Medical - psychological and speech therapy service Scientific and methodological work Dispatch work Primary and middle grades Higher grades Diagnostic minimum Diagnostic minimum self-esteem correction Developmental work Career guidance diagnostics forecast

Strategy for accompanying elementary school children Leading activity is educational Diagnostic minimum for the study of the “school conveyor belt” Individual and group developmental activities taking into account the child’s representative systems Forms: psychotechnical games, psycho-gymnastics, micro-trainings Consulting teachers and parents Diagnostic minimum for the study of the “school conveyor belt” »

Strategy for supporting teachers Using the method of expert assessments, determining the style of interaction between a teacher and children Explication and implication of successful teacher strategies Modeling behavior in non-standard situations Personal growth training Training for interaction with aggressive, hyperactive children Communication training Training for teachers to receive feedback and conduct reflection Self-diagnosis of SAN

Strategy for accompanying parents Individual counseling when admitting a child to school Training for interaction with children Communication training Group consultations on the upbringing and development of a child Studying requests from parents to a psychologist, checking them for validity Shuttle diplomacy in the event of conflicts Family counseling

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