What skills should be included in the resume. How to describe professional skills in a resume: sample. You must provide information about the place of study

  • 24.03.2023

Reading time: 59 min

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will not talk about, but about the sore topic of all the unemployed at some point in their lives, people who are not hired because of an incorrectly drawn up resume. It would seem that such a thing in writing this document? It is not so difficult to tell about yourself as a business partner, about your advantages over other applicants for any position. But everything is not as simple as it seems at the beginning, it is not easy to write a resume correctly for the first time, but then it still follows!

A resume is your personal “business card” when applying for a job, on the competent writing of which your future life path will depend, namely, the cherished words "You are accepted!" in the personnel department.

In this case, the use of the phrase “competent spelling” does not mean the correct placement of punctuation marks and a high level of spelling, since hiring for a position in demand, unlike and so, involves the selection of the best of the best. Therefore, when compiling a resume, you will need to remember all the rules of the Russian language that you studied at school. But the concept of "literate writing" when writing also includes the following:

  • “Brevity is the sister of talent,” we have been hearing about this expression since childhood. So, when compiling a resume, a summary of your achievements, skills, abilities, and, more simply, all the advantages increases your chance of getting the desired position, rather than empty voluminous stories.
  • You should not write formulaic phrases indicating your personal characteristics, that is, expressions such as “sociable th (th)”, “easy to learn”, “punctual (flax)” should be thrown out of your head right away, as they will not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • The ability to correctly articulate resume skills and abilities(sorry for the tautology). Everything that you will write in this section should be suitable for the specific position for which you are applying.

So, dear readers, our article will be devoted to the third point, since the most common mistakes of all people when writing a resume are precisely in the incorrect description of their skills and abilities regarding the position that these people want to get.Well, let's get started?

    1 Skills and abilities in a resume: the main thing you need to know for correct writing

    • 1.1 Skills for the resume of the salesperson and other employees who are in regular contact with people

      1.3 Skills for a good resume of lecturers and teachers of seminars or trainings

      1.4 Skills in the resume of computer scientists

      1.5 Skills in a resume for an accountant and auditor

      1.6 Skills in a lawyer resume

    2 General skills and abilities for a good resume

    3 Example in summary of skills and abilities

    4 Proper writing of the main skills and abilities in the resume

    5 How not to confuse the “About Me” and “Skills” sections of your resume

    • 5.1 An example of writing skills and abilities for a resume for the position of a pharmacist

    6 Indicating certain skills and abilities when writing a resume

    7 Conclusion

Skills in summary: the main thing you need to know for correct spelling

The core skills and abilities that you list on your resume are the first things an employer will look for. Indicating only the availability of education and work experience does not promise you the desired position due to the fact that by doing this you will not reveal yourself as a person, which means you will not be a leader among your rivals when applying for a job.

Having qualitatively described your skills and abilities, you can be sure that you will certainly get the desired position (unless, of course, a more “skillful” person will bypass you).

There is no list of basic skills and abilities for a resume that will be suitable for any position and a priori (but there is). But if you do not know at all what to write in this section, then you can use the following list, which is considered the most appropriate for each position:

  1. the ability to organize and competently manage their working time;
  2. possession of managerial skills;
  3. ability to lead in a team;
  4. attention to unimportant details;
  5. ability to cope with difficult tasks;
  6. analytic skills;
  7. ability to communicate in a business style;
  8. the ability to handle conflicts within a team.

This list can be endless, the main thing is to choose a couple of points that are important for your position.

Remember that the employer, looking for employees, always specifies the required skills and abilities in the ad that employees in a particular position should have.

One more of your abilities is important here (which you will not indicate for obvious reasons) - the reformulation of thoughts. That is, when you see the ad "Employees are required ...", which will indicate all the necessary qualities of the desired employee, when compiling a resume, you will write the same thing, only in your own words. A kind of, as with, but only in real life.

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resume skillsthe seller and other employees who are in regular contact with people

When compiling a resume, people applying for one of these positions can write in the section " Skills» next :

  1. is able (to) find a creative approach in solving any situations;
  2. tactful (on) and tolerant (on) in relation to other people;
  3. I know how to listen to interlocutors, I help to solve their problem;
  4. capable of learning;
  5. I have literate speech and the ability to convince;
  6. I have extensive experience in sales;
  7. I know how to manage time;
  8. I can find an approach to people;
  9. in conflict situations I reach compromises.

Any employer will be attracted to a potential employee applying for any position with such abilities as:

  1. fluency in foreign languages ​​(mainly English);
  2. confident use of a computer and computer equipment;
  3. ability to conduct business correspondence;
  4. possessing interest and attentiveness to the overall success of the enterprise.

Specifically for people who want to get a position in the service industry, their main skills should be those that are able to satisfy any need of the client.

If you want to get the position of director, administrator, boss, manager or other managerial position, then you will need the following abilities, which you will talk about when writing a resume:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • possessing critical (or strategic) thinking;
  • ability to gain trust;
  • the effectiveness of negotiations;
  • competent management of time and labor resources of the enterprise;
  • independence of decisions made and responsibility for their consequences;
  • possession of communication skills;
  • ability to effectively motivate employees;
  • ability to solve several tasks simultaneously;
  • the ability to distribute responsibilities, as well as monitor their clear implementation.

But you should not write about what you cannot do, because if you are hired and you do not live up to expectations, then you will be threatened with dismissal at the same moment.

It is better to indicate what you can really do without difficulty, but embellished a little for a higher evaluation by the employer your candidacy.

Skills for a good resume of lecturers and teachers of seminars or trainings

If you apply for the position of a teacher, lecturer, lecturer and the like, then your main skills and abilities should be the following:

  1. ability to motivate;
  2. possessing a high level of initiative and energy;
  3. flexibility and patience;
  4. ability to organize the work process;
  5. the ability to sharpen the interest of listeners on a specific phenomenon over the required period of time;
  6. Possession of competent speech and clear diction;
  7. the ability to communicate with people;
  8. the ability to establish contacts even with the most characteristic people.

Simply put, you should draw the attention of your employer to the fact that you, like no one else, are an excellent teacher and at the same time a psychologist.

Skills on resume computer scientists

If you have chosen a career as an IT specialist for yourself, then your vocation is to exercise control over all computer equipment belonging to your enterprise. This means that your resume should reflect the following abilities:

  1. I am fluent in English;
  2. I can prevent computer breakdowns;
  3. regularly monitor potential risks;
  4. I carry out periodic diagnostics of computer equipment;
  5. easily perceive incoming information.

And do not forget that your main skill is the professional knowledge of computer technology, otherwise what could be the position of an IT specialist for a person who knows nothing in a computer except how to use browsers and.

Skills for resumeaccountant and auditor

If you think that your life should be closely related to accounting, then by submitting documents for any enterprise, you will definitely be required to write a resume, in the section " Abilities and skills' which you can specify the following:

  1. I can think analytically;
  2. I have the ability to create an algorithm for the upcoming work on a daily basis;
  3. I am able to effectively plan working time;
  4. I determine the tasks that are significant at the moment;
  5. I can communicate with representatives of regulatory authorities;
  6. I pay special attention to small things and details;
  7. able (to) determine the degree of priorities;
  8. I regularly analyze all my actions.

In general, describe all the abilities that every competent specialist in the field of accounting should have.

Lawyer resume skills

If you are applying for the position of a lawyer, lawyer, judge and the like, then your main skills when writing a resume should be the following:

  1. high level of knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
  2. the ability to draw up the necessary contracts;
  3. ability to use electronic databases of a legal nature;
  4. ability to work with representatives of control bodies;
  5. the ability to find compromises in difficult situations;
  6. strict adherence to the set goals;
  7. conducting legal reviews.

This list is, of course, incomplete. This is just an example that you can use when writing a resume for a position related to law.

General Skills for a Good Resume

I will give you a few skills that are common to many professions and job seekers. That is, each of the skills listed below will not be suitable for any position, but you can choose something suitable for your desired career.

So here's this one a list of general skills for writing a good and memorable resume:

  1. knowledge of foreign languages ​​(here you will have to indicate a specific foreign language, as well as the degree of proficiency in it: fluency, reading with a dictionary, etc.);
  2. programming skills;
  3. ability to plan and develop budgets;
  4. the ability to communicate competently in a business style (both in writing and orally);
  5. experience in creating client bases, as well as working with them in the future;
  6. operational-search operations to ensure access to information;
  7. ability to develop plans;
  8. conducting an analysis regarding the facts of completed sales, both by the enterprise itself and by its competitors;
  9. skills in conducting and organizing inventory activities;
  10. the ability to negotiate;
  11. the ability to train and motivate the work team;
  12. skills in working with commercial proposals;
  13. ability to predict;
  14. the ability to convince;
  15. skills to work with applied computer programs (for example: with the Microsoft Word package, 1C: Accounting, Excel, Photoshop and others);
  16. possession of organizational skills;
  17. ability to make independent decisions;
  18. skillful handling of office equipment (office equipment);
  19. ability to work in a team;
  20. ability to use primary data;
  21. skills to save, competently purchase goods, distribute the financial resources of the enterprise wisely;
  22. ability in pricing and direct sales;
  23. skills to sell by cellular communication;
  24. ability to collect and prepare statistical information;
  25. ability to develop and conduct activities related to market research and advertising campaigns;
  26. ability to scrupulous attitude in the collection and preparation of reporting documentation.

A certain position requires certain abilities on the part of the employee. I am more than sure that when writing a resume, you will definitely use at least one of the above points. After all, many of them are suitable for every serious person who intends to apply for a good high-paying position.

Example in resume of skills and abilities

If you are applying for a special position, for which, unfortunately, the article did not find a suitable example of a competent resume, then you can indicate in the section " Skills» one of the following examples (as long as it fits your intended position of course):

  1. possession of character traits inherent in a leader;
  2. possession of technical knowledge;
  3. the ability to organize and develop projects, as well as manage them in the future;
  4. possession of knowledge and achievements in the field of marketing;
  5. the ability to establish contact with counterparties of the enterprise;
  6. possession of public speaking skills;
  7. ability to take initiative;
  8. possessing high energy in solving emerging problems;
  9. ability to make decisions immediately;
  10. responsibility for each task assigned;
  11. performing any (even extremely complex) actions that can lead to the success of the enterprise;
  12. achieving great success in the field of service and (or) sales.

Any of the points written above will pleasantly surprise your employer. And this means that you will become even closer to the desired position.

Proper writing of the main skills and abilities in the resume

When looking for a job, I advise you not to limit yourself to writing one resume, it would be more correct to change it regularly in accordance with the intended position. But the presentation of skills for the main copy of the resume should be different from the copies of resumes for specific positions.

In the main copy of the resume, which will be suitable for most positions, you should immediately after the section " experience» paint your « Skills”, that is, everything that you have learned - comes from previous work.

Let me give you a good example: for a certain time (say, five years) Anastasia worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, but she was categorically not satisfied with her salary. She quit her job and is now looking for a job in the same position.

So, the main skills and achievements that Nastya received at her previous job are the following for her:

  • high knowledge in the field of child psychology;
  • the ability to resolve conflicts that have arisen between children;
  • the ability to find an individual approach to each child;
  • the ability to conduct recreational activities of a cognitive nature;
  • the ability to draw;
  • the ability to play the piano;
  • skills to communicate with children;
  • skills to prepare children for elementary school.

This list can be endless, but useless. Why? Because it’s also not worth it to overpraise yourself on a resume.

Ideal people do not exist - this is a well-known fact. Therefore, an employer may also not approve a resume that is too sugary, as well as an illiterate one.

Also, I would like to warn you that it is necessary to write only the truth in the resume. If Anastasia, who worked for five years as a kindergarten teacher, suddenly wanted to become a mathematics teacher (while not having a special education and work experience) and indicated in her resume that she had knowledge of higher mathematics and similar lies, then the employer simply would not believe Anastasia, since he has documents that confirm her lies in the resume.

How not to confuse the “About Me” and “Skills” sections of your resume

Chapter " About Me” includes phrases and words such as “Punctual (th)”, “Sociable (th)”, “Responsible (th)”, but not the same as in sections like “Abilities and Abilities”, “Skills and Achievements ” or “Professional skills”. This is a big mistake that many job seekers make when writing a resume.

When compiling the "" section, you must indicate all those that you received at your previous job or while studying at a college, institute or university. In the same section, you can indicate your achievements that you have achieved while working (or studying) in this position.

In other words, this section should show you as a qualified specialist who should definitely fill a vacant position.. The brighter you talk about your skills, the more employers will be interested in your resume.

Use the following resume writing tips to increase your chances of getting the job you want:

  1. Describe your qualifications right after the section “ Education". It will be more reasonable than sculpting the text anyhow.
  2. Chapter " Professional skills and abilities» must exactly match the position for which you are applying at the time of writing your resume. That is, if you send two resumes at once to different enterprises and to different positions, then this section should be different in both copies.
  3. As I said above, making yourself an ideal employee is completely undesirable. Therefore, 5-10 achievements, skills, etc. are enough. when writing a resume. If you want to talk about some skills, you will have to exclude the rest.
  4. Primarily in the first place should be those abilities, who, like no other, fit the position for which you are applying.
  5. Make your list of skills enjoyable to read: don't make primitive spelling and punctuation mistakes, don't write overly abstruse phrases, but don't make the resulting list too stupid.
  6. You need to talk about the abilities that you saw in the ad.
  7. Each skill should begin with phrases and words such as " I have», « I know», « Possess», « I own», « I can" etc. and so on.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to talk about your personality traits in the section " Professional achievements". About punctuality and sociability, you can write at least poems in the section " About Me».

Lucky for those people (who do not have work experience) who stumble upon headhunting when looking for a job. That is, such enterprises require employees of a narrow specialty who have this education, and work experience is completely unimportant for them.

An example of writing skills and abilities for a resume for the position of a pharmacist

This is what a resume section should look like Professional skills and abilities» for a person applying for the position of a pharmacist:

  • Professional experience– 7 years in the largest pharmacies in Moscow. I have the skills to organize a pharmaceutical service, to produce and control the quality of medicines and semi-finished products, to conduct an inventory of inventory items, to draw up an inventory of inventory items.
  • I know how to conduct research and evaluate markets for pharmaceutical products, determine demand and calculate the need for medicines and medical products, organize business activities.

To make your resume easier to read, you can write each new skill on a red line, but be aware that this will take up a lot more space.

If you choose the right skills and abilities for your position, you can be sure that they will really call you back.

Education and work experience- these are, of course, integral parts of the resume, but nothing will tell you about your abilities like the section " Professional skills and abilities". This is where you can reveal yourself as a specialist.

The employer has little knowledge of your previous place of work, as well as the name of your university (college, university). But to find out if you are really useful to the enterprise, he would very much like to. The more competently you make a list of skills and knowledge, the more interested the employer will be. Therefore, when compiling this list, you need to be extremely careful.

Indicating certain skills and abilities when writing a resume

If you are writing a resume for a specific position, then the list of your main skills and abilities should be as accurate as possible for this position.

After seeing the ad, carefully read it and understand who exactly the employer is looking for and what this someone should be able to do. Think carefully about whether you meet these requirements. If yes, then these requirements should be your skills and abilities in the resume .

But rewriting all the requirements of the employer as your abilities is a “dead number”. The employer will immediately understand that you were dishonest about writing a resume and will reject your candidacy once and for all. To prevent this from happening, modify all the requirements of the employer in the section " Skills while adding something of your own that you think will be of great benefit to the enterprise.

Let's say you read in an ad that a position requires an employee who is fluent in English. When compiling a resume, you can supplement this paragraph with the fact that you know how to organize the process of obtaining a visa for your employer (if you know how, of course). After all, since the employer is interested in knowing English among his employees, it means that he is constantly negotiating with contractors from foreign countries who speak English. This means that you can apply for a visa for him,will distinguish you from the crowd of competitors - applicants for your position .

I would also like to remind you that employers often look for employees by key phrases in the resume. Therefore, listing your skills and abilities, focus on the ad.Don't forget: you can't rewrite! Modify and supplement - you can always!


On this, today's article has come to an end. I hope that it will be useful to each of you, dear readers. After all, everyone at least once in their life faced with writing a resume, on which their future fate depended. Someone was more fortunate, and he is now working in a coveted position. And someone could not get it due to the inability to determine their basic skills and abilities.

But now, using this article, you can write a wonderful resume on your own that will interest any even the most fastidious employer.

A competent list of skills and achievements, a high level of spelling and punctuation, a little trick in adding sections - and that's it, the position is yours!

Finally, I would like to wish everyone to write their resume, get the desired position and work in it with joy, until retirement. I advise you to see the following a video on how to write a resume correctly and what mistakes should be avoided:

That's all, dear readers! Thanks for reading! I wish you all good luck and a highly paid position! Get acquainted with and maybe you don’t need a real job at all! And here is the standard resume template that you can download right now:

As a career consultant, I am constantly compiling and editing key skills on my resume. This is the information block that presents and “sells” you well. For this reason, I want to talk in this article about some of the nuances of describing skills.

What are the key skills to include on your resume?

Rule #1 (Most Important) - Skills must match the position you're looking for.

Firstly, you need to clearly control the level of "performer-leader". An example of a typical and often made mistake: they are looking for a job as a manager (director), and in the list of skills in the resume they write a lot of skills of lower-level specialists.

The resume should clearly show whether you are a manager or a subordinate. The quality of job offers depends on this.

Secondly, you need to evaluate the style and content of the vacancies that you are applying for and, in accordance with this, describe yourself in your resume.

To understand exactly what key skills to write in a resume, find 5-7 vacancies that suit you, analyze and copy the main requirements and responsibilities from there. Of course, in the process of copying something will have to be corrected, but you, by and large, do not need to invent anything out of your head. Everything has already been thought of for you.

If you write skills on your resume based on job descriptions, you will be called for interviews more often.

Use it and work will find you.

Very common mistake

In my resume writing work, I constantly see descriptions of the skills and abilities of a superhuman and ultraemployee in the resume:

  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Working capacity.
  • High level of discipline.
  • Focus on results.
  • High learning ability.
  • Systems thinking.

If it used to be funny, now it's not. Tired. Everyone writes the same thing, and no one goes into the meaning of these words. And the hidden meaning of the set of these words is “hire me to work.”

How to fix such an error. Choose one (maximum two!) of your abilities and write about each of them in a sentence.

For example:

  • I know how to start things and bring them to a successful conclusion.
  • I regularly study and improve my skills (I like the seminars and webinars of the ABV school, I subscribe to the news of the abc.ru website, I participate in industry conferences).

How to describe skills on a resume

If possible, be specific but concise. It can be difficult to combine these two things, but if you see that it can be done, do it.

For example: extensive sales experience (8 years of experience, of which 3 years - head of department).

On the one hand, you write about sales skills, on the other hand, you provide serious evidence of this. It's smart and beautiful.

Separately, I want to say about computer skills in the resume. If you are a programmer, you need to describe in detail the ownership of programs and technologies. If you are a leader, one phrase like “confident PC skills” will be enough for you.

Examples of writing key skills (from real resumes)

An example from a PR manager resume:

Sample Key Skills for a Director's Resume:

  • Experience in production - 17 years (in mechanical engineering about 11 years).
  • Experience in personnel management - 15 years.
  • Experience in starting production sites from scratch.
  • Experience in automation and increasing the efficiency of production.
  • Good knowledge of relevant documentation (regulations, state standards, regulations, etc.).
  • English is intermediate.
  • Strong PC skills (I know SAP R/3).

Also read

Of course, in addition to skills, there are many more sections in the resume, and it is desirable to make each of them effective and presentable.

An important point of the resume, which all employers pay attention to, is the column on the main professional skills. Neither education nor work experience will tell you about your personal expertise in certain issues. Therefore, it is worth looking at examples of key skills in the resume in order to competently fill out the appropriate section. This will help show the employer exactly what you can do.

What to choose from

It is difficult to find any "typical" skills. After all, each profession has its own requirements and the applicant must meet them. If you do not know what exactly you can write, then you can specify the following:

  • interpersonal business communication skills;
  • ability to organize work, plan, make decisions;
  • attention to various nuances and details;
  • the ability to analyze problems, effectively look for ways to resolve them;
  • the ability to be flexible;
  • project management skills;
  • business leadership.

But it is still desirable to select skills depending on the requirements for candidates. Usually the employer himself indicates what he wants from the future employee. The applicant can simply rephrase his requirements and indicate them in key skills.

Leader Skills

First of all, it is important to understand what the key skills for a resume are for those who apply for the position of a manager. Potential managers are always subject to increased requirements and their candidacies are checked more scrupulously.

As skills, you can specify the following skills:

  • resolve conflict situations;
  • plan and optimally organize the workflow;
  • make decisions and be responsible for their results independently;
  • think critically;
  • effectively manage time and people who are subordinate;
  • apply motivational programs;
  • think strategically and creatively;
  • negotiate;
  • communication skills, the ability to win the trust of colleagues, partners and senior management.

It is important to be able to distinguish your skills from personal qualities. The former are acquired in the process of work and training, and the latter characterize you as a person.

You can also add multitasking to the list, the ability to adapt to different conditions, transfer part of the authority and monitor the proper implementation of tasks.

Professions related to communication

Separately, it is worth noting what skills should be indicated if you are applying for the position of a seller, manager or consultant. For example, you can list the following sales assistant skills on your resume:

  • the ability to manage time;
  • experience of personal communication and successful sales;
  • competent oral speech, well-trained voice, necessary diction;
  • creative approach to sales;
  • the ability to listen, give competent advice, find an approach to clients;
  • the ability to learn quickly and easily perceive large amounts of information;
  • service skills, the ability to show tact and tolerance.

If you know that the company works with foreign clients, then knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be an indisputable plus. When applying for the vacancy of a sales manager, also indicate, if this, of course, is true:

  • fluency in English, Italian, French or another language;
  • Confident use of a PC, knowledge of MS Office programs;
  • business correspondence skills, including in a foreign language;
  • the ability to show attention, interest, friendliness.

But for teachers, teachers, leading seminars and trainings, there are slightly different requirements. They must have the following skills:

  • motivation for learning outcomes;
  • high energy and initiative;
  • the ability to concentrate the attention of a group of people and hold it for a certain time;
  • acquired skills of patience and flexibility, which must be shown when communicating with trainees;
  • Ability to plan and organize work effectively.

Common to all these professions is the main skill - to establish contact with people.

Other options

Selecting the right skills for technicians is just as easy. The main task, for example, for a system administrator is to control the operation of the entire computer network. Therefore, he must have the following key skills and abilities:

  • carry out diagnostics of professional equipment;
  • monitor possible risks and plan ways to restore the functioning of systems as soon as possible;
  • speak technical English;
  • work with large amounts of information.

According to the required skills for this position, you can see how the specifics of the job affect what needs to be indicated in the resume. Separately, it is worth noting that in some industries, professional skills are so closely intertwined that it is difficult to separate them.

If you are applying for the position of an accounting specialist, then it is better to familiarize yourself with the requirements first. Examples of key skills in a resume for an accountant can be taken directly from the description of the requirements for candidates. They have to:

  • be able to think analytically;
  • organize work in the assigned area;
  • analyze problems, be able to look for ways to resolve them;
  • plan wisely;
  • pay enough attention to small nuances and important details;
  • correctly prioritize;
  • be able to work with a large number of documents;
  • be able to identify priority tasks;
  • have the skills to work with regulatory authorities.

There are slightly different requirements for employees of the legal department. For a lawyer, you can specify:

  • knowledge of the law, the principles of the judicial system;
  • ability to draw up documents, contracts;
  • skills in the analysis of legal documents;
  • the ability to work with a variety of information and quickly assimilate it;
  • knowledge of computers, MS Office programs;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to use legal bases presented in electronic form;
  • multi-vector approach (ability to work in different directions);
  • skills of working with clients and employees of control bodies;
  • ability to work with documents;
  • ability to organize work and plan the execution of tasks.

Each specialty should have its own skills, but you can choose something suitable for your future job from all the lists presented.

An additional help in finding the right and relevant characteristics can be this reflection: imagine yourself a manager who needs an employee for a position that interests you. What would you expect from a job candidate?

When compiling a resume, almost everyone experiences difficulties with the “Professional Skills” section. But this is a very important part when writing, much more important than the “Personal Qualities” block, it should be immediately clear to the HR manager that the applicant is suitable for the appropriate position.

What are such skills, how best to present them for a particular profession, and what should not be written in any case - read the article.

What are resume skills?

Professional skills are the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of labor activity, and necessary for the applicant to work in the position being applied for.

Often in a resume you can see qualities that are only nominally professional. A good sense of humor won't impress a recruiter looking for a new lawyer for a firm. This skill can be considered professional, perhaps, for the host of events.

Basic writing rules

In order to effectively present your professional skills in a selling resume, use the following rules:

  • Write concisely. List 6 to 9 core skills. If you give out too much information, it will be difficult to read the summary. If too little, then there will be doubts about professionalism.
  • Skills must meet the requirements of a particular job. Your positioning should immediately make it clear to the HR manager whether he reads the resume of the performer or manager.
  • Write presentably. Information should be presented beautifully, powerfully and intelligibly. The more facts and figures, the better. Instead of "great sales experience" - "5 years led a sales department of 10 people."
  • Video: How to write a good resume?

Types and list of key resume writing skills

For convenience, all skills were divided into groups. Let's take a look at them before moving on to learning the full list of skills:

  1. Communicative. This includes the skills necessary for negotiating with potential customers, communicating with colleagues, partners, superiors. The ability to interest a person with his proposal, to convince him to conclude a contract and other diplomatic skills.
  2. Organizational skills. The ability to plan one's own and other people's time, distribute one's own and other people's forces, and manage large complex projects.
  3. Leadership skills. The ability to lead people behind you, to achieve the full implementation of your instructions. Do not overdo it with coldness and rigidity. This can scare off the HR manager.
  4. Analytic skills- one of the most important. It is necessary to generate new ideas and, at the same time, be able to think strategically.
  5. Applied Skills are presented depending on the requirements of a particular vacancy.

Now let's take a closer look at these groups and make lists of skills included in them.

Communication characteristics

List of basic communication skills and abilities that can be indicated in the resume:

  • quick resolution of conflicts and disputes;
  • holding public events (including performances at a price);
  • conducting business negotiations with partners and potential clients;
  • listen and persuade people.

It is not necessary to include all the points in the summary. Use only those that are true.

It is important to understand the difference between skills and abilities. Skill is the ability to perform an action on the basis of learned experience. A skill is called a skill brought to automatism.

Organizational skills

Organizer Ability List:

  • time management;
  • management of large responsible projects;
  • distribution and solution of a large number of tasks of different levels of complexity;
  • processing a large amount of information;
  • strategic thinking and work planning.

A special organizational skill is budgeting. Important for large organizations with large partner and customer bases. In smaller companies, an employee with this skill will also have an advantage.

Leadership and application skills

Leadership skills are the ability to manage a team of employees, motivate them to productive activities.
Applied skills should be presented as expediently as others. Write only about those that are important for a particular position. Everything that is “out of place” must be excluded.

List of applied skills:

  • business correspondence;
  • conducting business and personnel production;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work with legal documents;
  • “blind printing” in Russian, foreign languages.

In addition, indicate computer skills, programs and their level of proficiency. It is impossible to make promises that you will quickly deal with any unfamiliar program. The employer needs specific job skills. Show them from the best side and then you will interest him.

Skill Description Examples for a Resume

When compiling a list of skills, keep in mind that it must be consistent with the requirements of a particular job. For example, accuracy is not a mandatory quality for a department head. At the same time, for a candidate for the post of secretary, this will be a noticeable advantage. Consider the relevance of skills to your profession.
Let's proceed directly to the description of skills for different vacancies.

Skills of a Sales Consultant

A sales assistant is a popular position, but not for everyone. Hot-tempered and conflicted people do not stay on it for a long time. High results are achieved by phlegmatic and sanguine people.

Main professional skills:

  • the ability to interest the buyer;
  • work with objections;
  • conflict management;
  • knowledge of the product line and product characteristics in the segment;
  • identification of customer needs, assistance in choosing.

Professional Accounting Skills

It is useful for an accountant to have the following skills in a resume:

  • accuracy,
  • punctuality,
  • organization,
  • performance.

An example of skills worth mentioning:

  • processing of large data arrays;
  • preparation of primary documentation;
  • knowledge of the Labor Code, Civil Code, Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • tax and accounting management.

Driver Example

This is how the driver will describe his skills in the resume:

  • driving experience (10 years);
  • knowledge of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • careful driving;
  • polite communication with passengers, courtesy;
  • driving license category B and C, accident-free experience - 9 years.

Professional skills of a lawyer in a resume - an example

The lawyer will indicate the following characteristics:

  • experience with programs "1C" and "Consultant plus";
  • knowledge of labor, contractual, economic law;
  • experience with the services “Card file of arbitration cases” and “My arbitrator”;
  • competent and accurate preparation of legal, procedural documentation.

Professional skills of the head (director)

In a resume for a leadership position indicate:

  • experience in managing a staff of 200 people (recruitment, dismissal, training);
  • creation from scratch of successful work of the sales department;
  • market research (monitoring of customer requests, analysis of the company's competitiveness);
  • forecasting and implementation of the sales plan.

Example of secretarial skills

Here are the skills to include on your resume for this position:

  • Proficiency in office equipment;
  • Knowledge of Word, Excel;
  • Basic knowledge of office work;
  • Knowledge of English (advanced level).

For manager

The position for a manager vacancy has many varieties, which is why the required skills vary greatly. A sales manager needs completely different qualities than a training manager. But still there are skills common to all such positions.

An example of professional skills in a resume:

  • Computer skills;
  • conflict management;
  • Working out objections;
  • Working with large data arrays;
  • Sales experience;
  • Proficiency in office equipment;
  • Negotiation.

Professional skills of an economist

An economist must have a higher education and a penchant for analytical thinking. The summary includes the following points:

  • computer skills, MS Office programs and special software;
  • maintaining and submitting reports on time;
  • maintenance of bank accounts for individuals and legal entities;
  • planning and accounting of regular payments;
  • accounting for performance indicators of the organization;
  • conclusion and maintenance of contracts

An example for an engineer

Engineers add the following characteristics to their resume:

  • computer skills, AutoCAD and Compass programs;
  • implementation of regular quality control and volume of work performed;
  • possession of normative documents, laws, acts;
  • verification of project documentation;
  • interaction with suppliers, subcontractors;
  • processing tender documents.

An example for a teacher

The work of a teacher requires full dedication from a specialist, therefore, in this case, personal qualities are as important as professional ones. When compiling a resume, indicate:

  • many years of experience in tutoring;
  • flexibility, the ability to find an approach to the student;
  • use of progressive learning technologies;
  • broad outlook;
  • initiative and enthusiasm.

Banking Skills

A bank employee most often communicates a lot with customers and partners. He needs the following skills and abilities:

  • time management skills;
  • sales experience;
  • effective communication - the ability to understand a person and quickly resolve his issue;
  • elaboration of objections, search for points of interaction;
  • motivation and persuasion of colleagues, clients, partners;
  • ability to work with a large amount of new information.

For professions related to communication

The most striking example of such a profession would be a sales consultant. Suitable professional skills:

  • flexibility, the ability to find an approach to any buyer;
  • direct sales experience;
  • stress resistance;
  • polite communication without imposing one's opinion;
  • the ability to turn off emotions and at the same time do their job;
  • ability to solve problems without the involvement of senior staff.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

The skills of technical employees are purely individual. For example, a system administrator is responsible for the health of all computer equipment in an organization. To do this, he needs the following abilities:

  • regular monitoring of possible risks;
  • regular diagnostics of computer equipment;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • ability to work with large volumes of information.

For teachers leading seminars and trainings

For these professionals, the following personal qualities are important:

  • Ability to inspire and motivate;
  • Energy, initiative;
  • Flexibility and patience;
  • Ability to concentrate the attention of a group of students;
  • Organizational skills.

You can also add competent speech, clear articulation, the ability to establish contact.

Common mistakes

When compiling a resume, applicants make the same mistakes that spoil the whole impression and throw the candidate many positions back. Here they are:

  1. Too many or, conversely, too few skills. A large number will make the recruiter think that some of the listed abilities are not true. If you specify too little, then there is an opinion that the candidate will not cope with the position.
  2. Misplaced skills. The ability to program in C ++ will look ridiculous when applying for a vacancy for a fitness trainer.
  3. Indication of personal qualities, character traits instead of professional skills. There is a separate section for such psychological characteristics.
  4. Indicating important and secondary skills separately, or indicating secondary ones in the first place. Always write key characteristics first.
  5. Abstract description of skills. Describe each professional skill specifically, for example - "Experience in the position of head of the direction - 4 years." Use strong words: “I know”, “I have experience”, “I own”, etc.
  6. Use of stamps, template phrases.

Summing up

By applying these resume writing tips and avoiding the main mistakes, you will get a quality resume. It will set you apart from your competitors and increase your chances of getting a job.

The summary consists of several paragraphs. The main components are a description of work experience and an indication of professional skills. What to write in a resume, what skills and abilities to indicate, our article will tell you.

Key phrases are given a separate place in the resume. This section describes the professional skills and qualities of the employee. Usually, here you need to indicate your abilities that a person is ready to apply during work.

Do not confuse skills with your personal qualities. Conventionally, key skills are divided into:

  1. Communications. The ability of a person to establish contacts with potential partners;
  2. Organizations. These skills help organize the workflow and get the most out of work;
  3. Non-standard thinking. This type refers to employees who can translate original ideas into a workflow.

When compiling a resume, you must adhere to minimalism. Do not immediately describe all your best qualities, skills and abilities. For each profession, certain skills are important, which should be indicated in the resume.

General skills and abilities

A well-written resume is the key to getting a job. It is important to indicate all your professional qualities that will maximally reveal a person as an experienced employee.

Skills and abilities are indicated in the resume as a separate item. You must clearly describe your qualities and professional skills.

When a resume is written for the first time, and there are no professional skills, but only education. Then the university and the year of its graduation are indicated. In the skills section, it is worth indicating those qualities that are most characteristic of the applicant.

After graduation, characteristic skills and abilities are acquired, which can be indicated in the resume. It won't be a mistake. The main thing is to correctly present your capabilities so that the employer can see a potential employee of his company.

Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

It is important to understand that professional abilities and personality traits are two different components of a resume.

The ability of the applicant is certain qualities that he possesses for work efficiency. In the resume, you need to divide and write about your abilities and personal qualities.

In abilities, it is worth indicating what a person has acquired during his work. Perhaps there are skills in organizing the workflow. Out-of-the-box thinking helps in solving many controversial issues in the work. The ability to resolve conflict situations and find an approach to the client also refers to abilities.

Personal character traits are what characterizes a person as a person. Stress resistance, purposefulness, endurance - all this refers to personality traits.

By clearly understanding the differences between these two components, you can write a correct and noteworthy resume.

What to write in a resume for a manager

If you are going to get a job as a manager, you need to write the right resume. First you need to describe your work experience. The more experience you had, the better.

To get a managerial position, the resume must look decent and contain the information that shows that the applicant is worthy of holding this position. The resume should reveal the skills of personnel management.

Success in writing a good resume depends on its informativeness: the information should be concise and useful, without introductory words.

It is important to include examples of conflict resolution in your resume. Especially if it concerns a specific enterprise for which a resume is submitted. So, the candidate will show his skills and abilities.

Information about your achievements in work will be appropriate. Perhaps the applicant has experience in optimizing work or participating in taking the company out of the crisis. This will be an advantage when considering job applicants.

What to write in a resume for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bank employees

One of the most popular professions are salespeople and consultants, secretaries and bank employees. There are a lot of vacancies in this field on job search portals. But this does not mean at all that anyone can take on this profession.

In order to get a job that involves sales, you need to create a resume that sells itself. If the candidate was able to write a decent resume, the employer will not leave him unattended. Good "salespeople" are the key to efficient operation of the enterprise and maximizing profits.

It is important for the employer that the candidate knows what the company does and can adequately present this product on the market. Therefore, those who have experience in this field are more likely.

In this field of activity, stress resistance and the ability to communicate with people are important. In personal qualities, you need to describe your communication skills. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will also be a plus.

For secretaries and bank employees, a neat appearance, communication skills, the ability to work with office programs, quick learning, and knowledge of foreign languages ​​are considered fundamental. All this must be indicated in the skills and personal qualities.

Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings

Teachers play a leading role in the life of every person. This profession requires responsibility and endurance. Not everyone can adequately cope with this calling.

To qualify as a teacher, you must have the appropriate education. Getting a job at a school in your specialty is not so difficult. It is enough to indicate your pedagogical education in your resume. The teacher's salary depends on the length of service and skills. The more work experience, the higher the salary. In the resume, you must write about your communicative qualities, love for children and the ability to find a way out of any conflict situations.

To get the position of a leader at seminars or trainings, you must have experience in this field. Your resume should include your education and previous work experience. The main thing in choosing a candidate is the presence of organizational skills and the ability to present the material.

Oratory skills are equally important. For the profession of a seminar leader, it is important to interest the listener and present useful information. At the trainings, it is necessary to share experience that will be useful to the listener.

For these professions, the main skill that is indicated on the resume is education and the ability to interest the audience so that there is a desire to go to classes.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

Currently, the profession of programmers is widespread and in demand. Computers occupy a large part of human life. There are many programs and games for the development of which a large number of people are involved.

To become a programmer, it is not necessary to have the appropriate education. It is enough to be a confident PC user and complete programming courses. The main skill worth noting in the resume is knowledge of foreign languages. And you need to know them at a high level. English is considered the main programming language, but knowledge of additional languages ​​will be a plus for the candidate. In addition, if there are problems with foreign languages, but the applicant is at the stage of study, then this must be written in the resume.

If the applicant has examples of his work, for example, creating a website, writing his own program, interesting developments, then this is indicated in the resume.

Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors

An indication of the skills that are characteristic of the profession of accountant and auditor is the main component of the resume. Skills in this field of activity are considered as the ability to put into practice knowledge in the accounting field.

In the resume, you must write the length of service in a similar position and list the skills that were used in the previous job. The maximum disclosure of skills in the resume is considered the main thing when choosing a candidate. The key to success in this business depends on the correct presentation of information. No need to write too long and abstruse phrases. Everything should be concise and competent. The foregoing should convey the skills and experience of a specialist in this field.

In order for the resume to give an effective result, it is necessary to describe not general skills, but those that are typical for the applicant and he used them at his last job.

  • Making tax calculations for foreigners;
  • Execution of currency transactions, their control and making payments.

The skills and abilities of an accountant and auditor depend directly on the acquired knowledge in the process of working at the previous place. If there is no work experience, it is necessary to focus on quick learning and acquired knowledge at the university.

Skills and abilities for lawyers

Working as a lawyer is a difficult profession that requires constant study of the material and deepening into the legislative framework.

To qualify for this position, you must have the following qualities:

  1. Stress resistance
  2. Ability to think logically;
  3. Ability to find an approach to the client;
  4. Ability to find ways out of difficult situations;
  5. Ability to properly organize your working day;
  6. Ability to interact with many professionals.

The summary should indicate all these basic qualities, as well as write the skills that were acquired in the process.

A good lawyer should be able to speak correctly and beautifully. A clear, competent and persuasive speech attracts not only the client, but also other specialists with whom it is necessary to work.

Writing is considered the most important skill for a lawyer. The legal side of this profession is so incomprehensible to ordinary people that the task of a lawyer becomes a written presentation in a more understandable form of complex legal terminology.

In this field of activity, the ability to think analytically is considered the main one. Sometimes the case is so complex and confusing that logical thinking is indispensable. This is a complex skill that takes years to develop.

Memory for lawyers is the main tool in the work. It is necessary to study a large amount of the legislative and legal framework not only of your own country, but also of other states.

For in the legal field, it is necessary to list all the skills and abilities that were acquired in previous jobs, and indicate professional qualities that are not typical for others.

An example of skills and abilities in a resume

A resume is characterized by both general and specific skills. For a particular profession, they are individual. So, all specialists can have common skills.

General skills include:

  • performance;
  • stress resistance;
  • fast learner;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • the ability to establish contact with the client;
  • work with computer;
  • grammatically correct speech.

Each profession is characterized by certain skills and abilities. So, for an accountant it is necessary:

  • have analytical thinking;
  • be able to organize the workflow;
  • respond quickly to situations that occur during the day;
  • attentiveness;
  • ability to analyze own work;
  • ability to use accounting software;
  • Ability to write audit reports.

Learn about the key skills of a leader in this video:

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