Social skills for university resume. Key skills in a resume - describe the facts correctly. Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

  • 24.03.2023

From the text block in the questionnaire, dedicated to labor skills, it largely depends on whether the applicant will be invited for an interview. Competent filling of these positions will give the applicant an advantage in comparison with other candidates. The description of your professional skills in the resume should be given the most attention.

The block on professionalism is intended to list all the acquired knowledge and skills of the applicant. Each specific position has its own list of necessary technical qualities, according to which people are selected for an interview. How carefully you have studied the requirements for the vacancy, provided information about yourself, can decide whether you will get the desired job.

When answering the questions of the questionnaire, it is necessary to comply with the criteria declared for this position and indicate your most significant experience in a similar position.

The baggage of skills, abilities and abilities you have should be presented as effectively and informatively as possible. For example, specify the exact sales experience, that is, specify important facts. It's great when you manage to strike a balance between lack of information and verbal redundancy. The best feature of a great resume is its conciseness and capacity. It cannot be said that there are universal questions in the questionnaires that clearly demonstrate the competence of the applicant. Indeed, for different fields of activity, their specific sets of professional qualities will be attractive and suitable. But you can cite some positions that are available in almost all questionnaires. Here they are:

  • knowledge of PC and computer programs (be sure to specify which ones!);
  • level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​(specifics are also needed);
  • the ability to work with documents (sounds generalized, so it’s better to clarify which ones).

Labor skills are all that the candidate can do and that he most actively used in the previous position. The better the presentation of this block, the higher the chances of getting into the company.

Examples for various specialties

Let us consider the labor and individual qualities of applicants desired by the employer in more detail - taking into account the characteristics of individual professions.


For him, the priority is seniority, a mathematical mindset, a clear understanding of all the nuances of his work in the field of activity in which a person gets a job. Also important is an excellent memory, the ability to follow current changes in the field of tax legislation, and stress resistance. The list of qualities looks like this:

  • practical experience, work experience in the specialty;
  • responsibility, honesty;
  • analytical mindset;
  • good concentration of attention, scrupulousness in relation to trifles, perseverance;
  • ability to use modern computer programs (minimum - 1C, ideally - continuous professional development);
  • knowledge of tax and accounting in theory and practice;
  • skills in preparing declarations, statements and other documents.

And also many other things that an accountant needs in a particular company or organization. The specificity of the assigned competencies is determined precisely by this.


This specialization implies the possession of the following qualities:

  • knowledge of the current legislation, ability to work with legal documents and electronic databases;
  • clear logic, structured thinking, high intelligence;
  • purposefulness, confidence, eloquence, talent to convince, will;
  • ability to draft contracts and other documents;
  • experience of representation in courts;
  • skills of legal support of organizations;
  • knowledge of different foreign languages.

Shop assistant

For effective and efficient work in the field of trade, the following skills and talents will be useful:

  • competent speech, politeness;
  • the ability to build a constructive dialogue with the client;
  • eloquence, the ability to convince;
  • knowledge of applied trading programs;
  • skills for successful conflict resolution;
  • merchandising, acceptance, write-off of goods;
  • rich, versatile experience in the field of trade;
  • documentary support of sales, the ability to keep records.


One of the most humane professions in the world will require the job applicant to:

  • specialized education;
  • consent to regular medical examinations;
  • the proper level of knowledge of pedagogy and developmental psychology;
  • experience of working with children;
  • calmness, endurance, kindness and the ability to get along with kids and their parents;
  • diligence, attention, responsibility.

A plus will be additional education and useful hobbies in areas (medicine, dancing, languages, drawing, art therapy, etc.).


The microclimate in the company depends on it. For example, how a conversation with a client or business partner will go. The administrator meets guests, helps, ensures a comfortable stay in the organization. Applicants for this position would like:

  • pleasant appearance, polite and competent speech;
  • punctuality, commitment, stress resistance;
  • the ability to organize the work process in a quality manner;
  • ability to work with a cash register;
  • a good level of knowledge of foreign languages;
  • ability to manage personnel;
  • knowledge of computer programs such as MS-Office;
  • skills in handling office equipment;
  • experience in a similar position.


This responsible and difficult field of activity requires candidates to possess the following qualities:

  • profile education, desire to work in this area;
  • motivation for results and responsibility for the process;
  • the ability to organize training so that it is both effective and interesting;
  • teaching experience;
  • possession of modern information technologies of education;
  • attentiveness, calmness, endurance, benevolence;
  • inner maturity and ability to get along with children and teenagers.

Knowledge of languages ​​is welcome.


In addition to work experience in the specialty, the applicant must:

  • high level of professionalism;
  • awareness in the field of modern technologies;
  • prudence, calmness, attentiveness;
  • experience with clients;
  • logic, technical mindset, mathematical ability;
  • knowledge of regulatory documents, GOSTs in the area in which the applicant is employed;
  • possession of special, narrow-profile vocabulary;
  • ability to strictly follow the technical task from the customer.

Different companies add to this list their own set of desired skills, abilities and knowledge, determined by the field of activity of the company.

Bank employee

The profession involves constant interaction with people and finances. For an employee in this area, it is important:

  • accumulated work experience in a similar position;
  • responsibility, care, perseverance;
  • knowledge of the features of the technological process of banking;
  • Ability to work with financial programs, computer skills at a high level;
  • communication skills, endurance, competent speech;
  • the skill of building a comfortable psychological interaction with different clients.


In addition to specialized education, the employer will need the following features:

  • analytical mindset, ability to predict and competently build financial flows, logistics;
  • the skill of economic analysis of the enterprise;
  • high level of knowledge of specialized computer programs;
  • sharp mind, healthy ambition, mathematical ability;
  • the ability to see and find profitable opportunities, focus on results;
  • the skill of maintaining bank accounts and documenting all transactions;
  • contracting experience.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is desirable.


The company will be interested in a specialist with the following qualities:

  • work experience in the same or a similar field of activity in which the company that opened the vacancy operates;
  • brilliant knowledge of special software that allows writing modern and high-quality information products;
  • knowledge of languages ​​and technical vocabulary;
  • personal portfolio, including ready-made, successfully operating programs
  • other specialized skills, for example, a tester, help creator, webmaster, designer, etc.

The main condition in answering the questionnaire about work experience and skills is specificity. Provide complete data, specify how long you have been engaged in a certain activity, what successes you have achieved. But do not overload readers with information too much.

Desired additional skills

Sometimes in the questionnaire there is an item that you would like to master in life. Here you can write about your expectations from the vacancy and aspirations. It is recommended to indicate exactly what professional skills you would like to acquire. For example, these are:

  1. Improvement in foreign languages.
  2. Oral and business communication skills.
  3. Passage of individual professional trainings, courses, seminars. Training.
  4. Career growth in your chosen field.
  5. Mastering several new applied computer programs.

Each job provides a person with a meaningful and rewarding experience. Among the competencies that you want to master in the future, indicate what you are really interested in, but did not manage to learn. In reputable companies, management listens to the opinion of employees even at the stage of hiring.

What to write on a resume for a student

If there is still no or very little work experience for the desired vacancy, refer to the knowledge that you received in the process of training, passing organizational practices and internships. Everything that you know and understand should be told and shown to the employer so clearly that he wants to call the author of the resume for an interview and offer a job in the company. The main thing is not to embellish the text excessively, this, firstly, will be noticeable, and secondly, it will still become clear immediately, during the trial period.

As a conclusion

In the section on professional experience, you should demonstrate in detail and convincingly to the employer all actively used knowledge and previous experience. Describe what you already know clearly and vividly. This is necessary for a more successful selection among other candidates. If you follow the recommendations outlined in this article, the chances of getting the desired position will increase significantly.

The main bridge that connects the applicant and the future employer is the resume. And in order not only to get to the interview, but also to impress at the same time, you need to write a resume correctly.

Key skills and their types

Most questions and doubts arise for the applicant when filling out such a section as key skills in the resume. An example of most resumes compiled shows that applicants do not know how to fill out this section correctly, what it is better not to mention, and how to sell their professional qualities more profitably.

The key skills that you write down on your resume should give a complete picture of you as a professional. At the same time, there should be room for questions in the interview. And no less important rule: all this should fit on one, maximum one and a half pages of A4 format. After all, not every HR manager has time to read 5-6 page biographies and look for the main information there. The applicant himself must highlight and write down his key skills in the resume. An example of their use in a previous job will increase the chances of getting a new position.

The applicant should conditionally divide his key skills into three groups: professional, general special and communication and management skills.

Professional Skills

Professional skills differ depending on the type of profession, and it is their knowledge that makes a person a specialist in his field. They should reinforce your claim for the position and distinguish you from other candidates who wish to fill the position. For example, if you do not know what to indicate in the key skills of an accountant, then this may be knowledge of 1C and tax laws, for a teacher or teacher - knowledge of methods of working with children and textbooks, for a logistician - knowledge of incomterms.

In addition, this type of key skill will differ at the level of the performer and manager. This is a very common mistake that applicants often make: they want to get the position of a manager or director, and in the list of professional skills they indicate the skills that lower-level specialists possess.

The quality of job offers will directly depend on how clearly it is indicated on the resume whether you are a manager or a subordinate.

General Special Skills

In this section, you need to write down such skills as the ability to drive a car and the presence of a driver's license, first aid, knowledge of foreign languages. Many people can do this, but for some professions, such key resume skills are especially useful.

An example of their use for the nanny profession: if she has a first aid certificate and a driver's license, then in the eyes of the employer she will look more qualified, because in case of an unforeseen situation she will be able to help the child before the arrival of doctors or take him to the hospital.

Undoubtedly, such skills will not have a direct impact on work, but they can be considered quite useful, so they need to be developed and used in practice regularly.

Communication and management skills

It is this point that raises the most questions, since not all applicants know what to write in the key skills of this group. Therefore, this line in the resume is often left blank, or all known skills are written into it, making oneself a superman and an ultra-employee.

Of all the variety of possible communication skills, it is better to choose one, maximum two that are inherent in you, and write about them one sentence at a time. It will be much more effective than a simple enumeration: sociability, stress resistance, purposefulness, initiative, efficiency, etc.

What to write in Key Communication and Management Skills

1. Sociability. The skill of communicating with people is useful in any job, regardless of whether you previously worked in a call center or acted as a defender in court. If you have experience in dealing with people, be sure to mention this in your resume, then at the interview there will be a chance to confirm this in practice.

2. Organizational skills. If you know how to manage and organize the work of the entire team in a coordinated manner and find a way out of difficult non-standard situations, reinforce this example in your resume with practice. To do this, you can mention the number of people who were subordinate to you, as well as briefly describe the end result of the joint activities of the entire team under your leadership.

3. Diligence. Your Key Skills should include a specific example from your previous job where you took on additional assignments to achieve your intended outcome. It could be early completion of a project, extra hours at work to help new hires, and more.

4. Talents and hobbies. This is an asset that will help the future boss determine what exactly brought you to the desired field of activity, and what you spend your free time on. If you decide to list your talents as key skills on your resume, the example should indicate that you will be able to use them in a new position.

5. Multi-vector. If at a previous job you could combine several functions, be sure to indicate this in your resume. This skill will be especially valuable in small companies, where very often one employee combines several positions.

The main requirement for a resume

An obvious fact that everyone forgets: key skills must be truthful. Even if there is no work experience, or it is not impressive enough, and there are no special skills, one should not attribute to oneself professional achievements that do not exist. Even if such an applicant is invited for an interview, it will not be difficult to find out that a brilliant career exists only on a resume. After all, trained HR specialists talk to applicants, and even if you are hired, the fraud will be revealed on the very first day, which will be your last in this company.

Dear visitor, welcome to the blog site. As you know, writing a resume is a responsible task that must be taken very seriously. You must present yourself from the best side, and in the most favorable light. And so, the question arises: what skills should be indicated in the resume?

You must understand that while personal qualities and length of service in a particular position are very important, they will not tell you how good you are in a particular profession. To do this, you must indicate what skills you really have. Do not try to deceive a potential employer - over time, this will play against you. Based on this, it is important for you to know what the key skills are in a resume, what you need to write about first of all, and what you should keep silent about until a certain point.

Where to begin?

First you need to understand what professional skills are. Let's say right away: there is no single right template that would suit every person. However, there are some points that should be emphasized. So, you should let your potential employer know how well you:

  • have business communication skills;
  • know how to plan your working day, organize the labor process, make the right decisions;
  • are able to show attention to working trifles and details;
  • successfully analyze and eliminate various working problems and nuances;
  • know how to be malleable and flexible when necessary;
  • can and want to manage affairs;
  • by nature - a business leader.

These are common examples of key skills that can be mentioned on a resume. Which of them to designate, and which ones to keep silent - the choice is yours. In addition, many managers who are looking for a person for a certain position themselves indicate what exactly they expect from the candidate.

Types and list of key resume writing skills

So what skills can be listed on a resume? Before considering a complete list of them, you should briefly familiarize yourself with what their groups are.

  1. Communicative. Such business skills imply the ability to negotiate with potential partners, communicate with colleagues, superiors, and clients. The ability to interest a person, to convince him to conclude an agreement with your company - in general, you should ideally have knowledge of diplomacy.
  2. Organizational skills. Prove that you know how to plan your working time, distribute your forces and resources, and manage responsible and important projects.
  3. Leadership. These qualities include the ability to manage people, to lead them, to achieve unquestioning fulfillment of your instructions. But without "fanaticism", otherwise you can scare off the personnel officer with excessive harshness and coldness of presenting your leadership qualities.
  4. Analytical skills are one of the key resume skills. You must be a true generator of ideas, as well as display elements of strategic thinking.
  5. Applied. Such professional skills and knowledge in the resume are set out depending on the specifics of a particular profession.

Now let's study each of the above groups in more detail, and also compile the most detailed lists of skills that each of them includes.

Communication characteristics

An example of a description of communication skills in a resume is given below. But be careful: you should submit only the information that is true.

So, what communication qualities can be indicated when writing a resume? This:

  • ability to quickly resolve conflict situations and disputes;
  • business negotiation skills with partners;
  • the ability to conduct business disputes or discussions with potential clients;
  • experience in public events;
  • the ability to listen and convince a person.

Note. When writing a resume, it is important to be able to distinguish the difference between skills and abilities. A skill is a person's acquired experience in performing a particular action. A skill is the same skill, but “polished”, brought to automatism.

Organizational skills

An example of skills and abilities for a resume in terms of organizational work:

  • ability to engage in time management;
  • ability to manage complex projects;
  • the ability to solve numerous problems of varying degrees of complexity;
  • practical skills of working with large volumes of information;
  • Ability to think strategically and plan work.

Another example of special organizational skills that can be listed on a resume is budgeting. This is especially important for large firms that work with numerous clients and partners. Although for small businesses, this skill of an employee is undoubtedly also very important.

Leadership and application skills

The key skills of a manager are the ability to manage a large staff of people and their motivation for active and fruitful work.

Now let's talk a little about applied skills. They, like all previous ones, must be filed expediently. This means that you do not need to write everything in a row - describe only those abilities that will be important for the position you are applying for.

So, let's look at examples of applied, or additional skills in a resume. These include:

  • experience in business correspondence;
  • ability to conduct business and personnel production;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • skills in working with legal, legislative documents;
  • skills of "blind" typing in Russian or a foreign language.

In addition, you must include computer skills on your resume. Indicate the programs that were operated on in the same previous position. If this job will be your first work experience, write what programs you are familiar with.

But do not write “I know”, “I can”, “I can handle it”. The employer expects skills from you, not empty promises. Give him what he wants, and your candidacy will surely interest him.

Examples of skills and abilities for different professions

The following are examples of computer skills and knowledge in a resume, as well as other abilities that are important for workers in different areas of business. From them you will learn what can be indicated, and what is preferable to remain silent.

Example #1: Chief Accountant

An example of professional accounting skills that can be indicated in a resume:

  • ability to work with several legal entities at the same time;
  • experience in preparing accounting reports;
  • ability to keep records;
  • conducting monetary transactions;
  • knowledge of legislation, especially tax and accounting, as well as labor.

Another example of special skills for an accountant's resume is experience in accounting restoration. Lost financial information is a very serious breach, and you must be able to resolve this difficult situation.

Example #2: Manager

Examples of key skills in a resume for a sales manager:

  • management of lower levels of employees;
  • experience in attracting new clients or partners;
  • the ability to increase the percentage of sales;
  • ability to conduct business negotiations with potential collaborators;
  • knowledge of the analytical aspect of sales and the ability to implement them;
  • ability to organize the work of the department for which he is responsible.

Professional skills for a sales manager resume are, of course, not limited to this. But these are the main points that should be provided for consideration by a potential boss.

Example #3: seller

Skills for a salesperson for a resume can be represented as:

  • the ability to manage your time;
  • the ability to communicate competently;
  • perfect possession of diction;
  • creative approach to the sales process;
  • customer service skills.

Another example of professional skills in a resume: the ability to convince, the ability to operate with large amounts of information data, the possession of a pleasant voice (oddly enough, this is also important for a sales assistant).

Example #4: Head of IT Department

Special skills for an IT employee resume might look like this (description of business qualities):

  • experience in personnel management;
  • the ability to promote and develop the company;
  • analysis and active participation in the process of selecting operating systems for further work;
  • skills to ensure the normal operation of office equipment.

An example of technical skills that can be described in a resume:

  • ability to ensure information security of the entire office;
  • management of technical support of other employees of the enterprise;
  • reliable protection of confidential data stored on the company's server;
  • creating backups, etc.

The computer skills of a potential IT employee on a resume are very important. You must provide information about what OS you operate: Windows, Linux, etc. The employer must know if he is dealing with a specialist who can really manage the staff, or with an ordinary employee who is not suitable for a managerial position.

Example #5: bank employee

The specific skills that can be described in a banker's resume are very similar to those we considered for a sales manager. But in this case, the indisputable advantage will be the knowledge of at least English at a conversational level. Almost all banks today cooperate with foreign partners, so if you can “link two words” in English, then you will be provided with career growth.

So, what can be indicated in the resume of a potential bank employee:

  • ability to plan time;
  • the ability to communicate politely with people;
  • propensity to convince even the most intractable clients;
  • the ability to find an approach to each client and seek compromises with him;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the tendency to quickly perceive new information regarding the general functioning of the banking sector and innovations. Of course, this trait can be developed over time, but it also needs to be maintained at the appropriate level, since innovations in banking today are developed almost daily.

Example #6: Administrator

An example of professional skills for an administrator to include in a resume is similar in principle to that for managers. Employers place especially high demands on this category of employees.

So, what skills should an administrator have:

  • critical thinking;
  • the ability to distribute responsibilities among subordinates;
  • propensity for efficient distribution of working time;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • the ability to negotiate and bring them to a successful conclusion.

When compiling any resume, you must be able to clearly distinguish between professional skills and personal qualities. Although they are closely related to each other, personality characteristics will not give a potential employer statements about how good a specialist you are in a particular industry. Therefore, draw a line for yourself, and decide exactly what information about yourself you must submit to the head of the company where you want to get a job.

Where to submit your resume? If you want to find a job via the Internet, you can place your data on the site headhunter. You can also find a more detailed example of skills for a resume for a position you are interested in at hh. All the necessary information is provided here, which is shared by more competent job seekers. When you find all the answers to your questions and make your resume correctly, you will have the opportunity to immediately publish it on this resource and wait for your candidacy to interest a potential employer.

Skills are one of the most important things for an employer. It is no coincidence that we put them on the site in a separate block: it’s easier to draw the recruiter’s attention to your strengths. But for some applicants, this field causes difficulties. What to write? And what is customary to write in such cases - “sociable” and “stress-resistant”? What do employers want to see?

First of all, the list of skills is expected to see hard skills - technical skills and knowledge that are easy to demonstrate. For example, driving a car, knowledge of professional programs and work methods. And competencies such as people management, persuasion, leadership, or time management are unlikely to inspire confidence in a recruiter if they are not backed by experience.

To sort things out, we asked participating recruiters to comment on the skills most commonly found on resumes. Will they be interested in such a candidate and what do they advise applicants?

Skills: MS Office, communication and sales

Olga Solodkova, Danone: “Most often I conduct selection in intensive mode. The flow of resumes is very high, and I focus most of all on the block related to the experience of the candidate. Since all my activities are related to recruitment in sales, it is these 3 competencies that are found in every resume, my view does not stop at them. The recruiter's view of these skills has long been blurred. They do not provide any advantage, but if you do not specify skills at all, this also raises questions. There is a feeling that the resume was done in a hurry.

Of course, if the candidate has serious experience in the right companies, I will invite him to a meeting, even if there are no skills in the resume. But if the experience is not enough or it is slurred, I advise you to fill in the skills, showing individuality. For example, to confirm each skill with specific cases from life. Here the task of the applicant is to stop the recruiter's eye on his resume. But don't point out something eccentric: if the position profile doesn't imply such competence, it can backfire."

Skills: staff training, consulting, direct sales

Yulia Shamanskaya, IKEA: “These skills are unlikely to play an important role in moving up the career ladder at IKEA if the candidate does not have the motivation to move forward, interest in the buyer and home improvement. Each company has its own culture, values ​​and way of doing business, where previous experience may not apply. It is difficult to name any specific position for which the presence of these skills is desirable, but you can dream up. A salesperson who advises customers well and efficiently may eventually take on an additional role in the department and train new employees. Then he can become the head of the department or be responsible for the development of competencies.

Still, a well-described work experience is much more important. I would say that you need to carefully write a summary once and supplement it over time. The biggest bet should be on the interview. Skills can be a useful addition to your resume, but don't focus too much on them. Work experience and examples of successful projects will say much more about you.”

Skills: Ability to work in a team, telephone conversations, team leadership

Olesya Sizyakina, ER-Telecom Holding: “Such skills leave a positive impression on me. If they are all from the same resume, then I will assume that this is a leader who knows how to build a team. He is able to motivate staff, set a common goal. The skill of telephone conversations will show customer focus and the ability to build communications. Such a candidate will be useful in sales and customer service.

I think teamwork and telephone skills are worth mentioning. But team leadership is a very general concept. If the leading experience is indicated in the experience, then it is quite logical that the person has the corresponding skill. Rather, it is worth listing your managerial competencies or how exactly you had to manage the team, what steps or tools were used in the work.

Skills: business correspondence, stress resistance, searching for information on the Internet

Tatyana Petryakova, World Wildlife Fund: “Such an applicant does not apply for the position of a leader - this is an ordinary performer, possibly without a specific specialization. Separately, I note that stress resistance can be very attractive in other combinations. In our organization, a person with such skills would suit the position of receptionist.

Skills must meet the needs of the position to which the resume is directed. Therefore, for some vacancies this will be an advantage, for some it will be extra information.”

Skills: competent speech, Internet and organization of events

Marina Valueva, TNS Russia: “All the skills together give a vague picture. There is no particular point in indicating literate speech; it is checked during a telephone interview or meeting. From the "Internet" it is generally not clear what exactly the candidate can do: in our age of high technology, almost anyone can work there at least at a basic level. Event management can be useful for positions in event, PR or marketing, but here I'm looking more at work experience.

Usually I evaluate the overall experience of the candidate, I rarely look at skills. Basically, I'm looking for colleagues in a very narrow market, it's almost headhunting, so I have my own specifics. In my opinion, it is useful to indicate technical skills or knowledge of programs, then when searching, the recruiter will be able to more accurately find the right candidates. For example, in IT it is useful to indicate the knowledge of some programming language, and for accountants - knowledge of a certain area.

Skills: personnel management, office work and work with office equipment

Nadezhda Novikova, Cherkizovo Group of Companies: “HR management tells me about the possible presence of organizational and leadership skills, the ability to delegate tasks and control their execution, and manage a team. "Documentation" can speak both about the ability to work with documents, and about the structuredness, consistency, pedantry in the work of the applicant. “Working with office equipment” will say more that you won’t have to expect specific skills. This is one of the basic skills of administrative employees. It can be a plus in the resume of a data entry operator, personnel specialist or administrator, but at higher levels it does not play a big role.

I think that it is necessary to indicate the skills depending on the position that the applicant is applying for and even rank them. For me, "documentation" refers to the ability of a person to use printers, scanners and copiers. In this case, the mention of working with office equipment is an optional detail. An advantage is the specification of the uniqueness or complexity of the applicant's skill. For example, working on special equipment, using an electronic document management system, participating in the development of motivational programs, personnel assessment or the development of strategic organizational schemes.

If you're still not sure what to write in the Skills field, try asking resume writing experts to help highlight your strengths and present them to the employer of your dreams.

Any company strives to find the best employee for each position, which requires a number of mandatory professional skills. Fortunately, most job seekers have these skills in one form or another. Employers determine the capabilities of candidates according to the list of skills they provide, as well as the indicated advantages / disadvantages. Thus, each job seeker must prepare himself for the job search, taking into account all the means of communication that the employer pays attention to. The following means of communication should be considered: your resume, cover letter, and interview.

CV: column Professional skills and abilities

You can present your skills in the best light and confirm them with previous work experience. In this article, we have provided an approximate list of required professional skills that must be included in the resume. You can edit this list and add additional skills to your resume according to your needs. Below is a table with examples of professional skills that you can include in your resume. The table is divided into the main professions and the skills they require.

Skills and abilities Top manager Sales and marketing, customer service Programmers, Designers, Research and Development, Teachers
Time Management Skills + +
People management skills +
Personal Communication Skills + +
Business Communication Skills + +
Speaking Skills + +
Business management skills + +
strategic thinking +
Creative thinking + + +
Organizational ability + +
Effective listening skills + + +
Ability to make a decision + + +
Ability to solve problems + + +
Ability to negotiate + +
Ability to work in a team + +
Ability to conduct training +
Ability to teach others +
Ability to learn quickly + +
Effective Learning Skills + +
Analytic skills + +
Ability to make risky decisions + +
Sales Skills + +
Ingenuity + +
Responsibility + + +
Reliability + + +
Creative skills + + +
Determination + + +
Business ethics + +
Critical Thinking Skills +
Customer Service Skills + + +
perseverance + +
multitasking + +
Tact + +

Skills to include on your resume

The following are examples of skills and abilities that can be listed on a resume.

Key skills - resume template

  • analytical thinking, ability to plan;
  • developed oral and interpersonal communication skills;
  • organizational skills, ability to prioritize;
  • problem analysis, use of judgment, ability to solve problems effectively.

Examples of Other Special Skills

Oral and written communication, ability to establish contact with partners and clients, business development, high level of customer service, attention to detail and organization, self-sufficiency and activity, hospitality provided to clients and partners, professional public speaking and presentation skills, ability to conduct effective trainings with others.

  • motivation, initiative, high energy;
  • oral communication skills;
  • decision making, critical thinking, organization and planning;
  • tolerance and flexibility in different situations.

Other skills:

  • leadership communication skills;
  • business leadership skills;
  • technical and technological skills;
  • organization skills;
  • project management skills;
  • marketing and key sales skills.

Examples of professional skills for different professions

Key Skills for Project Managers

  • Experienced team leader with the ability to initiate/manage different functional teams and multidisciplinary projects;
  • critical thinking, decision-making skills and problem solving;
  • planning and organization;
  • excellent interpersonal skills;
  • project management skills: influence, leadership, ability to lead; negotiate and delegate authority;
  • conflict resolution;
  • ability to adapt to conditions;
  • stress resistance.

Key Skills for Educators

  • motivation;
  • initiative and high energy;
  • developed oral and personal communication skills;
  • decision making, critical thinking, ability to organize and plan;
  • tolerance and flexibility in different situations.

Key Skills for Accountants

  • analytical thinking, planning;
  • accuracy and attention to detail;
  • organization, ability to prioritize;
  • problem analysis, use of judgment, ability to solve problems effectively.

Key Skills for Customer Service

  • developed communication skills;
  • analysis of problems and their solution;
  • organizational skills, focus on customer service;
  • adaptability, ability to work under pressure;
  • initiative.

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