302 order lists nominal sample. Name lists of persons subject to medical examinations. Reconciliation of the necessary documents with Rospotrebnadzor

  • 01.03.2023

The employer is obliged to organize a periodic medical examination of his employees, and compiling a list of contingents is a critical part of this process. Since this document contains a list of positions subject to mandatory professional examinations, the personnel department or the labor protection service must know who should be included in the lists, how to draw them up and where to send them. In order to avoid problems with the inspectors, we give a sample of the contingent of persons subject to periodic medical examinations.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations is regulated by the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of April 12, 2011 No. 302n, as well as Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with these regulatory legal acts, the professional examination is carried out at the expense of the employer, and the employee retains his average monthly salary.

How to make a list of contingents

This is the first stage of preparation for a medical examination, and the medical board is guided by it when drawing up criteria for assessing the health of employees. Based on the content of the Order, for its execution it is necessary to identify harmful production factors and types of work according to the staffing table.

The algorithm of actions in compiling the contingent of workers subject to periodic medical examinations is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to first draw up a list of the contingent, and then by name, but many do the opposite. To facilitate the procedure, personnel officers often first form a surname list of all employees of the enterprise, and on its basis they compile a list of names of persons subject to periodic medical examinations.
  2. A list of all professions in the organization is compiled, focusing on Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 302n.
  3. For each profession, harmful factors and jobs are indicated, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Order, in order to determine the list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations. To determine which factors need to be specified for each specific job, you can use the results of job evaluation, the production control program, or last year's allocations. If you have employees for whom there are no harmful factors and jobs, in the contingents for this profession, the corresponding cells should be left empty. Such workers may not be sent for medical examination.
  4. Approval by the head of the organization.
  5. Sending the list to Rospotrebnadzor at the actual location of the organization within 10 days after its approval by the employer (paragraph 21 of the Order).

Be sure to receive and keep a note that you really sent contingents to Rospotrebnadzor (signature, incoming number and stamp of the office, mail notification, etc.).

Sample contingent of employees for a budgetary organization

Since the current legislation does not establish a unified form of the list, you can develop your own.

Who should have a medical examination

In the Labor Code and the Order, you can also find a list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations. These are employees under the age of 21, as well as those who work:

  • in harmful and dangerous production;
  • at work at height;
  • in transport (drivers, machinists, etc.);
  • in the field of catering;
  • in educational and children's institutions;
  • in pharmaceutical, medical and sanitary facilities (spas, saunas and laundries);
  • in beauty salons that provide hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • in the cleaning service;
  • in the field of water supply;
  • at livestock enterprises and poultry farms.

The list is open, and the employer, in agreement with subordinates, can organize regular medical examinations for any other professionals.

The legislator also establishes the frequency of such medical examinations, which depends on working conditions and is detailed in Appendix No. 1 to the Order. On average, the listed categories of workers should be examined at least once every 1-2 years.


If the employer ignores his obligation to compile the list and does not submit it to the supervisory authority, this will be regarded as a violation of the law in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. For this offense, Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability:

  • for officials - from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1000 rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

It is the responsibility of any employer to organization of medical examinations for employees of his company. This will prevent unwanted production problems that an entrepreneur may have.

For employees of certain types of activities, a medical examination is integral part successful achievement of the organization's goals. Throughout the entire working life of an employee, a medical examination should be carried out periodically for the timely detection of various diseases.


Medical examinations are carried out in accordance with the following legal acts:

  1. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1.

Who must pass
Exists three types inspection of employees of the enterprise:

  1. Preliminary.
  2. Periodic.
  3. Extraordinary.

The task of preliminary medical examination- identification of the presence / absence of health problems of certain categories of workers for admission to the profession.

Preliminary inspection must be carried out by workers who in the future will provide labor in activities that are related to next:

  1. Complex devices and mechanisms of their work.
  2. Dangerous and harmful conditions.
  3. Vehicle management.
  4. Food industry.
  5. Activities of preschool institutions.
  6. Medical field of activity.

Purpose of periodic medical examination- identifying diseases that may be unsafe for people in the enterprise, and determining the unsuitability of an employee to work in this particular area.

Also, this inspection is carried out so that the employer understands what measures need to be taken to improve the health of employees. Employees under the age of 21 must undergo a medical examination once a year.

Exist groups of workers who are required to undergo periodic medical examinations:

  1. Food service employees.
  2. People who provide services in hospitals, beauty salons, sanitation facilities.
  3. Educational workers.
  4. Livestock workers.
  5. Water workers.
  6. Workers performing work at height.

Extraordinary medical examination should be carried out at the personal request of employees of the enterprise, after finding occupational diseases, in case of a life-threatening infection that can spread in the team, and at the request of Rospotrebnadzor.

Algorithm for organizing and conducting

Management is responsible for organizing and conducting medical examinations at the enterprise. It should pay for a medical examination for their employees.

Consider step by step algorithm medical examination:

  1. Create a list of employees who must undergo a medical examination.
  2. Submit the list to the Department of Consumer Protection.
  3. Conclude an agreement with the medical center on the examination.
  4. Familiarize employees with the order to undergo a medical examination.
  5. Issue referrals to employees.
  6. Collect documents with the results of this procedure. (The conclusion must be in two copies, since one is given to the employee, and the second remains in the medical center).
  7. The medical center draws up the final act within 20-30 days. The management sends this documentation to the department of Raspotrebnadzor.

Employees of this enterprise must undergo an inspection in a timely manner, no later than the deadlines specified by the employer. You need to have with you: passport and referral. In case of non-attendance, the employee must be suspended from work until passing the inspection.

Most often, employees go through several doctors and pass certain tests. All the features of passing a medical examination depend on the directions of the enterprise and on harmful production factors.

Sample list of contingents

The list of the contingent must be submitted in three copies. In the header of the document, you must indicate the name of the department of Raspotrebnadzor, on the right - the data of the head of the company. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the document must indicate:

  • the name of the enterprise, firm, workshop;
  • types of professions;
  • the number of workers in production;
  • unsafe and harmful factors and conditions;
  • frequency of inspections.

Be sure to sign the list of the contingent management.

List of harmful factors

Exists 4 groups harmful production factors, in the presence of which employees of the enterprise must undergo a periodic medical examination without fail:

  1. Chemical(negative substances that can harm workers).
  2. Biological(drugs, biological toxins, allergens, dust of various origins).
  3. Physical(various radiation, electromagnetic fields).
  4. Factors of labor production(physical reboots).

The cost of passing the medical examination is borne by the head. Approximate cost per employee is from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

The cost itself depends on the number of doctors that the worker must undergo and laboratory tests. Most often, the more employees go for inspection, the less the manager pays for it.

Most medical centers provide discounts depending on the number of employees. In Russia, the state compensates the manager for lost funds through the insurance fund.

Accounting for medical examination at the enterprise

In order to properly prepare documents for the medical examination of each employee, it is necessary to periodically update information about your workers.

The labor protection service leads flow control for medical examination of employees of the enterprise. Copies of the following documents must be available:

  1. List of employees who undergo periodic medical examinations.
  2. Conclusion of acts of preliminary reviews
  3. Certificates of passing narcologists, psychologists, etc.
  4. Current information about the health status of each employee.

Company employee card

The employee's card usually indicates complaints about health problems, all the conclusions of the results of previous medical examinations, documents on suitability.

The document contains confidential information, so it must be in an inaccessible place. Most often, employee cards are kept by the health worker of the enterprise or in the personnel department.

In cases of dismissal, change of place of work, the card is given to the employee personally against signature, but a copy must remain at the enterprise.

A medical card is issued only in case of passing a medical examination, after which it is given to the head.

Responsibility of management and employee

A manager who allows employees who have not passed a medical examination to work may incur big losses. In this case, he violates the law and must be held accountable.

For these illegal actions, the entrepreneur will have to pay a fine. But the punishment will not bypass the worker. He, too, will have to pay a fine and may be fired from his job.

Best case scenario the employee will be suspended from work and will not be able to receive wages until they pass a medical examination.

For reasons independent of the employee of a failed medical examination, he continues to work, but receives 2/3 of his salary.

The frequency of periodic medical examination depends only on the profession, the complexity of the work performed and the type of activity. The responsible manager must undergo and conduct a medical examination annually, introducing new additional examinations to improve the condition of employees.

The procedure for conducting periodic or preliminary medical examinations for certain categories of employees is clearly regulated at the legislative level. Along with other forms, the list of names of employees for a medical examination by order 302n, the sample is given below, refers to the list of mandatory documents provided to Rospotrebnadzor. Drawing up the form is the responsibility of the enterprise, and the correct filling of the information guarantees the efficiency and accuracy of the results of the event.

When compiling a document, the following must be taken into account:

  • Employees engaged in work according to the List from Appendix No. 2 in accordance with Order 302n.
  • Employees working in hazardous working conditions.

Important! The basis for the fact that working conditions are heavy/harmful are the results of AWP (attestation of workplaces). From 1 Jan. In 2014, the attestation procedure was replaced by SOUT (special assessment of working conditions). Additionally, the results of various tests and laboratory studies, equipment documentation, etc. are used.

Basic requirements for compiling a list for a medical examination by order 302n

The document is developed by the organization independently, filled out on the basis of the contingent list and printed out in the amount of 3 copies, which are submitted to Rospotrebnadzor for approval. Then 1 form is transferred to a medical institution (2 months before the start of the examination), 1 remains with the employer. 1 is handed over to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor along with a cover letter and a list of the contingent. An example of a sample list for a medical examination by order 302n. It is recommended to attach a cover letter also in 2 copies when submitting documentation to a medical organization.

The polyclinic is assigned the obligation to develop a calendar plan for a medical examination (within 10 days from the date of receipt of the list of names). Specific terms and nuances of the procedure are agreed with the representative of the enterprise. In turn, the employer, no later than 10 days before the start of the inspection, is obliged to notify the employees about the upcoming event against signature. To do this, there is such a form as a familiarization sheet. An internal order of the enterprise for a medical examination is preliminarily drawn up, indicating the deadlines for passing, the employees involved and attaching a plan for the implementation of the procedure. Based on the order and familiarization sheet, the necessary information is brought to the attention of employees.

Mandatory details of the name list:

  • Full name of employees, profession or position according to the staffing table.
  • Gender and date of birth.
  • Name of the department / section / workshop.
  • Name of the structural unit.
  • Name of hazardous/harmful factors of production, indicating item number in accordance with 302n.
  • The frequency of inspections according to 302n.
  • Length of service in the specified position in the organization.
  • Date of the last medical examination of the health facility/CPP.

When generating information, personal data on employees according to the list of the contingent of individuals is required. persons to participate in the medical examination. The heading of the document must contain the date, the "Approve" field for approval by the employer and the name of the department of Rospotrebnadzor. At the end, the total number of employees to be examined, including women, is indicated. The form is signed by an official of the enterprise with the decoding of the surname.

On the basis of labor legislation, standards are being developed to ensure the actions of bodies to control the production processes of enterprises. This is necessary to ensure that employees of companies receive timely medical care in the face of constant external factors affecting them. To identify diseases, a list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations is drawn up.

Such actions should be carried out to monitor the health indicators of employees. A person working in a position receives a negative impact on his health. As a result, he may develop diseases associated with professional activities. In order to detect such a negative impact in time and check whether a citizen is suitable for this position after a certain worked period of time, organizations form a list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations.

Based on the results obtained, it will become clear whether the persons are able to continue their activities and whether they have developed deviations in their health. Each organization that has factors of negative influence must undergo an examination of its employees.

Important: the organization is obliged to fully organize and finance the holding of such periodic events. If she does not do this, she may be held administratively liable.

Rules governing periodic inspections

First of all, these actions are regulated by the norms of labor legislation. Article 213 directly indicates that employees involved in hazardous or harmful production within the time limits established by law are required to undergo an examination.

The main provisions for holding the event are enshrined in order 302. It determines the entire list of necessary activities. In addition, this legal act defines production factors that are recognized as harmful and dangerous. According to them, a list of medical specialists is displayed for passing, when viewed for each of the certain conditions of negative impact.

So, according to the established norms, the list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations does not have a clearly defined form. This allows each organization to independently develop a content template. However, the order contains norms that describe the necessary items that must be included in the form being drawn up.

How is the assessment of working conditions

It is necessary to determine the influencing factors dangerous to health through special commissions, which, at field events, evaluate all the conditions in which the workers live. In addition, there are also two lists in order 302:

  • 1 list determines the presence of existing harmful conditions that may affect employees of organizations. It lists all the factors that have a negative impact on health;
  • 2 list defines specific types of work and professions for which employees will need to conduct periodic examinations in medical institutions.

As a general rule. Before establishing a harmful or dangerous factor, it is necessary to carry out certification of workplaces. Only according to the conclusion of specialists, these directions will be recognized as dangerous. According to them, a schedule for conducting periodic reviews, as well as lists of doctors required for employee examinations, will be calculated.

Also, to determine the category of impact, the following should be carried out:

  1. assessment of the equipment and mechanisms used in accordance with the technological documentation that is used in production;
  2. laboratory control of the organization's activities.

Only on the basis of the listed actions can decisions be made on the appointment of certain degrees of threats or negative impacts at enterprises.

How is the contingent of people for a medical examination formed?

As already noted, the list of contingents is compiled independently by the management of the enterprise. According to the developed form, the selection of workers in the production of citizens is carried out and the time for the examination by medical workers is set.

Since each harmful or dangerous factor has its own conditions and terms for conducting inspections, as well as lists of doctors, the employer must be guided by the lists displayed in the 302H order. The presented lists have all the necessary information about the frequency of inspections and the category of harmful factors. For each of them, a list of medical positions that employees will need to pass is presented.

Based on these provisions, a final list of persons is formed who, in the coming period, are required to undergo commissions to check their health. You can view an approximate list of contingents of workers subject to medical examinations, a sample form, here.

Order of conduct

The required papers must be provided in 3 copies. One copy must be submitted for registration to the supervisory authorities at the location of the company. The list must be sent within 10 days.

The registered contingent for passing the medical examination will be kept in the specified department. One copy remains with the organization, and the second is sent directly to institutions where employees will be required to go through doctors and receive conclusions.

Sample filling in the list of contingents subject to medical examinations

Compiled papers are certified by the manager of the company. So, the contingent of workers subject to periodic medical examinations, the sample will look like this.


Avramenko Igor Stepanovich



" 20 " Martha 20_17 __G.

date of signing

List of contingents

subject to periodic medical examinations

________________CJSC Energoresursy ______________

____ _G. Togliatti __st. Labor 76______________________________

Labor site Job title Harmful effects Application point for 302H order Date of last inspection FULL NAME Date of Birth Floor Experience in years
1 Administration Secretary Broad spectrum electromagnetic fields 17.12.2015 Balkonskaya Anastasia Yurievna 13.11.1991 AND 3
2 Administration Accountant 17.12.2015 Zakharchenko Yuri Andreevich 18.12.1989 M 7
3 Administration Ch. accountant 17.12.2015 Bogdanov Alesey Sergeevich 03.07.1984 M 7
4 Administration Labor protection engineer 17.12.2015 Borisenko Sergey Stepanovich 15.05.1979 M 11
5 Transportation Department Driver 27.1, 27.5 03.03.2016 Yurchenko Anatoly Vladimirovich 01.12.1968 M 24
6 Transportation Department Driver Vehicle management 27.1, 27.5 03.03.2016 Klimenkov Vladislav Andreevich 14.08.1987 M 8

The presented sample of the contingent of workers subject to medical examination can be supplemented with other items. The results of the audit are issued to the employer, where further, based on the conclusions, decisions are made on the employees of the enterprise.

In this article we will talk about medical examinations. The passage of medical examinations is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 302n dated April 12, 2011. It contains a list of professions, harmful and dangerous factors for passing a medical examination. Here you can download a sample of documents on passing a medical examination at an enterprise (a sample order and a list of professions) and so on.

A short video about passing medical examinations

How to organize a medical examination?

The need for workers to undergo medical examinations, and for employers to organize them, is spelled out in Art. 212, 213 of the Labor Code. And as we have already said, the passage of medical examinations is regulated by Order 302n.

It lists in detail:

  • production factors, for which workers need to undergo a medical examination;
  • work, for which they also need to undergo a medical examination.

For each item in the lists of factors or works, the following is given:

  • the frequency of inspections for this factor or work;
  • a list of specialists who must assess the state of health of the worker;
  • a list of laboratory and functional studies (blood test, ultrasound, ECG, etc.);
  • additional requirements or contraindications (for example, the absence of a hand can be an obstacle to work as a security guard, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a turner, a driver, etc.).

Usually this information is enough to compile a list of professions for a medical examination at a particular enterprise. If it is difficult for an OT engineer or other authorized person to do this on their own, employees of the clinic where the medical examination is planned, or employees of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, will always come to the rescue.

Based on this list, an order is drawn up annually to undergo a medical examination at the enterprise, a sample of which can be asked from the labor inspector (a sample order is placed in this article with the possibility of downloading it).

Usually, the list of doctors and examinations for a specific place of work is the same for a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job and periodic medical examinations. If the working conditions have changed or the employee has received an additional profession, then the number of doctors and studies needed to undergo a medical examination will increase.

The need to pass a medical examination when applying for a job and in the process of work

Workers need to undergo a medical examination in order to:

  • preserve your health, in some cases - life;
  • women - to endure and give birth to healthy children;
  • obtain permission to perform work;
  • newly employed persons to find out if their health condition will allow them to perform the desired work.

Employers need to organize a medical examination in order to:

  • to prevent accidents and diseases related to the working conditions of employees;
  • ensure maximum production efficiency (no need to look for a replacement for constantly ill workers, pay sick leave, train new workers hired to replace the sick);
  • ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety in their organizations (relevant for hospitals, pharmacies, kindergartens, schools, canteens, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty salons, hotels, sports complexes and other public service institutions);
  • avoid penalties.

What medical examinations do workers undergo?

Medical examinations are preliminary, periodic, preventive, unscheduled, pre-shift and post-shift.

Pre-employment medical examination all workers who have harmful working conditions, who are at risk of getting occupational diseases, as well as persons specified in article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (trade, education, food industry, etc.)

Repeated medical examinations only workers who fall into the list of professions in force in the unit for passing a medical examination pass. In different organizations, medical examinations for representatives of the same profession are different. This is because, in addition to the name of the profession or position, when sending for a medical examination, harmful and dangerous factors that affect the worker and the categories of work that he performs are taken into account. For example, in one building materials warehouse, the night cleaner just cleans the floor, so every year she only undergoes a fluorogram and a gynecologist. And in the other, she washes high windows and chandeliers, so she still needs to go through a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, and a surgeon. If she does not use a rag and a mop to clean the floor, but a special machine, then the research and inspections necessary for admission to the maintenance of machines and mechanisms are added to the list.

Please note: workers under the age of 21 must undergo a medical examination annually, regardless of the category of work they perform.

The list of works, as well as harmful and dangerous production factors, in the presence of which a mandatory preliminary medical examination is carried out upon employment and periodic medical examinations (examinations) is indicated in Appendices 1 and 2 of Order 302n “On Medical Examinations”.

There are also unscheduled medical examinations, which are carried out on demand:

  • employer. The employer has the right to send the worker for an unscheduled medical examination if he has been ill for a long time or with a certain illness (for example, a disease of the cardiovascular system has appeared for the first time), or there are suspicions that the state of health does not allow him to perform his work duties;
  • worker. He has the right to demand that he be sent to undergo an unscheduled medical examination if he believes that his state of health has worsened due to the influence of any production factors;
  • medical institutions. According to the results of the next medical examination, doctors may recommend that you undergo the next examination earlier, for example, not after 1 year, but after 6 months.

All medical examinations of their employees, even potential ones, are paid by the employer. If the worker (most often the job seeker) paid for the medical examination himself, the money spent must be reimbursed to him.

Who is responsible for health screenings?

In general, the employer is responsible for organizing and conducting medical examinations. Therefore, from among his employees, he selects those responsible for:

  • compiling a list of professions for a medical examination. Usually these are employees of the OT service;
  • preparing and issuing orders on passing a medical examination at the enterprise, a sample of which is kept by the clerk, in the OT service or by other persons involved in the process;
  • organization of the medical examination– preparation of documentation for the hospital, sending employees for a medical examination, monitoring its passage;
  • non-admission to work of persons who have not passed the examination. Most often, these are the direct supervisors of the work (heads of sections, foremen).

The day or days on which workers undergo a medical examination are paid to them "according to the average". If the worker evaded the medical examination, he is not allowed to work, and the days during which he did not work for this reason are not paid to him.

How to organize a periodic medical examination at your enterprise?

To organize a medical examination, you need:

  1. To study the provisions of order 302 n on passing medical examinations.
  2. Conclude an agreement with the medical institution for medical examinations, agree with it on the start date for the medical examination of employees of your organization.
  3. Based on the provisions of Order 302, draw up a list of occupations of employees of the organization that must undergo a medical examination upon employment and for periodic medical examinations. When compiling a list, you must also take into account vacant positions.
  4. Approve this list in the sanitary and epidemiological supervision body, which controls your organization.
  5. Calculate the number of workers in the occupations included in the list. Compile a list of their names indicating their full names, professions (including part-time jobs), age, gender, harmful, dangerous factors and special jobs, the name of the structural unit and approve it with the employer.
  6. Send this approved list to the medical facility no later than 2 months before the date specified in paragraph 2.
  7. Within 10 days after sending the list, receive from the medical institution a calendar plan for the medical examination of their employees. It must be drawn up at least 2 weeks before the start of the medical examination. The employer agrees on this calendar plan, and the medical institution approves it.
  8. Organize the arrival of employees of the organization to the medical institution on the days allocated for their medical examination.
  9. Collect medical reports, the final act, other documentation that the medical institution will provide, for example, acts of work performed under the contract.
  10. Organize control over the implementation of the recommendations issued by the medical institution for each employee, if it concerns the employer. For example, if a loader of raw materials and materials is recommended to be transferred to another job due to the poor condition of the lungs, the employer should do this. And if he is recommended to turn to a nephrologist because of the innate characteristics of the body, then he should do this himself.
  11. Ensure that employees who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to perform work.

When drawing up estimates under the contract, keep in mind that the cost of examining a particular employee is determined as the sum of surveys for “his” factors and types of work that are included in the list. Therefore, the cost of examining a man and a woman of the same profession (for example, conveyor drivers) will differ due to different examinations.

Since the staff of the organization is constantly changing, it is convenient to conduct medical examinations under 2 agreements concluded with the hospital: one for periodic medical examinations, the other for preliminary medical examinations when hiring. Under the "periodic" contract, payment can be made one-time, according to the "preliminary" - monthly, depending on the number of people examined by order of the enterprise.

A sample list of the contingent of employees for medical examination at the enterprise:

How to organize a medical examination when applying for a job?

To organize such a medical examination, you need:

  • conclude an appropriate agreement with a medical institution;
  • issue a candidate for employment with a direction approved by the employer in accordance with order 302 n on passing medical examinations;
  • notify the candidate that in the medical institution he will need to present this referral, passport, if necessary - the results of a psycho-examination, a health passport, if any;
  • receive from him the conclusion of the medical commission based on the results of the medical examination;
  • draw up accounting documents for a medical examination - an act of work performed, etc.

Samples or the procedure for filling out basic papers are contained in order 302 n on passing medical examinations.

So, you have learned why medical examinations are carried out and what they are, where to get a sample order for a medical examination at an enterprise, which persons are responsible for different stages of organizing a medical examination, the procedure and terms for compiling the documents necessary for organizing a medical examination, how it is most convenient to organize a medical examination, got acquainted with samples of documents required for passing a medical examination at the enterprise (samples of an order and a list of a contingent of workers). Find out when a preliminary medical examination is carried out when applying for a job.

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