Additional skills and abilities in the resume. Job Skills on a Resume - examples of skill descriptions. Skills: staff training, consulting, direct sales

  • 24.03.2023

As a career consultant, I am constantly compiling and editing key skills on my resume. This is the information block that presents and “sells” you well. For this reason, I want to talk in this article about some of the nuances of describing skills.

What are the key skills to include on your resume?

Rule #1 (Most Important) - Skills must match the position you're looking for.

Firstly, you need to clearly control the level of "performer-leader". An example of a typical and often made mistake: they are looking for a job as a manager (director), and in the list of skills in the resume they write a lot of skills of lower-level specialists.

The resume should clearly show whether you are a manager or a subordinate. The quality of job offers depends on this.

Secondly, you need to evaluate the style and content of the vacancies that you are applying for and, in accordance with this, describe yourself in your resume.

To understand exactly what key skills to write in a resume, find 5-7 vacancies that suit you, analyze and copy the main requirements and responsibilities from there. Of course, in the process of copying something will have to be corrected, but you, by and large, do not need to invent anything out of your head. Everything has already been thought of for you.

If you write skills on your resume based on job descriptions, you will be called for interviews more often.

Use it and work will find you.

Very common mistake

In my resume writing work, I constantly see descriptions of the skills and abilities of a superhuman and ultraemployee in the resume:

  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Working capacity.
  • High level of discipline.
  • Focus on results.
  • High learning ability.
  • Systems thinking.

If it used to be funny, now it's not. Tired. Everyone writes the same thing, and no one goes into the meaning of these words. And the hidden meaning of the set of these words is “hire me to work.”

How to fix such an error. Choose one (maximum two!) of your abilities and write about each of them in a sentence.

For example:

  • I know how to start things and bring them to a successful conclusion.
  • I regularly study and improve my skills (I like the seminars and webinars of the ABV school, I subscribe to the news of the website, I participate in industry conferences).

How to describe skills on a resume

If possible, be specific but concise. It can be difficult to combine these two things, but if you see that it can be done, do it.

For example: extensive sales experience (8 years of experience, of which 3 years - head of department).

On the one hand, you write about sales skills, on the other hand, you provide serious evidence of this. It's smart and beautiful.

Separately, I want to say about computer skills in the resume. If you are a programmer, you need to describe in detail the ownership of programs and technologies. If you are a leader, one phrase like “confident PC skills” will be enough for you.

Examples of writing key skills (from real resumes)

An example from a PR manager resume:

Sample Key Skills for a Director's Resume:

  • Experience in production - 17 years (in mechanical engineering about 11 years).
  • Experience in personnel management - 15 years.
  • Experience in starting production sites from scratch.
  • Experience in automation and increasing the efficiency of production.
  • Good knowledge of relevant documentation (regulations, state standards, regulations, etc.).
  • English is intermediate.
  • Strong PC skills (I know SAP R/3).

Also read

Of course, in addition to skills, there are many more sections in the resume, and it is desirable to make each of them effective and presentable.

When compiling a resume, you should bet on indicating key skills. The more precisely you formulate them, the more likely it is that the employer will pay attention to you.

Types of Key Skills

In a large number of resumes, the task of the recruiter is to find exactly the one who will best meet the requirements of the employer. In the Key Skills section, help the employer understand exactly what your advantage is over other job seekers. Why formulate three to five of your main strengths.

There is no need to list all your duties that you coped with at your previous jobs and business characteristics. Focus on what matters most. This is necessary in order to show that you can be successful in the desired position, indicated at the very beginning of the resume.

Key skills include:

  • communicative;
  • organizational;
  • leadership;
  • applied.

Try to answer the question “What can I do?”, Analyze job responsibilities from previous jobs, if they are related to the desired position.

Let's open a little secret: When you describe skills in a resume, rely on the requirements and keywords from the job description. Then the employer is more likely to pay attention to your candidacy. If the key skills are significant for this position, then they should be reflected in the resume.

  1. Communication skills contain information about the extent to which an employee will be able to contact colleagues and clients. These include:
  • participation in negotiations;
  • the ability to convince customers, motivate them, for example, to purchase a product or service;
  • the ability to resolve disputes and smooth out conflict situations;
  • Experience in dealing with customer complaints and objections
  • proficiency in written and oral communication;
  • participation in public speaking.
  1. For a vacancy for a managerial position, the candidate needs to focus on their organizational skills:
  • alignment, optimization of business processes;
  • successful project management;
  • budgeting and strategic planning;
  • Ability to multi-task and successfully deal with a large amount of information;
  • strategic thinking.
  1. In addition, the leader must have leadership qualities:
  • the ability to properly motivate employees;
  • team management skills (it is desirable to indicate the number of employees who were subordinate at the previous place of work);
  • the ability to make decisions independently and be responsible for the result of the work of the team.
  1. Applied skills are associated with the performance of specific performance duties. These include:
  • level of use of a personal computer, office equipment skills;
  • knowledge of office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.);
  • ability to type quickly;
  • skills in record keeping, personnel or accounting documentation;
  • knowledge of legislative documents, ability to work with legal systems;
  • practical knowledge of GOST and SNIP standards;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(the level of knowledge and documents confirming it are indicated).

Examples of Key Skills for 2020

For each type of profession, there is a “set” of key skills that the employer pays attention to when selecting employees. Therefore, when compiling a resume, pay attention to a few examples of the design of this section.

For position sales manager home appliances key skills can be:

  • direct sales;
  • persuasion skills;
  • excellent knowledge of the range of household appliances;
  • knowledge of sales techniques.

For position PR-manager:

  • availability of a contact base of journalists;
  • article writing skills;
  • possession of vocabulary in a particular area.

Job title administrator refers to the leadership, so the key skills include:

  • leadership of people, the ability to resolve conflicts within the team;
  • the ability to organize the work process;
  • skills of independent decision-making, forecasting and strategic planning;
  • the ability to take responsibility for their decisions and the result of the work of the team.

For engineer it is important to show specific skills, for example:

  • knowledge of the principles of operation of equipment, specific features of the operation of mechanisms of varying complexity;
  • Experience in maintaining technical documentation, reading drawings;
  • skills in carrying out planned work and in the mode of eliminating emergency situations;
  • knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of engineering design, GOSTs, SNIPs;
  • ability to work with application software.

Shop assistant must have the following characteristics:

  • knowledge of the features of the type of goods being sold;
  • knowledge of cash discipline;
  • skill to work in team;
  • Confident in using a personal computer.

Applicant for a position accountant must indicate in the key skills section of the resume:

  • experience in accounting, tax accounting, reporting;
  • knowledge of the basics of tax legislation;
  • experience in accounting, tax audits, audits;
  • conducting payroll operations, accounting for fixed assets, foreign exchange transactions, etc.

For driver important skills are:

  • the presence of accident-free experience;
  • Experience in driving executive cars or special equipment (if required);
  • ability to navigate within and outside the city;
  • experience in working with documents required for departure on a flight (waybills).

specific skills for lawyer are considered:

  • knowledge of legislation in the field of civil, civil procedure, arbitration, labor law;
  • the ability to competently (from a legal point of view) draw up contracts, conduct legal examination of documents;
  • skills of work in legal information systems;
  • ability to provide legal advice;
  • Experience in participating in court hearings.

Cashier associated with the receipt and issuance of cash, so his skills:

  • knowledge of the principles of trade, cash discipline, rules for receiving and issuing funds;
  • confident user of cash registers, PCs and office applications;
  • accounting skills;
  • ability to work with clients.

A number of organizations provide services through telephone consultations, for which they recruit operators. For operator key skills are:

  • competent, intelligible speech;
  • telephone communication skills;
  • ability to listen;
  • patience and kindness;
  • the ability to neutralize negativity.

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Filling in the column of skills and abilities - people often indicate standard, template data about their abilities, because they do not know how to properly present themselves in a favorable light and do not pay attention to the position of the employer. Usually it is purposefulness, sociability, etc. Let's take a closer look at this issue and learn how to correctly write your skills in a resume!

This is the experience gained, the knowledge gained in the process of working in your specialty, or you often had to deal with certain situations in your life and you learned how to subordinate circumstances to your needs. For example:

  1. In progress- You were instructed to check the documentation, recalculate the estimate, fill out tax returns or invoices .... It follows that you are an attentive person, scrupulous and you can safely consider this your skill.
  2. In the process of life- for what you were praised, or given diplomas? In this area you have superiority and possess certain skills. Remember what your friends ask for help with, with what problems - this is the area of ​​​​competence that needs to be indicated in the resume

Common Mistake

Everyone confuses two different things to write on a resume: skills and qualities. If a professional skill is the ability to work with document management, then quality is a personal characteristic - scrupulousness, attentiveness. Such data is required to be entered in the column:.

Rules for writing a section

  1. Honesty is the key.
  2. You must meet the requirements specified in the vacancy (see below).
  3. Specifically understand what you know and can do.
  4. Have experience in the specified skills
  5. Ability to apply acquired knowledge and experience

Give detailed information on important details, for example:

Sales Skill– 8 years in sales, including 5 years as head of sales department.

If you have no experience in any duties, write about your theoretical knowledge, for example:

Basic knowledge of negotiation- Took special courses.

This column is placed after the specified one, thereby confirming what skills have been obtained. But for a more successful outcome, it should be placed at the very beginning - so the recruiting manager will immediately see your qualifications and accept a resume for further consideration, for example:

What knowledge and competencies are important for an employer

The right employee is the most suitable for the duties assigned to him. And in order to comply with the idea of ​​​​the authorities about the candidate for the position you have chosen, it is enough to carefully study the vacancy and submit the skills and abilities for a resume corresponding to the requests in the ad.

An example of a vacancy for a managerial position:

Your key skills and abilities should imperceptibly repeat the requirements specified by the employer, relinquishing responsibilities that will need to be performed. For example like this:

  • Ability to organize and optimize the work process.
  • Knowledge and ability to work with “any” types of documentation.
  • Investment capital management skills.
  • Skills to create a flow of customers in new industries.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

In fact, all you need to do to fill in the column is to paraphrase the employer, of course, taking into account your own abilities.

Related video:

Correspondence of knowledge to the desired position

Depending on the profession – suitable competencies differ from each other! When filling out this section, be aware of the importance of the vacancy, because professional skills and abilities suitable for a lawyer are not suitable for a salesperson.

It is necessary to rewrite the graph every time you change the direction of activity.

Skills and abilities for managers (leadership)

  • Ability to manage your time (time management).
  • Personnel recruitment and management skills.
  • Business communication skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Strategic planning skill.
  • Salesmanship.
  • Ability to organize workflow.
  • Staff motivation skills.

Skills and abilities for sellers (communicative)

  • The ability to convince.
  • Direct telephone sales skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Skill to work in team.
  • Objection handling skills.
  • Ability to write commercial proposals.

Skills and abilities for specialists (technical)

Knowledge of this area is purely individual for different professions, indicate skills based on experience and requirements in the vacancy, but there are several factors that unite technicians

  • Ability to get the job done.
  • Ability to work with required equipment.
  • Knowledge of required software.
  • Data processing skills.

Skills and abilities for lawyers (law, document management)

  • Documentation skills.
  • Ability to solve complex problems.
  • Ability to work with regulatory authorities.
  • Knowledge of the legal framework.
  • Ability to take a stand.

Other skills and abilities

  • Ability to manage a budget;
  • bookkeeping skills. accounting;
  • commercial writing skills;
  • customer base management skills;
  • planning skills;
  • analytical skills;
  • certification skills;
  • skills;
  • programming skills;
  • skills in working with office equipment;
  • document management skills;
  • skills in drafting contracts, tax returns, lawsuits, complaints;
  • skills in conducting advertising events, banquets;
  • equipment diagnostic skills;
  • systems monitoring skills;
  • the skill of organizing work processes;
  • skills to work with a large amount of information;
  • the ability to prioritize;
  • skills in working with electronic databases;
  • Computer skills;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work in different fields of activity;
  • multitasking skill;
  • the ability to adapt;
  • ability to work with suppliers, purchases, goods;
  • inventory knowledge.

Skills and abilities for a resume, a real example

They are also a very important section that HR specialists pay attention to. Here you can mark your additional professional skills and experience, which are your advantage over other applicants. Neither experience nor education will tell a potential employer about your skills. And it is very important, in combination with your achievements and professional knowledge, to create an understandable, clear and beautiful picture for the employer. And among the variety of options presented, you need to understand what skills to write. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, it is worth indicating those skills that are relevant to the desired position and do not run counter to the necessary competencies.

Examples of common key skills on a resume:

    Analytical thinking

    Ability to plan

    Developed oral and interpersonal communication skills

    Organization skills

    Ability to prioritize

    Accuracy and attentiveness

Such skills are especially suitable for applicants without work experience, such as students or university graduates. When describing your skills, you should indicate everything that, one way or another, is related to the future position. These can be victories at olympiads, competitions or organization of student events. Also, more and more employers require knowledge of a foreign language and computer skills. So don't forget about that either. If you have already chosen the company where you are going to send your resume, you can use the requirements in the vacancy as a template to complete the information about yourself.

Where should the skills section be placed?

Typically, the "Key Skills" section is placed after the "Work Experience" section, summarizing your competencies, explaining what knowledge and other useful competencies you have.

However, there is another option for building your resume by listing key skills immediately after personal details and the desired position. And then in the “work experience” column, explain exactly where and when you received these skills.

Professional skills in a resume - an example for university graduates without work experience

Vacancy: Marketing Analyst

Key skills:

Knowledge in the field of sociology and marketing analysis;
Experience in conducting sociological research during the study period;
Diploma on the topic "Research of the marketing activities of the company";
Excellent command of Russian and English;
Experience in writing articles for the university website;
Experience as a sales consultant, which contributed to the development of communication skills;
Fluency in PC, knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point programs at the advanced user level.

Key skills in resume examples for different professions

First of all, when writing a resume for a specific vacancy, you need to carefully read the requirements of the employer. Often, this is where you can find clues about what to indicate in the key skills section.

Below, we will give examples of various areas of employment and what is most often indicated in well-written resumes.

    experience in commercial transactions;

    business communication and negotiation skills;

    work experience at exhibitions, presentation of products;

    maintenance and expansion of the client base;

    drafting and conclusion of contracts;

    conducting primary accounting;

    control of shipment and delivery of goods;

    Experienced PC user, knowledge of 1C, Word, Excel;

For the post of head of the sales department, you should also add:

    Experience in replacing the head of the department;


    Coordination of the work of subordinates;

    Employee motivation.

Key skills in a resume example for a position

Usually programmers indicate knowledge of certain technologies, programming languages:

    knowledge of technologies and languages: J2SE‚ J2EE, JPA, JAXB architecture, Hibernate;

    programming languages: Java, С++, PHP‚ JavaScript, Phyton; XML‚HTML; SQL, JPQL

    management software: SVN, Maven, Archiva, CruiseControl;

    Unix OS administration: Linux Fedora/Ubuntu/Slackware/OpenSUSE‚ FreeBSD;

    databases: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Key skills in a resume example for a position

    analytical thinking;


    accuracy and attention to detail;


    the ability to solve problems effectively;

    knowledge: taxes, GAAP reporting, ACCA Dip IFR certificate, auditor's certificate;

    software skills: 1C, BEST, SUN, CMS, Consultant, Garant, MS Office;

For the position of chief accountant, it is also worth adding:

    more than 5 years of experience in the position of chief accountant;

    Successful experience in accounting management (up to 10 people);

    English is spoken.

For effective work and promotion, modern specialists simply need professional skills. Moreover, certain knowledge and skills help to win over the employer when looking for a suitable vacancy, you just need to indicate yours. Each profession requires special skills from the employee. It is for this reason that when filling out a resume, specialists should indicate what professional skills they possess.

Examples of professional skills in a resume

Experience in people management and successful strategic planning. Average level of knowledge of English. User of several computer programs: Excel, MsWord, PowerPoint. The ability to make non-standard strategic decisions in the management of the organization. Ability to predict.

Professional skills on resume

The “professional skills” section of your resume should be placed after “work experience” and “achievements”. This section is a short list of key knowledge and skills that you have received in previous jobs or at the university. This is the culmination of describing you as a professional and specialist in your field. The HR manager will determine your opportunities based not only on the information provided about the experience of performing certain duties, but also on the skills and abilities provided in the resume.

To determine what exactly should be indicated in the professional skills section, you need to analyze the requirements that the employer wants to see in the candidate for the position, with what you can do. Compare all these data and indicate the most beneficial for the company, those that correspond to the proposed vacancy. The main thing is to indicate the skills that clearly correspond to the vacancy.

List 4-6 points, this will be quite enough, you should not exaggerate and embellish, because excessive versatility can make the HR manager think that your knowledge is superficial, and that you have not approached the issue of writing a resume too seriously.

Focus on your advantages, even if there are not very many of them, but you can confidently show and prove them during the interview.

If you have mastered some skills, but you have no practical experience in this area, you can indicate in your resume that you have theoretical knowledge, list them.

Thus, you can give the impression of a purposeful person, show that you are interested in innovations and develop in a professional direction.

To describe your key knowledge and skills in your resume, use the phrases: “experience in this and that”, “knowledge of this and that”, “ability to do this and that”, “I know this and that” and so on.

Avoid such qualities as "stress resistance", "sociability", "organization". They should be attributed to the section of the resume "personal qualities" and here they are not appropriate.

Mandatory skills that you must specify is the level of computer proficiency, perhaps knowledge of special programs that are needed to perform a particular job, knowledge of languages.

An example of professional skills for a loan officer resume:

  • Excellent knowledge of PC and office programs, knowledge of office equipment
  • The ability to convince
  • Knowledge of banking law
  • Knowledge of business etiquette and banking principles
  • Knowledge of foreign languages: English - fluent.
  • Your main goal is to get the HR manager to choose you, to convince him that you are the best option, that your experience and knowledge fully meet the requirements, and perhaps even more.

    Professional skills and abilities are examples.

    This section provides a brief list of the most important practical skills and abilities that were obtained in previous jobs or at the university. You can also describe your professional achievements here. At its core, this section performs the same function as a description of work experience, but more fully reveals the applicant as a professional. The Skills section of a resume is also referred to as "Qualifications".

    Listing your skills and abilities. you thereby make the resume more attractive. Reading this section, the employer answers the question why he should invite you for an interview. In order for the interview to take place, he must be interested in the professional knowledge and skills of the person who sent his resume for consideration. In order for you to succeed as often as possible, we suggest that you use the following recommendations:

    Place the "Qualifications" section immediately after describing the purpose of the resume or after the "Education" section. This sequence is quite logical.

    Adjust this section for each vacancy under consideration. Indicate here only those professional skills and work skills that are suitable for the position that interests you.

    Do not try to impress a man-orchestra, scrupulously painting the whole set of your virtues. Specify only 5 - 7 main ones. In order to emphasize some professional skills, sometimes you need to sacrifice others.

    First of all, indicate the key skills and abilities that are more relevant to the position that interests you.

    Make the list so that this information is easy to read.

    Use the language and terms that the employer uses in their job posting.

    When describing your professional knowledge and skills, start with the words: experience ..., I know ..., knowledge ..., ability ..., work skills ...,

    Do not list your personal qualities in this section. For this purpose, a special section is provided.

    Professional skills on resume

    The "Professional Skills" section of a resume can also be called "Technical Skills" (for programmers and other technical workers) or "Qualifications".

    In this section, you should provide a brief list of skills (skills) and describe your professional achievements that were obtained in previous jobs. The list should be four to six items long. The main thing to remember is that all listed professional skills must strictly correspond to the proposed vacancy and you should not indicate personal qualities here, such as: efficient, stress-resistant, etc.

    It is this section that is the best way to achieve the main goal of the resume - to get the employer to call you and invite you for an interview.

    An example of a description of professional skills in a resume:

    Professional skills

    Professional knowledge in the field of journalism. Seven years of experience. Skills: writing, editing and airing news articles and reports.

    High qualifications in oral and written interaction with respondents, for which he was twice awarded the Journalism Prize in 2000.

    Another example of a work experience description on an inexperienced programmer's resume:

    Technical skills:

    Operating systems: Windows 95/98, UNIX by Sun SPARC and MS-DOS.

    Programming languages: C, C++, HTML and JavaScript.

    Software: Microsoft FrontPage, Image Composer and Word Lotus 1-2-3 and mSQL.

    Skill Description Samples

    IT director (head of IT department)

    Experience in managing an IT department (15 subordinates).

    Department budget management.

    Development of IT in the company.

    Participation in making management decisions in the company.

    Market analysis of ERP-systems, selection of a suitable company for the needs.

    Experience in selecting partners for the implementation of ERP-systems (management of the implementation project, participation in the pre-project survey, writing technical specifications on the part of the customer).

    Additional analysis and participation in the selection of information systems.

    Automation of the company's activities.

    Management of internal projects.

    Ensuring information security.

    Technical support of the office, organization of equipment renewal.

    Ensuring the smooth operation of corporate LAN and office equipment.

    Director of logistics

    Development and implementation of a warehouse accounting system.

    Creation of regional warehouses and regional logistics.

    Optimization of the entire supply chain.

    Optimization of warehouse accounting and workflow in the warehouse.

    Optimization of the work of the transport department.

    Negotiating and concluding contracts with logistics service providers.

    Experience in automation and modeling solutions using IT tools.

    Building an integrated reporting system for departments.

    Budget planning and cost optimization.

    Knowledge of PHP.

    Practical application of object-oriented programming (OOP).

    Experience with programming frameworks (CMF).

    Knowledge of template engines.

    Experience with databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle), knowledge of the SQL language.

    Knowledge of JavaScript, HTML+CSS.

    Knowledge of the principles of building and operating websites and servers.

    Ability to read someone else's code and documentation in English.

    Sales Manager

    Knowledge of sales techniques.

    Ability to negotiate.

    Maintaining and expanding the client base.

    Advising and providing customers with information on the conditions of sale and the range of products of the company.

    Work at exhibitions, product presentation.

    Telephone conversations, receiving and processing orders.

    Drafting and conclusion of contracts.

    Primary accounting.

    Documentation control.

    Maintaining an archive of documents.

    Control of shipment and delivery of goods.

    Confident PC skills.

    Knowledge of wholesale trade.

    Excellent knowledge of the 1C program, sections: bank, cash desk, current account.

    Business correspondence.

    Office life support.

    Organization of reception of visitors.

    Confident user of office equipment and PC.

    General idea about the work of mini-ATS.

    Proficiency in 10-finger typing.

    Personal/family driver

    Experience in escort (ability to keep a distance between cars at high speed).

    Experience in completing small orders.

    The main thing in a resume for many employers is professional skills. An ordinary at first glance column of the questionnaire can tip the scales in your favor or, on the contrary, cross out this opportunity forever.

    So well-chosen professional skills in a resume are an example of what you understand where you are getting a job, and what actions are expected of you. They also serve as a clear answer to the questions: “why the employer should invite you specifically for an interview” and “why the price that you indicated in the column of the desired salary is not overstated, but quite fair.”

    Basic Mistakes

    Statistics show that employers close more than 85% of resumes without even reading them to the end. What is the reason? After analyzing over 1500 questionnaires, we are ready to answer this question.

    Reason 1. Boring.

    In the corresponding column, many applicants do not indicate their professional skills, but a couple of general phrases describing their future functional duties as a driver, lawyer, etc. Vague wording will not interest the employer in your person, but rather, on the contrary, will convince him that you it is not given to clearly formulate a thought, and you are used to getting off with average solutions.

    Solution: Write clearly, concisely and give an unambiguous answer so that the employer can have as few questions as possible. Let's take an accountant as an example.

  • The correct option is professional skills: fluency in the 1C program, the basics of accounting analytics, experience (more than 2 years) in accounting for inventory and calculating their cost.
  • Wrong option - professional achievements: for 2 years he worked as an accountant in the company "N", worked with the 1 C program, compiled reports, did all the work with papers and worked with the goods.
  • Reason 2. Not what you need

    Not all applicants understand what is hidden under this mysterious phrase "professional skills". Wanting to please the employer, most of them indicate everything they are capable of, and as a result we have: knowledge of French and Japanese cuisine in the manager's resume, perfect possession of firearms in the profile of the future kindergarten teacher, a completed music school with the driver and other pearls .

    Solution: Even if you are especially talented, the employer will only be interested in those professional achievements in your resume, examples of which clearly correspond to the declared position. Let's take a driver as an example:

  • Correct option: 3.5 years of experience as a driver, 3 years of accident-free driving experience.
  • Wrong option: I speak several foreign languages, I know how to knit.
  • Reason 3. Illogical

    Not knowing what to indicate in their application, applicants mindlessly copy examples of professional qualities indicated in the resume, posted in the public domain on the Internet. As a result, we get all the same problems that have already been described above (no one said that there can be no errors in the samples). Also, the inconsistency of what is written with the real is added to them.

    Solution: when compiling a questionnaire, the qualities and achievements of other people can serve as an example of professional skills and abilities in a resume. But don't copy them mindlessly. All indicated professional skills and achievements “pass through yourself”. Every time ask yourself questions: “do I really have the skills of a lawyer”, “whether these qualities are suitable as basic for a manager.”

    Reason 4. Terminology overload

    Wanting to show off their extraordinary abilities to the recruiter, job seekers pour out complicated terminology even where it is inappropriate. As a result, a driver’s simple and understandable phrase “professional achievements - 5 years of accident-free driving experience” or any other example describing special skills in a resume turns into abracadabra. The employer will not waste time to deal with it, which means that you have every chance of losing a vacancy without even getting one.

    Solution: in your resume, describe your qualities and achievements in simple, “off topic” words that are accessible to a person.

    Consequences of exaggeration

    Never lie by listing professional qualities on your resume. An example of the consequences can be not only the subsequent dismissal from your position, but also the refusal of other employers to do business with you.

    Especially since an experienced recruiter will still find out the truth during the interview, using projective structured interview techniques or asking for recommendations from your previous job.

    Skills required for in-demand positions

    Summarizing all of the above, consider examples of professional qualities in a resume for popular professions.

    Video: how to write a resume, basic recommendations from a specialist - a personnel officer.

    Examples of professional achievements indicated in the resume of a sales manager:

  • Level of PC use (with a list of programs required for this vacancy)
  • Possession of technique and psychology of sales (indicate the level and what it is based on)
  • Knowledge of the object of sale (you can indicate practical experience as a seller of a similar product)
  • Persuasion skills (level, and how they are backed up).
  • Practical experience in a similar position (for example, as a seller of a similar product or calling customers).
  • The list of professional skills indicated in the resume of a taxi driver:

  • Accident-free driving experience
  • Availability of rights of a certain category
  • Knowledge of the principle of operation of the car (practical examples are allowed)
  • Knowledge of the roads of the city and region (only with a navigator - excellent)
  • Experience interacting with children in a similar position
  • Skills of registration and work with travel documents.
  • Examples of professional skills that are present in the resume of a sales consultant:

  • Experience in interacting with clients or achievements in trainings, courses, etc.
  • Effective Selling Skills (Concrete Results)
  • Knowledge of the object of sale (you can specify the experience as a seller of a similar product)
  • Cash register skills
  • Knowledge (what is supported by: practice or theory) about the competent display of goods, their preparation for sale, etc.
  • Approximate professional achievements for an accountant resume:

  • Practical experience as an accountant
  • Skills in working with the cash book, accounting (accounting, warehouse, etc.)
  • Ability to take inventory
  • Skills in preparing reports and submitting them to the relevant authorities
  • Experience in conducting an economic assessment of the company's activities.
  • The level of knowledge of the necessary programs (1C, MS Office, etc.).
  • The list of characteristics indispensable in the resume of a lawyer:

  • Practical experience as a lawyer
  • Level of knowledge of legislation and codes
  • Skills of representing the interests of the company in any instances, legal support of its activities
  • Negotiation and lawsuit practice
  • Practical experience in legal support of the company's activities.
  • February 28, 2020