Yakovlev sab fsb. Ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation by the FSB. Resignations in two departments

  • 10.05.2023

Early in the morning of August 31, a colleague called me and said: “Hurrah! Victory!" - advised to go to the official website of the FSB. When I opened the right page, I was quite surprised: after three months of stubborn silence, the leadership of the FSB nevertheless published data on their income and property, which they were obliged to do at the request of the president, like all civil servants. But until recently, the FSB Public Relations Center (TsOS) stated: “You won’t wait!” - because, they say, the property and income of the FSB officers constitute a state secret. However, this is a very small victory on the way to what is accepted in all civilized states, where the special services are under parliamentary and public control. In Russia, the FSB is still an overly closed structure with a mass of corrupt employees, and the leadership perceives any criticism against it as treason.

Novaya continues to study how the FSB corporation works (see No. 93 of 08/25/2010).

Verification of information

Let's start with the declaration of FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, who graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, from 2003 to 2004 he served as head of the FSB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, then, under the former FSB director Patrushev, headed the economic security service (SEB) of the FSB.

For a long time, the Bortnikovs lived rather modestly: a trailer was registered for the head of the family, and a VAZ 21093 car for his wife Tatyana Borisovna (on the night of July 14, 2005, unknown attackers stole a license plate from the car). The spouses owned an apartment in St. Petersburg on Zagreb Boulevard.

After moving to the capital, the family significantly improved their living conditions. According to published data, they acquired another apartment (115 sq. m.), a land plot (1198 sq. m.), a country house (150 sq. m.) and two individual parking spaces. True, what kind of cars are in these parking lots is not specified.

The only son of the Bortnikovs* graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance in 1996. Until 2004, he worked at Industrial Construction Bank OJSC, then as an adviser to the manager of a Guta-Bank branch, in 2005 he moved to the position of deputy manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. Since 2006 - Deputy Manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg. In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of VTB North-West.

The first deputy director of the FSB, Sergei Smirnov, while working as head of the FSB for St. Petersburg and the region, lived with his wife Natalya Pavlovna at number 27 on Novgorodskaya Street and officially owned a 1983 Zhiguli. Now the Smirnovs have moved to the “Chekist” house on Udaltsova Street. In addition to two apartments, they have a land plot (2500 sq. m) and a parking space (832.5 sq. m). What their son Eugene does is not known.

The director of the FSB border service, Hero of Russia (received for Nord-Ost) and part-time chairman of the Dynamo society, Vladimir Pronichev, according to published data, owns a land plot (5028 sq. M), a residential building (811.3 sq. M) and an apartment (204 sq. M).

His wife, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, works at LLC Investment Company Global-Invest. Two years ago, she moved in a Toyota RAV with “thieves” license plates - O *** MP 77. Now her husband gave Lyudmila Alexandrovna his Lexus GH 470, and he switched to an LX 570 worth three and a half million rubles. In addition, another land plot (3,000 sq. m.), a residential building (604.3 sq. m.), a garage (123.4 sq. m.) and an outbuilding (172.4 sq. m.) The eldest daughter is a lawyer, she moves to Infiniti FX 3. The youngest graduated from MGIMO, worked at Gazprom, owns a Honda Accord car and also with thieves numbers - A *** MP 77.

FSB Deputy Director Vyacheslav Ushakov met his other half in the 8th grade, sitting at the same desk. Now Valentina Petrovna is a housewife. The youngest daughter graduated from a lyceum in Petrozavodsk, and then from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, she is a co-founder of Aigers LLC (the company has its own cinema, and also leases retail space in Sheremetyevo). She owns a Mercedes.

The eldest daughter of the Ushakovs married businessman Ruslan, studied at the Academy of the FSB, and is now a successful business woman. Her name can be seen among the founders of the Arizo trading house, Unika MS LLC (production and sale of finishing materials), Platon Service CJSC, Aigers LLC and the Youth Leisure Center (office on the territory of the Central Air Terminal). In addition, the daughter and her Chekist father established a non-profit partnership of individual developers "Beijing" (real estate management) at the address: "Gorki-2" UMTO FSB of the Russian Federation, plot No. 51. In addition to the Ushakovs, the founders of "Beijing" included tax official Boris Korol and two Muscovites - Umarpasha Khanaliev and Khammyat Suleymanov. She moves to a Volvo.

On the FSB website, Ushakov indicated that he owns a residential building (210 sq. m.) and rents a land plot (2461 sq. m.). But in the column "spouse" for some reason there is a dash.

Another deputy director of the FSB, Secretary of State Yuri Gorbunov, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, associate professor, member of the Russian Association of International Law, author of more than 70 scientific papers. For merits in improving the legal framework for countering terrorism, the President was twice thanked.

Previously, the Gorbunovs lived in an old house on Troitskaya Street. His wife - Tatyana Evgenievna - first worked at JSC Atompromresursy, and then moved to a senior position in the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region. According to published data, Mr. Gorbunov does not own any property. However, a land plot (1,040 sq. m.), a new apartment (117.3 sq. m.) and a dacha (193 sq. m.) have been registered for the second half.

Sergei Buravlev has been in the security forces since August 1971. He was appointed deputy director of the FSB in June 2005. Together with his wife and daughter, they own two apartments (55 and 80 sq. m.), a land plot (1025 sq. m. and rent another 495 sq. m.) and move around in a 1998 Kia Sefiya car. Where the son and daughter work is unknown.

FSB Deputy Director Vladimir Kulishov was born on July 20, 1957 in the Rostov region. In 1979 he graduated from the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, then the higher school of the KGB of the USSR, since 2000 he worked in the central office of the FSB, commanded security officers in the Saratov region (headed the regional society "Dynamo") and in Chechnya. According to official data, Kulishov and his wife own a land plot (1,487 sq. m.), a residential building (374.4 sq. m.), an apartment (87.2 sq. m.) and a 1999 Volga car.

According to our source from the presidential administration, several more heads of departments of the central apparatus, as well as heads of the FSB departments of the republics, regions and large cities, will soon report on their income and property.

FSB structure

Existing on the money of Russian taxpayers, the FSB tightly fenced off from the country. They have everything of their own: operational services, investigation, aviation, fleet, construction department, design institutes, fire service, educational institutions, medicine, rest houses, sanitary and epidemiological service and the press.

In 1993, by decree of Boris Yeltsin, the FSB Investigation Department was dissolved, and the Lefortovo prison was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But two years later, under pressure from the Chekists, Yeltsin "surrendered", and the SU was revived again. Immediately, criminal cases against ecologists, scientists and especially recalcitrant businessmen accused of espionage began to shoal. Moreover, the prosecutors supervising the Chekist investigation almost never found violations.

Loud scandals also began in the system itself. The most recent happened in Nizhny Novgorod. According to the materials of the criminal case, Oleg Yefremov, head of the investigative department of the Federal Security Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and his predecessor Vladimir Obukhov traded heroin (39 kg) seized from drug dealers in 2002 for six years. Both security officers were detained in 2008, but a year ago Yefremov was killed in solitary confinement. The circumstances of the death of Efremov leave a lot of questions. For example, on what basis was he transferred to a special colony without being convicted? Do you know how they killed him? I quote: “... Having previously opened the cell, detective Kruchinin, prisoners Arkhipov and Toropov (former sparring partner of the Klitschko brothers) wrapped Efremov with tape, hung him on a rope to the ceiling so that his legs barely touched the floor, and inflicted at least 70 blows with fists, feet and a rubber baton ... "

Rumor has it that before his death, Efremov allegedly was going to tell the investigators who else from the leadership of the FSB was in the share. According to other sources, the opera and urks beat out of him the location of caches with "grandmothers" and drugs.

The widow has her own version: “Oleg was forced to testify against the former head of the FSB for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Vladimir Bulavin (now the head of the staff of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee), but he refused. That's why he suffered."

The control service of the FSB conducts financial checks within the department, monitors the moral character and catches werewolf Chekists. The service is led by an old acquaintance of Putin - 62-year-old Yuri Ignashchenkov, who at one time worked as the head of the security service of the Sheraton Nevsky Palace hotel, and then the head of the St. "")

The Control Service includes five departments: financial and economic, inspection, control and revision, information support for operational-investigative activities and the Department of Internal Security (USB).

Little is heard about the first four, but about CSS - I had to. At one time, even the head of the special unit, General Alexander Kupryazhkin, “distinguished himself”, in fact divulging the secret of the investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. If you remember, in 2007, on the eve of the arrests of the main suspects, Kupryazhkin unexpectedly appeared on the air and named the name of one of the defendants - Lieutenant Colonel Ryaguzov, an employee of the capital's UFSB.

General Kupryazhkin was born in 1957 in the Voronezh region. Wife - Olga Nikolaevna - is engaged in business. The son worked at OJSC MMZ Vympel, there is also a daughter.

Several subordinates of Kupryazhkin appeared in a criminal case, according to which whole trains with Chinese contraband were delivered from the Far East to the address of the FSB warehouse (military unit 54729) (criminal case No. 290724). The special officers and generals of the central apparatus associated with this case were either fired or reinstated, in the end they turned out to be vice presidents and heads of the Security Council in large banks and state corporations. But the criminal case was quietly blown away.

Another important body is the Organizational and Personnel Work Service (SOCR). The head is Colonel General Evgeny Lovyrev (part-time director of the Dynamo women's volleyball club). His wife Anna Viktorovna and son work at Zarubezhneft JSC. The SOCR includes three departments: special registrations, organizational and planning management and personnel management.

We have heard a lot about the sports successes of the girls from Dynamo. But many are tormented by doubts about the state of affairs with the FSB personnel. For example, do all employees follow the precepts of the former director of the FSB Patrushev (now Secretary of the Security Council)? I quote from the last interview: “Security officers have always been characterized by such qualities as patriotism, a sense of civic responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, loyalty to the military oath. For them, honor, courage, courage and readiness for self-sacrifice are not simple words, but concepts filled with deep inner content, the moral basis of life.

SEB and management "M"

One of the key structures is the Economic Security Service (SEB). The service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of industrial enterprises (department "P"), for counterintelligence support for transport (department "T"), for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department "K"), for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice (department "M"), organizational and analytical, for combating smuggling and drug trafficking (department "N") and administrative service.

Let us dwell on the department "M", which "herds" the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Justice. The guys are so secret that even the address of their office in the center of Moscow is a state secret. Although it was shown to me by ordinary sergeants from the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District.

After the execution by the head of the Tsaritsyno police department, Yevsyukov, of innocent people, almost two dozen generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs lost their posts. There was also a personnel purge in the “M” department: the direct police curator, the head of the department, Nikolaev, lost his post. But the head of department "M" Vladimir Kryuchkov, on the contrary, went on promotion and became deputy head of the organizational and inspection department. In his place, Patrushev's protégé, Alexei Dorofeev, who previously held the position of head of the FSB in Karelia, was appointed. The structure has also been changed. Previously, the "M" department was subordinate to Smirnov, now - directly to the director of the FSB Bortnikov.

After the historical publication of data on the income and property of the Chekists, I dare to ask a couple of questions to the director of the FSB:

Dear Alexander Vasilyevich! As one knowledgeable person said, your subordinates from the “M” department caught many police chiefs in unseemly acts, and now they not only “knock at the office”, but also allegedly unfasten part of the profits to their curators. This is true?

A MUR operative told me about another problem:

In order to track all the movements of Ded Khasan (the oldest thief in law Aslan Usoyan. - See the Novaya’s certificate), we put a “gatehouse” on him at airports and train stations (the Rozysk-Magistral system). We used to know where he went and where he came from. And recently Grandfather Hasan paid "working visits" to Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. But the border service of the FSB did not inform us about this. I wonder why?

By the way, how is the search for Vladimir Volkov, who has been on the federal wanted list since 1992 (nicknamed Volchar, Volodya the Slap), who escaped from ITK-2 in Tatarstan, going? According to your and police file cabinets, he is listed as a "regular killer of Ded Khasan." The online references indicate addresses in Eastern Europe where he may be hiding. Including there are references that as soon as Volchara appears in Russia, contract killings necessarily occur. I wonder where the surveillance reports for Volkov go and who supplies him with fake passports of Serbia, the Czech Republic and Poland and gives him a "green corridor" when crossing the border? And how does he, in fact, pass the border control?


With the beginning of the 2000s, under the slogan of fighting crime, corruption and chaos, the FSB sent its regular officers to various ministries, departments and even commercial structures to strengthen personnel. What came out of it is well known: drug addiction has become a national disaster, it is better not to mention the increase in crime, and in terms of corruption, Russia has dropped to 147th place and ranks with Kenya, Syria and Bangladesh.

Of course, you can’t list all the “strengtheners”, but you can list the most noticeable ones.

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko (served in the KGB of Leningrad), Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga District Grigory Rapota (since 1966 in the ranks of the KGB).

The former head of the inspection department of the FSB is now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev, the head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a native of the KGB Draguntsov, the head of the administrative department is Chekist Maidanov.

The head of the Gosnarkokontrolya is the former head of the CSS of the FSB - Ivanov, the head of the Moscow department of this department is the Chekist Davydov, the St. Petersburg department is the Chekist Shesterikov, the Orenburg department is the Chekist Ivanov. And this list can be continued indefinitely.

By the way, I really want to ask Comrade Davydov how the story ended with the discovery in the office of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Closed Joint-Stock Company of Moscow of the bodies of detectives Dmitry Mazanov and Vakhtang Gvakharia (son-in-law of Yeltsin's former security guard, now State Duma deputy Korzhakov), who died from a heroin overdose? Did you find out where the deceased got the drugs and who “protected” this place? And what high rank was trying to prevent the autopsy of the bodies in order to establish the cause of death?

Well, the head of customs - a former KGB officer and friend of Putin Belyaninov - readers already know.

In addition, a whole army of undercover comrades settled in local authorities, large enterprises, state corporations, the oil and gas complex (for example, another friend of the prime minister is Mr. Tokarev), the management of state television channels, newspapers, universities and even theaters. And all this, not counting the numerous agents and anonymous people.

* The editors, for security reasons, naturally omit the names of children and numbers of personal vehicles.

Who and how is called upon to control all this restless economy - in the next issues.

Help "New"

Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich(Ded Khasan) was born on February 27 (28), 1937 in Tbilisi. By nationality - a Yezidi Kurd. A thief in law. From 1980 to 1992, he served a prison term in the Urals for selling counterfeit gold coins (he was arrested in Kazakhstan). He has extensive connections among corrupt officials in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. In almost every region of Russia, from Ded Hasan, there are “watchers” who control commercial banks, illegal cash flows, drug trafficking, gambling, apartment robberies, robberies and theft of foreign cars.

In 1998, at a thieves' gathering in Moscow, for cooperation with the authorities and a departure from the "thieves'" traditions, Usoyan was "crowned". The initiator was the famous thief in law Rudolf Oganov (nicknamed Rudik - he was soon killed in the capital).

About the likely resignations of "untouchable" figures in the leadership of key units.

If you filter the information flow and simply count such stories, you may get the feeling that a large-scale purge is underway, aimed at eliminating the existing corrupt clans and chains. Our investigation suggests that this is only half true. Yes, the purge is underway - and it is far from over, we have the right to expect new high-profile arrests and revelations. But this is not a part of state policy at all, but the result of a clash of clans at a very narrow and extremely profitable point - control over commodity smuggling. That is, the fight is not against corruption, but for the cash flows it generates.

The main conclusion that you, after reading the text, will be able to draw with us: neither dismissal nor imprisonment in any way affects the scheme that allows you to steal hundreds of billions of rubles from the federal budget.

When the shirt is more to the point

... Imagine that you wanted to buy yourself an imported shirt. Before choosing a model and size for yourself, most of you will definitely look at its price. Suppose you have an Italian shirt worth 10 thousand rubles. To make sure that the choice is correct, you will probably bypass a couple of other stores. And in one of them you suddenly find a similar model, but at a cost of 7 thousand rubles. Which of these two shops are cheating you?

Before entering the stores, both shirts go a long way: from the country of manufacture (which may well be far from Italy, but Turkey or China) through the transit country - and to the windows of Russian boutiques.

Consider a situation in which this shirt legally enters a domestic store through one of these transit countries - Finland, which borders the Northwestern Federal District of Russia.

Here is a truck driver heading from St. Petersburg to one of the warehouses in the Finnish city of Hamina to bring home imported goods (in our case, expensive clothes) worth a total of 50 million rubles. A local freight forwarder is already waiting in the warehouse for the driver. Its task is to control the loading of a Russian car with ordered and pre-delivered goods and release it from the territory of the European Union.

Upon completion of loading, the forwarder hands over to the driver a package of documents (foreign trade contract, international consignment note (CMR), packing-list) and accompanies the car to the Finnish customs checkpoint, from where it departs towards Russia.

It is important to note that Finnish customs officers almost never check what is taken out of their territory...

Then the driver of the heavy truck is sent to one of the Russian international road checkpoints (MAPP). Here the car physically crosses the border of the Customs Union and enters the area of ​​responsibility of the Russian customs (FCS). The driver goes to any window of the checkpoint, where his documents are registered by an inspector from the department of customs clearance and customs control. Here is the procedure for the initial customs clearance of goods.

The inspector can direct the car to an individual inspection complex (IDC), which resembles an “X-ray” in its characteristics and allows you to check the contents of the trailer without removing the seal, or may not do this and leave a thorough check to his colleagues at the customs office of destination.

The car with the driver, who received from the inspector a safe package with sealed shipping documents, is sent to the customs office of destination - the customs point where the secondary customs clearance procedure must take place. Or, as the customs officers say, there is a "clearing of the goods." Employees of the customs post check the compliance of the goods with the customs declaration submitted in advance in electronic form.

As a result, the car is safely sent to the consignee, and a shirt for 10 thousand rubles arrives in clothing stores.

Now let's imagine a different situation: when a shirt is imported into the country illegally.

The Finnish freight forwarder, having controlled the loading of the car with the same expensive clothes of the same value in the amount of 50 million rubles, before leaving the EU, hands over to the driver another set of documents: for the export of crushed granite worth 5 million rubles (at the same time, Finnish customs authorities receive information about the export of clothes).

Arriving at the checkpoint, the driver goes to a special window, where an inspector from the customs clearance and customs control department is waiting for him.

Having done a similar set of actions, the latter releases the driver to the customs office of destination. There the car arrives already with rubble. But where did the shirts go?

Scheme "overload"

In July 2015, the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Economic Security Service (GUBK SEB) of the FCS suddenly began checking commercial companies - LLC Continent, LLC Perspektiva and LLC Vector - importing goods through the checkpoints of the North-Western Customs Directorate (NWTU) of the FCS.

All three organizations throughout 2015 mainly declared the purchase of tiles, slabs and bricks from the Finnish company Planetmax OY.

The Federal Customs Service requested from the Finnish Customs Control and Law Enforcement Department information about the goods actually exported by Planetmax OY in favor of Russian LLCs and found out that all this time expensive clothes and electronics from Turkey and China were brought to the territory of the Customs Union.

On September 22, 2015, Pavel Smolyarchuk, the senior detective of the Main Directorate of the Security and Safety Directorate of the SEB, sent a report to his chief Andrei Lyashkevich about the discovery of signs of a crime, in which he reported that in the region of NWTU "an organized criminal group operates, which has previously united to commit illegal import of consumer goods made in China and the EU countries in order to evade customs payments on an especially large scale."

Pavel Smolyarchuk called the scheme itself “overloading”, and it consisted in the following (from the report): “Consumer goods (goods No. 1) are imported into the territory of the Customs Union under forged documents, which indicate the cover product: bricks, crushed stone, cement (goods No. 2). On the way from the border (checkpoint) to the place of customs clearance (customs post) under the procedure of internal customs transit, a freight vehicle drives into the "overload" warehouse (internal warehouse), where the seals are torn off, goods No. 1 are unloaded and goods No. 2 specified in the shipping documents are loaded. Pre-prepared seals are hung on the cargo compartment and then the car with goods No. 2 follows to the place of closing the procedure for internal customs transit and customs clearance. In the meantime, at the “transshipment” warehouse, goods No. 1 are loaded into another vehicle and, according to pre-made documents for internal transportation, are sent to the addresses of the final recipients of the goods. Goods No. 2, after customs clearance, is returned back to the “transshipment” warehouse for the subsequent replacement of the next batch of goods No. 1.

Specifying the criminal episodes, Smolyarchuk explains: “In order to evade customs duties, Perspektiva LLC entered into a fictitious foreign trade contract with the Finnish company Planetmax in 2015, on the basis of which an organized group, using a vehicle owned by Largo LLC, organized the transportation of crushed granite. In fact, at least 7 consignments of Chinese-made goods with a total customs value of 190 million rubles were imported into the territory of the Customs Union through the international checkpoint "Torfyanovka" of the Vyborg customs. Before transporting the goods to Russia, they were placed in the East Light OY consignment warehouse located in Finland (Hamina). By agreement with the members of the organized group operating in Finland, in the period February 3 - March 3, 2015, this product was loaded and delivered to Russia. Then, according to the procedure of internal customs transit opened at the border, the goods were delivered to the Yaninsky customs post, where the group members declared the value of allegedly imported crushed stone in the amount of 4.2 million rubles. The actually imported goods (worth 190 million rubles. - A.S.) were loaded into other trucks controlled by the group and sent to the final recipients located in the Moscow region according to pre-made forged documents of domestic transportation.

Thus, as established by the FCS, the organized group evaded customs payments in the amount of 53.2 million rubles.

Similarly, the group managed to evade paying customs duties when importing all the same clothes and equipment using Continent LLC and Vector LLC as consignees and declarants, follows from the report of the detective.

Moreover, Vector LLC, which imported 23 consignments of goods worth 809 million rubles from the territory of Lithuania and Estonia through the Ivangorod checkpoint of the Kingisepp customs to the same Yaninsky customs post (customs duty evasion amounted to 234 million rubles, since the goods were cleared by customs as composite Portland cement in the amount of 11.4 million rubles), had previously concluded a false foreign trade contract with the Armenian company Expotradecenter Ltd.

Three days later, within the framework of the initiated criminal case, the senior investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR, Alexander Izbenko, with the operational support of the employees of the Main Directorate of the SEB FCS and the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB, detained a well-known St. Petersburg haulier Dmitry Zarubin.

He, as well as 10 of his acquaintances (among whom, remarkably, there was not a single active customs officer) were soon arrested as part of a criminal case initiated on the fact of evading customs payments on an especially large scale (Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and participation in an organized criminal community (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Zarubin was named leader of the OPS.

Money loves silence

... Dmitry Zarubin is a mysterious person even for the business elite of St. Petersburg. “A very humble and businesslike man with a good reputation. There are few people like him, who were able to ensure the import of goods at the minimum cost of paying customs duties, in St. Petersburg. What made him different? Probably, what he always guaranteed with his money, ”this is how an entrepreneur familiar with him characterizes Zarubin.

Dmitry Zarubin, a graduate of the Northwestern Academy of Public Administration, carefully concealed his life. It is only known that in the late 90s he owned only one SCANIA truck, and by the end of the 2000s he already had a fleet of 70 trucks. For the first time, the St. Petersburg press started talking about Zarubin in 2010, when two elite boutiques, Cartier and Stefano Ricci, opened on the Moika River embankment. The famous Hollywood actress Demi Moore attended the opening ceremony. The owner of the stores was the wife of Dmitry Zarubin.

Despite the opening of luxury boutiques in the very center of the city, the businessman's lifestyle has not changed: he was still secretive, almost never met with journalists, did not give interviews, and rarely appeared at business and social events. Therefore, studying his business and identifying connections looks like a very approximate hypothesis, and the stories of entrepreneurs who are familiar with him add absolutely nothing to understanding his figure.

In June 2015, as part of the Proton operational-technical event, the Main Directorate of Security and Safety of the Federal Customs Service of the Federal Customs Service began to listen to Zarubin's phone. Even earlier, since the end of 2014, judging by the available reports of telephone conversations, his relatives and acquaintances were wiretapped.

Three months later, Zarubin was arrested and his properties (including Cartier and Stefano Ricci) were searched. In addition to the special forces of the central office of the FCS, employees of the 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB, which oversees the fight against smuggling and corruption in the customs authorities, took part in the events.

After his arrest, Dmitry Zarubin did not testify yet, so his letters from the Matrosskaya Tishina special block, especially for Novaya Gazeta, for the first time lifted the veil of secrecy over this criminal case, as well as over the events that took place on the St. Petersburg smuggling market.

Notes of a "smuggler"

“The whole cycle of the “overload” scheme is quite accurately described by Major Pavel Smolyarchuk in his report, which very successfully formed the basis of my criminal case and, in particular, in the decision to bring me, my relatives, colleagues and comrades as defendants,” writes Zarubin. “With one exception: we did not commit these violations and we were not the creators and beneficiaries of the scheme.”

According to Dmitry Zarubin, the employees of the FCS and the FSB, who succeeded in initiating a criminal case against him, themselves participated in for a long time.

“If Comrade Smolyarchuk had been completely honest, as a real officer should be, he would have indicated the entire chain of structures and people who controlled this scheme in the NWTU zone of influence. For example, himself and his relative Vadim Uvarov, head of the department for combating smuggling and corruption in the customs authorities of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB (Uvarov and Smolyarchuk are married to sisters. - A.S.). Below them were Oleg Bochkov, head of the customs control organization service (SOTK) of NWTU, and all the heads of departments of risk management systems (RMS) of subordinate customs offices who were subordinate to the latter. Among them: the former head of the Vyborg customs Vladislav Gavrilov, the current head of the SIS department of the Vyborg customs Murat Ozdoev and colleagues of the latter from the Baltic and Kingisepp customs. Next in the chain: international automobile checkpoints represented by the heads of customs clearance and customs control departments (the same inspectors at the border, into whose windows drivers approach for primary customs clearance. - A.S.). Among them, for example, the head of such a department at the Torfyanovka checkpoint, Oleg Okliy, who gave instructions to senior shifts and responsible inspectors, with which drivers and how to interact.

As can be seen from Zarubin's letters, a large number of people are involved in the transportation of goods, and all of them, according to the businessman, "are interested in their percentage of the total income."

What amounts can be discussed? According to Zarubin, a “commodity smuggler” receives from 35,000 to 50,000 dollars for customs clearance of one car under the “overload” scheme. Considering that thousands of cars pass through NWTU checkpoints every month, the approximate amounts of shadow incomes of all participants become clear.

“In the NWTU zone, in principle, three groups of influence can be distinguished,” continues Zarubin. - These are the Russian partners of the international company ULS-Global Igor Khavronov, Vladislav Kuzmin, Stanislav Malkov and their Turkish partner Dzhebrail Karaarslan (let's call it the Khavronov group), an official of the St. Petersburg department of Rosreestr Boris Avakyan and already known throughout the country Dmitry Mikhalchenko».

However, Zarubin later reported, such a gradation in St. Petersburg has always been rather speculative: all the players interact in one way or another, and most importantly, they conduct their business along the same lines of force.

Zarubin calls Mikhalchenko and the people who worked with him “untouchables”, alluding to the businessman’s connections in the high offices of the FSB and the FSO. “They didn’t need Smolyarchuk and Uvarov,” writes Zarubin.

Boris Avakyan
But the ULS group, according to the businessman, willingly enjoyed the patronage of the employees of the GUBK SEB FCS and the K Department of the SEB FSB.

The ULS-Global Group itself is an extensive network of enterprises with a fleet of 350 trucks, an air fleet of 8 cargo aircraft of the Airbus A300-B4 and A310-300F brands and its own Ferry 1 ferry. All this transport, according to Zarubin, was actively used for "commodity smuggling" to Russia.

“ULS often delivered its cargo by air from China and Turkey to Estonian Tallinn and Kaunas. Then all this was redirected to a warehouse in the port of Sillamäe, and then loaded onto trucks and sent on its own Ferry 1 ferry in two directions - either to the port of Ust-Luga or to the Ivangorod checkpoint. The recipients of the cargo were many technical companies, among them there are Avrora LLC and Sozvezdie LLC. About 60-70% of the cargo went on the ferry according to the "overload" scheme. This group needed both Smolyarchuk and Uvarov. In fact, they needed each other. Money - in exchange for a "roof", writes Zarubin.

At the end of 2014, according to Zarubin, he had a conflict with Russian partners of ULS-Global: “One of its [group] representatives told me in an ultimatum form that I should stop transporting goods from Turkish shippers. Allegedly, they build all the work with the Turks in the country themselves - through their transport companies and connections.

Zarubin refused the ultimatum, after which employees of the Main Directorate of Security and Economic Security of the Federal Customs Service turned to his partner: “About September 2014, Pavel Smolyarchuk turned to my friend, the head of RT-Broker LLC, Oleg Panov (he is in custody as part of the Zarubin case. - A.S.). I realized that this is an echo of the fact that I ignored the recommendations to stop loading my own transport with Turkish products. He [Smolyarchuk] said that I would either work under them or not work at all. I refused. And in February of the following year, one of the warehouses at the customs point, where we were clearing another imported product, was “entered” by the special forces of the Federal Customs Service and the FSB, and Smolyarchuk personally supervised the operation. Having checked our cars and found no differences between the data of the completed customs declaration and the goods actually imported, they were forced to leave with nothing. But in the end, Smolyarchuk, according to Panov, promised to put me in jail.

Then, according to Zarubin, he was faced with an acute question: how to continue trucking and not be hit by special services?

At that moment, according to him, he had a meeting with the St. Petersburg businessman Ivan Sergeev, who represented the interests of the third "group of influence" - the deputy head of the Rosreestr department for St. Petersburg Boris Avakyan.

Avakyan, like Zarubin, tried to avoid publicity for a long time. But in 2015, he starred in the video of the Vintage group and the famous DJ DJ Smash for the song City. “In a video dedicated to the city of Yerevan, the soloist of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva reincarnated from a metropolitan beauty into an oriental princess. The role of Pletneva's beloved - the Armenian highlander - was played by the St. Petersburg official Boris Avyakyan, ”the tabloids wrote, reporting that Avakyan financed the shooting.

“I knew Avakyan as a customs “schemer” who provided services for 35 thousand dollars for “overloading” one car (for comparison: Khavronov’s group took 50 thousand dollars per car), writes Dmitry Zarubin about the “Armenian highlander”. - As far as I know, Avakyan used the patronage of Smolyarchuk through the "connector" - the former customs officer Vyacheslav Naumov. The proposal [from Sergeev] was as follows: I transfer my companies to them and provide transport for work, and he [Avakyan] settles my conflict with Smolyarchuk and the Khavronov group. I gave my consent by submitting the documents for Continent LLC and Perspektiva LLC and electronic digital keys, with the help of which the goods are declared remotely, that is, they are cleared through customs. I was not aware of the existence of Vector LLC.

According to Zarubin's lawyer, head of the Tonkov and Partners law office Yevgeny Tonkov, since then the businessman has no longer managed companies: “Based on the disposition of Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, imputed to Zarubin, which contains a ban on evasion of customs payments, false declaration is the main method of this crime. Within the framework of this case, it is important to understand that none of the persons involved - neither Zarubin, nor the other persons involved - were engaged in declaring. They did not have the technical ability to do this, because the management of importers (LLC "Continent" and LLC "Perspektiva") was carried out by other people, they did not know. You can find them if you check the mail and IP addresses from which customs declarations were sent.

So, after Zarubin's voluntary surrender, in the NWTU zone, according to the businessman, "finally a balance was established." But not for long.

“Despite Avakyan's promises to resolve the conflict with Smolyarchuk, throughout 2015, the carrier market saw an aggravation of Avakyan's relations with the Khavronov group. This was expressed not only in pulling clients from each other, but also in mutual attacks using administrative resources. So in June 2015, 4 cars of the “Khavronov group” were detained at warehouses in the city of Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, which were carrying alcohol, cigarettes and textiles declared as building materials, and Ferry 1 ferry in the port of Ust-Luga with 70 trucks. Both actions were actually directed towards the “Khavronov group” (and, accordingly, Smolyarchuk and Uvarov) and partially affected the interests of even Dmitry Mikhalchenko, whose trucks were also on the ferry. It became clear that a new redistribution of the market was coming.”

War of the security forces

On the day of Dmitry Zarubin's detention, September 25, 2015, the Moscow City Court authorized wiretapping (TAP) of Dmitry Mikhalchenko. The request for anti-tank drugs was sent by the leadership of the 6th Service of the Internal Security Directorate (USB) of the FSB, which is considered one of the most powerful units of the special service.

For reference: it was the CSS that in 2007 carried out an operation to detain the head of the Operational Support Department of the Federal Drug Control Service, General Alexandra Bulbova whose employees uncovered "commodity smuggling" Italian furniture disguised as plywood stores "Grand" and "Three Whales".

Bulbov shortly after the disclosure of this case was arrested and convicted on charges of illegal wiretapping during his investigation (the telephone reports then included, among other things, FSB officers). Of the latest high-profile operations of the "six" - the detention of the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov and his deputy Boris Kolesnikov on suspicion of provoking a bribe.

Mikhalchenko, the owner of the Forum holding company, was “untouchable” (as Dmitry Zarubin writes) until the spring of this year, when searches were carried out at his enterprises in two cases at once: one is connected with theft while performing work on the restoration of the Izborsk fortress in the Pskov region, the second - with the smuggling of alcoholic beverages. According to the second episode, among others, Mikhalchenko himself was detained and arrested.

According to investigators, Mikhalchenko and persons controlled by him imported through the port of Ust-Luga under the guise of building sealant two containers with Courvoisier cognac of 1912, which was subsequently sold through the Buddha-Bar restaurant owned by the businessman. The Mikhalchenko case is being investigated by the investigator of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR Sergey Novikov, in whose proceedings the case of Sugrobov and Kolesnikov was located.

Shortly after the start of operational and technical measures against Mikhalchenko, the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB detained Vyacheslav Naumov, the same “former customs officer” who, according to Zarubin, acted as a “liaison” between Boris Avakyan and Pavel Smolyarchuk.

The detention was carried out as part of a criminal case initiated by the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR at the request of Boris Avakyan - on the fact of mediation in giving a bribe (Article 33, Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to investigators, Naumov was supposed to transfer the 2 million rubles received from Avakyan to "officials from among the employees of the Federal Customs Service and the FSB."

On the same day, the "six" conducted searches in the Main Directorate of the FCS and the 7th department of the "K" Department of the FSB, Pavel Smolyarchuk and Vadim Uvarov were interrogated as witnesses.

The fact that the search was carried out outraged the leadership of the K Department, the FSB officer says: “It hasn’t happened for a long time - so that in our [K department of the SEB FSB] special officers would seize the whole head of the department.”

However, the searches also angered the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov, who allegedly came to sort things out personally with the head of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin, whose employee issued an investigative order to operatives from the FSB CSS.

Nevertheless, there were no further arrests: Smolyarchuk and Uvarov retained the status of witnesses, while Naumov was released on a written undertaking not to leave and an obligation to appear. The story turned out to be, to put it mildly, strange: there is a criminal case, there is an intermediary, but there is not a single bribe-taker.

However, at the beginning of this month, the “bribe taker” appeared in the federal media, which reported that Pavel Smolyarchuk was charged with taking a bribe (and after him, Vadim Uvarov is supposed to be given this procedural status). We note right away: judging by the materials of certain operational activities of the FCS, this is not true: already after becoming “accused”, Pavel Smolyarchuk, still in the same position as a senior detective of the Main Directorate of the Security and Information Security, conducted several searches in the framework of the Zarubin case. True, Smolyarchuk himself, apparently, was alerted by this news.

From a letter from Dmitry Zarubin: “[After reports in the media] Pavel Smolyarchuk came to my detention center. Of course, I was surprised that a person who appears in a crime of corruption is calmly pacing around the pre-trial detention center, but I did not show it. But when he asked not to testify against him, if suddenly an investigator “according to his soul” came to me, I could not restrain myself. I think my reaction should not be described here - there were no censorship words there.

According to the businessman, a week after Smolyarchuk’s visit, investigator Izbenko came to him with an investigative order from his colleague, investigator of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee Martynov, who is in charge of Naumov’s case: “I was interrogated as a witness in the case of Avakyan giving a bribe to unidentified persons from among high-ranking employees of the FCS and the FSB. I liked the nature of the questions asked - about Smolyarchuk's connections with firms operating in the NWTU area of ​​responsibility, about his "possible illegal activities", as well as about his relationship with Uvarov. After listening to each question, I chose not to answer - I did not want to become a tool in the battle of two structures.


In mid-May, a comprehensive unscheduled inspection began at the SEB FSB, conducted by the Department of Affairs (AD) of the FSB and the CSS of the FSB. According to a source in the FSB, the check was initiated by the director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, and is mainly related to the scandals that occurred around the NWTU. During the check, information began to appear in the press about the dismissal of almost all heads of SEB departments. The most unexpected message was the submitted resignation letter by General Viktor Voronin, the long-term head of the "K" Department. A little later, they also wrote about the dismissal of the head of the SEB, Yuri Yakovlev, at his own request.

“At one of the meetings, before going on vacation, Viktor Gennadievich [Voronin] said goodbye to everyone, and he called the published information about Uvarov’s participation in smuggling in St. Petersburg a dirty slander of his brothers,” says the FSB officer.

Our sources call the head of the 6th service of the FSB CSS Ivan Tkachev the most likely candidate to replace Viktor Voronin, and the head of the FSB CSS Sergei Korolev should allegedly take the place of Yuri Yakovlev. In this case, our sources believe, the post of head of the FSB CSS will most likely be taken by the current deputy head of the department, Oleg Feoktisov. “If this happens, people from the “separate” will have power over a key unit and will be able to oversee the banking business and the fight against smuggling. Whether this is bad or not is still unclear. But these are very serious changes,” says the FSB officer.

Resignations in the FSB raised the rates for cashing out

The original of this material
© IA "Rosbalt", 06/10/2016, "Shadow workers" reacted to the resignations in the FSB

German Alexandrov

Two more heads of key departments of the FSB of the Russian Federation filed reports of dismissal. Earlier, the head of the SEB FSB and the head of department "K" addressed the leadership with a similar request. Thus, the leadership of the economic bloc in its entirety may leave the state security service.

As a source in the special services told Rosbalt, the reports of dismissal were filed by the heads of the departments "P" and "T" of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Along with the “K” department, these units form the “backbone” of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The “P” department is engaged in counterintelligence support for industrial enterprises, in particular, it oversees Rostec. It was in it that the head of the SEB Yury Yakovlev previously worked. Directorate "T", in turn, provides security through counterintelligence in transport and oversees the activities of aviation companies, Russian Railways, etc. Viktor Voronin, who previously filed a resignation report, heads the K department, which monitors the activities of the banking sector, budgetary flows, etc. And Yuri Yakovlev, who also turned out to be among the potential retirees, heads the SEB, which includes all these departments.

“The leaders of the entire economic block of the FSB are leaving the department. All of them have long been in place, age. But, of course, this is not the reason for the resignation. Recently, the SEB has aggravated relations with the internal security department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, scandalous stories have begun to arise that develop into criminal cases or so-called operational information. There was a rather difficult situation last summer, but then somehow the parties were "littered in the corners." It hasn’t worked out now,” a Rosbalt source in the special services said.

According to him, it is planned that it is the representatives of the CSS who will take the vacant positions. So, the head of the SSB, Sergei Korolev, can become the head of the SEB. In turn, Oleg Feoktistov, who is now the deputy head of the department, can become the head of the CSS. And the department "K", as planned, will be headed by the current head of the 6th department of the FSB (part of the CSS) Ivan Tkachev.

It is worth noting that Oleg Feoktistov could have headed the CSS back in 2011. Then the head of this department, Alexander Kupryazhkin, went on promotion, becoming deputy director of the FSB, and it was predicted that Feoktistov would take the vacant seat. But unexpectedly, Sergei Korolev became the head of the Chekist special officers - an ally Anatoly Serdyukov, who at one time held the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense.

A couple of years ago, the CSS and SES of the FSB of the Russian Federation were considered extremely friendly departments to each other. In particular, these two units literally “bombed out” an influential team of employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and its head Denis Sugrobov even went to jail, and now he is on trial. However, then the CSS turned a significant part of its attention to the representatives of the SEB. [...]

At the beginning of 2016, Igor Khavronov, an influential St. Petersburg businessman, applied to CSS. A few months earlier, the "K" department had uncovered a large smuggling channel for expensive mobile phones, to which, as it was assumed, Khavronov could be involved. As a result, a case of extortion of a bribe from telephone carriers was born, the defendant in which was the head of the 7th department of the department "K" of the SEB FSB Vadim Uvarov.

The shadow financial world has already reacted to possible personnel changes in the FSB of the Russian Federation. According to Rosbalt sources, the rate on illegal cashing out of money has increased to 15% - an unprecedented figure for this type of business.

One of the key structures

The service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of industrial enterprises (department "P"), for counterintelligence support for transport (department "T"), for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department "K"), for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice (department "M"), organizational and analytical, for combating smuggling and drug trafficking (department "N") and administrative service.

Let us dwell on the department "M", which "herds" the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Justice. The guys are so secret that even the address of their office in the center of Moscow is a state secret. Although it was shown to me by ordinary sergeants from the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District.

After the execution by the head of the Tsaritsyno police department, Yevsyukov, of innocent people, almost two dozen generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs lost their posts. There was also a personnel purge in the “M” department: the direct police curator, the head of the department, Nikolaev, lost his post.

But the head of department "M" Vladimir Kryuchkov, on the contrary, went on promotion and became deputy head of the organizational and inspection department. In his place, Patrushev's protégé, Alexei Dorofeev, who previously held the position of head of the FSB in Karelia, was appointed. The structure has also been changed. Previously, the "M" department was subordinate to Smirnov, now - directly to the director of the FSB Bortnikov.


With the beginning of the 2000s, under the slogan of fighting crime, corruption and chaos, the FSB sent its regular officers to various ministries, departments and even commercial structures to strengthen personnel. What came out of this is well known: drug addiction has become a national disaster, it is better not to mention the increase in crime, and in terms of corruption, Russia has dropped to 147th place and ranks with Kenya, Syria and Bangladesh.

Of course, you can’t list all the “strengtheners”, but you can list the most noticeable ones.

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko (served in the KGB of Leningrad), Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga District Grigory Rapota (since 1966 in the ranks of the KGB).

The former head of the inspection department of the FSB is now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev, the head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a native of the KGB Draguntsov, the head of the administrative department is Chekist Maidanov.

The head of the Gosnarkokontrol is the former head of the CSS of the FSB - Ivanov, the head of the Moscow department of this department is Chekist Davydov, the St. Petersburg department is Chekist Shesterikov, the Orenburg department is Chekist Ivanov. And this list can be continued indefinitely.

Well, the head of customs - a former KGB officer and friend of Putin Belyaninov - everyone already knows.

In addition, a whole army of undercover comrades settled in local authorities, large enterprises, state corporations, the oil and gas complex (for example, another friend of the prime minister is Mr. Tokarev), the leadership of state television channels, newspapers, universities and even theaters. And all this, not counting the numerous agents and anonymous people.

The country has a professional anti-mafia team. All the most high-profile criminal cases of recent times related to corruption and fraud were conducted by the group of FSB General Sergei Korolev. In early July, Sergei Korolev received under his command the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB

"In the fight against the Russian Cosa Nostra"

Behind the most high-profile criminal cases of recent times is a team of FSB officers led by General Sergei Korolev, who until recently headed the Department of Internal Security of the department (USB) of the FSB, and in early July received the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB under his command, said

In the early 2000s, Korolev served in the third department of the Economic Security Service of the UFSB, which was in charge of law enforcement agencies. In those days, they looked at it almost like a pension, Fontanka wrote the other day.

A few years later, news reached St. Petersburg - Korolev became an adviser to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, while he oversaw the Main Directorate of the General Staff, which is often called the GRU.

Soon, unexpectedly for everyone, Korolev became the head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia. In the police environment, security officers are called watchmen. It turns out that he guarded the watchmen.

Under the Queen, the Sixth Service became one of the most significant units in the CSS. According to RBC's interlocutor, close to the USB, it was created in 2008, it includes only about 35 people. The service is headed by Ivan Tkachev, writes RBC.

Of course, before detaining governors and other high-ranking officials, the head of the service coordinates the position with FSB director Bortnikov. And with such questions it is already necessary to approach the president. The resolution should be the same everywhere: “To work”. Signature, date. Which, in fact, means - in Lefortovo, Fontanka notes.

The Economic Security Service is one of the key units in the FSB, explains retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov, a member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. According to him, in the USSR, in the context of confrontation with the West, the main role was played by employees directly involved in counterintelligence, but in recent years the importance of the SEB has increased markedly.

Officially, the structure of the SEB FSB is not disclosed. As Novaya Gazeta wrote, the Economic Security Service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department "K"), industrial enterprises, transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice, for combating smuggling and drug trafficking, organizational and analytical department and administrative service.

From 2004 to 2008, the SEB was headed by Alexander Bortnikov, who moved from this post immediately to the post of director of the FSB. Yakovlev became Bortnikov's successor in the leadership of the SEB. On July 8, Vladimir Putin appointed a new head of one of the key divisions of the FSB, the Economic Security Service. They became Sergei Korolev.

The most notorious criminal cases of the Sixth Service

May 8, 2015. Police Lieutenant General Denis Sugrobov, who until February 2014 headed the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was detained. Recall that he was arrested on charges of organizing a criminal community, provoking a bribe and exceeding official authority. His deputy Boris Kolesnikov was also arrested, who soon committed suicide.

September 2015. The head of the Komi Republic, Vyacheslav Gaizer, was arrested on charges of fraud and organizing a criminal community. 19 people are involved in the Gaiser case, including the ex-deputy of the State Duma from Komi Yevgeny Samoilov.

March 4, 2016. Governor Alexander Khoroshavin was detained on Sakhalin, he is charged with taking a bribe in the amount of $6 million.

March 14, 2016. Deputy Minister of Culture Grigory Pirumov was detained in Rostov. The total amount of damage imputed to him and other defendants is more than 100 million rubles. In addition to Pirumov, the director of the St. Petersburg company BaltStroy, Dmitry Sergeev, and other responsible persons were arrested in the so-called "restorers' case".

End March 2016. Arrested "St. Petersburg businessman number 1" billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. He has been charged with smuggling. According to investigators, elite alcohol was bought at European auctions, which came to Russia under the guise of building sealant.

According to RBC, the Mikhalchenko case is not the only case of smuggling handled by CSS. At the end of 2015, management became interested in the case of ULS Global. Among the defendants in the investigation was the head of the 7th department of department "K" (it deals with counterintelligence support in the credit and financial sphere) of the Economic Security Service of the FSB Vadim Uvarov.

The connection with Mikhalchenko was reflected in the career of one of the country's most senior security officials, the director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov.

Murov worked for several years together with Mikhalchenko's business partner Nikolai Negodov in the regional department of the FSB. Murov, Mikhalchenko, Negodov lived in the same village on the shores of Lake Valdai in the Novgorod region.

At the end of May, by decision of the President, Murov was dismissed. The press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, explained Murov's dismissal by his advanced age, reminds RBC.

June 24, 2016. In a Moscow restaurant, while receiving 400 thousand euros, the governor of the Kirov region, the former chairman of the Union of Right Forces, Nikita Belykh, was caught red-handed.

July 13, 2016. The court authorized the arrest of Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), who is charged with extortion and organizing a criminal community.

On the night of 18 to 19 July. Detained were Denis Nikandrov, Deputy Head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Mikhail Maksimenko, Head of the Main Directorate for Interdepartmental Cooperation and Internal Security of the Investigative Committee, and Alexander Lamonov, his deputy, Head of the Internal Security Department.

July 26, 2016. Investigators found about 10 million rubles and hundreds of thousands of dollars and euros during a search in the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Andrei Belyaninov. Searches were also carried out in the offices of Belyaninov's deputies Andrei Strukov and Ruslan Davydov. During the searches, items and documents relevant to the investigation of the criminal case on alcohol smuggling were confiscated.

As it became known today, July 28, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the resignation of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov.

We note, following Fontanka, that Khoroshavin, Gaiser, Belykh are the governor's power. Sugrobov is a policewoman. Pirumov - ministerial. Mikhalchenko - capitalist. Citizen Shakro is a mafia. Today we reached the Investigative Committee and the Federal Customs Service.

Changes in the FSB

In June, the head of department "K" (part of the SEB structure), Viktor Voronin, the immediate supervisor of Vadim Uvarov, lost his post.

The USB had information that Voronin was connected with Mikhalchenko, two interlocutors close to the CSS management told RBC. Voronin's resignation was based on the results of an internal audit, which was carried out by the CSS employees in the SES.

Shortly after the first audit, Homeland Security began a re-audit. Upon its completion, the head of the SEB, Yuri Yakovlev, resigned.

A few weeks before the resignation of Yakovlev, Korolev became the main contender for his place, interlocutors in the special service told RBC. It was he who was appointed head of the SEB on July 8.

Now the FSB is undergoing reshuffles, but already at the level of middle-level operatives of the Economic Security Service. According to one of the interlocutors of RBC in the FSB, close to the leadership of the special services, it is still difficult to assess the scale of layoffs, but it is already known that about ten people will lose their posts, about half of which will be additionally checked in connection with possible violations of the law.

Another interlocutor of RBC in the special service said that at least one person from among the SEB employees left the country. According to another RBC source, one of the operatives of the Economic Security Service was fired on July 8, the day the decree on the appointment of a new head of the SEB was signed.


First Deputy

First Deputy Director - Head of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia

Deputy Director - Chief of Staff of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) Deputy Director - Secretary of State Deputy Director

1. Counterintelligence Service (TFR)

Counterintelligence Operations Department

Department for Coordination and Analysis of Counterintelligence Activities

Office of Special Events (source)

Office of counterintelligence at facilities

Information Security Center

Department of Military Counterintelligence

2. Service for the Protection of the Constitutional System and Combating Terrorism (SZKSiBT)

Office for Combating Terrorism and Political Extremism (UBTPE)

Anti-Terrorist Center / Special Purpose Center (TsSN)

Office for Combating International Terrorism (ODT)

Organizational and operational management

Operational and Investigative Directorate (ORU)

3. Border Guard

4. Economic Security Service (SEB)

Directorate for counterintelligence support of industrial enterprises (Department "P")

Directorate for Counterintelligence Support for Transport (Department "T")

Directorate for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (Department "K")

Directorate for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Justice (Department "M")

Organizational and analytical management

Directorate for Combating Smuggling and Illicit Drug Trafficking (Department "N")

Administrative service

5. Operational Information and International Relations Service (former Analysis, Forecast and Strategic Planning Service)

Department of Operational Information (DPI)

Analytical Management

Strategic Planning Department

Open Information Department

Department of International Cooperation

6. Service of organizational and personnel work (SOCR)

Office of Special Registrations

Organizational and planning management

personnel department

7. Control service

Inspection department

Department of Information Support of Operative-Investigative Activities

Control and Audit Department

Office of Home Security

8. Scientific and technical service

Department of orders and deliveries of weapons, military and special equipment

Department of Operational and Technical Measures (UOTM)

Research Institute of Information Technologies

9. Operation support service

Financial and economic management

Department of Logistics (UMTO)

Capital Construction Department

Subdivisions of central subordination

Investigation Department

Case Management

Reception FSB (as a department)

Contractual and Legal Department

Center for Communications Security CBS

Center for Electronic Intelligence on Communications - TsRRSS

Special Service (Encryption)

Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets (LSZ Center)


Center for Special Equipment

Institute of Criminalistics Operational Search Directorate (OPU)

Office of Assistance Programs

Public Relations Center

Department of Registration and Archival Funds (URAF)

Central archive

Office of Radio Counterintelligence (Department "P"). Aviation Directorate Special Communications Directorate Military Construction Directorate Commandant's Service Duty Service

Tenth department (military mobilization)