Public procurement portal okpd 2. Use of okpd2 when making a purchase. What is

  • 26.04.2020

Service Description

The selection of OKPD2 / KTRU codes is carried out on the basis of an analysis government contracts according to 44FZ. Based on these data, in response to a user request, the server reports how many times a particular OKPD2 / KTR code was assigned to the desired product in actual purchases. The results are ranked in descending order of frequency.

The source of information:

The xml download of the database of government contracts from the public procurement website acts as a data source. Our server analyzes the data and returns statistics on the use of a particular OKPD code in relation to the product name.

For the most effective search, try to optimize your search query in this way:
1. Enter only meaningful words, for example, "preductal", "printer", "roof repair". You should not search for "GENIUS Keyboard", as Genius or LG keyboards have exactly the same codes.
2. Try to indicate words in the singular of the nominative case.
3. If you are not sure about the end of the word, put the * sign. For example, "kraft bag *", "tomato * paste *".

The structure of the OKPD is harmonized in accordance with the Statistical Classification by Type of Activity (CPA 2002) used in European countries. The Russian classifier contains six-digit codes and volumes of the concepts of names taken from foreign analogue. Also, the compilers of the classifier took into account the special needs of the national economy of Russia, and for better product detailing, they provided for the possibility of using codes with 7-9 digits of alphanumeric combinations.

In OKPD, goods and services produced are classified by type economic activity. The list of presented items has hierarchical structure. Each type of activity is indicated by a special code consisting of 2-9 groups of symbolic combinations. Having conditionally designated each character with the symbol "Z", the composition of the code can be represented by the following formula;

ZZ - class of service or product;
ZZ.Z - subclass;
ZZ.ZZ – group;
ZZ.ZZ.Z – subgroup;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ – view;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ0 – category;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZZ is a subcategory.

The seventh, eighth and ninth digits are indicated by the number "0" in cases where product detailing at the national level is not carried out. The detailing of the last characters of the code is performed only on the condition that services or goods of the same type can be divided into several categories or subcategories. For example, tropical nuts are indicated by the code, and the code - coconuts as a subcategory of tropical, - Brazil nuts, - cashew nuts.

Explanations may be provided for individual groups to clarify information.

OK 034-2014 (CPE 2008) approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated 01/31/2014 N 14-st) (as amended on 05/12/2016) with the effective date of February 1, 2014

In accordance with the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st (as amended on November 10, 2015) All-Russian classifiers OKDP OK 004-93, OKPD OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002), OKUN OK 002-93, OKP OK 005- 93 are canceled from January 1, 2017.

classification of products according to OKPD ...

The Russian OKPD 2 product classifier is built on the basis of the Statistical Classification of Products by Activitа in the European Economic Communitу, 2008 version (CPA 2008).

OKPD code XX.XX.XX.XXX is 9 digits separated by dots. Dots separate different levels of classification - class, group, species and category

The first 6 digits of the OKPD code XX.XX.XX .XXX (class, group and type) correspond to 6 digits of product codes in the European KPEC 2008 classifier.

The last 3 digits of the code XX.XX.XX.XXX (category) reflect the features of accounting for products in the Russian economy. If there is no product detailing at the Russian level, the last 3 characters have the value 0.

OKPD 2 is built on the basis of compliance with the CPA 2008 classifier (Statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community). In CPA 2008, the first 4 digits of the product code are the code for the type of economic activity for the production of this product in the NACE Rev.2 classifier (Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community version 2 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community). Therefore, the first 4 digits of the OKPD code XX.XX .XX.XXX are determined by the code of the corresponding type of activity in NACE Rev.2.

– Russian classifier of types of economic activity – also built in accordance with the classification European Community NACE Rev.2. The OKVED 2 code consists of 6 digits, the first 4 digits XX.XX .XX are determined by the activity code in NACE Rev 2, the last 2 digits XX.XX.XX reflect the specifics of the Russian economy.

Those. OKPD codes 2 and OKVED 2 match at the group level (the first 4 digits), because are determined by the type of activity code in the European classifier NACE Rev. 2.

For the purchase of paper for copiers, is it necessary to set conditions for admission by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of March 24, 2014 No. 155 "On the conditions for the admission of goods originating from foreign countries for the purpose of procuring goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", if OKPD code 2 is specified?


How to draw up a schedule for 2020 according to the new rules

Draw up a schedule according to the new rules, the Government has approved a new form for it. She lost as many as 19 counts and this is the main change. Examples showed how to fill in each column. The most difficult thing to fill out is that the information from the procurement plan will no longer be pulled up: the procurement plan has been canceled.

For OKPD2 code "Other printed paper", the conditions of admission provided for by Order No. 155 are not applied by the customer. Since this OKPD2 code is not included in the list of OKPD2 codes, which are provided in the table of Order No. 155.

How can a customer use OKPD2 codes: examples and practice of FAS

OKPD2 codes are chosen by customers when they describe the procurement object. If you enter the wrong code, limit competition or choose the wrong purchase method. In this case, pay a fine and spend time on proceedings in the FAS. I will tell you what OKPD2 is and how to use it, using examples from the practice of customers and the antimonopoly service.

What is OKPD2

OKPD2 is the all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity. The classifier approved Rosstandart by order of January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. By the same order, Rosstandart canceled the OKP, OKPD, OKDP and OKUN classifiers from January 1, 2017.

The OKPD2 code has a hierarchical structure:

If the species is not divided into categories, then the 7th–9th characters of the code are zeros. For example, - "Vegetable beans". In other cases, characters 7 and 8 have values ​​​​greater than zero - "Zucchini". The ninth character will be greater than zero only if there is a subcategory : "Digital ammeters".

Example: how products are divided according to OKPD2 codes

The hierarchy of OKPD2 codes for agricultural products looks like this.

In what cases do customers use OKPD2

OKPD2 codes are used by customers when they determine the object of procurement. At the same time, Law No. 44-FZ does not require that OKPD2 be indicated in plans, schedules, notices and other documents of the procedure. In practice, customers apply OKPD2 in four cases.

Case 1. The customer generates a procurement identification code. The IPC consists of 36 digits. The numbers from the 30th to the 33rd in the IPC are formed with the information of OKPD2 - they take the first four digits of the code. For example, a customer buys medicinal plants. Product code according to OKPD2 - The IKZ will include the numbers 02.30. For more information on how to form an IKZ, read the recommendations.

Case 2. The customer publishes information in the EIS. OKPD2 codes are indicated by customers when they place plans, schedules, notices in the EIS. There are no such requirements in Law No. 44-FZ, however, the functionality of the site will not allow publishing information about the purchase without the OKPD2 code. The customer selects the required code from the list offered by the UIS.

Case 3. The customer establishes the benefits or Additional requirements to participants, as well as restrictions on the purchase of certain goods. To do this, use OKPD2 codes from the lists approved by the Government or the Ministry of Economic Development, in particular:

  • preferences for participants who supply goods from the EAEU (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of March 25, 2014 No. 155);
  • benefits to enterprises of the penitentiary system (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 649);
  • restrictions on the purchase of foreign radio-electronic goods (Government Decree of September 26, 2016 No. 968);
  • prohibitions on the purchase of engineering goods (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 656);
  • restrictions on the purchase of medical devices from other countries (Government Decree of February 5, 2015 No. 102);
  • additional requirements for procurement participants (Government Decree of February 4, 2015 No. 99);
  • a list of goods, works and services that customers under Law No. 223-FZ buy in electronic form(Government Decree of June 21, 2012 No. 616).

If the procurement object code is included in one of the listed lists, apply the rules normative act which approved the list.

Case 4. The customer chooses the purchase method. The Government has determined the goods, works and services that customers are entitled to buy only at an auction - the auction list (Government Decree of March 21, 2016 No. 471-r).

In order to choose the right method of purchase, customers check the OKPD2 codes in the list.

How to choose OKPD2

OKPD2 codes Rosstandart listed in the classifier dated January 31, 2014 No. 034-2014. Find desired code in the classifier it is possible by the name of the procurement object.

The wizard “Determine the exact OKPD2 code for procurement” will help you quickly find out the code. Just enter keyword in the search bar of the wizard, for example, "silicate brick" or "brick", click on the desired name and click the "Define" button.

The wizard also works in the reverse order - the customer can recognize the product, work or service by the OKPD2 code. Write the required code and click "Define".

Sometimes there are two OKPD2 codes for the same product. This is due to the fact that Rosstandart canceled OKPD, OKUN, OKDP and OKP, and the Ministry of Economic Development has developed keys for the transition from the old classifiers to OKPD2. If you are purchasing products that have two codes, choose OKPD2, which more accurately describes the object of purchase.

The customer must require participants to submit a registration certificate for the microtome in the second part of the application, as medical devices must be registered. Registers medical devices Roszdravnadzor. Registration certificates are published on the agency's website. The certificate for the microtome contains the OKP code 94 4330 (part 4 of article 38 of the Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ and clause 3 of the Rules from the Government Decree of December 27, 2012 No. 1416).

Since OKP codes are not valid from January 1, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development has made a conversion table that can be used to determine the OKPD2 code from the OKP code. According to the table, the customer found out that for code 94 4330, OKPD2 code is set.

The customer described the object of procurement with the code from the table of the Ministry of Economic Development - With this code, the customer has the right to demand a registration certificate from the participants. If you indicate a code that does not correspond to the registration certificate and require a certificate from the participant, then you violate Part 6 of Article 66 of Law No. 44-FZ. For this, a contract service employee will be fined from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. (part 4 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How will the customer be punished for the wrong OKPD2 code

Controllers punish customers who, due to an incorrect OKPD2 code, violate Law No. 44-FZ. The penalty is for three reasons.

1. Biased description of the procurement object due to incorrect OKPD2 code. In this case, violate clause 1 of part 1 of article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (part 4.2 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

2. Wrongly chose the purchase method due to the wrong code. Let's say you bought products from the auction list at the competition. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 30,000 or 50,000 rubles. (parts 1 and 2 of article 7.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

3. Incorrectly set limits or provided benefits due to incorrect code. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (part 4.2 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For an erroneous OKPD2 code in the procurement documentation, controllers of customers do not fine. There is no requirement in Law No. 44-FZ and by-laws to indicate OKPD2 codes in any procurement documents. Therefore, controllers are not entitled to fine for incorrect code. The conclusions are confirmed by the Ministry of Economic Development in a letter of April 18, 2016 No. D28i-1033 and the Crimean OFAS in a decision of February 17, 2017 No. 06/262-17.

OKPD 2 is the "All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity", a document approved by Rosstandart and containing a numbered and grouped list of all goods and services possible for the production and sale. It lists any type of product, such as sunflower seeds (11/01/95) or musical ensemble services (01/90/10).

Learn more about the classifier and download the current reference in convenient format can . We will consider how OKPD 2 data can be used in the search for purchases.

How to search for purchases under OKPD 2

When placing purchases, the customer is obliged to indicate to which OKPD 2 code the subject of the purchase belongs. Accordingly, their search can be carried out by specified codes. In the EIS Public Procurement, this parameter can be selected by clicking on the "Search Parameters Constructor":

And then, in the window that opens, by selecting the "OKPD2 codes" parameter:

How to find out your OKPD 2 codes

There are two ways to find out suitable codes: theoretical and practical, and we advise you to use both of them so as not to miss interesting purchases.

Before starting the search, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reference book (you can download it in a convenient format) and, using a search in the hierarchy or for specific words, highlight the OKPD 2 codes corresponding to your activity. Also for this purpose, you can use the functionality of the UIS, which, as we said above, has a convenient built-in search interface.

After that, you can search for purchases by words (we told how to do this) and write out the OKPD codes indicated in the purchases that suit you.

At the same time, using the codes obtained by both methods, one must not forget about some features.

Features of the search for OKPD 2

LLC MCC "RusTender"
