What is a profession. The profession of an architect Who is suitable for the profession of an architect

  • 07.09.2022

Despite the fact that it is not entirely correct to include an architect in the "Technical Professions" section, he is still here, since his work is related to calculations and drawings. And this brings him closer to many techies. Learn more about this profession!

Currently, the profession of an architect is quite in high demand. It originated quite a long time ago. Even the names of ancient times are known to history. The first architect who became known to science was Imhotep. This great architect became famous in the third millennium BC. He led the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser, which is located in Egypt. Hiram is one of the famous architects of the past. He oversaw the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. It was a true work of architectural art. However, unfortunately, the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. The construction of the Second Temple was entrusted to Zerubbabel. Enumerate the names of the architects of the past can be infinitely long. All of them made a great contribution to urban planning and architectural art. The most popular of them are Phidias, who was an architect and sculptor, Kallikrates (the builder of Parteron), Iktin.

What is a profession

The profession of an architect involves architectural design at a professional level. The duties of a specialist include the organization of the architectural environment, the design of buildings and the development of space-planning and architectural solutions.

An architect must fulfill certain responsibilities. First of all, I would like to note the preparation of projects and estimates for future buildings.

In this case, it will be necessary to determine the cost of the structure. The architect is responsible for supervising the execution of construction works. The specialist must attest to the constructed buildings, evaluate them during implementation. In order to become a good architect, you will need knowledge of the following areas:

Knowledge in the field of jurisprudence will also be useful.

There are several areas of architecture activity. First of all, I would like to note the architects who are involved in the development of design documentation for construction and working drawings. The duties of this specialist include architectural supervision, which allows the successful implementation of the developed architectural project. There are also chief architects of the project, architects-urban planners, chief architects of the city or region, historians and theorists of architecture, architects-restorers, architects-experts.

What specialties can you study?

People who have decided to link their lives with architecture must decide on a specialization. Now we will briefly talk about which area of ​​​​knowledge you can choose.

  • Construction and architecture.

In this case, several specialties are offered to choose from: industrial and civil engineering, urban construction and economy. In the first case, you can give preference to the following specializations: real estate expertise and management, labor protection in construction, underground urban geotechnics. In the second case, you can choose the following specializations: technical reconstruction, repair and reconstruction of buildings, geographic information systems in urban planning, energy-saving and information technologies in construction and reconstruction.

  • Architecture

There are several specializations: landscape architecture, reconstruction and restoration of architectural complexes, architectural design of the urban environment, architecture of residential and civil buildings.

Where can you get an education?

If you are determined to get the appropriate education, then you can opt for the architectural universities of the Republic of Belarus.

What do you have to do at work?

People who have received a diploma in architecture can work in many areas. You can get a job in a private office or a government organization. You can work in the field of urban planning (heat and cold supply and technology of building production and building materials), life safety. Landscape architects, architects of environmental monitoring, soil mechanics, foundations and engineering geology are quite in high demand.

Who is suitable for the profession of an architect?

The profession of an architect is suitable for those people who have good spatial thinking, love to draw, and are creative natures.


At the moment, architects are quite highly demanded specialists. Above, we talked about the fact that they can work in various fields. When choosing a specialization, you need to be careful, take into account the emergence of new areas and the development of technologies. For example, now landscape design is gaining more and more popularity. In this area, you can make a successful career.

How much do they get

The profession of an architect is not chosen in vain. It brings not only high income, but also fame in case of successful studies at the university. If we talk about architects who work in private companies, then most often they have piecework wages. They receive a percentage of the order amount. Chief architects can receive up to six percent of the transaction amount. As for ordinary workers, they are offered a rate. Good work pays bonuses. Beginners receive from $800. The average salary of an architect is 1200-1500 dollars. In fact, the salary depends on many factors: the city where the specialist works, the company, the project itself.

Is it easy to get a job?

This is not to say that an architect can easily find a good job, but nothing is impossible. The easiest way to find a job is in big cities. Moreover, two pluses can be noted here: a higher salary and a higher chance of successfully finding a job.

How a career and prospects are usually built

Having received a diploma in architecture, you must understand that it will not be possible to get all the stars from the sky right away. You have to set yourself up for hard work. First, you will work for the reputation, and then the reputation will work for you. If you have developed spatial thinking, creativity, creativity, good memory, observation, have a sense of taste and the will to win, you will definitely succeed in making a successful career. Start small, you can make big progress over time

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Architects and builders are responsible for where and how comfortable we live. They create beautiful houses, and at the same time they build them economically and durable. The profession of an architect involves a systematic approach to construction, a sense of beauty and a deep knowledge of people's lives.

What do architects do? They are engaged in the design of buildings (their facades and interiors), the development of project documentation and sometimes the calculation of the reliability of structures. The main task of specialists is to design a reliable building and take into account all the wishes of the customer.

In addition to buildings, they design gardens, residential areas, industrial buildings (ports, factories), transport routes (metro, roads, bridges, funiculars) and much more.

In the field of construction there are ample opportunities to find something interesting for yourself and promising for a career.

Places of work

Architects needed:

  • construction companies;
  • design organizations and design studios;
  • state bodies (committees, urban planning commissions and other regulatory organizations).

History of the profession

The profession of an architect appeared simultaneously with the first major buildings of temples, palaces and fortresses. The first known architect in history was Imhotep. He supervised the construction of the pyramid of Djoser in Egypt.

Architects gain prestige during the high Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries. At this time, art and education were actively developing in Italy, new styles of architecture appeared.

In modern times, construction has become more complex and larger, and the position of architect has become very popular and clearly defined the scope of responsibilities. The architect now does not manage the entire construction of the facility, but is only responsible for the design phase.

Responsibilities of an architect

The duties of an architect include:

  • design of construction objects;
  • development of project documentation:
    • architectural design layouts;
    • drawings;
    • estimates;
    • tables and calculations;
  • communication with customers and project authors;
  • implementation of designer's supervision over the course of construction;
  • participation in making complex decisions on construction projects.

Sometimes an architect does the following things:

  • 3D visualization of future buildings;
  • development of design projects;
  • approval of documentation in state bodies.

Requirements for an architect

The main requirements for architects are:

  • higher specialized education;
  • work experience of 2 years;
  • Knowledge of design software (at least AutoCAD);
  • Ability to write and read project documentation.

Sometimes an architect needs to know:

  • English at a conversational level;
  • modern building materials;
  • store design features.

Architect resume template

How to become an architect

The specialty of an architect can be obtained in many universities. Useful knowledge and skills will also give a design or construction education.

To become an architect, you can start working as a design engineer, interior designer or builder. In all these cases, the career ladder will lead to the management and design of large construction projects.

Architect salary

The salary of an architect ranges from 30 to 110 thousand rubles per month. The region of work and the level of facilities under construction, of course, significantly affect earnings. The average salary of an architect is about 50 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

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1. Profession architect

2. The philosophical concept of the profession of an architect


List of used literature


Big beautiful new house

Grows in our neighborhood.

How many towers on it,

And how it is all decorated!

To build this house

Architect worked:

In my mind I first composed

Dozens of projects.

Then he took one

And on a sheet of paper

In the context of the house drew -

Here all the details are important.

Here is the cornice, and here is the facade,

Here - the arch and balconies,

High strict row of windows,

At the bottom of the trees crown.

Well, yes, trees. And about them

The architect thought

In the chestnuts, a new thick house

Should be according to the project.

But now, look around

And the building was in full swing.

There are a thousand workers here

They quickly got down to business.

Showing off, the new house is growing.

And the architect looks

How is construction going on here?

Is it according to the project?

With a roll of thick blueprints

Almost non-stop

He's a ten-story tower

He walks with a dexterous step.

The house is finally built

We admire from the balcony.

And the architect is well done:

He's painting the house again!

Architect is one of the most important professions on earth. There are few professions on Earth in which the creative, constructive role of a person is vividly embodied with the same force, his spiritual possibilities are revealed, as in the profession of an architect. With the help of architecture, humanity transforms the surrounding nature, makes it more attractive and convenient for its physical and spiritual existence. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the profession of an architect - the "chief builder" - has been respected and honored by society at all times and epochs. "Each work of architecture begins in the mind of the architect, who forms its ideology" - this idea is true even today when we talk about the work of an architect. Indeed, at the heart of any architectural structure is an idea that originates in the imagination of its author. This idea gets its final form in the form of an architectural project thanks to the creative imagination of the architect, the richness of his imagination.

1. Profession architect

The profession of an architect is one of the oldest. In the countries of the Ancient East, she was one of the most honorable and only available to the nobility. In ancient Egypt, the architect received his education in the schools of scribes, and he usually learned the craft in the family: skills and techniques were passed down from generation to generation. In ancient Greece (V-II centuries BC), the training of architects was carried out in small private schools under the guidance of experienced craftsmen. On the content of architectural education in the last centuries BC. e. can be judged from the classical work of the Roman architect Vitruvius"Ten Books on Architecture" (2nd half of the 1st century BC). Architectural education included not only knowledge in the field of building materials, construction, building structures, but also information from geometry, astronomy, history, philosophy, etc. With the development of construction in the Roman Empire, special architectural schools began to be created to train architects. The experience of architectural education in the Roman Empire was adopted by Byzantium and other countries of the Middle East, where new tasks were already being solved in the construction of a new type of religious buildings. In the Middle Ages, the training of architects began to be concentrated in monasteries, and in the cities of Western Europe, architects received training in guild workshops, where the continuity of professions was preserved. During the Renaissance in Italy and neighboring European countries, the guild system of architectural education received a new qualitative development. Leading Italian art theorist Alberti in "Ten Books on Architecture" characterizes the architect as a universal master and scientist, combining the artist and engineer. In the workshops of the future architect, they were given to study with a certain master, under whose guidance he studied architectural art, classical monuments, the so-called. warrants, building materials, mastered the methods of their processing, knowledge in the field of mathematics and other sciences. Many outstanding architects of the Renaissance - Brunelleschi, Bramante, Michelangelo and others, after apprenticeship with the master, improved their architectural education, participating in excavations and studying ancient monuments.

In the 17-18 centuries. in Italy, France, and then in a number of other European states, academies of fine arts were opened, in which architects were trained along with artists and sculptors (a special Royal Academy of Architecture was founded in France in 1671). In the academic workshops, the future architects underwent practical training, each with their own master of architecture. The academies developed and published universal courses in architecture, which had scientific significance for their time.

In the middle of the 19th century appeared in France, Germany, Russia and some other countries. higher technical schools, including civil engineering schools, which began to train, in particular, engineers of an architectural profile. This led to the division of the profession of architect into two - the architect-artist - for the construction of monumental buildings and the engineer-architect, or civil engineer - for the construction of utilitarian buildings. The division of the architectural school into artistic and technical in a number of Western countries (for example, in Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland) remains to this day. Architects graduating from art schools are required to pass state technical examinations to obtain a builder's license, which lengthens the period of architectural education, sometimes up to 8-10 years.

The origins of architectural education in Russia date back to the period of the formation of the ancient Russian state (10th century). In ancient times, artels of builders brought up masters of architecture in practice. In the 16-17 centuries. in Moscow, the training of stone craftsmen was organized under the control of the state in the Order of stone affairs. Peter I sent young architects to study in Holland and other countries of the West. Europe and designed the foundation of the Academy of Arts. In 1749 in Moscow, several private professional schools, "architectural teams" merged into a team of an outstanding architect D.V. Ukhtomsky. In 1757, the "Academy of the Three Most Noble Arts" was founded in St. Petersburg, which in 1764 was transformed into the Academy of Arts, headed by A.F. Kokorinov, Outstanding Russian architects emerged from the walls of the Academy. Ukhtomsky's student M.F. Kazakov founded at the end of the 18th century. School of Architecture at the Expedition of the Kremlin Building in Moscow. Since 1866 - the School of Painting and Sculpture (founded in Moscow in 1846) began training as an architect and was named the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (existed until 1918). In the middle of the 19th century Petersburg, the Institute of Civil Engineers was opened to train construction specialists, including architects (technical sciences prevailed in their training). philosophical profession architect engineering

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the system of architectural education was based on the principle of combining the artistic and technical education of the future architect. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, signed by V.I. Lenin (November 19, 1920), were created in Moscow on the basis of the former School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Higher Art and Technical Workshops (Vkhutemas), including architectural ones. In 1926-27, Vkhutemas was reorganized into the Higher Artistic and Technical Institute (Vkhutein), where specialization was introduced at the Faculty of Architecture in various types of structures, in urban planning, and in decorative-spatial architecture. In 1930, on the basis of the architectural faculty of Vkhutein and the same faculty, organized in 1916 at the Moscow Higher Technical School, the Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering was created, from 1933 - Moscow Architectural Institute, which became the center of architectural education in the country.

During the years of Soviet power, a network of architectural faculties and departments was created at universities of various profiles - civil engineering, art, polytechnic. In the USSR in 1968 there were about 40 such faculties and departments, including in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Minsk, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Baku, Tashkent, Samarkand, Alma-Ata, etc.

2. The philosophical concept of the profession of an architect

In order to understand the philosophical aspects in the activity of an engineer, you need to understand what exactly they represent. What are philosophical aspects? Especially, specific to this area of ​​activity. The explanation of this phrase, this concept inevitably leads to a number of questions, the conclusions and answers to which will lead us to a generalized conclusion, which, in essence, will reveal the meaning of this phrase.

What is an engineering activity?

It is interesting that in the BES (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary) there is no definition of the word "engineer", but if we take the word "engineering", which is close in meaning, then we can see the following definition.

Engineering - from lat. Ingenium - ingenuity, fiction, knowledge. Communication of science and technology, the main provision of which is to bring innovation and development to production.

The goal of the engineer is modernization, which should lead to harmonious development. It is not specified what "what" exactly should have harmonious development, this is superfluous. Any engineer must understand what this or that innovation will entail, soberly assess what consequences this or that innovation will bring. From this we can conclude that the creation and development of technology, information processes, technologies makes the activity of an engineer all-encompassing. In this regard, attention should be paid to the fact that with full cycles of automation, a person is excluded from the technical system, but he still remains the main agent in the process of developing, implementing and mastering new equipment and technologies. The analysis of engineering activity requires taking into account two concepts of technology: instrumental and social deterministic. The disclosure of their dialectics involves the use of systemic and activity approaches, as this will allow us to understand the sociocultural aspect, where equipment and technology are considered in connection with the existence, needs and values ​​of society. The need for a philosophical study of engineering activity is also caused by those negative consequences that resulted from a one-sided pragmatic approach to the creation and use of equipment and technologies. It is also necessary to take into account the dialectical connection of the goal, means, result, which makes it possible to foresee the prospects and consequences of new technical objects being created. Here, issues of humanization of technology and technology that would not harm humanity and nature are brought to the fore. In this regard, the role of ideological and axiological aspects especially increases. The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem in recent years shows that interest in the philosophy of technology as a specific area of ​​philosophical knowledge has sharply increased. Particular attention is drawn to the analysis of the specifics of engineering activities. Genetically, this activity separated from technical activity with the advent of machine production. Since that time, engineering activity began to take shape as a profession associated with the regular application of scientific achievements in industrial practice.

So, summing up the above, we can answer the original question of the section: what is engineering activity. As a result, we get the following:

Engineering activity is a form of attitude to the environment, the content of which is its expedient change in the interests of harmonic modernization and innovative progress implemented at the production level.

And as a consequence, the answer to the question posed in this section gives us the right to move on to the next one.

Is there a philosophy in engineering activity?

Any science in its highest manifestation "rests" on philosophy. Because the level of technology development today does not provide a sufficiently deep analysis that would lead us to the most detailed study of the processes characteristic of a particular discipline. Humanity still does not know how fire burns, what current is, it has not studied all the properties of water. It would seem that the simplest phenomena and processes that are daily present in our everyday life are still hidden from us. We don't know how they actually work, we just assume it based on the result.

It would seem that knowing this, one can immediately answer the question posed in the section, but, according to the author, it is necessary to consider in more detail the very "design" of engineering activity, because this type of activity, as well as each type, has a number of features that distinguish him over others. And the purpose of this section is no longer just the question "is philosophy present", but "how is philosophy present" in engineering activity.

Consideration of engineering activity in a historical retrospective allows us to conclude that the emergence, formation and development of engineering activity is a consequence of the historical development of the needs of material production and is directly related to the formation of technical sciences.

The historical approach to the analysis of engineering activity makes it possible to substantiate the change in the relationship between the subject and the means of labor under various technological methods of production. Thus, in manufactory production, the subject becomes more and more dependent on technology and a process of gradual objectification of the subject is observed, although technical activity is built primarily on a subjective basis. In machine production, the subjective principle gives way to the objective principle, and engineering activity begins to be built on an objective basis. In the era of automated production, the connection between the subject and the means of labor becomes more and more free, and engineering activity is built on a free basis, where the leading principle is orientation to the subject of production.

According to the principle of social determinism, engineering activity is conditioned by various socio-economic reasons: such as the mode of production, the structure of society, the political and spiritual spheres of society, and specific historical conditions. An analysis of the latter makes it possible to understand that engineering activity has a clear social orientation, and an engineer always fulfills a certain need of society.

When analyzing the sources and driving forces of development, the contradictory nature of engineering activity is revealed. The engineer is always faced with the task of improving technology on the basis of knowledge of the laws of nature and their transformation into technical principles. The essence of engineering thinking lies in the ability to find, analyze contradictions in the development of technology and optimally resolve them. The paper substantiates the idea that an engineer in his work deals with three groups of contradictions:

Contradictions that arise within the technosphere;

Contradictions between the objective (material) and subjective (personal) components of the system;

Contradictions that arise between nature and society.

At the general sociological level, we single out a system of driving forces as a set of objective and subjective factors leading to the resolution of objective contradictions of reality. At the same time, it is especially emphasized that the driving forces are of a dialectical nature.

The contradictory nature of engineering activity lies in the fact that the engineer's knowledge is always aimed at turning the natural into the artificial, which has no analogue in nature, but at the same time duplicating, one way or another, its laws. The combination of natural and artificial orientation in engineering activity forces the engineer to rely on the laws of science and on the laws of existing technology at the same time. In the course of historical development, evolutionary and revolutionary transformations are observed within the engineering activity itself. The inconsistency of the latter lies in the fact that the original solution that appears at the beginning of the solution of the problem can and should be repeatedly improved in the future.

And answering the question of this section, having already in stock knowledge of the material presented, we can draw a conclusion.

Philosophy in engineering activity is present at the "junction" of the inconsistency of the natural and technical components of progress, and the engineer, as a tool for introducing innovations and modernizations into society, must strictly argue every action, and soberly assess its further consequences, and at the same time, leave due " reserve" for the future improvement of the action not yet done.


What is an engineer? So, now we have come to a question that will finally help us to compose, based on all the material of the abstract, a number of philosophical aspects in engineering activity. But to sum up, we must answer the last question, namely, expand the answer to the question directly related to the engineer. As mentioned earlier the "tool" of engineering activity.

As a rule, an engineer focuses on the basic principles of solving technical problems. However, the world of technology (technosphere) is constantly improving and expanding. In this regard, there are many areas of technology in which this already known principle has not yet been used. In the era of specialization, the action of two types of engineering activity (essentially closely related to creativity) is most clearly manifested: the invention of a fundamentally new one and the improvement of an existing one. In the process of improvement, new ideas can be born that stimulate the process of invention.

In the activity of an engineer, a significant place is occupied by the resolution of the contradiction between technical needs and the possibilities of satisfying them at the current level of development of technology, as well as the contradiction between technology and technology. Since in some cases technology determines the design and construction of technology, in others - technology is determined by functioning technology, and thirdly - there is a combination and joint action of technology and technology. The paper concludes that it is possible to understand the complex nature of the relationship between engineering and technology only in the context of their connection with activity.

A new stage in the knowledge of the world, through an engineer, should be a holistic general scientific picture of the world, which includes generalized ideas about nature (natural-science picture of the world), about society (social), about man (anthropological). In addition, special scientific pictures of the world are distinguished as ideas about the subjects of individual sciences. The scientific and engineering picture should be attributed to a special scientific picture of the world as ideas about engineering, technology and scientific and technical knowledge.

The transition from classical science to non-classical philosophy stimulated the formation of a modern scientific and engineering picture of the world. As a rule, this transition is associated with the competition of paradigms, as a consequence of the incompatibility of the pictures of the world underlying them, and the similarity of the cognitive tasks facing them. The most fruitful way to understand the evolution of the scientific and engineering picture of the world is to analyze the historical evolution of the relationship between science and technology. In this regard, it is noted that at the first stages we are talking mainly about the technical picture of the world, which was based on technical knowledge, which is predominantly empirical in nature.

List of used literature

1. Chepelik V.V. Architects of the Middle Ages and Modern Times (VI-XIX centuries). - Kyiv, 1990.

2. Nikolaev I.S. The profession of an architect. - M., 1984.

3. www.ru.wikipedia.org.

4. www.kto-kem.ru/professiya/arhitektor/.

5. www.prof.biografguru.ru.

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The profession of an architect appeared many millennia ago. Its need was due to the emergence of the first cities. In this case, it was necessary to take into account the features of the landscape. Houses should be practical, aesthetically beautiful and serve multiple functions at the same time.

Before the founding of the city of Pharos, Alexander the Great invited architects to his place and they made the first drawings from barley grain, marking the main points of the buildings on the ground.

Today, an architect uses computer graphics to create a drawing, but the main thing is the special mindset required for this profession.

What is an architect?

Architects are specialists working in the field of construction and design of various buildings, monuments, territories, etc. Moreover, this profession is undoubtedly one of the most creative. The activity of an architect also implies the preliminary creation, calculation and embodiment of an artistic image on paper. There are several varieties of this classification:

  • landscape architect (see also landscape designer)
  • restorer architect
  • architect builder
  • architect-designer.

Profession landscape architect involves work with gardening art. Such a specialist must create special design drawings, on which all the components of the future composition are fixed. Including the species of trees and the composition of the grass.

In its turn, architect builder or an industrial building architect is engaged in the design of buildings involved in the field of human interaction and production. He is responsible for the correct location of the enterprise for the most rational organization of the development of technological progress.

Profession architect-restorer involves work with the reconstruction of monuments and the return of their former grandeur. With it, you can return any building to its former beauty or remake it in a modern way.

Very popular today are architects-designers housing. There will always be work for specialists in this field, both in a large metropolis and in a small town. They are engaged, among other things, in the planning of cottages, apartments or all kinds of offices.

Responsibilities of an architect
The immediate responsibilities of the architect include not only creating the concept of the future building, but also its appearance.

The architect must:

develop layouts of enterprises, landscape panoramas and buildings, master plans, project proposals;

develop the necessary working documentation, comply with all technical conditions when designing a particular facility;

participate in conducting all kinds of research and finding the most convenient solutions;

control the compliance of material consumption with existing standards.

Basic requirements for the profession of an architect:

  • Experience as a low-rise building architect;
  • Strong knowledge of ArchiCad, AutoCAD, MS Office, Internet;
  • Possession of regulatory documents;
  • Creative thinking;
  • Having a portfolio;
  • Profile architectural education.


Where can you get a job as an architect? Many universities around the country train students in the specialty "Architecture".

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia ( RUDN University);
  • Moscow Architectural Institute ( MARCHI);
  • State University for Land Management ( GUZ);
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture ( RAZhViZ);
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I. Surikov ( MGAHI);
  • St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Penza State University of Architecture and Construction;
  • Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ulyanovsk State Technical University ( UlSTU);

Pros and cons of becoming an architect:


  • Architecture and other technical areas are characterized by division into narrow specializations. This allows you to purposefully improve your knowledge and skills.
  • Highly qualified specialized employees are valued in the labor market and have a decent level of remuneration, which increases with the growth of experience and position.
  • Due to the growing urbanization of the population, the relevance of the profession is growing.
  • Simply put, by becoming an architect, you will secure an income and a job. And having experience, it is no longer you, but the work will look for you.


  • It is advisable to clearly understand that this is a purely technical specialty that requires a huge amount of knowledge of physics, mathematics, computer science and others.
  • A wide range of responsibility for projects lies with their developer.
  • These can be emergency volumes of work that need to be worked on.

And of course, check out the biographies of such people as Renzo Piano, Oscar Niemeyer, Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas - their creations and experience are indispensable for those who want to learn to be an architect.

Demand for the profession of architect

According to statisticians, one of the most sought-after professions in the next 20 years will be the profession of an architect.

In our country, the low popularity of the profession of architect in the past is explained by the utilitarian approach to urban planning and private projects. A whole generation of "Khrushchev" and panel twins managed with minimal participation of professionals.

Times have changed. The modern construction market needs fresh ideas, a modern approach, and competent execution of building projects. The profession of an architect is a great prospect for a creative person.

Profession architect: salary

The profession of an architect implies a high level of income. So salary offers vary:

  • from 40,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles as an architect in Moscow, St. Petersburg,
  • from 20,000 rubles to 90,000 rubles by profession a landscape architect (designer) in Moscow and St. Petersburg,
  • up to 100,000 rubles - leading architect (Moscow),
  • up to 200,000 rubles - chief architect (Moscow).

In addition, this work is considered one of the most prestigious to date. Specialists in this field have the opportunity for creative realization, both at home and abroad.

Created: 02 March 2017

To begin with, you need to make sure that you understand correctly who an architect is and what his duties are. An architect is a specialist who carries out architectural design, including developing space-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of the architectural environment, the design of buildings and, including the development of interior and space-planning solutions.

To become an architecture student, you need to have certain personal qualities.

Creative skills. Of course, the ability to draw beautifully, paint pictures and stroke with a pencil is what a person entering the Faculty of Architecture should be able to do. However, it is important that this skill is not only on redrawing other people's work and copying photographs. An architect is a creator. He must be able to see the unusual in ordinary things, process them in his head and splash them out on paper. Pencil, paints, markers are just tools. A person who studied at an art school will also learn, however, as practice shows, self-taught people also have a chance to succeed if they try and listen to the comments of teachers.

Developed spatial thinking. A very important quality. Spatial thinking is a type of mental activity in which spatial images are created that help in solving practical and theoretical problems. An architecture student will have to study difficult disciplines such as descriptive geometry, statics, and engineering structures. The ability to think spatially, abstractly is not given to everyone, so if a future student does not have such an ability, then the subjects listed above will be a real test for him. Fortunately, this quality (if it is at least slightly present) can be developed.

Responsibility, vigilance. It is simply impossible for a student-architect, and in the future a specialist, to be negligent and irresponsible. This process requires care, because any mistake can lead to the destruction of the building with consequences, injuries and even death of people.

Hard work, perseverance. An architect simply won't work out of a lazy person. The lazy person will fly out of the university after the first session. Moreover, an architecture student must be ready to work on projects and other tasks day and night. If representatives of other specialties have such a routine during the session, then it should be noted that architecture students work in this rhythm throughout the academic year.

Organizational skills will help the student distribute the entire load evenly and avoid sleepless nights and the state of "half-zombie" during the session.

Originality, resourcefulness, creativity distinguish the student-architect from other specialties. An architect must be able to look at many things differently than other people, must be able to find extraordinary solutions and cope with the tasks set using ingenuity and originality.

Sense of harmony, taste and style necessary qualities of a creative person. Projects and other art works will simply be uninteresting and boring, and in the worst case, tasteless and unaesthetic.

Observation. An important trait inherent in any creator. To create something new, you need to be attentive to what already exists. An architect must notice everything beautiful around, try to process it and use it in his ideas.

Good memory will not interfere with any student, however, this quality is especially necessary for representatives of the architectural faculty. An architect must be a savvy person from all sides, he must have a broad outlook. To design buildings and structures for various purposes, the architect must understand many industries.

Sociability- a feature that any modern specialist needs. An architect must be able to work both independently and in a team. An architecture student needs communication skills to be able to communicate with his classmates, senior students and teachers, an architect specialist - to be able to talk with a customer, find a common language with colleagues.

Punctuality, tact - these qualities, in principle, are pluses for any person, especially for an architect.

The profession of "architect" is suitable for those who have the qualities and skills listed above. The profession is interesting, responsible, requires attention, perseverance and diligence, but very interesting and exciting. Many architecture students, despite the difficulties of their studies, are very glad that they chose this profession.