Chubais' activity is a complete scam: New criminal case against Rosnano. The arrest of the top manager of Rosnano - an attack on the Chubais group? The decision of the Moscow City Court in the case of Andrei Gorkov

  • 07.09.2022

The top manager of Rosnano was detained while trying to travel abroad. Andrey Gorkov is suspected of fraud for more than 700 million rubles. Why was it necessary to arrest him now?


The Basmanny Court authorized the arrest of Rosnano top manager Gorkov until August 9. Andrey Gorkov, managing director of Rosnano for investment activities, is accused of abuse of power, which caused damage to the corporation by more than 700 million rubles. The defendant’s defense claims that Rosnano did not suffer any damage from Gorkov’s actions, which was ready to be confirmed by the deputy chairman of the corporation’s board, who appeared in court.

The top manager's lawyer asked to be released on bail of 50 million rubles. According to the defender, Gorkov was transferred from a financial position to another eight months before the revocation of the license from the specified bank. Gorkov himself does not admit his guilt. At the trial, he stated that he was not trying to escape from justice, but was going on a business trip to China. On the eve of Gorkov was detained in Moscow. According to some reports, Gorkov was detained after he bought a ticket abroad.

Svetlana PetrenkoSC official“According to the investigation, in the period from 2011 to 2013, contrary to the established procedure and the interests of Rosnano and its sole shareholder, the state, Andrey Gorkov placed the company’s funds on a permanent basis in the commercial bank Smolensky Bank - in the amount of 460 to 740 million rubles under the guise of settlement and cash services, but in fact in order to finance the activities of the bank. In connection with the revocation of the license from the said bank on December 13, 2014, Rosnano lost its funds in the amount of more than 738 million rubles. At the same time, just before the revocation of the license, assets were withdrawn from the bank in favor of Gorkov's brother, with a total value of 400 million rubles. Today Andrei Gorkov was detained by investigators while interacting with operational officers of the Main Directorate of Electricity Control and the PC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the economic security service of the Federal Security Service of Russia after he purchased a ticket for a flight abroad. Taking into account the fact that Gorkov tried to hide abroad, the investigators intend to petition the court in the near future for a preventive measure in the form of detention against him.”

Andrei Gorkov is 46 years old. In 1993 he graduated with honors from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Three years later, also with honors - Orenburg State University. Later he studied at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, passing a special course "Hydroelectric power stations". The last education - "Company Development Management" - Gorkov received 12 years ago at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He worked in Orenburgenergo, then - in RAO UES of Russia, was the general director of the Stavropol State District Power Plant. In the state corporation "Rosnano" Gorkov began working in 2008. At various times, he held the positions of the company's financial director and managing director for investment activities.

The situation with Gorkov should be viewed as an attack on the Chubais group, says Pavel Salin, director of the Center for Political Science Research at the Financial University.

Pavel Salin Director of the Center for Political Studies of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation“I think that this is a pure instrument of hardware settling of accounts under the guise of fighting corruption. If we take the arrests of the vice-governors of the outgoing week, then this solution of political problems is also under the guise of fighting corruption. That is, solving the problems of controllability of regional elites. That is, in politics, general goals are pursued; in the apparatus struggle, specific ones are pursued. Such a specific goal is understandable, the group of Mr. Chubais traditionally controls quite serious financial flows, and moreover, these flows do not have a very high financial transparency due to the specifics of the industry, which increases their attractiveness for all absolutely elite groups, including the so-called security forces , which I believe have long been behind the attack on the positions of Mr. Chubais. They have been trying to gain control over these financial flows for a long time, but in order to gain control, it is necessary to understand how these financial flows are arranged, because, again, they are not transparent. And in order to understand, you need someone from your inner circle to tell about it. Mr. Melamed, as I understand it, does not provide such information. That is, in order to obtain such information, he was taken into custody, they did not receive it, he was released. Then he was taken into custody again, but it was already house arrest, although the prosecution insisted on a pre-trial detention center, because in a pre-trial detention center it is much easier for a person to get the necessary information. That is, Melamed, as a potential source of information, most likely disappeared. It is necessary to look for new sources of information, and here the possible sins of Mr. Gorkov, who is also a high-ranking manager of Rosnano, came into play. And if he is engaged in such activities as investing, one of the key activities of the state corporation, then he is among the trusted persons, which means that he knows a lot about the structure of the financial flows of Rosnano and, probably, not only Rosnano. And just then those developments came in handy, which for the time being lay in the right offices, in the right folders. I would like to note that the crimes that he is charged with were committed in 2011-2013. That is, a sacramental question arises: why exactly he, and most importantly, right now?

A certain Yevgeny Vladimirovich Gorkov appears in the court materials on Smolensky Bank. Perhaps this is the brother of the detained top manager of Rosnano. Their patronymics match. Rosnano does not have enough information regarding the detention of one of its top managers Andrei Gorkov, so it has not yet formulated its position on the case. This was stated to Interfax by lawyer Alexander Asnis, representing the interests of the corporation.

The former head of Rosnano, Leonid Melamed, is being charged with embezzlement. The damage from his actions is estimated by the investigation at 220 million rubles. At the end of May, Melamed was again placed under house arrest.

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow today authorized the arrest of Andrey Gorkov, Managing Director for Investment Activities of Rosnano JSC. He is accused of abuse of authority: according to the ICR, the top manager placed the company's money in Smolensk Bank in order to financially support it. In turn, the former heads of the credit institution, on the eve of its bankruptcy, transferred the assets of a financial institution to Mr. Gorkov's brother. The damage caused to Rosnano is estimated by the investigation at 738 million rubles.

Motivating the need for the arrest of Andrei Gorkov, the representative of the ICR in the Basmanny Court emphasized that a top manager, if left at large, could hide from the investigation. Usually the defense calls this statement unsubstantiated, but this time the investigator had a serious argument in his favor: Mr. Gorkov, as previously reported, was detained by the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Economic Security Service of the FSB immediately after he purchased a ticket for a flight abroad.

In addition, the representative of the TFR noted that the managing director for investment activities of Rosnano JSC, remaining at large and using his official capabilities and extensive acquaintances, can destroy evidence in the case that has not yet been seized by the investigation or collude with as yet unidentified accomplices in order to obstruction of the investigation.

Andrei Gorkov pleaded not guilty. He insisted that he did not plan to hide from the investigation, and the flight on a business trip, according to the accused, had been planned by him for a long time. His defense insisted that the top manager be given a preventive measure not related to detention, and asked to be released on bail in the amount of 50 million rubles. The defendant himself asked for the same. However, the court decided otherwise. “In relation to the accused Andrey Gorkov, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention until August 9, 2017,” said Yunona Tsareva, spokeswoman for the Moscow Basmanny Court.

Andrey Gorkov, the managing director for investment activities of Rosnano, who was arrested on charges of financial fraud, was found to have real estate worth 3 billion rubles. According to the public Mash, we are talking about a total of 32 apartments, as well as several houses and buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region, which, according to the documents, are issued to members of the Gorkov family.

It is reported that the brothers Andrei and Evgeny Gorkov transferred all the property to their retired parents and Andrei Gorkov's 23-year-old daughter Anna. According to Mash, an eight-story building in Zvonarsky Lane worth 600 million rubles, office space in the Veka Plaza business center for 500 million rubles, a six-room apartment on Prechistenskaya Embankment for 350 million rubles, and apartments in the residential complex Seventh Sky" on Akademika Korolyov street worth 240 million rubles.

Meanwhile, the public estimate of an eight-story building in Zvonarsky Lane at 600 million rubles raises serious doubts. According to CIAN, the cost of real estate in this area of ​​Moscow starts from 700 thousand rubles per square meter, and the cost of a three-room apartment - from 110 million rubles. There is also no business center with the name "Veka-Plaza" in the capital, perhaps the source meant the business center "W Plaza" on Novodanilovskaya embankment.

Recall that on June 11, the Basmanny Court of Moscow, at the request of the investigation, took into custody for a period of 2 months the top manager of Rosnano, Andrei Gorkov, who was detained the day before, as part of a criminal investigation into financial fraud with the money of the state corporation. The investigation calculated damage to the state corporation in the amount of 738 million rubles, although Rosnano itself noted that they did not have reliable information about this and considered Gorkov's arrest "unfounded."

Earlier, the managing director of Rosnano for investment activities was charged with abuse of office (part 2 of article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the investigation, in the period from 2011 to 2013, Andrei Gorkov, contrary to the interests of Rosnano, placed the money of the corporation on an ongoing basis in LLC CB Smolensky Bank under the guise of settlement and cash services, in fact financing the activities of the bank. At the end of 2014, the license was revoked from Smolensky Bank, and on the eve of the decision of the Central Bank in favor of Gorkov's brother, Evgeny, assets in the form of real estate objects worth about 400 million rubles were withdrawn from the bank. Law enforcement officers at the place of registration failed to find Yevgeny Gorkov, Andrei Gorkov, who was taken into custody until August 9, denies his guilt.

At the beginning of the long weekend, when officials and heads of state-owned companies for the most part are already far from Moscow, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB carried out an operation to detain Andrei Gorkov, a top manager of Rosnano.

He just bought a “ticket for flying abroad”, and then he met with the security forces.

Gorkov, according to information on the Rosnano website, from 2008 to 2013 was the financial director of the company, since February 2014 he has been working as the managing director for investment activities at Rosnano.

He is charged under the article of the Criminal Code “Abuse of authority”, although, judging by the description of the claims against the manager, it is rather a matter of fraud.

According to investigators, from 2011 to 2013, Gorkov, "contrary to the established procedure and the interests of Rosnano JSC and its sole shareholder, the state," permanently placed the state corporation's money in CB Smolensky Bank LLC in the amount of 460 to 740 million rubles.

The money, according to the Main Investigation Department of the TFR, was placed "under the guise of settlement and cash services, but in fact in order to finance the activities of the bank."

On December 13, 2014, the bank lost its license, and Rosnano lost its funds in the amount of more than 738 million rubles.

At the same time, as investigators note, on the eve of the revocation of the license, assets were withdrawn from the bank in favor of Gorkov's brother, with a total value of 400 million rubles. We're talking about real estate.

With Andrey Gorkov, according to the Investigative Committee, investigative actions are being carried out, the issue of bringing charges against him is being decided.

Investigators plan to petition for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention for the detainee.

According to RBC, the revocation of the license from Smolensky Bank followed after it suspended servicing accounts in November 2013 due to some kind of “technical failure”.

The management of the credit organization applied to the Central Bank with a request to allocate a stabilization loan, and soon, without the decision of the regulator, the bank began to sell its loan portfolio.

By the beginning of December, the bank stopped serving customers, waiting for the Central Bank to begin reorganization. On December 12, Smolensky Bank announced the completion of the transaction to acquire 100% of the voting shares of Askold Bank. The next day, Smolensky Bank's license was revoked.

This is the second high-profile case against the top leaders of Rosnano. Since the summer of 2015, the case has been ongoing against the former CEO of the state corporation Rosnanotech (former name Rusnano) Leonid Melamed and the former financial director of the corporation Svyatoslav Ponurov.

Both are under house arrest. In May 2017, they were released for several days (Melamed had previously been under house arrest, and Ponurov was in a pre-trial detention center), but then their freedom was again restricted. Ponurov, after almost two years in jail, is now at home.

The investigation believes that in 2007 and 2009, Melamed, on behalf of Rosnano, entered into contracts with the Alemar company, in which he had a stake. The company provided consulting services to Rosnano, receiving a total of 220 million rubles for consultations. The UK believes that the money for these consultations was illegally transferred by Ponurov and another defendant in the case, the former deputy head of Rosnano Andrey Malyshev.

Another high-profile scandal associated with Rosnano is the arrest of the mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky Denis Koshurnikov, as well as the founder of NT-Pharma Rustam Ataullakhanov and its CEO Evgeny Sultanov. All of them are suspected of embezzling a billion rubles from Rosnano.

But here already, according to the head of the state corporation Anatoly Chubais, you need to "distinguish the situation when you stole a fur coat from the situation when it was stolen from you!"

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow today authorized the arrest of Andrey Gorkov, Managing Director for Investment Activities of Rosnano JSC. He is accused of abuse of authority: according to the ICR, the top manager placed the company's money in Smolensk Bank in order to financially support it. In turn, the former heads of the credit institution, on the eve of its bankruptcy, transferred the assets of a financial institution to Mr. Gorkov's brother. The damage caused to Rosnano is estimated by the investigation at 738 million rubles.

Motivating the need for the arrest of Andrei Gorkov, the representative of the ICR in the Basmanny Court emphasized that a top manager, if left at large, could hide from the investigation. Usually the defense calls this statement unsubstantiated, but this time the investigator had a serious argument in his favor: Mr. Gorkov, as previously reported, was detained by the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Economic Security Service of the FSB immediately after he purchased a ticket for a flight abroad.

In addition, the representative of the TFR noted that the managing director for investment activities of Rosnano JSC, remaining at large and using his official capabilities and extensive acquaintances, can destroy evidence in the case that has not yet been seized by the investigation or collude with as yet unidentified accomplices in order to obstruction of the investigation.

Andrei Gorkov pleaded not guilty. He insisted that he did not plan to hide from the investigation, and the flight on a business trip, according to the accused, had been planned by him for a long time. His defense insisted that the top manager be given a preventive measure not related to detention, and asked to be released on bail in the amount of 50 million rubles. The defendant himself asked for the same. However, the court decided otherwise. “In relation to the accused Andrey Gorkov, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention until August 9, 2017,” said Yunona Tsareva, spokeswoman for the Moscow Basmanny Court.

As the official representative of the TFR Svetlana Petrenko previously reported, according to the investigation, Andrei Gorkov in 2011-2013, "contrary to the established procedure and the interests of JSC Rusnano and its sole shareholder, the state," placed the company's money - from 460 to 740 million rubles. - in LLC CB Smolensky Bank. “This was done under the guise of settlement and cash services, but in fact in order to finance the activities of the bank,” the TFR believes. In December 2014, the bank's license was revoked, and Rosnano lost its money. At the same time, on the eve of the revocation of the license, according to law enforcement officers, real estate objects worth 400 million rubles were withdrawn from the bank in favor of Gorkov's brother. The damage caused to Rosnano by the investigation is estimated today at 738 million rubles. Mr. Gorkov has already been charged under Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of authority, which entailed grave consequences, up to 10 years in prison). It should be noted that the brother of the top manager has been put on the wanted list - law enforcement officers have not yet been able to establish his whereabouts.

["Kommersant", 06/13/2017, "Rosnano" found no damage from the actions of its top manager ": In turn, Andrei Gorkov, who does not admit guilt, and his defense insisted on the groundlessness of the allegations of the investigation. The defendant, in particular, stated that he did not intended to hide, but was going on a scheduled business trip to China, from which he planned to return on June 15. He added that he flew on such business trips regularly, and answered the investigator’s questions two years ago, appearing on the first call. top manager, and his lawyers, eight months before the revocation of Smolensky's license, Andrei Gorkov was transferred from the position of financial director to Rosnano and could no longer deal with issues related to the bank. - said lawyer Sergei Drozda. - His duties did not include monitoring the financial condition of the bank, and there was simply no such possibility physically. "The lawyers also pointed out Ali that Andrei Gorkov is charged with committing a crime seven or eight years ago, and if he wanted to destroy the evidence, then "he could have done it long ago."
Finally, both the defendant himself and his defenders insisted that he had not caused damage to Rosnano. “Before the bank’s license was revoked, Smolensky Bank transferred assets to Rosnano Corporation that completely covered the alleged damage, that is, the bank’s obligations, about which there are relevant documents,” Sergey Drozda said. “All assets are still located at the disposal of "Rosnano". […]
It is interesting that Rosnano also agreed with the defense - the company issued a statement in which it called the arrest of Andrei Gorkov unfounded. “The company has no materials that would confirm the fact that Andrei Gorkov caused damage to it,” lawyer Alexander Asnis, representing the interests of Rosnano, told Kommersant yesterday. - Inset]

As for Smolensky Bank, its former leaders, as Kommersant already reported, also became defendants in criminal cases, in which it was said that on the eve of the revocation of a license from a credit institution, its funds and assets were withdrawn to third parties and individuals. In particular, in April of this year, the investigation of the case under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation or embezzlement) and Art. 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate bankruptcy) in relation to the owner of Smolensky Bank Pavel Shitov, deputy directors of the Moscow branch Mikhail Yakhontov and Roman Shcherbakov, as well as the head of the legal department Timur Akberov. They are charged with illegal withdrawal of about 600 million rubles from the bank. in the form of funds and property. The fraud committed by them became known during the main investigation into the circumstances of the theft of funds from a credit institution. In addition to the same Mr. Shitov, his defendant was the former chairman of the board of Smolensky Bank OJSC Anatoly Danilov, who was sentenced in September 2016 to seven years of probation for fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), misconduct in bankruptcy (part 2 of article 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust (part 2 of article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In total, in the period from 2010 to 2013, according to law enforcement agencies, the Smolensk Bank issued six construction companies controlled by Pavel Shitov and another local entrepreneur knowingly bad loans for 2 billion rubles. Now all these firms are in the stage of bankruptcy.

In total, at the time of the collapse, Smolensk Bank owed more than 19 billion rubles to creditors, including 12.5 billion rubles to individuals. According to the DIA, as of March 1, 2017, the amount of debt paid to creditors of the first stage is just over 2.3 billion rubles.