How to force yourself to love life and get out of the swamp. How to love yourself and change your life How to love living your life

  • 06.06.2021

Refrain from self-criticism. Excessive demands on oneself are very hard on self-esteem.

Don't scare yourself. Give up gray and gloomy thoughts, you can’t live with them all the time. Do not live in anticipation of the bad, do not wind yourself up, get rid of the negative.

Be kind and patient with yourself. No need to scold and blame yourself for the unfortunate circumstances.

Praise yourself. Excessive criticism destroys inner world person. Learn to praise yourself for any, even the smallest achievements.

Get support. Most of us try to be independent and try to solve our problems on our own, but if we can’t solve them, we become angry at our own powerlessness.

Learn to accept your problems with love. Take it easy on your problems, take your problems as inevitable. You can't live without problems. A little humor in their decision also does not hurt.

Take care of your body. Love for your body and care for it is love for yourself.

Work with a mirror. Try to look at yourself in the mirror more often. So you can determine for yourself what exactly you do not like about your image.

Love yourself here and now. Learn to accept yourself in every way: in the morning, angry or upset. You must please yourself at all times.

Don't criticize others. Many experts argue that how a person relates to other people, such an attitude he has in the depths of his soul towards himself.

Be yourself. You don't have to keep yourself within limits. Try to be as relaxed and natural as possible.

Don't listen to criticism. Try to protect yourself as much as possible from people who criticize you.

Many people are overly strict about their lives, they make a lot of demands on it, they are offended and indignant when something does not work out.

All the joys are postponed until later: "I'll finish school (institute) and then ..." or - "I will send the children to an independent life and ...", and sometimes - "I will retire and enjoy life."

Stop dreaming and start living!

This is the first (and most important) advice - not only to love life yourself, but also to achieve reciprocity from it. After all, love should be mutual, right? Our dreams have an amazing feature - the willingness to put up with the bad state of affairs in the present. and strive with all its essence to incarnate in such a wonderful future. But, if you are not in the present, then life simply does not notice you ...

Don't judge, be patient with yourself

Everyone knows not to judge other people, but that applies to yourself too! It is easy to condemn, there are always many logical (and not so) reasons to do it. What for? So you concentrate on the negative and soon your thinking becomes bilious and discontentedly grouchy. What joy is there, all thoughts are occupied by emotions opposite to it. Learn to forgive mistakes - yours and others.

Don't make striving for perfection an end in itself.

People are hard to please, you always want more and better, the constant desire to improve yourself will lead to shattered nerves. Do not load too heavy a load on yourself, it is better to develop gradually, taking into account your inclinations and talents. Life is not so long as to waste it on futile attempts to improve one's nature, constantly pushing and forcing oneself, being constantly dissatisfied. And when to live?

What else to pay attention to?

You should not get hung up on the material component of being, because you won’t eat three dinners and you won’t gain health by writing a check. There are many believers who live very modestly, but at the same time their eyes "shine" with joy from the inside. Try and you will get the joy of joining spiritual values. Learn to give, helping those who are much worse, over time it will begin to bring true joy, and not the joy of an egoist from owning another little thing.

Trying to get through the day like this:

  • waking up, we thank God for the very opportunity to live;
  • we go out onto the balcony, breathe in clean air, enjoy the rising sun and for a while we dissolve in the sounds around you;
  • we plan (and do) a few good deeds, trying to do them secretly, not striving for praise;
  • we listen to ourselves and feel the desire that we want to fulfill. It can be some pleasant trifle, for example, go to a cafe for lunch and eat ice cream with pleasure;
  • all day we give a smile to others. There is an interesting pattern - smiling (even through force), you improve your mood over time.

As you know, only the one who started the movement and supports it can go through the necessary path. By making small efforts, but constant, you can learn to enjoy life.

To the question about how to love life almost every inhabitant of the planet Earth is looking for an answer. Some come to the conclusion that true happiness does not exist, and all attempts by mankind to find the meaning of existence are useless and meaningless. Others live in some kind of closed space, in an artificially created world, where there is no place for real feelings and emotions, and therefore, there are no experiences. Many people think that life consists of continuous black stripes. However, few people think about how many joyful and pleasant moments our lives are filled with. After that same black stripe, there always comes a white one. Bad days turn into good ones. But those people who are really in love with life see it in a completely different way than the rest. For them, it is painted with bright colors, like a rainbow. “These people wear rose-colored glasses,” you might think. But there is nothing wrong with perceiving the world as a rainbow, where there is no place for black.

I love people with whom you feel at ease with whom you can talk all sorts of nonsense and they, of course, will understand you and add their own.

To truly appreciate all these colors, first of all, you need to find a way to love life and feel all its delights in full. Learn to see only the best, try to find the benefit in everything. Learn from your mistakes and change your life as much as possible for the better. Only in this case, she will reciprocate you. Agree, it is difficult to follow this advice if your fate presents only disappointments and grief. The profession is not at all to my liking, the house is undesirable, the people around do not understand, family relationships unsuccessful, the realization of a dream is unaffordable. Nothing brings true happiness. This is only a small part of the problems that every person faces.

Those who give up, do not want to strive for excellence and love life cannot be considered individuals, in fact they are weaklings who have not been able to cope with life's hardships. How to find happiness? Everything is very simple: happiness must be sought in oneself. Man is the main source of life and in this he has no equal. Your state of mind depends on how you see the world through your eyes. Your attitude to everything that surrounds you is reflected in your ability to fight and cope with unforeseen circumstances.

And sometimes there are so many difficulties that it is simply impossible to cope with some of them alone. For this reason, one should not be afraid of intractable situations and, having fallen in love with life, accept it as it is, with all its complexities and, a couple, complex character. The joy of life is that it is full of surprises. It must be accepted with all anxieties and problems. There is only one question, how to do it? To do this, it is enough to scroll in your head examples of cases when people, by some miracle, remained alive and, despite all the hardships, continue to enjoy every breath. Think about how many people have returned from the war and continue to create many miracles in the world. One has only to look at such people, as you understand that they have all life in them, they are full of energy and optimism.

One has only to recall one of the most touching and informative stories about a cripple man, described in the book by Dale Carnegie. The story describes the story of the fate of a man who returned from the battlefield, where he lost both legs forever, becoming a cripple. Carnegie describes one day in the hero's life, telling how a man sits in a wheelchair, enjoying a beautiful sunny day. It's amazing how a man who survived all the horrors of war can be so grateful for an ordinary sunny day. Thus, the author encourages the reader to think about whether he should be upset over trifles. Life is loved by those who are aware of their own merits. Learn to competently hide your shortcomings and demonstrate, at least for a start, to yourself - the virtues that you possess. Look for the positives in absolutely everything. If you spend a lot of time in constant quarrels with your family, then start thanking fate for your parents and friends. Appreciate them and try not to waste time on disagreements. Sincerely rejoice in other people's victories, meanwhile, and you strive to win.

Another effective method to love your life is to stop complaining about loneliness. It is not so scary to be alone, because loneliness implies independence and, to a certain extent, a sense of freedom. Look around and you will see that man himself creates the world around him. Any problems come into the world in the form of trials from which you need to learn a certain lesson. It often happens that so many problems fall on a person that, not knowing how to find a way out of this situation, he falls into a deep depression. But it is worth remembering that our world is filled with pleasant moments and happy moments, as everything around becomes bright colors. In order to change difficult situation sometimes it's enough just to love life and take everything easier.


How to love life, enjoy and enjoy every day you live. happy and joyful life

1. People think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

2. Happiness is like a kiss: to enjoy it, you need to share it with someone.

3. Appreciate people who come at those moments when it’s not bad for them, but for you.

4. Do not close your mouth to those who open your eyes.

5. There is no point in trying to help people who don't help themselves.

6. A person cannot be forced to climb stairs if he himself does not want to climb.

7. Mistakes - everyone. Admits a mistake - worthy. Ask for forgiveness - courageous. Renews relationships - strong.

8. Take courage if you want to change something. Be patient if something cannot be changed. And be wise to know when courage is needed and when patience is needed.

9. Never regret what you did if at that moment you were really happy.

10. Apologizing doesn't mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means that the value of your relationship is more important than your own ego.

11. People are divided into two halves. Some, entering the room, exclaim "Oh, who do I see!" others: "Here I am!"

12. The most difficult thing in life is to understand which bridge should be crossed and which should be burned.

13. Learn to enjoy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet.

14. To find out where your heart lives, pay attention to where your mind wanders in moments of dreams.

15. It is impossible to live without quarrels, just like driving through the whole city only to the green light.

16. You need to be able to refuse people. They have the property of being impudent.

17. The only person you should compare yourself to is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.

18. Never go back to places where you felt bad. Never ask from those who refused once. And no longer let those who once hurt you close.

19. There are three golden qualities in a person's character: patience, a sense of proportion, and the ability to remain silent. Sometimes in life they help more than intelligence, talent and beauty.

20. Never live with a person for money, children and pity. Money will be fed up, children will grow up, and pity will turn into contempt.

21. The best revenge on a person is to prove that you can do without him.

22. Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experience, the worst will give you a lesson, and the best will give you memories.

23. Everything can be experienced in this life, as long as there is something to live for, someone to love, someone to take care of and whom to believe.

24. The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of the mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only all together can turn into love.

25. If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

26. If you want to know a person, do not listen to what others say about him, rather listen to what he says about others.

27. When God closes one door, he opens another; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door.
There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

28. Do not put off your plans if it is raining outside, strong wind.
Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you.

29. Be sure to admit if you have any problems, but at the same time be sure to outline ways to solve them and do not dwell on problems - act!

30. Alone - watch your thoughts, in the family circle - for the manifestation of character, among acquaintances - for your language.

31. Sometimes it is useful to simulate a shipwreck so that rats escape from it.

32. If you are not loved - do not beg for love. If they don't believe you, don't make excuses. If you are not appreciated - do not prove it.

33. Never make excuses. Not in front of those who love you, and even more so - in front of those who do not love. The one who does not love will never believe you anyway, and the one who loves - he himself will come up with an excuse for you.

34. Never go back to the past. It kills your real. Memories are meaningless, they only take your precious time.
The past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin.

35. Truly the closest person is the one who knows your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you the way you are.
Sex is just one way to express your feelings. Love without sex leaves the body cold, and sex without love leaves the soul empty.

36. The word of a loved one heals better than all the doctors in the world and kills faster than all the executioners...

37. One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: do not dwell on troubles, do not live with resentment, do not revel in irritation, do not harbor anger. Do not drag different rubbish into your soul.

38. We strive for a life without difficulty, but oaks grow strong in strong winds, and diamonds are formed under high pressure.

39. After you have learned to save, learn to earn.

40. The most dangerous person is a Liar.

41. The most insidious feeling is Envy.

42. The most beautiful deed is Forgive.

43. The best defense is a smile, and the best defense is an attack.

44. The biggest obstacle is Fear.

45. The fear of death, like any other fears, binds our soul and prevents us from living a full life and enjoying every day we live.

46. ​​We exist in anticipation of our end, losing the desire to do something, create, create - and why is this necessary, because we will die anyway?

47. Try to love your life, and so much that every minute of it you would be annoyed to waste it on nonsense, idleness and stupid thoughts.
10 ways... How to love life
Our world is full of people who constantly complain about life and hate it.

If this seemed familiar to you, you are constantly dissatisfied with something, then today's article on how to love life is especially for you.

In THIS article, we will give you 10 proven ways to help you love your life. As long as you are alive, you can be as happy as you can afford to be.
If you want to change your life and become an order of magnitude happier, you first have to change your mindset. Today's article will help you with this.

So, 10 proven ways to help you love your life:

Method #1: Focus on positive aspects life

If you often take everything to heart for something, think about the negative, and allow negative thoughts, replace them with something good and kind.
Start focusing only on the things you value, love, and respect. What do you truly love?
Start thinking only about what you already have at the moment.
And what you don't have yet, set a goal and achieve it.

Method number 2. Throw complaints aside

Just because you don't love your life doesn't mean you have to tell everyone about it. The more you think and talk about negativity, the more negativity will come into your life. Start changing your way of thinking, start thinking positively. Talk only about good things, and good things will be rewarded to you. Whether it's relationships, events, ideas, people, money - talk about all this only good and positive.
You will see how your life will begin to change for the better.

Method number 3. Stop comparing yourself to others

Your current life is one and only, and cannot be an exact original of other people's lives. Don't compare yourself to other people. If you watch other people who are living bright and fulfilling lives, and you feel embarrassed by what outstanding results they have achieved in life, all that you can positively change for yourself is to receive a huge boost of inspiration that will help you achieve their own great success in life. Model the best of the best and you will be the best.

Method number 4. Do what you love

How often do you do things that you don't like at all. If very often, stop doing them. Even if it seems difficult, and it only seems, just stop doing it, period. Start doing things you love that bring you joy, love, pleasure. Minimize those things that do not bring you pleasure, and vice versa, maximize those things that will bring you pleasure and drive. To get started, start doing one thing a day that will give you pleasant feelings.

Method number 5. Life is a constant movement

If you feel with all your being that you do not have a wonderful job that brings pleasure, you have not yet found a beautiful physical body, financial freedom Recognize that your current situation is just a situation.
In our world, nothing is eternal, everything changes. Including your situation in which you are will change. But in order for something to change, you first need to make some effort.

Method number 6. Your environment is you

Surround yourself with positive-minded people, those who will support you in all your endeavors and deeds. Look at your company where you communicate. If you spend all your free time in the company of negative people, then what positive life can be discussed. If you want to love life, stop associating with negative people, those people who constantly complain about life.
Know that you are the creator of your own life.

Method number 7. Help other people

Start helping other people. The more good you give to the world, the more good you receive. Helping other people gives the most positive results in your life. Help from the bottom of your heart and with all your heart.

Method number 8. Give up TV

Nowadays, on TV they show a continuous negative, which is deposited on a subconscious level. We are constantly hypnotized to buy various consumption products. The news constantly talks only about wars, politics, murders and so on. Where is the positive information? She's just not on TV. It is best to go online and see for yourself what you need, and not what you are offered.

Method number 9. Every little thing matters

Appreciate every moment of your beloved life. Have you ever watched the sunrise or sunset, you looked at the serene day or night sky, animals, lakes. This is an amazing sight that every person on planet earth should see. After all, there is only love and joy in the world. If you feel like a negative person, you simply have enough positive energy. You can receive positive energy in a variety of ways. Start doing things that bring you pleasure. Sing, dance, have fun to the fullest, because life is given only once.

Method number 10. Grab life by the tail

If you want to love life right now, know the following. The more you complain about life, the faster it will pass with you. Fill it with various pleasant events, remembering which in a few years, you will say to yourself “YES! I live an incredibly exciting life! I LOVE LIFE! “Be positive, give people love, joy, pleasure, and it will return to you a hundredfold. Love life and enjoy every day.

Brief summary:

1. Focus on the good
2. Stop Complaining
3. Compare yourself to yesterday, not to others.
4. Do what you love
5. Move only forward
6. Find a positive environment
7. Help other people whenever possible
8. Throw out the TV
9. Cherish every moment of your beloved life
10. Get out of your comfort zone. Travel, do noble deeds, this is how your life will become Bright, Energetic and Positive.

Successes to you, Happiness, Love, Joy and EVERYTHING good in LIFE!!! Good luck!!!

I am 27 years old and I understand that I have not achieved anything in my life and it is already too late to change anything. There is no family, no decent work, no education, even though at some point study was given without problems. Only I am to blame and no one else ...
At the age of 18 I went to another country, alone. there were plans, hopes for the future. but then, at the slightest difficulty, I gave in and all the time only went with the flow. over time, I lost everything: there were no friends, no beloved, no work, no purpose in life. only hopeless dullness and debts.
a couple of years ago I tried to replace this world with a virtual one, the Internet became my life and my end. then I finally drifted away from my friends, stopped dating girls, started skipping work, repeatedly quit and got into debt. now I understand that all my life I have been running from the slightest responsibility and difficulties, but alas, it is too late to change anything.
is there any reason to delay the end, if I know for sure that not a single living soul will regret my departure? except perhaps the creditors, who did not wait for their own. I heard somewhere that suicide is a grave sin, because by leaving we make someone suffer. but is it a sin if no one suffers?
Now I'm just looking for a way to leave. Yes, this is cowardice and weakness, but where to get the strength? how to force myself to love life and get out of the swamp into which I drove myself? I do not know...
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Lost , age: 27/10.09.2009


Too bad you didn't write your name.
One living soul will definitely regret it, this is me, for example, because I read your letter and wanted to somehow help, write you kind words.
27 years old is the age when it can't be too late, I'm 33 now and I think that everything is still ahead, although I have many sorrows and difficulties.
If you understand that something is wrong, you know that suicide is a sin, you can already stop and not do it. Suicide is an unforgivable sin, how to repent, correct yourself if you have already died? - everything, then there is no chance. And if you stay alive - there is already hope, attempts to start life differently, gradually pay off your debts, not hang out on the Internet for a long time, find a job, look around and look for someone who needs your help - there are disabled people, abandoned children, they need attention, a warm word from someone, not necessarily money. You are already potentially needed, your life is needed! Suicide is an act of complete denial of God, it was not you who gave yourself life and an immortal soul, it is not for you to take it from yourself, a person cannot be smarter, more just than God. Only Satan, demons hate people and impose such thoughts on a person - about suicide, they go against God and try to win over to their side, laugh at God, they say, here You gave a man a life, and he didn’t care about it, difficulties went, and that’s all , does not want to get out. If you start praying, asking God, "Lord, help me, it's very hard for me right now," it will become easier for you. It would be nice to go to an Orthodox church as soon as possible, talk to a priest, he will find kind and necessary words for you, help you.
God loves every person, but a person has free will, God does not force himself to love, to live according to the commandments of God, God loves and expects a person to turn his face to Him, stop sinning, begin to live kindly, according to the commandments, for others. And it's never too late to turn around, at any age, at any moment.
It was impossible not to respond to your pain. Each person is very necessary, each soul is priceless. I came to this site to read about depression, to find help for myself. And here is your letter - it is very good that you wrote, you are looking for a way out.
God save you, help you repent and start new life

Xenia, age: 33 / 10.09.2009

Son, you're 27, almost like my youngest. You know, if one of his classmates or even former friends left like this, it would be very bad for me ... You don’t know if it would be bad for your neighbors, witnesses, investigators, orderlies ...
Read the article on this site: A scar on the ground.

it real story. If you want, you can find the story on the pages of requests for help.
So you are needed. You see, humanity single organism. We are much more connected to each other than it seems. You feel bad, and I, an aunt unfamiliar to you, sit and cry. I so want at my age, when my strength is slowly getting smaller and smaller, to hope for young men and women, to know that they will pull everything out through laziness, through pain and through reluctance. Don't let us down son.
Don't rush there. Read, browse this site.

Address on a forum to the psychologist, to clever people. Down to the bottom of sadness? Push harder from the bottom and rise sharply!

Elena, age: 52 / 09/10/2009

Hey Lost!

It seems to me that in vain you put a cross on yourself.
Gl that You realized your mistakes in the past, now you have a chance to "Live" somehow differently.

It’s up to you to decide exactly how to do it differently. Everyone makes mistakes, then they “get up” and move on. But I think that in life there are a lot of interesting things you can travel, help other people, get a dog in the end. You must have a dream! it's just that you forgot about it temporarily because of depression.
So go ahead.

Do you remember the slogan Just do it. just do it!
You can only get out

margot, age: 19/10.09.2009

The Monk Mary of Egypt changed her life drastically when she was, it seems, 30 years old. She led a very sinful lifestyle, and then went into the desert, struggled with her passions, and God gave her great gifts. In particular, she could walk on water and read other people's thoughts.
And thoughts of suicide are sent to a person’s head by demons who are seven thousand years old, and who stronger than a man. A person who does not live an attentive spiritual life takes their suggestions for his thoughts. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote that such thoughts cannot be interrupted by various philosophical explanations and logical arguments. He said that if you repeat "Lord, I surrender to Your holy will. Be with me Your will," then demonic networks can break.
But in general, in order to get rid of these abominations forever, one must become churched. It is necessary to go to the liturgy every Sunday, read prayers from the prayer book in the morning and evening, and a chapter from the Gospel every day. And you need to discuss with the priest how often to confess and take communion. Confession and communion destroy demonic machinations.
And suicides in the next world are very scary and bad. And no one prays for them. True, there is one canon that can be read at home about them, but it remains to be seen whether anyone will do this or not, and how much relief in torment the soul of a suicide tormented by demons receives from reading it. Hell isn't moonwalking, it's a high security zone with sadistic guards. And it's forever.
And if you join the church, then God, out of joy that you have come to Him, will grant you such consolations and comforts at first that you never dreamed of. These are not fairy tales - people have experienced all this from their own experience. You just need to hold on to Him, and discard all bad thoughts. And Nicholas the Wonderworker needs to pray - he helps everyone.

Guest, age: 34/10.09.2009

About three days ago I read an article posted on this site in the "Treatment of depression" section, the article is called "Depression as a passion. Depression as a disease." The article gives a spiritual recipe - several times a day to say the following prayer:
"Glory to Thee, my God, for the sorrow sent; I will accept worthy according to my deeds. Remember me in Thy Kingdom."
Actually, somehow I don’t really relate to prayers in other people’s words (with the exception of “Our Father”), as if you are repeating some kind of spell.
I tried. From the second time, these words became mine, found a response in my heart. "THE WORTHY FOR MY WORK". On my business! And for your business.
Now you receive according to your deeds. Just for what they did. Or they didn't. "The wind that sows will reap the whirlwind."
But who said this is the end? Yes, we are reaping. Yes, they deserve it. The main thing is to realize that you really deserve what is happening to you. Judging by your letter, you realize and admit that you are really "on business".
Well, what should you do - I won’t say better than Ksenia wrote to you, I subscribe to her words.
Where to get all the power? Only with God. "Ask and it shall be given to you" Thus said the Lord. Try. Ask.
God bless you!

Elena, age: 44 / 09/10/2009

There is one reason to delay the end! you can always do it! Emptiness periodically appears in everyone. This crisis is only evidence that a new stage must be sought. I, too, had a disappointment, and only a book that accidentally came to me opened the meaning of existence. Maybe you should look around - I'm sure - your pointer is somewhere nearby at arm's length.

Diana Van Hodlo, age: 42 / 09/11/2009

Lost, I'm 27 years old just like you. there was plenty of pain. this age is just the beginning. but the fact that there are debts and problems ... so you don’t live in a fairy tale, everyone has problems. in order for them not to exist, they must be at least somehow solved, and not because you lowered your hands and sit. There is a good proverb: if you want to live, know how to spin, and to live well, know how to spin quickly. try not to get hung up on one thing, it didn’t work out today, it will turn out tomorrow, everything will be GOOD!!!

Dmitry, age: 27/11.09.2009

Hey Lost!
I am also 27 years old, almost 28 :). And I am in exactly the same situation as you (almost everything is absolutely identical). Just recently, I felt very bad from the same thoughts (I wanted to die), and even now it is not easy. But you need to fight, to change - the most difficult thing in life is probably to change yourself, and not the world around you. A journey of a thousand li begins with one step - Chinese wisdom. You need to take this step and gradually get involved and everything will be fine with you. I believe in it. Set yourself some kind of goal, tell yourself the goal I see - I believe in myself!

Xenia, age: 27/15.09.2009

You have great power, you can do anything, I believe in you! age does not exist, do not limit yourself, create, you are the director of your life!

Svetlana, age: 09/29/2013

I am 33 and I have almost everything the same except for debts. But Moscow makes itself felt. After all, this is a city of visitors. And visitors are always tougher than locals. At 33, I have neither a husband nor a child. I go to church regularly, regularly go to confession, but I don’t see any light. Depresnyaki and loneliness stuck. There is no meaning to life. I live in hope that God will give me what I ask. I am also looking for my soul mate...

Elena, age: 33 / 08.10.2013

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