Alexander litvin forecast for september elle. Forecast for September from Alexander Litvin. Love and family relationships

  • 07.04.2020

Alexander Litvin- writer, researcher, creator of the system of intuitive perception of the world. He became known to a wide audience after winning the popular TV show "Battle of Psychics". He analyzes current events based on the laws of physics and chemistry, which is why his predictions come true in the vast majority of cases and are very popular.

General trends

There will be many words, there will be less deeds! Learning from your own mistakes, tactics, focusing on trifles and the desire to pull a huge log out of the interlocutor's eye, however, your own will interfere no less. We are preparing for a long lecture, teachers will change, some lessons will be attended by a real professor, and some will be taught by complete amateurs. And what they will teach us is a big question!

Intuitive analytics in 2017 points to a number of events that will cause public outcry and affect the lives of people in many countries. We are primarily interested in the northern hemisphere, because the majority of countries that write real story of this world are concentrated in the northern hemisphere. The political situation is complex, with a sharp aggravation of confrontation, but still at the level of tactics and an exchange of injections, rather than a serious meat grinder. However, the southern territories of Europe, and especially the Balkan Peninsula, the islands and shores of the eastern Mediterranean will be at the center of the information flow.

In 2017, nature will be generous with natural disasters. April and August earthquakes will remind you of the fragility of the earth's crust, strong winds in June-July will spin whirlwinds of tornadoes, and autumn, November and December ones will not contribute to sea travel. Even the most seasoned sea wolves should stop their travels and take a break from their explorations.

2017 is not the best time to travel in general. The road is fraught with danger and no matter what it is, road, sea or air route. The sea will harvest its harvest at the end of the year, in November-December. You should go on the road only when absolutely necessary and preferably not far away. But this concept is purely individual for everyone. Someone considers a distance of 1000 km to be cosmic, but for someone even 10 thousand kilometers is not a detour. Here we must proceed from our experience of moving in space, but the closer, the better!

I single out the nuclear topic as a separate item. The danger is very high, and it primarily concerns not weapons, but civilian objects. This energy is looking for a way out, it seeks to manifest itself in full, and this manifestation can be much more serious than Fukushima or Chernobyl.

A year of study, which means a year of science, and despite all the obstacles and obsession with trifles, many unique projects will be completed! It is these little things that will allow scientists to bring to mind inventions related to communications based on electromagnetic waves, there will be a huge number of analytical instruments of a new generation. This applies to everything, including medicine. By the way, there will be a breakthrough in medicine in terms of creating new types of vaccines - the theoretical discoveries and knowledge of 2013 are being implemented into specific drugs in 2017, which will help in the treatment of serious diseases associated with autoimmune processes.

Creativity will also be on top, especially satire, tough, offensive and critical. The notorious French magazine will again excite the world with its sarcasm, but this time, I hope, it will do without victims.

Our beloved aviation will receive new types at its disposal aircraft with reliable engines and control systems. Electric vehicles will significantly increase their resource and will already be a serious competitor vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Alternative energy sources will receive the most powerful development and will give an additional degree of freedom to those who switch to it.

Year 17 is the year of knowledge, but knowledge is different, sometimes it is a misconception that is passed off as knowledge: it all depends on the teacher. You can learn both bad and good, but, fortunately, each of us has a choice in the definition of a teacher, and therefore this school is fair as it may be, as life itself is fair. Every month will be a lesson, and don't expect holidays this school year. There will not even be a big change, the change of items will occur almost instantly, have time to react!


In January, the energy of 2016 will still prevail. This month is for work. No matter how much you would like to visit exotic countries for the holidays, I remind you: those who were born in Russia cannot move to southern latitudes in January. Yes, it's great, warm, unusual, but when after only 10 days you return to negative temperatures, the body and immune system are under severe stress. So devote January not to rest, but to work and preparation for the new academic year 2017, which fully comes into its own in February. January is the time of the family, and if it is possible to gather all the members of the family around you, this should be done, especially since there are more than enough reasons in January. This is the New Year, and Christmas, and even our exclusive holiday - the Old New Year. Gifts in January should be of an exclusively working nature. All kinds of tools designed to make work easier are the most suitable category of presentations.


We have to go through a 12-month training cycle. The beginning of the academic year begins in February, part of which will be the exam for 2016. For many, this exam will be difficult, because not many managed to make the right decisions in 2016, so again everything is fair.

Nature is wise, the first subject of the year will be intuition, on which we will learn to feel each other and nature. We just need this lesson, because all subsequent knowledge is impossible without intuition. Intuition for many is just a sound or a set of letters, meaning something ephemeral, intangible, not amenable to the laws of physics, this is true, everything except emotions obeys the laws of physics, Emotions have their own law, it is called the law of justice, and our justice is based solely intuition.

Intuition and harmony are the most compatible things in the world, the most outstanding works in the world are created by the most intuitive people, and only weapons of mass destruction are created by logicians. In February, you need to say everything you think, even if you are silent for diplomatic reasons. February reticences are the detonator of an explosion that destroys relationships. The intuition of February does not allow to lie and does not allow to be deceived.


In March, we will study creative aspects, develop our attitude to the beauty of this world, to nature, and develop the skills of artistic creativity both in words and in deeds. Someone will benefit from this lesson, and someone will ignore it, and will remain without beauty. Beauty does not have any clear reference to a specific type of human activity. Beauty is in everything, and in thoughts and clothes, and even in table setting. The time spent in March on aesthetics will not be wasted.


In April, we will understand that we are not the same, we will understand that there are people who are created to manage processes, and there are people who carry out these processes, we will understand that this hierarchy is essential, and there must be order in the class. Inwardly, we are ready for power, but as soon as we receive it, it turns out that our readiness was only theoretical. back side- this is when a person really owns power, but there are few command positions, and the person plays the role of a subordinate. Focus on your characteristics, in April it's easy to understand who you are! Condescension is the best style of behavior in dealing with people. This is precisely the quality that characterizes true power.


The May lessons will focus on learning logic, understanding the connections between events and the impact of our words on events. Topic - strategic planning based on logical interpretations. This is a very complex topic, and we will get tired of solving logical problems. May is the longest month in 2017, it requires maximum calmness and silence, silence in everything, including in motion. Oriental wisdom and fluidity of body and mind - this is the need for May! The logic of May does not tolerate noise. Even an increase in wind can become an obstacle to work. Be quiet and don't rush anyone.


There will be no change between May and June lessons, and therefore in June we all go to the gym: in order to study well, you need to have a good strong body. You need to have physical endurance and excellent immunity. Let's dedicate June to our body - our space suit, the carrier of our soul. "Our transport" must be impeccable, and therefore some tuning in the form physical culture we are vital. June is the best time to start dieting, but we must remember that we are all different, and the rejection of animal foods is just as dangerous as the rejection of plant foods.


In July, we will relax the load, but we continue to study - to learn the art of pleasing people. Only when they like us do they meet us and open the doors. It's a difficult subject to please the majority. And although there is a saying “that everyone has their own taste”, the July school allows this taste to be changed in their favor. This is not about manipulating consciousness, we are talking about childish spontaneity and even a certain naivety, but without this, just like that, without external analytics, it is difficult for people to please. Look at the children and take an example from them, even watching a child's whim will do you good. Praise your loved ones not for deeds, but for thoughts. Appreciate the ingenuity and creativity.


August requires maximum concentration, because we have to solve several problems at the same time: according to logic, and according to intuition, and according to the ability to please people.

August 2017 will concentrate time in a short rapid period, it will be necessary to single out a strategic goal, otherwise, bogged down in trifles, it will be difficult for us to learn subsequent lessons, and in the school of life, as in a regular school, the load only increases, and without mastering one subject, the next ones are more difficult for us. In August there is a possibility of reincarnation. Put yourself in the place of another person, feel like an actor who has got used to the role, and feel the depth of other people's emotions. In August, it is important to learn the lesson of tolerance for other people's shortcomings.


The subject of September is tactics. In tactical classes, we will gain knowledge about the foundation of our life - the smallest details from which this world is created, we will learn how to set the right questions, we will be able to consider the shortcomings of this world and even find ways to eliminate them, but remember: this is just a tactic that should work in tandem with the May strategy. Rhetoric lessons in September will benefit each of us, because only in a dispute is truth born. In September, many will understand who was chosen as a teacher and whether this teacher is the right one. Unless of course you want it. The progress of September depends only on the student, there will be more than enough teachers. Give up the role of an educator for just a month, and you will have the opportunity to understand the world.


Any material needs to be fixed in memory, such consolidation is periodic memories of the past, not only about one's own, but also about the past of one's people and the whole civilization as a whole. It's no secret that everything develops in a spiral. History is the subject of October. In the past, not everything was bad, but even everything bad should not be forgotten, if only so that it does not happen again. In October we will learn how to keep the system in balance, life will show us that healthy conservatism is required quality. We will train in repelling the attacks of the outside world and defend our point of view, we will learn to help and patronize, control other people and ourselves. We need to learn this! The defensive reactions of October are a sure way to success, but it is not necessary to provoke aggression against you.


In November, despite being tired, we will return to our ability to empathize, it will be a lesson in psychology and compassion. All subjects are important, but compassion, empathy, and the ability to forgive are complex topics. This topic has a strategic role in development, and the year 2017 is the year of tactics, and therefore few will be able to comprehend, forgive and understand other people. In November, women should not prove their femininity and men should not prove their brutality. Stay as you like, regardless of the assessments of the world around you. Do not forget only that the support of loved ones in November is the most important thing they expect from you, hoping that you will take the hints.


In December, we will learn how to receive information from alternative sources, from dreams and fragments of phrases, we will learn how to turn off the May lessons of logic and dive into the world of dreams, remove the September pettiness and October conservatism, in December we will find answers to questions and generate ideas worthy of an exclamation "Eureka".

But in order to bring all this to life, work is needed, daily and hourly, sometimes seven days a week, with tremendous effort, sometimes tedious and uninteresting, but extremely necessary. We will study this work in January - prepare for the February exams at the end of the year.

Don't skip class! The examiner sees everything!

I have already said that, says Alexander Litvin, that everything, everything that we see, was created in the past. Not today, not yesterday, but in the past. The way we live at the moment will be implemented later, to be more precise, everything will be implemented in 2025. In the meantime, we have to taste the dish that we prepared for ourselves in 2013.

Yes, we got up to the stove six years ago and whole year prepared a dish. Someone will have the first, second, third and compote on the menu, someone will enjoy brut champagne and French brie, but someone will eat instant noodles from aluminum dishes, because in 2013 he rushed to make a decision, hurried , and the dish was prepared quickly, without particularly bothering either in the ingredients or in the methods of its preparation.

Therefore, you yourself can now guess how this upcoming period will turn out for you, and I will tell you about its features, its nature and what things you need to be afraid of, in case it is still difficult for you to understand the prompts of the universe.

I will now give you a map of the journey through the future, through the space that will soon open its doors.

I can honestly say that I like the coming year. I like the fact that he will change us in better side, towards frankness, honesty and harmony, of course, provided that we ourselves want to change, but if we don’t want to, then the energy of 2019 will turn into a press that will flatten those who disagree. You understand that the resistance of such people will be desperate.

This year will reveal many old mistakes and even crimes committed many years ago, this year will close many search cases and raise the statistics of crime detection, this year will make clear what we cannot even think of at the moment.

A feature of this year is the desire of people for beauty.

And above all, this beauty of the immediate environment of a person. House, city, country. Clothes and food and of course the person who is next to you. The most suitable for the characteristics of this year are the words of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, sounded in the play Uncle Vanya.

Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.. It is difficult to keep up with such a time, not each of us is ready to comply due to various reasons, but understanding the trends of the year, only our desire will bear fruit.

The main feature - years - is a doubt! We all remember the saying - the best is the enemy of the good, it is also based on doubt.

Doubt will control our emotions and, as a result, many doubters will want to put an end to injustice once and for all through forceful pressure, which will lead to conflicts both at the everyday level and at the political level. Doubt is always a waste of time! Doubt will intensify the crisis phenomena in the economy. Failure to make the right decision in a short time will breed panic and fear.

Everything will be subject to doubt and excitement, including nature.

Unfortunately, in relation to everything that was unshakable and immovable, the year 2019 is unfavorable. The earth loses the properties of the firmament. The catastrophes of 2019 are primarily associated with the destruction of foundations, which, like people, fall under the energy of doubt. The slightest violation of building codes and regulations can lead to serious problems, this applies to buildings and structures, above-ground and underground transport communications, bridges, tunnels and subways.

Especially if next to these objects there is a lot of water in any state of aggregation, that is, including snow and ice. The earth in 2019 will absorb water like a sponge and, accordingly, will be more prone to movement, and with it everything that stands on it. Despite the fact that gravity in 2019 will be much less than now, the plasticity of the earth's surface will be increased and, as a result, landslides, mudflows, and avalanches will occur. Particular attention should be paid to hydraulic structures, dams that hold back water and already now there is a need to control the filling of reservoirs, repair and strengthen the bodies of dams and, of course, instruct employees and the population of cities that are downstream of the rivers.

Since the earth acquires increased mobility, earthquakes will not keep you waiting.

And again, especially in those areas where there is water nearby. Danger in the air lies in wait primarily for young people traveling in large companies. Aviation fuel requires maximum control, it will be the cause of major aircraft accidents.

Wars will not stop in 2019, moreover, new military conflicts will arise, thereby increasing the situation of instability and generating doubts on the planet.

The likelihood of a change in the political situation in the small countries of the Western Hemisphere is very high, and the pressure of power on society will be more visible in the Eastern Hemisphere.

In 2019, you should be careful when traveling to exotic countries, as the danger of epidemics and epizootics is very high.

Those who have a tendency to diabetes should be especially careful, sugar levels can rise even in completely healthy people, the second danger - especially for those who live in cold climates - is alcoholism. Yes, it may seem strange to you the connection between the energy of the year and, it would seem, such a social disease, but it exists and the threat is very high. Alcohol is the most common cause of strokes and heart attacks.

In 2019, we will all be inclined to be overweight, and this should also set us up for moderation in food, since being overweight is obviously bad health. In 2019, the best food that has a beneficial effect on health will not be boiled, but cooked on an open fire. grilled or air grilled, or baked in foil.

The fertility of the earth will also affect the fertility of people, many who have not succeeded until this moment will be lucky enough to finally have offspring, if of course the energy of their ancestors allows.

Personal relationships in 2019 will be tested seriously.

This is especially true for those families where partners are from different walks of life in terms of good manners, a sense of tact and a sense of proportion. it is very important to speak correctly and beautifully, as far as our country is concerned, attention should be paid to the pronunciation of words and the correct placement of stress, clear diction and a total rejection of the pronunciation of some words, such as perhaps, probably, approximately or maybe. all these phrases will give rise to a conflict, since inaccuracy in the definitions will provoke doubt, first of all, in devotion and fidelity to a partner.

Pay special attention to personal censorship. In 2019, the use of slang, unprintable expressions and what is there to hide - Russian obscenity, will be perceived as rudeness and ignorance and will cause rejection and indignation.

What concerns the personal applies to no lesser extent to public life. Therefore, when conducting negotiations, a good literary Russian language will be one of the components of success.

In general, there are no good or bad years for business, just a different business reacts differently to the energy of the year. in 2019, those who have good restaurants with a delicious menu and an appropriate environment will make good money.

This is where the three C's come into play. Tablecloth Silver Service, these three "C" is not bad and apply in Everyday life, even if the table itself is from Ikea. Those who deal in expensive real estate will do well, especially if an apartment with a good view from the window is for sale. in 2019, the view from the window will cost good money.

2019 is the year of the classics, and the classics are always associated with nature, with stone and wood, so all activities related to nature will be successful.

IT companies will feel good, this type of activity, which is relatively new for mankind, has not yet given rise to genetic inheritance, but the first shoots will already be dried in 2019. We are waiting for a generation of IT specialists. Many of those born in next year will have the genetic ability to create computer programs.

Since the year is associated with beauty, the fashion industry will receive enough oxygen to revive and even those people who have not paid attention to fashion will look in the mirrors, appreciating their outfit.

Sufficiently serious tests are coming in areas related to water transport, sea and river transport. The water itself will be denser, and the density of the medium will slow down the business itself, in part this will affect any pipeline transport and will periodically cause a transport collapse even where traffic jams have never been seen. metallurgy and metalworking will experience hard times and, perhaps, only jewelry production will be at its best, but this applies to real gold, platinum and silver, jewelry manufacturers can take a break from pressing matters, or rebuild their business from consumer goods to a brand.

An unfavorable period awaits both specialists and amateurs of extracting information in an operational way.. Espionage and intelligence in 2019 is a thankless and dangerous business. Any confidential information will suddenly lose its secrecy stamp.


traditionally the month of holidays, but this is the final chord of the outgoing year. Therefore, do not clap your hands on December 31st, the plane has not yet landed. Do not provoke the universe to additional trials. Carefully and without attracting too much attention, you need to complete the year of high gravity. Try to spend this last month of the outgoing year with your family, relatives and friends. The words "provocation and defense" are still valid. And that is why the consolidation of will, patience and intuition will allow us to successfully end the year 2018.


From the 5th to the 6th, at midnight, we will find ourselves at a new point in space, which in the first month of the year will require some adaptation. Everything is different there, and the climate, and gravity, and people. Imagine that you came to an interview in order to participate in climbing one of the peaks of the world. It is very important for you to get into the team and conquer the mountain. Show all the best that you are capable of and try not to be cunning, the head of the personnel department is a very experienced person, he will meet you by clothes, but leads you by mind. Pay attention to the style of dress, it should be exclusively businesslike, you didn’t come to the circus, it’s a serious matter. Mountains of mistakes do not forgive. Don't be verbose, answer questions concisely, simply, yes and no, so as not to come off as a talker. If you don't have an answer to a question, say so - I don't know the answer. And you will be on the team.


it will be easier in February, you have adapted, and now you are in an intermediate camp before storming the mountain in 2019. This mountain is not high, but the path to the top is winding and sometimes even dangerous, you can’t do without helpers. Climbers have Sherpas, you should also have a person nearby who will support you. Where can I get it. He will definitely be nearby, by chance or not by chance, but on one condition - if you gather guests at your fire, with or without reason, just like that, for the sake of communication. He will be among your guests, in your warm tent, filled with the smell of homemade pies that you took with you.


It's time to go on the assault, the sun is already high and the weather is conducive to the rise. However, it is always difficult for the first to climb, think about whether you are able to be the first, the first to plow the road and take responsibility for the result of the expedition. It might be better to become a slave for a while. There is a direct sense to doubt your abilities, you do not know all the difficulties of the route and what awaits you ahead. Leave the primacy to those who say that he is in charge, it is possible that this is so. In any case, the period is not difficult, and so far there is no particular need to strain, nominating one's candidacy for the avant-garde.


a very dangerous section of the ascent, it is still far from the top, but there are already a lot of traps, landslides, and the earth is shaking, insurance and insurance again, and now the one who volunteered to be the first is ready to give up this palm tree, but do not rush to pick up the banner, it is still too early . Carefully, slowly overcome this steep climb, save your strength, the team may suspect your weakness and incompetence, do not pay attention to gossip, silently do your job, the intriguers themselves will go the distance. You just need to know how to wait.

The second wind will come to you in June.

You got into the rhythm, and the weather does not let you down, only the smoke from the fires takes your breath away, and the mountain turned out to be not just a mountain, but a volcano, and look, an eruption will begin, but what a beauty! It would be time to change clothes for new ones, the old equipment has fallen into disrepair. The steep section was replaced by an almost gentle slope, it was easy and fun to go, some even ran to meet the top, ran and fell. It's not even half way yet, and there's less and less oxygen. Save oxygen.


hypoxia leads to euphoria, one of the manifestations of altitude sickness, carelessness can be very dangerous, only the support of the team will save you from mistakes, but do not forget that the team is in the same conditions, take a closer look at a gloomy person, he is the most adequate at this time.

Climbing is not an easy task, the team is thinning, someone took a sip of cognac, intended to celebrate the conquest of the summit, someone overate condensed milk, and someone, on the contrary, did not have enough sugar in the diet.

August -

half of the way has been covered, but how hard it is to climb, again the mountain is shaking and rockfalls make you change the route, but experience has appeared, and it allows you to calculate tactics and combine efforts, although of course some people are trying to put their burden in your backpack, so look at the halt for things. Everyone must carry their own! Save your energy, you're only halfway there.


fatigue builds up and the clumsy climbers just piss me off. Well, who walks like that? Shriveled, hunched over. equipment is broken. The tension is growing, and only an intelligent person has nothing to do with it. He is polite and correct, he does not notice the shortcomings of other people, here, on the mountain, one must be tolerant of each other, one cannot rise alone. Only in a team can you overcome the climb and reach the top.


Here are the first signs of real fatigue. There is no strength, no euphoria, the team goes only on willpower and a sense of duty. Everyone has already gotten used to the idea that they have been drawn into a risky project, but it is no longer possible to refuse, well, here it is, the top, at hand. Some three transitions. This gives strength, but not to everyone, the one who volunteered to go first in April is exhausted. He no longer looks at the summit, more and more often he squats on the rocks and consumes oxygen from the reserve. It's time to change him, he did a good job and therefore very tired. Support him.


The state of the team is ambiguous, on the one hand there is very little left, but they are tired of stupidly stomping. I want a holiday, I want good food, I want to change clothes and I want support. All this “wanting” can be quite dangerous. Doubt in the undertaking increases, but everyone understands, a little more and the top. No need to throw your head back high, here it is, at your fingertips. sincere support helps to gather strength, but it would not be bad to stop before a breakthrough. Why don't we have a banquet? Everyone had something tasty in their backpack, and everyone got into their backpacks and put them on the common table, and only a few people ate their chocolate on the sly and this did not go unnoticed. But everyone was silent.


The team ended up at the crossroads of three roads, like in a fairy tale, only there are no signs on which one you will lose your head on, and on which backpack, and which one is the shortest to the top. They split up and left. Those who secretly ate their chocolate bar from everyone were mistaken. The road did not lead to the top. Those who ran to it at full speed in June chose the longest path, and those who saved their strength ended up on the road with a fair wind. The wind blew at their back and helped.


a difficult period, when almost everyone was running out of strength, clinging to stones and each other the teams approached the cherished goal, they no longer looked at the summit, they walked, looking at the backs of those in front, slowly, measuredly rearranging their legs, on the last supply of oxygen and did not notice how they were at the very top. There was no strength for anything. It was just a peak from which another, even higher and more beautiful, was visible. It was called 20/20. A beautiful, steep, ice-covered mountain to climb.

It is known that we live in the historical space allotted to us, which we represent as a movement in time, having some kind of common goal, which, in turn, consists of a multitude of our personal goal-settings.
We do not choose times, we live in them and move along with the Earth among the other 100 billion stars in our Galaxy, crossing space. Soon we will enter a completely different, qualitatively different time...

But who knows where time goes? To eternity? It moves, flows, and we are in its flow. Summers follow each other. Each year has its own character, temperament, speed.
Coming 2017, which will be displayed in our perception long, filled with events, but at the same time very static. Get ready: the coming year will be more words, less action.

Energy 2017

2017 will come February 5th. On this day, the school bell will “ring out”, and we will be carried away by the energy of knowledge. In this sense, everyone can be congratulated on the beginning of the academic year and a long lecture course in all subjects. At the same time, holidays are not expected, big changes are canceled, and objects will replace each other every month, like pictures in a kaleidoscope.

A good, even progressive period is coming, but progress is different. 2017 is the year of tactics, not strategy. It will check how capable we are of learning and mastering the theory, but the practical exercises and the examination session following the results of the studies will be transferred to the future, to the next year 2018.

Criticism and survival tactics

We will all have an irresistible desire to become not just students, but mentors, instructors to teach the lives of others. Moreover, a critical attitude will make us notice even minor flaws around us throughout all 12 months. Everyone will engage in a voluntary audit of the lives and activities of others, and this will sometimes cause a painful reaction and rejection. However, I warn you, when you hear criticism addressed to you - draw conclusions, because we will talk about your real, subtly noticed shortcomings that you need to try to correct. Therefore, I advise you to extract from any criticisms a happy incentive to change for the better - this will help to avoid conflict at home and at work.

Learn to learn...

In the new year, we must try to get away from the dogmatic state of omniscience, regardless of age. It is very important to make the most of all the opportunities provided by the energy of learning for personal and professional growth. Try to fill in the gaps in the book in order to have time to gather as much necessary information from different areas of knowledge and improve your skills, no matter what you do. I can’t even name specific activities that will be successful next year, because everything will depend not on professions, but on the people themselves.

schedule of lessons

Every month of this year we will have the opportunity to receive training in different topics main subject. Therefore, it is good to know the lesson schedule in advance.


Time of inertia of the outgoing year. Part of the month will be taken up by the 2016 exam.

Energy of January 2017 - watch the video!


Beginning of the school year. February mentoring energy is tough, almost military, it will provoke you to give orders, do not give in. The first subject on the schedule is the most important - intuition. Believe me, it is extremely important to learn to read true emotions, and not to logically calculate the other person.


In the period from March 6 to April 4, the energy of creativity reigns. And in our curriculum there are lessons of beauty and harmony of the world. For example, I will certainly go to the theater, I know for sure that the actors will not play, but live on stage. And it's time to master some kind of applied art that you have long wanted, but have not been able to. Draw or cross-stitch - go for it, everything will work out.


Mentorship acquires rigidity and authoritarianism. We go through the lessons of power and the test of it in order to understand for ourselves who is who in reality, having understood the need for hierarchy. And most importantly, the vital need to take exactly one's position. Learn to manage your emotions and get to know yourself better.


Quietly, calmly and thoughtfully we go through the logic along with the planning strategy based on it. The subject is difficult, you have to work hard. But the energy of May is native to mathematicians and chess players, it just does not tolerate speeding, and in all areas of life. Think, contemplate more, take your time, even speak softly.


Broke your head, trying to learn the lessons of May? Everyone to the gym - we put the body in order. The physical education class will begin. Best time for the acquisition of healthy eating habits and weight loss. In June, you can give yourself more physical activity and sit on the right diet, suitable for individual characteristics.


Physical activity is slightly weakened, but we continue to work on ourselves - we learn to like each other in the lessons of partnership. We take practical examples from children (up to 12 years old), observing their communication. And by all means improve the ability to give compliments.


The energy of maximum concentration, also associated with partnership. We attend lessons of tolerance, tolerance for other people's shortcomings. I warn you, in August we are waiting for test. One morning we will get up differently. Believe me, everything changes. The desire to embrace the immensity will excite us. And we will all enthusiastically learn to do several things at the same time. Although there are few truly multitasking people in reality.


The most critical energy of the year. According to the program, we have training in tactics. A wonderful item, but remember that everything will work if you pair the May strategy. We will try to learn how to formulate thoughts and ask the right questions. We remember the fairness of criticism and respond adequately.


Favorable time to study the history of the family - a kind. It is important to analyze, to understand who raised the clan to the top and allowed the descendants to become stronger. We improve the ability of mutual assistance and guardianship. We train to defend our point of view.


In November, it is good to relax, and not actively, but on the contrary, relaxing. We also do not miss classes at the school of life: we will find psychology and style lessons in the schedule. We will create our original proportionate image. A critical view from the outside is also useful here, you can listen to practical advice on the image.


In December we will analyze personal experience, and clarifying questions will be asked upward to the universe. Believe me, we always get answers in the form of certain signs. You just need to learn how to interpret them, turning off the logic. We get acquainted with sensory feelings and various alternative sources of information.

Attention! After New Year holidays We are getting ready for the school year. I give the installation - do not skip classes, but as additional literature I recommend: a physics textbook, the Bible, the multiplication table and my Calendar of a happy life.

The TV project "Battle of Psychics" on the Russian channel TNT revealed the talents of many bright and charismatic predictors. However, not all of them have gained universal popularity and love of the audience. It turns out that the brutal appearance, the halo of mystery and even the undoubted gift of clairvoyance fade before the gift of human kindness and participation. The winner of season 6 Alexander Litvin turned out to be such a “bright” magician and healer of souls, remembered by many viewers for his positive energy, calm participation and, at the same time, an amazing talent for foresight. Meanwhile, Alexander Bogdanovich himself does not consider himself a magician or a soothsayer, but he considers it his duty to help people in need. The forecast for 2017 compiled by Alexander Litvin is such a kind of help to everyone who wants to look into the future and plan their lives.

The astronomical forecast from Alexander Litvin cannot be called a horoscope in the classical sense of the word, it is rather an energy characteristic of the year, compiled by months. According to Alexander, each time period, be it a century, a year, or a day, has its own energy, a kind of " life cycle» in a number of other time cycles, without taking into account which it is impossible to properly plan your future and live a happy, harmonious life.

Thus, the horoscope of Alexander Litvin was compiled not for the signs of the Zodiac, but for the months and their energy characteristics:

January A month not intended for relaxation in warm climes. If you need to relax and unwind, it is better to do it where you live.
February Aggressive month. It is necessary to avoid conflicts, help people who are prone to depression, pay more attention to the sick and the elderly.
March The month of love and friendship. Contracts and business relationships concluded this month will bring maximum benefits. The love that broke out this month will also be fruitful in the literal and figurative sense.
April Month of hard energy. Everyone will wake up after hibernation and begin to act. Overflowing energy can lead to conflicts. Take care of yourself and be indulgent to human weaknesses. Remember, you can't work 24 hours a day.
May The wonderful month of May is full of bright energy, but you also have to work. And extremely. Cheer up, in a few months, energy costs will return a hundredfold. And just in time - cold and gloomy winter.
June But the month of June is very frivolous, and its "windy" energy will constantly incite treason and other unseemly acts. Resist the charm of warm, short nights and keep yourself busy.
July dynamic month. Travel, conquer cities and countries, swim in the seas and oceans. Well, or in the nearest river, just do not sit still. It is better to do this with children, if they are, of course.
August Troubled month. Intuition is reduced, so you should not make important decisions, make financial transactions.
September Strategic month, month of planning and debriefing. It should be carried out in combat readiness and coloring.
October Month of impermanence. Warm days alternate with gloomy bad weather, and troubles at work with family conflicts. Stock up on waterproof rubber boots and a reliable umbrella, and everything will be fine.
November The month of wedding celebrations and many other holidays, small and large. And let it rain with snow outside the window, the energy of spring rejoices in the soul and heart.
December Mysterious month. This month, you should carefully guard your secrets and refrain from rash acts.

One of interesting projects Alexandra Litvina is a “Calendar” compiled for every day Happy life". The calendar contains information about the nature of the day and helps to plan life events.

Forecast for the world and Russia for 2017

Alexander Litvin believes that clairvoyance is not a gift of God and not mysticism, and what he does is at the intersection of sciences: physics, physiology, chemistry and biology. Alexander is a doctor by education, worked for many years as a military doctor in Chukotka, so he knows life firsthand, he has seen a lot of human grief. His talent for foresight was discovered in childhood, and all his life Litvin sought to direct him to the service of people.

Alexander Litvin's forecast for 2017 is just a part of a full-scale panorama covering the Age of Aquarius. Lytvyn believes that it came only in 2015 and builds his forecasts based on this. Each year has its own purpose, and if 2016 is the time of shows and demonstrations, then 2017 is the year of education and comprehension of the past. It should also be borne in mind that Litvin, when compiling a map of the future, focuses on the energy of only the northern hemisphere. It must be remembered that next year- a transitional stage for future significant changes.

So, 2017:

  • for Russia it should become a turning point in spiritual terms: its future depends primarily on whether aggressiveness and intolerance will be replaced by universal concern for prosperity, coming from both the government and every person;
  • will bring regular rotations to Russian government. The Cabinet of Ministers will include new people with altruistic thinking;
  • for Ukraine will continue to take place in the area of ​​Russian-Ukrainian political relations, and their energy will determine the overall development of the country.

The participant of the “Battle of Psychics”, who won this popular show, Alexander Litvin, made a forecast for 2017 for Elle magazine.

The forecast covers all areas of life, including health, work, love.

It is possible to predict what the next 10-20 years will be like, but I must immediately make a reservation: when making a map of the future, I focus on the energy of our hemisphere and vouch for what will happen within the 29th degree of northern latitude.

Each person has their own twelve-year cycle. At the same time, once every six years (sometimes even to the day!) there is a certain renewal: we lose strength, but then they return to us. For example, a dwelling has a 60-year cycle: from the moment of construction, it goes through “childhood”, “growing up”, “mature state” and “old age”. That is why any house at the age of 50 must be repaired: change doors, windows ... Then it will “become younger” and begin to please its owners. New house makes people curious - this is discovery, serenity, the state of childhood, when we are all in joy.

State of Russia: forecast for 2017

Any state has a cycle of 120 years. And our country - if we proceed from the fact that a new cycle began for it in 1917 - is now in need of serious reconstruction. Russia is like a large apartment building, oriented to the cardinal points. In the first two entrances in the western wing (St. Petersburg and Moscow. - Approx. ELLE) life is in full swing: they are packed from top to bottom, the population density is huge. Everything is gorgeous there: tiles everywhere, neat lawns ... In the third - Ural - simpler, but also safe. But the farther to the east, the more neglected and empty are the entrances of this house. The fact is that his heating boiler is located in the area of ​​​​the first two entrances, and the most enterprising ones are drawn there, to the heat. The result is overcrowding, aggression, a struggle for survival. And no one will guess to put this boiler exactly in the center of the house. Then the heat would be enough for the whole house and no one would leave their apartments.

Our state really needs to move the "heating boiler" (read - political and financial centers) to the geographical center of the country. Then we will have a more even and fair distribution of heat. We will not need to leave our native "apartments": strong and enterprising people will not be busy seizing the cauldron, but will explore the places where they are and ennoble them. And then we will be in order. This is our strategic task for the coming years, and we will have all the prerequisites and opportunities for its implementation.

2017 is a year of change

If 2016 is the time of shows, demonstration performances, the main task of which is to splurge, and we had to see only what was happening on the stage, without thinking at all that every performance has a director who is always behind the scenes, then in 2017 we have to realize what we saw. In 2017, we will turn from naive viewers into critics and will not be shy about voicing our comments. These sentiments will intensify: 2018 will be a time of protest. Subordinates will begin to rebel against their superiors, and the outcome will directly depend on the events that took place six years earlier, in 2012. I mentioned for a reason that each cycle is divided into two segments. This is a kind of control on the part of the universe, and once every six years it sums up and gives us an assessment of merit. 2019 will still carry echoes of the turbulent previous years, but still in general it is more creative: I expect an upswing in the construction industry - people just want to hide.

2017 is the year of formation. Everyone will realize that they know too little, and will passionately want to learn

Everything will change in 2020: our intuition will begin to strengthen, we will make fewer mistakes. Despite the fact that this period will be marked by migratory moods, this year is very good for Russia. We will again begin to negotiate, we will build communications and become more open to the West. The wind will be on our side.

2021 will bring a surge of efficiency in all areas without exception: people will try to benefit themselves and each other, and sincerely - mercantile interests will recede into the background.

Intuition will reach its peak in 2022 - at this time there will be a huge number of discoveries related to our planet, its nature. I think that it is at this moment that interest in Christianity will increase significantly throughout the world.

2023 is the year of diplomacy, and this period will be extremely favorable for building partnerships - we will be relaxed and peaceful. At the same time, the formation of a new political elite will begin, which we will learn about in 2024. I am looking forward to this time, because there is a chance that these people will begin to actively explore the northeast and east of Russia.

In any case, this period will be one of the most successful for our country: the state will actively deal with social problems, help vulnerable segments of the population, a lot of correct and very necessary laws will appear.

The next year, 2025, will be much quieter, it will pass “on soft paws”. On the one hand, this means that “gray cardinals” will interfere in our lives, who will act secretly, on the sly. On the other hand, this year will be very theatrical, high-profile events in the field of culture and arts await us: new productions, interesting and very important books. It will be a time when we will trust each other a little, but at the same time we will keep a smile on our faces.

A surge of dynamics should be expected in 2026, it will bring with it the most powerful energy of creation, which a year later will awaken our curiosity again, and it will be directed towards space exploration.

And then, along with 2028, a period of stability will come when the state will gain true power.

Opening time

In the next few years there will be many high-profile discoveries. Already in 2016, we learned about breakthroughs in the field of IT technologies, optics and space exploration: new rockets and engines, super-powerful telescopes will appear, amazing inventions like “smart” glasses have entered our lives - only much more advanced. Also, humanity will increasingly turn towards alternative energy sources, and this is very good for us - it's time to get off the "oil needle". 2017 will be the year of education: we will all realize that we do not know enough and want to learn. This will not only increase interest in existing learning platforms, but also give rise to a host of new ones. In 2018, we are waiting for the most valuable archaeological finds that will shed light on the events of the times of early Christianity.

Starting from 2022, new modes of transport will appear, and they will allow us to get to know our planet better: we will explore the bowels of the earth, underwater depths, and care for the environment will come to the fore. I really like the green moods of 2024 and 2025, but I would like to warn of a serious danger: at this time, I expect a surge in interest in vegetarianism. But one should not succumb to fashion, because only a third of the world's population has the energy to refuse animal products - for the rest, such nutrition will not bring anything but health problems. The year 2026 will be associated with active space exploration: I won’t be surprised if at this time we finally take it and wave it to Mars.

About love

Of course, in the coming years, as always, people will meet, fall in love and get married, but I would like to pay special attention to 2026. I'm sorry to say this, but during this period there can be a lot of changes. This is due to the fact that every few years our universe needs a population explosion, and we fall under this energy and the increased charm of the people around us. Therefore, I urge everyone who is in a partnership not to follow the instincts and try with all their might to be faithful to their other halves.

The energy of 2016 and 2026 carries a movement from north to south: therefore, those who are born in northern latitudes will have good luck in life when moving towards the equator.

In 2017, it is better to give birth in the north-east of the country, in 2018 - in its central part.

It is better for children of 2019, 2020 and 2021 to be born in the east - then the whole west will be open before them.

In 2022 and 2023, energy will move from south to north, and in 2024 and 2025, from west to east.