Miniature vegetables: modeling from polymer clay. Amazing fairy-tale houses from pumpkin, polymer clay and cones How to make a pumpkin from polymer clay

  • 25.01.2021

Finally, I made another detailed master class and it is dedicated to the pumpkin-pot. Due to the constant creative need for different containers for their products, the idea was born to create a pumpkin and use it as a pot (let's call it that). Get ready for the fact that modeling requires a lot of time, perseverance, cleanliness and Have a good mood(without the latter, it’s generally nowhere). Duration is about 1 day (I take into account the time of complete drying of the form). Now, without too much background information, let's move on to the master class.

1. The first thing to start with is the selection of materials. I used Paperclay (Padico, Japan), scissors, PVA glue, a foam ball (10 cm), a modeling mat, a stack, a knife, a water container and a paper cup that was not in the frame.

2. We take a foam ball and make the future bottom of our pumpkin. We cut off a small part and try to do it neatly and evenly, since the cutting part will also come in handy for us 🙂

3. Now on the opposite side we cut off the more inclined part. The arrows show how much one part is tilted in relation to the other.

4. We get such a shape for a future pumpkin. You can also make even cuts at the top, here, as your imagination tells you 🙂

5. Now we take a paper cup and make on it the future depth of the pumpkin itself. When using a foam ball with a diameter of 10 cm, the size of the future depth on the cup was 4 cm.

6. We take a foam mold and put a glass on the beveled part. We mark the size, since by this size we will directly form the depth of the pumpkin.

7. Here we need to cut the depth along the line. I recommend cutting out the foam with a hot knife. It's faster and cleaner. By carefully cutting out the required size, you can easily obtain the desired depth. Attention: Styrofoam melts very easily, do not start guiding the knife straight along the contour, otherwise the size of the cut part will be wider than that of the cup. Work carefully and do not make deep, sharp movements.

8. Glue the cut out container from a paper cup into the resulting hole. The glue was applied with ordinary PVA.

9. Here's how it turned out for me. The walls fit snugly to the mold. Even if somewhere the height does not fit in the hole, it's okay, you can always cut off the excess.

10. Getting ready for modeling. To prepare the workplace, draw some water in advance to wet your hands, take a rug (we will roll on it), a stack, PVA glue. Clay “soils” hands and the place where it lies a little. To form my pumpkin, I needed about 300-400 gr. clay. When opening the package, it is best to cut off an approximate piece and put it in cling film. We will have this piece for work and while we are sculpting the veins, the rest will not dry out. Wrap the main piece tightly with cling film, so the clay will retain its qualities and will be suitable until the next modeling.

11. We form a dense clay sausage. We tighten at the ends. She must be plump. Do not forget to wrap the rest of the piece of clay and do not leave it in the air.

12. Another photo of the formation of pumpkin veins. Looking at my hands you can see how the clay leaves a mark 🙂

13. We apply glue to the mold where the first "vein" of the pumpkin will be located.

14. We put clay and begin to distribute the edges. Use hands, stack and shape the convex part in the middle. We make the edges smooth and smooth them as much as possible in shape.

15. Now in a circle of a foam mold, we begin to form clay. We make different convex parts (like a pumpkin) and smooth the edges with a stack. Use water to wet your fingers and smooth the clay if the clay hardens. There is no need to rush through this process. The clay itself is easy to shape, smoothes well.

16. Having covered the entire foam mold with clay, I take a stack and form additional recesses in each “vein” and make round prints with a ball. I do all this by fantasy 🙂

17. We leave our shape and take a large piece of clay to form the bottom. On the rug, we begin to roll clay up to 0.5 cm wide. You don't have to make it thin. Do an even rolling over the entire surface.

18. We make the necessary measurement of the future bottom. It coincided with the jam lid :), attached it to the clay and cut out the required size with scissors.

19. Use PVA glue, apply and begin to smooth the edges. With the help of a stack, water (if necessary), we make neat edges.

20. We do not leave joints. Smooth out as carefully as possible.

21. Who remembers my girlfriend-washcloth - hello everyone! 🙂 I use a washcloth to dry the form. I leave it for a while, as I prefer to form the whole pumpkin at once, while all parts of the pumpkin are fresh. We will need a washcloth for the next stage of work, since now we are doing everything on it.

22. Turn over our pumpkin and take a small piece of clay for the final part.

23. We take a small strip and begin to glue on top of our pumpkin. With hands, with a stack (as it is more convenient), we give shape, smooth the edges on all sides. Don't rush, work carefully, don't push too hard. Smooth out all joints.

24. That's what happened to me. All joints are smoothed, in some places I added stripes, dents for decoration.

25. Now we form the cap. We still have a cutting part, we will use it. Prepare workplace, some water, rug, clay, PVA glue. Wire for the future ponytail and its fastening.

26. Roll out part of the clay to form the bottom of the lid. Cut with scissors to the required size.

27. We use PVA glue, clay and start shaping to the required size.

28. By analogy with sculpting a pumpkin, we also make a lid. We sculpt, smooth down, decorate with additional elements if desired. Don't forget to seal any joints.

29. We form a ponytail. We sculpt it from the remaining piece of clay and make it the necessary structure. I didn’t specifically smooth out any cracks on the tail itself, since I wanted to give it just such a structure.

30. We insert the wire and fix it on the glue in the cap.

31. Gently fasten the tail to the lid, do not press hard, as the clay is still fresh.

32. Leave to dry. I looked through my pumpkin 2-3 times in the first moments of drying. Clay can make small cracks, they can be smoothed out.

33. This is the finished form after 24 hours. When dry, the clay is slightly wavy, not smooth. I like this structure as it looks very natural when dyed, without any rubbed sheen.

34. With the last photo I will show how I decorated the pumpkin and what I did with it 🙂 I chose green color. Flowers sculpted from cold porcelain. Used it as a container for the composition. I hope the master class will be useful to you. Please do not judge strictly, because I'm just learning 🙂 Good luck in your work!

Master class: pumpkin from polymer clay(plastic)

Required tools. Light clay is shown as an example.

we need a piece of clay, the one that is larger.

We take a piece of clay, in this case I took half, and roll up the ball (the clay is very hard at the beginning, knead it well and longer so that it becomes plastic).

With two fingers, squeeze the ball on both sides so that the clay takes on the shape of a future pumpkin. You can adjust the shape of the pumpkin yourself.

With the help of a stack or other tool convenient for you (you can even use a toothpick), we begin to create grooves on the future pumpkin.

This is how it should turn out, make sure that the grooves imitate slices, like a real pumpkin. Here's what we got.

The next step, for greater realism, is to give our pumpkin a texture. To do this, we need a stack with small balls: with slightly pressing up and down movements, we apply a texture to each slice.

Here's what we got...

Be sure to cover the top of our pumpkin with the texture, and pull the excess to the center, later we will form the tail.

We begin to form a ponytail. We pull the clay to the center a little bit from all sides, turning the pumpkin all the time. Attention: do not pull the tail at once, it may break. Try, as it were, to lay (build up) clay on top of each other, due to this, it will begin to stretch upwards and the tail will take on a dried appearance.

Here's the ponytail I got. After that, we send it to the oven according to the instructions on the package. In this case, the craft clay requires a 120 degree preheated oven, and set the timer to 30 minutes. I followed all the conditions, after cooling the clay baked well and became very hard, like a stone, without any cracks.

Let's move on to toning.

Toning: I want to deviate from the topic, I made the tinting through an airbrush with acrylic paints, in order to save time.

We will need three basic oil paint colors (medium yellow, carmine and grass green) and oil paint thinner.

To begin with, we turn our pumpkin upside down and paint over the bottom with diluted yellow paint, slightly going over the slices (do not paint over evenly, some slices are larger, some are smaller, some do not touch at all) - this will give the pumpkin more realism. As if she was lying on the ground, for example, on her side. And that side, more intensely stain yellow. The top of the pumpkin, closer to the middle and the tail, also tint yellow. Watch for smooth transitions so that the paint fades. You can also add red paint in this case, carmine, you only need to cover one side with going up to the pumpkin, try to make the red color slightly overlap the green, which will create a beautiful overflow of color in colour. Here is our pumpkin! I hope my mk is useful to you!

Polymer clay vegetables: zucchini, carrot, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, potato, cabbage, onion and corn

Vegetables are undeservedly bypassed by masters working with polymer clay, but in vain - after all, they are so diverse in nature, they are different in size, color, shape. If fruits and sweets have become firmly established in modeling and are used to create jewelry, home decor and just for miniature compositions, then vegetables are created extremely rarely, rather by special order than by order. own will. AT this lesson I want to eliminate this error and show you how beautiful and diverse the world of the vegetable garden is. Today we will sculpt the most common.

Plastic vegetables. Materials and tools

For creating plastic vegetables we will need:
  • red, green, brown, yellow, white translucent, orange and white shades;
  • Blade or clerical knife;
  • Rolling pin or pasta machine;
  • Needle or toothpick;
  • Brown acrylic paint and brush;
  • Paper napkins or cotton pads;
  • Crepe (corrugated) paper;
  • White thread for sewing;
  • Quick drying varnish;
  • Stack with ball;
  • Small scissors;
  • Lacquer for polymer clay.

Modeling from polymer clay

I remember my student years and our hostel in Moscow. Yes, in our kitchen, vegetables were very similar to these miniatures))). They were just as small and in small numbers. It was a lyrical digression. So, let's start sculpting plastic vegetables:

Zucchini from polymer clay

1. The most important thing at the initial stage is to mix the shades of plastic correctly and get a homogeneous mass of white and green polymer clay, taken in a 5:1 ratio.

2. In a homogeneous pale green mass, add brown clay the size of a match head. And again, mix everything until smooth.

3. Now form a rounded oblong drop 3-4 cm long. From green polymer clay, form an oblong drop of a smaller diameter and size.

4. From the narrowed smaller side of the body of the zucchini, attach a drop of green, with its rounded side and cut off the excess with small scissors. With a toothpick or a needle from the side of the green tail, make small shallow dents on the zucchini.

5. From light brown, you can yellow, form a small ball, flatten it with your fingers and place it on the rounded tip of the zucchini exactly in the middle.

polymer clay carrot

1. We blind an oblong drop of about 3-4 cm long from orange polymer clay. From the rounded part of the body of the carrot, we make a wide hole for the tops with a needle or toothpick. From green polymer clay we form a small droplet 0.7 cm long and from the side of its rounded part we make many cuts with small scissors, resembling cut tops.

2. With the sharp end, insert the tops into the hole on the rounded part of the carrot. With a needle or toothpick, make shallow cuts in the form of short stripes over the entire surface of the carrot.

Such a vegetable can be turned into bright ones, for example, in the form of jewelry.
1. From polymer clay of orange color, form a ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. In the upper part of the ball, push a recess with a stack with a ball or other object.

2. With a needle or toothpick, make longitudinal grooves over the entire surface of a slightly flattened ball.

3. Make a small ball out of green polymer clay and flatten it with your fingers. On the surface of the flattened ball, attach a small process of green polymer clay exactly in the middle.

4. Lay the process in the recess of the pumpkin body.

5. Form a thin strip of green polymer clay and wrap it around a toothpick or needle.

6. Carefully remove the tendril from the needle and place it next to the process. Press the tendril against the side of the pumpkin.

Such a "pumpkin" can be used as.

1. From polymer clay of red color, form a ball with a diameter of 2 cm. With the end of the brush from the center of the top of the ball, push the clay and make indentations.

2. From green polymer clay, make tiny thin droplets.

3. Form a green clay ball and flatten it with your fingers. Lay small drops along the edge of the flattened ball, slightly bending their ends upwards.

4. Lay the green stalk exactly in the middle of the top of the tomato, where the shallow recesses begin.

1. The most important thing when modeling from polymer clay such a vegetable as a potato - choose and mix the shades of clay correctly: light yellow and light brown. As a result, you should get a dirty yellowish color.

2. Form an oblong oval 2-3 cm long from the resulting shade of clay. Do not strive for it to be perfectly even.

3. With any small blunt object, make indentations in random order over the entire surface of the potato, but not as often as we did on the surface of the carrot.

1. From polymer clay of yellow and green, taken in equal proportions, it is necessary to make a layer with a smooth color transition - for this, use a paste machine or a rolling pin.

2. Select a place on the clay layer where the transition is clearly visible and form an oval oblong figure from it.

3. Take crepe (corrugated paper), wrap it around the body of the cucumber and give texture to the entire surface of the vegetable.

4. Using green polymer clay, make a small branch and attach it to the rounded side of the cucumber on the green side.

1. To form the body of the bow, it is better to take the plastic of the golden tint, but if one is not available, a light brown shade is also suitable. From polymer clay of gold color, form a ball with a diameter of 2 cm.

2. On the same thickness of the pasta machine, roll out the plastic of gold and white-translucent color.

3. Cut the layers into equal rectangles (three figures of different colors) and lay them on top of each other in layers, alternating shades.

4. Cut the rectangular striped cane into equal thin strips.

5. Wrap the striped sections around a ball of gold-colored polymer clay. Thanks to the addition of white translucent plastic - after baking, we will have a beautiful texture on the onion.

6. On the one hand, I still have an extra striped plastic - it can be laid and pulled out so that a thin dried onion tail is obtained.

7. On the opposite side of the tail, make a recess with a needle - after that we would make the root system.

1. From polymer clay of yellow or brown color, form an oblong cane with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a length of 3.5 cm. From yellow polymer clay, form many small balls and lay them one after the other in even lines along the entire surface of the oblong cane.

2. Remember that corn grains are smaller on one side than on the opposite side. Keep this in mind when shaping the vegetable.

3. Form a droplet from green polymer clay, flatten it with your fingers and apply oblong strokes over the entire surface with a needle.

4. Lay the leaf on the wide end of the corn cob and make a small outgrowth.

1. From white translucent or light green clay, form a ball with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 cm. form balls with a diameter of 1 cm from light green polymer clay, flatten them with your fingers and give thinness and slight curves. Wrap the ball with two leaves, but do it so that the bends are preserved and the edges remain half-open.

2. Now form two balls of light green color with a diameter of 1.5 cm, flatten with your fingers and form cabbage leaves with characteristic bends. From polymer clay of a white translucent shade, form thin strips and lay them randomly on the surface of cabbage leaves - imitating veins that will become transparent after baking. Wrap these leaves around a head of cabbage.

3. For the third and final row of leaves, make three balls with a diameter of 2 cm, flatten and make the leaves in the same way as the previous paragraphs. Lay the leaves around the head of cabbage slightly overlapping each other.

4. Do not forget to cut off the excess plastic (cabbage tail) and make longitudinal veins from white translucent polymer clay.

ALL! We send everything to the oven for firing, while observing the recommendations for the time and temperature of baking.

Tinting and varnishing miniature plastic vegetables

1. We take acrylic paints, a thin brush and paper napkins (cotton pads).

2. With brown acrylic paint, paint with a brush the recesses on the surface of the zucchini, carrots and potatoes, let the paint dry a little and remove its remnants with paper napkins.

3. We cut the white threads for sewing into segments 0.7 cm long. We drip quick-drying glue into the hole of the bow and put the white threads in a bunch. Let dry and paint the ends of the threads with brown acrylic paint.

4. We cover water-based varnish and leave to dry completely.
Subsequently, such vegetables can be used for miniature compositions, or you can make holes and assemble all the elements into a beautiful jewelry in the form of a bracelet.
And our master class on modeling from polymer clay is over, we got such culinary miniatures.

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Although Halloween is considered one of the oldest holidays on earth, it has come to us quite recently. In such a short time, we fell in love with this holiday and began to honor evil spirits, according to the ancient customs of the Celts. Halloween is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1, dressing up as demons, evil spirits and other evil spirits, you should not forget that the main attribute of this night is a pumpkin head in the form of a Jack-o-lantern. And if it’s not difficult to find a costume for celebrating Halloween night, then it’s much more difficult to get Halloween paraphernalia, accessories and decorations, so I suggest you see how polymer clay will help you complete your look. bracelet and earrings in the form of pumpkin heads.

So we need the following:

  • Polymer clay in orange, green and black shades; If it is difficult for you to decide on the type of clay, we advise you to read the article polymer clay: lessons for beginners;
  • Rolling pin or pasta machine;
  • Needle or toothpick;
  • Metal carnations with a cap;
  • Blade or clerical knife;
  • Medium round cutter;
  • Stack with ball;
  • Lacquer for polymer clay.
  • Let's start sculpting:

    On the maximum setting of the pasta machine, roll out the orange plastic and use a round cutter to cut out as many shapes as you plan on pumpkins.

    Form even balls from the figures by rolling the plastic between the palms. Due to the fact that we cut out the same shapes, our future pumpkins will also be the same size.

    In the same way, on the maximum setting of the paste machine, roll out black plastic and form identical balls out of it.

    In the middle mode of the pasta machine, we roll out the orange plastic again and wrap it with black polymer clay balls. Here are the finished beads.

    With a small blade, cut the eyes of the skeleton pumpkin in the form of triangles. We will make cuts for those pumpkins that consist of black plastic inside.

    We continue to make jewelry from polymer clay, proceed to the next step. Between the eyes we cut a triangular hole under the nose of the pumpkin-skull. Gently, prying off the top orange layer of the eye and nose openings, remove the layer of orange plastic down to the black base.

    Make a mouth with bends (zigzag) with a sharp blade, carefully cutting through the top layer of orange plastic to the base of black clay.

    With a stack with a ball, make a recess in the plastic at the top and bottom of the pumpkin-skull.

    With the side of the needle or toothpick, from the top to the very base, make grooves by pressing on the pumpkin.

    In balloons formed only from orange plastic, make similar indentations on the top and bottom of the pumpkin with a stack with a balloon.

    Make longitudinal grooves along the entire surface of the pumpkin with a needle or toothpick.

    Form a thin strip of green polymer clay and wind it around the corner - these will be the antennae for the top of the pumpkin.

    Carefully remove the tendril from the needle, make a hole in the top of the pumpkin and place the tendril there. Spread it lightly along the side of the pumpkin.

    From green polymer clay, create small stripes that will serve as a "tail" for the top of the pumpkin.

    Lay the tail exactly in the middle of the top of the pumpkin and press it well against the surface of the vegetable.

    leaves for pumpkin

    Roll out the green plastic on the pasta machine and use the blade to cut out such a leaf as shown in the figure. If you can’t clearly cut the sheet, then draw its layout on paper, cut it out with scissors, attach it to plastic and cut it out along the contour of the paper.

    Use your fingers to round the edges of the leaves and use a needle to make small indentations in the form of veins.

    Before baking, make through holes in the leaves and thread metal carnations with a hat through the entire workpiece under the pumpkin. Bake in the oven according to the instructions.

    After firing, each part must be degreased and varnished.


    Elements are assembled on a chain with a large link: a connecting ring is threaded into the leaves, and a loop is made from the rod of a metal carnation with the help of round-nose pliers and fixed in the chain link, alternating alternately with the leaves. Here we have such bright and original decorations for Halloween.

    With the onset of each spring season, I start fidgeting in my chair and hand-scratching))), I also do this on a bench in the garden. I want to switch from needlework for interior decoration to creating crafts that can decorate and add zest to the garden. In terms of the near future, I have a lot of publications on this topic, and now I want to show the work from which to say that I am completely delighted is to say nothing! Amazing fabulous houses for gnomes and forest fairies are created by an American craftswoman - Anna from Missouri. It's just a miracle how polymer clay, pumpkin and cones are combined! I have cones, polymer clay too (yesterday I published a post on choosing polymer clay), and the pumpkin can be replaced with papier mache if it is not available. I wish you a pleasant viewing, or rather, admiration, and below I am attaching a photo master class from the author. Good luck!

    I want to note: for work you will need polymer clay, which requires baking in an oven or oven, especially if you use fairy houses as garden figurines. By the way, about stoves))) Spring is in full swing, and summer is ahead ... but do not forget about the cold season, which will come, and much faster than we think) If you have not purchased a heating stove, then right now it can be bought much cheaper than in winter. On the company website Shulepov & Partners You can buy Termofor stoves, in the catalog of the online store there is a huge selection of heating stoves, of various designs, from the best Russian manufacturers. Take a look)

    So, for work we need:

    For one fabulous house - 2 pumpkins

    polymer clay

    acrylic paints of different colors for sculpting small parts

    golden acrylic paint for decoration

    cones and scissors or nippers

    water based sealant varnish

    sculpting tools

    Pumpkins must be emptied and thoroughly dried before starting work. We cut off the pumpkins - at the first we cut off the top, it will be the base of the house, we cut off the second just above the middle from the bottom, we need the top for the roof of the house. We prepare cones for the tiles of the house, cut them with scissors or wire cutters

    The author fills the pumpkin with sand in order to give it heaviness and stability. Glue the roof, then glue the cones. Add a polymer clay window. You will need three colors of clay: black, brown and purple. The window is preliminarily, like all other details of decorating the house, baked in the oven, following the instructions for the clay used.

    Here is a closer photo. Please note: the pumpkin is painted and varnished, the leaves are lightly covered with gold acrylic paint