Business idea to help pensioners. What should a retired woman do to earn money? Individual entrepreneurs for pensioners - are there any benefits?

  • 18.02.2024
TOP ideas

Entrepreneurs come up with all sorts of things to make it easier for old people to live in the age of modern technology, to move around the house safely and to find a common language with their children...

1. Hotel in a nursing home

There is an unusual hotel in the Dutch city of Deventer. You don't need to pay money to stay there. Humanitas Residential Care Center is not a hotel or even a hostel, but a nursing home with spare rooms for guests. Only traveling students who do not have money are accepted as the latter. Their task is to spend 30 hours a week with older people. Nothing excessive is required from guests. What is required from the guest here is only emotional communication with the elderly and light assistance.

2. Kindergarten and nursing home 2 in 1

In the United States, they decided to unite elderly people with children under one roof. Five times a week, Providence Mount St. Nursing Home. Vincent is also turning into a kindergarten. Children are brought to the elderly: side by side, the elderly and children draw, sing, dance, sculpt, walk outdoors and even take cooking courses. Spending time together has a positive effect on both. Children are provided with constant attention and care, cut off from computers and tablets, while old people feel a new zest for life, feel needed and useful to society, and temporarily forget about their age and health problems.

3. Club of young and old knitting lovers

Another example of the “young + old” business trend, which the portal “1000 Ideas” talked about, is a Dutch project called Granny’s Finest. Granny's Finest is a knitting club for young and old people. Young design students meet with old knitting grandmothers on the club’s cozy platform. Together they create clothes that the club successfully sells on a specific market of lovers of “things with soul.” Between theorists and practitioners, photographers, models and makeup artists scurry around, organizing photo shoots, reports on YouTube and Instagram, and helping to advertise manufactured products.

4. Delayed service cash desks for the elderly

Once in the Finnish city of Espoo, a sociological survey was conducted, according to which it turned out that many people experience stress while standing at supermarket checkouts. This is especially difficult for older people. A person who is not used to it needs to perform many tasks at a pace, putting products on the belt, counting money and packing products, so as not to create a line behind him and not to anger other customers. Then one of the large supermarket chains, K-citymarket, decided to organize slow-service checkouts. Neither sellers nor buyers are in a hurry at such cash registers: the process of providing services proceeds slowly and without unnecessary hassle.

5. Magic phone for the elderly

ClarityLife believes that landlines have not yet had their day. For example, they are used by many elderly people who are not at all comfortable with mobile phones. In order not to drive such retrogrades into severe stress, the company decided to equip simple landline phones with several features that are typical for smart devices. For example, photographs of children and grandchildren may appear on their screen, which they publish on social networks; the phone has a Help me button to call for help. It also has the ability to remind you to take medications.

6. Smart watches for the elderly

Another option for an accessory familiar to pensioners, from which the creators decided to make a gadget for older people, was a wristwatch. Kanega watches can remind a person to take medications, show the way to home, and quickly contact relatives and a medical center. In order to make a call, you do not need to press any buttons - the command is given by voice. In addition, the watch is equipped with an accelerometer - a fall sensor, which we will talk about later.

7. Topless shoes for seniors

The ability to dress and put on your shoes yourself is a privilege of youth that we do not value. In order to insert a foot into a shoe, tie laces or fasten a zipper, grandparents have to put in triple the effort. In China, this problem was solved in the following way - they invented special “topless” shoes. Topless Shoes do not have a full upper, which makes the task much easier. The hole for the leg entry is located along the entire length, so the old people do not need to bend and “groan.”

8. Touch floors for lonely elderly people

It often turns out that in old age a person is left completely alone, and it is not possible for relatives to follow his every step. The worst thing is that if something happens to the old man, there is no one to help him. The German company Future Shape has developed sensory floors specifically for alerting about “emergencies.” Their main function is to warn if something or someone falls on the floor. This miracle textile is laid under laminate, carpet or linoleum and is only 2 mm thick.

9. Fall sensor for the elderly

There are a huge variety of different fall sensors, but not all of them are capable of detecting such an insidious type of fall as “slow subsidence.” Unlike most gadgets, the Tellu AS detector can inform relatives not only about those falls when the body of an elderly person hits the floor loudly, but also about common cases of slow “sliding down the wall.”

10. Airbag against fractures

Smart floors and sensors are good, but what to do with the consequences of a fall in the form of bruises and, God forbid, fractures? Previous gadgets do not provide a complete answer to this question. But it gives an invention to the Wolk Company. The Wolk air cushion developed by its specialists (translated from Dutch as “cloud”) is worn on clothing and, by expanding before colliding with the surface, helps prevent hip fractures - one of the most common fractures among older people.

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But our magazine was created in order to solve people’s problems, offer them ways out of any situation, find and show examples of how to live and fight. Today Reconomica will present to the reader the real story of a pensioner who was able... Was able to overcome all his fears and doubts and start his own business. Read on to find out how he did it.

Greetings to all readers. My name is Igor Andreevich, I live in Stavropol. I am a pensioner, I retired three years ago. I succeeded, as they say. Now I take care of my summer cottage, fishing and grandchildren. Pensions, as you understand, in our country are small and pensioners literally have to survive on that kind of money. This is very difficult, you have to look for additional income, but they don’t really hire you anywhere. If they do, they pay 10-12 thousand. In the future, the pensioner will only work as a watchman or watchman.

My past life left me with no survival skills

I have worked in municipal structures all my life. I did my job well, but the skills I acquired have nowhere to apply now. All that remains is to drag out your retirement existence.

But retirement life doesn’t make me happy: there’s not enough money, all the activities quickly get boring, and besides, from the moment I retired, they immediately began to consider me a grandfather. What can a pensioner with a salary of 11 thousand afford? Dacha - I sat there for a week and almost died of boredom, to hell with it! Fishing makes me happy if you can get away from everyone and relax with friends, but now they either try to go with me or won’t let me go at all. As a result, I got bored and decided to start a business.

In the fields you can buy vegetables three times cheaper.

There is a way out, it cannot but exist

I have a Lada Kalina car, a station wagon, a reinforced trailer and some health left. I wondered what could be done with these resources. Naturally, transport and resell something. But what?

I found the answer to this question from my friends. My friend's nephew is a farmer. He has fields in which he grows almost everything that grows. Namely: carrots, cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes, beets, watermelons and melons.

His fields are located in the Izobilnensky district, which is located a hundred kilometers from my home. He suggested that I buy vegetables at wholesale prices from the fields and sell them in my town. All you needed was a machine and scales. I liked the idea, especially since the difference in prices in the fields and in my area was significant.

After thinking a little, I began to implement the idea. To do this, I removed the interior from my car to prepare it for transportation and bought scales. All this cost me 35 thousand. Gas equipment turned out to be very expensive, and besides, registration for it was also problematic.

But still, I did what I had planned and went on the first flight. It was July 2016. I decided to bring tomatoes for testing. At the market in our town they cost no less than 40 rubles per kilogram. Although we have Kuban and Astrakhan nearby, and we ourselves are not poor in fields, the prices for everything are expensive.

In the fields these tomatoes cost 15-20 rubles. At the same time, tomatoes in the fields in the Astrakhan region cost 7-15 rubles per kilo. The difference is significant. For tomatoes, I bought 40 trays, since I was going to transport vegetables constantly. The purchase cost 2,400 rubles.

The first flight made a profit

On the field, I selected the goods, weighed them, sorted the excess, paid and headed home. I finished everything in half a day.

I managed to transport 480 kilograms of tomatoes on the first flight. I bought them for 17 rubles per kilogram. The total purchase cost was 8,600 rubles. I spent 35 liters of gas for round trip fuel for 700 rubles. The total purchase reached 9,300.

I arrived in my town in the evening. I unloaded the tomatoes into the cellar. I deliberately chose hard and slightly unripe tomatoes so that the goods would arrive intact and could be stored for a week.

The next day I went to the local market. He got up, opened the trunk and started trading. I set the price at 30 rubles per kilogram. He brought 100 kilograms with him to the market. The crowd quickly came and bought my goods. I went for the second batch. The line around the car formed again. Local merchants began to come up to me and take a closer look, but I didn’t attach any importance to this. I sold the goods by evening and went home.

You should be careful when trading “from the car”

Business could end like this or quickly as it started

The next day I came to the market again to sell the remaining tomatoes. It was seven in the morning, there were few people, only local merchants were setting up. One of them came up to me and asked where the tomatoes came from, and I was a fool and said that they were from the fields. An hour later the local police officer came running and drew up a report on me. They drove me away from the market and hinted that if I appeared again, they would take away the goods and open a case.

But I still had almost 300 kilograms of tomatoes. I decided to sell them near my house. Trade was going poorly, and one customer advised me to go and stand near the high-rise buildings. There are always people there and sometimes people trade there. I decided to try it, I even found a place that was allocated for trading. The place was in a vacant lot, and there was a hypermarket nearby.

People passed by this place, stopped and bought. There I sold the goods in a few days. True, the last 100 kilograms had to be sold for 25 rubles. My earnings for the flight amounted to 14,000. The profit was quite good. I earned almost five thousand. All this took me 8 days. I was pleased with the result.

I had a lot of doubts, but I didn’t give up

Immediately thoughts appeared to put such trading on stream. Or until they get caught for illegal trading again. I decided not to delay and immediately go for the next batch.

The result was not long in coming

In the next purchase I took 200 kg. tomatoes and eggplants and 70 kg. bell pepper. I paid a little more for them because the peppers and eggplants were more expensive. The entire purchase amounted to 20,000 rubles, including travel.

I brought the goods and also unloaded them. I arrived in the evening. There was time until morning, and I decided to develop trading tactics. I knew how to trade: the price is cheaper, weigh it and package it. That's all trade is. I was thinking more about how to avoid getting caught by the police. I didn’t want to register a business because I don’t understand anything about it. I need to pay taxes, but who will calculate them if I don’t understand them myself? Why should an accountant be paid? From these unfortunate five thousand? But there is nowhere to retreat, because I have a family and grandchildren.

I decided to bring the goods in small quantities and say that it was all from my garden. I have a big dacha, and if something happens, let them prove that it’s not from the dacha!

The next day I went to sell at the same place where I sold the goods from the first batch. There I decomposed, and things slowly progressed. Nobody bothered me, and in a few days I sold all the vegetables.

Trade is a delicate matter, you need to speak the language

Everything was going well, but it was a shame to lie to people that all the goods were grown at my dacha. Well, it’s okay, traders have been deceiving and cheating me all my life. When I retired, I also decided to become a tradesman, and once I became one, then use their methods - lie and put on money. I didn’t put on weight, of course, but I spoke beautifully. He gave everyone advice on how to water, when to plant, and what to fertilize with. He lied about three times!

But be that as it may, I successfully sold the second batch. I earned 5,000 from it again, after which I went for the third batch of vegetables. This time I bought more watermelons and melons to go along with the goods.

The people at the point began to get used to me. They started making small orders. Some asked for a bag of potatoes, some asked for onions. My supplier didn’t have any potatoes, so after I sold the next batch, I went looking for potatoes. I bought a couple of bags from nearby fields. True, he didn’t earn anything from her, but he kept his promise.

That's how I became a professional

That's how I got involved in trading. This point stuck with me. People already knew when I was coming and bought from me. I treat the product with care. I always choose better vegetables, and my prices are lower than at the local market.

I also solved the problem with the law. The head of the local patrol service lived in a house nearby. I began to bring him goods as ordered. I took money from him without cheating, and in return he promised that I had nothing and no one to fear. Corruption? No, that's what friendship is. We are for you, and you are for us!

Summer has passed. Autumn came and I began to carry onions, beets, potatoes, pumpkins and other delights of the autumn season. I had to wander around all the surrounding fields. Over time, I found new suppliers who were also closer. I earned about 15-25 thousand a month from vegetables.

In addition to vegetables, I also sold homemade milk and cheese. A neighbor gave me milk to sell. She had a subsidiary farm. Before I left for the point, she supplied me with milk and cheese, which I sold with my own markup.

I didn't stop there

But the season is over and rest has begun for me. I didn't do much in the winter. I was looking forward to the next season. Sometimes I went fishing, but mostly I was bored at home. Most of the time I thought about my new occupation.

During that year, I turned into a real huckster and tried to make money whenever possible. My new hobby bore fruit, and I came up with another scheme for making money.

Salo is fish, fish is money

It was in April. The fields were just being sown, there was no work. Friends invited me to Astrakhan for fishing. I went. For the trip, I took a couple of kilograms of my own salted lard.

Homemade lard is also a currency!

We arrived in Astrakhan, settled in a tent camp on the river bank and went fishing. One evening local fishermen swam up to us. We got to talking and offered to join us at the table and have dinner. When the locals tried my lard, they almost swallowed their tongues. They really liked the lard and asked about its price. In the Stavropol region, lard can be purchased for 130 rubles per kilogram. We are talking about unsalted, of course. In Astrakhan, the cost of salted lard reaches 400 rubles. I took note of this.

Local fishermen asked to sell them a piece of lard. But I didn’t sell it, but exchanged it for 2 kilograms of dried roach. I tried the vobla and compared the quality with the one sold on the market. It was heaven and earth. The retail price of roach in Stavropol reached 600 rubles. This gave me the idea to exchange lard for fish and sell the fish on the spot. I thought through the plan and began to implement it.

I called my new friends in Astrakhan and asked if they would like to exchange the roach for lard in a one-to-one ratio: 300 kilograms of lard for 300 kilograms of fish. They agreed. I found lard for 120 rubles. The cost price including the cost of the ambassador was 150 rubles.

When the time came, we called and agreed to meet. I brought lard, and in return I took 300 kilograms of selected fish. Then within a week I sold the fish for 270 rubles per kilogram. My expenses amounted to 55 thousand, including travel, and I earned 81 thousand for the fish. I earned 26,000 rubles from this deal.

I learned a lot in my first year of retirement. Now in the spring and late autumn I run around for fish, and in the summer and until the end of the vegetable season I trade at the point that is assigned to me. Now I’m planning to buy a Gazelle cargo truck to bring more goods and continue to delight my customers!

The business idea of ​​sewing sets of kitchen napkins appeared in the process of preparing for the New Year. Exclusive hand-made Christmas gifts for family and friends made it possible to survive the New Year holidays with minimal financial costs.

Based on this experience, a zero-cost business project for women of retirement age was born. The article is written in 1st person.

This idea came to me at the end of last year. 10 days before the New Year holidays, when my head was filled with thoughts of what to give to numerous relatives, friends and just good acquaintances, without depleting my retirement budget too much, I looked into a local sewing shop.

I got there quite by accident, visiting a hairdresser in the district House of Public Services. Yes, yes, in rural areas these still exist. So, in the clothing repair shop at the House of Public Services they sold a very nice fabric with a winter pattern, the so-called “waffle” fabric.

I immediately imagined kitchen towels with funny snowmen and Christmas trees. The fabric was in rolls, the width of the canvas was half a meter. The price of a meter of fabric is purely symbolic. I then bought 2.5 meters of this fabric, and at the same time chose a narrow satin braid for the loops.

I cut the fabric and stitched six napkins in an hour. Fortunately, the skills of sewing on a machine were instilled in me from childhood. I sewed a loop of braid into the corner of each napkin using a backstitch.

They turned out to be very nice, neat kitchen towels. I decided to make the same for my adult daughters. When I bought more fabric for two sets of napkins, I noticed other colors, not winter, but no less cute.

There were floral patterns, landscapes, images of coffee and tea utensils, and abstract drawings. I bought enough fabric for 10 sets of napkins, selected braid for each design, and stocked up on sewing thread.

5 business ideas in the garage

At home, I decided who would get a set of which fabric as a gift for the New Year and started working with enthusiasm.

On the third or fourth set, I got bored with just hemming the edges and sewing in the eyelets. I started to use my imagination. Using a thin braid on the corner of one of the set of towels, I tried to line the first letter of the surname of the future owner.

The result is a napkin with a monogram. I repeated this idea on other napkins. I trimmed several sets of napkins around the edges with contrasting braid. And I added one set with a neat, simple-shaped apron made of the same fabric as the towels.

For the New Year, I presented all my loved ones with the fruits of my creativity in beautiful Christmas bags. To say that the gifts were cheap for me is an understatement.

The holiday is over, but March 8 is just around the corner. I think that this idea, with some variations, can be implemented in preparing gifts for neighbors, former colleagues, or simply women acquaintances.

Also, this project can become the basis for a business for women of retirement age who have free time, minimal sewing skills, and, most likely, an old sewing machine collecting dust in the closet.

The costs are minimal: buy braid, thread and fabric. Fabric can be purchased at a price of 45-50 rubles per meter. The selling price of the kit is 1.5-2 times higher than material costs.

Sales of finished products is the most difficult point of a business plan. Small lots can be offered to neighbors, their relatives, and friends. And then word of mouth should work, and custom work will appear.

Each of us will someday join the ranks of retirees, or maybe we are already one of them. Many people in this category do not want to just carelessly spend their time, so they may be interested in a business in retirement. It includes some ideas that are suitable for both men and women.

A whole list of business options has been compiled for retirees:

  1. Creation of unusual and original flower pots;
  2. Earning income from making homemade pickles (more suitable for women);
  3. Jam production;
  4. Caring for little children;
  5. Looking after a sick child;
  6. Tutoring, not only for schoolchildren, but also for students, also preschool education;
  7. Assistance in completing essays and dissertations;
  8. Consultation on professional issues;
  9. Write educational articles;
  10. Compose methodological manuals.

There are a lot of options, so business in retirement are excellent ideas that can be done by any senior citizen with life experience.

The most important thing in order to start your own small business is not to depend on anyone, because this is what many older people want. They have a lot of knowledge, not only scientific, but most of life. Now, you can take a closer look at each of the options, but you should start with the very first methods proposed in the list. So, what they all have in common is cooking.

"Tasty" direction

Basically, such home business and ideas are suitable only for women, but men can also try themselves. For example, if you have a school or university near your home, you can negotiate with the director and sell homemade products.

Of course, it must be baked goods for schoolchildren and students to enjoy. If the institution has about 500 students, then about 100 or 150 pies and other products can be baked. You can be sure that hungry children will definitely want delicious and homemade pies.

The main thing in this matter is not to chase the cost. Any educational institution already has its own buffet or cafeteria, so you will need to visit them, find out the cost of baked goods in this place, and make your price 1/3 times cheaper.

In this case, you are guaranteed a flow of students and schoolchildren, the main thing is not to be lazy. For retirees, such ideas are considered simply wonderful, because you can earn good money at home.

Scientific works

The next options in the above list are related to study and education, such work will be not only for women but also for men. Undoubtedly, pensioners have extensive work experience, have developed certain skills, and have unusual skills. It is these factors that will help such a business idea flourish. You will be able to work not only as a tutor, but also as an organizer of a creative circle.

Having fun with children means not only education, but also caring for them; here you can also find ideas. For example, many parents work all day, and there are few relatives or they are busy, then you can become a nanny who will look after the children. In addition, you can take care of sick children, because parents pay very well for this.

Writing and a touch of originality

The next direction is writing. You can start writing teaching aids, coursework and dissertations. Today this is a very popular activity that pays well.

If you manage to work in this direction, then your business will only flourish, and you will be able to write not only scientific documents. You can work in completely different directions, for example, for women it is better to write novels and dramas, and for teenagers it is better to write science fiction and mysticism.

Other options

By the way, you can show your originality and ingenuity and start making unusual things. The list indicated the making of flower pots.

This type is great for women, and men can try building models of ships, sailboats, etc. This should be done at home. Then your time is unlimited, no one will rush you, and you can completely devote yourself to your work.

Thus, business in retirement is something that older people should definitely try. There are ideas for absolutely everyone, not just women. Earning money and giving gifts to yourself and your loved ones - this is where such a home business will help, because in addition to all of the above, you can do embroidery, sewing, and many of your ideas will finally come true. Good luck!


People who have reached retirement age strive to find a niche in the business field that matches their abilities in order to increase their income. Finding the most suitable business is very important for seniors now. Therefore, the most popular and affordable options for owning your own business will be discussed below.

What can a retired woman do?

There are a huge number of ideas for starting a business for retired women. Today the most popular types of work with minimal investment of money are:

  • Distribution of cosmetic products from well-known brands (Oriflame, Mary Kay, Avon). At the initial stage, the business only requires the purchase of a starter pack of samples and valid product catalogs (issued upon registration). The further speed of development of the business depends only on the business acumen of the retired entrepreneur and possession of the gift of persuasion.
  • Knitting warm clothes to order. Handmade clothing is highly valued and also expensive, so it can be a very profitable business for retired women who want to work from home. Initial costs are the purchase of yarn used in the production process of the finished product.
  • For retired women with a plot of land, growing vegetables, fruits or herbs for further sale to the population can be a very profitable business.
  • Working as a child's nanny in a financially secure family is characterized by minimal investment. It provides constant additional income.
  • Housekeeping is another business niche among retired women that requires virtually no expenses. A woman will get by with a minimal investment in the form of travel expenses to her place of work.
  • Cooking set meals at home is a popular and profitable home business among older ladies.

These are the main types of entrepreneurship for retirees and women who want to start their own business. Each person decides which one to do on his own.

Examples of the best business ideas for men

The stronger sex is no less concerned about the issue of earning extra income with minimal investment than women. Among the common types of individual home business for male retirees are:

  • Carpentry workshop. Specialists with a minimal investment of money can open a small business providing repair services and custom-made furniture of high quality.
  • Service station for minor repairs of private cars. If you have a well-equipped garage, as well as the appropriate knowledge and skills, at first you can get by with minimal capital investment.
  • Another type of business for retired men at home, carried out with minimal investment of money, is teaching young people their craft.
  • Watchmen or watchmen are needed always and everywhere. This part-time job has low costs, limited to the purchase of travel tickets.
  • Street cleaner. You only need to work 4 hours in the morning, and the pay for such work is very decent and can be a significant addition to the pension you receive.
  • The production of corrugated pipes and mosaic flooring will always help pensioners stand firmly on their feet due to their high demand.

Universal ideas for extra income

What type of business a pensioner can engage in is up to him to decide, but there are special varieties that can be engaged not only by women, but also by representatives of the stronger sex.

These include:

  • Trade in agricultural products or food products in home(if there are regular customers) or selling them on market stalls.
  • Opening clubs based on the interests or preferences of its members, helping to broaden the horizons of meeting participants.
  • Creation of websites whose topics will be most interesting for various groups of network users, as well as a detailed study of various computer programs.
  • Macrame and embroidery are another common activity among older married couples, because many retired men enjoy doing various types of needlework.
  • Private teaching is an ideal income for older teachers. Classes can be held at home, according to the established schedule. And recruit students from classmates or classmates of children and grandchildren. Advertising will be provided by word of mouth.
  • Collection and delivery of glass containers, waste paper or scrap metal to collection points.
  • Scientific activity, as well as assistance in writing all kinds of essays, tests, term papers or dissertations for an appropriate fee.
  • Creation of children's toys, women's and men's leather, fabric, clay and other exclusive costume jewelry.
  • Manufacturing a variety of bags from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Breeding fish, parrots, reptiles, rabbits or other animals bought for children, as well as fur-bearing animals such as chinchilla, beaver, muskrat.
  • Collecting herbs for medicinal purposes can also become a very significant part of family income.
  • Sewing scarves and napkins with personalized monograms, sold as souvenirs and gifts or produced according to the client’s individual order.
    making slippers, belts and blankets from dog hair.
  • Weaving beautiful baskets from wicker, as well as producing various souvenirs from scrap materials: ikeban, creating flower and herb compositions that have a healing effect.
  • Participation in binary options and other interactive competitions.
  • Writing children's fairy tales, ditties, and all kinds of interesting stories.
  • Production and sale of biological humus and paper cups for seedlings, including their further sale.
  • Various types of seasonal income, such as: sale of seedlings, seedlings and cuttings of various plants for the garden.
  • Sales of home preserves, baked goods or handmade soaps.
  • Teaching young people folk crafts, such as weaving from wicker, birch bark or straw, as well as weaving yarn on a spindle.
  • The work of a tutor, nanny or nurse.
  • Breeding bees for the purpose of collecting honey and other bee products for further sale.
  • Growing dung worms, making various types of food and bait for successful fishing in any weather.
  • Provide paid advice to young people on proper housekeeping or conduct training business seminars online.

Everyone has the opportunity to do any of the above activities at home, leading to material well-being and financial independence. For retirees, this is a good opportunity to increase their income.