Here is an analysis of the project. Swot analysis: examples of swot analysis. Analysis of existing management problems in Gepard LLC

  • 03.11.2019

Almost every business starts with an idea. Often she
lies on the surface, sometimes even in the truest sense of the word. One of these
ideas is the sale of black soil. It has natural benefits which,
according to experts, are necessary for success.

Benefits and
uniqueness of chernozem

Chernozem is a unique soil that gives the highest
and at the same time environmentally friendly crops. Agronomists are already convinced that
humus, which is part of the chernozem, is dozens of times superior to even the best
fertilizers. The percentage of its content in the soil is the main factor affecting
on its productivity.

In this regard, gardeners are advised to enrich their
soil areas with high humus content. The amount of black soil required
depends on the type of vegetation: for English lawns, a layer is enough
30 cm thick, and for shrubs it will take about 50 cm.

The uniqueness of chernozem is due to the fact that for its
formation takes 5000 - 8000 years, as well as suitable environmental conditions
environment. The soil should be generously moistened with groundwater, and the warm season
should be long enough. In Russia, only
a relatively small area in the region of Tula, Tambov and Voronezh.

Potential clients

In contrast to the mentioned territories, in the Moscow region and many
in other regions there are problems with fertile soil. It means that
the farmers and gardeners who live in them are potential buyers

According to analysts in the agricultural sector, the Tambov
fertile soil has every chance to win success in the market. To become
successful entrepreneur, you need desire, a small capital to start, and
also a clear idea of ​​your target audience.

A comprehensive client portrait is what should be on
weapons for every entrepreneur. If the business involves selling
chernozem, then customers should be sought among people associated with agriculture.
They can be competent farmers, summer residents and gardeners.

Since the business involves the sale of goods with delivery to
remote regions, then the Internet is best for finding customers: you can
use both your own website and services for posting ads. For
more effective you need to use paid promotion.

Soil mixtures:
the best product to sell

As a rule, the need to purchase quality soil
arises from the sale of a new private house.

Vendors are often local organizations that sell
black earth along with sand, gravel and other necessary goods. Such
firms have warehouses, transport and a circle of loyal customers. Delivery of 50 - 100 tons
100% chernozem is unprofitable from afar, in connection with which it is replaced
soil mixtures. Businessmen find soil with a high content of humus
nearby. Even the soil, which contains 10% of this substance, is proposed
like an elite black soil.

There is only one way to compete with such companies:
sell elite black soil containing at least 30% humus. An example
a quality mixture is 45% peat + 10% ash + 45% humus. Such a product
will interest a wide range of customers, incl. and serious
educated people employed in the agricultural sector.

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Where to start a business?

You need to be prepared for the fact that the costs in the first year
the work will amount to about 100 thousand rubles. At first, you can
stand in the market by renting a small area. This will allow not only
save on hiring a distributor, but also personally study your customers and
competitors. In the future, it is possible to attract a hired seller: to search for him
must be taken very carefully.

For the extraction of black soil, you can use your own site,
away from the city and with good soil. It will be comfortable there.
carry out the packaging of goods. If there is no free space, it will be required

Equipment and

First of all, you will need a sealer for packing the goods.
You can, for example, purchase an SFTD device (1000, 800, 600 or 400). Price
such equipment does not exceed 5 - 6 thousand rubles. At the same time, it is
universal and suitable for sealing any packages.

For packing, it is necessary to prepare packages containing from 1.5
up to 10 kg of soil. Some businessmen resort to cunning and sell not by weight,
but on volume. To develop a packaging design, you can contact the designers. Then
you should order a full-color print for the number of packages that
planned to sell within a month. The costs will pay for themselves, because bright and right
Designed packaging is an important factor in attracting customers.

Packages must have colorful images, as well as
well-read, simple and understandable text. The picture must be large and
understandable: potential client must see what is offered to him from a distance
3 m. The packaging must contain information about the composition of the black soil and a reasoned
information on its benefits, such as a 2-fold increase in yield, etc. When
When communicating with customers, all this must also be mentioned.

Yield and

Given the amount the average person is willing to pay
client for soil enrichment, as well as packaging and transport costs, you can
count on high profits: up to 300%. In the presence of competition, this figure
may be significantly lower, but in general, the prospects are assessed as

Bright packaging and good seller can contribute to
good profit in the first year. There is real examples businesses that brought
its founders more than 200 thousand rubles in the first six months, which is much higher
average salary in a provincial town.