Knowledge Day book exhibitions in the library titles. Celebration of Knowledge Day in children's library N3. And experience, the son of difficult mistakes

  • 31.12.2023

Make the beginning of the school year unforgettable, help transition from summer vacation to study, using a playful form of activity. The presented work will provide practical assistance in organizing the first lesson on September 1. The work will be of interest to librarians and class teachers.



Department of Education of the Polysaevsky Urban District municipal budgetary educational institution "Basic secondary school No. 17"

Journey to the Land of Knowledge(scenario of the event on September 1 in the library for 3rd grade students)

Compiled by:

Filippova Elena Vladimirovna

Head of the library

MBOU "School No. 17"

Address: 652561

Kemerovo region,

Polysayevo, st. Panferova, 20

8 (384 56) 4 33 71

Polysayevo 2013

“Journey to the Land of Knowledge” for 3rd grade students


  1. Make the beginning of the school year unforgettable, help transition from summer vacation to study, using a playful form of activity.
  2. Develop memory, attention, ingenuity, logical thinking, speech.
  3. Develop the ability to work together and coordinate your actions.

Progress of the event.

1. Organizational moment.Slide number 1 - music sounds.

Hello, girls and boys, dear parents! Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school after the holidays. Congratulations to you guys on the start of the new school year. Let our library be light from the desire to increase our knowledge and skills, let it be warm from a kind attitude towards each other. Today we will go to the land of Knowledge. It is not without reason that people say that reading is the best learning. After all, books tell about literally everything in the world - there is no question, no topic on which books have not been written. Books, like wise, kind friends, introduce you to a wonderful world. By reading, you yourself become smarter, stronger, kinder. Therefore, the proverb that says “He who reads a lot knows a lot” is true.

Let's remember the books that you have already read and guess the names of the characters discussed in the poems.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs, three pillows,

Three beds, and three mugs.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?(Three Bears) slide number 2

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

Looks at everyone through glasses

Good doctor...(Aibolit) slide No. 3

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

Round side, ruddy side,

Rolled... (Kolobok) slide No. 4

Long unknown to many

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and not long

He's called... (Cipollino) slide No. 5

I've never been to a ball,

She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun.

When did it happen that I got to the ball?

Then the prince lost his head from love,

And I lost my shoe at the same time.

Who am I? Who will tell you right away?(Cinderella) slide No. 6

You have learned many poems and excerpts from them. Now we will check how well you remember them. On slide (No. 7) The initial lines of the poem have been written, and your task is to write down the next ones and who is the author of these lines.

1. White birch tree under my window

2. The storm covers the sky with darkness

Whirling snow whirlwinds...

3. Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow

Raven perched on a spruce...

4. This is my village

This is my home...

The next competition is “Tongue Twisters”.

Whoever pronounces the tongue twisters faster and more correctly will win. And the grades will be yours, guys, applause for each participant. (Tongue twister competition).

I offer you two tongue twisters:

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack;

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

I think you guys haven't forgotten your favorite fairy tales? You are asked to answer questions.


1. What did Emelya travel on? (On the stove)

2. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (Into the swan)

3. Witch's air transport? (mortar, broom)

4. The heroine of a fairy tale who lost her glass slipper? (Cinderella)

5. Poultry that can lay golden eggs? (Chicken Ryaba)

6. The material from which the steadfast soldier from Andersen’s fairy tale was made? (Tin)

7. What is Hottabych’s magical power? (In the beard)

8. A character from a Russian fairy tale who caught a pike with a bucket? (Emelya)

9. An animal that is very difficult to pull out of the swamp? (Hippopotamus)

10. A chair for a king? (Throne)

11. Aibolit’s profession? (Doctor)

12. Did the writer Nosov send him to the Moon? (Dunno)

13. Favorite animal of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Rat Lariska)

14. Who was the prince from the fairy tale about Cippolino? (Lemon)

Guys, let's rest a little. I read the sentences. If this is true, reach your nose with your left hand; if not, reach your ear with your right hand.

  • The dog barks.
  • The mouse talks
  • Rhinoceros sleeping on a branch
  • Bear sucks a pacifier
  • The cat loves the mouse
  • The fish flies
  • A cat walks across the sky
  • The fox ate the bun
  • The wolf is afraid of the hare
  • The hare ate the wolf

The song “Twice two is four” plays. Slide number 8

Guess what, guys?

What kind of figure is an acrobat?

If it gets on your head,

It will be exactly 3 less.(Number 9) slide number 9

Her appearance is like a comma.

The tail is crocheted, and it’s no secret,

She loves all lazy people

But the lazy ones are not.(Number 2) slide No. 10

I'll turn a deuce into a 20

Of threes and fours

I can if I want

Make 30, 40. (Number 0) slide No. 11

At the baby monkey's

There were books on the table.

Nine books about animals

And four are about children.

Which of our children

Will he tell you how many books the monkeys have?(13) slide No. 12

We counted our ducklings

And, of course, we were tired.

Eight swim in the pond

Three hid in the garden

Two people are sitting under a bush

Five people are making noise in the grass.

Help us guys!

Count all the ducklings!(18) slide No. 13

Kuzma has a basket in his hands,

There are three oranges in it,

Ten plums and two persimmons.

How many fruits does Kuzma have?(15) slide No. 14

Over the summer you read, I think, a lot of books. During your time at school, you also read a lot of them. Consequently, you know many names of poets and writers whose works you have read. Recognize a poet or writer by his portrait.

Slides depicting portraits of writers.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov slide number 15

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov slide number 16

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak slide number 17

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin slide No. 18

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki slide No. 19

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy slide number 20

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin slide number 21

To get to the Land of Knowledge you need to make a promise. I will read the words of the promise, and you repeat after me: We (each says his first and last name) solemnly promise (children repeat): Slide number 22

Don't be lazy

With interest in learning,

Be curious.

To be naughty in moderation,

Do not break furniture, chairs,

Help those lagging behind

Honor and respect adults

Don't hurt kids

Value school friendships and be well-mannered!

Our meeting is coming to an end. But the fascinating journey through the Land of Knowledge is not over; it will last for a very long time. Every day we will go together to this unknown country and discover something new. Slide No. 23

Good luck guys, on an eternal quest

Truth, goodness and beauty,

To become a reality in your life

The most cherished dreams!

And friendship and unity will help you. Good luck to you guys!

“On the first fine day of September...” - this is the name of the Information Day at the Library - the center of communication and information.

A veritable parade of new books was organized for the youngest readers; for curious older readers - an exhibition has been created - viewing “What is What” from the reading room fund; Children's reading leaders, parents, and teachers were able to get acquainted with the information display “Your interests are our capabilities.”

At the festive meetings “Hello, the road to knowledge!” Students of grades 3-4 of multidisciplinary lyceum No. 4 visited. The main character of the festive meetings was Znaechka, who gave our readers a real test. And only the Sorceress and her wise Crow were able to help the children cope with the tasks of the intellectual game. The most worthy had the opportunity to take a photo with Znaechka.

Information handouts (bookmarks, booklets, business cards) have been prepared for Information Day.

In total, 114 children visited the library that day.

On September 1, on Knowledge Day, the local history library named after I.I. Vasilyov was visited by students of junior and senior classes of secondary schools in Pskov.

Library staff told second-graders of school No. 2 about the first commanders of partisan brigades (A. German, N. Vasiliev, V. Obiedkov, M. Stepanov, etc.) who operated in the area near the city of Pskov during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The guys learned how partisan brigades fought against the Nazi invaders, how they engaged in subversive activities, and protecting village residents behind enemy lines. The story was accompanied by a multimedia presentation and ended with a quiz. The winner, who answered most of the questions, was presented with the book “For the glory of the fallen, for the sake of the living.”

For high school students of school No. 18 named after V. Margelov, a book and illustrative exhibition about the ancient city of Yaroslavl and a documentary local history video film “Yaroslavl” were presented.

September 2010 marks the 1000th anniversary of the founding of the city of Yaroslavl. Throughout its thousand-year history, Yaroslavl acted as one of the strongholds of Russian statehood. The city was given high importance by the rulers of Russia, the reigning families of the Rurikovichs and Romanovs, and later by the Soviet leadership. The historical fact of the emergence of the city is an act of independent political will of the young prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (the Wise), who founded a fortress on the Volga around 1010 to ensure the security of the northeastern borders of Kievan Rus. Yaroslavl arose as the first Christian city on the Volga.

"A first-class journey into the land of knowledge."

The children enjoyed participating in competition games: “Fun Score”, “Correct Mistakes”, etc., during which they were able to test their knowledge and readiness for the new school year!

On September 1, in the reading room of the children's library No. 9, a festive game program with elements of theatrical performance "We'll be happy to go to school" took place.

Primary school students from schools No. 7 and No. 14 took an active part in the program.

The event program was very rich in content. The theatrical elements used in the program made it possible to hold the children's attention for a long time. The game form was well intertwined with various quizzes and tasks. The children had great fun finding the correct answers to the questions themselves. During the event, the children were awarded prizes for correct answers.

At the end of the meeting, all participants received sweet gifts.

And in the library there was a lesson on courage “About exploits, about valor, about glory” for 5th grade students of school No. 14.

From the librarian's story, which the children listened to with great interest, they learned about the childhood years of Alexander Nevsky's life, about his military exploits, and then took an active part in the "Heroes of the Russian Land" quiz.

The students willingly answered questions and shared their impressions.

The children were very interested in the reconstruction of the Battle of the Ice.

Everyone had a lot of fun.

In the Rodnik library, 4th grade students from school No. 12 made an educational journey “The Day of Knowledge - the beginning of achievements and daring!”, during which they visited the fairy-tale station, lessons learned, and the secrets of living nature.

Eighth-graders of EML No. 20 answered questions from the “Love and Know Your Land” tournament, which consisted of three rounds: historical, literary and natural-ecological.

At the exhibition of new books "New Homeowners in the Library" both adults and children found a lot of interesting things for themselves.

Knowledge Day at the children's library "RaDuGa"

Many countries have been discovered by us. Bookland is one of them.

Joy reigns here, fun and the light of knowledge shines.

If Queen Boredom finds her way,

There will be no place for her where cheerful laughter rings.

Every adult and child knows that any business must be started with a good mood, a cheerful joke and the conviction that a lot of good things lie ahead.

This conviction gave the spirit to the holiday “Knowledge Day at the RaDuGa Library.”

On this day, the opening of Biblioland was announced in the library, but an unforeseen event happened that threatened to spoil the holiday: Boredom, having learned about the upcoming holiday, stole, and then out of boredom tore up the map of Biblioland. The children invited to the holiday did not give Boredom the slightest chance to master the Land of Interesting Books. They solved all the riddles, successfully passed tests on the ability to draw part of a picture without seeing the whole, sing a ditty so as to bring as many smiles as possible, recognize a literary character and remember the author of a book, and finally, collect parts of a map and use it to find a magic bell, announcing the opening of Biblioland.

And once again we were convinced that those who are friends with a book will never experience boredom!

On Knowledge Day, an exhibition was presented to high school students at the Central City Library "Alexander Nevsky - Holy Knight of the Russian Land". Acquaintance with the exhibition was accompanied by a screening of the most striking fragments of the feature film “Alexander Nevsky” directed by Sergei Eisenstein.

Knowledge Day is an important holiday in the life of any schoolchild. On this significant day, all schools warmly opened their doors in anticipation of students. But September 1– this is a holiday for libraries too. On this day in children's library branch No. 3 took place holiday “On the roads of knowledge, or learning with passion” for students of grade 4 “A” of MBOU secondary school No. 8 (class teacher Dyakina L.V.).

The event began with the traditional congratulations on the beginning of the school year. The guys did not remain in debt; in response, they also congratulated the librarians, presenting them with bouquets of flowers.

Then the library workers invited the children to go on a journey along the roads of knowledge, visiting various stations.

At the Geographical station, library guests learned about how September 1 is celebrated in other countries. The children were given a booklet “September 1st in different countries”, created in the library.

Then the schoolchildren found themselves on Letter Street and took part in the “Collect Words” logic competition.

The next stop was the “Punctuation” station, where the children were able to show all their knowledge in this discipline by placing punctuation marks in the text.

In the “Accuracy and Clarity” square, everyone was able to take part in the game “Reverse Advice” (children were read the rules of behavior at school, and they added the particle “not” and said the correct option).

The next task was the unusual “Five Quiz” (the kids were asked questions to which the answer was the number 5).

Various competitions also awaited the children: “The Most School Quiz”, “Riddle Square”, “Don’t Yawn, Answer Correctly!”, “In the Kingdom of Mathematics”, the chant “Hello school! It's me!".

At the end of the holiday, the children read poems dedicated to September 1, and also took a souvenir photo near the exhibition “On the Waves of Knowledge.”

On Knowledge Day, Volgodonsk schoolchildren took part in fun holidays, educational themed hours and quizzes organized in city libraries.

The academic year for ninth-graders of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 began in library for youth No. 3.They took part in Quiz game "Intellectual Express".

The sections “Trifles of Big Science”, “Thought in Words”, “Wisdoms of Academic Life” of the “Academy of the Curious” quiz helped the children update their knowledge in the field of school sciences.

The multimedia quiz-travel “Walks along the literary streets of Volgodonsk” was presented to the students’ attention. Taking a virtual tour of the alleys and streets, ninth-graders learned a lot about the history of the city, about the writers and poets who dedicated pages of their works to the Don region. And answers to questions related to the life and work of A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontov, A. Serafimovich, M. Gorky, A.P. Chekhova, V.V. Mayakovsky, expanded knowledge of literature.

Fascinating, bright, musical holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge V library for children No. 8 .

In her welcoming speech, the head of the library, Vera Vasilyevna Nikulina, congratulated the children on the new academic year.

Third-graders from school No. 15 talked about how they spent their holidays and how many wise and entertaining books they read.

The children learned a lot of interesting and instructive things when they met the fabulous inhabitant of the library, the “Magic Suitcase of Knowledge.” Children had fun solving riddles, taking part in a magical auction, an intellectual competition and a literary quiz.A bright musical presentation added to the mood of the holiday participants.

At the end of the holiday, library staff read the poem “Parting words to a schoolchild” to the children. The children sang songs together to the words of Mikhail Plyatskovsky and the music of Vladimir Shainsky, “Twice two is four” and “They teach at school.”

September 1 started in library No. 16 "Decade of Knowledge" under the motto “The time of knowledge has come.”

These days, students of the Politek Lyceum became guests of the library. Library staff held a number of events for them.

To mark the beginning of the school year, the library began its work book exhibition “Day of Knowledge, Dreams, Daring.” The exhibition is addressed to everyone who is affected by this holiday - schoolchildren, students, teachers, educators, parents.

Librarian Irina Aleksandrovna Moskovaya presented to the children a book exhibition, through which she conducted literature review “The space of knowledge has no boundaries”. Pupils were offered publications that would help them better understand the school curriculum and even push its boundaries, and in addition, increase interest in learning. Schoolchildren got acquainted with “Fun textbooks about parts of speech” by T. Rick and “Fun problems” by Ya.I. Perelman, “entertaining manuals” on physics and chemistry, geography and astronomy, history and other fields of knowledge. The greatest interest of the audience was aroused by encyclopedias written specifically for children, colorfully designed, well published, modern and informative. These books are really about everything in the world; they fully confirm the truth contained in the title of the review, “The space of knowledge has no boundaries.”

It was interesting and unusual library lesson “The library is an empire of knowledge” for 6th grade students.

During the lesson, the children learned that in order to quickly search for information, they need to have the skills to independently select books, the ability to use catalogues, card indexes, recommended literature lists, bibliographic indexes, reference books: encyclopedias, reference books and dictionaries. In a playful way, the children were able to show and prove that constant reference to dictionaries will help in studying all school subjects, teach them to write correctly and speak beautifully. The library game taught children how to navigate the library space.

Along with this, excursions were held in the library, during which students and library guests received detailed information about the work of all departments of the library.

Also on these amazing days the library will host moral readings “Journey to the land of magic words” And hour of ethics “Good manners in any situation.”

Dear readers!
We invite you to visit interesting, educational book exhibitions organized in the libraries of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district.

Book and illustration exhibition “On the Kulikovo Field...”
(Reading room)
Book and illustration exhibition “The Book is a Step to Wisdom”
Book and illustration exhibition “My Russia - without terrorism”
Book and illustration exhibition “Female silhouette against the background of history”
Children's Department of the Central District Hospital
Book exhibition “What I saw!” (to the 135th anniversary of B. Zhitkov)
Browse literature “Oh-oh-oh O. Henry” (on the 155th anniversary of O. Henry)
Book exhibition-rebus “Reader-Guessing Game” (Knowledge Day)
Folklore tempo "It's time for business - time for fun."
Browse literature “I love you, autumn!”

Exhibition - installation “Beauty will save the world” (for World Beauty Day)
Book and illustration exhibition “History is subject to their pen”
Book and illustration exhibition “They wrote about the war”

Exhibition – surprise “Both girls and boys - everyone in the world loves books”;
Exhibition – exposition “Their names in the history of the village”;
Exhibition – memories “1957. We remember";
Book and magazine exhibition “Always young at heart”

Exhibition - lesson “Basics of the native language” (for International Literacy Day) / with library visitors;
Exhibition – panorama “From Kulikovo Field to Borodino”;
Exhibition – inspiration “What pleases the eye...” (for International Beauty Day);
Viewing in the local history zone “Ural Tank Brigade” (for Tankman’s Day);
Exhibition - monograph “How to make the whole city laugh” (on the 155th anniversary of O. Henry);
Installation “Road to the Stars” (160th anniversary of K. Tsiolkovsky).

Exhibition-call “Children get ready for school!” by September 1;
Fruit and vegetable exhibition “Miracles from the Garden” September 1-8;
Exhibition-vernissage “Autumn Colors Round Dance” September 15-October 15
Library-branch No. 6 Borisovka
“The world of knowledge is opened by a book” - an exhibition of encyclopedias;
Library-branch No. 7, Klyuchi village
“The most beautiful women in the world” for International Beauty Day (September 9);
“Forest is the gold of Russia”, dedicated to Forest Worker’s Day (September 18);
"Teenager. Health. Future";
“Love your land and sing praises” (poets of Yemanzhelinsk);
“Honor of the Uniform” (September 2 – Russian Military Glory Day);
“Homemade preparations” - sharing secrets;
"Help them survive!" (Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region);
Solo exhibition “On H.G. Wells’ Time Machine.”

Permanent book exhibitions
Central District Library (CRB)
Literary anniversaries
Thematic shelf “In book memory - the history of Russia.”
(Reading room)
Exhibition – journey “Around the world in 80 books”,
“Blue Mirrors of the Stone Belt” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 1, Rabochiy village
“Let's take care of our Earth! We have only one” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 2 Krasnogorsky
“Vernissage”, dedicated to the artists celebrating their anniversaries in 2017,
“Literary calendar” - for the anniversaries of 2017,
"Book news"
“Through the pages of the history of the village of Krasnogorsky” library quilt for the 65th anniversary of the village of Krasnogorsky.
Exhibitions and installations:
"This is how the village began"
"Famous Countrymen".
Exhibitions – expositions:
"Miner's Chronicle"
“Krasnogorsky in photographs”,
"I went through that war"
"Poets are fellow countrymen."
Library-branch No. 3, Zauralsky village
“Green miracle - Earth” as part of the Year of Ecology,
“Our vernissage: treasures of the world” Exhibition of reproductions of famous artists - heroes of the day,
Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates. “Dates. Books. Names."
Library-branch No. 4, Krasnogorsky village
"Diary of a Volunteer"
“Tolerance – harmony of diversity”,
“2017 is the year of ecology.”
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Review exhibition for the year of ecology “A House Called Earth”,
Local history exhibition “I grew up in this city”,
Ecological and local history exhibition “Know your land”,
Educational exhibition “The World of Animals and Plants”,
Assorted exhibition “About everything in the world”,
Exhibition-call “Read a book about war”,
Literary exhibition “Reading in the classical style”,
Exhibition-introduction “Famous Anniversaries”,
Exhibition-folklore “Holidays of the folk calendar”,
Exhibitions – recommendations “Once upon a time there were fairy tales” and
"Books of my childhood"