The easy way to be successful. "The Easy Way to Succeed" by Allen Carr How to Succeed

  • 10.03.2020

If you are a connoisseur of short, concise and effective rules then this book is for YOU. In total, 100 rules are described, divided into several categories. The book is really practical + Richard Templar is an Englishman with rich life experience.

In a word, I recommend reading it.

RULES FOR YOU 1. Keep your mouth shut! 2. The one who does nothing is not mistaken 3. What is done is done 4. Accept yourself as you are 5. Decide what is important and what is not 6. Find something you like 7. Develop flexibility of thinking 8. Be interested in the world around you 9. Hurry to do good 10. Only dead fish go with the flow 11. Don't be the first to raise your voice 12. Listen to your inner voice 13. Down with fear, down with doubts, down with indecision 14. I want to do it - and I will do it 15. Count to ten 16. Change only what you can change 17. Strive to be the best, don't settle for second place 18. Dare to dream 19. Live in the present 20. Don't live in tomorrow 21. Hurry up to live - life is too fleeting 22. Dress up every day as if you are going to an important meeting 23. You need to believe in something 24. Create your own space 25. Make a plan 26. A sense of humor will save the world 27. As you bed, so you will sleep 28. Your life is your advertisement 29. Always be ready to step out of your comfort zone 30. Learn to ask questions 31. Maintain dignity 32. Don’t be ashamed to show your feelings 33. Don’t despair 34. You can’t understand everything 35. Remember where happiness comes from 36. Know how to let go and know how to leave 37. Take care of yourself 38. Always remember good manners 39. Clean up on time 40. Remember the essentials 41. Draw boundaries around yourself 42. Buy for quality, not for price 43. People have feelings 44 Stay young 45. Money doesn’t solve everything 46. Think with your own head 47. You can’t be responsible for everything at once 48. Find something in life that would distract you from yourself 49. Only good man feels guilty 50. If you cannot say anything good, keep silent RULES OF BEHAVIOR WITH A PARTNER 51. Everyone is different, know how to rejoice, finding something that unites you 52. Allow your partner to be himself 53. It should be pleasant to communicate with you 54. At first figure out what you want 55. Be the first to ask for forgiveness 56. Make him happy 57. Have someone who is always happy to see you 58. Know when to listen and when to act 59. Be there in sorrow and in joy 60. Making love - love your partner 61. Speech made a person a person 62. Respect your partner's personal space 63. Have common goals with your partner 64. Treat your partner more carefully than your best friend 65. The main goal is satisfaction 66. Everyone has their own rules RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN THE FAMILY AND WITH FRIENDS 67. Know how to be friends 68. Always make time for those you love 69. Let children make mistakes 70. Be patient and generous with parents 71. Don’t pressure children 72. Lend only the amount to that you are ready to lose 73. There are no bad children 74. Be close to those you love 75. Children should have responsibilities 76. A good quarrel is not a hindrance to the world 77. Your children will be friends with “bad” children 78. You are in the role of a child 79 You as a parent RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN SOCIETY 80. We are closer than you think 81. It's easy to forgive 82. It's not hard to help 83. Be proud of what you do together 84. What will they get out of it? 85. Associate with good people 86. Invest in your time and knowledge 87. Get involved 88 Maintain a high moral standard 89. Plan your career 90. View your community as part of a larger picture 91. Think about the possible consequences of your actions 92. Be a good professional 93. Be aware of the wrong done 94. Strive for creation, not destruction 95. Do not create problems, but participate in their resolution 96. Leave a good mark on history 97. Keep your eyes open 98. There are no absolutely harmless things 99. Got? Have taken? Give 100. Find a new rule every day. Or at least look for it

Books by Allen Carr have helped many people to radically change their lives, get rid of addictions, which is far from always possible. One of these books by the author is easy way to achieve success". It will be useful to anyone who is not indifferent to his own life. The book talks about how to become successful, even if you don’t want to get up at dawn, work 7 days a week and 12-16 hours a day. The author encourages you to think about your life path, about your priorities.

Most people are used to focusing on what they hear from friends or see on TV. And from the screens we are often told about success, but they do not mention that the concept of success is different for everyone. And people believe, they are easily convinced that to be successful means having apartments, houses, cars, summer cottages, huge bank accounts and traveling several times a year. They constantly compare themselves to others, getting depressed that they cannot consider themselves successful.

This book will help you rethink your attitude to life and the concept of success. She will tell you how to succeed in any field. And the main thing here is not hard physical efforts or efforts of will, but an open mind and a willingness to change. When you manage to get rid of stereotypes and understand what personal success is, then you can change your life.

On our site you can download the book "The Easy Way to Succeed" by Carr Allen for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

The Easy Way to Succeed Allen Carr

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Title: The Easy Way to Succeed
Author: Allen Carr
Year: 2000
Genre: Foreign psychology, Personal growth, Psychotherapy and counseling

About The Easy Way to Succeed by Allen Carr

Allen Carr is an outstanding English author of a number of fundamental works designed to improve the quality of life of every person. His main specialization is to help with overweight, smoking and alcohol addiction. In the meantime, he wrote another widely acclaimed book called The Easy Way to Succeed. this work aims to help people discover their talent and abilities in absolutely any professional field, establish personal life and just become happy man. It should be read by anyone who wants to fulfill all their desires and achieve their goals.

In his book The Easy Way to Succeed, Allen Carr emphasizes that life path, the character and habits of each of us are original, so everyone has his personal interpretation and awareness of success. And this difference in views is extremely entertaining, since it is through it that the ability to formulate thoughts and reason is revealed. As for the definition of the word "success", it is almost universally associated with such concepts as fame, power and wealth. In his work, the author gives practical advice about how to succeed in our deeply personal understanding of the word. Therefore, first the reader will have to decide on a definition, and only then start reading this work.

Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Succeed" does not require any sacrifice or incredible effort of will from us. All that needs to be done on the part of the reader is to clear his mind of numerous harmful clichés and clearly identify the true criteria for individual success, thanks to which each of us will be able to realize himself in any field: both in the professional field and in personal life. In addition, the author repeatedly emphasizes that intuition or the so-called lucky chance plays an important role on the path to success. This statement is confirmed by the fact that in all the biography of outstanding personalities, an important factor of luck can be traced. At the same time, we can talk about how, by the will of fate, to find yourself in the right place at the right time, and about meeting in time on your way the right person. In all these cases, there is one fact: a well-developed intuition helped these people succeed. The book The Easy Way to Succeed details what you need to do to maximize your chances of becoming a real darling of fortune and getting everything out of life.