How painful it is to be indifferent to yourself. Do you agree with Suvorov's opinion: "How painful is indifference to oneself"? What leads to indifference? What is the danger of indifference

  • 13.04.2020
If you don't want evil, don't do good.

While we feel someone else's pain,
As long as compassion lives in us,
While we dream and run wild
There is an excuse for our life.
Andrey Dementiev

In the morning I went to visit my neighbor, I come to the hut, and she, cordial, has already froze. Yes, as she was dying, she fell on the girl. She crushed this one - twisted her leg. The people gathered - washed, hid, made a coffin, buried. Everything kind people. The girls were left alone. Where to put them? And I was one of the women with a child. The first boy was fed for the eighth week. I took them on time. The peasants gathered, thought, thought, where to put them, and they say to me: "You, Marya, hold the girls for the time being, and we, give time, will think about them." And I breast-fed the straight one once, but I didn’t even feed this crushed one: I didn’t expect her to be alive. Yes, I think to myself, why is the angelic darling thrilled? It was a pity that too. She began to feed, but somehow one of hers and these two - three of them breast-fed! She was young, she was strong, and the food was good. And God gave so much milk in the breasts that they would fill up, it happened. I feed two, it happened, and the third is waiting. One falls off, I'll take the third. Yes, God brought it so that she fed these, and buried hers in her second year. And God did not give more children. And wealth began to increase. Now we live here at the merchant's mill. Great pay, good life. And there are no children. And how would I live alone, if not for these girls! How can I not love them! Just me and the wax in the candle, what are they!
Lev Tolstoy. How people live

Parable of the Good Samaritan

And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempting Him, said:
Teacher! what should I do to inherit eternal life?
And he said to him, What is written in the law? how do you read? He answered and said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus said to him: You answered correctly; do so, and you will live. But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus: And who is my neighbor? Jesus said to this: a certain man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and was caught by robbers, who took off his clothes, wounded him and left, leaving him barely alive. By chance, a priest was walking along that road and, seeing him, passed by. Likewise, the Levite, being at that place, approached, looked, and passed by. But a certain Samaritan, passing by, found him, and, seeing him, had compassion, and, going up, bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine; and putting him on his donkey, he brought him to an inn and took care of him; and the next day, as he was leaving, he took out two denarii, gave it to the innkeeper, and said to him, Take care of him; and if you spend more, I will give it to you when I return. Which of these three, do you think, was the neighbor of the one who was caught by the robbers? He said: Who showed him mercy. Then Jesus said to him: Go, and you do the same.

Probably everyone knows the words of A.V. Suvorov: “How painful is indifference to oneself!” What do they mean?

Indifference to oneself can be called sacrificing one's interests for the sake of others. These are situations when a person does something that he does not quite want, and in general he had plans for how to spend the time spent, but for some reason he sacrifices his time and plans.

A person is simply being used, and to some extent he can understand this, but he cannot do anything with himself. He is indifferent to himself, but not indifferent to the people around him. Carrying the burden of such a life is very painful.

No less dangerous for society is the situation when a person is indifferent to other people. In general, indifference is a disregard for something, indifference. Indifference to other people can manifest itself in different ways. The most striking example is to walk past a person who needs help, not to give him a hand and not save him. Everyone in life has had such cases when the help of a neighbor is simply needed, and help came from a caring person. But what if this very neighbor is indifferent and you should not expect help from him?

Thus, humanity must overcome indifference, because otherwise indifference will defeat humanity.

Updated: 2017-09-20

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Direction " Indifference and responsiveness"is included in the list of topics for the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year.

Below will be presented examples and additional materials for developing the theme of indifference and responsiveness in the final essay.

FIPI commentary on the essay in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness"

Subject directions "Indifference and responsiveness" orients schoolchildren to awareness of the diversity of forms of a person's relationship to the people around him and to the world as a whole.

These relationships can be expressed in the form of indifference to others, unwillingness to pay attention and sympathy to a stranger, or vice versa - in the form of frank empathy for someone, the ability to sincerely rejoice at someone's successes and achievements.

Both hypostases of human relations are presented in the literature. On the one hand, we meet selfless heroes who are ready to respond to other people's hardships and joys, and on the other hand, selfish, proud and indifferent characters who are only concerned about their own fate.

An example of a final essay on the topic Indifference and responsiveness

You can live your life differently. Pass with a zealous step over the heads of enemies, friends, strangers and loved ones. Or do what you can to help relatives, pay attention to the lonely, take care of the house, the street, the city ... and, of course, for your country.

Be an egoist, only care about yourself - or feel, support, empathize? Despite the obviousness of the answer, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems.

Science has proven that only a psychopath - a person with an obvious psychiatric disorder - can be absolutely indifferent and not feel sorry for others. These people basically do not understand feelings. Gradually, they master the language of spiritual sensations, moods and emotions. But for them this language is "non-native", it is needed only to manipulate other people. Even their own children and parents have no spiritual value for individuals suffering from psychopathy. And this is perhaps the most exhaustive and absolute manifestation of indifference.

AT real life indifferent people, of course, do not have such radical character traits. Ordinary indifference is selfishness, indifference, indifference of a person. This is a focus solely on one's own interests, one's own benefit, one's opinion. Such people do not want to help, sympathize, support or approve.

In my opinion, the main problem of the correlation between the categories of indifference and responsiveness is that these character traits have a deep subconscious context. An indifferent person can be explained that to sympathize, support and help other people is good, positive, creation and love. All this is quite understandable for an indifferent person, but she is controlled by completely different thoughts and motives - achieving her own goals, ensuring personal comfort, obtaining her own benefit. An indifferent person accepts all the previously listed synonyms for responsiveness only if it turns out to be beneficial for him. It is this attitude towards others, this way of thinking that forms the basis of a selfish personality. It is almost impossible to change such a person.

The opposite of indifference is responsiveness. This is a character trait that manifests itself in compassion, sympathy, sympathy, good nature and attentive attitude to the lives of others. A sympathetic person will not be able to pass by someone in need of help. His soul is open, he sincerely empathizes and rejoices for friends, relatives and loved ones. And this brings him true satisfaction and fills him with spiritual strength.

Responsiveness is a positive and creative property of a person. It is an integral component social interaction and progressive development of society. This is one of the most important features due to which human civilization progresses.

Returning to the previously voiced thesis about the low probability of eradicating indifference, it is worth recognizing that responsiveness is a much less stable and indestructible trait of a person. Under the yoke of life's hardships and disappointments, anger and aggression of others - the sensitivity of the soul becomes stale, sincerity and frankness are replaced by distrust, and sympathy - by hypocrisy. That is why it is so important to form and constantly improve responsiveness in our heart, to practice goodness in deeds, and in thoughts - openness, sensitivity and empathy.

Theses and arguments for an essay on the topic Indifference and responsiveness

1. Indifference and responsiveness to people (outsiders or relatives; friends or opponents; just to those who need help or support). It would be appropriate to consider an indifferent attitude to other people's troubles and indifference to success. It will be interesting to compare and compare the heroes of literary works - philanthropists and misanthropes, egoists and good-natured sensitive characters).

The theme of indifference in love deserves special attention. Indifference and unrequited feelings are a favorite subject of popular fiction.

2. Indifference and responsiveness to the surrounding world, animate and inanimate nature.

3. Indifference and "responsiveness of the soul" to aesthetic values, art and beauty.

4. Indifference and responsiveness as two extremes of human nature. Here you can analyze the forms of extreme manifestation of these properties: indifference - in fatal egoism and indifference, and responsiveness - in fanaticism. A person inclined to help in a row, forgetting about himself, often literally "puts on his neck" the object of his care. AT fiction As in life, there are plenty of such examples. (For example, A.P. Chekhov’s “Scum” or even A.S. Pushkin’s Tale of a Fish and a Fish).

Topics of the final essay in the direction "Indifference and responsiveness"

An approximate list of essay topics in this direction.

What does it mean to be "responsive"?

What does it mean to be "indifferent"?

What is the danger of indifference?

How do you understand the words of A.V. Suvorova: “How painful is indifference to oneself!”?

Do no good - you will not get evil. Can responsiveness lead to disappointment?

Is it necessary to learn responsiveness and empathy?

Can an indifferent person be called selfish?

What is the relationship between kindness and kindness?

Do you agree with the statement that “healthy selfishness” is good for you?

What life lessons help develop responsiveness?

Is it always necessary to be responsive?

What leads to indifference to nature?

Do you agree that indifference "corrodes the soul" of a person?

Should we fight injustice?

What is stronger - indifference or responsiveness?

Responsiveness to oneself implies indifference to others?

False responsiveness and sincere indifference.

Self-forgetful responsiveness and dependency.

Approval, admiration, support or hypocrisy?

Is it possible to make a sympathetic person out of an indifferent person, and an indifferent person out of a sympathetic one?

Is indifference just selfishness and indifference, or is it also heartlessness, malice and malevolence?

Is indifference already misanthropy or just opportunism?

Quotes for the final essay in the direction "Indifference and responsiveness"

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. | Quote author: A.P. Chekhov |;

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. | Quote by: H. Murakami |;

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.

Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.

Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. | Quote author: B. Yasenskiy |;

The worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. | Quote by: Bernard Shaw |;

Sympathy is indifference in a superlative degree. | Quote from Don Aminado |;

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. | Quote from Van Gogh |;

How painful is indifference to oneself! | Quote author: A.V. Suvorov |;

I always believe and will continue to believe so in the future that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. | Quote author: O. Mirabeau |;

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. | Quote author: Maxim Gorky |;

Coldness is a consequence not only of a sober conviction that one is right, but also of an unprincipled indifference to the truth. | Quote by: Ch. Lam |;

When a person is so wounded that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent. | Quote author: O. Wilde |;

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. | Quote author: G. Lichtenberg |;

There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is alien to the human, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. | Quote author: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin |;

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. | Quote by Guy de Maupassant |;

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have an essential flaw that will close all doors to you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes without him to understand that he is a fool. | Quote author: E. Zola |;

Indifference is a serious disease of the soul. | Quote author: A. de Tocqueville |;

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the misty abyss of the future, but indifference is blind and stupid from birth. | Quote author: K. A. Helvetius |;

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult is indifference. | Quote author: K.L. Burne |;

The most unforgivable sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. | Quote by J. Shaw |;

Egoism is the root cause of cancer of the soul. | Quote author: V. A. Sukhomlinsky |;

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the blessings of another for himself alone considers it his duty to use misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family. | Quote author: L.N. Tolstoy |;

Indifference is the highest cruelty. | Quote author: M. Wilson |;

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than screaming.

Indifference is worse than war. | Quote author: M. Luther |;

On the way you need a companion, in life - sympathy. | Quote author: proverb |;

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness... | Quote author: E. Zola |;

I will tell you a terrible secret! There are weapons of mass destruction in the world that hit unmistakably and accurately. And kills on the spot. This is indifference!

It's amazing, but true. And it also works on a global scale.

As for a person, nothing humiliates, revolts and destroys him so much as the indifference of those around him.

Why do you think terrible, eccentric, wonderful, strange acts are committed in the world? Why do people go crazy with ? Why do wars happen, after all? There is only one reason - the initiators and instigators of all this disgrace do not have enough attention to their person.

After all, what is attention? It is a sign of your presence in the world. Even if it is negative attention, anger or resentment. Does not matter! You will be noticed. So, you will receive a certain share of social strokes or slaps. That human energy that will give you the strength to live.

“The greatest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. After all, my dear, if you look closely at people, you yourself will be surprised how much hate is like love.. Bernard Show.

No wonder they say that from love to hate is one step. And all because both love and are powerful energies of attention to your personality. That is what your being requires.

Sometimes the indifference of others can be a stimulus to development. It makes a person go out of his way to prove his worth. Tell me honestly, have you never done anything to prove that you are smarter, more beautiful, smarter, kinder? “I will prove it to you, you will still cry without me, I will show you again!” - spinning sometimes in the head. Familiar?

I dare to say that most human actions are implicated precisely in this motivation: “I want to be noticed!” "Look at me!" “See how good I am (brave, smart, wise, handsome, etc.)!”

One of the leading human needs is related to recognition. We want others to notice us. Appreciated. Adopted into their flock. Loved it in the end. We want to be loved!

Sometimes, in order to experience this feeling, even if it is deceitful, we are ready to humiliate ourselves and ask. Get addicted and forget about our own needs, devoting ourselves to the one we love. But try to honestly answer the question: “Are you doing this for him or for yourself?” Just be honest. Even in love, we are often focused on our own experiences, our own sacrifices, which must be rewarded. And if they are not rewarded and loved ones show us indifference or inattention, we suffer.

Oh, this is truly a terrible weapon. And in every sense. It can even be said that this is a terrible devilish weapon with which people are able to destroy life itself (if they are indifferent to the problems of the Earth).

What do we know about indifference?

Firstly indifference is worse than hatred. It is the most brutal weapon imaginable. If you don't know how to defeat your enemies, you can kill them in a simple and affordable way. Ignore. Complete and final. One that automatically turns a living, warm person into an empty place. Not even a corpse, but simply nothing. Remember that this is a very cruel and inhuman weapon.

Secondly, promotes the spread of evil. "Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their silent consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth."(American poet Richard Eberhart).

Thirdly, indifference is a killer. It destroys desires and dreams. The indifferent turns into a living corpse, which nothing holds on this planet. As a rule, such people die.

Indifference to a person on the part of others can lead to his illness and death. Especially if he fails to win attention, even negative. And not knowing how to achieve positive attention and love, each outcast will strive with all his might to achieve at least some, even the opposite effect. Because this is also a result proving to him that he exists!

Fourth, indifference as a way to get away from the frailty of existence has nothing to do with indifference-emptiness, which is discussed in this article. The so-called enlightenment, liberation from thoughts and passions, the emptiness to which Buddhist monks aspire is only a way to be filled with a higher meaning. But not indifference.

Don't create voids

Everyone knows the rule of communicating vessels? The law of filling voids requires that there be no void. If we create it, we are killing ourselves. "There are two ways to kill yourself - suicide and indifference". (Jonathan Coe).

Therefore, use this terrible weapon very carefully. Yes, of course, for some time you can send all your virtual or real offenders to ignore. But time will pass, and the empty space may be filled with new trolls. Therefore, indifference is only a temporary, tactical move. Signaling to someone who misbehaves that he is wrong.

Many people are kept in the tonus of life by only one attentive look of a complete stranger. Think about it. And look around with that attentive and kind look.

Our main strategy should remain And indifference is not characteristic of it by definition.