Bird feeder poster. Reading fiction

  • 14.04.2020

Tatyana Subbotina

Winter has been very cold this year. Lots of people die this time of year. birds especially in severe frosts. They need a lot of energy to live, and feed in winter they find little(insects in hibernation, grass seeds under the snow). Birds our help is needed. To help the wintering birds, it is important to constantly feed them during the winter.

In January in our senior group "Bell" action was taken « Feed the birds in winter. The purpose of the action was to draw the attention of children and their parents to the problem winter feeding birds. To expand the pupils' understanding of wintering birds of our region. Learn to take care of your feathered friends.

Together with the children, we made a collective wall newspaper« Feed the birds in winter

I found a poster on the Internet "What to feed birds in winter downloaded and printed.

Children made applications of various birds(titmouse, bullfinches, sparrows and magpies).





They glued the application of the girl, birds, feeders, a mountain ash with clusters of berries, a sprig of spruce and information (which bird which food is best) on paper.

wall newspaper hung out in the dressing room of the group.

Parents together with their children drew flyers and prepared for birds unusual houses-feeding troughs.

Related publications:

“Why do birds fly closer and closer to human dwellings in winter?” I asked the children. The answer was obvious. Because they know what we are.

Winter - hard time year for our feathered friends. Because of the cold, all insects hid, only some trees retained their fruits. We are with mine.

In the Urals this year, the summer was not the best, and therefore I started working with my parents in early autumn. A round table and a master were held.

State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 625 with in-depth study of mathematics Nevsky.

With the onset of winter, in parks and squares, you can see various small birds: titmouse, sparrows, bullfinches, and whitefinches. These birds stay with.

In our preschool there was a theme week on the theme "Feed the birds in winter". I prepared and conducted OOD "Winterers.

The parents of our group were invited to take part in the January competition "Feed the Birds in Winter". Our parents showed a creative approach.

Animals need help!

According to statistics, in winter time year, nine out of ten tits die of starvation.

We watched with sad eyes migratory birds, but there are those who will delight our eyes all winter.
Animals and birds spend winter in different ways. In the cold and hungry season, caring for our smaller brothers will save the lives of many animals. If you arrange a lesson at home with dad, you can make a bird feeder. Finding it, the tits will have a chance to live until spring. Tits should be fed unsalted bacon - salt is toxic to them. Suitable food for rooks, pigeons, sparrows is bread and grain.

Let the toys rest.
We are on a frosty winter day
Let's make a feeder with my brother
And hang it outside the window.
It is not easy for birds in winter,
They have a lot of trouble in the cold.
We are waiting for you, dear tits,
Fly in for lunch.
We will pour wheat for you
And something else.
Come to us, tits,
It's very good with you!

V. Gvozdev

In the forest, deer and elk have a particularly hard time when crust forms on the snow - during this period they injure their legs on the hard, sharp edge of the crust and cannot quickly run away from predators. So, if you have to walk in the winter forest, do not forget to take a treat for the animals: grain, bread and pour salt on the stumps along the way. Forest dwellers will definitely appreciate your treat.

But we should not forget about the city's homeless animals who are looking for food so as not to die of hunger. You can put bowls for them near the entrance or in the courtyard of the house. And remember: you can’t drive pets that bother you out of the house in winter!

It is also necessary to prepare hay for rural animals from the summer: cows, rabbits, sheep, horses.

People can make life much easier for our smaller brothers. Everyone can help!

MBOU « Field Lyceum »

Kursk district, Kursk region

preparatory group

preschool education

Environmental project

"Feed the birds in winter!"

Project passport

Project type:

Cognitive research

By time:

medium duration(3 months)

By number of participants:


Project participants:

children, teachers, parents.

Project relevance: Many birds die in winter: out of ten, only one or two survive until spring. A hungry bird does not tolerate even mild frosts.

Problem for children:

How do our friends, birds, survive in winter, how can we help them in this difficult time?

Objective of the project : fostering a caring attitude towards birds.

Project objectives:

1) to form in children ideas about the features of the life and behavior of birds in the cold season;

2) arouse in children sympathy for birds that suffer from cold and hunger in winter, desire and readiness to help them;

3) develop cognitive interest in native nature;

4) develop communication skills;

5) develop Creative skills;

6) to educate the principles of ecological culture;

7) involve pupils and their parents in active nature protection activities.

Stage I - preparatory

1. Study methodological material on the implementation of environmental actions in preschool educational institutions.

2. Determining the content, forms and methods of organizing work.

3. Compilation fiction, didactic games, electronic presentations

4. Creating a wall newspaper for parents “Feed the birds in winter! ". Placement in the information corner of the wall newspaper of an appeal to parents and children to take an active part in the implementation of the project.

Stage II - the main

Working with parents:

-Placement of booklets “Help the birds! »

Work with children:

- "Wintering birds";

5 ) Didactic games .

6) Dialog games .

8) productive activity.

Stage II - the main

Working with parents:

-Call to participate in environmental action“Feed the birds in winter! »;

-Participation in the competition "Best feeder"

- Making bird feeders together with children;

- Feeding birds with children on a walk;

Work with children:

1) A cycle of classes to get acquainted with the natural world. "Little Birds";

- "Wintering birds";

2) Reading fiction.

4) Cycle bird watching for a walk.

5 ) Didactic games .

6) Dialog games .

7) Mobile and finger games.

8) productive activity.

9) examination of reproductions, illustrations, albums "Wintering Birds";

10) view multimedia presentations"Winter Birds".

1. Creating a wall newspaper: "Feed the birds in winter!".

The children participated enthusiastically

in the design of the wall newspaper.

Parents were also actively involved

in the design of the wall newspaper .

Placing an appeal to parents in the information corner of the wall newspaper

active participation in the implementation of the project.

2. Competition: "Bird feeder".

Vorobyov Artyom and his father Alexander Alexandrovich worked on the creation of this feeder. Feeding trough Artyom won first place in the competition « Bird feeders » .

This feeder was made by Mikhail Tibaev and his father Alexei Igorevich.

According to the results of the competition, the feeder took second place.

Kharskaya Sofya and her father Sergey Anatolyevich worked on the creation of this feeder . The feeder took third place in the "Bird Feeder" competition.

3. Cycle of classes "Wintering Birds"


Subject: « Bullfinch on a rowan branch» .

artistic and aesthetic development


Topic: "What birds flew to the feeder."

artistic and aesthetic development


Topic: "Bullfinches - titmouse".

artistic and aesthetic development


Subject: « Such different wintering birds » .

4 . Cognitive research activity on a walk:

"Feed the Birds in Winter"

Goals: 1. Teach children to distinguish birds by plumage, size, habits.

2. Develop observation, memory, speech; develop movement, dexterity, speed of reaction, action on a signal.

3. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds; kindness, diligence. responsiveness, desire to help and do good deeds.


here in December, a woodpecker and a titmouse flew in.

In January, two titmouse flew in to enjoy a delicious treat. And again our woodpecker landed on his favorite place.

Game activity

Outdoor games : "Owl and Birdies", "Owl", "Birdcatcher", physical education minutes, exercises for the development of hand motor skills.

Didactic board games:

« fourth extra » , « Pick up the bird » , "Lotto-birds". « What's first, what's next » , « Guess whose tail?", "Who eats what." " wintering - migratory birds".

Acquaintance with fiction:

Reading stories - V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", A. Barto "Crows", G. Boyko "Fly under the window", N. Sladkov “The Magic Shelf”, “A Piece of Bread”, V. Bianchi “The Crazy Bird”, G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplin “What does the woodpecker feed on in winter”, “Winter guests”, memorizing the poem “Feed the birds in winter! ",

A. Prokofiev "Bullfinch", N. Rubtsov "Sparrow", viewing presentations: Wintering birds, Feeders, Discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations depicting wintering birds.

Stage III – final

  • Presentation of the result of the project in the form of a presentation.
  • Design of mini projects "Wintering Bird".

- Project performance analysis.

Results of the project implementation.

Expanded children's horizons about wintering birds.

The subject-developing environment has improved: literature, photographs, illustrations, poems, stories about birds, riddles, presentations about wintering birds.

Children developed curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.

Pupils and their parents took an active part in helping the birds in difficult winter conditions.


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