Psychological training in the group games and exercises. Group interaction training. Psychological games and exercises for children

  • 18.11.2019

Aigul Khaliullina
Team building training "We are one team"

Team building training"We one team"

Target: team building and building an effective team interaction.


Build trust in collective;

Development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;

Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

Awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;

Developing the ability to work team;

Psychologist: hello! The purpose of our training is team building and building an effective team interaction. Rallying is an opportunity for teams become a single whole for the achievement of specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. Close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Explanation of the rules of the “game” and conditions.

These include: manifestation of activity, speak exclusively from oneself, listen to each other without interrupting, do not discuss outside training ongoing exercises, each participant has the right to interrupt the lesson and leave training by personally informing team.

An exercise "You are welcome"

Target: Cheer up, and tune in to further exercises.

Exercise progress:

Option 1. All participants in the game, together with the leader, become in a circle. The host says that he will show different movements (physical education, dance, comic, and the players should repeat them only if he adds the word to the show "please". Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Option 2. The game goes the same as in the first option, but only the one who makes a mistake goes to the middle and performs some task, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc. Note: to stipulate from the very beginning that this is a comic exercise and should not be taken seriously (take offense).

A game "Through the Ring"

Target: improved coordination of joint actions in collective.

Exercise progress:

A hoop with a diameter of 1 meter is made in advance. The participants of the game stand in a line and hold hands. Man, standing first in a line, holding a hoop in his hand. The task of the participants is to pass through the hoop without opening their hands. At the end, the hoop should be on the opposite edge of the line. D

Recognize the drawing (how well do you know each other)

Goals: help participants get to know each other better; create motivation to work together. Attributes: markers; sheets of paper; move exercises: Trainer asks the participants question: “How long have you been working together and how well do you know each other?”

After the participants' answers, the following instruction: “Draw, please, for 5 (10) minutes of your portrait in this team how you see yourself in it, so that to tell: "That's me". Drawings do not need to be signed.

After completion of work trainer collects drawings in a common pack. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board (you can put the drawing in a circle before this so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following issues:

What is this person like?

Who could it be? Participants guess the author of the drawing. After the group found out who the author of the drawing was, trainer asks him to tell something more about himself (at the request of the participant) .

An exercise "Shapes"

Target: This game is team building. During this game, you can track many points that are important for team building training. For example, member roles, group dynamics, etc.

Exercise progress:

You will need a rope with a length of 1 m * the number of participants.

Instruction: For the next exercise, you need the whole group to stand in a circle. Take the rope in your hands and stand so that the correct circle is formed. Now close your eyes and without opening them, build a square. Only verbal communication can be used. When you consider that the task is completed, let me know. Mission completed?

Open your eyes. Do you think you succeeded in completing the task?

We listen to the answers, but do not comment on them.

Now I will offer you to build another figure under the same conditions. Can you build it in a shorter time? Good. I suggest repeating the experiment. We close our eyes. Your task is to build an equilateral triangle.

Summing up the exercise:

Are you satisfied with the result of the group?

What factors influenced the success of the task?

Which of these factors could you influence?

What conclusions will you draw from the exercise?

A game "Merry Account"

The goal is to withdraw internal stress and psychological discomfort.

Exercise progress:

The leader calls any number, not exceeding the number of participants in the group. According to this number (e.g. 5) must synchronously rise, without saying a word 5 people. The exercise forces participants to anticipate each other's thoughts and actions. Draws increased attention to gestures, attitudes and mannerisms. Discussion. Why was it not immediately possible to complete the task and what helped to achieve the result?

An exercise "Talking Hands"

Target: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Exercise progress: Participants form two circle: internal and external standing facing each other. The host gives teams, which participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that by team the leading outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Variants of instructions formed couples:

1. Say hello with your hands.

2. Fight with your hands.

3. Make peace with your hands.

4. Show support with your hands.

5. Feel sorry for your hands.

6. Express joy.

7. Wish good luck.

8. Say goodbye with your hands.

Psychological sense exercises: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants due to bodily contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops. Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

An exercise "Present"

Target: positive ending training, reflection.

Time: 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Leading: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give to the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!"

Psychological sense exercises: Ritual to complete training beautiful and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion: "Our training came to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What did you find useful for yourself and for the group? Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you were active, worked harmoniously in team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

Group interaction training

“The career success of a person is 80% dependent on his ability to communicate and only 20% on the level of his professionalism.”

D. Carnegie

Training objectives:

  • formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;
  • finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;
  • initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;
  • awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;
  • development of the ability to work in a team;
  • group cohesion.

Our work today involves some rules, namely:

  • trusting style of communication;
  • active participation in what is happening;
  • communication on the principle of "here and now";
  • respect for each other.

The interaction of people can be carried out in:

Group. The group is characterized by a constant loss of energy and resources in the interaction of people with each other. This loss occurs during conflicts arising from duplication of functions, avoidance of responsibility, unnecessarily high control. Energy is spent on "friction" with each other. The philosophy of such interaction: “I will win, and you will lose”, “I will win, at the expense of you”, “If I see that I will lose, I will make everyone lose.”

Team characterized by the fact that each person is a contribution to the common cause, exactly as much as it is required of him. With such interaction, there are practically no losses for interpersonal conflicts. This form of interaction is characterized by the philosophy “I will win on my own, and you win as you can yourself”, “I will win without you”.

Team - all-encompassing human interaction. Due to complementarity, taking responsibility for the overall result, openness in the exchange of resources, a result becomes possible that is not available with other types of interaction. With such interaction, there are no losses for interpersonal conflicts, for clarifying functional responsibility, additional stimulation for activity, while the magic of team spirit begins and a real corporate culture is being formed. This type of interaction is characterized by the philosophy “I will win when you win”, “I will win when we all win”.

What kind of community is your organization? Why?

The command is:

  • all team members clearly understand the goals and benefits of working together;
  • the skills of each person are known to the rest and the functions are distributed;
  • the organizational structure of the team corresponds to the task being performed;
  • the team is looking for new, more advanced methods of work;
  • developed self-discipline, allowing efficient use of time and resources;
  • sufficient opportunities have been created to get together and discuss any issues, resolve conflicts;
  • the team supports its members and creates close relationships;

relations in the team are open, and she is ready to meet any difficulties and obstacles in the way of effective work.

The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of labor collective, which determine its main mood.

1. Exercise "Yes, I'm like that ..."

Participants stand in a circle face to face. The inner circle is moving. The inner circle compliments, the outer circle says: Yes, I am. Also, I can…”

Discussion : What are the feelings after what was said? What was said deservedly, objectively? Did you feel sincerity or formality? Which was easier: giving compliments or taking them?

2. Exercise "Constructing a circle"

Time: 10 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Participants close their eyes and begin to randomly move around the room (you can make a buzz like disturbed bees; this avoids talking that interferes with the exercise). At the prearranged signal of the leader, everyone stops in those positions where the signal caught them, after which they try to stand in a circle without opening their eyes and without talking, you can only touch each other with your hands. When everyone takes their places and stops, the host gives a second prearranged signal, according to which the participants open their eyes. As a rule, it is not possible to build a perfectly even circle.

This exercise creates very good conditions for the facilitator to observe the behavioral styles of the participants. In addition, it can be used for express diagnostics of group cohesion.

Discussion : What gives this game? Why didn't the perfect circle turn out right away? What did you focus on when building?

3. Exercise "Turn in jumps"

Time: 2-3 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Participants disperse in space so that the distance between neighbors is at least half a meter, and stand facing in one direction. Further, on the conditional signal of the leader, everyone simultaneously performs a jump in place. When jumping, you can turn in any direction by 90, 180, 240 or 360 °. Everyone decides for himself where and how much to turn, it is impossible to agree on this. Each next jump is made at the next signal from the position in which the participants landed earlier. The task here is to ensure that after the next jump, all participants land with their faces turned in one direction. The number of attempts required for this is recorded.

Discussion : Is it possible to successfully complete this task, acting on the principle of “every man for himself?

4. Exercise "Boots"

Time: 10-15 min.

Everyone sits in a circle, take off their shoes and put them in the center. Then they mix the shoes and scatter them to different ends of the class. Everyone stands up and holds hands.

Exercise : everyone should put on shoes without separating their hands. If the circle breaks, everything starts all over again.

Discussion: Are you satisfied with how you performed the exercise, who helped you? What was the first thing you tried to do: put on shoes yourself or help a neighbor put them on?

We divide into two groups.

5. “Resemblance Search”

Time : 3 min.

All participants are divided into 2 teams. The task is that first the participants look for and write down as many similarities between the teams as possible, and then the differences.

Discussion: Which list is bigger? Which was easier: looking for similarities or differences? What turned out to be more in the end: similarities or differences?

6. Tower of Babel

Time : 15 min.

Use whatman paper, markers and pre-signed worksheets with tasks. The goal is to learn how to interact in a team, to acquire non-verbal communication skills. Restrictions - it is forbidden to use the voice in any form and show each other individual leaves. Description - all participants are divided into three groups, several people each (depending on the number). Everyone receives a task on a piece of paper, which they do not show to anyone. Task: draw a house card with separate elements. For example, one should draw the outline, another should draw the windows of the tower, the third should draw the flag, the fourth should paint, and so on. The result should be a coherent logical picture. After that, everyone evaluates the result and 1 minute is given. for creativity. What would you like to add?

Discussion: What turned out to be the most difficult, who exactly did not cope with the task and why? What turned out to be easier: follow clear instructions or supplement the drawing at your discretion (creative?)

Now you need to choose a partner from another team, with whom we will continue to interact.

7. “Blind through the maze”

On the floor of the room where classes are held, a labyrinth is depicted. It can be drawn, lined with newspaper sheets, lined up with chairs, or constructed in some other similar way. Participants are divided into pairs. One participant from each pair goes through the maze with closed or blindfolded eyes, and the second directs his movements. Then they switch roles.

The meaning of the exercise: the exercise teaches to find mutual understanding with another person in a situation where it is necessary to lead him, as well as to convey information through various means, both verbal and non-verbal. Development of trust, mutual understanding of participants.

Discussion: What was easier for someone - to be a leader or a follower, what is the reason for this? What emotions arose in both cases? What hindered mutual understanding, and what, on the contrary, facilitated it?

8. Communication exercise "Broken phone"

Time : 20-25 minutes

Description . The trainer asks 7-10 volunteers to come out who will take part in the exercise, then explains the rules: 6-9 people go out the door, one (the one who remains) the trainer reads the text.

The task of the listener is to convey what he remembered to the next participant. Participants come in turn - listen and pass the received information to the next participant.


Today Ivan Petrovich called from the office. He was waiting for you and did not wait. He was very upset and asked me to tell you that he is now in the main building solving the issue of Japanese equipment.

He said that he had to be back by lunchtime, but if he wasn't there by 3 pm, then the meeting had to start without him.

Most importantly, announce that all senior caregivers are to be tested in room 11 in the main building at any convenient time, but before December 20th. Passes can be ordered from Zinaida Grigoryevna.


  • How much information from the original text did you hear?
  • did you notice how the information was distorted? Why did this happen?What blocks of information were distorted and disappeared in the first place? What should be done to ensure that information is transmitted more accurately? À how trustworthy is information obtained “through third parties” (such as “He told me that she told me that ...?

9. Exercise "Wish"

Time: 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Host: “Let's think about what we could wish your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's write what each of us wishes for the group. I, for one, wish you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants writes a wish on his ray. Participants themselves pierce the rays into the sun.

Discussion: “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What did you find useful for yourself and for the group?

Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you were active and worked well as a team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on the problems that are relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the correlation of soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools Ancient Greece in the 6th and 7th centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic birth date of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychological laboratory in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until that time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took the liberty of uniting psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, on the basis of the laboratory, the Institute of Experimental Psychology (which still exists) was opened, which became not only a scientific center, but also an international center for the training of psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the clinic of Kazan University.

Favorable team climate is an important indicator of a successful work process.
The work process and the result of joint work directly depend on psychological comfort, therefore the task of the manager is to organize high-quality interaction among employees.

You can create a favorable atmosphere with the help of.

Goals and methods of team building training (team building, team building)

Each person has an individual character and point of view, perceiving the workflow in his own way. For productive production, an effective interaction of personal characteristics is necessary, so the main goal of the training is to identify the valuable qualities of employees and their implementation in the overall working mechanism.

The tasks of the organizer and moderator are:
- creation of informal connections and interpersonal sympathies;
– assistance to participants in choosing a comfortable position in the team;
- formation of the ability to act together and solve current problems together;
— establishing the optimal level of psychological and emotional compatibility in the team.

Trainings are held in different formats. It can be sports and intellectual competitions, business games, general creativity (consciousness of collages, videos, competitions) or events with a collective departure.

Lesson plan.
1. Familiarization of employees with the purpose and task of the training.
2. Discussion of group norms (non-disclosure of the process outside the team, sincerity, respect for other participants, freedom of speech and choice).
3. Exercise.
4. Results. At the end, the results are summed up (impressions, opinions about the training, wishes).

Example #1

Target: stress relief

Exercise: the leader sets the score according to the number of participants. It is necessary to count alternately, but without saying a word.

if both team members call the number together, the game starts over;
talking is prohibited;
allowed to use facial expressions, gestures.
the task becomes more difficult - all participants are asked to play with their eyes closed.

Result: during the exercise, employees are forced to anticipate each other's actions, pay attention to non-verbal appeals, manners of colleagues. At the end of the task, the players discuss the results and the main problems hindering the completion of the task.

Example #2

Target: Establishing contact

Exercise: The facilitator chooses a song, the words of which are known to all participants of the training. Each participant takes turns saying the next word in the song following the previous participant in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. In case of failure or mistake in the word of one of the participants, the game starts over.

Example #3

Target: Team Building

Exercise: all participants are built in a circle, close their eyes. It should be built in any given figure (square, triangle, and others).

Result: As a rule, the performance of the task is accompanied by fuss and disputes. This happens until the leader of the game is revealed, who will place the participants. After the task is completed, employees must answer the question of whether they are sure that the figure is even. You can’t open your eyes until the whole team is convinced of victory. At the end of the game, a discussion is arranged, the main goal of which is to find out options for a faster and better completion of the test.

Example #4

Target: Building communication in a group

Exercise: Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator approaches one of the participants and passes an imaginary object into the hands of the participant (with a gesture) and informs the direction of the transfer (clockwise or counterclockwise). Each participant must pass the item to the next player. At the leader's signal, "Stop. Who has the item now? The participant must raise their hand. The item cannot be a physical item, only an imaginary transmission.


In the first round, the host launches one cat object in a clockwise direction. At the “stop” signal, the participants who have a “cat” raise their hand. In the first round, there are always no problems. And the facilitator makes sure everyone understands the rules.

Two items. Starts by launching two objects (a cat and a puppy) in different directions and from different participants.

The fun begins when the facilitator launches several items in different directions and from different participants. At the moment when the items are found in one player, confusion begins, what was passed to whom and whether it is true. After the stop signal, in most cases, players cannot reliably tell who has what item.

The bottleneck is the participant to which the items come from different sides and he must distribute them correctly to the neighbors on the right and on the left.
Between rounds, the facilitator allows time for the group to discuss transfer interactions, using other means of communication so as not to lose items.
And the game starts again, with the gradual addition of the number of items.

Result: As a rule, the game is accompanied by laughter and humor. In between rounds, participants vigorously discuss how they should interact so as not to lose the transfer order and items. The facilitator evaluates the involvement of participants in solving the problem and identifies leaders in the group. At the end, the host asks the participants about the game, the difficulties and how you solved them.

Example #5

Target: Increasing confidence

Exercise: Participants are divided into teams of 5-6 people. Each of their groups should turn away and fall into the hands of colleagues. Rules:
team members must hold the falling person;
when falling, it is necessary to cross your arms over your chest so as not to hit anyone;
“Accepting” a colleague should not be in the palm of your hand, but on your forearms, holding each other’s wrists with clasped hands.
You can fall from a height (for example, from a windowsill) or just lean back. The exercise evokes a lot of emotions and impressions, which are shared by all participants at the end of the game.
After the training, colleagues discuss observations and strategies for completing tasks, evaluate their own and others' work in a team. During the process, everyone has the right to refuse to participate in the game, declaring this to the whole team.

Example #6

Target: close acquaintance

Exercise: Colleagues line up in order of height. At the command of the leader, everyone is rebuilt in the given order. The movements are carried out silently.

The change takes place according to the following parameters:
by the first letter of the name, surname or patronymic (in alphabetical order);
by hair color (from light shade to darker);
by month of birth;
by age.

Result: team members learn to interact and understand, learn more about each other. Employees find similarities with colleagues, which contributes to the development of personal liking.

Example #7

Target: Common cause
Task: all participants of the training are divided into two and hold hands with a partner. With free hands (one of the couple has a left hand, and the other has a right hand), it is necessary to pack gifts: wrap them in paper, tie a bow. Competition for speed and quality of execution.
Result: to win the game, partners must understand each other from a half-word, gesture, look. Competitive spirit improves relationships and promotes team building.

Example #8

Target: Creativity

Exercise: the organizer prepares the necessary attributes in advance - drawing paper, pictures, stickers, pieces of fabric and other items that can be used to decorate the picture. All training participants gather around the table and create common work on a given topic ("Friendly team", "One for all ...", "Workdays").

Result: joint creativity helps to unite, realize their abilities, demonstrate skills and talents to colleagues. Participants need to listen to each other, look for compromise solutions to create a coherent and harmonious picture.
During training, employees must treat all members of the group with respect. It is unacceptable to interrupt and insult colleagues, make fun of someone else's opinion, mention participants in the third person.

Expected outcome of the training

The determination of the current situation in the team is carried out on the basis of observations of the participants during the training and the test. Such a study is conducted anonymously, employees are invited to objectively assess the indicators of the psychological atmosphere (friendliness, productivity, hostility, and others).

Based on the data obtained, the main problems of the group are determined and subsequent classes are formed, aimed at correcting the “weak points” of the team.

A competent and delicate approach will help unite employees and form mutual understanding between them in a short time.

As a result, it is expected:
— optimization of relations within the team;
- developing the ability to work together;
- the possibility of a competent exit from conflict situations;
— high efficiency of each employee and department;
- productive workflow.

The results of the program can be assessed by repeated research (observations of a psychologist, personal opinion of the participants).

Order a free consultation on organizing and conducting trainings on team building, communications, management, sales for staff

Seminar-training "Learning to build relationships"

This training seminar is designed for 40-60 minutes to be held with the teaching staff of the school, as well as with the parents of students in cooperation with the teaching staff, and separately with the students of the school.

In the process of conducting thematic socio-psychological training, learning takes place on optimal behavior in various situations of interpersonal communication. Participants discuss problems they face in Everyday life are looking for solutions to these problems.

Particular importance is attached to the direct experiences of the participants, their self-awareness and awareness of what is happening around. During the mini-training, exploratory, interested attitude to reality, the ability to be and remain oneself in interactions with other people. A special role in the implementation is given to cooperation.

When conducting an event by the method of training, the main goal is that with voluntary participation, in an informal setting, an atmosphere of mutual trust and complete psychological openness, each of the participants can better know themselves and other people, develop new ways and forms of interaction between the family and the school in educating the younger generation.

During the course of the training, the following tasks are carried out:

1. Emotional liberation, self-disclosure of participants, self-actualization of personality.

2. Formation of the need for communication and interaction and a sense of community.

3. Development and consolidation of effective forms of adaptive interpersonal behavior in terms of the topic " Learning to build relationships».

4. More active involvement of parents in school life.

The structure of the training:

1. Greeting (goals, tasks)

2. Introduction of participants.

3.Expectations from the training.

4. Development of work rules.

5. Thematic part.

6. Summing up.

7 Completion.

The following interactive methods are used:

1. Warm-up games.

2. Mini lecture and presentation.

3. Learning by example.

4. Discussion in small groups.

5. General discussion.

6. Questions and answers.

7. Analysis and problem solving.

PROCEDURE of the training seminar:

    Message about the training.

It takes two hands to clap your hands.

What will be cotton, depends on both palms.

Eastern proverb

Psychologists on the same occasion say: the meaning of communication is its result ... one of the conditions for any communication, regardless of its content, is psychological contact that contributes to the balance and harmony of a person with his environment (H. Alder).

Parents and children of our school wish teachers to achieve excellence in their work, in pedagogical self-realization. Improving the psychological culture of teachers and parents - necessary condition this process.

The main task now facing every teacher, every parent is the following: the formation and development of a teenager as a person with the qualities that she needs in society. At the present stage, we need a person who is spiritually rich, highly moral, internally free, responsible and, of course, psychologically healthy. And this is a common task for families and schools. But the personalities of parents and teachers themselves must correspond to these characteristics.

At present, some psychological methods have become widespread in pedagogical practice, one of which, in my opinion, is the best way to implement a personality-oriented approach in education, and most importantly, to form a psychologically healthy personality. This is a social and psychological training. Training forms of work are now used quite often. Why? Because it is convenient, because the whole group works with pleasure, because in a new way people open up, because training is largely a game, and both children and adults love to play.

Training is a direct experience for the participants. It differs from life only in that it is specially selected and organized, therefore it is better understood and assimilated. By learning by trial and error, a person will spend months achieving what, in well-planned training, can be achieved in a much shorter time.

Training is an exciting form of transforming knowledge into skills, it is new information through practice, this is a 100% opportunity for self-development, as well as the ability to immediately apply the experience gained. The system of training tasks is aimed at changing a person's attitude to what is happening with him and around him, teaching him patience and understanding, developing and developing in him the ability to see the positive in everything and rely on it.

Today we have the opportunity to approach understanding and solving the problem of “Building Relationships” through practical methods through this training workshop.

2. Exercise "diagnostics of color mood"

And now, please tell me: what color can characterize your mood, state here and now?

Yellow... - Blue... - Gray... - Green... - ........

After the participants have spoken, the facilitator, having determined the prevailing mood of the group by colors, conducts an exercise for emotional and physical “warming up”.

3. Exercise "Listen and hear"

The rules are simple: on a signal (clapping hands), someone says “One”, then someone says “two”, and so on. But, if the figure was sounded not from one person, but from several, the count stops and, on a signal, starts over again until all the numbers are pronounced in no more than one voice. In a playful way, this exercise teaches you to hear another person, and this is a very important skill in life. In this case, in the context of a given topic: family and school.

4. Exercise "Two palms"

Connect, please, two palms. Now press one on the other, do this several times, increasing the intensity. What do you feel? Most likely, you want to return the palms to their original position, since the second palm is under pressure. Similarly, in communication, with excessive exposure on the one hand, there is resistance on the other. Agree, it is much calmer and more pleasant to feel not so intense impact, but to allow interaction to be. This applies to the relationship "teacher-student", "student-parent", "parent-teacher".

5. Exercise "Spoons - forks"

Two tables are being prepared, on one of them various objects are laid out. Participants (6-8 people) are invited to participate in the game, they take an instrument: a spoon or a fork.

Instruction: at the signal of the leader, acting with one hand, the task of each participant is to transfer objects from one table to another table.

Time - 1 minute. What has fallen does not rise.

Stage 1: Within one minute, the participants independently carry the items.

Stage 2: Participants unite in pairs "spoon - fork" and within one minute perform the task with joint efforts.

Stage 3: The same Spoon-Fork pairs, but preliminary time is given for working out overall strategy and within a minute transfer the objects again.

Stage 4: discussion of the exercise, awareness of the experience gained, comments of the facilitator.

Usually, after participating in this exercise, all participants literally "see the light": how they communicate, interact and how they solve problems.

6. Reflection.

What are your impressions and feelings now? (Give participants sufficient time for emotional feedback).

What was interesting for you today, what gave you the opportunity to think, to see something in a new way? (We listen to the participants, give time to analyze what happened).

Leader's word: There are two main concepts, two approaches to education and upbringing. The first approach proceeds from the fact that humanity has accumulated vast experience and seeks to pass it on to the younger generation in a generalized form, so that it not only assimilates, but also further enriches this experience. That is why each generation goes further than the previous one, that is why humanity is constantly progressing. At the pedagogical level, this means that the teacher is the bearer of all human experience, he systematically forms the personality of the pupil - his knowledge, skills, attitude to life, mind, feelings, will. The word “education” also goes back to this - the teacher creates the image of the pupil like his image, his idea of ​​​​an ideal personality.

There is no need to elaborate on this approach - our school has been practicing it for decades. Its advantages are obvious - the intensity of education, orientation towards the future of a person and society, faith in the ability of a teacher to "teach everyone everything", that with proper education everyone can reach creative peaks. No less well-known are the shortcomings of this approach - pedagogical authoritarianism, ignoring the individual needs of each pupil, and society's pressure on the teacher. With this approach, the achievements of some talented teachers mechanically spread to all others and often become a force that encourages hypocrisy, self-deception, “percent mania” and other similar phenomena.

From the experience of this historically first approach to education, an approach has emerged and has become increasingly popular in recent decades, which puts at the forefront the idea of ​​self-development of the individual, the idea of ​​relying on the individual experience of each pupil. Personality is not only the totality of experience that we have accumulated from the moment of conception to the present; the main thing in a person is what distinguishes you from all other people in the world; what makes you see the world your way, feel your way, think your way; what makes you unique.

Hence the goal of education is not to teach the student to memorize facts, but to help him discover his own uniqueness and develop it, and then show him how to share it with others, because the only meaning of owning something is the ability to give. Imagine what the world would be like if people constantly told you: “It's good that you are unique, it's wonderful that you are not like anyone else. Maybe I can learn something from you."

In accordance with this approach, education is a process that brings the student to the experience of mankind as a uniqueness, full of all sorts of dishes that can satisfy the most refined taste. However, no one can be forced to eat, only invited to this table, hoping that everyone has a need to taste beautifully prepared dishes.

So, this approach argues that a person cannot be forced to learn. Everyone who wants to learn will learn. A teacher who thinks he knows all the answers is flattering himself. How wonderful it is when a student asks a really brilliant question and the teacher says, “Oh! Yes, I don’t know the answer, but let’s try to find it together.” Maybe he means by this: “Studying is very interesting. It is not necessary to know everything. We will help each other learn."

Remember, however, that school is an important element in the education and upbringing of a child's personality, but the main, more important and, accordingly, responsible element in upbringing is the family. By the strength of influence and influence, this is an indisputable fact. In this regard, the school is a powerful, but only an auxiliary element.

Now the time is coming when the school, having tried a wide variety of approaches and ways of interacting with the schoolchildren's family, gives the initiative to parents, listens more and more to your suggestions, always remembering that you are the parents and educators of your children. We are your assistants, but when we are together, we will succeed.

8. Summing up. Exercise “Burning Candle” (a candle is lit, passed around in a circle, everyone says wishes).