General features of the personnel strategy of small enterprises. The specifics of personnel policy in small business. The relationship of the head of a small business with staff

  • 02.09.2020

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General features of the personnel strategy of small enterprises

General features of the personnel strategy of small enterprises Personnel management (Management). coursework

  • Topic: General features of the personnel strategy of small enterprises
  • The type of work: coursework
  • Subject: Personnel management (Management)
  • Pages: 36
  • Completion year: 2010
  • University, city: Moscow State University
  • Price (rub.): 540 rubles


1. HR STRATEGY OF SMALL ENTERPRISES 1.1. Basic concepts and categories personnel policy enterprises in the 90s of XX century. in management, a fundamentally new approach to personnel management begins to take hold - people, their activities, potential, organizational cultures of various types become the object. Modern managers consider the culture of their organization as an important strategic tool that allows them to orient all departments towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees, and facilitate mutual communication. The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use. Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system. Methodologically, this area of ​​management has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment, and others; methods of study and directions of analysis of the content of labor various categories personnel. Improving the personnel management system of industrial enterprises in the context of the transition to market relations is one of the urgent tasks modern development economy. Optimization of the system of formation, distribution and use of personnel and its potential during the transition from a planned centralized system of national economy management to a market model of the economy of a particular region, and for each industrial enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, is a matter of particular importance.

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 1. HR STRATEGY OF SMALL ENTERPRISES 5 1.1. Basic concepts and categories of personnel policy of the enterprise 5 1.2. Features of personnel management of a small enterprise 6 2. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF PERSONNEL POLICY ON THE EXAMPLE OF AN ENTERPRISE OOO AVIASTAL 11 2.1. History and economic characteristics AviaStal LLC 11 2.2. Assessment of personnel potential of AviaStal LLC 14 2.3. Strategic Management personnel as an element of the personnel policy of AviaStal LLC 27 CONCLUSION 32 REFERENCES 35


LIST OF USED LITERATURE 1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part Two. No. 14-FZ. Accepted State Duma December 22, 1995 (as amended by the Federal Law of February 2, 2007 No. 19-FZ, as amended federal law dated 26.01.1996 No. 15-FZ, Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 23.12.1997 No. 21-P) 2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. (Parts one and two). - M.: IKF "EKMOS", 2005 - 480s. 3. Labor Code Russian Federation No. 197-Fz. Adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2001 (as amended by the Federal Law of May 9, 2005 No. 45-FZ) 4. Aberdeen V.Z., Kibanov A.Ya. Improving the structure, functions and economic relationships of the management departments of enterprises with different forms of management. / Textbook. allowance / M .: GAU, 2005. - 548 p. 5. 10. Bogdanova E.L. Marketing concept of organization personnel - management and competitive workforce. M.: Progress - Academy, 2004. - 419 p. 6. Vesnin V.R. Strategic management: textbook. - M .: TK Velby, Publishing house "Prospect", 2007. - 328 p. 7. Vinogradova I. The strategy of personnel management in the conditions organizational change. // Effective management. September, 2007, pp. 12-15. 8. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. – M.: Infra-M, 2007. – 512 p. 9. Kartashov S.A., Sapozhnikov S.S. Review of the activities of companies in the selection of personnel and employment of the population of Moscow. M., 2005. - 312 p. 10. Small business in Russia: Stat. Sat. / Goskomstat of Russia. M., 2007. - 321c. 11. Maslov V.I. Strategic personnel management in an effective organizational culture: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "Finpress", 2004. - 288 p. 12. Nelyubina M. Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investments in personnel // Problems of theory and practice of management, 2006. - N 5. - p.23-31 13. Odegov Yu., Mausov N., Kulapov M. The effectiveness of the personnel management system ( socio-economic aspect).- M.: REA im. Plekhanov, 2003. - 328 p. 14. Okhotsky E.V. Worker's book personnel service. M.: Economics, 2006. - 496 p. 15. Pugachev V.P. Personnel management of the organization. M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 459 p. 16. Rofe A.I., Zhukov A.L. Theoretical basis economics and sociology of labor. M.: MIK Publishing House, 2005. - 234 p. 17. Sokolova L., Tishina T. Modern production equally needed and professional managers and skilled workers. // Man and labor, 2005 - No. 2. – p.43-46 18. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M .: "Delo", 2004. - 264 p. 19. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.D. Strategic management: concepts and situations for analysis, 12th edition: Per. from English. - M .: "Williams", 2007. - 928 p. 20. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook for universities. / Ed. AND I. Kibanova, L.V. Invanovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2007. - 352 p. 21. Formation and implementation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise // personnel management. 2008. No. 1 (155). pp. 70-72. 22. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization: Proc. - pract. allowance. Ed. 4th, revised. and additional M.: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2002. - 368 p.

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1. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of the personnel policy of small enterprises………...5
1.1. The essence and types of personnel policy……………………………………………….5
1.2. Features of the personnel policy of small enterprises………………………….10

2. Features of the personnel policy on the example of KazMunayGas JSC………………..17
2.1. Characteristics of KazMunayGas JSC…………………………………………. ...17
2.2. Analysis of the composition, structure of KazMunayGas JSC……………………………....19
2.3 Efficiency of personnel policy in KazMunayGas………….….21





The creation of a competitive enterprise is always associated with people,
who work in the company. The organization of the company's capabilities lies in
new methods of management and depends on specific people, knowledge,
competencies, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve
problems, susceptibility to learning.
The formation of competence among employees begins with the selection of personnel and
hiring them. The people who join the organization must have
required level of education and work experience. AT
most firms human resource management departments are accustomed to
engage in planning the number of employees in the enterprise, putting before
is the next task - to achieve that in an enterprise or organization
there were as many workers as there should be with a staffing table.
Since the 2000s, an increasing number of enterprises have been identified as
an independent type of activity of personnel services personnel planning.
It is important for human resources departments to ensure that the volume of production is maintained at
proper level. The personnel management system should achieve an increase in
composition of the workforce of those people who have good knowledge for
recruitment of personnel by such employees.
As a result, a coordinated personnel policy can be developed,
including systems for recruiting, training, improving and remunerating personnel, and
See also the policy of relations between the administration and employees.
The production of each country and each industry depends on a number of factors. One of the most important factors affecting the level of labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of production, are the personnel (personnel) of the enterprise.
Personnel is the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. Generally
the efficiency of the enterprise depends on the qualifications of employees, their placement and
use, which affects the volume and growth rate of manufactured products,
use of financial technical means. Any other use
frames is directly related to the change in the performance indicator
labor. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development
productive forces of the country and the main source of growth of national income.
Creating world-class production is constantly connected with the people working in the enterprise. Although optimal systems, procedures and the correct principles of organizing production play an important role, the realization of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods depends on specific people, on their qualifications, competence, knowledge, discipline, motivation, susceptibility to learning, ability to solve problems. .
Competence is required for a worker who develops new products or equipment, if only because the creation of new good equipment requires, at a minimum, knowledge of how old machines and equipment work. But for an enterprise that has decided today to succeed in the competition, it is necessary that each employee has a very extensive knowledge.
The formation of the necessary competence among employees begins already during the selection of personnel and hiring personnel. People who come to the organization should strive to master aspects of this business as much as possible.
Equally important is the long-term planning of the company's personnel policy.
In most companies, human resources departments or human resource management departments are more accustomed to planning the number of employees in enterprises. Their main task is to ensure that the enterprise or organization has as many employees as it should be in accordance with the staffing table.
But today, it is important for human resources departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain production at the proper level. The system of work with personnel should be planned in such a way as to constantly seek to increase in the workforce of the enterprise those people who have good knowledge, and to ensure that there are more and more such workers in each department.
And in the first place in importance among the factors affecting the efficiency
the use of labor, is the wage system. It is the salary
pay is the reason that brings the worker to his workplace.
This is the strongest motivating factor.
After all, everything ultimately depends on people, on their qualifications, skills and abilities.
desire to work. It is human capital, and not factories, equipment and
inventories are the cornerstone of competitiveness,
economic growth and efficiency.
Therefore, the importance of this problem cannot be overestimated.
This course work is devoted to the analysis of personnel policy Joint Stock Company KazMunayGas. The analysis was carried out according to several criteria, which fully covered the entire spectrum of the ongoing personnel policy of the enterprise. The paper considers in detail the following aspects of personnel policy:
1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel of KazMunayGas JSC;
2. The level of staff turnover;
3. Flexibility of the policy pursued;
4. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc.
aim term paper is to identify hidden weaknesses and problems
personnel policy of KazMunayGas JSC. The paper proposes possible ways to

1. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of the personnel policy of small enterprises
1.1. Essence and types of personnel policy

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department of an enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.
The main object of the personnel policy of the enterprise is the personnel (personnel). The personnel of the enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel is the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production, constantly improving them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.
The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:
– dismiss employees or retain; If you save, which way is better:
a) transfer to reduced forms of employment;
b) use at unusual works, at other objects;
c) send them to long-term retraining, etc.
- train workers themselves or look for those who already have the necessary training;
- recruit from outside or retrain workers to be released from the enterprise;
- recruit additional workers or get by with the existing number, subject to its more rational use, etc.
When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:
– production requirements, enterprise development strategy;
- the financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by it;
- quantitative and quality characteristics the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;
- the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the supply of labor by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);
- the demand for labor from competitors, the emerging level of wages;
- the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;
- requirements labor law, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.
The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:
1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development strategy of the enterprise. In this respect, it represents the staffing of the implementation of this strategy.
2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since certain employee expectations are associated with stability, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation. Those aspects of it that are focused on taking into account the interests of the personnel and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise should be stable.
3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, the personnel policy should be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.
4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.
Thus, the personnel policy is aimed at creating such a system of work with personnel, which would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.
Alternatives are possible in the implementation of personnel policy. It can be fast, decisive (in some ways at first, perhaps not very humane in relation to employees), based on a formal approach, the priority of production interests, or, conversely, based on taking into account how its implementation will affect work collective what social costs this may lead to for him.
Personnel policy can be divided into several types:
- Passive personnel policy - the management of the enterprise does not have a pronounced program of actions in relation to personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences in the emergency response mode.
- Reactive personnel policy - management monitors the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, analyzes the causes of problems, and provides adequate emergency assistance.
- Preventive - the organization has a forecast for the development of the organization in the future, but does not have the means to influence it.
- Active personnel policy - the organization has not only a forecast for the development of the situation, but also the means of influencing it. The personnel service is able to develop anti-crisis programs, implement them and monitor the situation.
You can also distinguish between open and closed personnel policy. With an open personnel policy, the organization is “transparent” to potential employees at any level. A new employee can come to both a grassroots position and a senior management position. This type of policy is adequate for new organizations pursuing an aggressive policy of market conquest, pursuing a policy of rapid entry into the forefront. However, in some cases, openness can also be a feature of stable organizations.
- A closed personnel policy is that the organization is focused on the inclusion of new personnel only at the lower level, and the vacancies are filled from among the employees of the organization. This policy is followed by firms focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere of spiritual involvement in the affairs of the company, and it can also be applied by firms that operate in conditions of labor shortages.
The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise in relation to the training, development of personnel, ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While the personnel policy is associated with the selection of long-term targets, the current personnel work is focused on the prompt solution of personnel issues. Between them there should, of course, be a relationship, which usually happens between the strategy and tactics of achieving the goal.
Personnel policy is both general in nature when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it focuses on solving specific problems (within individual structural units, functional or professional groups of employees, categories of personnel).
Personnel policy forms:
– Requirements for the labor force at the stage of its hiring (to education, sex, age, length of service, level of special training, etc.);
– Attitude towards “investment” in the labor force, towards a targeted impact on the development of certain aspects of the employed labor force;
- Attitude towards the stabilization of the team (of all or a certain part of it);
– Attitude to the nature of the training of new workers at the enterprise, its depth and breadth, as well as to the retraining of personnel;
- Attitude to intra-company movement of personnel, etc.
The personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise, respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future.
Personnel policy properties:
1. Link to strategy
2. Focus on long-term planning.
3. The importance of the role of personnel.
4. A range of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.
Personnel policy is integral part all management activities and production policy of the organization. It aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce.
Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but provide the possibility of promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in tomorrow. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise is to ensure the daily personnel work taking into account the interests of all categories of workers and social groups of the workforce.
Personnel management within the enterprise has strategic and operational aspects. The organization of personnel management is developed on the basis of the concept of enterprise development, which consists of three parts:
- production;
– financial and economic;
– social (personnel policy).
The personnel policy defines goals related to the relationship of the enterprise to the external environment (labor market, relations with government agencies), as well as goals related to the relationship of the enterprise to its staff. Personnel policy is carried out by strategic and operational management systems. The tasks of the personnel strategy include:
– raising the prestige of the enterprise;
– study of the atmosphere inside the enterprise;
– analysis of the prospects for the development of labor force potentials;
- generalization and prevention of the reasons for dismissal from work.
The day-to-day implementation of the personnel strategy, as well as at the same time assisting the management in carrying out the tasks of managing the enterprise, lie in the operational area of ​​personnel management.
Personnel policy in the narrow sense is the work of the administration and public organizations of the enterprise with the entire team, with its social and functional groups, with each person. Personnel policy as a management tool is an organizing activity aimed at merging the efforts of all employees of the enterprise to solve the set tasks. In this case, the authors extended the concept of "cadres" to all employees of the enterprise, to the entire team with its groups, but only at the level of the enterprise.
If we group all the available points of view on this problem, then we can clearly distinguish three approaches to determining personnel policy in management:
First, as the selection and placement of "all workers employed in the management system", i.e. managers, specialists and technical staff;
Secondly, how the selection, placement and use of managers, specialists and workers, i.e. covers all, without exception, workers employed in industrial enterprises, in associations and ministries;
Thirdly, as a process of social management of the production team with its professional groups to solve the tasks assigned to it.
Most authors consider personnel policy as the selection, placement and promotion of personnel engaged in the performance of managerial functions in different levels management. There are a number of principles of work with the personnel of the enterprise:
1. The combination of proven, experienced employees with young personnel, the systematic replenishment of leadership personnel through growing, energetic employees;
2. Ensuring the necessary succession of personnel;
3. Creation of conditions for the growth and promotion of personnel, observance of objective, scientifically based criteria for their evaluation;
4. Comprehensive assistance to management personnel in mastering knowledge and experience;
5. Combination of trust in personnel with verification of the implementation of their decisions;
6. A clear definition of the duties and responsibilities of personnel;
7. Accounting for general and special requirements in the selection of employees.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department of an enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel.
The problems of personnel policy were considered by representatives of the classical (scientific and administrative) school of management. Thus, the principles of scientific management by F. W. Taylor included such elements of personnel policy as:
the development of each individual worker to the maximum available to him productivity and maximum well-being;
selection, training and placement of workers for those jobs and tasks where they can give the greatest benefit, etc.
The administrative concept of A. Fayol considered personnel policy as one of the key elements of the management function, the principles of which included "staff constancy".
Under the conditions of the administrative-command system, it was largely characterized by a political (ideological) coloring, which was reflected in its very content and definition: "Personnel policy is the general direction in personnel work, determined by the totality of the most important, fundamental provisions expressed in the decisions of the party and governments for the long term or a separate period.
The transition to a market economy significantly changes the fundamental principles and content of personnel policy. At present, this is a conscious, purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.
The ongoing changes associated with the irreversibility of economic reforms and the movement towards healthy competition force the organizations of Kazakhstan to pay considerable attention to the long-term aspects of personnel policy based on evidence-based planning.
The market economy poses a number of fundamental tasks, the most important of which is the most efficient use of human resources. In order to achieve this, a clearly developed personnel policy of the state is needed.
Personnel policy of the state - the formation of a strategy for personnel work, the establishment of goals and objectives, the definition of scientific principles for the selection, placement and development of personnel, the improvement of forms and methods of working with personnel in specific historical conditions of a particular period of development of the country. The purpose of the state personnel policy is to formulate goals in a timely manner in accordance with the state development strategy, set problems and tasks, find ways and organize the achievement of goals. Personnel policy is developed taking into account internal resources, traditions and opportunities provided by the external environment.
The main stages in the formation of the state personnel

policy on the example of the Republican civil service.
At the first stage, the formation of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy is carried out. The goals and objectives of the personnel policy of the Republican civil service are determined based on the main provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the law "On the fundamentals of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan", from a set of goals and tasks to be solved to ensure the effective functioning of the civil service and its constituent bodies government controlled.
The second stage of the formation of the personnel policy of the Republican Civil Service consists of three blocks:
1) qualitative requirements for civil servants are formulated;
2) quantitative requirements are determined;
3) the basic principles of personnel policy are formulated.
At the third stage, the main forms and methods of personnel management are selected, scientific and methodological tools for personnel activities are created.
At the fourth stage, a plan of personnel activities is developed, the terms and responsible executors of these activities are determined.
The personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements taking into account the development strategy of the organization and the strategy of managing its personnel.
The purpose of the organization's personnel policy is to ensure timely renewal and preservation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel and its development in accordance with the needs of the organization, the requirements of current legislation, the state of the labor market, which is achieved through the reasonable formation of personnel policy.
The formation of the personnel policy of the organization should occur in the following sequence:
1) development general principles personnel policy, setting priorities, goals;
2) planning the need for personnel, the formation of the structure and staff, the creation of a reserve of personnel;
3) creation and support of the personnel information system, implementation of personnel controlling;
4) formulating the principles of distribution of funds, ensuring an effective system of motivation and stimulation of labor;
5) providing a personnel development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning of individual promotion, team building, professional training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;
6) analysis of the compliance of the personnel policy and strategy of the organization with its personnel management, identification of bottlenecks in personnel work, assessment of personnel potential.

1.2. Features of the personnel policy of small enterprises

In the last decade, small business has been actively developing. This is understandable, small businesses are easier to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the market, more flexible and mobile, and even endure the financial crisis with less difficulties and losses than giant enterprises.
The time is also passing when specialists and skilled workers sought to get a job in large firms, and this is due to the peculiarities of personnel management in small firms.
In small enterprises, as a rule, there is close cooperation between employees and management. This is manifested through the use of a democratic style of enterprise management: the manager listens to the opinions, advice, requests of employees, helps to resolve conflicts, solve problems, share with the company's plans for the future, and prepares staff for changes.
Almost all small businesses do not have a personnel management service. Her duties can be performed by the HR manager or the manager himself. Missing and personnel documentation, which is mandatory for medium and large enterprises. This allows you to significantly reduce the costs of the enterprise.
Employees, as a rule, carry out training and advanced training at their own expense and at their own request. The management conducts seminars and trainings if a new production line is launched, a new market segment is mastered, a new service is provided to customers, etc., requiring additional knowledge and skills. Thus, training of personnel in small enterprises is periodic.
The main material methods of motivating the staff of small enterprises include: wages that are competitive with other enterprises, bonuses and allowances, additional days off or extended vacation at the expense of the company, a social package, assistance in obtaining a loan or mortgage, etc.
In addition, in order to increase the desire of employees to work effectively, the manager actively uses non-material methods of labor motivation, namely: improves working conditions, creates a favorable climate in the team, gives freedom of action to the employee (the manager’s trust has effective work), shows interest in the results of the work of each employee, is attentive to the personal characteristics of specialists and knows how to apply them for the benefit of the company, organizes corporate holidays and joint recreation.

- The complex nature of the activities of employees and flexible organization of work. There is no clear functional separation between administrative and production staff, which helps to reduce the distance between staff, but does not eliminate social differences (for example, in wages). Small business employees have to perform functions that are not characteristic of their positions, since they need universal workers, and not narrow professionals. Most often, such "generalists" appear during the operation of the enterprise, since they have to combine positions and perform different kinds works.
– Lack of a multi-level organizational structure. Under these conditions, the staff comes to understand a career as an expansion and complication of functional duties, an increase in professionalism, an increase in wages, and not a promotion.
– Relatively higher awareness of employees. It is difficult for the head of the enterprise to hide from his staff information about working methods and relations with customers and government agencies. Such awareness makes the employer somewhat dependent on the employee and thus forces them to search for personnel among relatives, personal acquaintances or on the recommendation of trusted people.
– Less bureaucracy in work. Small businesses lack many rules and documents regulating activities, which gives rise to an individual approach to each situation and employee. However, this leads to conflicts, to the expression of personal sympathies and antipathies of the head to the employees.
– Organized training is practically non-existent. This is explained by a number of reasons: underestimation of the need to train the head of the enterprise; lack of funds; uncertain prospects of the enterprise; low evaluation of existing courses of study.
- The company makes high demands on the personal qualities of the employee. A small team will quickly persecute someone whose qualities do not correspond to the accepted norms and values ​​of the enterprise.
- Wide choice of employees. Existing unemployment provides managers with the opportunity to hire employees for low wages. At the same time, there is an opportunity to save on social benefits, training, working conditions, etc. The lack of high qualifications among workers reduces the level of their claims. Fearing to lose their jobs, many voluntarily go to such infringements.
- The principles of personnel selection are sometimes focused not on direct, but on indirect evidence of the employee's professional suitability. The importance of recommendations in small businesses is now considered not only in terms of confirming the professionalism of an employee. Recommendations are in fact a confirmation that the candidate has acquaintances and colleagues who are ready to answer with their reputation for the actions of the employee. In other words, not only the content of the recommendation is important, but also the personality (position) of the one who gives it. In this case, the principles of personnel selection are focused not on direct, but on indirect evidence of the candidate's professional viability. The company receives an employee who has specific capital in the form of personal acquaintances, job contacts and informal connections, which in the future will bring additional orders and offers to the company.
– The most important problem of small business employees. The well-being of the staff depends on the manager. Practically at all small businesses there are no collective agreements, trade unions that could put pressure on the administration in defense of the interests of workers. The only document that regulates the relationship between the employer and employees is the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In all enterprises of various fields of activity, workers are considered as employees, and specialists as like-minded people.
Starting conditions of enterprises differ significantly. Former state-owned enterprises already had premises, equipment, and an established system of economic relations, which gave them the opportunity to develop and improve the social and domestic sphere and invest in the training and development of their personnel. However, the focus on the traditional organization of labor does not allow them to provide sufficient flexibility for functioning in a market environment, which affects the lower profitability compared to new enterprises.
Along with the general features of personnel management of a small business, there are differences in enterprises of different fields of activity.
AT production organizations complex structure of personnel: administration, specialists, production workers. Consequently, these enterprises need to use more diverse methods of incentives and remuneration for work. Other types of incentives, such as career advancement, company-sponsored training, income or ownership participation, are almost non-existent. Manufacturing firms mainly deal with working specialties, which simplifies the methods of selecting workers and their evaluation. There, the status differentiation of workers and conflicts of interests are more noticeable, which leads to an increase in the level of conflict.
Many workers are attracted to work in small businesses. In addition to unattractive aspects in the organization of the activities of such enterprises, a number of positive ones can be distinguished that are able to retain highly qualified workers and employees:
1. place of work and place of residence are close to each other;
2. workers unite outside of work, which helps to strengthen relations in the team;
3. close relationship between the employer and the staff makes it easier to solve problems;
4.achievements of employees are more quickly recognized and rewarded;
5. the personnel of the enterprise have more opportunities to prove themselves in various positions;
6.employees can participate in the decision-making process;
7. wages can be compared with wages paid in large enterprises;
8.participation in the income of the enterprise;
9.Employees can become shareholders or partners.
Not all of these items are available to every small business, but many can be part of a HR plan.
In general, small business personnel management is a loosely structured course of action. However, the complex nature of the activities of employees and the subordination of all functions to one person create the prerequisites for the emergence of a systematic approach to personnel management.
As a rule, small businesses do not have special personnel services. Work with personnel is carried out either by the head of the organization, or by the employee to whom this work is entrusted.
In the classical sense, the functions of personnel management include the following activities:
1. planning of human resources - determination of the need for personnel (from a quantitative and qualitative side), development of a personnel management policy;
2. formation of personnel - selection, hiring, induction, dismissal, reduction, relocation of employees. Development of selection methods and a system of qualification requirements for hired employees;
3. organization of labor - placement of personnel, distribution and redistribution of duties, establishment of work and rest regimes, etc.;
4. personnel training - introduction to the position (when hiring), advanced training, retraining, development (assistance to self-education of the employee);
5. assessment of the activities (certification) of personnel in order to determine the employee's compliance with the requirements of the work performed, his workload, growth potential;
6. payment and stimulation of labor, including various social compensations;
7. formation and maintenance of a communication system within the enterprise - ensuring staff awareness, interaction with the trade union, elimination of conflicts, formation of a socio-psychological climate in the team;
8. conducting information and analytical work on personnel and office work.

Thus, the result of the correct personnel policy of the head of a small enterprise is the cohesion of the team, mutual understanding between management and subordinates, and a low staff turnover rate. This, in turn, leads to the stability of the firm, its ability to withstand the difficulties of the market.
Before talking about the features of the implementation of the personnel development system, let's turn to the concepts. The essence of personnel policy is work with personnel, corresponding to the concept of the organization's development. An integral element of the organization's personnel policy is the personnel development policy, which contains mechanisms for ensuring the personnel development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning for individual promotion, team building, professional training and advanced training.
Any system requires costs, and in a crisis, wanting to reduce costs, many enterprises have taken the path of reducing staff. Somewhere this step was due to a real need, but it is no secret that a number of enterprises used the "flag" of reduction to "clean" the staff. It would seem that there is no time for training now, we will reduce the weak, the strong and trained will remain, but a new problem arose - the unwanted were reduced, and highly qualified employees began to quit themselves. There are two problems here: well-trained, qualified personnel value themselves more, and, in addition, there are specialists on the market who care not only for the level of salary, but also for the possibility of professional development and training.
Large companies that have been training their staff for many years in the system reach a level where training itself turns from a tool for adapting and developing subordinates into a tool for developing an organization. From the experience of consulting projects of our Agency, the most striking example of such development is JSC NC KazMunayGas. The tasks of forming a reserve, identifying oneself with the company, promoting corporate culture, as well as developing and supporting the initiative of young employees are implemented here through training the company's youth in project management at road youth gatherings.
In small enterprises, until a certain period, the question is not even about the personnel manager. The personnel officer, as a rule, is engaged only in office work, and the ideas of training mature and are implemented by the head. In the absence of training experience, the most economical option is selected for the sample. For example, a manager on the Internet finds for himself the most interesting (from his point of view) and inexpensive business training, attends it, and, if he likes it, sends his colleagues there.
When this option is successful, it gradually becomes fashionable for the enterprise to attend various training programs. And it suddenly turns out that some employees are already studying at courses at their own expense, only this was not advertised before. Seeing the interest on the part of the manager, employees are increasingly turning to him with a request to pay for their training (at least partially). The management at first rejoices at these initiatives of employees, and then begins to tense up, feeling the absence of a unified system. After all, the key indicator of a productive system is the increasing economic effect of investments. One-time disordered training actions do not bring results.
There are several stages in building an effective training system:
Determining the need for training / staff development. Here it is important to build on the strategic, long-term goals of the organization. It is they who set the requirements for the level of qualification of employees in the long term. Diagnosis of the need for the system can be implemented based on the results of periodic certification of personnel, assessment of the current work of the employee and feedback from the immediate supervisor.
Determination of the training budget. It is necessary to clearly understand how much you are willing to invest in training and by what indicators you can evaluate the economic effect of investments. Here you need to remember that investments in training and development of personnel always give a delayed result. You will not be able to see the result in monetary terms the next day after training! In this regard, the following stage of system creation is important:
The choice of criteria for the effectiveness of training. The criteria include both general ones: the implementation of the training plan, the number of trained employees of a particular category, the cost of training one employee, etc. And more specific ones related to evaluating the effectiveness of investments: scores of participants and direct supervisors, changes in performance.
The choice of the form of education in accordance with the effectiveness of their impact on a specific group of students. For large enterprises it is much cheaper to have an in-house coach, which is not effective for small businesses. It is more important to be well versed in what the market for training and consulting services offers today, to clearly navigate in various forms of education (lectures, seminars, trainings, advanced training courses (72-150 hours), etc.) that solve various tasks of improving the skills of employees.
The organization and conduct of training consists not only in budgeting, but also in the competent organization of space, the choice of equipment and technology, and quality food. All these moments (called “hygienic factors”) have an indirect impact on the quality of perception of information by the participants, their motivation for learning.
Analysis of learning outcomes and planning further actions in relation to each category of personnel. This process is cyclical - the analysis of the results allows you to identify new training needs and plan further work.
There is another effective method training and development is the participation of specialists in the work of professional clubs. So in our Center since March of this year, meetings of the club of business coaches and the personnel club have been held, where professionals have the opportunity to exchange experience, work out urgent tasks.
Thus, by building a system for the development and training of personnel from the needs of employees to the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise, the manager gets the opportunity to form a team of like-minded people and professionals in their field.
Consider the general specific features of personnel management of a small business enterprise, which do not depend on the form of ownership and the scope of the organization:
- The complex nature of the activities of employees and flexible organization of work. There is no clear functional separation between administrative and production staff, which helps to reduce the distance between staff, but does not eliminate social differences (for example, in wages). Small business employees have to perform functions that are not characteristic of their positions, since they need universal workers, and not narrow professionals. Most often, such "generalists" appear in the course of the enterprise, since they have to combine positions and perform various types of work.
- Lack of a multi-level organizational structure. Under these conditions, the staff comes to understand a career as an expansion and complication of functional duties, an increase in professionalism, an increase in wages, and not a promotion.
- Relatively higher awareness among workers. It is difficult for the head of the enterprise to hide from his staff information about working methods and relations with customers and government agencies. Such awareness puts the employer in some dependence on the employee and thus forces to search for personnel among relatives, personal acquaintances

or on the recommendation of trusted people.
- Less bureaucracy in work. Small businesses lack many rules and documents regulating activities, which gives rise to an individual approach to each situation and employee. However, this leads to conflicts, to the expression of personal sympathies and antipathies of the head to the employees.
- Organized training is practically non-existent. This is explained by a number of reasons: underestimation of the need to train the head of the enterprise; lack of funds; uncertain prospects of the enterprise; low evaluation of existing courses of study.
- The company makes high demands on the personal qualities of the employee. A small team will quickly persecute someone whose qualities do not correspond to the accepted norms and values ​​of the enterprise.
- Wide choice of workers. Existing unemployment provides managers with the opportunity to hire employees for low wages. At the same time, there is an opportunity to save on social benefits, training, working conditions, etc. The lack of high qualifications among workers reduces the level of their claims. Fearing to lose their jobs, many voluntarily go to such infringements.
- The principles of personnel selection are sometimes focused not on direct, but on indirect evidence of the employee's professional suitability. The importance of recommendations in small businesses is now considered not only in terms of confirming the professionalism of an employee. Recommendations are in fact a confirmation that the candidate has acquaintances and colleagues who are ready to answer with their reputation for the actions of the employee. In other words, not only the content of the recommendation is important, but also the personality (position) of the one who gives it. In this case, the principles of personnel selection are focused not on direct, but on indirect evidence of the candidate's professional viability. The company receives an employee who has specific capital in the form of personal acquaintances, job contacts and informal connections, which in the future will bring additional orders and offers to the company.
- The most important problem for small business workers. The well-being of the staff depends on the manager. Practically at all small businesses there are no collective agreements, trade unions that could put pressure on the administration in defense of the interests of workers. The only document that regulates the relationship between the employer and employees is the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In all enterprises of various fields of activity, workers are considered as hired workers.

1. HR STRATEGY OF SMALL ENTERPRISES 1.1. Basic concepts and categories of the personnel policy of the enterprise In the 90s of the XX century. in management, a fundamentally new approach to personnel management begins to take hold - people, their activities, potential, organizational cultures of various types become the object. Modern managers consider the culture of their organization as an important strategic tool that allows them to orient all departments towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees, and facilitate mutual communication. The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use. Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system. Methodologically, this area of ​​management has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment, and others; methods of study and direction of analysis of the content of labor of various categories of personnel. Improving the personnel management system of industrial enterprises in the context of the transition to market relations is one of the urgent tasks of modern economic development. Optimization of the system of formation, distribution and use of personnel and its potential during the transition from a planned centralized system of national economy management to a market model of the economy of a particular region, and for each industrial enterprise, regardless of ownership, is a matter of particular importance.

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 1. HR STRATEGY OF SMALL ENTERPRISES 5 1.1. Basic concepts and categories of personnel policy of the enterprise 5 1.2. Features of personnel management of a small enterprise 6 2. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF PERSONNEL POLICY ON THE EXAMPLE OF AN ENTERPRISE OOO AVIASTAL 11 2.1. History and economic characteristics of AviaStal LLC 11 2.2. Assessment of personnel potential of AviaStal LLC 14 2.3. Strategic personnel management as an element of the personnel policy of AviaStal LLC 27 CONCLUSION 32 REFERENCES 35

LIST OF USED LITERATURE 1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part Two. No. 14-FZ. Adopted by the State Duma on 22 December 1995 ) 2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. (Parts one and two). - M.: IKF "EKMOS", 2005 - 480s. 3. Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-Fz. Adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2001 (as amended by the Federal Law of May 9, 2005 No. 45-FZ) 4. Aberdeen V.Z., Kibanov A.Ya. Improving the structure, functions and economic relationships of the management departments of enterprises with different forms of management. / Textbook. allowance / M .: GAU, 2005. - 548 p. 5. 10. Bogdanova E.L. Marketing concept of organization personnel - management and competitive workforce. M.: Progress - Academy, 2004. - 419 p. 6. Vesnin V.R. Strategic management: textbook. - M .: TK Velby, Publishing house "Prospect", 2007. - 328 p. 7. Vinogradova I. The strategy of personnel management in the context of organizational change. // Effective management. September, 2007, pp. 12-15. 8. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. – M.: Infra-M, 2007. – 512 p. 9. Kartashov S.A., Sapozhnikov S.S. Review of the activities of companies in the selection of personnel and employment of the population of Moscow. M., 2005. - 312 p. 10. Small business in Russia: Stat. Sat. / Goskomstat of Russia. M., 2007. - 321c. 11. Maslov V.I. Strategic personnel management in conditions of effective organizational culture: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Finpress", 2004. - 288 p. 12. Nelyubina M. Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investments in personnel // Problems of theory and practice of management, 2006. - N 5. - p.23-31 13. Odegov Yu., Mausov N., Kulapov M. The effectiveness of the personnel management system ( socio-economic aspect).- M.: REA im. Plekhanov, 2003. - 328 p. 14. Okhotsky E.V. HR book. M.: Economics, 2006. - 496 p. 15. Pugachev V.P. Personnel management of the organization. M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 459 p. 16. Rofe A.I., Zhukov A.L. Theoretical foundations of economics and sociology of labor. M.: MIK Publishing House, 2005. - 234 p. 17. Sokolova L., Tishina T. Modern production needs both professional managers and skilled workers. // Man and labor, 2005 - No. 2. – p.43-46 18. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M .: "Delo", 2004. - 264 p. 19. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.D. Strategic management: concepts and situations for analysis, 12th edition: Per. from English. - M .: "Williams", 2007. - 928 p. 20. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook for universities. / Ed. AND I. Kibanova, L.V. Invanovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2007. - 352 p. 21. Formation and implementation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise // personnel management. 2008. No. 1 (155). pp. 70-72. 22. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization: Proc. - pract. allowance. Ed. 4th, revised. and additional M.: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2002. - 368 p.


In modern conditions, the development of measures of socio-economic policy, including the policy of employment of the population, cannot be ensured without an appropriate theoretical understanding and justification. Employment issues are among the most important among the macroeconomic, social, and, ultimately, political problems of society.

Currently in Russia there is an acute problem of employment of the population associated with competition for jobs that require professionalism, knowledge and skill. One of the ways to solve the problems of employment of the population is the development of socially oriented entrepreneurship. This topic very relevant, because According to global trends, small business is the future in providing employment for the population, because it provides a significant increase not only in new jobs, a decrease in unemployment, but also tangible results in the development of the country's economy.

Currently, the state policy in relation to small business in the Russian Federation is only being formed, its goals, directions, implementation mechanisms are being determined. Only the first, not always correct and consistent steps have been taken towards the formation of a coherent policy for the support and development of small businesses and the creation of a mechanism for its implementation.

The purpose of this course work is to study personnel strategy entrepreneurial activity, in particular, small business, and identifying ways to improve it.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

consider theoretical views on personnel policy as a specific part of an entrepreneurial strategy;

justify that the employment of the population in small business is one of the main factors in the development of the country's economy;

to analyze the structure of employment of the population of the city of Bogoroditsk and the Bogoroditsky district for the period 2010 - 2011;

identify the main personnel problems of small enterprises in the city of Bogoroditsk and develop recommendations for their solution.

The object of the study is the personnel strategy of entrepreneurial activity at small enterprises in the city of Bogoroditsk and the Bogoroditsky district.

The subject of the study are social relations in terms of personnel strategy, organization of employment and work motivation personnel on the basis of the stores "Bober" and " Construction Materials» IP Tolmachev D.M.

framenew politics entrepreneurial

1. Personnel policy as a specific part of the business strategy

The transition of the Russian Federation from the economy of the administrative-command type to market relations required reforms in the field of personnel policy, since in the Soviet period they were striving for universal employment, i.e. providing the entire working-age population with jobs. In new economic conditions the state has given up direct centralized control employment.

The main links in the personnel policy of the state in modern conditions are laws, programs to stimulate employment; agreements concluded by subjects of social and labor relations at the federal, regional, sectoral levels and within enterprises. An important role is currently assigned to the investment-structural, tax, financial and credit policy. Joint efforts of subjects commercial activities the main directions of the personnel strategy, changes in the structure of the personnel, improvement of the qualitative characteristics of labor resources, increase in their competitiveness in the domestic and international market labor. The state in the new economic conditions in this system acts as a coordinator of these efforts, creates market conditions for their functioning.

Against this background, each business entity should develop its own personnel policy - a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel. The personnel strategy not only becomes an integral part of the enterprise development concept, but is also organically combined with it, taking into account the analysis of the real situation in production and on the market.

The personnel policy should be sufficiently flexible, economically justified, that is, proceed from the real financial capabilities of the enterprise, and also provide an individual approach to its employees.

When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:

production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

the financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by them;

quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);

demand for labor from competitors, the emerging level of wages;

the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

requirements of labor legislation, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

Taking into account the above, we can say that the personnel policy of an enterprise is the resulting strategic direction in personnel work, i.e. which is the result of interaction on a compromise basis between the priorities of the state employment policy and the general strategy for the development of the enterprise.

Consequently, in modern conditions, it is the development of entrepreneurship that solves the most important social problem of society - the creation of new jobs.

2. Employment of the population in small business as a significant factor in the development of the country's economy

In the conditions of market relations, the development of small business in Russia will largely depend on the involvement of the country's population in it.

Employment in small business can become that important basis through which a turn will be made to positive processes in the economy, reducing unemployment, and, consequently, to greater stability in society.

The absence of complicated management structures in small enterprises facilitates the process of formation of such enterprises. The widespread use of flexible working conditions and employment makes it possible to involve women, students and citizens who want to work part-time (part-time workers) in the labor force.

An important social function of small business in industrialized countries is associated with its ability on a large scale to absorb the unemployed labor force released from large enterprises, to reduce social tension that arises in conditions of chronic unemployment, economic crises. The experience of developed industrial countries, which coped with the structural crisis of the mid-1970s, shows that employment issues can be effectively addressed through the mass creation of small enterprises.

The important role of small business as an employer is also due to the fact that, with low costs of creating jobs, many types of work in this sector are highly labor intensive. The combination of these two properties explains the impact of small business on the employment of the population and on the entire mechanism of the functioning of labor in society, and that is why this sector absorbs excess labor. In addition, another part of the small business sector is currently developing - individual entrepreneurship. This sector of the economy is called " active part real economy”, “the basis of the middle class”. The number of unincorporated entrepreneurs has recently been constantly growing, and therefore it is precisely in this line that small businesses generate a significant, if not the main part of additional jobs.

Legislative and regulations a system of economic, financial, material and other incentives is being formed that guarantees the necessary support for certain categories of small businesses; general rules their behavior in a market economy, at the same time some barriers to the existence of illegal entrepreneurship are put in place. Simultaneously legislative acts Measures should be established to protect business entities from the external environment, including from illegal actions of authorities at different levels. In order for entrepreneurship to develop successfully in Russia, the state (represented by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government) should support legitimate, innovative entrepreneurship, the formation of which is an important condition for economic growth.

Setting the goal of creating conditions conducive to the development of small business in Russia, providing preferential treatment for the functioning of small enterprises, attracting the most active and qualified part of the population to the sphere of commercial activity, it is first of all important to create a favorable environment for entrepreneurial activity. This problem can be solved by adopting clear, specific and targeted regulatory and legislative acts, i.e. to form a legal environment for small business not only at the federal, but also at the regional level.

3. Analysis of the personnel strategy of entrepreneurial activity in the territory municipality Bogoroditsk and Bogoroditsky district of the Tula region

As of July 1, 2011, 1,276 small businesses (including 250 legal entities and 1025 individual entrepreneurs) and medium-sized businesses (1 legal entity).

The total number of persons employed in small and medium-sized businesses amounted to 01.07.2011 - 4237 people (26.5% of the population employed in the economy of the district), incl. in small business 4091 people, on average - 146 people.

Structure of small and medium enterprises by types economic activity has remained virtually unchanged over the years. Wholesale and retail due to a fairly high capital turnover, it is the most popular in small and medium-sized businesses (Table 1). As of July 1, 2011, the share of wholesale and retail trade enterprises in the total number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the district is 37.8%. 2nd in specific gravity in the structure of small and medium-sized businesses are organizations involved in the production of 17.1%.

As of 07/01/2011, according to the data of enterprises and organizations reporting to the administration of the municipality Bogoroditsky district, the average monthly salary of small businesses amounted to 7930.68 rubles. and medium-sized businesses 10530.18 rubles. The average monthly wage for January-June 2011 in the municipality Bogoroditsky district amounted to 12363.4 rubles. Its growth rate against the corresponding period of the last year was 112.07%.

Tab. 1 Structure of small and medium-sized enterprises by type of economic activity as of 01.07.2011

Types of activity Number of enterprises medicine 3 consumer services 6 transport and communications 9 hotels and restaurants 10 construction 25 agriculture, hunting and forestry 30 real estate operations, rent and provision of services 14 production 44 wholesale and retail trade 95

According to the Bogoroditsky Department of State Statistics, wages are higher than the average regional level at enterprises wholesale trade, including trading through agents, except trading vehicles and motorcycles - 43128.9 rubles, Agriculture- 20844.4 rubles, manufacturing - 14406.9 rubles, transport and communications - 14932.9 rubles, in public administration institutions - 16396.7 rubles.

Below the regional indicator wages in the areas of education - 10317.8 rubles., Health and social services- 10044.4 rubles, in cultural and sports institutions - 7195.8 rubles.

Meetings of the interdepartmental commission are held monthly in the administration of the municipal formation Bogoroditsky district. During the reporting period, 6 meetings of the interdepartmental commission were held, to which 5 heads of small and medium-sized businesses were invited, paying wages below the subsistence level for the able-bodied population, having arrears in payments to the Main Directorate of the UPF RF for the city of Bogoroditsk and the Bogoroditsky district, arrears on tax payments to the budget of the municipality Bogoroditsky district. At the meetings, they were recommended to legalize wages and bring the level of actually paid wages to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population.

On February 2012, the Regional Agreement on the minimum wage in the Tula region was signed, according to which the minimum wage was established in the Tula region:

a) for employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy:

The labor market that has developed in the Bogoroditsky district is characterized by a tendency towards the lack of demand for citizens with specialties related to intellectual work. Of course, there is a demand for such specialists, but working conditions and wages remain at a low level.

As of 01.07.2011, the coefficient of tension in the labor market was 5.1 and remained at the level of the same period in 2010.

According to the State Institution of the Tula Region, the Center for Employment of the Population of Bogoroditsk, the number of persons who are not employed labor activity as of 01.07.2011 was 834 people, of which 784 people (94.0%) have the status of unemployed.

In January-June 2011, the level of officially registered unemployment was 3.4%, in the 1st half of 2010 - 3.9%.

An analysis of the structure of citizens who applied to the Employment Center for the provision of state services of assistance in finding a job for the 1st half of 2011 shows that in the structure of citizens who applied for assistance in finding a job, citizens dismissed from district organizations for various reasons predominate, their number is 83 ,9%.

The structural composition of citizens who applied to the Center for Health Protection also includes: disabled people (4.8%), graduates of educational institutions (1.2%).

Citizens who applied in the 1st half of 2011 have a low level of education, only 32.8% have higher and secondary vocational education. Consequently, there are problems with the issue of employment, as a modern employer is interested in more qualified workers.

During the first half of 2011, the following professions and specialties were most in demand in the labor market of the region: a car driver - 19 vacancies were announced, a road worker - 25 vacancies were announced, an auxiliary worker - 323 vacancies were announced, an accountant - 13 vacancies were announced, engineering specialties - 25 were announced vacancies, mason - 7 vacancies announced, chemical water treatment laboratory assistant - 30 vacancies announced, nurse - 17 vacancies announced, machine operator - 17 vacancies announced, - tractor driver - 24 vacancies announced.

For the 1st half of 2011, 942 people were employed, which is 91% (1035 people) compared to the corresponding level of 2010.

A positive role in the growth in the employment of unemployed citizens was played by the holding of job fairs, of which 12 have been held since the beginning of the year, 717 people took part in them, 277 people were employed after the job fairs.

During the 1st half of 2011 in public works 219 people participated.

The number of those who took part in public works increased by 31 people (188 people) compared to the same period last year.

In order to implement the program of additional measures to reduce tension in the labor market of the Tula region in 2011 government agency Tula region, the Employment Center of the city of Bogoroditsk, as of July 1, 2011, concluded:

3 contracts with 2 enterprises of the municipality Bogoroditsky district for the organization of special jobs for the disabled, parents raising disabled children, parents with many children;

5 contracts with 3 enterprises for the organization of internships for 5 graduates;

6 agreements with 3 enterprises for the organization of advanced vocational training for employees under threat of dismissal.

As part of the implementation of the program of additional measures to reduce tension in the labor market of the Tula region in 2011, 20 unemployed citizens expressed a desire to start their own business and received a positive assessment after testing.

4. Evaluation of the personnel strategy of a small business entity on the example of IP Tolmachev D.M.

The basis for studying the personnel strategy of entrepreneurial activity for the purposes of this work is the IP Tolmachev D.M.. This commercial enterprise, registered on July 2, 2004, since March 5, 2002, has been engaged in retail trade in building materials. Currently, these goods are sold to customers through two retail stores: Bober and Building Materials. The first one is located directly in the city of Bogoroditsk at the address: ZMR, 1. The second - in the village. Tovarkovsky, st. Kirova, d.1. Although IP Tolmachev D.M. refers to small businesses, the range of goods in its stores is very wide - more than 20,000 items of power tools, electrical goods, plumbing, paintwork, fasteners and accessories, finishing materials, etc.

Management structure of IP Tolmachev D.M. - linear. The advantage of this structure lies in the fact that the manager concentrates the management of all departments in his hands, has the ability to quickly control any area of ​​work and take the necessary managerial decision. Linear structure personnel management is simple and economical. The management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in work with personnel, takes measures to localize the crisis, is focused on understanding the causes that may lead to personnel problems.

Personnel policy IP Tolmachev D.M. based on internal organizational principles, rules, relationships:

) the principle of simplicity, i.e. simple system personnel management;

) development of personnel through advanced training, self-expression, self-development;

) the principle of compliance of wages with the volume and complexity of the work performed;

) the principle of efficiency, i.e. timely decision-making and improvement of the personnel management system;

) the principle of optimality - the study of all possible proposals and the choice of a more rational one;

) the principle of a proportionate combination of incentives and sanctions;

The main lever of personnel management of a commercial enterprise is a system of incentive payments, which are a material incentive for personnel. Such management form corresponds to the entrepreneurial organizational culture.

Personnel strategy IP Tolmachev D.M. is aimed at a clear focus on the company's profit and a direct dependence of the personal income of each employee on the result obtained. For these purposes, in the stores of IP Tolmachev D.M. apply:

competition and encouragement of individualism of the worker;

sales staff remuneration system, including salary and percentage of sales;

systematic bonus payments per progress made in work;

rigid system of administrative influence;

rolling work schedule;

motivation of devotion to the ideals of the firm;

social guarantees for employees;

dress code for all employees and uniform for sales staff.

In the stores of IP Tolmachev D.M. a friendly atmosphere of interaction between employees and customers has been created. The sales personnel of this enterprise are characterized by discipline, organization, diligence, attentive attitude to the client, the ability to establish contact with him. In order to maintain high level qualifications of employees, exclusion of staff turnover, job seekers undergo a rigorous selection process. People who have a secondary vocational education, at the age of 18, without bad habits, aimed at professional growth having such personal qualities like sociability, stress resistance, self-control.

At the same time, this enterprise is open to potential employees at any level: in the Bober and Building Materials stores, you can start working both from the lowest position, and from a position at the senior management level. The employer is ready to hire any specialist if he has the appropriate qualifications, regardless of work experience. Therefore, this enterprise is very attractive in terms of finding work for young people, in particular, graduates of the Bogoroditsk College of Electronic Devices. Such a personnel policy is inherent in organizations that pursue an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid entry into the forefront in their industry.

Qualified personnel is one of the key factors for the successful functioning of any organization. Therefore, it is extremely important to successfully organize the work of personnel management. This requires a personnel strategy, which is reflected in the personnel policy of the organization.

The main elements of the personnel policy are:

determination of the need for personnel;

recruitment and selection of personnel;

its adaptation;

staff training and development;

personnel certification;

formation of a personnel reserve.

At the same time, it is important to remember that all elements of personnel policy are equally important for the successful functioning of the personnel management system, that is, personnel policy must be balanced.

On the example of IP Tolmachev D.M. it should be noted that improvements to any one element do not fundamentally change the situation. Thus, the presence of a strict selection of applicants for work and the system of incentive payments do not exclude the difficulties of adapting to work again. accepted employees and the probability of not passing them probationary period. Analysis of knowledge and skills indicated in job descriptions sales staff of a building materials store with a real qualification level, made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

In order to form a personnel reserve, it is advisable for the enterprise management to create long-term contractual relationship With educational institutions middle vocational education areas, such as the Bogoroditsky Technical School of Electronic Devices, the Novomoskovsky Construction College, to take part in joint development programs industrial practice for students, taking into account the specifics of the practical skills required when working at this enterprise;

It is necessary to rationally organize working time sales personnel, enterprises, introduce a flexible hourly schedule lunch breaks for employees of the trading floor, so that during the hours of the greatest activity of buyers not to leave departments without sellers;

It is required to regularly conduct short presentations of new positions for sales consultants in order to increase the level of knowledge of the assortment and develop communication skills;

At the enterprise, it is possible to carry out special trainings for employees to work out the algorithm of actions during various checks and the occurrence of conflict situations with buyers.

Such measures will facilitate the process of adaptation of interns in the stores "Bober" and "Building Materials" IE Tolmachev D.M., improve the overall level of qualification of sellers, reduce the number of mistakes they make. It will also increase the number of employees who can be enrolled in the personnel reserve of the enterprise.


In the course of this course work, the personnel strategy of entrepreneurial activity, external and internal factors that influence it and the directions for its improvement in modern conditions were studied.

In the theoretical part of the work, a definition of personnel strategy is given as the resulting strategic direction in personnel work, which is the result of interaction on a compromise basis between the priorities of the state employment policy and the general strategy of enterprise development. It is substantiated that the employment of the population in small business is one of the main factors in the development of the country's economy.

In the process of researching the topic of the course work, theoretical views on personnel policy as a specific part of the business strategy are considered, the content and fundamental principles of personnel strategy in small businesses in modern conditions are disclosed. A well-chosen HR strategy provides:

timely staffing of workers and specialists in order to ensure the smooth functioning of production, the timely development of new products;

formation of the required level of labor potential of the enterprise team while minimizing costs (saving within reasonable limits of the costs associated with hiring employees, training personnel, taking into account not only the costs in the current period, but also for subsequent retraining and advanced training, etc.);

stabilization of the team by taking into account the interests of employees, providing opportunities for qualification growth and receiving other benefits;

formation of higher motivation for highly productive work;

rational use of labor force according to qualifications and in accordance with special training, etc.

However, the achievement of these results is possible with a correct assessment of the feasibility of personnel policy in specific organizational, technical and social conditions.

In the design and analytical part, the structure of employment of the population is analyzed and the main personnel problems of small enterprises in the city of Bogoroditsk and the Bogoroditsky district as of the first half of 2011 are identified, the personnel strategy of IP Tolmachev D.M. as a business entity.

Summing up, we can conclude that the personnel of the organization and its management, regardless of the size of the group, must consciously build their behavior, choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise, motivate employees to work with the help of economic and moral and psychological measures.

In addition, this paper emphasizes that in the light of the ongoing education reform in the Russian Federation, it is important for modern entrepreneurs, as potential employers, to communicate with educational institutions, preparing in advance for themselves a personnel reserve with the necessary professional competencies.