Franchise in the field of public services: pros and cons, the best deals. Profitable franchises: how to understand that the choice is made correctly (45) What is the benefit of buying a franchise in the service sector

  • 18.06.2022

Service franchises represent a segment of the franchising market, which has a wide range of offers for the provision of accounting, legal and other services. The specificity of this area is the accuracy and reliability of the business plan, which is used in the promotion of projects. The high level of requirements for a business plan is due to the fact that the quality of the service provided can only be assessed by the client after receiving it. Having received the right to use the authority of the franchisor, an entrepreneur can win a certain client contingent in a short time.

An entrepreneur who does not have a legal education can purchase a franchise of legal services "Lawyer 24". The offer is presented on the Russian franchising market by the first legal operator of the Russian Federation. Legal advice is provided by cell phone through the use of unlimited consultation cards. Starting investments are characterized by a lower bar of 198 thousand rubles. The payback period covers a period of one to two months. The amount of royalties is determined by agreement. The same applies to such a type of payment as a lump-sum contribution.

The Iris Test Community Services Franchise is a project related to the provision of express health diagnostic services. The offer came to the Russian market from an international information holding, the total number of franchise partners in different countries of the world of which is over two thousand. According to the terms of the franchise agreement, there is no provision for the payment of an initial fee. The same goes for royalty payments. The range of investments required for participation in the project is from 79 thousand to 109 thousand rubles. The period during which the return on investment occurs is one to two months. Lack of competition, unlimited income combined with business mobility and the possibility of making a profit from 90 thousand to 450 thousand rubles every month.

The URMARKT accounting services franchise is an offer of the URMARKT company, among the activities of which is the provision of accounting services. To buy a franchise, a businessman does not have to have an accounting education and relevant work experience. The detailed development of the business plan scheme allows you to open an office within three weeks. The minimum cost required to participate in the project is 550 thousand rubles. The size of the lump-sum contribution is 250 thousand rubles. Royalty volumes - 15 thousand rubles starting from the third month of work. There are no other types of payments. The period during which the investment is paid back is from five to eight months.

Service franchises today

Today, you will not find many franchises in the service industry. A distinguishing feature of service franchises is that they tend to have a lower down payment than other franchises. The terms of service franchises are minimal, so it is easy to start working on such a franchise.

The most popular among franchises in the service sector are franchises for organizing children's holidays and events. The franchisor provides all the necessary equipment and a well-designed program. All that remains for you is to find a client and have a good show. This kind of show is in great demand, because it is often easier for parents to pay than to try to organize a children's party themselves.

Please see video reviews of franchises in the service sector:

It is not uncommon for aspiring businessmen to consider a service industry franchise as a great way to develop their own business. This franchising option is distinguished by reliability, affordability for entrepreneurs and ease of establishing a workflow.

Another factor due to which the service industry is one of the most preferred segments is that it does not require a serious initial investment to enter the business. This allows even inexperienced entrepreneurs to open their own business.

Service franchising - what is it?

All forms of entrepreneurship can be divided into the following groups:

  1. production;
  2. trade;
  3. services.

The first 2 require serious cash costs, because funds are needed to create or purchase goods. And the service sector involves their creation without serious material costs. Human resources, time, knowledge are usually spent on this.

Service sector franchising is also attractive because it offers quite a few options for developing your own business. These can be household services (for example, hairdressers, beauty salons), consulting support (including legal). And this list is endless.

Many people do not dare to open their own business due to lack of self-confidence, lack of experience and other factors. The franchise helps them to take a step forward towards their dream, to put aside all fears and concerns.

Considering all areas of franchising, you can almost immediately understand that services for the population are one of the largest and most demanded segments. Moreover, it covers many proposals at once, including education, financing. There are more than 100 franchises on the market today that can be attributed to this area.

In many ways, entrepreneurs decide to work in this area also because for large businessmen such a niche is not associated with something very profitable. It turns out that competition is due to market players related to small businesses.

Looking at the structure of franchising offers of services to the population, we can conclude that The most requested of them are:

  • educational services (31%);
  • financial services (30%);
  • household services (28%);
  • delivery services (12%);
  • legal services (10%).

Most franchise offers can be found in the financial and educational sectors. Do not lag behind and domestic services. Entrepreneurs are increasingly interested in the delivery sector. This includes the delivery of food, flowers, jewelry, other goods, various cargoes. The legal segment in the form of franchises is not so common, but in terms of volume it occupies one of the leading positions.

It is no coincidence that entrepreneurs show interest in franchises in the service sector. Such proposals provide an opportunity to develop, explore new horizons. This is largely due to the presence of a sufficiently large number of advantages, which include:

All this creates the basis for the development of their own business. In this case, even a beginner who does not have special knowledge and large capital can try himself as a businessman.


Assumes work on a franchise in the service sector and the presence of its shortcomings. These include:

  • the need to use the premises (at the same time, you will have to pay rent for it, make repairs if necessary) of a retail, office or warehouse type;
  • the difficulty of finding employees who have not only special knowledge, but also experience (this is typical for most areas, especially when it comes to legal, educational or personal services);
  • the need to purchase tools that are needed to provide services (you need to not only find and purchase it, but also monitor its serviceability);
  • the need to obtain permits (in some cases).

Overview of offers

Consider the most attractive offers in the field of franchising services for the population. We will evaluate the conditions provided and the amount of necessary costs.

The company itself was founded in 2007. The franchise network has been operating since 2012. During this time, more than 180 franchises have been sold to businessmen from 7 countries of the world, including from Russia. The essence of the proposal is to provide loaders, who are employees of the enterprise, to perform various work - carrying furniture, carrying out loading operations.

Such a franchise allows you to combine several areas of work at once - to provide services to the population and business.

The terms of this offer are:

  • the amount of the down payment is 179,000 rubles;
  • royalties can vary from 4 to 7 thousand rubles;
  • the total costs of the franchisee can range from 179 to 599 thousand rubles.

Such an offer was made by the international holding InfoLife. The bottom line is to conduct biometric testing of a person. In total, this company offers 3 different franchises, including InterFace. It is interesting because after the analysis, a person receives recommendations that allow him to improve himself, to achieve something in life.

The franchise conditions are as follows:

  • there is no entrance fee and royalties;
  • the minimum initial cost is 499,000 rubles.

Real-time quests are increasingly attracting Russians. Quest-Art has been working in this field since 2013. She specializes in the horror genre. High-quality quests elevated to the rank of real art is the main goal of the company.

The terms of this franchise are as follows:

  • initial payment - 200,000 rubles;
  • royalties - 10% of the proceeds received;
  • the size of investments - from 600 thousand to 3 million rubles.

Summing up

A franchise in the service sector is an opportunity to start your own business without having a large investment. From the variety of offers, you can choose what you really like. Interest and desire to promote your idea are the main components of success.

The Instaface franchise involves opening a promotion agency on Instagram and VKontakte. Read on for more information about this franchise.

Lena Lenina's franchise will allow you to immediately open your own nail salon under a well-known brand. Read reviews and start a profitable business with Lena Lenina's franchise. In addition, your personal feedback on working with this franchise is welcome.

The Alfatest franchise is a business for those who want to open a certification and examination center. To learn more about this franchise and see reviews about it, read on.

The BashAvtonomGaz franchise is offered to those who are interested in starting a business on mobile gas tanks. Below you will find reviews and other information about the franchise.

The Chop Chop Franchise will give you the opportunity to recoup your investment in just one year. Read and leave your reviews and purchase a franchise of popular services, this is an opportunity to make high profits in a short time.

The CARDZAVOD franchise is an opportunity to open a plastic card manufacturing company. To learn more about this franchise and see reviews of it, read on.

Express Stryzhka is a network of hairdressers. The company was founded in 2005 in Ukraine, but has a large list of development regions, which also includes Russia. On this page you can view reviews about this franchise and leave your own.

Merry Comb is a company that provides hairdressing and ear piercing services to children. The company has existed since 2011, founded in St. Petersburg. In other cities, work began in 2012. On this page you can leave a review about this franchise.

The Forsage project is an attraction in the form of a racing track for radio-controlled models. For reviews and more details about the Forsage franchise, read on.

The Argus Print Franchise is a business based on the production of seals and stamps. To learn more about the franchise and learn about it reviews, read on.

The Beauty Point franchise is distinguished by great profitability prospects, thanks to the popularity of the brand. Analyze all the pros and cons, read the reviews.

The FIRST VISA CENTER Franchise is a business focused on simplification of obtaining visas to different countries of the world. Learn more about the franchise and leave your feedback!

Franchise Soyuz Test allows you to open a certification body. Read on for more details, opinions and feedback about this company.

Franchise Hostels Rus allows you to open your own hostel. Read on for more details, opinions and feedback on the Hostels Rus franchise.

Franchise A personal solution will help you start a mover services business. Read the pros and cons of the franchise, reviews and start a profitable business.

The BEBRAND franchise lies in the fact that entrepreneurs here earn money on trademark registration. To see all the details and reviews of the franchise, read on.

The Steffany Franchise will provide the opportunity to open a braiding studio in a minimum amount of time. Read franchise reviews and start your profitable business.

The Beardach franchise allows you to open your own barbershop. Read on for more details, opinions and feedback about this company.

The Franchising5 company is engaged in the creation and implementation of franchises throughout Russia. We open representative offices for the implementation of packages for packing a business into a franchise, as well as the implementation of ready-made franchises in the Russian Federation.

The Tonus Club franchise allows you to open a modern sports and health club for women. To learn more about the franchise and see reviews, read on.

The Tsiryulnik franchise allows you to open a beauty salon with a wide range of services. You can read reviews and other details about this franchise below.

The Print5 franchise is a business based on the production of stamps and seals. To learn more about this franchise and see reviews about it, read on.

The MIO company offers to open an optics salon on a franchise basis. For details, reviews and to leave your opinion, read on.

Building a business is hard. Grow a brand while managing day-to-day operations, keep it profitable, and still get enough sleep? This is almost impossible for most beginners and even experienced entrepreneurs. Therefore, franchising has become so popular and in demand. The top-grossing franchises are ranked every year, new profitable franchises are opened, brand networks grow, and small business opportunities grow exponentially.

Agree, it is much easier to buy a profitable franchise than to develop your own business, risking everything every day. With plug and play benefits, franchising can offer other benefits as well:

  • a recognizable brand;
  • ready business plan;
  • professional education;
  • saving time and money;
  • investment security;
  • fast payback.

On the other hand, if you want to make all the decisions yourself, stand in long queues at government agencies, spend years building a recognizable brand, or you have several hundred thousand dollars to spare, then perhaps the decision to buy a profitable franchise will be irrelevant for you. . But if you are an aspiring entrepreneur with no experience or already have a general understanding of the business structure, then it is better to consider the TOP of the most profitable franchises with minimal investment. It is better to protect yourself than to take risks without confidence in the result.

How much money will I earn?

The question above is perhaps the most frequently asked one when potential franchisees are considering buying a franchise. Choosing profitable franchises for a small town, you are guaranteed to get a quick return on investment, but their specific amount will be individual for each case.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding a profitable franchise. The success of each direction is independent and includes several factors:

  • location;
  • market dynamics;
  • work ethic of the franchisee.

It is extremely important for prospective franchisees to carefully research specific TOP profitable franchise systems and decide which ones offer the financial returns they are looking for.

The 2019 Profitable Franchise Rating suggests that the current trends for the next year will be franchises related to food delivery and opening coffee outlets to go, construction, children's services, as well as the cleaning industry.

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