The game program from the matroskin cat. Impromptu musical fairy tale "New Year in Prostokvashino". Game program "Holidays in Prostokvashino"

  • 01.04.2020

New Year in Prostokvashino.

Pechkin. Knock Knock! Knock Knock! (To the audience.) What, you didn't recognize me?
Spectators. Learned! Pechkin!
Pechkin. And once you know what to answer?
Spectators. Who's there?
Pechkin. Correctly! Let's try again?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Knock Knock!
Spectators. Who's there?
Pechkin. It's me, the postman Pechkin, brought new year greetings boys and girls. Only I won’t give them to you, because it’s supposed to dance for them “Nashenskaya Prostokvashinsky”, but you don’t know how! Teach?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Then get up. With the toe of the left foot we dig the ground - one, two, three, now with the right - one, two, three. We squat on half-bent and make a jump with a turn, another jump. Three times we shake our head to the left, as if we are butting someone, and again, only in the other direction, and finally we twist our tail ... (Shows hand movement.) Learned?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Well done! Now let's dance to my Panasonic brand system. They gave it to me for Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Music sounds. Pechkin and the audience are dancing. Pechkin descends into the hall and approaches one of the spectators.

What is your name? (After answer.) When I get home, I'll write a note about you in the Art of Ballet magazine. (To another child.) And I will write about you. You danced the best. (Pulls out a letter.) Read what is written here...
Spectator 1. Most playful.
Pechkin. Can you do it louder?
Spectators (together). The most playful!
Pechkin. Here, twenty-five again! There are two of you, and one letter, so I won't give it to you again! Don't compete until you play! Do you agree? (After the children's answers.) You have to write “I am a bull” on this tape and indicate your name. And you need to do it with horns. (Puts the participants on headbands with felt-tip pens attached like horns.) With the left we write "I am a bull", with the right - our name. But there is one trick here: in order for the audience to read what you wrote, you need to write not from left to right, but vice versa, that is, from right to left!

Assistants take out the frames on which the film is stretched. Music sounds, children write phrases. When one of them finishes, the music stops.

Well done! Hold the letter! "To the most playful" - that means you! (To the loser.) A little behind, but no problem! Here, hold Prostokvashinsky kefir, refresh yourself! Take a seat! (To the winner.) You will be a bull - he wrote it himself! Sit down to read the letter! (To the audience.) I'll tell you a New Year's rhyme now. I learned it for Santa Claus to tell on a stool.
New Year's Eve under the tree
We were looking for Temko.
We did not find Temka,
We cancel the tree.
And who else prepared a poem for Santa Claus? (To one of the spectators.) Go stand on a stool and read! (After reading.) Okay, but I read better! (Zalu.) Maybe someone else wants to try?

Someone from the audience recites a poem.

Also nothing ... And one more! As they say, for the sake of completeness of the landscape!

Someone else is reading a poem.

Well done! Ate pickled cucumber! (Zalu.) Who read the best?

The hall shouts the name of the participant they like.

That's it, and I think so too, a boy named ... (To the winner.) You… (name), we will be a jackdaw. Here is your mail! Go sit next to the bull and read. (Zalu.) Do you know which one is the most?
Someone from the hall. Handsome, smart, good.
Pechkin. Not! I am the most decent, because I like to walk along the rows and get to know each other!

Pechkin descends into the hall, begins to greet the audience and brings two people to the stage who have the letter “M” in their first or last name.

Here are the ones I'm looking for. Mechanics-memeshniki. Those who have the letter "M" there! Where? In the name, of course, that's where! And this letter is the most home-m-mashnaya. For example, milk. Butter. Moonshine. Oh, I was wrong! Samovar, meat grinder, skimmer, computer! And who knows what they call a computer in the village?.. No! The stove! Because both there and there teapots whistle! So my surname is also a computer one! (To the players.) So try for me! You will be bakers! You are here and you are here! Now I will show you a picture from the magazine "Garden and Garden", and you remember, but be careful! I count to three! And three!

Screens open on the stage, behind which 5 people represent a stove.

Remember? (Screens close.) Now do it yourself. And we will help you.

To the music, the players recruit assistants from the audience and try to “build a stove”.

Finish! Let's see who did it better! Personally, I love both! But here… (Player name) built before! And you… (name of second player), keep a DIY magazine - study. (To the winner.) That's who we have the most economic. Be a Matroskin! Hold the letter, go to the others! (Imperceptibly puts a bear mask on his face.) Woo! Scared? In vain! It's me, the postman Pechkin! Do you want to growl, mumble and croak? .. We will now arrange the program "In the world of animals." Here you go. I saved these things especially for the masquerade!

Approaches one of the spectators, holds out a bag with masks.

Who got caught? .. The first row we will have bears, and Toptygin by name ... will be in charge. (To another viewer.) Now you choose, just say your name first! (After answer.) The second row we will have wahs, and the main frog will be ... (Player name). (To a third viewer.) What is your name? (After answer.) Choose a mask ... And we will have norushki in this row, and the mouse will be responsible for this row ... (name of third viewer).(To the fourth viewer.) How about your name? (After the answer.) (Name), and you know how to crow? .. Let's check?
Viewer. Ku-ka-re-ku!
Pechkin. Well done! Only I don’t have a rooster mask with me! Will you be a wolf?
Viewer. I will.
Pechkin. This row will be gray, and the main one will be ... (name)! (To the fifth player.) What is your name?.. U... (name) there will be a row of pigs, and the most important will be sow ... (name)! (Next.) And who are you?.. (Name), here is the answer to this question. I ask this for myself, in order to improve my education. Who is considered a friend of a person?
Viewer. Dog!
Pechkin. Yes, you can immediately see - educated! This means that your entire row will be the friendliest, and you are responsible for it! And now let's imagine that we are as if in a studio on Shabolovka, and now we will sing a song, without which not a single New Year is complete. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". But everyone will sing it in their own way: wahs - croak, pigs - grunt, wolves - howl ... Do you understand? (After answer.) Then let's start!

The melody of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds. The audience sings it in their own way.

But here we have a boy who did not bark, did not grunt, did not croak. Because I sat, listened and enjoyed. Stand up, please, let everyone see you. I have a letter for you - "To the most nature-loving." You will be like a ball with us! Here you go, get on stage. Everyone is here. (Children who won competitions.) I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! And this is for a long memory from me! (Gives Christmas decorations.) They sent me a whole box of them by mistake! Only I must confess to you! It was I who wrote the letters. And then after all, there is no work at the post office at all! Boredom is terrible! People stopped writing altogether. Yes, and all of mine, Prostokvashinsky, parted. But, you know, I am very glad that I am here today! Thank you for coming, I am very glad to meet you...
Father Frost (appearing). Hello! Guess who am I?
Pechkin. That's what technology has come to! I didn’t write a letter to Uncle Fyodor’s dad! Honest postman!
Father Frost. And I'm not Uncle Fyodor's dad! I am the real Santa Claus! Happy New Year to you guys! Do you want to receive gifts? .. Then get together with our prostokvashins in a round dance!
Pechkin. And I will be like a chime: as I strike for the twelfth time, we begin to sing a New Year's song.

A song is being performed.

Happy New Year guys! Until future meetings!

Santa Claus continues the program.

Your attention is invited to the scenario "Holidays in Prostokvashino" (a theatrical contest-game program), the purpose of which is to organize a meaningful and emotionally rich leisure time for children (As part of the Autumn holiday).




Scenario of the theatrical competitive and game program (based on the work of E. Uspensky "Holidays in Prostokvashino".

Target: organize meaningful and emotionally rich leisure time for children (as part of the Autumn holiday)

- create a festive mood;
- promote development creativity children;
- to popularize domestic children's literature and animation.

- the stage is a room in a hut (stove, benches, window);
- in front of the stage - a road sign "d. Prostokanikulovo - 5 steps";
- the hall is festively decorated with balls, garlands, etc.

Characters: Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, dog Sharik, postman Pechkin.

Event progress

scene one
Sounds like music from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino".

Cat Matroskin sits with his back to the audience on the edge of the stage, Uncle Fyodor walks past him, inflating a balloon as he goes.
Matroskin. You are wrong, Uncle Fyodor, you are inflating the balloon.
Uncle Fedor. Why is this wrong?
Matroskin. You need to get more air into your lungs and blow harder.
Uncle Fedor. And how do you know my name?
Matroskin. And I know everyone here. My name is Matroskin. This is such a surname. I used to live in the attic, on my own, and now my attic is being repaired, and here I am, sitting here, bored.
Uncle Fedor. Why be bored? Come with me, guys from school 820 came to us in Prostokvashino, it's a lot of fun there. The autumn holidays have begun, and many children have come to the Autumn Festival.
Matroskin. Will there be balls? I love blowing up balloons!
Uncle Fedor. And there will be balls, and games, and contests.
Matroskin. And I can not only inflate balloons, but also play, sing, dance and even hold contests.
Uncle Fedor. Great! Come on, I'll be happy to introduce you to the guys.
Matroskin turns to face the audience.
Matroskin. Oh, how many boys and girls gathered here! Guys, let's get acquainted! I propose to do this with an interesting game.
Matroskin spends with the audience
game - chant .
How many of you are here today?
I can't count in a day!
You are Dima, Sveta, Seryozha, Tanyusha.
Guessed? Let's check...
All Leshas clap, Nastya stomp,
Yegor and Serezha are jumping,
Kati and Masha are kicking their legs,
Lights raise their hands
Zhenya is squatting with might and main.
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So, one, two, three - tell me your name!
Note: it is better to find out the names of the children present in advance in order to include in the chant exactly those who are most often found in this group.
Uncle Fedor. - That's how we met.

Matroskin (displeased): Well, how many of you have come in large numbers! It's not like they'll drink all my milk, they'll eat my Murka and Gavryusha!

Sharik (leaves): Shut up, Matroskin, no one needs your milk. Our guys will celebrate the Autumn Festival!

Matroskin: I know them! .. Well, okay, have fun, just don’t play around, otherwise you’ll break the furniture .., but we don’t have money to buy new ones. Sharik is a loafer, there is no use for him, he drives around with a gun all day!

Uncle Fyodor: Nothing, Matroskin, you’ll see what a fun holiday we will have, you’ll immediately start to get kinder. So guys, let's get started.

Pupil : We are glad to welcome everyone today in our village called Prostokanikulovo and invite you to take an active part in the competitions that we have prepared for you.(competitions)

scene two

Dramatization of V. Levin's poem "Miracles in a string bag".A table covered with a tablecloth, with a samovar, four chairs, on the floor - a homespun rug.

Child 1 (from the audience):(refers to the postman Pechkin walking across the stage with two watermelons in his hands)

Uncle Igor,
Uncle Igor!
Where have you been?

Postman Pechkin: At the farmer's market.

Child 2 (from the audience):

Igor - uncle
Igor - uncle!
What did you buy?
What are you carrying?

Postman Pechkin:

I carry two miracles,
In every miracle
Two pounds.
They don't have legs
No hands
There are no shirts
No pants
Only two big ones


We know, we know!
Two watermelons.

Ball. What are these balloons?

Postman Pechkin. These are watermelons.

Uncle Fedor. Haven't you ever seen watermelons?

Ball. Never. We don't grow watermelons. What are they for?

Matroskin. Watchdog, but does not know what watermelons are for! You still ask what apples and pears are for.

Ball. Do they eat them? You won’t eat such a whopper in a year!

Matroskin. We don't eat them. We extract sweet juice from them, that is, syrup. From one watermelon you can get a barrel of syrup. We will sell it

Ball. Who came up with the idea of ​​planting watermelons?

Uncle Fedor. South Africa is considered the birthplace of watermelons. More than a hundred years ago, the English explorer Livingston, traveling through the Kalahari Desert, accidentally stumbled upon thickets of wild watermelons. Moreover, not only round striped fruits known to the researcher grew here, but also oval, small, the size of egg. Some watermelons had the usual sweet flesh, while others, on the contrary, were unbearably bitter. But most of all there were juicy fruits, but completely tasteless. Over the centuries, watermelon has changed, and now it has become a favorite treat for children and adults.

Ball. Let's try watermelon!

Student 2:

Oh what a big watermelon!
Even cutting is a pity.
Stopped the knife halfway...
- Well, watermelon, don't let me down!... Red!!!

The child takes out the upper part.

Student 3:

We chose the watermelon skillfully,
It's red inside, which means it's ripe.
When a piece was cut
I immediately dripped sweet juice.

Student 4:

While adults are cutting watermelon, let's say a word of praise to this big berry. All words must answer the question which?

Student 5:

On our holiday today
We celebrate the watermelon.
We hope he will
Great in taste.
He ... (what?)

Children. Green, striped, round, ripe, sweet, fragrant, appetizing, red, sugary, crumbly…

Children are treated with slices of watermelon (on toothpicks).

scene three
Sounds like cartoon music. On the stage - the dog Sharik and the cat Matroskin with a guitar in their hands.
Matroskin (sings).And more and more often I notice that it’s as if someone has replaced me. I don’t even dream about the seas: TV has replaced nature for me. What happened yesterday, I can't forget. With tomorrow, from tomorrow, neither neighbors nor friends - no one will recognize me, do not recognize me ...
Ball. I know you, Matroskin, wherever you want and when you want, but your song is unfamiliar to me. I had never heard her before.
Matroskin. You haven't heard much yet! But the guys, I'm sure, know a lot of songs about autumn and can even guess them from the very first chords. Really guys?
Matroskin spends musical competition. The accompanist plays in turn several tunes from famous songs about autumn, the teams guess. At the end of the competition, Sharik presents a musical number prepared by 1 "B" class.

Student 6:

Here is our autumn holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Lots of happiness for everyone today
Wish the kid.
Be kinder, smarter, more courageous,
Keep joy for everyone!
And now - goodbye to everyone
And see you again!

What parent doesn't want to celebrate their child's birthday in such a way that the event will be remembered for a long time? So my husband and I decided that just inviting our son's friends to the sweet table was somehow boring and decided - the birthday of "Vacation in Prostokvashino" in honor of the baby's two-year anniversary!

We start preparing for the birthday celebration in advance

In order not to have to do everything at the last moment, it is better to start preparing the holiday according to the script for the birthday of a boy 2 years old earlier. The event is designed for 6-8 two-year-olds and their parents. The approximate duration is 1.5 hours, and you can spend such a birthday in any convenient place (apartment, cottage, outdoor area, cafe).

Decorations for the place of celebration:

  • a poster with photographs of a child and pictures from the cartoon about Prostokvashino “How I spent my second year!”;
  • posters with images of cartoon characters;
  • air balloons;
  • vests, jars of jam, other attributes of village life.

We are compiling a holiday menu.

The menu for two-year-olds should be extremely simple. It can be mashed potatoes, steam cutlets, fresh vegetables, light salads based on vegetable oil and sour cream. Put on the table also sliced ​​​​cheeses, fruits. For sweets, you can serve honey gingerbread, bagels, chocolates. Fragrant fruit tea, compotes and fruit drinks are required. A birthday cake can be made in blue tones with mastic cartoon characters.

Props for competitive program includes:

  • Matroskin's cat costume (in principle, a vest and a cat mask are enough);
  • loto "Prostokvashino" (you need to find suitable pictures on the Internet: the postman Pechkin, Matroskin, Sharik, galchonok, Uncle Fedor, dad and mom);
  • "apples" (they are sheets of crumpled paper), tablespoons, a large box, baskets;
  • images of "houses" (barn, pond, cobweb, booth, lair, birdhouse, anthill, hollow) and animals (cow, duck, dog, bear, starling, ant, squirrel);
  • ball mask;
  • balls of thread.

Birthday script "Holidays in Prostokvashino"

Our host was dad in the role of Cat Matroskin. A costume, a mask, a purring voice - everything you need to play this role. Moms take an active part in entertainment: they help the kids cope with tasks, prompt, direct.

Cat Matroskin:

Moore-meow, my good friends,

I am glad to welcome you today!

Let's all go there together

Where there is no end to joy and laughter!

Recognized me? I am the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino. And I want to invite you to spend some time in the best village in the world. Grab your mothers by the paws and lead quickly here. To begin with, we will remember what kind of heroes live in friendly Prostokvashino.

The cat distributes lotto sheets to the children and asks the kids to name the characters depicted on paper. As soon as someone calls out a name, Matroskin gives him a card with the corresponding image. The rest of the children are also looking for this character in their copy.

Cat Matroskin: Well, that's great, mur-meow, we all remembered. And what is your favorite hero? But why am I asking? It's me, of course, isn't it? But I'm crazy about our fair postman Pechkin. By the way, he left a package with me here, can you help me see what's inside?

Children open the box and find paper balls inside.

Cat Matroskin: Oh, so these are apples in bulk. We need to move them to the cellar so that they do not deteriorate and make us happy all winter. Come on, kids, help!

The children are given spoons and should try to carry the "apples" on the spoon to the baskets on the opposite side of the room. It's okay if the kids try to help themselves with their hands, let them fantasize!

Cat Matroskin: So we replenished the stocks, now Sharik and I will be charged with vitamins all winter. Do you know that fruits are rich in vitamins and must be eaten? We even have cow Murka likes to crunch on apples. Here in Prostokvashino there are a lot of living creatures in general. Honestly! Our Murka is sleeping in a barn on warm hay ... Do you know where else what animals live?

On the wall are pictures with images of "houses" of animals. Children are given pictures of animals. The task is to find a place of residence for each animal. Adults help to fix the images in the right places.

Cat Matroskin: You, I see, are well acquainted with the village. But we also have such a beautiful nature! Let's listen and repeat what we hear.

Children listen to the poem and repeat after the cat the sounds that he utters:

Here is a cow in the meadow - "Moo-oo-oo-oo"

And a shaggy bumblebee - "Zhu-zhu-u-u"

The bells are ringing - "ding-ding-ding"

In the nests, the chicks whistle - "Til-til-til"

The summer breeze is blowing - "F-f-f-f"

And the prickly hedgehog puffs - “Ph-ph-ph”

Only suddenly thunder struck - “Bom!”

Everything turned around!

Cat Matroskin: What wonderful poems, I just wanted to sing. But I'm afraid I'll wake up Sharik. By the way, where is he?

One of the balloon-masked adults pretends to be asleep in the middle of the room.

And here he is, he decided to sleep. Let's play with him, shall we? Let's try to stroke him, only so that he doesn't wake up and catch us!

The essence of the game is that the children come close and begin to stroke the dog. Sleeping Ball should suddenly wake up and try to catch the children. Those, in turn, scatter in all directions.

Cat Matroskin: Well, we played with the dog, but with the seals, don't you want to?

Children joyfully shout "Yes!"

Then I give you what cats love most in the world - balls with threads. Meow, I just want to play. Your task is to unwind the balls as quickly as possible!

Children unravel the balls - who is faster. Then you can offer to wind the threads back. If the baby does not cope, the matter is entrusted to the mothers.

Cat Matroskin: Have you played enough? Get into the round dance!

Children become in a circle and begin to dance. Adults recite the verse:

"As for the name of the boy name day

We were in Prostokvashino.

Have fun and play

Singing, eating, dancing

And tired, so tired ...

But what was not forgotten?

Together we are waiting for the sweetest,

The cutest and most beautiful...

What is this? It's a cake!

The cat will bring it to you!

Cat Matroskin brings in a birthday cake. The kids sit at the table. At the end of the evening, you can dance a little, blow bubbles.

Scenario of the game program "holidays in Prostokvashino"

(music from the m / f "Three from Prostokvashino" sounds, heroes appear in the hall)

Matroskin . Oh, how many boys and girls gathered here!

Ball . Great! Let's go quickly, I really want to make friends with them.
Matroskin . Guys, let's get acquainted! I propose to do this with an interesting game.

(They play a game with the audience - a chant.)
Ball . How many of you are here today?
I can't count in a day!
Matroskin . Now Vasya, Petya, Lesha, they will clap our hands
Ball . Masha, Dasha, Pasha, Sasha, let them wave their hands together
Matroskin . Katya, Sveta, Zhenya, Vanya - you kick your legs
Ball . Dima, Tanya, Kolya, Olya - well, stomp at least something
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
Matroskin . So, one, two, three - tell me your name!

Ball . Here we met. Guys, tell me, please, what is your fun here? (Children in chorus - birthday)

Matroskin . Birthday is good, gifts will probably be given to the birthday boy, Sharik, let's congratulate the birthday boy with you

Ball . Great idea, I've prepared a verse just for such a case:

Congratulates the kid.
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish in the morning.
Be healthy and beautiful
And always be cheerful.
Don't be sad and be happy.
And it's time to grow up.
We congratulate you all
And we wish you all the best.

Matroskin . I also have a gift, he takes out a pre-prepared gift from a bag or package
Ball . And now I propose to play, dance and have fun with us.

Guys, do you agree? Then let's check how you can do it. Repeat after us!

(playing to the music "If you like")

Matroskin . What good fellows you all are, cheerful, friendly. And now we'll see which of you is louder. One half of the hall on command will shout woof, the other half - meow. Ready…

(choose those who screamed louder, distribute the guests into 2 teams - “Woof” and “Meow”)

(The ball takes out of his pocket balloon)

Ball . Matroskin, look what I have, now I will inflate a big balloon (trying to inflate it)

Matroskin . You are inflating it wrong.
Ball . Why is this wrong?
Matroskin . You need to get more air into your lungs and blow harder.
Ball . I’m out of breath, there’s not enough air, but you guys know how to inflate balloons?

Matroskin . Our guys can do everything, let's hold a competition now and find out which of them will inflate the balloon faster

(balloon competition)

Well done, you know how to inflate balloons, and let's try to launch our balloons into the sky, but not just like that, but with the help of an exciting game, repeat the words and movements after us:

The game "Flew, flew through the sky ball"

He flew, flew (waving his arms like wings), across the sky (with a finger in the sky) a ball (we show the outlines of the ball)

Across the sky (with a finger to the sky) a ball (outline of a ball) flew (with hands like wings)

But I know (we put our hand to the head) I (we point our finger at ourselves) that the ball (outline of the ball) did not fly away into the sky (with a finger in the sky) (gesture with a finger - denial) (hands like wings). The movements of the game are repeated several times with increasing tempo.

Ball . Guys, did you read a fairy tale about us, or did you watch cartoons? Now we will check. We will ask you questions, and you try to answer them correctly.
1. What was the use of the picture that hung in Uncle Fyodor's apartment?
(Closing up a hole in the wall.)
2. What kind of headdress did Pechkin wear in the summer? (Hat.)
3. Whom did the cat Matroskin offer to sell in order to buy a cow? (Sharik.)
4. What were the first words Galchonok said? ("Who's there?")
5. What is the name of Matroskin's cow? (Murka.)
6. Why didn't Pechkin give the parcel to the heroes? (They didn't have papers.)
7. What documents did the cat Matroskin present to Pechkin? (Moustache, paws, tail.)
8. What was the name of the steamer on which the grandmother of the cat Matroskin sailed? ("Ivan
Fedorovich Kruzenshtern.
9. Who was Sharik chasing on the hunt? (Following a rabbit.)
10. What headdress did Uncle Fyodor's mother give Pechkin? (Speakless.)
11. What shoes did Sharik buy for himself for the winter? (Sneakers.)
12. What kind of jam was used to treat Uncle Fyodor? (Malinov.)
13. What did Uncle Fyodor's parents send in a package for Sharik? (Camera gun.)
14. Who is the author of the work "Vacations in Prostokvashino"? (Eduard Uspensky.)
15. Who saved Sharik when he was drowning in the river? (Beaver.)
(the second version of the game, if there is a lot of space, the guys take turns running up and calling the word associated with the fairy tale "Prostokvashino")

Matroskin . Sharik, do you remember how you and I treated Uncle Fyodor when he fell ill.

Ball. Yeah, you’ll forget that, they wrapped him all in bandages, he even looked like a mummy.

I think our friends also ever wrapped themselves in bandages to look like a real mummy? I invite you to remember how it was

(competition "Mummy")

Matroskin . I'm already tired of something, now I would like to drink milk from my cow Murka.

Ball . That would definitely be good. And you guys are probably tired and thirsty too. We invite you to participate in the competition "Drink, but do not spill"

(Props: 2-3 large plastic glasses, or decanters, plastic straws for cocktails, juice. At the command of the leading participants, they should drink juice from glasses as quickly as possible. The task is performed to the music)

Matroskin . Well done guys, you are doing great.

Ball . Matroskin, I heard you can be congratulated on the purchase?

Matroskin . Yes, Sharik, I bought myself a brand new tape recorder.

Ball . And let's listen to some music and dance with the guys!

(series of dances: dance "Aram-zam-zam", dance of Little Ducklings, Lambada, etc.)

Matroskin . Well, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye, goodbye! (they leave to the music)



Target- organize meaningful and emotionally rich leisure time for children
- create a festive mood;
- to promote the development of children's creative abilities;

Leading: Good evening to everyone in this room. Good evening, Anniversary! We are glad to welcome you today in our village called “Prostokvashino” and invite our teams to take an active part in the competitions that we have prepared for you:

Team cat Matroskin

Uncle Fedor's Team

1. Getting to know the teams. Performance.

Jury presentation.

2. Intellectual competition (questions)

Questions forintellectuallywowshow jumpinga.

1. What was the use of the picture that hung in Uncle Fyodor's apartment?
(Closing up a hole in the wall.)
2. What kind of headdress did Pechkin wear in the summer? (Hat.)
3. Whom did the cat Matroskin offer to sell in order to buy a cow? (Sharik.)
4. What tools did the heroes use to dig up the treasure? (Using a shovel and
5. What were the first words Galchonok said? ("Who's there?")
6. What documents did the cat Matroskin present to Pechkin? (Moustache, paws, tail.)
7. What is the name of the calf in the cartoon? (Gavryusha.)
8. Who was Sharik chasing on the hunt? (Following a rabbit.)
9. What, according to Sharik, should smart cows give instead of milk?
(Soda water.)
10. What headdress did Uncle Fyodor's mother give Pechkin? (Speakless.)

Leading: On the head of “Ball”, hair in a bun

Fountain at the top

They fly like water jets

At the very top.

Competition 1 “Relay Hairstyle”. The team members take turns, taking only one rubber band with them, run to the “Ball” and tie his ponytail. Who can do more.

Competition 2 "Patters". Whose team will pronounce the tongue twister better.

A blackbird gave a bunch of blueberries to a black daw,

The black jackdaw pecked at the blueberries, but did not say thank you to the thrush.

Leading: Milk is everywhere, even in the washbasin, but how to wash? How how? We need to mess less!!! (said Matroskin to Sharik)

Competition 3 “Matroskin”. Who will drink a glass of milk through a straw faster.

Jury word.

Leading: he has such a cat there, to which you still have to grow and grow. Dad spoke.

Competition 4 "Pasta". Who will pick up pasta faster and more on a needle and thread.

Leading: Why was I mean? Because I didn't have a bike. And now I'm going to get better. (who spoke? Pechkin)

Competition 5 “Postman” . The postman from each team is given an A4 sheet and a marker. During the time that the music is playing, you need to collect as many signatures as possible in the hall. Who is bigger?

GAME WITH spectators

Together we are one family: You, you, we, me

Hello friend, who is on the left,

Hello friend, who is on the right,

Together we are one family.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left.

Kiss the neighbor on the right

Kiss the neighbor on the left.

Stroke the neighbor on the right

Stroke the neighbor on the left.

You, you, we and I together we can not be bored!

Wink at the neighbor on the right

Wink at the neighbor on the left.

Frighten the neighbor on the right

Smile at the neighbor on the left.

Give your hand to the neighbor on the right,

Give your hand to the neighbor on the left.

I, you, he, she, together we are one family!

Competition 6 “Letter - announcement”. Each team receives a set of individual words from which you need to add the text: -2-

“The boy is missing. My name is Uncle Fedor. Blue eyes. Height twenty meters. His parents are looking for him. The finder will be rewarded with a bicycle.” Whose team will write the letter faster.

Jury word.


Host: As they say: "Cleanliness is the key to health."

Competition 7 "Collect the garbage." Each team member is given a piece of newspaper. You need to squeeze the newspaper with one hand and throw it into the basket.

Leading: See what they brought your son to? They must be taken to the clinic for experiments.

Competition 8 - relay "Dress the son." Uncle Fyodor is sitting on a chair. Each team member, running up to him, takes off only one thing and puts it on Uncle Fedor. Whose team is faster.

Host: As you know, Uncle Fyodor had parents. Like all people, they sometimes go to dances.

Competition 9 “Dance with clothespins”. Clothespins are hung on mom, dad is blindfolded. Dancing, dad needs to collect all the clothespins. You have to dance next to each other.

Leading: Of course, every mother prepares delicious breakfasts for her children, which she feeds her children.

Competition "Breakfast". Mom is blindfolded. The child, Uncle Fyodor, is given a cap and a bib napkin. You need to feed your child yogurt. Who will complete the task more accurately and faster?

Jury word.


Winner's reward ceremony.