How to set up adsl modem zte. How to set up a ZTE ZXHN H108N modem. Setting for work

  • 24.06.2020

Today I purchased a ZTE MF-190 USB modem and found that it was not possible to connect to i-no using standard WinXP tools. Googled a little and found out that for Beeline you need to register an additional AT command in the modem settings: AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "" and when connecting, enter the phone number *99# or *99*** 1#, login/password beeline/beeline. When using any of the specified phones, I get error 619.

At the same time, it is completely possible to connect via Megafon's USB modem without any problems - just without any problems at all.

I have no desire to use the Beeline USB-modem program, and I don’t need it either.

Maybe someone has already solved this problem?

The same problem came up recently. Decided to unsubscribe despite the fact that the topic is clearly dead.

There are not many dances with a tambourine, but they are.


1. We need drivers for the modem. They can be taken. I did not use these firewood, so I cannot give a 100% guarantee of work when using them. I used native firewood taken when installing native software from the modem. They are located in the folder with the program (by default, the path is C:\Program Files\Beeline USB Modem\Drivers)

2. You will need a program DC Unlocker. You can take. It is needed to send AT commands to the modem. You can use any other similar program.

Well, now the actual procedure:

1. Insert the modem into the USB port. The system will detect the modem as a CD drive.

2. We go to "My Computer", find this very CD, right-click on it and select "Eject".

4.After installing the drivers. We create a connection using standard XP tools

5. In the modem settings (Device Manager - RMB on the modem -Properties - Additional communication parameters) register an additional command AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""

In principle, this could have ended, if not too lazy to extract sd-rum every timeTo avoid this, read on.

6. Run DC-Unlocker. We select ZTE modems and press the button with a magnifying glass.

The result should be something like this:

Modem definition:


manufacturer - ZTE modems

Found Applications port COM10

Found Diagnostics port COM8

Found modem: MF190

Model: ZTE MF190


Firmware version: BD_RUBLNMF190V1.0.0B01

Compilation date/time: Sep 03 2010 15:20:42

Chipset: Qualcomm MSM6290

SIM Lock Status: Unlocked

7. In DC-Unlocker, under the double line, enter the AT command AT+ZCDRUN=8 it removes the autorun.flg file from the modem, which is responsible for starting the modem as a CD-ROM. We take out and insert the modem.

After these steps, the connection was created and everything worked, but another problem arose (maybe it depends on the hardware). After rebooting or turning off the computer, the modem refused to see the network and the red indicator was on. Everything was solved simply. Registered in DC-Unlocker AT+ZSNT=0,0,0(Set the mode of operation - auto) and everything worked as it should.

Good day. In this article, I will share how to configure the ZTE ZXV10 H108L modem with a router connected to a DHCP provider.

Attention! The author of this note has nothing to do with Ukrtelecom, and does not solve problems with the Internet. It simply feeds on helping users through their experience. If something doesn’t work for you and you can’t fix it on your own, then just contact the service technical support companies - 0-800-506-800

It so happened that my notes about the OGO and OGO Start service are among the most commented on, and most of the reviews are negative. I want to comment on the current situation (I warn you right away - this is just my point of view, yours may differ from it, this is quite normal).

I think it's worth separating the quality of the Internet from the level of service. Service in Ukrtelecom is lame, I will not hide it. Therefore, it is better to avoid it and try to take some actions yourself, namely, check all your data before connecting, make sure that you do not have a blocker and noise on the line (in the handset). If problems arose in the process of using the service through no fault of yours (no one is immune from this, this happens even with the most expensive providers), then you should seek help from an unofficial forum where the real representatives hang out technical department providers who know their business and will help (if you are not rude and demand immediate help from them).

Attention! This guide discusses setting up the modem in router mode. Since only the modem is configured, this guide will work for all platforms - Windows, Linux, Mac.

Not so long ago, I set up a sabzhe modem for a friend to use with the service WOW!(in his case it was a package WOW! start, which allows you to get the Internet without concluding a contract). Since some difficulties arose during the setup process (big for my friend and a little less for me), I decided to describe the setup process in a blog, maybe it will come in handy for someone).

So let's get started. We proceed from the fact that we have all the connection data, DSL is up for your line on the side of Ukrtelecom (if this is not the case, then you need to call the support service and communicate with them).

The first thing to do is to connect the modem to the computer via an Ethernet cable (I consider this connection to be the most optimal, since it does not require the installation of additional drivers). If there is no network card (and most modern computers have it), then you need to either purchase it or connect the modem via USB and install the drivers that come with it. After installation, a network interface will appear in the system, through which the modem will work.

One more thing - we will set up the Internet in router mode, since it is more convenient - to connect, you just need to turn on the modem, you do not need to perform any additional actions on the computer. This also gives additional flexibility - if you want to connect several computers, you simply purchase a switch, plug cables into it and the Internet automatically rises on client machines without additional configuration. Another advantage of router mode is after reinstallation operating system no need to configure anything - all settings are in the modem, so the Internet will work immediately after connecting the cable.

After a short introductory lecture, let's start setting up - we will do it manually through the web interface, without using the setup program that comes with the modem. To do this, open your browser and go to . If the browser does not display a page asking for a password, then restart your modem (there is such a hole on the back, signed RESET, put something thin in there and hold it for a while until the POWER lamp flashes), maybe someone set it up and changed it Default IP address. If this does not help, then go to the TCP / IP settings of your network card (on the desktop, find the “Network Neighborhood” icon, right-click, select properties, find your connection by local network, click the right mouse button on it, again “Properties”. Then in the window that opens, look for the item “Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)”, select it and click the “Properties” button). In the settings, the item “Obtain an IP address automatically” should be active. If not, highlight this item and click OK. Then open the browser again and go to the page .

On this page you will be asked to enter a username and password - enter the standard admin (if it does not fit and you have not changed the password, then simply restart the modem as described above). Then you get to the page for selecting the configuration mode,

Open a torrent port, for example, on a ZTE ZXV10 H108L modem

AT latest versions torrent access can be done automatically in the torrent itself !!!

1. uTorrent currently works mainly on UDP, so it's worth opening the right port for both protocols (TCP/UDP).
2. WAN Host Start IP Address
WAN Host End IP Address
nothing needs to be written
3. WAN connection - select a connection (Internet by default) with VPI/VCI 1/32 parameters - this is Internet. Connection with 1/33 is for IP TV.
4. View the port in the settings of the torrent client and write in all 4 cells where the word Port is in the name
5. Find out the exact IP of the computer on which the torrent is located (if everything is automatic, then by opening the LAN connection status window, go to the Support tab and see the address) or enter the address manually and enter this IP address in the Lan Host IP Address field
6.Press the Add button and reboot the modem.
Everything should work.

If the settings are not saved after a reboot, then the modem may be returned to its original state by the provider's CPE function (there is such a feature in telecom - remote modem configuration). This feature is still working unpredictably, it's best to call technical support and ask to disable CPE on your account.

ZTE ZXHN H108N is a modem that has spread widely among major operators in several countries, such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia. It is recommended, rented out. ZTE ZXHN H108N modem supports the technology ADSL connections, enables wired and wireless Internet access. The ZTE ZXV10 H108L modem is configured according to the same principle. Setting up the ZTE ZXHN H108N modem is not difficult, any user who has carefully studied the instructions below can do it.

Setting for work

For ZTE ZXHN H108N, the modem is adjusted through the browser after. Entering the settings interface is possible through any browser, where in the address bar enter, press Enter.

  • In the authorization window, type the same word in the User name, Password lines - admin. After clicking OK, a window with settings will open.

If your router has already been used before, clear its settings by resetting it to factory settings. This is done by pressing the Reset button located on the rear panel. Press it for 10 seconds, wait for the modem to reboot. After the system prompts you to change the password, enter the old username, the new password.

  • Enter the type of DSL connection below if requested.

The next steps are set in agreement with the provider, usually they can be found in the contract or clarified by phone.

  • The connection type is often set to PPPoE, if the provider has assigned a dynamic IP, DHCP is set.
  • Enter then VPI/VCI again, taking from the contract. Below you will see “Connection with LAN ports”, check the boxes where you planned to distribute the Internet, it is advisable to leave the last port free. Also check SSID1 for Wi-Fi to work.

Then you will be asked to connect WAN - for television, if the service is connected, agree and put the necessary data there.

When the reboot occurs, the device will be ready to function with the numbers entered.

WiFi setup

After the ZTE ZXV10 H108L is rebooted, the modem will be ready to work.