I can't log into my byfly account. Byfly personal account. Technical support for Beltelecom users

  • 04.02.2021

Beltelecom is the leading operator of the Republic of Belarus in the provision of telecommunication services.

Beltelecom provides over 60 types of services, is the country's primary Internet provider, and is also the only fixed-line telephone operator in Belarus, providing long-distance and international communications.

You can learn more about the Belarusian telecommunications operator on its official web resource.

Here you can get acquainted with Beltelecom news, learn more about the company itself, view services for home and business, perform a number of transactions in real time and much more.

Among other things, the official website of Beltelecom provides access to Personal Area— an online service that allows you to use some of the services at any time convenient for you. To access this service, follow the link "User Account", which can be found in the lower left part of the web resource.

It should be noted that the Wi-Fi card user account and user account (for byfly, ZALA services and telephony based on the IMS platform) are available on the operator's website.

In order to log in to your personal account, you will need to enter your login (contract number) and password. If you do not remember your password, click on the link "Forgot your password?", Then enter the address Email, login and code from the proposed picture, then click on "Restore".

Beltelecom's personal account allows you to monitor the status of your personal account and receive information on payments. Here you can also register the promised payment, change the tariff plan. Also, the cabinet allows you to order new services and refuse unnecessary ones. Here you can also activate the express payment card, study the statistics on services.

Beltelecom's personal account includes links to the account status, tariffs and services, payments, statistics and ordering new services. All this is presented in the main menu of the web resource. So, in the “Account Status” tab, you can get acquainted with the current balance, as well as get other information, such as blocking status, tariff plan, activation date, and so on.

Personal account - Tabs

In the "Tariffs and Services" tab, the personal account allows you to get acquainted with the list of ordered services, including information about the name of the service, its cost, validity period. Here you can also delete an unnecessary service, as well as change your password.

Here is also a list of Beltelecom services available for ordering. So, you can read the description of each of the services, as well as add the one you like.

Another tab available in your personal account is devoted to payments. Here you can register the promised payment by entering the amount and clicking on the "Apply" button. Here you can also activate the express payment card, for which you will need to enter the number of this card and click on "Apply". In addition, in the "Payments" tab, you can view the payment history for the last 90 days.

Personal account - Payments

Beltelecom's personal account also allows you to apply for statistics, where you can get application connection statistics. Here you can also order the delivery of detailed statistics to an e-mail address. The “Subscriber counters” section provides information on the volume of services consumed during a given period (this may be information on the duration of sessions on the Internet, the number of received / transmitted MB, the number of minutes of telephone connections).

Also, the "Statistics" tab displays information about requests for the delivery of details to the e-mail address you specified and the results of such requests for the last 180 days. It also presents connection statistics by sessions for the current and previous billing period.

Personal account - Statistics

The last tab of the main menu, which Beltelecom's personal account has, is dedicated to ordering new services. Here you can get acquainted with the description of the available services, as well as connect to the desired one.

If you are not yet a Beltelecom client and therefore do not have access to your personal account, but wish to use the company's services, select the "Connect online services" tab on the Beltelecom website. After that, you will need to fill in the required data and send an application for connection.

Application for connecting services

If you are also interested in receiving the services of telecommunications companies, contact the service of one of them - in.

Beltelecom personal account — issa.beltelecom.by

byfly personal account is an opportunity to conveniently and comfortably regulate services and options in one of famous companies, which is a provider of television and the Internet. After a simple registration, you can use the services, change tariff plans, check the account. This is available around the clock. The article describes how to register correctly, how the authorization process goes, what benefits you can get from your own account.

Ordinary individuals are provided with a simple and understandable registration. An online form is being filled out. The following personal information is recorded:

  • the address of equipment installation is selected;
  • serial number of the dwelling;
  • living in a private suburban building indicates this item and fills in a separate column.

The desired services are selected, details for concluding an agreement and contacts are written. If a legal entity/person registers, they are asked to fill out a different form. It is not personal information that is written here, but the details of the organization - agreement number, company name, company category, TIN, OKPO. The information of the head, his full name, position and legal address are required.

Byfly User Account - Login

The personal account number is used as a standard login for the Byfly personal account. It is specified in the official contract for the provision of services. It consists of 13 digital indicators. The password is set automatically. They use it for the first time, then they come up with their own, easier and simpler. After entering the correct information, the user appears on the personal page.

The main features of the Bayfly provider

  • control over the account with detailed details of payment transactions;
  • registration of a payment transaction for the use of services provided in advance;
  • change of tariff plan;
  • order for additional services and functions;
  • quick payment activation;
  • study of statistics on the services provided;
  • internet suspension;
  • code change.

All this allows the provider's customers to save a lot of time. All you need to do is log in to your Byfly account.

Balance check

To check the status of the account on the service, you need to go to the appropriate column. Attention will open the current balance of the personal account, blocking status, tariff and client services.

It is allowed to know the history of transactions performed on the site. It is necessary to go to the Payments and tariff column, set the dates of interest and press the express service activation button.

Order "Promised Payment"

In the section with payments there is a function to activate the promised payment. It involves borrowing money. The customer enters the required amount. The organization will translate it instantly.

Payment must be made within three days of registration. This is a handy option to avoid disabling services. Maximum amount promised payment is 30 thousand. It is impossible to forget about the operation performed, this information is marked in the account.

Tariff plan change

To change the previously used tariff, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of proposals allowed for use. Replacement is possible if there is a required amount on the account. You can check it according to the scheme described above.

If there are enough funds, a sequence of simple actions is performed:

If the user connects correctly, the payment amount changes, otherwise click on the tariff category.

How to find out the rate?

At the end of the process described above, the correctness and result of connecting and paying for a new tariff are checked. If the operation is performed correctly, the tariff number will change in the column. To independently check it and replenish it, you should go to your own account, select the appropriate page in the menu. All subsequent payments for the services provided must be made in accordance with the newly selected plan.


The organization offers services exclusively on an advance basis. Clients replenish the account in a convenient way for themselves:

  1. Official service of the company.
  2. City bank branches.
  3. Electronic devices for accepting payments.
  4. Qiwi or Svyaznoy services.
  5. It is allowed to use plastics for fast payment.

You can also buy cards on the ByFly and PinShop websites. You can use trading resources operating under the popular Mart Inn brand.

There are several categories of plastic products for users to choose from:

  • 2 BYN;
  • 5 BYN;
  • 10 BYN.

To activate the card, you will need to go to the page with Payments, enter my pin code in a special field. The first password is the activation password, the second is the access itself. Each has 8 digital indicators. They are registered under a special protective coating. After entering it into the field and checking it, it remains to activate the Apply button via the Internet.

If you select the option to pay the invoice through personal card bank, the payment will not take much time. There is no need to be afraid of such an operation. The user's personal information is securely protected in the account. The client performs the following actions:

If everything is entered correctly, the funds under the agreement will be credited to the account, and the supply of services will not stop. The main thing is to correctly log in to byfly by in the account of the personal user of Beltelecom.

Mobile Login

To enter your own section on the main page from your mobile, you should use the code and login received during registration. Data can be obtained by making available the profile.

If the client accidentally forgets the authorization information and cannot log in, it can be restored. For access, the mobile and mail specified during registration are used. In the second case, a link will be sent. On it there is an opportunity to go and then go to the account. In the first, it will be a digital combination that you need to use and enter in the appropriate field.

  • Official site: http://byfly.by/
  • Personal account: http://byfly.by/
  • Telephone hotline: (+375 17) 2003498

In order to get into the user's account of any service ( Internet ByFly, terrestrial and interactive TV ZALA, SMART ZALA, telephone using IMS or xPON technology (optical fiber), etc.), you can use the website issa.beltelecom.by.

Figure 1 - Account of the user of the services of the company "Beltelecom"

Note: in addition to the site issa.beltelecom.by, you can also use the site byfly.by and zala.by. For example, through the site byfly.by you can get to the ZALA interactive television user account and vice versa.

Login to the user's account if you have ByFly Internet

To enter the user's personal account (see Figure 3), if you have ByFly Internet, in the "Login" field on the issa.beltelecom.by website, you must enter the contract data from the "Username (login)" field without @beltel.by, in the "Password" field, you must enter the contract data from the "Initial password (password)" field (Figure 2). Then click on the "Login" button and you will be taken to the user's account.

Figure 2 - ByFly service order form (part of the contract)
Figure 3 - Login to the ByFly user's personal account

Login to the user's account if you have ZALA interactive television

To enter the user's personal account (see Figure 5), if you have ZALA interactive television, in the "Login" field on the site issa.beltelecom.by you must enter the data from the contract from the "Login" field, in the "Password" field on the site it is necessary to enter the data from the contract from the field "Initial password (password or password on the personal account)" (Figure 4). Then click on the "Login" button, and you will be taken to your personal account.

Note: the contract number for ZALA and the login from the contract are different, the contract number contains 13 numbers, and the "Login" field contains 15 numbers.

Figure 4 - ZALA interactive television service order form (part of the contract)
Figure 5 - Login to the ZALA user's personal account

Login to the user account, if you have a service package

A service package is several services in one contract (ByFly Internet + ZALA TV or ByFly Internet + ZALA TV + telephone).

To enter the user's personal account (see Figure 7), if you have a service package, in the "Login" field on the issa.beltelecom.by website, you must enter the contract data from the "Login (Username)" field without @beltel.by, in the "Password" field on the site, you must enter the contract data from the "Password (initial password)" field (Figure 6). Then click on the "Login" button, and you will be taken to the user's account.

Figure 6 - Order form for a package of services (Internet + TV)
Figure 7 - Login to the user's personal account

Login to the user account if you have a phone

To enter the user's personal account, if you have a phone using IMS or XPON technology, in the "Login" field on the site

is a leader in the provision of telecommunications products in the Belarusian market. The trademark is owned by Beltelecom, whose representative offices are located in almost all settlements countries. For comfortable management of services, changing the tariff plan, controlling finances and other operations, subscribers are invited to use their personal account. The ability to remotely perform most of the actions makes cooperation with ByFly easy and affordable.

To enter the ByFly user's personal account, open the web page https://beltelecom.by/, click the corresponding button at the top and select the version of the personal section. Today, the company's customers have access to 2 options for personal accounts - the old and the new. They differ in the authorization method, interface and other nuances.

Get to the login page old version possibly from the main page of ByFly, or by using the direct link issaold.beltelecom.by. Next, you need to enter the details specified in the contract with the provider and log in. The document number is used as a login, the password is also specified in the agreement itself.

If the details are entered correctly, the system will redirect the visitor to the personal account. Now it remains only to select the personal account with which it is planned to perform actions and receive information. The section displays all connected packages, the current balance and the used tariff plan.

If you are still using the old ByFly, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of the updated interface. Soon the issaold.beltelecom.by service will be disabled, and it will be impossible to work with it.

As for the new version of the personal page, it was launched in the spring of 2018. The individual section began to look modern, the functionality expanded, and the use of the service became even more comfortable. One of the main innovations was the ability to manage ByFly services by two or more people. This option is relevant in cases where the owner account pays for Internet services not only for himself, but also for relatives living at a different address.

You can log in to your new personal account on the page https://my.beltelecom.by/login. The first step is to enter the mobile phone number and click "Login". Next, a window for entering a password will appear on the screen. The visitor will only have to enter the combination chosen during registration and wait for redirection to the personal section of the site.

Login to your personal account from your mobile

Logging into your personal account from a mobile is identical to authorization through a regular PC. To get to the required section of the web portal, use any browser installed on your smartphone, open the page https://my.beltelecom.by/login and enter your individual details. Among other things, for mobile devices developed special application ByFly, the features of which we will talk about a little later.

To register a ByFly personal account (ByFly), you will need a computer and access to world wide web. Given the fact that the old interface will soon stop working, it is recommended to register in the updated version. The procedure is quite simple. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Visiting the web portal http://www.byfly.by;
  2. Go to the authorization page by pressing the login button;
  3. Selecting a version (in this case, "New");
  4. Enter your mobile phone number and follow the instructions of the system.

Within a couple of minutes, your phone will receive a text message with a verification code. After a person enters a unique combination in a special field and confirms the action by clicking on the appropriate button, the system will redirect him to the page with the registration form. Here you have to enter some personal and contact information, as well as set a security code that will be used as a password.

If you still decide to register through the old interface, then you will need an agreement with Beltelecom to complete the procedure. For its conclusion, you can contact one of the representative offices of the company. The type of service provided in accordance with the contract is of no fundamental importance. When the document is in hand, proceed as follows:

  • Visit the web resource https://issaold.beltelecom.by/main.html;
  • Fill out the authorization form by entering individual details.

This completes the registration process. You can log in to your account at any time, view the materials of interest or connect Additional services. However, when working with the old version, it is recommended to study the features of the new personal account in advance so that disabling the familiar interface does not become an unpleasant surprise.

To recover from your personal ByFly account, visit the nearest branch of the company or go through a special procedure online. In the first case, you must have the originals of the identity document and the contract with you. As for restoring access online, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Open the page https://my.beltelecom.by/login;
  • Indicate the mobile phone number used during registration;
  • Click "Forgot password";
  • Wait for the arrival text message with a unique code;
  • Enter the received combination twice, and then try to log in to the system.

In practice, there are many examples when the proposed algorithm does not bring the desired result. If it was not possible to solve the problem with authorization, contact the ByFly call center by dialing 123 . The manager will give clear instructions and will definitely help restore access.

When it comes to the old version, the risk of access problems is minimal. If the client forgets the account password, he can always look it up in the contract.

The functionality of the Issa Beltelecom user's personal account is designed in such a way that everyone can easily connect and disconnect services, receive information of interest and monitor the status of the account. If we present the main options of the personal section in the form of a list, then it will look like this:

  • Obtaining up-to-date information about finances, the current tariff;
  • Replenishment of the balance;
  • Order a detailed report;
  • Study of statistical data;
  • Formation and sending of an application to the service center;
  • Connection of additional options;
  • Changing the tariff plan;
  • Familiarization with the Wi-Fi network coverage map.

One of the useful features is the ability to replenish the balance in three different ways. If you have funds on a plastic card, you can transfer money to your ByFly account in just a couple of minutes. When purchasing an express payment card, it is enough to erase the protective layer and enter a unique code in a special column, after opening the "Express card activation" tab.

There are cases when the subscriber forgets to replenish the account on time, and the service is deactivated at the most inopportune moment. The "Promised payment" option will help solve the problem. After its activation, all connected services are resumed, however, in the next few days, be sure to replenish the balance using any available method.

How to find out the balance

You can find out the BaiFly account balance in your personal account, with a call center operator or when visiting a company representative office. The easiest and most affordable option is to log in to your account. Once in your personal account, you should open the "My Services" section. Immediately after that, a certificate about all the options used will appear on the screen, as well as information about the balance, including the available amount, the amount of the subscription fee and the number of days until the next charge.

Topping up the balance with an express payment card

Topping up the balance with an express payment card is one of the most popular ways to transfer funds to a BayFly account. Cards can be purchased at Beltelecom and Belpochta branches, as well as trading network"Martin". To activate the card, you need to log into your account and indicate the desired option for replenishing your account.

Next, you should erase the protective layer using a coin or other device. Below it is a unique 16-digit combination. To credit funds, enter the first half of the digits in the PIN1 column, and the remaining part in the PIN2 column, then click "Pay".

In most cases, replenishment occurs instantly. Sometimes delays are allowed, but they usually do not exceed 2-3 minutes. In the process of activating the card, you should enter the numbers very carefully. With a triple admission, the specified replenishment method is disabled for 24 hours.

Payment Options

ByFly payment options include a bank card, using an e-wallet, depositing cash through payment terminal or in a call center. Among other things, you can replenish the balance in any division of Belpochta and Beltelecom. Many prefer to use plastic cards. For payment, you can use any banking products of Visa, Maestro or MasterCard systems, regardless of the country in which they are issued

To complete the procedure, log in, specify the amount of the transaction and click "Pay". The system will process the application and redirect you to the Assist service, which guarantees the safe conduct of financial transactions. Next, the payer must enter email address. After the transaction is completed, you will receive a payment confirmation email.

The next step is to enter personal details. We are talking about the 16-digit card number, expiration date and data about the owner. Among other things, you must specify the 3-digit security code contained on the back of the plastic. If the subscriber wishes to participate in the OneClick program, it is necessary to check the corresponding box before making the payment.

After pressing the "Pay" button, the details will be saved, encrypted and transferred to the payment service. When you refill your ByFly account in the specified way, most of the data is registered automatically. To complete the procedure, the card account holder will only have to confirm the transaction by entering a one-time security code received on the phone.

Changing the tariff plan

Changes to the tariff plan are allowed to be made on a monthly basis. There is no additional fee for the procedure, the main thing is that there are enough funds to write off the subscription fee. The receiving algorithm directly depends on the interface in which the subscriber works.

To change the tariff in the new version, you should open your personal account and click the "Manage tariff" button located next to the description of the current plan. After that, a list of active offers will appear on the screen. Read the terms of each of them and choose the most comfortable one. To complete the procedure, change the tariff by clicking the appropriate item opposite it.

If you are still working with an old version of your personal partition, the procedure will be slightly different. To get started, go to your personal account by entering authorization details. Next, open the "Tariffs and Services" subsection and study the available offers. After choosing the optimal one, check it, and then install new tariff by clicking on the corresponding button.

Promised payment

The promised payment is one of the functions available in your personal account. Its purpose is to resume the provision of services with a negative balance. The option is available in both versions of the interface. In the updated version, "Promised Payment" is highlighted as one of the payment methods. As for the old version, the corresponding function is in it in the "Payments" tab.

To activate the option, just click on it, specify the amount and click "Pay". Within a few minutes, the required amount will arrive, and the provision of services will resume. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is 10 rubles, there is no minimum threshold.

By activating the "Promised payment" option, the subscriber undertakes to replenish the account with the appropriate amount within 72 hours. If the money is not received, all services will be blocked until payment is made. Reactivation of the function is not allowed until the "promise" already received is returned.

Paid pause and voluntary blocking

Paid pause and voluntary blocking are used in cases where the subscriber plans to temporarily stop using the Internet and other options due to a business trip or vacation abroad. ByFly offers several service suspension options.

Voluntary blocking does not require payment and can be set for 15 or 30 days once a year. If this period of time is not enough, or the subscriber again wants to temporarily stop using the services, the Paid Pause will come to the rescue. It allows you to turn off the Internet and other services for 15, 30 or 45 days, but for a fee.

To activate the function, go to the "My Services" subsection and select the appropriate item in the " Services available" if you are using new version personal page. In the old interface, the option is located in the "Tariffs and Services" tab. The cost of paid blocking varies from 1.1 to 2.9 rubles, depending on the duration of the pause.

ByFly rates for individuals subdivided depending on the technology used, the speed of data exchange, the size subscription fee, availability of limits and social benefits. Let's take a closer look at the products we offer.

Tariffs "Homebody"

Domosed tariffs are offered to customers using Internet services through telephone line or modem. Key Feature this line is the lack of limits on outgoing and incoming traffic. Regardless of the amount of information, the subscription fee will be fixed. The cost of the "Homebody" series varies from 15.5 to 32 rubles per month.

It depends on the speed of data acquisition and the availability of additional options. The speed of sending information packets is the same for all products and is 512 kbps. As for additional features, these include a subscription to antivirus software and parental controls. You can get detailed information about the available tariffs in your personal account, as well as on the company's web resource.

Tariffs "Record" from ByFly

"Record" tariffs from BayFly imply the operation of telecommunications using xPon technology. Subscribers whose communication lines are made of fiber optic cable are offered 4 plans costing from 15.5 to 22.5 rubles. per month.

Optical fiber capabilities ensure high speed transmission. In the offered products, it varies from 10 to 100 megabits per second. You can get acquainted with the current tariff plan and explore other offers in your personal account. Before switching to another package, make sure you have enough money on your account or top up.

Tariffs "Comfort mini" and "Comfort express" from byfly.by

Tariffs "Comfort mini" and "Comfort express" from byfly.by are suitable for people using the Internet in small volumes. In particular, it is about business correspondence, reading news or using instant messengers. "Comfort mini" costs 2.2 rubles per month and does not have prepaid traffic. For each megabyte spent, you will have to pay 3 kopecks.

As for the Comfort Express product, its cost is 9 rubles. per month, but for this amount you get 10 GB of traffic. If the prepaid limit is exceeded, the cost of each megabyte will be 1-3 kopecks, depending on the amount of traffic used. More detailed information is available in your personal account, as well as on the company's web portal in the "Clients" tab.

Social anlim from Beltelecom for people with disabilities

Social anlim from Beltelecom for people with disabilities is available only to certain categories of people. In particular, disabled people of groups I and II, parents raising disabled children, veterans of the Second World War, disabled people of all groups in the presence of problems with ODA can connect the specified tariff plan. "Social Unlim" allows you to use the Internet around the clock, without worrying about the consumed traffic.

The cost of the specified tariff plan is 7.4-12.5 rubles. monthly, depending on the speed of information exchange. When planning to connect a social package, it is important to consider that in order to receive the service, you will have to confirm the right to receive benefits by presenting the relevant documents.

Personal account 192.168. 1.1 byfly.by - login and router settings

Logging in and configuring the router in your account 192.168. 1.1 byfly.by is produced in order to provide Internet access to several devices that support Wi-Fi technology at the same time. To change the settings, open the page in any browser, and using the word "admin" as a username and password for authorization, log in to the system. To find out which router you are using, pay attention to the top of the main page. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with setting up the modem using the ZXV10 H208L device manufactured by ZTE as an example.

Setting up wi-fi for the ZXV10 H208l modem is as follows. It is necessary to open an individual page, following the algorithm proposed above, and then create and configure a new Internet connection, otherwise referred to as "WAN".

The corresponding connector is located on the back of the router. Using a special cable, connect the device to the computer by connecting through the network card. A telephone cable is also connected to the modem (input "DSL"). After completing the setup, the WAN cable can be disconnected, provided that the device supports Wi-Fi technology.

The next step is to specify the network settings. To do this, go to the "Network" subsection, click "Create WAN Connection" and specify the name of the connection. Here you can use any number or letter combination. Next, fill in the VPI / VCI column, the value accepted for a particular region can be clarified with the hotline operator. To complete the setup, it remains to enter the authorization details, taking them from the contract, and then click "Create". If you neglect the last step, the entered information will not be saved.

This completes the router setup. With the correct connection of the wires and the availability of funds on the balance sheet, you can safely start using the service. To check the connection, go to any known working web resource (social network, search engine).

When the Internet has earned, it remains to set up a wireless connection to the network. To do this, open your personal account again, go to the WLAN-Multi-SSID subsection and enter the name for the network. In the future, this network will be determined by smartphones and other devices that are in range. To remove the remaining restrictions, set the number of devices that can simultaneously use the wireless Internet connection. To do this, set the value for the “Maximum Clients” column by selecting a number from 1 to 32.

To change the password for wi-fi (router byfly "Promsvyaz"), find the subsection "Security". Next, enter the desired password in the "WPA Passphrase" field and click "Submit" (save). The minimum length of a security combination is 8 characters. Do not disclose your password to unauthorized persons to avoid unauthorized access to the Internet.

For additional protection, it is also recommended to change the standard authorization details for the page . To do this, open the "Administration" tab. A window will appear on the screen, including 4 main fields. The first is the username, it remains unchanged. In the next column, you must enter the old password, in this case "admin". Next, specify a new security combination twice and save the changes by clicking "Submit".

Through mobile app ByFly, you can manage services, as well as use other features of your personal account from the smartphone screen. You can download the program through the Play Market and AppStore stores. The mobile client was developed relatively recently, so it should not be surprising that it still lacks some of the features of the desktop version. BayFly technical specialists are doing their best to finalize the program, making it a full-fledged analogue of a browser-based personal account.

ByFly technical support and hotline phone

By contacting technical support and calling the ByFly hotline, the company's subscribers can ask a specialist a question, notify about problems with Internet access and get detailed advice. To contact the provider's representative, dial the combination 123 or leave a message in the online chat on the company's web resource. Among other things, you can ask a question in the ByFly group in one of the social networks.

Before calling technical support, we recommend that you study the answers to frequently asked questions by clicking on the link http://www.byfly.by/client/faq1 . Here we have tried to collect information materials that will be useful for both current and future customers of the company.

Byfly is a trademark of Beltelecom RUE (a leading Belarusian telecommunications operator), under which broadband Internet access services are provided.

To get the maximum useful information about these services, you should visit the official Byfly website, which provides information on how to connect and use the relevant services. Here you can find the rates, answers to frequently asked questions and other materials.

Byfly official website

Among other things, the Byfly website presents the user's personal account, in which control of the status of the personal account, information on payments, changing the tariff plan and registering the promised payment is available.

Also in your personal account, you can order additional services and services, activate an express payment card, access statistics on services, and block unnecessary ones.

In addition, here you can change your password and order new services.

To gain access to all the listed services, you need to log in to your Byfly user account. Undoubtedly, only pre-connected users can do this. You can make such a connection at the points of sale of Beltelecom services, a complete list of which you can find in the "Where to contact" tab.

After connecting, you will be provided with a login and password that you can use to enter your personal account on the Byfly website. By the way, the owners of the Wi-Fi card also receive their user account, who will also need to enter a login and password to enter the service.

Login to the user's personal account

After you have entered the user's cabinet, you will see information about the status of the account.

So, here you can see the current balance, information about the subscriber's name, login, application number, blocking status, tariff plan, client type, activation date, and more.

You can return to this information at any time using the "Account Status" link included in the main menu of your personal account.

The main menu also contains such tabs as "Tariffs and services", "Payments", "Statistics" and "Ordering new services". A little higher there is also information about the contract number and application number.

The login and such information about the user as full name are also indicated here. (company name), customer category, contact details and address.

The second tab of the main menu of the user's personal account is dedicated to tariffs and services. Here you can find the list of ordered services, the list of services that are available for ordering, as well as information about the possible change of the tariff plan.

So, in the list of ordered services, not only information about the services available to you is presented, but it is also possible to refuse from unnecessary ones. To do this, just click on the "Delete" button in the line of the corresponding service.

Here you can also change the password that is required to enter your personal account.

Here you can see the services available for ordering. The presented table shows the cost and period, and it is also possible to add a suitable service. After the required service is added, it will be displayed in the list of ordered services.

Services available for order

In the same tab, in addition to services, information about Byfly tariffs is available. So, here you can find out about the current one, as well as get acquainted with the available tariff plans.

The corresponding table shows the name of the tariff plan, its description and cost.

To connect the one you need, just select the appropriate tariff plan from the general list, marking it in the first column, and then click on the "Change tariff" button. It is worth saying that the tariff change is free of charge.

The user's personal account is also an opportunity to carry out various financial transactions and receive information about the latest credited payments. So, in the "Payments" tab, you can register the promised payment, the validity period of which is 3 days. During this time, a real payment must be made, the amount of which is equal to or greater than the promised payment.

In the same tab of the Bayfly user account, activation of the express payment card is available.

All you need for this is to enter PIN1 - activation code and PIN2 - pin code (if you have a card with a 16-digit PIN code, you should enter the 8th digit in the PIN1 field and the 8th of the remaining digits in the PIN2 field), then click "Apply". Here you can also view information about credited payments for the last 90 days.

Registration of the promised payment and activation of the express payment card

Bayfly also provides its users with statistics on the services provided, available in their personal account.

So, in the corresponding tab of the main menu, you can get acquainted with the subscriber's counters, applications and results of operations, as well as view connection statistics.

To obtain the necessary information, you should select the period you are interested in and indicate the e-mail address to which a message with the relevant information will be sent.

The last tab of the main menu in the user's personal account is dedicated to ordering new services. It is worth noting that you can use this function only with a positive account balance. Among the available services are such services as "WiFi", "Virtual phone number" and "Smart Zala".

Ordering new services

As you can see, the personal account provides ample opportunities for Byfly users, which you can use at any time convenient for you without the need to visit Beltelecom branches.

By the way, if you still have questions related to working in the user's personal account, you can refer to the "User account" tab in the "Clients" section, available in the main menu of the Byfly official website. It is here that videos are collected that can help you understand how to work with each of the services.

Work in the user's office

If you could not find the answer to your question in the materials presented on the Byfly website, you can contact the company's specialists using the appropriate link available on the main page of the web resource.

In this case, you will need to fill out a form in which you will need to select a region, indicate your name and email address, as well as enter a question and a code from the picture provided. If desired, you can also specify the application number for the service and the phone number.

After filling in the required information, click Submit a question.

Question to a specialist

If you are a citizen Russian Federation and you are interested in pension issues, visit the official website pension fund Russian Federation, where the personal account of the PFR is presented, which allows you to apply for a number of services at any time convenient for you.

Bayfly user account - issa.beltelecom.by

Source: https://cabinet.su/by-fly/

ByFly personal account

Belarusian Internet provider ByFly offers its customers a wide range of options for setting up various user parameters. All functions are quite transparent, their content is quite understandable content.

A client connected to the Internet from ByFly gets access to the user's personal account. Further work with him is elementary.

And if you lose the opportunity to enter the service due to the loss of the password, you can easily restore it, both by contacting the branch, and by doing it yourself in the way described below.

How to log in to the ByFly account?

To log in to the user's personal account, the latter needs to launch a browser and enter the site domain - byfly.by in the address bar. A page will appear on the screen with two sets of two fields for the user to enter.

You must select the upper set and enter your own login in the first field, and your password in the field below it with a series of dots. Next, you need to click on the “login” button located on the left, and authorization will be carried out.

How to recover a password?

Password recovery by a user who somehow lost it is possible in one of two ways. He has the opportunity to request its restoration in RUE "Beltelecom" in Service center. To start the procedure, he needs to present the passport of the person with whom the contract was concluded.

Another option is to resort to the "Forgot your password?" service by clicking on the appropriate button. Following this, a window will appear on the monitor with a title containing a request to specify the e-mail and Login, which are necessary to recover the desired password.

In the fields below, both of these details are attributed, it is necessary to accurately indicate exactly the email address and nickname that were previously indicated in your personal account.

Thus, the user finds himself in a personal account, where he should make sure that he has registered the correct login. To do this, check that the number on the left side of the page, located under the inscription Internet ByFly, and the number on the top on a gray background are the same. If so, you need to click on the "Settings" button at the top on a blue background and go to the appropriate section.

There you need to click on the "Add e-mail" button, and in the field that appears, specify the email address to which the login with the password will be sent. Then they press “save”, after which a window appears where you will be asked to enter a single login once from above, and below it a new password twice. In the future, you will need to log in to the system using these details.

How to check the account in the ByFly account?

To check the account, you need to be registered in your own account, for which you need to load the byfly.by page and then specify your login with a password. Next, you can set the status of the account.

State of an account

In your personal account, there is a row of blue buttons on top, the leftmost of them will be “Account Status”. It is required to go to it, after which the user will be able to find out this parameter. Above the table with various information will be the line "Current balance" and next to it is a number that reflects it.

How to use the ByFly personal account?

Using the provider's personal account is easy, you just need to go to the required tab, the designations of which are obvious, so it's easy to guess which one is needed to solve a particular task.

Find out payments

You can find out information about payments by going to the payments tab by clicking on the button on the blue panel. On the page that opens, information about all recent payments will appear.

traffic statistics

Traffic statistics can be determined by ByFly subscribers by loading the tab, which is called “Statistics”. If the tariff plan provides for the calculation of the amount of packets sent or received by the user, then such information on this page will be provided to him.

Tariff management

Before choosing another tariff, the user needs to establish that his balance is currently above zero by the method described above - by clicking on the "Account Status" button. In the table, under the line with the current balance, the fourth line contains the name of the tariff plan that is currently in effect for the user.

Next, you need to go to the "Tariffs and Services" tab, which is located at the top immediately to the right of the "Account Status" button.

The last table itself lists tariff plans that the user can navigate to at the moment.

If there are available plans in the table, the user needs to determine the preferred one, click on the “Change tariff” button at the very bottom and confirm this intention in the pop-up window. After that, you need to return to the "Account State" tab. Now in the fourth line of the table located on this page, the new tariff should already be indicated.

Services available for order

To find out which services are available for ordering, you also need to go to the "Rates" and services tab and then go to the table entitled "Services available for ordering".

In this table they are listed, the line with each service includes the "Add" button, clicking on which activates a window with information about this option and two buttons, one of which is also labeled "add" and serves to confirm its activation.

If the user decides positively, the service appears in the list entitled "Ordered services".

How to improve the security of your personal account?

To enhance the security of your personal account, you can assign a separate password to each service. In this case, a person who unauthorizedly entered the personal account will not be able to cancel the existing services that the user needs.


Detailed contacts for different regions of Belarus can be found if you click on the third button on the left on the top of the orange panel "Where to contact". The drop-down list will contain the name of the regions of the country, you need to click on the one you need, after which information about all branches in this region will be displayed on the page.

Tell your friends about the service!

Source: https://kabinet.guru/operatory-i-provajdery/byfly/

Bayfly user's personal account. Office work

Bayfly is the official representative of the Beltelecom trademark. It is the leading operator in Belarus, which specializes in telecommunication services. The mission of the company is to provide the most better conditions to obtain high-quality access to the Internet.

In order to use the services provided to the full extent, it is necessary to use the Byfly user's personal account.

This opens up a lot of opportunities, in particular, customers will be able to quickly receive information about tariffs and will be able to ask their questions and receive answers from the company's consultants.

Connecting a client to a service

In order to take full advantage of the unique service, you first need to get full access. This means that to begin with, the user submits an application for an Internet connection, after which installation work is carried out.

For information on where to go for help, you must first use the "Where to go" tab. There will be a detailed list of all branches by city so that the user can choose the most suitable option for himself.

As soon as the Internet is connected to a person, he will sign an agreement with Byfly, a login and password are immediately provided. They can be used for authorization in the user's personal account. Bayfly is in great demand among its customers, as it always offers to cooperate on the most favorable terms.

User account

New User Authorization

Once the login details have been received, you can safely proceed to the next stage. To authorize, you must first visit the official website and find the user account there.

Cabinet on the Byfly website

Before the client there are two fields where you need to enter a username and password. These data can be read in the contract between the client and the company. If an error is made when entering data, the system will notify the user and mark it in red.

As soon as the login and password for the Byfly user's personal account are specified correctly, all that remains is to click on the "Login" button. After a short download, a person will be able to enjoy all the benefits of his personal account.

If the contract was lost and the password was forgotten, then it can be restored by contacting the subscriber department of the Byfly company.

Advantages and features of the functioning of a personal account

As soon as the user enters his personal account for the first time, he will immediately see information about the standing of the account. The most important thing you can learn from the first page:

  • current balance;
  • login used;
  • information about the tariff used.

Of course, at the time of using the functions and capabilities of the user's personal account on the Byfly website, you will often need to switch from one category to another. For this reason, so that at any time you can return to information page, as well as to obtain the necessary data, you will need to click on the link "Account Status".

The main menu has all the necessary tabs for easy information retrieval. For example, if you go to "Tariffs and Services", you can get acquainted with all the popular offers for customers. They will also be able to analyze each option in detail, comparing the pros and cons in order to determine the most favorable tariff for themselves.

At the same time, the client is provided with detailed information on how to change the existing tariff. The client thus receives a complete list of all services provided with their features and the ability to refuse unsuitable conditions at any time. To do this, you just need to find and click on the "delete" button next to the corresponding service.

You can also find the "Payments" tab there to get a detailed statement of each payment for services. If necessary, it is possible to print receipts. It is especially beneficial to use the services of the company for the reason that you can choose any method for payment.

Payment Methods

Above all the tabs are the numbers of the contract and annexes, which the client can review at any time. The same field contains detailed information about the client. It includes the following data:

  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • data for communication with the user;
  • residential address.

On the left side, you can find messages from the provider. It is there that all the necessary information about the new products and the latest implementations of Byfly is located. There you can still find the opportunity to customize your personal account to make it as user-friendly as possible.

It is important to consider that if the client does not like to use the password that was given to him when connecting to the Internet, then it can be changed using his personal account. To do this, you just need to select the appropriate section in your personal account and enter a new password twice so that the system makes sure that it is correct.

The personal account system will definitely notify the client about how secure his combination will be. It is recommended to use numbers, letters, mixed case, and as many symbols as possible.

Promised payment service

Byfly user's personal account provides an opportunity to carry out all kinds of services, and also provides a full range of information regarding the latest payments made.

So, for example, the Promised payment service is especially convenient if the client urgently needs access to the Internet, but it is impossible to make a payment at the moment. At the same time, the promised payment is valid for three days. During this period, the user undertakes to make a real payment, the amount of which must not be less than the promised one.

Card activation

The user of Byfly services has the opportunity to activate the card for express payment. To do this, enter PIN1, which is the activation code, and PIN2 in the special fields.

After that, it remains only to click on the "Apply" button. In the same position, the user has the opportunity to view the history of payments. Data is provided for ninety days and no more.

At the expiration of the period, the information from the database is cleaned up.

View statistics

Users of a personal account can also use information regarding detailed statistics regarding the services provided.

In a certain tab, the client is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the subscriber's counters and is also allowed to view connection statistics.

In order to get acquainted with certain information, it will only be enough to indicate a certain period, as well as enter the address of the electronic soap, where a message with the necessary data will be sent.

Service order

Package of services

The last of the tabs in the list, located in the main menu of the personal account, is dedicated solely to ordering services. It is important to consider that you will need to have a positive account balance in order to use this service. Among the most popular offers, we can safely distinguish "Virtual phone number" and "Smart Zala".

You can also visit Licard's personal account to check the balance of bonuses or get other useful information.